Lithuanian past of Tatyana Lyutaeva. Tatyana Lyutaeva

March 12, 2018

Agnia Ditkovskite is raising her son Fyodor from Alexey Chadov. There are also rumors that in March last year the actress gave birth to her second child, but prefers to hide it from the public. New rumors about the second grandson were provoked by Tatyana Lyutaeva, who published a photo with gifts for March 8th. Fans are sure that one of the gifts was made by Ditkovskite’s “secret” son.

Tatyana Lyutaeva and Agnia Ditkovskite /

Last year Agnia Ditkovskite and officially. However, they continue to communicate and hide the divorce from their common son Fyodor, who will turn four in the summer. Recently, the ex-spouses even filmed the show “Allies”, which took place in Sri Lanka. The actress prefers not to talk about her personal life, but in March last year rumors appeared that she had given birth. The artist also recently published several shots with a boy. Fans have no doubt that it is Agniy whom she is hiding.

A new wave of rumors about Ditkovskite’s second child was provoked by her mother Tatyana Lyutaeva. She published a photo with the gifts that were presented to her on March 8th. Among the numerous bouquets of flowers were two handmade gifts. The son of Agnia and Alexey handed his grandmother an applique of a flower made of colored paper. But the second gift - a palm print, most likely, was made by Agnia’s second son. However, Lyutaeva did not clarify this information. “Happy holiday to all girls! Be happy and loved!” she wrote.

Fans are still sure that one of the gifts was made by Ditkovskite’s youngest son. Let us remind you that the actress herself neither confirmed nor denied the fact that she became a mother for the second time. Earlier it was reported that the boy’s father could be a man from Tashkent named Amir.

Tatyana Lyutaeva is a woman who was born in Ukraine, lived part of her life in Lithuania and became an Honored Artist of Russia. After her debut work as an actress on the mini-series Midshipmen, Go!, she instantly became popular. Everyone liked the young actress’s performance so much that she began to receive job offers one after another.

It is worth noting that as of 2015, the woman has played more than 100 roles, and this is only in the film field. In addition, she is a big fan of the theater stage, where she also spent a lot of time. At some point, Tatyana had a break for her personal life, but every time she managed to return to her favorite job.

Childhood of Tatyana Lyutaeva

The future talented actress was born on March 12, 1965 in the port city of Odessa. Her mother worked all her life as a psychiatrist-speech therapist, and her father was a geologist by profession. By the way, the actress herself admits that she is very similar to her dad, this applies to both appearance and character.

From childhood, Tatyana began to be interested in theatrical art, but her parents did not see any talent in her. They could not even imagine that in the future their daughter would be able to conquer the best directors of the Soviet Union and become the idol of many viewers.

For the first time, the girl began to think about a full-time acting career during her last years at school. Then she considered herself ugly, too thin and shy, but she still managed to believe in herself and enroll in a theater class. At first, the parents were against such a hobby, because, as before, they did not notice any inclination towards theater in their daughter. However, having noticed her craving for beauty, they resigned themselves. It was in a specialized class that Tatyana received basic knowledge of theatrical art.

The beginning of Tatyana Lyutaeva's acting career

In 1983, People's Artist of the USSR Alexey Batalov came to Tatyana's hometown in search of new talents. By a happy coincidence, he noticed the girl and invited her to study at the acting department of VGIK.

Illuminated by the dream of a successful acting career, she could not miss this chance, so she began training in Batalov’s class. Over the next four years, the girl managed to absorb all the knowledge that her teachers gave her and became one of the best students in the course.

In 1986, the time came for the final exam in the form of a production of “The Shadow,” based on Schwartz’s play, which, among other guests, was visited by the famous director of that time, Svetlana Druzhinina.

The director was pleasantly surprised by the acting talent of the young girl, so she invited her to try her hand at auditions for the mini-series “Midshipmen, Go!”, which Svetlana was currently working on. Tatyana managed to show herself well at the casting and got one of the main roles. She played the role of the girl Anastasia Yaguzhinskaya.

The film was a huge success, and the actress herself became a real discovery of the year. Few people managed to become famous throughout the country with the help of their debut film. It is worth noting that the voice of another actress, Anna Kamenkova, was used in the film. The main roles in the film were also played by Sergei Zhigunov, Dmitry Kharatyan, Vladimir Shevelkov and Mikhail Boyarsky.

Filmography of Tatyana Lyutaeva

After such a successful debut, directors from all over the country wanted to collaborate with Tatyana Lyutaeva. She received daily job offers that would have made her even more popular, but she chose love and family. Just at that moment, the girl met her future husband, and decided to give up everything in order to maintain the relationship and go with him to his homeland in Lithuania.

