Workout sport in what year did it appear. Street gymnastics Workout - the history of the appearance and description of the workout. Security measures, insurance

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    Today we will talk about workout (workout), about training, which in recent years has become very popular among young people.

    - an actual trend in the modern fitness industry, which has characteristics from other methods developed earlier. CrossFit has elements of bodybuilding,. The key feature of this sport is the ability to combine incompatible things. In particular, CrossFit actively uses workout workouts.

    Why did workout and gymnastics become an integral part of CrossFit? How to train in workout style? What benefits will this training approach bring and which is better: bodybuilding, crossfit or street workout training? You will find detailed answers to these questions in our article.

    Where did it all start?

    If we consider the workout as a set of exercises, then it has always been included in the basic level of training for athletes of any status. You can recall the norms of physical training in the USSR, where the necessary minimums for pull-ups and push-ups on uneven bars for each age and category were indicated.

    But if we consider workout as a separate discipline, then it can be called a relatively young direction of fitness, which completely excludes any work with iron. Street workout arose on the basis of calisthenics - a new direction in fitness, in which only rough movements are used for development:

    • push ups;
    • pull-ups;
    • squats;
    • work with the press;

    An interesting fact: today street workout is a large complex of different exercises that are more in contact with gymnastics than with calisthenics. But the workout elements of crossfit took all the best from calisthenics, and not from the gymnastic component of the workout.

    The spread of calisthenics has taken on a large scale with the development of the Internet. The peak of workout popularity (in particular, street workout) is due to the fact that at the beginning of the 2000s access to gyms was far from being available to all segments of the population, and sports grounds (especially in the territories of the CIS countries) are in almost every yard.

    An interesting fact: the original work without special equipment was at first a forced necessity, which then grew into a separate philosophy based on opposing oneself to bodybuilding and powerlifting.

    With the development of workout as a separate direction, separate subspecies began to appear. This:

  1. Street Workout. He absorbed not only elements of calisthenics, but also various gymnastic exercises.
  2. Ghetto Workout. It is also called old school Workout, or classic Workout. He retained the principles of calisthenics, which implies the development of exclusively power and speed-strength indicators without the use of special weights.

In the future, we will mainly consider the ghetto workout, since it has a more extensive theoretical and practical base and appeared earlier, therefore, it has the right to be called a classic.

Principles of workout training

Basic workout workout in the classical style is a whole direction. It does not include so many exercises, but it allows you to acquire a basic physical form, which will later be easier to polish with the help of heavy exercises with shells.

Being the forerunner of CrossFit, the workout is in many ways similar to it in basic principles:

  1. The presence of progression. Although Workout athletes do not use special weights, they otherwise use the same principles: increase reps, sets, decrease rest time, supersets, striptease sets, and stair sets.
  2. Development of all indicators. Workout training is usually circular in nature. With a properly composed complex, the whole body is worked out in one workout.
  3. Lack of special weighting shells. Weight vests, which are used by athletes, are just a way to reduce training time until a certain level of indicators is reached, after which further progression of loads is impossible.
  4. Use only basic, functional exercises.
  5. No periodization. Since there are no extreme loads, the risk of injury is somewhat lower than for athletes working with iron. Hence the absence. This is why Workout athletes can train more than once a day.
  6. High intensity. On average, training is from 10 to 30 minutes, during which the whole body is worked out. More training time is only permissible if it is necessary to develop a lagging muscle group or in preparation for competitions.

But the most important key is the desire to achieve the most relief form with a predominance of lean muscle mass. The percentage of subcutaneous fat in such athletes is no higher than that of competing bodybuilders.

Advantages of this training method

If we consider different areas of fitness, then the workout strength training program has its advantages over classical fitness:

  1. Low injury risk. Associated with the natural range of motion and the absence of weighting.
  2. Complex training. Unlike powerlifting and bodybuilding, Workout trains not only strength, but also endurance, as well as aerobic performance of the body.
  3. Availability. Workout is available to everyone, regardless of the level of training.
  4. The ability to work the entire body in one workout.
  5. Low risk of overtraining.
  6. Helps to get the best stretch.

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Disadvantages of this training method

Workout is a rather highly specialized discipline, which, although accessible to everyone, does not provide serious development in the future.

