Victims of hazing in the Russian army (13 photos). Hierarchy in the Soviet Army: from “spirit” to “demobilization” Why are recruits called elephants

The Russian army is our defense, a huge military school, its own world, which has its own traditions and laws. Every military community has its own army traditions, customs. Traditions are understood as common habits and norms of behavior that are passed on from generation to generation. For every soldier, serving in the army is a separate period of life, unlike anything else, and which he will remember throughout his life.

The army is filled with its own humor, its own culture; service in it is remembered with pride and a smile. Now let’s try to approximately reproduce the traditions of the names of soldiers according to periods of service in the ranks of the Russian army.

From the moment an 18-year-old boy is drafted into the ranks of our army, he is called a “smell.” Important task "smell"- Prepare for the oath in full swing.

It all starts with the spirit

After taking the oath, it is customary to call him "spirit" and such a stigma hangs over him for up to six months. They call him a “spirit” because he becomes like a spirit who must carry out all the orders of the foreman, often doing dirty work. The only way to mentally relieve yourself during this time is physical exercise.

After six months "spirits" in the army become "elephants". The army men say among themselves that only a true “spirit” can have the right to be called an “elephant”. That is, you need to go through a rather specific procedure of “initiation into elephants”: six blows with a plaque. Just when a soldier has served for six months, new “spirits” arrive.

The path to “grandfather” is very difficult

The “grandfathers” have something to do, since newcomers have arrived and we urgently need to show them what is what, and the “elephants” can engage in a more relaxed continuation of their service. Since now they serve for only a year, we could end our story now with the title of “demobilization.” But history is history, to introduce readers to it, and we will tell you a little more about army hierarchy.

A soldier who has served for a year and a half has the right to be called "scoop". "Elephants" must take care of them. But in order to become a “scooper” you must go through the ritual of beating with scoops. For the sake of this, the elders will not spare time and get them. Only about twelve strikes are performed. The main task is to keep an eye on the “elephants” and "spirits" in the army so that they do not shirk work.

And no matter how scary it may sound, service “scoops” after time turn into "grandfathers". And this cannot be done without assault! Already, eighteen blows of a chair are necessary for soldiers to endure in order to proudly bear their rank "grandfather" in the army. This title is proudly worn "warriors", which are included in the service interval from one and a half years before the start of the “hundred days”.

And finally "demobilization". From the beginning of the “hundred days”, in other words, the finish line. On the first evening of the “hundred days” the “grandfathers” gather and, according to army traditions, thanks to the culinary abilities of the “spirits,” they pamper themselves with various treats. The same is done on the fiftieth day before departure. This is an approximate army hierarchy. They may be different for everyone, for some the number of names is a little less, a little more. I would also like to note, speaking about traditions, that a representative of each category must be filed. The number and position of stitches depends on the status and rank of the soldier.

The army community can be confidently equated to an independent social structure, where a certain hierarchy exists. And in this case we are not talking about positions assigned to military personnel at the state level, but about non-statutory ranks. In this way, military personnel are divided into groups according to the duration of their service. The turning point was the reduction of the period to 1 year. However, this did not lead to the abolition of non-statutory ranks in the army - they only changed slightly.

The construction of army hazing is based on the presence of a rigid non-statutory hierarchy, which is based on the duration of service from the moment of conscription. Shortening the length of service in the army made it possible to almost completely eliminate hazing, but a certain gradation between the levels of the hierarchy remained. And in order to better understand all its subtleties, you should consider each stage in more detail.


Only after taking the oath does the recruit become a “full-fledged” military man

This is the first level of the hierarchy, which is not taken into account by most military personnel. After arriving at the unit, most military personnel mistakenly believe that they immediately become “spirits.” However, it is not. The fact is that by army standards, a conscript, even if he has been distributed, is not yet a soldier. By definition, it is just the smell of a soldier.

“Smells” are in many ways similar to “demobilizations”, since both of them have one foot in civilian life. However, the latter are much more respected by the soldiers.

