Ossetian kefir flatbreads with cheese. Round, large flatbread. Ossetian Pie. Ossetian pies with cheese and herbs in a frying pan

Step-by-step recipes for preparing Ossetian pies in the oven with cheese: traditional with two types of cheese and herbs, quick with one type of cheese, ualibakh with suluguni, sour cream and herbs, Mozzarella cheese, feta cheese and cottage cheese, cheese and milk

2018-02-01 Irina Naumova





In 100 grams of the finished dish

11 gr.

12 gr.


21 gr.

247 kcal.

Option 1: Classic recipe for Ossetian pies in the oven with cheese

Ossetian pie stuffed with cheese is called “Ualibakh”. Delicious and tender pastries with juicy filling in soft dough. Traditionally prepared with yeast dough, to which eggs are not added. The dough is kneaded with various ingredients: water, milk, kefir or butter. Before baking, pies are greased with butter, not eggs. The cheese must be brined, for example, it can be: Ossetian, Armenian “Chanakh”, Suluguni, feta cheese or fetax. Traditionally, Ossetian pies are served as a complement to main dishes, like bread.


  • five hundred grams of wheat flour;
  • teaspoon salt;
  • one hundred grams of drained butter for dough;
  • fifty grams of oil drain for lubrication;
  • three hundred grams of Adyghe cheese;
  • four sprigs of dill;
  • four sprigs of parsley;
  • five grams of dry yeast;
  • three hundred ml of kefir;
  • three hundred grams of cheese;
  • three sprigs of cilantro.

Step-by-step recipe for Ossetian pies in the oven with cheese

Sift the flour into a large container, add dry yeast, salt and mix.

Melt the butter, mix it with kefir and pour it into a container with flour, salt and yeast.

In this case you need to knead the dough. It should turn out pleasantly soft and almost fluid.

Cover it with a clean kitchen towel and place it in a warm, draft-free place for two hours.

During the specified time, the dough will rise, acquire greater elasticity, and become more porous and airy.

It needs to be pulled out of the container, kneaded a little with your hands and divided into three equal parts.

As mentioned above, for real Ossetian pies, pickled cheese is used. Ossetian is often used in Ossetia, but it is difficult to find in other regions. It can be replaced, for example, with feta cheese and Adyghe cheese. If you take suluguni, the filling will be more viscous. The main thing is to focus on the saltiness of the cheese. If it is very salty, you can soak it in milk for several hours.

Grind in a blender or on a grater or by hand.

Now we form a flat cake from each part of the dough, and a filling in the middle. Moreover, there should be as much of it as there is dough, or even a little more.

We gather the edges of the dough up and fasten them so that the filling is not visible. Now make a small depression in the middle with your hands, and then gently knead the portion into a flat cake. First do it with your hands, then you can help yourself with a rolling pin. The main thing is to act carefully so as not to tear the delicate dough.

Make a small hole in the middle - steam will escape through it during baking.

Preheat the oven to 250 C and cook for about seven minutes. Ossetian pies are prepared quickly. Line a baking sheet or pan with parchment.

Important: the pies are not brushed with egg before baking.

Since the pies are baked one at a time, after removing from the oven, each one is greased with butter.

The pies are laid out one on top of the other. The finished baked goods are cut into four parts.

Note: traditionally Ossetian pies are prepared in quantities of three. Four or any even number is reserved for mourning events.

Option 2: Quick recipe for Ossetian pies in the oven with cheese

To simplify and speed up the process of preparing Ossetian pies, you can use a dough mixer and a bread maker to raise the dough. By the way, you can simplify the formation of a pie: the dough for one pie is divided into two parts, the bottom is made from one, then the filling is put in and covered with a second piece of dough. All that remains is to seal the edges and bake. This method is also relevant for those who cannot stretch a flatbread with filling without tearing it. We will still add an egg to this dough.


  • one and a half cups of wheat flour;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • one table l drain the butter for the dough;
  • one and a half teaspoons of dry yeast;
  • chicken egg;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a third teaspoon of sugar;
  • four hundred grams of Adyghe cheese;
  • two tablespoons of kefir for one serving of filling;
  • several sprigs of dill;
  • one tablespoon drain oil to serve.

How to quickly cook Ossetian pies in the oven with cheese

Traditionally, eggs are not added to the dough for Ossetian pies. But many housewives are accustomed to making dough with eggs, so we offer this option.

Pour milk into a bowl, put a piece of butter. Break the egg into another bowl, add salt to it and mix.

Combine the sifted flour with sugar and yeast, pour in the egg and milk mixture and stir in the dough mixer.

At first the dough turns out liquid, don’t let this bother you.

Lubricate your hands with vegetable oil and begin to knead the dough without adding more flour. It will turn out soft and sticky.

If you have a dough mixer, use it.