You can expect:

  1. progression limit.
  2. Narrow specialization.
  3. Lack of harmonious development of the body. Due to the lack of exercises for some key muscle groups, all Workout athletes have a “characteristic” figure, with lagging rhomboid muscles and an undeveloped top of the chest. In addition, the muscles of the forearms and shoulders are much more developed than the large muscles of the body. This imbalance is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a medical problem. In particular, due to improper development of the abdominal muscles in relation to the muscles of the lower back, the body is always in a tense state, which increases the risk of lordotic curvature of the spine.
  4. Inability to exercise in winter. When the body is not warm enough in winter, it is easy to get stretched.

Comparison with other areas of fitness

Despite the fact that workout workouts are considered a separate sport that in no way intersects with either classical bodybuilding or modern crossfit, they have much in common with these disciplines.

periodization Harmonious development Development of functional indicators Difficulty entering the sport Injury hazard The need to stick to a meal plan, workouts and daily plan
Workout Absent. The time between workouts is determined based on your own well-being.Provides an ideal ratio of muscle mass to total. There is a backlog of some muscle groups.Lack of specialization. The priority is the development of explosive strength and strength endurance.Low. Training is available to everyone.Low.For best results, you must adhere.
Bodybuilding/Powerlifting Rigid periodization for best results.Harmonious development without lag. The percentage of body fat is adjusted depending on the stage of preparation.Specialization depending on the direction. The priority is the development of strength endurance and absolute strength.Relatively low.
crossfit Formed by the coach or absent. Much depends on the well-being of the athlete.Ideal harmonious development without lagging behind some muscle groups. The percentage of fat is kept to a minimum.Lack of specialization. The priority is the development of functional strength.Low. Training is best done under the supervision of a trainer.High.

Myths about workout

There are a huge number of myths about workout, many of which have no real basis.

Myth Reality
Workout people are much more enduring than everyone else.This myth arose from the fact that workout athletes can pull themselves up more times than bodybuilders or powerlifters. In fact, endurance, as well as the strength of these athletes, are approximately on the same level. It’s just that when working with their own weight, they don’t take into account that athletes of a “heavy orientation” have a lot of weight, so for them, exercises with their own weight are physically harder than for lighter workout athletes.
It is not necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle for workout.This is due to the lifestyle that many representatives of the workout sport lead. However, in the presence of bad habits, progress in calisthenics, as in other sports, slows down greatly. It is worth taking a look at the stars of the modern workout: for example, Denis Minin leads a healthy lifestyle and even enjoys working in the gym for the winter.
Workout is not traumatic.This is only partly true. All due to the fact that the main movements (pull-ups, push-ups and squats) have a natural trajectory of movement, which reduces the risk of injury. But for people who use power-outs or other gymnastic exercises, the risk of injury increases significantly.
Workout and protein are incompatible.This myth was actively popularized in the CIS countries between 2008 and 2012. In fact, protein does not cause any harm and even accelerates progress in training.
While doing a workout, you can not gain a lot of muscle mass.This is only partly true. Overcoming a certain threshold, a person begins to train strength endurance and aerobic systems, which do not give serious myofibrillar. But if you use a load progression with weights, you will get a decent muscle mass that is not inferior to bodybuilding.
Workouters are "sharper" than other athletes.This is only partly true, as the progression of loads implies an acceleration in the execution of exercises, which gives an increase in explosive strength. However, in general, if a person is engaged in the development of explosive strength, then the shells and the approach to training do not affect this. For example, boxers have much greater explosive strength than workout athletes.

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Training program

The basic workout program has its own characteristics and consists of several main stages:

  1. Basic preparation. This is the preliminary preparation stage that every person who decides to seriously engage in street workout must go through.
  2. Main job. Year-round stage, implying an improvement in basic characteristics.
  3. Periods of specialized training. It is needed if there are lags in certain muscle groups.
  4. Gymnastic training. For those who want to master complex gymnastic and acrobatic movements on horizontal bars and uneven bars.

And now let's take a closer look at each stage of the program and the exercises that they include:

Period periodization Incoming exercises Training plan Target
Basic preparation1-4 weeks
  • Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a reverse narrow grip;
  • Squats with wide legs;
  • Grasshopper-style push-ups;
  • Push-ups on the uneven bars;
  • Exit by force on 1 hand;
  • Negative pull-ups;
  • Jump pull-ups.
  1. Negative pull-ups 5*max;
  2. Push-ups on uneven bars 5 * max;
  3. Jump pull-ups 3*max;
  4. Squats with a wide setting of legs 3 * max.
At the first stage, the athlete’s strength qualities and the development of the correct technique are being prepared. If the athlete's initial training does not allow, simplified variations are used.
Main job4-30 weeks
  • Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a wide grip;
  • Squats with a load;
  • Push-ups with a narrow setting of hands;
  • Push-ups on wide bars;
  • Exit by force on 2 hands.
  1. Pull-ups - 100 times (divided into approaches until complete);
  2. Push-ups on wide bars - 50 times. (divided into approaches until complete implementation);
  3. Push-ups on narrow bars - 100 times. (divided into approaches until complete implementation);
  4. Squats - the maximum number of approaches.
The purpose of this stage is to maximize the development of the athlete's strength indicators and prepare the muscles for gymnastic training.
Periods of specialized training30-52 weeksDepending on the specialization and lagging muscle groups, suitable complexes are selected.
  1. For the horizontal bar - different types of pull-ups;
  2. For the development of triceps strength when it is impossible to perform a power exit on 2 hands push-ups on wide and narrow bars;
  3. Working out the muscles of the press;
  4. Outputs by force;
  5. Hanging leg raises to the bar.
This stage is aimed at developing lagging muscle groups. It is performed in parallel with gymnastic exercises. Depending on which movements lack strength and endurance, suitable complexes are selected.
Gymnastic trainingAfter 4 weeks if neededDepending on the level of preparedness of the athlete, acrobatic variations of classical exercises are selected:
  • Rise with a coup;
  • Needle;
  • coffin;
  • Exit to one;
  • Exit to two;
  • parrot;
  • Riveting;
  • Pin;
  • Demobilization;
  • Crab;
  • Lock;
  • Riveting on bars;
  • Clothespin on bars;
  • Kirdyk;
  • Rack on bars.
  1. Hanging on two hands 2*MAX;
  2. Interceptions in the hang 3*MAX;
  3. Lifting straight legs to the crossbar 3 * MAX;
  4. Finger pull-ups 2*MAX;
  5. Compasses 3*MAX;
  6. Hanging on one hand 2*MAX;
  7. A set of exercises from the list.
Development of technique and strength in gymnastic profile exercises.


Workout complexes are an excellent addition to weightlifting exercises as part of CrossFit training. But do not forget that workout is a direction of fitness. You should not take it as a separate discipline and train using only the principles of the workout and not observing the diet and daily routine. Workout is an excellent pre-training and a way to understand how ready you are for serious loads and workouts.

To play sports and get good results, it is not necessary to go to the gym, and this proves the workout. Anyone who has no health problems can do it. It is important to know about the features and rules of training so that progress can be seen.

What is a workout?

Street Workout is translated from English as street training, and this concept is understood as a type of physical education that is based on performing exercises mainly on street structures, for example, horizontal bars, bars, stairs, benches, and so on. Street workout focuses on working with your own weight, increasing strength and endurance. This direction is also called "street fitness", but at the same time it is not a sport, since no country has officially recognized it yet, but the situation may change.

Workout history

In America in the 90s, black teenagers began to actively work on building their bodies, doing it on ordinary street sports grounds. They did pull-ups, push-ups and other exercises, making their body embossed. When the Internet became public, videos began to circulate on the network, where you could see workout workouts. It is not clear who was the first to start signing videos as “street workout”, but the name took root firmly and later in the CIS countries and Europe was transformed into a “workout”. In Russia, the movement spread in 2009.

Workout types

It is worth emphasizing that there are no clear divisions of the styles of this street sport, but there is a historical classification:

  1. street workout. The classic style, which involves performing various elements with your own weight and inventing new unusual exercises.
  2. Ghetto Workout. This species has retained the preferences of the poor teenagers who founded the direction. The emphasis is on performing complex and beautiful elements, and this style also includes bright power workout exercises, for example, isometric ones. Interestingly, some elements of this style are reflected in martial arts, for example, finger push-ups.
  3. handstand. The power direction of the previous style, in which power outputs on the horizontal bar alternate with push-ups and so on.
  4. Gimbarr. A unique "Cuban" style that is life-threatening as it requires the development of agility and excellent coordination. It is not recommended to perform elements of this style without insurance.

What is useful workout?

There are several main points that relate to why you should do street workout:

  1. The physical loads that the body feels are equated to those that the athlete receives by working in the gym.
  2. Workout elements involve almost all muscle groups in the work, and this is without the use of special equipment.
  3. Training does not require any financial investment, since the equipment is simply in the yard of many houses.
  4. Workout has a positive effect on overall health. Workouts are useful for back health, since elements of street sports work out even deep muscles.
  5. It is worth noting the positive impact of this direction on the activity of the nervous system. Therefore, you are guaranteed a good mood.

