How can you confess your love to a girl? About love: how to confess your feelings to a girl? How to Open Your Feelings to Shy Guys

There is nothing shameful in true love, but how difficult it is sometimes to talk about your feelings to someone at whose feet you are ready to bring the whole world! And if a man can only be hindered by natural shyness and fear of rejection, then a woman also faces social obstacles. Modern civilization condemns women's initiative, especially in matters of love.

How to confess your love to a man? If you feel that there is something more on his part than just sympathy, be decisive and courageous. If you think that recognition will open his eyes to you and he, who previously did not notice you point-blank, will embrace you, then you may pay dearly for your haste. Therefore, before you take this brave step, make sure that he cares about you too.

Hidden declaration of love

If you don't want to put your reputation on the line and want to protect your feelings, confess your love indirectly. Your words and actions should be ambiguous: if you showed concern for this person, in response to gratitude, say that you are very pleased to do something for those you really care about. The easiest way to start the road to a man's heart is with friendship. When there is trust between you, you will not be afraid to say something unnecessary. As a friend, you have the right to say that he occupies a lot of space in your heart. If the guy is not excessively slow-witted, he will quickly understand exactly what you feel about him. And if he doesn’t mind, further events will develop on his initiative. If not, you will not lose anything, but will only gain a close friend.

Intrigue in letters

If you love games then why not play secret admirer? Under the guise of incognito, start sending notes to your loved one. If he is interested in this, continue the performance, and then admit that it was you who wrote all this. But again, you must be sure that the guy has sympathy for both you and your virtual image.

The option of recognition through a letter or SMS message has its own charm, but you will not see the most important thing - his instant reaction to it. His gestures, gaze, timbre of voice - all this will tell you how he really feels about you and your words. On the other hand, a man has a lot to think about, and therefore needs to be given time to collect his thoughts.

Be prepared for the worst

When preparing to utter your cherished words, do not expect reciprocity in advance. IN You must understand that this will significantly change your relationship. It is possible that the guy will react very sharply and cut off any contact with you forever. If this happens, you may experience shock. Your feelings, pride, ego will be hurt. Are you ready for anything? Then gather your courage and say: “I love you.”

Are you completely enchanted by a beautiful girl who can't get out of your head? And you don’t just like her - you clearly observe it in yourself? Are you unsure of what to do because you don't know exactly how to confess your love to a girl?

The first thing that is important to establish for yourself is: what stage of the relationship are you at? Are you already dating a girl or not yet?

Secondly, why would you actually confess your love to a girl? Is it really difficult for you to eat or breathe without these words?

Undoubtedly, the main problem of a love confession is the fear of being rejected. But what if you experience tremulous feelings, but the girl doesn’t need them at all. Her cold reaction, instead of a reciprocal recognition, can hit a man hard.

Walking away in a drooping state and with your head down, possibly losing your girlfriend forever, is not the best scenario. That's why…

If you have not yet started dating a girl, there is no need to confess your love to a girl at all. Just in case, we remind you that the starting point for the beginning of a relationship between a man and a woman is the sex that they first had.

If the relationship between you has already begun and is clearly developing, you should answer the above question: why confess your love to a girl?

Your confessions won't change anything. Do not forget that the less we love a woman, the more...

Therefore, you should confess your love to a girl only after her confession, or when you are absolutely sure that such a declaration will follow yours.

You can generally say that you love a girl, as if as a joke, and look at her reaction.

It is very important that you remember that in a relationship the man should be the leader. And only when you are sure that this is the case should you start making any confessions, otherwise you can only ruin everything.

What is the difference between a leader and a follower in a relationship? The leader acts as if the relationship is less important to him than to the follower.

In addition, the leader invests less in the relationship than the follower. The leader does not run after his partner, does not shower him with armfuls of flowers, trying to buy attention, and does not bombard the follower’s phone with calls and messages.

The leader always maintains a healthy distance, and for the follower it is always a little short. This is exactly the behavior you should create.

Instead of confessing your love to a girl, you can let her know how you feel without using this sacred three-word mantra.

1. Tell me what you like in a girl

“I love it when you smile.”

“I love it when you look so happy.”

“I love it when you wear this dress.”

“I love hugging you so much.”

“I love looking at you so much.”

2. Tell her how you feel around her.

“You know, next to you my heart beats faster.”

“Time flies when you're around me.”

“I feel so good with you.”