Life in Lithuania by Tatyana Lyutaeva

For Tatyana, the move was not a blow, but became a conscious decision. She did not give up, but on the contrary, continued to build an acting career, but in the capital of Lithuania. First of all, the girl became one of the actresses of the local drama theater, in which she managed to play in several famous productions.

For example, in 1989, Tatyana appeared in the role of Françoise Vato in the play “The Public is Prohibited from Viewing,” in 1996 she participated in the production of “The Taming of the Shrew” based on the play by William Shakespeare, and in 1998 she played Olga in the play “Three Sisters.” This is just a small part of all her acting work in the theater.

In addition to working in the theater, Tatyana also did not miss the opportunity to play several roles in films. After the release of the mini-series “Midshipmen, Go!” The young actress began to be recognized in Lithuania. She became one of the most sought-after film actresses in the USSR, so she had more than enough job offers.

She appeared in numerous films, including 1988's Lady with a Parrot, 1991's Seven Days After Murder, as well as the sequel to the acclaimed 1991 Viva Midshipmen and 1993's You Are.

Tatyana Lyutaeva: Stories in detail

Unfortunately, after the release of the film “Letters to a Past Life” in 1994, Tatyana stopped receiving offers. This is due to the fact that Russian cinema abruptly lost its source of funding, so only actors who had a good financial situation acted in films, and talent, education and work experience were completely unimportant.

Further career in Russia of Tatyana Lyutaeva

Due to a divorce from her husband, Tatyana had to return from Lithuania to her native Russia. At the beginning of the 2000s, Russian cinema returned to its previous direction, and many directors lacked such experienced actresses as Lyutaeva.

At home, her talent was not forgotten, so she began to receive job offers again. In general, from the beginning of 2000 to 2010, the woman starred in more than 50 films.

Tatyana Lyutaeva. Private story

Her most memorable works were: “Fool” (2005), the series “Yesenin” (2005), “HEAT” (2006), the series “I’m flying” (2008) and “Wedding Ring” (2008 - 2012), as well as comedies “The Best Movie 2” (2009) and “Freaks” (2010). It is worth noting that Tatyana played key roles in almost every film.

Personal life of Tatyana Lyutaeva

The actress met her first husband in her second year of study at the institute. It was student Olegas Ditkovskis. It was he who became the reason for Tatyana’s move to Lithuania. In 1988, the couple had their first child, daughter Agnia. Tatyana Lyutaeva with her son Dominic and daughter Agne Ditkovskite

In 1999, the couple had a son, Dominic, who became the actress’s second child. Their happy family life lasted another 5 years, but they soon decided to divorce. After this, Tatyana moved to Russia with her children.

In 2006, the woman met her third husband, Dmitry Mishin. However, a lifelong relationship with this man did not work out. It is worth noting that in 2014 Tatyana became a grandmother for the first time. Agnia gave birth to a son, Fyodor.

Tatyana Lyutaeva today

From 2011 to 2015, Tatyana Lyutaeva managed to play more than 35 roles, the most memorable of which were the films “Jolly Fellows” (2014), “Dolly the Sheep Was Evil and Died Early” (2015).

At this time, women most often played key roles in TV series. She managed to become famous thanks to two seasons of the series “The Lavrova Method” (2011), “Heteras of Major Sokolov” (2014) and “Mommies” (2015).

In 2015, in parallel with cinematography, she is raising her grandson.

As a child, nothing indicated the girl’s talents and, as she herself recalls, the girl was very thin and generally looked ridiculous. At the moment, Tatyana Lyutaeva is an Honored Artist of Russia, although she was born in Ukraine and lived in Lithuania for a long time.

Tatyana became famous after her role in the film “Midshipmen, Forward!” To date, she has already played more than a hundred roles, namely 145, and this is only in films, but it is worth noting that Lyutaeva also works a lot on the theater stage. And, despite long breaks in her career, she returned to her favorite business every time and was always very successful.

Height, weight, age. How old is Tatyana Lyutaeva

Tatyana Lyutaeva has always been one of the most beautiful women of Soviet cinema and the request “Tatyana Lyutaeva photo in her youth” will help you see this. And even now, at 52 years old, the woman remains very attractive and delights men’s gaze. With a height of 174, she weighs only 65 kilograms. Height, weight, age. How old is Tatyana Lyutaeva remains a favorite topic of her fans, because the woman amazes everyone with her beauty and good parameters. Many are trying to find out the secrets of her slimness, but there is only one secret, Tatyana simply loves herself, her body and watches her diet.