Place in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours.

You can also use a bread machine for proofing and kneading.

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Adyghe cheese is not very salty, so the filling can be additionally salted at your discretion.

Add chopped dill and stir. A small amount of kefir is also added to the filling to make it juicier.

The dough we kneaded is enough for two Ossetian pies. Therefore, we divide it into two parts at once.

Dust the work surface with flour, place the dough and stretch it into a flat cake with your hands. Fill it with half of the prepared filling.

Note: For real Ossetian pies there should be as much filling as the dough itself.

We fasten the edges of the cake first in the form of a knot, and then press it again into a large cake - our future pie.

Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment, seam side down. Make a small hole and bake at 250 C for ten minutes.

The finished pie is generously greased with butter and served to guests.

Option 3: Ossetian pies in the oven with Suluguni cheese, sour cream and herbs

In this version, the filling will consist of one type of cheese, sour cream and herbs. We knead the dough in water with dry yeast without eggs, as is done by real Ossetian housewives.


  • a quarter liter of warm water;
  • one tbsp dry yeast;
  • thirty ml grows oil;
  • a quarter teaspoon of salt;
  • five hundred grams of flour.

For filling:

  • seven hundred grams of suluguni;
  • a glass of fat sour cream;
  • table l flour;
  • a mixture of cilantro and parsley;
  • two tablespoons drained oil for greasing pies.

Step by step recipe

Pour dry yeast into a large bowl and add warm water. Stir until completely dissolved.

Add salt, pour oil, stir. Flour is added in small batches, while kneading the dough.

Cover the resulting bun with a towel or film and place in a warm place for an hour.

Divide the finished dough into six portions. We form balls from each.

Sprinkle the work surface with flour, distribute it and lay out the balls. Cover with cling film and leave for another twenty minutes.

In another bowl, mix sour cream and coarsely grated cheese. Add a little salt, add flour and stir.

Add chopped herbs and mix the filling again.

Immediately preheat the oven to 250 C; Ossetian pie is traditionally baked in a very hot oven for a short amount of time.

Stretch each ball of dough into a flat cake, put a sixth of the entire filling into each ball. It will be more convenient to make a ball of the filling and place it in the middle of the cake.

Make a knot by gluing the edges tightly together. You can help yourself with a rolling pin and gently flatten the bundle into a flat cake.

Place baking paper on a baking sheet or mold or grease the first pie with butter.

Make an indentation in the center with your knuckle.

Bake the first pie for five to seven minutes. Grease the finished Ossetian pie with butter.

Now prepare the rest of the pies. After coating with oil, stack them on top of each other.

As a result, we get six delicious walibahs.

Option 4: Ossetian pies in the oven with Mozzarella cheese, feta cheese and cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is also placed in Ossetian ualibakh; it complements the cheese filling well. Now we will put mozzarella, feta cheese and cottage cheese along with herbs.


  • three hundred grams of wheat flour;
  • two hundred ml of warm water;
  • four tablespoons of olive oil;
  • teaspoon dry yeast;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • one and a half teaspoons of sugar.

For filling:

  • one hundred grams of mozzarella;
  • one hundred and fifty grams of feta cheese;
  • one hundred grams of cottage cheese;
  • half a bunch of parsley;
  • half a bunch of green onions;
  • drain the butter to grease the pies.

How to cook

Pour warm water into a large container, add yeast, salt and sugar - stir well.

Add flour in a thin stream and knead the dough with the addition of olive oil.

The result is soft and elastic dough. We send it to a warm place for half an hour.

Grate the mozzarella and mash the cheese with a fork along with the cottage cheese. Mix everything together with chopped herbs.

Add salt to taste.

From the prepared dough we form three identical balls. We do the same with the filling.

We make flat cakes from the dough balls, fill them with filling, gather the edges and seal them. Turn the bundle over, seam side down, flatten it into a flat cake with your hands, and then stretch it or roll it into a pie with a rolling pin. The thickness should not exceed a centimeter.

Let's make two more pies.

Now the pies are baked one by one in the oven at 200 C for seven minutes.

Each is greased with plenty of butter. The pies are placed on top of each other.

Option 5: Ossetian pies in the oven with cheese and milk

Now the filling will consist of one type of pickled cheese and milk. Also, if the cheese is salty, it is traditionally soaked in milk.


  • five hundred grams of any cheese of your choice (Suluguni, fetax, feta cheese, Chanakh);
  • one hundred ml of milk.

For the test:

  • five hundred grams of flour;
  • three hundred fifty ml of water;
  • six grams of dry yeast;
  • teaspoon sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • one and a half tablespoons of growing oil;
  • fifty grams of oil drain.

Step by step recipe

Traditionally, the cheese is soaked in milk for three to four hours to remove the salt. You can shorten this time a little. If your cheese is not that salty, you can skip this step.