“Next to you, I forget about everything, even about my favorite football team.”

“I haven’t felt as good as I do now for a long time.”

3. Tell her she's beautiful

Let the girl feel like the most beautiful woman you have ever seen, even if at that moment she is without makeup and an evening dress.

If a girl feels that you are intimidated by her, that in her presence you feel timid instead of confident, she will unconsciously place you in a place where you are unlikely to get out.

3. Flirt with her

Before confessing your love to a girl, use :

  • Smile, but not the widest smile.
  • Be positive and cheerful.
  • Make eye contact.
  • Accuse the girl for flirting with you: “You’re literally eating me up with your gaze.”
  • Make sexual innuendos, and when your friend starts laughing, accuse her of thinking about sex all the time.
  • Give her a compliment.
  • Be sincere, charming and casual.
4. Show yourself as a leader

Show the girl that you and initiative are synonymous words:

  • Choose the date, time and place of your meeting yourself.
  • Choose a movie to watch.
  • Take the girl by the hand and lead her through the crowd.
  • Say things like “Let's go here”, “Let's do this”, “Come here”, “We need to go”, “I heard this place is great, let's eat here”, “I don't feel like going there”, “ I like doing this”, etc.
  • Do not use the following words in your speech: “Where do you want to go?”, “I want to take you to your favorite restaurant (bar, cinema)”, “Is it okay if I take your hand?”

Most girls prefer you, but not vice versa. Women love it when you lead the way and they just follow you.

5. Physical contact

Don't be afraid to take a girl's hand or touch her.

Touch is the most effective way to add comfort and understanding to a relationship.

Touch connects two people faster than conversation or body language.

6. Don't make the mistakes most guys make.

Show her that you like her without making the same predictable mistakes that other guys make when trying to get her attention.

The girl doesn't need you to:

  • They tried to buy her attention with flowers and...
  • Sent love messages.
  • They begged.
  • We spent the night under her window in the pouring rain.

Do the opposite of what most guys do, stand out from the crowd, grab her attention.

7. Consider feedback

You have been dating for a long time, but are you the only one in your relationship who calls first and suggests seeing each other, or is the girl also trying to take the initiative?

Such female behavior is an important indicator of interest in you.

If your friend never calls you first or doesn't want to see you as often as you do, start ignoring her for a few days or reduce the number of times you call her on her phone.

As a result of the weakening of your control, if the relationship is in principle inclined to develop, the girl will begin to think about you and how passionate she is about you.

8. Late night conversation

If you want to confess your love to a girl, then a late night conversation can do wonders.

Find a reason to talk to your girl when she's in bed.

The relaxed pace of a long night conversation almost always leads to something more personal and intimate, even if you started out by telling funny stories or having pillow fights.

7. Writing love notes

In ancient times, before cell phones, the internet, or even cars, love letters delivered over long periods of time via horse-drawn carriages truly contained a spark of romance.

But these days, a girl is more likely to think, “A letter? What the heck?"


Confessing your love to a girl is actually very simple. It is much more difficult to gain confidence that your recognition will have a positive effect.

So take your time, prepare, and you're unlikely to go wrong.

If you have That Girl in your life and you are ready to confess your love to her, congratulations! Although saying those three words is not easy, they will show her how deep your love is and help take your relationship to the next level.


Part 1

Preparing for a declaration of love

    Rehearse. Confessing love is not easy, especially for the first time. If you are very worried, think about what you will say to her in advance, and this will give you confidence. Decide what exactly you want to tell her and rehearse your confession. Instead of a simple “I love you,” you can go a little further. For example:

    • Tell your girl why you love her.
    • Tell her when you fell in love with her.
    • Let her know how much she means to you.
    • Decide whether you want to simply say how you feel or make a dramatic romantic gesture.
  1. Choose a time and place. Agree, confessing your feelings to someone is a rather intimate moment. You will certainly strive to ensure that everything goes well. Choose a place where no one will stop you from talking about your feelings. Perhaps it will be associated with some pleasant events that happened to you. Also, choose the right time.

    Don't be too sure that she loves you too. Get ready not only to confess your love, but also to hear her answer. Ideally, she will say, “I love you too!” However, the reality of life is that we don’t always hear in response what we want.

    Part 2

    Declaration of love
    1. Tell:"I love you". When you are alone with her and feel that the right moment has come, gather your courage and say: “I love you.” Look into her eyes, smile and say these words. You don't have to wait for the perfect moment or stage your confession spectacularly - just be sincere.