Biography of Tatyana Lyutaeva

As already mentioned, when the girl was little, no one thought that she could become an actress, but fate decided otherwise. Tatyana began to take an interest in an acting career in her final years of school. Then the girl expressed a desire to go to study in an acting class, but her parents were initially against it, but seeing their daughter’s strong desire, they resigned themselves and gave the go-ahead.

It was in the theater class that Tatyana was able to develop her talents and became convinced that acting was her calling. When the girl was in the last grade, the famous actor Alexey Batalov came to their city, who saw the girl, noticed her acting talents and invited her to study at VGIK, and immediately after school the girl entered the institute for an acting course and here Tatyana Lyutaeva’s biography began to play on -new.

Filmography: films starring Tatyana Lyutaeva

During her training, she showed her best qualities, studied quickly and efficiently, which allowed her to become the best student on the course.

During the last exam at the institute, the girl had to play in a play, to which the famous director Svetlana Druzhinina came, seeing the girl’s talents, invited her to star in her new film “Midshipman, forward!”, which in the future brought Tatiana fame.

Lyutaeva’s filmography is known for the following films: “Midshipmen, Forward”, “Seven Days After the Murder”, “Yesenin”, “Wedding Ring”.

Personal life of Tatyana Lyutaeva

When the first film with Lyutaeva’s participation was released, she was already married to the future director Olegas Ditkoskis, and it was for this man that Tatyana moved to Lithuania. Soon enough, the couple had a beautiful daughter, Agnia, who later followed in her mother’s footsteps. But family life did not last long and the couple separated due to the husband’s demands to constantly stay at home and prohibitions on going out.

But after the divorce, Tatyana did not leave Vilnius, and even more than that, she got married a second time, this time the chosen one was the son of famous Lithuanian actors, but this marriage did not last long, and the couple separated. In her second marriage, the girl gave birth to a son, Dominic.

Tatyana Lyutaeva’s personal life at that time was unsuccessful, and she decided to move to Moscow and build her acting career. Initially, it was difficult for Tatyana, she had to earn money for an apartment and support for her children on her own, but since the girl in the Soviet Union had already become famous for her acting, she was invited to filming and life began to improve. Then the woman married for the third time.

Family of Tatyana Lyutaeva

At the moment, Tatyana is already a grandmother, because in 2014 her daughter gave birth to a son, Fyodor. Tatyana Lyutaeva's family is very happy and friendly. The marriage with the third husband is going well, the couple is not going to separate, although they will not have children together either. At the moment, Tatyana is busy with her career and, of course, raising her beloved and so far only grandson. She tries to spend all her free time on being with Fedor and giving her daughter the opportunity to take a break from household chores.

Children of Tatyana Lyutaeva

The children of Tatyana Lyutaeva arranged their fate in the best possible way. The daughter followed in her mother’s footsteps, and the son is preparing to become a future politician. They are very friendly, despite having different fathers. As Dominic says, she and her sister love each other very much, constantly consult, communicate, and even cover for each other when necessary.

Both also have a good relationship with their mother, more even friendly than motherly mentoring. Dominic can always turn to his mother for advice about girls and more, and for Agnia, her mother is the main assistant in raising her son.

Son of Tatiana Lyutaeva - Dominik Ramanauskas

Despite the fact that Tatyana Lyutaeva’s son, Dominik Ramanauskas, was born surrounded by actors, the guy still chose a different path for himself and wants to become a politician. Dominic is a very serious young man and does not give himself any slack.

The guy is preparing to enter a university and is studying literature. At the same time, the young man plays basketball and simply cannot imagine his life without this sport. He has extraordinary thinking, intelligence and is very different from guys his age. Of course, it’s hard not to pay attention to such a handsome man and many girls are trying to “bewitch” Dominic, but he is looking for a gentle, sweet, and most importantly smart girl who can carry on a conversation on any topic.

Daughter of Tatyana Lyutaeva - Agnia Ditkovskite

Tatyana Lyutaeva’s daughter, Agnia Ditkovskite, like her mother, became an actress and has already managed to star in 34 films. She is strikingly similar to Tatyana in her youth and enjoys the same success with directors. It’s safe to say that the girl has a brilliant career ahead of her, although she is still popular now. Agnia is married to the now popular actor Alexei Chadov. The couple met on the set of a film where they played a couple; by the way, Tatyana also participated in that film and played Agnia’s mother in it. Fate worked out in a funny way and the film came to life.