Add yeast, salt and sugar to the sifted flour. Stir and add warm water. Mix everything again until smooth along with odorless vegetable oil.

Knead the dough and send it to a warm place for an hour.

Divide the dough into two balls and leave them for ten minutes.

Mash the cheese, pour in milk and divide into two parts.

Form each portion of dough into a flat cake using your hands. We put a ball of filling into it and fasten the edges in the form of a knot.

Turn over and press with your hands, and then roll out into a pie with a rolling pin. Do this carefully so that there are no breaks in the dough.

Make the second pie in the same way.

The temperature in the oven should be maximum, from 250 C. The pies are baked for five to seven minutes until golden brown.

While they are hot, grease them with butter and serve.

Step-by-step recipes for Ossetian flatbreads with cheese, minced meat, potatoes, cottage cheese, chicken

2018-05-26 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

7 gr.

8 gr.


30 gr.

218 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Ossetian flatbreads with potatoes and cheese

One of the most successful filling options. It is Ossetian flatbreads that most often combine potatoes and cheese. The end result is an incredibly tasty and satisfying dish. Flatbreads can be used instead of bread, served with main dishes and even with tea. We choose the cheese for the filling according to your taste, ideally it is suluguni. These flatbreads are prepared exclusively in a dry frying pan. To prevent them from drying out and turning out soft, it is advisable to cover them.


  • 370 g flour;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 120 g cheese;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 50 ml milk;
  • 10 g sugar;
  • black pepper, salt;
  • 1 tsp. yeast;
  • 1 egg;
  • 130 ml kefir.

Step-by-step recipe for classic Ossetian flatbreads

First we make the dough for the scones. It is in this version with yeast, add it to warm milk along with sugar. Leave for five minutes. Then add the egg, beat a little, add warmed kefir. Stir, add flour and cover. Leave for 50 minutes.

Cook peeled and cut into pieces potatoes. Drain the water, season with spices, and make a puree. Cool, add grated cheese. Mix.

Has the dough risen? Divide it into four pieces and roll each into a flat cake. Poke potatoes and cheese into the central parts. We lift the edges, collect them into a pile, and glue them into a bun. Turn it over to the other side and now carefully roll out the cake. Make the thickness from 0.5 to 1 cm.

Place one flatbread in a frying pan, cover and fry on a dry surface for three minutes. Then turn over and cook for about another 3-4 minutes. Remove and grease with butter. Let's prepare the rest of the Ossetian flatbreads.

You can not fry these Ossetian flatbreads in a frying pan, but place them on a baking sheet and bake at 220 degrees. After cooking, it is also advisable to cover the hot product with butter.

Option 2: Quick recipe for Ossetian flatbreads

This recipe is for Ossetian flatbreads made with kefir and soda. The dough will sit no longer than the filling is prepared. A very convenient and simple option for products with cheese. There is no need to boil anything. We take a lot of greens, you can introduce other types, not just onions and dill.


  • 250 ml kefir;
  • 500 g flour;
  • 0.5 tsp soda;
  • 250 g cheese;
  • 50 g dill;
  • 40 g green onions.

How to cook quickly

For flatbreads, you can replace kefir with yogurt. We take a warm product. Add soda and salt to it, mix. This is an egg-free option. Just add flour and make a dough. Not sticky, but soft, light, knead it thoroughly and immediately divide it into three parts.

Grate the cheese, chop the herbs and combine. You can pepper the filling, but do not add salt. Stir thoroughly. If the cheese mass is sticky, then you can immediately mold three balls for three flat cakes.

Flatten or roll out the dough, add the filling and hide it inside. We make a strong ball, carefully pinch the edges. Roll out into a flat cake. We do this carefully, trying not to tear it.

Place the tortillas with cheese one at a time in a frying pan and simply fry. At home, it is better to cover the dishes, then the crust will not be dry and dense, and the product will delight you with its softness. Cook over low heat for about five minutes on each side. If desired, grease the cakes. They are usually stacked on top of each other.

Such flatbreads can be prepared not only with cheese, but also with the addition of boiled potatoes, eggs, and sometimes grated sausages or a little sausage. These additives not only change the taste, but also increase the satiety of the dish.

Option 3: Ossetian flatbreads with minced meat

Another yeast version of Ossetian flatbreads, but with meat filling. Minced meat is used here. You can mix pork with beef or veal, add some poultry and lamb. In general, we make the filling to your taste. This recipe is for the oven. The cakes are baked on a baking sheet, which must be greased or covered with a sheet of parchment or a mat.