Workout area

It is impossible to say what the ideal outdoor training ground should be, since different athletes have their own opinions on this matter. At the initial stages, a horizontal bar and bars are enough for training, but in order to develop in this direction, other shells are also needed. Given the popularity of the workout, the number of special sites is increasing around the world. The main equipment for a workout: a crossbar, bars, a hand walker, a Swedish wall, a bench for the press, a “snake” and so on.

Workout for beginners

People who have never played sports should be careful about training. One of the main reasons is the poor preparation of the vestibular apparatus, because of which, during rotations, beginners feel dizzy and even fall. If you are interested in what a workout is and where to start such training, then it is better to start swinging, hanging upside down and lifting with a coup, thanks to these simple exercises, the vestibular apparatus will be prepared.

  1. Each workout should begin with a warm-up, lasting no more than 15 minutes. Due to this, the ligaments warm up and prepare for the loads.
  2. Beginner workouts include different variations of push-ups, pull-ups, and other strength and endurance exercises.
  3. Beginners are advised to use reduced amplitudes, that is, the exercise is performed only in half a movement.
  4. If some elements are difficult to perform, it is recommended to have a partner.
  5. Workout is a direction that, like other sports, gives results with regular training, so you should do it at least 2-3 times a week, but more is better.
  6. The load should increase gradually so that the muscles get used to and the muscles become stronger. Heroism in this matter is dangerous to health.
  7. If there are any health problems, then before training, you should consult a doctor so as not to aggravate your condition.

Workout - motivation

Each person may have their own motivation why they started playing sports, but in most cases the goal is the same - to make their body structured and beautiful. Street workout for many is motivation. According to surveys, many guys and girls became interested in this direction after they saw a video where ordinary guys perform incredible exercises on ordinary horizontal bars, stairs and so on. Workout music is also a motivation because it is dynamic and makes you move.

Workout - training programs

There are several programs suitable for beginner athletes. One of the most effective is the four-day training. With it, you can master the main elements in order to further independently form your workouts. The workout complex includes:

  1. Day #1: Regular pull-ups, wide-grip push-ups, hanging leg raises, and bent-over dips.
  2. Day number 2: the exercises differ from the first day in that you need to pull yourself up with a wide grip, and do push-ups on the uneven bars without tilting.
  3. Day #3: Do the exercises from Day 1, but only pull-ups should be done with a close grip.
  4. Day number 4: the exercises differ from the first workout in that push-ups from the floor are performed with a regular grip and no tilt is made during push-ups on the uneven bars.

Workout competitions

When there were a lot of people who were interested in Street Workout, they began to compete with each other in skill, which eventually led to real competitions and even World Championships. It is worth noting that the first international championship was held in Riga in 2011. Street sports workout uses in competitions an assessment of five parameters: strength, entertainment, clarity of exercise, the number of elements and charisma. The last point is especially interesting, because in this direction, the main thing is beauty and good mood.

Workout ranks

It has already been said that Street Workout is an officially unrecognized sport, and therefore the categories are yard. They were invented in 2008 by the famous turnstile from Ukraine - Yevgeny Kozyrev. Such a workout program was created to motivate street athletes not to stop and hone their skills. There are seven categories in total, and a person who ideally passes all the steps is considered a candidate for sports in the yard workout. Each category includes two categories: basic exercises and elements.

There are general provisions regarding receiving a discharge in the workout:

  1. To receive a category, it is necessary to record on video the fulfillment of all standards for the selected category. They can be removed separately at any time. After that, the video is edited and should be posted to the official workout group.
  2. It is good if during installation the order of exercises presented in the list is observed. It is important that the elements are performed in good quality, and the athlete can be seen in full growth on the video.
  3. Exercises should be performed on a hard horizontal bar, since other options will not be taken into account. The use of straps is prohibited.
  4. If the site administrators, after watching the video, consider that all the elements are performed correctly, then the athlete will be assigned a category and his video will be included in the list of sportsmen.
  5. Video reports from the fourth and seventh categories will be evaluated by three administrators. Each exercise is evaluated on a 10-point system, and the average score will affect the position in the ranking of the arresters. Passing score - 75% of the maximum mark.