After the distribution point, the conscript can be sent to the following places:

  1. Training part.
  2. Military unit. In this case, newly minted soldiers end up in a separate company, so to speak, in quarantine. This is where their training will take place.

As a rule, the training period lasts no more than two months. The transition to the next level occurs only after taking the oath, when the conscript becomes a full-fledged soldier.

While in quarantine, the “smells” acquire the following knowledge:

  • basics of drill training;
  • nuances of service;
  • passing the first outfits;
  • forced march training.


A soldier with “Spirit” status serves for at least 3 months

The former “smell” receives the status of “spirit” after taking the oath. From this moment on, he can be considered a full-fledged soldier, he receives the right to bear arms and certain statutory duties.

In addition to representatives of the officer corps and foremen, elephants, which will be discussed below, have the right to command spirits.

“Spirits” bear this title for 100 days. Sometimes promotion through the hierarchy occurs faster. During the period of being in the status of a “spirit”, the soldier learns about all the “delights” of army life. We are talking about cleaning, and PCBs, outfits every other day, etc.

It should be noted that the cleaning process is a separate army ritual. The ability to restore order in the barracks is considered an entire art, which spirits learn with special care. But this also has a certain advantage, because a soldier acquires the skill of keeping his living quarters clean for the rest of his life.

A feature of the “spirit” is the presence of increased requirements with a complete absence of rights. High demands are placed on the hygiene of these soldiers. If the “spirit” is not at the field exit, but in the location, then his shoes should shine, he should be clean-shaven and neatly trimmed. Compliance with these requirements in the army is monitored with special care.

Considerable attention is paid to the process of memorizing the charter. We are talking about a set of rules that military personnel learn by heart. The charter for “spirits” is a very common activity. Experienced soldiers recommend that soldiers stick together during a given period of time, which will allow them to survive it more easily.


Snow removal by soldiers with the “Elephant” status

After 100 days of service, the soldier changes from a disembodied “spirit” to an “elephant”. Thus begins a new period in his army life. Such a rank indicates that a serviceman can be loaded with all sorts of assignments. And the basis of service during this period is economic work. We are talking about the following actions:

  1. Clearing snow on the territory of the unit.
  2. Digging holes.
  3. Sweeping the area.

The title of “elephant” in the army is assigned to a soldier until he reaches the 160th day of service. And since the elephant is a hardy animal, there will be a lot of assignments during this period of time. However, in this way the character of a fighter is strengthened.

There is a certain soldier’s ritual that is carried out before the soldier enters the “elephant” stage. During it, the “demob” hits the soldier three times on the soft spot with a belt, which symbolizes the completion of three months of service.

Sooner or later in the life of every soldier there comes a time when all old-time soldiers are discharged. It depends on the time of calling and symbolizes the automatic transition of the “elephant” to the “grandfather”. In some cases, this title is obtained already six months after the start of service. However, there is also an intermediate rank, which the “elephant” receives if there is no dismissal of the previous team.

Scoops or skulls

In many military units, the non-statutory ranks “Cherpak” and “Skull” have already been abolished

Around the 200th day of service, the soldier becomes a “skull”. Another name for this position is “scoop”. The name is chosen depending on the rules established in the part.

This period is characterized by making the soldier's life easier. He experiences less control from older employees, and his responsibilities to them are practically reduced to zero. Personal freedom appears, and the former hardships of army life begin to be endured more and more easily.

Previously, the title “skull” in the Russian Army was one of the main ones, along with “grandfather” and “elephant”. However, in 2008, due to a shorter service life, the direct need for it simply disappeared. Therefore, at the moment, soldiers in many units become “grandfathers” immediately after the rank of “elephant”.


In the army, this non-statutory rank is given to those soldiers who transferred from a previous conscription. Thus, they are old-timers in the barracks, remaining in this rank until they are transferred to the reserve.

Transfer to the rank of “grandfather” cannot occur without the corresponding desire of the serviceman. Usually we are talking about hitting a soft spot with a stool, so refusal in this case can be quite justified.

Some soldiers become “grandfathers”, having risen to certain military ranks and having personnel under their command. It is believed that if the “grandfather” has accumulated a lot of negativity during his service, this will certainly be reflected in the “smells” arriving at the unit.