Former husband of Tatyana Lyutaeva - Olegas Ditkoskis

Tatyana Lyutaeva’s ex-husband, Olegas Ditkoskis, was born on April 2, 1955. He is 10 years older than Tatyana, but this did not stop the couple from being together for some time. Olegas is a screenwriter and actor. He has 14 works to his credit. Olegas did not manage to become too popular, but he still managed to realize his dreams of becoming a director and screenwriter. During her marriage to Tatyana, the man forbade her to appear at social parties and generally wanted her to always stay at home, which is precisely why the couple’s relationship ended.

Former husband of Tatyana Lyutaeva - Rokas Ramanauskas

Tatyana Lyutaeva's ex-husband, Rokas Ramanauskas, was born into a family of popular Lithuanian actors and it is worth saying that he even tried to follow the path of his parents and also achieve fame in acting, but he starred in only one film and devoted his entire life to working in the theater.

Rokas is 7 years younger than Tatiana, but still this did not affect the couple’s family relationships. Currently Rokas works at the Kaunas Drama Theatre. As a film actor, he is known for the film “Long Road in the Dunes.”

Tatyana Lyutaeva's husband - Dmitry Mishin

After a divorce from her second husband, the girl left Lithuania and moved to Moscow, where she found her third love. Tatyana Lyutaeva’s husband, Dmitry Mishin, works as a cameraman. He is 2 years older than his wife. During his career, he has already managed to make 20 films and the man does not end his work there. Since 2008 he has been a member of the International Academy of Television and Radio. On May 7, 2001, he founded the First Studio Visual Art Company LLC and was elected to the position of General Director. Currently he is a graduate student at the Department of Aesthetics at VGIK.

Instagram and Wikipedia Tatyana Lyutaeva

Tatyana Lyutaeva’s Instagram and Wikipedia are filled with quality content. She is a fairly active user of social networks and already has 75 thousand subscribers on her Instagram. Tatyana keeps up with the times and never ceases to delight her fans with information about herself. At the moment, Lyutaeva is actively participating in filming; not long ago a new film was released with her participation, “Anna Karenina,” where the woman played the role of Countess Vronskaya. Tatyana is famous for her kindness and friendly character, but besides this, the fragile girl has extraordinary moral strength, which helped her cope with all the failures and difficulties of life.

July 08, 2017

Specialists from “Ideal Repair” built a veranda in Lyutaeva’s garden.


A year ago, Tatyana Lyutaeva purchased a house in the village of Petrovo-Dalneye. The actress chose a mansion that could accommodate her entire large family: her son Agniy with her three-year-old grandson Fyodor and her son Dominic. This year, another resident appeared in the house - Ditkovskite’s second child. Tatyana entrusted the renovation of luxury housing to the “Ideal Renovation” program. Last June, she transformed the mansion's kitchen and living room.

This Saturday, July 8, “Ideal Repair” again came to Tatyana Lyutaeva to ask how the artist lives in her house, to help with advice if necessary.

“Everything in the house is fine, beautiful, stylish, but something needs to be done with the landscape,” the actress complained to host Natasha Barbier. “We all dream, we are already buying building materials, but we just can’t start work. We will be happy if you help us. I would like to preserve the forest, but make the area more civilized, so that there are paths and a gazebo where you can drink tea. And, of course, we need a playground for Fedya’s three-year-old grandson.”

The program specialists helped Tatiana implement her plans. We started by building a veranda. It was made of glass and wood. Three walls of the gazebo were made entirely of glass so that you could enjoy nature through them. The floor was laid with brown terrace boards. It turned out elegant, the gazebo fits perfectly into the landscape of the garden.

The actress’s family was helped buy a luxury mansion in an elite village by her wealthy patron.

28-year-old Agnia DITKOVSKITE and her famous mother, 51-year-old actress Tatyana LYUTAEVA, celebrated their housewarming a month ago. They did not wait until the renovations were completed in their first home (the stars had previously rented a house) and, together with Dominic (Tatiana’s son from her second marriage), little Fedor (the baby of DITKOVSKITE and Alexey CHADOV) and three dogs, they moved into the 300-meter cottage on Rublevka.

The three-story cottage cost the actresses a tidy sum. But we managed to save money on landscaping - these efforts were taken over by the “Ideal Renovation” program.

Tatyana Lyutaeva was the first to boast about the long-awaited family acquisition, posting several videos from the new house on her Instagram.

We're moving! It’s in vain that people say that all this is worse than a fire. “Everything is going very well for us,” Tatyana Borisovna wrote.