      Show her that you love her. In addition to declaring your love, show the girl that you care about her. After all, actions speak louder than words! Support her: go to competitions in which she participates, write her notes with words of encouragement, help her achieve her goals. Here are some more ways to show your love:

      • Always treat her with respect and kindness. Don't disrespect her or abuse her trust.
      • Do everything you can to please her. For example, if she's had a hard day, give her flowers or some other way to cheer her up.
      • Don't offend her. If someone bullies your girlfriend, stand up for her.
    2. Write her a letter declaring your love. While some find it easier to put their feelings into words by saying “I love you,” others find it easier to put them on paper. Write a beautiful love letter. When the time is right, hand her your letter along with a small gift or place it in her hand at the end of the date.

      • You can write a simple short note, a heartfelt love letter, or a touching poem.
      • You should not send SMS or a message in the messenger with the words “I love you”, “I<3 тебя» или «ЯТЛ».
    3. Let her answer. After the girl has heard or read these three short words, give her time to think and respond correctly to them. When she is ready to give you an answer, your full attention should belong only to her. Listen carefully and respond correctly. Let's hope she says, "I love you too!"

      • Don't demand an immediate response from her.
      • Don't tell her how you expected her to react or feel.

    Part 3

    Is this love?
    1. Are you trying to impress her? If you like a girl, you will do everything possible to get her attention. You may be trying to impress her by doing risky things or helping others. Or perhaps you are trying to impress her with your abilities and talents, such as playing a musical instrument or being good at sports.

      • If your actions are now dictated by a hidden desire to please a girl, most likely you love her.
    2. Do you think about her constantly? If you love a person, you constantly think about him. Do you notice that your thoughts keep returning to her throughout the day? Do you want to know if she thinks about you too?

      • If your thoughts are only about her, then most likely you love this girl.
    3. Do your feelings for this girl motivate you to become a better person? If you are in love, you will try your best to become a person who is worthy of this girl. You might try to improve your grades or behavior, or start working or going to church.

      • If you're doing everything you can to become a better person for this extraordinary girl, then chances are you're in love with her.
    4. Do you want this girl to be happy? If you are in love, you will do everything possible to make the girl you like happy. If she has difficult exams coming up, you can offer to help her with her preparation, checking her answers, or helping her with household chores. If a girl gets sick, you will take care of her and bring her what she needs. If she has had a hard day, you will try to cheer her up and help her relax, laugh and forget about her problems.

      • If you spend time and energy making her happy, chances are you love her.
    5. Be confident before you talk about your feelings. Three little words “I love you” mean a lot in our lives. Once you talk about your feelings, your relationship with your girlfriend will change radically, for better or worse. Before confessing your love to a girl, answer the following questions:

    • Try not to get too nervous and just be yourself.
    • When you say “I love you,” you must be firm in your feelings.
    • Practice in front of the mirror many times.
    • Do not be distructed. Let all your attention be directed to her.
    • If she doesn't say "I love you" back, don't worry. She may simply not be ready to confess her feelings to you.
    • Tell her how you feel and wait for her to respond.
    • Don't rush her to answer. A girl needs time, so be patient.
    • Be confident and control yourself.
    • When you see her, take a deep breath and smile. This will show her in advance that you like her, and perhaps calm your own nerves.
    • Don't be upset if she says she doesn't feel the same way.


    • Don't overuse the phrase "I love you." This deprives it of significance and makes it trivial.
    • Never lie
    • Understand the difference between love and lust.
    • Be prepared for the fact that her reaction to your confession can be anything.

Confess your love to a girl not at all as simple as it seems at first sight. Excitement and fear of rejection fetter a person and prevent him from saying his cherished words.

It seems that the situation can no longer be changed, but this is not so. Psychologists give advice on how to confess your love to a girl and what mistakes should be avoided. Having studied their recommendations, a person will cope with the situation and confess his feelings to his beloved.

Is it worth it: pros and cons

Young people weigh the pros and cons before revealing your feelings to your beloved.

Indeed, a declaration of love has its advantages and disadvantages.