In most cases, the order comes twice a year, 100 days before the soldier's term of service ends. And despite the fact that hazing in the modern army is no longer as obvious as before, some of its features have still been preserved.


Dembel is the most long-awaited non-statutory rank for a soldier

This is a kind of pinnacle of the army hierarchy operating in the modern army. A soldier becomes demobilized when the corresponding order from the Ministry of Defense is issued. The rank is retained until the moment when the soldier is presented with a military ID by the battalion commander.

In some units there is the following tradition: demobilizers acquire personal “spirits” before the end of their service. As a rule, the latter’s duties include bringing the demobilizer a cigar on which is written the number of days until the end of the service.

When transferring to this rank, there is also a kind of ritual. However, he is much more loyal than in previous cases. Thus, cuffs to the future “demobilizer” are applied with thread. And this is done through a layer of mattresses. At the same time, the soldier must pretend to be in incredible pain. This ritual is not present in all parts.

The main duty of a demobilizer is to complete his service with dignity. As a rule, soldiers of this rank are offered so-called “demobilization chords.” We are talking about the opportunity to do something useful for the unit in which the demob served.

A very important step is preparing the form. No one forbids a soldier to go home in civilian clothes, but many soldiers want to appear before their relatives in all their glory, showing them all the insignia.

What has changed in recent years

At the moment, the transition between ranks is not so noticeable. This is explained primarily by the short service period. It should be noted that in some units the military jargon described above is completely absent, and such army traditions are not given much importance.

Sometimes platoons consist exclusively of soldiers of the same conscription, led by contract sergeants. Thus, army traditions are gradually becoming relics of the past. However, in some units, soldiers, no matter what, remain loyal to them.

“Grandfather”, of course, will not wash the floors - this is generally a bummer. And in principle, any burdensome work is not for him. “Grandfathers” do not go for morning exercises, do not rush to jump from the upper tiers of beds in the barracks at the command “Company, rise!” Firstly, only “dushars” and “bespontovnye” “scoops” sleep upstairs. Secondly, the “grandfather” is “supposed” to be slow due to his service life - others should “take care” for him, he jumped back. “Grandfathers” are trying to take “warm” places in the army - they are privateers, grain cutters.

In the Soviet army, “grandfathers” could be unmistakably distinguished by their appearance. Appearance is the “grandfather’s” passport, his indispensable attribute. A self-respecting “grandfather” will never look “spiritual.” Distinctive features, which were supposed to indicate the highest social status of a conscript, were present in almost every item of clothing and footwear of an old-time serviceman. The buckle of the leather belt, which is certainly curved inward, shines, polished with “goyim paste”, like a mirror in the sun. The cockade on the cap (in the cold season - on the hat) is curved in the same way as the belt badge. The hat itself is a “bucket” (a special form of the “grandfather’s” headdress, obtained after equipping the hat with special inserts and subsequent ironing).

“Paradka” - a dress jacket - immaculately ironed and new (more often - “wrung out” from the “spirit”). It should have all the badges that it is possible to get - from Komsomol to Guards. The uniform is cotton, like the overcoat (peacoat) - sewn. Boots - cowhide, shortened, heels cut to a cone, with horseshoes. Hairstyle - forelock in front, according to the rules in back, with edging. In winter, under cotton - “louse” (sweater or something else, also non-statutory, but warm).

“Hemming” (collar) - no standard “dukhov” ones, just a snow-white piece of a torn sheet or pillowcase neatly folded in several layers, preferably almost as thick as a finger - this is a special chic. The “grandfather” is hemmed (or rather, the “spirits” are hemmed) only with black thread. “Grandfathers” - “demobilization” (soldiers and sergeants after the order of the Minister of Defense on the demobilization of their conscription) wear an embroidered “DMB” sign on the “file”.

Dressing style: hat (cap) - on the back of the head, the top button on the jacket - unbuttoned, a cotton hook is not used at all. Boots - accordion. The belt hangs on... (on personal belongings, let's say so).