Workout clothes

To make it comfortable to perform different elements, it is important to wear comfortable clothes for training that will not restrict movement. It is important that it be made of durable materials that will not tear from sudden movements, but at the same time stretch well. Workout athletes put on shorts / pants, T-shirts / t-shirts. When it's cold, sweatshirts come into play. For competitions, teams use brightly colored uniforms to make the performance more spectacular.

As for shoes, it is better to choose sneakers with ventilation and a dense sole. Be sure to use workout gloves that protect your hands from damage. It is worth choosing special sports models that do not have solid seams so that nothing presses. To perform complex elements, you need insurance - special belts that fix your hands on the crossbar. You can make them yourself, but it is better to buy in a sports store.

Movies about workout

The first ever feature film about a healthy lifestyle and workout was filmed in Russia and was released in 2017. The drama is a short film and lasts only 18 minutes, but it reveals and touches on many important topics. Interestingly, the main character doing street workout stunts is not a professional actor and in fact he is the leader of the Street Workout movement in Russia and this was his film debut.

    workout- work out n: an undertaking or plan intended to resolve a problem of indebtedness esp. in lieu of bankruptcy or foreclosure proceedings Merriam Webster's Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. workout … Law dictionary

    workout- an arrangement, outside of bankruptcy, by a debtor and its creditors for payment or re scheduling of payments of the debtor's obligations. Usually applies to an informal agreement between a business and its creditors, although it can be a formal… … Glossary of Bankruptcy

    workout- (n.) 1909, boxing bout for practice, from WORK (Cf. work) + OUT (Cf. out). General sense of spell of strenuous physical exercise – is attested by 1922. Verbal phrase work out – “solve” (a problem, etc.) is from c.1600. Sense of “succeed”… … Etymology dictionary

    workout- [n] exercise, conditioning practice, constitutional, drill, rehearsal, routine, session, test, training, tryout, warm up, work; concepts 290,363 Ant. inactivity … New thesaurus

    workout- NOUN ▪ a session of vigorous physical exercise … English terms dictionary

    workout- ☆ workout n. 1. a training session of exercises to maintain or improve one's physical or athletic skill 2. any strenuous exercise, work, etc … English World dictionary

    Workout- Unter dem Begriff Workout versteht man eine körperliche Aktivität, die in der Regel ausgeübt wird, um die eigene Fitness zu verbessern. Mit einem Workout kann man ganz unterschiedliche Ziele verfolgen. Zum Beispiel wird durch solche Übungen die… … Deutsch Wikipedia

    workout- noun ADJECTIVE ▪ good ▪ grueling/grueling, hard, intense, strenuous, vigorous ▪ light, low impact … Collocations dictionary

    Workout- Work out also: Workout 〈 n. 15〉 die körperliche Constitution u. Leistungsfähigkeit verbessernde sportliche Übung [engl. work out „trainieren“] * * * Work out, Work|out [ wə:k|a̮ut ], das od. der; s, s noun FINANCE a way for a borrower in financial difficulty to repay loans, debts etc: The bank s … Financial and business terms

    workout- Informal repayment or loan forgiveness arrangement between a borrower and creditors. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * workout work‧out [ˈwɜːkaʊt ǁ ˈwɜːrk ] noun FINANCE a way for a borrower in financial difficulty to repay loans,… … Financial and business terms


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Currently, many people know what a workout is. Workout (English workout) is not a professional sport, the word workout itself consists of two words: work - work and out - outside.

From this it follows that the workout is a workout on the street, that is, in the fresh air. It is also customary to call this sport a street workout, which translates into Russian as training on the street. Athletes who pay attention to this sport train on such equipment as horizontal bars, bars and wall bars.

Elements and exercises

The main program of such training develops strength and endurance, strengthens the main muscles of the human body, such as biceps, triceps, chest, back and abs. Athletes who go in for this sport call themselves street workers, turnstiles, and the term street gymnast is also common. The most common elements that workouts perform are:

The most common dynamic street workout exercises are:

  • Angel Exit.
  • Prince exit.
  • Exit by force on 1 hand.
  • Power outlet for 2 hands.
  • Officer exit.
  • Rise-coup.


Like many other sports, competitions are held in this sport. Judges at such an event are experienced athletes who have either completed their careers or are still performing.

Such athletes know exactly how to perform all the elements correctly and how difficult it is, so they can evaluate all participants as objectively as possible. The competition itself is of two types:

  • at some competitions, they can evaluate such indicators of turnstiles as: strength, clarity of performance of all elements, as well as the number of exercises performed in one approach.
  • on others, how well the athlete performs combinations of various exercises and the dynamics of their implementation is assessed.