Why is it still worth confessing your feelings? There are several arguments:

  1. It is necessary to talk about feelings in order to finally find out whether they are mutual. The person will understand whether it is worth hoping for the development of the relationship.
  2. It will become easier for a person when he stops tormenting himself and opens up to his beloved. Having feelings and staying silent about them is very difficult.
  3. It is quite possible that the girl also experiences a feeling of love, but says so and expects action from the guy. His confession would be the beginning of a love relationship that could bring joy to both, would become strong, and would lead to the creation of a family.

Despite these arguments, there are reasons that oppose them:

  1. Opening up to your loved one is very difficult morally. We'll have to prepare for this in advance.
  2. You have to be prepared for failure. It is quite possible that the girl does not share the feelings of love and will reject you. To be rejected is to experience an experience. After this, some people withdraw into themselves and lose, and later it is even more difficult for them to confess again.

Having studied the arguments for and against, a person decides for himself whether he needs to open up about his feelings, whether he should talk about them to his girlfriend.

How to confess your love to a girl? Methods:

Why is it so difficult to decide?

Experts say that deciding to confess difficult due to fear of rejection.

A person is afraid to talk about his feelings because he thinks that his significant other does not share them.

Moreover, it is not always easy to assume How will the object of adoration respond to words of love?, maybe he will get angry, . Not everyone is ready to hear tender words addressed to them.

However, if you refuse to confess, the person will suffer from doubts and worries. He will ask himself what would have happened if he had been a little braver and talked about his feelings.

Silence can lead to the girl you love leaving for another guy. She may think that she is indifferent and will look for another person who is not afraid to talk about her feelings.

Despite the difficulty of recognition, excitement, we need to talk about love. It's easier than remaining silent and hoping for reciprocity. Perhaps words of love will be the first step towards developing a strong relationship.

How to prepare mentally?

Before confessing, you should prepare yourself mentally.

Need to get serious, believe in the importance of what is happening.

At the same time, you cannot get your hopes up and imagine an ideal relationship ahead of time.

It is necessary to understand that the result of recognition there may be disappointment and sadness. It is not at all necessary to believe that the girl you love will reciprocate or throw herself into your arms.

Even if a girl feels love, she may be confused by the guy’s confession, get scared, and run away. You must be prepared for the most unexpected result.

The guy must understand that at the moment of confession he must be extremely honest and sincere. You need to let go of all fears and worries and try to trust your soulmate.

Before I confess my love, a guy needs to ask himself: is he ready for failure? Will he be able to cope with it? A young man should know that a girl has the right to choose and it is quite possible that she will refuse and will not talk about love in response.

It must be understood that it is not property and you can't be loved by force. The girl is a free person who consciously makes a choice. You need to be able to make any decision.

Only when the guy is ready to hear any words in response, even offensive ones, will he be able to cope with himself and talk about his feelings. It’s impossible to predict a girl’s answer, so you shouldn’t have your head in the clouds ahead of time.

Why is it important to confess your love? Find out from the video:

When is the best time to talk about feelings?

It should be understood that It's not always the right time to confess.

Under no circumstances should you talk about love in a hurry, when the guy or the girl herself is in a hurry.

There's no need to talk about it when a girl feels angry or sad.

The best time to confess is when the guy is ready for it. You need to be alone with the girl, in a quiet, calm environment. It should be relaxing and positive. The girl should be in a good mood.

The guy must understand that he has enough time to talk about his feelings, he is not in a hurry, he can choose the right words. Only in this case can we assume that the timing was chosen correctly.

How to explain to a girl that you love her? To cope with this situation, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of psychologists.

How to give her a hint?

Feelings are better demonstrated by actions than by words.

Of course, the girl will be pleased to hear tender words, but she will be no less pleased to watch how beautifully the guy takes care of her.

To hint to a girl that she evokes bright feelings, you should be very caring and attentive. You should always ask how she is doing, if she is feeling well.

If she is cold, you need to offer her a warm sweater, sweater or jacket to keep her warm. Need to give compliments, give gifts.

It is not necessary to give something expensive; any pleasant little things will do: girls love flowers, sweets, soft toys.

If a girl is nervous or shy, you need to take her hand, try to calm her down, hug her gently. Showing attention and care- the best hints about bright feelings. You can also invite a girl to a movie, a restaurant, or have a romantic evening. This will also speak about love.

How to tell a girl aged 12-14 that I love her?

To tell a 12-13 year old girl about your feelings, you need to be prepared for this. We must choose the moment so that no one interferes. This especially should not be done at school, otherwise classmates may find out about it and begin to laugh or tease the lovers. This will put the girl in an awkward position and she will be confused.

