If you dreamed of demolition (at home). Dream Interpretation - Building. public. Realization and meaning of dreams

Demolition (at home). If you dream of a destroyed house, then in reality you will encounter difficulties and obstacles. Even job loss, divorce or illness can await you. A burned-out house is also dreaming of a divorce.

Modern dream book

To dream about how your house is being demolished - to a change of residence. A girl has such a dream for an early marriage. To participate in the demolition of any building means to change your plans under the influence of the opinions of others. for young people, such a dream may portend obstacles to marriage or the termination of an engagement. To protect an ancient monument from demolition - you will show prudence in solving an important issue, thanks to which you will become a respected person.

Modern dream book

If you see in a dream how some building is being broken, demolished, this means that your plans will collapse or you will lose faith that you can restore the lost fortune or reputation.

Readers' comments on the topic "To dream of a demolition (at home)":

I dreamed that they were demolishing not my old house and neighboring houses. Why?

I dreamed that in the dacha cooperative they were demolishing dachas, including mine. Why dream such a dream?

i dreamed that they were dismantling the house where my children (their house) live, dismantled almost half of the house and the entrance to the site (where there was a gate), and my ex-husband took part in this. Sleep from Friday to Saturday.

Your comment on the topic "To dream of demolition (at home)":

If you want to ask a question like " Why dream of demolition (at home)", it is better to send it from the Question-Answer page, and here we ask you to express your opinion and attitude to the interpretation you read. Maybe it gave you some key to your dream, or maybe it turned out to be completely useless. Your comments will help other readers to better understand dream book and the meaning of sleep.

Demolition (at home). If you dream of a destroyed house, then in reality you will encounter difficulties and obstacles. Even job loss, divorce or illness can await you. A burned-out house is also dreaming of a divorce.

Modern dream book

To dream about how your house is being demolished - to a change of residence. A girl has such a dream for an early marriage. To participate in the demolition of any building means to change your plans under the influence of the opinions of others. for young people, such a dream may portend obstacles to marriage or the termination of an engagement. To protect an ancient monument from demolition - you will show prudence in solving an important issue, thanks to which you will become a respected person.

Modern dream book

If you see in a dream how some building is being broken, demolished, this means that your plans will collapse or you will lose faith that you can restore the lost fortune or reputation.

Readers' comments on the topic "To dream of a demolition (at home)":

I dreamed that they were demolishing not my old house and neighboring houses. Why?

I dreamed that in the dacha cooperative they were demolishing dachas, including mine. Why dream such a dream?

i dreamed that they were dismantling the house where my children (their house) live, dismantled almost half of the house and the entrance to the site (where there was a gate), and my ex-husband took part in this. Sleep from Friday to Saturday.

Your comment on the topic "To dream of demolition (at home)":

If you want to ask a question like " Why dream of demolition (at home)", it is better to send it from the Question-Answer page, and here we ask you to express your opinion and attitude to the interpretation you read. Maybe it gave you some key to your dream, or maybe it turned out to be completely useless. Your comments will help other readers to better understand dream book and the meaning of sleep.

A destroyed house, which can be seen in a dream, often gives a negative interpretation. At the same time, it is imperative to recall all the details, thanks to which it will be possible to clarify the whole situation. The dream book will make it possible to determine why such a picture is dreaming.

Symbol of negative change

The building in which people live, based on various details, means both the predominant state of a person and some incidents on the path of life.

Why dream of your own destroyed house? You can watch as if housing is being destroyed by the time of moving, financial instability, a dangerous disease, termination of marital relations, and even death.

Detailed explanations are given by a dream where you watched from the side how an extraneous living space, for example, a neighboring house, was being destroyed. In this case, everything will happen in front of your eyes.

Sign of conflicts and scandals

Any living space expresses family relationships. It is not difficult to realize what a practically destroyed house is dreaming of. Be prepared for a major conflict that will not lead to agreement.

In addition, when the destruction of a neighbor’s housing happened through your fault, then expect systematic disagreements and even trials in court.

But, if you dreamed that after complete destruction only a separate part of a residential building (for example, a roof) was preserved, then you will overcome all difficulties and build your own happiness again.

Frivolity will kill!

If you need to understand why such a dream is dreaming, the dream book gives advice to remember the reason for the destruction of multi-storey housing.

A sharp explosion - to the sudden worst changes, the demolition of a house with the participation of a construction crane means a planned invasion of enemies.

A dilapidated house that collapses over the years - your own frivolity in actions can lead to collapse.

Miller's dream book warns

According to the interpretation, an earthquake is of particular danger in a dream. This is a sign of battles, global events, economic recession, etc.

I dreamed that the collapse of a multi-storey building happened after a major earthquake, expect an unfavorable stage in life.

Get ready for a trip!

When you dreamed of an ancient mansion that was in a dilapidated state, then dreams of well-coordinated relationships may not come true. The same dream, according to the dream book, gives other meanings.
For example, to come back to a ruined dwelling means, in essence, to accept the message from the past. By the way, to see in a dream a dilapidated ruined building of the house - to periodic trips abroad in reality.

Happiness after difficulties

Basically, every explanation of the dream about the ruins contains a negative. However, if an entrepreneur dreamed of a dilapidated house, then his started enterprise will give great prosperity. However, you will need to work often, or to sacrifice something.

And the broken houses of relatives are a predicate of positive changes that will occur after serious situations.

According to the Muslim dream book, the ruins in the water portend parting with the other half, after which life will improve.

Hope lives...

And in the end, the most unusual interpretation of the dream book. The crumbling house represents the dreamer's subconscious. It conveys the collapse of plans, upcoming plans and faith.
However, if you see that at least one of the walls has been preserved, then the most permanent and reliable will take the place of the former values.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday 04/28/2019

A dream seen from Saturday to Sunday comes true on the same day. The events that he portends depend on the mood of the dream. If you saw...

Modern combined dream book

To dream about how your house is being demolished- to change the place of residence. The girl has such a dream- dreams of imminent marriage.

Participate in the demolition of any building- means to change your plans under the influence of the opinions of others. Young people have such a dream- may portend obstacles to marriage or the annulment of the engagement.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

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