And it was as if she had jinxed it: literally a week later, such a strong hurricane swept over the Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway that it was as if Mamai had passed through the stellar area of ​​25 acres. A squally wind damaged the roof of the mansion, and fallen centuries-old pine trees broke the fence. It would have taken a lot of money, time and effort for Lyutaeva and Ditkovskite to repair the damage. But volunteers from the anti-drug union “NAS,” which Agnia and Tatyana Borisovna have long supported, came to the aid of the two fragile ladies free of charge.

Every morning Agnia (1) gives feasible tasks to her brother (2), son (3) and housekeeper (4) to clean up the area around the new house

By the way, the housewives did not have to spend money on repairs in the kitchen-living room - they were transformed at their own expense by the TV program “Ideal Renovation.”

When Agnia, her son, brother and mother moved into the house, no one had lived there before them, but some repairs were still made,” designer Dmitry Prasolov told us. - The girls didn’t like it - it seemed too decorative. Tatyana wanted to surround her family with a discreet but cozy design in pastel colors. So that after difficult filming or emotional performances in the theater you can quickly relax and return to normal. Tatyana also didn’t like the floor in the living room, which was lined with marble tiles. He was quite cold. I also had to work on the fireplace. It turned out that for some reason the previous workers had left a piece of cable behind it, which was very dangerous - a short circuit or even a fire could have occurred. In total, work on this project took us two months.

Now the walls of the cozy living room are decorated with plasterboard slabs covered with silk plaster in a soft beige color. On the floor there are snow-white eco-friendly carpets, which, in addition to everything, have unique dirt-repellent properties. Light Roman curtains hang on the windows, hiding the two actresses from prying eyes. The room also features a modular sofa that can be laid out in thirty ways.

Above the fireplace, the designers hung a shelf made of mountain elm, processed by hand. It was decorated with candlesticks and framed photographs of the housewives. Instead of a coffee table, a metal chest with two drawers was placed in the living room, and an unusual chandelier with matryoshka-shaped shades was placed above the large dining table.

At Agnia’s request, the builders also changed the wrought iron railings on the stairs (the actress was worried about the safety of her little son Fedor). Therefore, they were replaced with glass fencing with stainless steel fasteners.

Need forced

If Lyutaeva and Ditkovskite had to pay for the repairs out of their own pockets, then all this alteration would have cost them almost 3 million rubles. Of course, relative to the cost of the three-story mansion itself, which is located in an elite cottage community in the most expensive area of ​​the Moscow region, this is not that much money. Even taking into account the crisis in the real estate market, realtors value a house from 85 to 100 million rubles.

But this still begs the question: where did two actresses, even those who act quite frequently, get such money? Moreover, last winter Tatyana Lyutaeva complained that need forced her to agree to any offers in order to pay for her son’s studies and rent a cottage in New Riga, the rent of which then cost 250 thousand rubles a month.

...and a comfortable sofa was placed in the corner

Of course, neither Agnia nor Tatyana could have saved such a gigantic sum on their own to buy a house, says their friend Olga. - Most likely, Ditkovskite’s secret patron, a major Ukrainian businessman, helped with the purchase of the cottage. They met back in 2012, when Agnia came to Kyiv to present the first Lithuanian film “Warm Heart” there. At that time, he and Lesha Chadov had another breakup, they did not communicate for a long time, and it seemed to everyone that this would be forever. So the actress accepted courtship from this influential gentleman. But he didn’t shine anywhere, because he didn’t like the publicity at all, because at that time he was married.

After breaking up with DITKOVSKITE...

According to Olga, oligarch Ditkovskite has a large construction business. In addition, he owns a fertilizer production company that generates a solid income.

After communicating in Kyiv, Agnia and her rich admirer broke off their relationship for a while, our interlocutor continues. - After all, then Chadov appeared on the actress’s horizon again. Tatyana Borisovna was against her daughter’s reunion with Lesha and was very worried that she was missing out on a great chance. But when Agnia became pregnant with Fedya, Lyutaeva reconciled herself. True, not for long. As soon as Chadov’s work began to go downhill and his stream of money began to dry up, his mother-in-law immediately began to lightly nag her son-in-law. They say that with someone else your wife wouldn’t need anything. Now that Ditkovskite and Chadov have not lived together for more than a year, to the delight of Tatyana Borisovna, her daughter has resumed communication with the Ukrainian moneybag. And the fact that the star family quickly moved to a luxurious place among centuries-old pines and famous neighbors already seems quite logical.

... CHADOV devotes all his free time to little Fyodor.

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