It is better to tell a girl about love while walking. There is no need to be shy about calling her out. She will be pleased. While walking you need to act casual, openly, and then ask the girl to try to listen.

Then talk very seriously and calmly about your feelings.

You can back up your words with a heart-shaped postcard.

Main - don't be too intrusive. The girl must understand that they only wish her well. no one wants to make fun of her.

What to write?

To write a beautiful confession, you need to tune in to it, try to focus on your feelings. The words in the message should be sincere, kind, and heartfelt.

You should write her name at the very beginning of the letter; you can incline it so that the address is more affectionate. For example: instead of Yulia write Yulenka. Then say how sweet, wonderful, beautiful she is, and later say about your feelings. The message should not be too long, 5-8 sentences are enough.

There is no need to name only the girl’s external qualities in the message, otherwise she will think that they are not taking her seriously.

Need to mention also internal qualities so that she understands that she is valued as a person, an individual. They do not focus much attention on external qualities, mentioning them in passing.

A message needs to be sent more emotional, for this purpose an exclamation point is placed in the message instead of a period. If a confession is written on a social network, you need to supplement it with emoticons and images of hearts.

Are you afraid to confess your love to a girl? Just send her this video:

Sincere, frank confession

For the recognition to be sincere and beautiful, you need to completely focus on your inner state, your feelings.

Nothing should distract you. We must not forget about spelling rules.

Mistakes in words and lack of punctuation marks will spoil the impression of what is written.

Examples of sincere declarations of love:

  • “Mashenka! Your eyes are like two blue lakes: there is so much tenderness and love in them. Your lips look like the petals of beautiful roses: you so want to touch them! You evoke in me feelings that I have never experienced before. I want to always be close to you, protect you, protect and take care of you. Mashenka, I love you with all my heart!"
  • “Dear Masha! I believe that our meeting was destined by fate. I want to live with you all my life. I love you very much! I want to take care of you, give you my love and tenderness!”
  • “Masha, I remember the day I met you! Then I met the most beautiful creature in the world, who completely changed my life. I couldn’t live without you, only with you I understand that I truly live, I enjoy every minute. You are kind, sweet and sincere! I love you very much!"

You need to try to express all the love and tenderness in every phrase so that the girl understands that she is special.

There is no need to be shy when writing a letter, you need to be extremely open. At the same time, it is necessary to remember the standards of decency.

Recognition should be filled with care, tenderness and love.

Is it possible to confess your love to a married woman?

Married woman is often desirable, alluring.

This is the forbidden fruit that a man wants to conquer. However, we must remember that in this case there is a high risk of failure.

Not every woman will allow herself pay attention to someone other than your husband. Many women receive declarations of love from admirers, secret admirers, but do not reciprocate.

You need to be very careful. You should choose words that would express the seriousness of your intentions and make the woman special. There is no need to write about your feelings on the Internet, otherwise your husband will read the correspondence, and this will bring trouble for both the woman and her secret admirer.

It is better to invite a woman to a restaurant or for a walk. If she immediately refuses, then there is no point in further confessing her feelings, since the woman does not want to show signs of attention to anyone other than her husband.

If she agrees, maybe she has similar feelings. During a date in a restaurant or on a walk, you should seriously talk about your feelings and be extremely gentle and caring. There is no need to seem intrusive.

The woman should be made clear that she retains the right to choose. She must decide for herself whether she wants to stay with her husband, or whether she has such strong feelings for her lover that she is ready to leave for him.

Under no circumstances should you put pressure on her. Let her find out about the feelings of the admirer, and then she herself will decide what to do.

Original, unusual confession

You can express your feelings in an original way.

Girls with a sense of humor and lovers of everything unusual will like this. Examples:

  • “Dear Masha! Love has thrown a lasso around my heart, it beckons me with great power. Is this your doing?”
  • "You mentioned that you like bad boys. So, I'm breaking the rules. The doctors have forbidden me sweets, and I'm dating you. I love you very much and won't let you go!"
  • “I love your cute freckles and sweet cheeks. I’m crazy about your laughter! You’re not like everyone else, that’s why I love you madly!”
  • “I understood what happened to me! I understood why I couldn’t sleep at night! It’s your fault. I love you very much and I can’t live without you! Let’s never part, let’s go through life together!”

An example of an original declaration of love:

What to do if she is silent?