The “correct” “grandfather” does not chase away “spirits” - this is the lot of the “scoopers”. “Grandfathers” also try not to go to the canteen - food should be carried to them by “spirits” “Grandfather” - “demobilization” with thoughts already “there”, in civilian life. He gives his breakfast butter to the “spirits”, and he finishes putting his carnival demobilization uniform in order.

This word does not mean at all what our ears are accustomed to in civilian life. The expression “scoop” in the army means such a stage in the military service of a soldier when the second shift of grandfathers leaves from the moment of his conscription, and he remains “at the helm” along with the senior conscription, which, when he was his “spirit,” accounted for the bulk of the work, in including servicing grandfathers.

Psychologically, this results in the following picture: for the first year, a soldier lives in an atmosphere of constant psychological pressure both from officers and warrant officers, and, what is immeasurably more important, from senior conscripts and non-commissioned officers. After all, for a soldier there are two lives: under the eye of the command (day) and in the barracks under the eye of the collective (night); they are very different. Life in the barracks and among one’s own people is usually associated with the greatest hassle, humiliation, and deprivation. If punishment from officers is episodic in nature and often does not occur immediately, then punishment from colleagues comes immediately, always and inevitably, even for the smallest offense (among your own you are always visible); it is inevitable, and can be extended over time, and hit the psyche again and again. But the worst thing is that the punishment here, even for completely minor offenses, is quite noticeable. However, actions are insignificant only from the point of view of a sane person or a civilian, far from military life. In the army, a person is deprived of the overwhelming majority of benefits, therefore, the most insignificant benefits from the point of view of the snickering layman, as well as non-standard improvements to existing publicly accessible objects (a special large file, a patch on a uniform, a tattoo) due to the standardization of everything around him, turn out to be desirable and incredibly important for him, become literally the meaning of life. For such little things in life, a struggle unfolds that is monstrous in cruelty and psychologism.

So a soldier in the army in the first year of service is in a state of constant psychological stress: he is deprived of even minor benefits available in the army (grandfathers take cookies for lunch, copters take a new uniform), he is not allowed to improve the available things - any improvement is met with hostility (they say , according to service life is not required); humiliated, forced to serve their grandfathers and provide them with a luxurious life by army standards; They are severely punished even for the most minor offenses and mistakes (the punishment is disproportionately stronger than the offense), and both with and without guilt. What can I say, they simply humiliate and mock me, beat me to prevent protest. In general, a person is subject to strong and constant psychological pressure.

And now imagine the state of such a person when a senior conscript leaves, and he finds himself freed from this constant psychological pressure. A person gets too used to it, becomes very flexible - it is easy to put pressure on him, so he now comes under pressure from officers and warrant officers, who use him as a buffer when implementing the order. The desire to get more is replaced by a thirst to maintain what has been achieved, so the pressure does not completely disappear, but weakens and takes on a different form; the soldier is now not so humiliated and, against the background of the young people who have appeared, he feels like a king. But for now, he is in shock from the grace that has fallen on him and hastily begins to make up for what he has been deprived of for so long: scoop, scoop and scoop again - with all the fibers of the soul and all parts of the body. Hence this word: “scoop”.

Scoops usually behave worse than their grandfathers with young people, since they have just reached a new level of social status and have not yet had time to get used to it. They are also less disciplined than their grandfathers, since they are far from demobilization, and they are not yet concerned about the upcoming problem of dismissal and the expectation of civilian life, while grandfathers, on the contrary, not only settle down, but also strive to curry favor so that they will be dismissed at least for several days ahead of schedule (the unit commander has the right to add up to 5 days to the vacation).

A separate topic is the relationship between grandfathers and scoops. In general, grandfathers protect the young from the atrocities of the scoopers, sometimes even clashing with the latter. Therefore, if the scoopers try to puzzle the young people with something, they do it very carefully so as not to get caught: a strong and respected grandfather will not let even the scoopers down for such insubordination.

The scoopers try in every possible way to get away from work and at the same time remain in their right according to collective laws; Usually they work only when the grandfathers themselves work.

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