Also, there are single competitions, that is, an athlete shows his set of exercises, and there are also battle competitions. In such battles, two or more workoutrs participate, who take turns performing their program and the judges choose the best of all.

A couple of exercises for beginners

This amateur sport is gaining more and more popularity and more and more people are starting to practice it. But not all beginners know how to start training correctly. The following are a couple of basic lead-in exercises for beginners:

This sport has become very popular due to the fact that no financial investment is required from the athlete for training, and no specially equipped gym is needed.

Almost every yard has a playground with horizontal bars and bars, and all that is required of a person is just to come and start training. This sport is popular among both boys and girls.

Training programs(Pictures)

The illustrations show some training programs for the street workout:

Various street sports are now popular in many countries around the world. It is not uncommon to meet young people who train on street sports grounds. But it is not always easy to determine what exactly they do. There are many different kinds of street sports. And one of the most interesting representatives in all this set is the workout, it should not be confused with other forms of training. The name "workout" comes from the English "workout", which literally means "work outside", in Russia it is also known as street training or street fitness.

How is a workout different from other outdoor workouts?

How did street workout appear in Russia?

The history of this sport, if it can be called that, of course, in Russia dates back to Soviet times, when the state began to encourage young people involved in sports in every possible way, including on street playgrounds. The popularization of street training was influenced by several factors at once, among which are the following:

  • Soviet and then Russian media promoted a healthy lifestyle and sports;
  • The horizontal bar and bars began to be installed in almost every yard;
  • Such a sport, which is popular in many countries of the world, is actively advertised on the Internet.

Soon, such a phenomenon as workout became the norm in Russia and other countries of the post-Soviet space. Russian youth now not only watches videos about this sport on various Internet portals, but also actively shoots such materials themselves. Special music for training is selected, and effects are added during editing, as a result, very good videos are obtained, gaining a lot of views. The state has also actively joined in the promotion of sports, creating more and more well-equipped sports grounds.

What develops the workout?

Obviously, such an activity as a street workout is not just entertainment, but also a useful activity. Performing many workout exercises, the athlete often stands, leaning on his hands alone, which creates an additional load on the muscles. In this style of street training, there are a lot of static body holds aimed at developing certain muscles:

  • Horizon (one of the most difficult positions, involving being in a horizontal position), which develops almost all the muscles of the body;
  • Flag (one of the interesting horizon modifications);
  • Corner;
  • Martin;
  • Horizontal stop;
  • Handstand;
  • Front hang;

Each of these positions has its own characteristics, in addition, they all develop certain muscle groups. There is also a wide variety of exercises aimed at developing physical strength, agility and maintaining health:

  • A spear;
  • Angel exit;
  • God's gait;
  • The exit of the prince;
  • Power output on two hands;
  • Officer exit
All these exercises, bearing proud and beautiful names, are often used in competitions, turning them into a real show. Of course, there are simpler exercises that every teenager has long been accustomed to, such as push-ups and pull-ups.

What are the workout competitions?

Of particular interest are the competitions held for this type of street training. As in any other sport, they turn into a whole event. As a rule, competitions are held at the city or regional level. But not without the All-Russian Championships. International festivals and even World Championships are also often held. The last World Wockout Championship, for example, was held in the capital of Kazakhstan, Astana.

It is noteworthy that the judges in such competitions, as a rule, are the former representatives of this street sport themselves. Professionals evaluate their followers, which also adds flavor to the overall course of the competition.

Street workout for beginners

Of course, in order to perform complex workout tricks and stay in such static positions for a long time, such as, for example, the horizon, you need to train for a long time. And the first requirement for all this is not even dexterity, but good physical shape. Therefore, you need to start with traditional sports. If you want to become a professional in such a direction as workout, it is not enough just to know what it is. You need to spare no time and effort on the uneven bars.

And yet, you need to start with the simplest exercises. For example, with push-ups and pull-ups. Such a street workout does not require special training. After such exercises cease to be difficult for a novice athlete, you can proceed to more complex elements. Constant and systematic training will help anyone who wants to achieve some success in this interesting sport.

Summing up, it can be noted that workout is a special form of street sport. Like any other occupation, it takes time and effort, which means that no one becomes a professional wokouter just like that. But opportunities to develop are open to everyone, all you need is a desire. It should be noted that the usefulness of such exercises is difficult to overestimate: it is not only interesting, but also helps to keep yourself in good physical shape.

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