Confessed your love to a girl, but she remains silent? If a girl is silent, it means she is overwhelmed with emotions and feelings, she is trying to figure them out. Perhaps the girl is very scared of her feelings, so she is thinking about what to do next, or does not know what exactly she feels.

You shouldn't rush things. If a girl is silent, she should be given a few days to sort herself out. Probably in a few days she will write or call herself.

If the girl is silent for too long, you can gently ask her how she feels about confessing her love, whether she wants to build a relationship, or rejects the young man who confessed his love.

The main thing is not to be too annoying at this moment, not to put pressure on the girl.

If a guy is dear to her, she will definitely reciprocate his feelings and will be glad to meet him.

Declaration of love It's hard enough. You need to fight fears and doubts, know how to talk about your feelings correctly. Advice from psychologists can help to understand oneself, a person will decide to talk about how he feels.

How to tell a girl: “I love you?” Tips in the video:

Are you familiar with this situation - you confess your love to a person, and he or she tells you: “Let’s remain friends”? If you are unfamiliar, then you are damn lucky and this article is unlikely to open anything new for you. Most likely, your partner reciprocated your feelings, and you even managed to start a family with him. But if the situation described above happened to you, and more than once, then you probably already thought about what you were doing wrong. And so that you don’t rack your brains, we decided to tell you in detail about the typical mistakes made by both men and women when declaring their love. So, make yourself comfortable and let us begin.

This is the most common mistake that both men and women make. There are cases when declarations of love sounded in , and this is a huge mistake! Most likely, the object of your interest will consider you an unreliable person who throws words to the wind and is able to very quickly switch from one person to another. Of course, you can turn everything into a joke, but you will still “damage” your attitude towards yourself.

Remember , it’s better to hold off on confessing and find the right moment for this (and it wouldn’t hurt for you and your partner to get to know each other better), at least after sex.

Don't try to "confess" with money or by showering your love with gifts.

Mostly men suffer from this problem, but even among women there are those who believe that expensive gifts speak louder than any words about your warm feelings. Do not speak. Rather, they make it so that in the end there will be a person next to you who will only drag you down. And if for some reason you “block” the flow of expensive gifts, then you will not receive warm words from such a person.

Don't admit it when you or your partner are drunk

Everything here is more or less clear. If you are the one who is drunk, then depending on the situation, of course, the situation will develop differently, but the result will most likely be the same - at best, your drunken nonsense will be listened to and ignored, at worst, you will forever ruin your relationship with a person you like.

If he or she to whom you want to confess is drunk, then there is a chance that you will receive the long-awaited (but drunk) “Yes.” There is a high probability that in the morning a person simply will not remember this, or he will remember, but will not agree with his previously spoken words. You will also be subject to punishment due to the fact that you took advantage of the inadequate state of a person, even if he is dearly loved by you.

Do not confess your love by letter, on the Internet or via SMS.

One of the surest ways to ruin everything is to talk about your feelings through social networks, SMS or email. Why? Because there are no emotions, intonations, glances and everything else that is somehow present in live communication. When corresponding, a situation may arise where you mean one thing, but the person will understand you in a completely different way and not in the best way for you. As a result, your declaration of love may develop into a showdown.

Remember , that written declarations of love have long since sunk into oblivion, which in principle is for the better, since there is nothing worse than talking about high feelings without seeing your object of adoration and his reaction to your words.

Don’t confess your love “for show”

That is, of course, if your chosen one or chosen one loves such manifestations of feelings, then you can confess your love, for example, from the stage at one of the concerts, etc.

But many people don't like it when their feelings are shown, so either carefully study your partner's wishes or play it safe.

Try to exude confidence

The worst thing is if you start to get terribly worried, sweat, stutter, and show other signs of anxiety.

Certainly , uncertainty is common to all people, but try to pull yourself together. Yes, it’s difficult, yes, it seems almost impossible, but you won’t really get eaten!

In general, situations can be completely different, and people are all different from each other (and these differences often attract us), so try to act according to the circumstances, while remembering all the points that we described in this article. We sincerely wish you good luck and believe that your soul mate will definitely reciprocate your words of love!

And finally, I would like to add one piece of advice that many people overlook - do not confess your love too often, either to one person or especially to different people. In the first case, your love will begin to seem like an “annoying fly,” and in the second, over time you yourself will cease to understand where your real feelings are and where your passing infatuation is.

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