  • 0.5 tbsp. water;
  • a glass of kefir;
  • 0.8 kg minced meat;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 onions;
  • 60 g oil for lubrication;
  • 25 ml butter into the dough;
  • 8 grams of yeast;
  • bulb;
  • salt;
  • 1 tsp. coriander

How to cook

Since the dough is made with kefir and yeast, water must be added to it. Dissolve all the yeast in half a glass of liquid and add a teaspoon of sugar. Give it about ten minutes to activate and let the mixture sit. Sometimes a spoonful of flour is added, which is not prohibited.

Combine the yeast with heated kefir and oil, mix, add flour, which can be immediately sifted into the mass. Let's make the dough. Leave until the first rise for about an hour and a half.

In the meantime, you can make minced meat. Finely chop the onion and garlic and combine with the twisted meat. Here the recipe uses coriander for the dressing. But you can add other spices to your taste; a mixture of peppers is perfect. Be sure to add salt. Stir the minced meat thoroughly.

If the dough has risen, then it’s time to divide it into three lumps. We round each one, roll it out, lay out the minced meat and make a regular flatbread, as in the recipes above. We try to roll it out very thinly, but not tear it.

Transfer the cake to a baking sheet and make a hole on top. It is needed because the meat juice will produce steam, which needs to escape somewhere. Bake for twenty minutes at 200 degrees. In the meantime, roll out the next flatbread. After cooking, immediately grease the hot product with oil to soften the crust.

These flatbreads turn out amazingly tasty, if you add a little grated pumpkin to the meat filling, you can also add zucchini. If there is not enough minced meat, a large amount of onion will perfectly increase the mass and dilute the ingredient; it is advisable to lightly fry it in a frying pan.

Option 4: Ossetian flatbreads with chicken

A hearty and very tasty version of Ossetian flatbreads, which uses chicken breast and some potatoes. The yeast dough is made with yogurt; it needs to stand for about one hour.


  • a glass of curdled milk;
  • half a glass of water;
  • chicken breast;
  • two potatoes;
  • two onions;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 0.55 kg flour;
  • 1 tsp. yeast.

Step by step recipe

Dissolve the yeast in water, leave for a couple of minutes, add yogurt and flour. Knead a simple dough, leave for an hour until slightly risen.

Chop the onion and breast, put half the oil in the frying pan. Fry these ingredients. Boil the potatoes, cool, peel and grate. Add to the chicken, season the filling with salt, pepper, and stir thoroughly.

Divide the dough into four parts. If you want small cakes, you can make small lumps. Roll up the pieces, lay out the filling, glue the edges and roll out. Place in a frying pan and fry until done. Lubricate with remaining oil.

Using the same principle, you can prepare the filling with boiled meat, which could be left over, or with fish, everything will work out great too.

Option 5: Ossetian flatbreads with cottage cheese

You can prepare flatbreads not only with cheese, but also with regular cottage cheese. We choose a fatty and soft product, in this case you will get a very tender and tasty filling. Quick dough using soda without eggs.


  • 500 g cottage cheese;
  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • 6 g soda;
  • 1.5 cups kefir;
  • 0.5 tbsp. water;
  • 4 tbsp. flour;
  • 40 g butter.

How to cook

Let's make the dough. To do this, add half a teaspoon of soda to kefir, add salt, stir, and then add flour. If you wish, you can pour a couple of tablespoons of oil into the Ossetian dough, the taste will be a little better. Immediately divide the mass into four lumps, round and set aside for five minutes.

Salt the cottage cheese, you can pepper it, knead it well with a fork. You can add an egg to the filling or add sour cream to make the mass softer, season with herbs. Mix well and visually divide into four parts.

Roll out the dough a little, spread out the cottage cheese with herbs, collect the edges of the flatbread, and pinch it. Heat up the frying pan. Roll out the bun with cottage cheese and send it to fry. You can cook these flatbreads in oil, they are also tasty, but more often they are cooked on a dry surface. Grease with butter immediately as soon as the products are removed from the pan.

If you have cheese at home, you can add it to the cottage cheese; you can use several types; even leftover slices from the table will do.

Delicious and aromatic Ossetian pies - the best recipes.

Ossetian pie with cheese

The main products of Ossetian cuisine are meat and Ossetian cheese. And the most respected dishes are pies. The pies are filled with potatoes, pumpkin, cabbage, wild garlic, beet tops, meat, cheese.

On major national and family holidays, three pies are served on the table. And next to them are three ribs from a sacrificial animal. This is a symbol of the three elements - earth, water and sun. One pie with meat, the second with potatoes, the third with beet leaves and cheese.

Ossetian cheese is made from goat, sheep, buffalo, cow's milk or a mixture of them. An essential component of cheese is rennet. This is the washed and dried part of the stomach of a calf or lamb. Nowadays, rennet is often replaced with pepsin. You can buy it in a store or pharmacy.

Sour cream or even yogurt at room temperature is poured into lukewarm milk and pepsin is dripped in. If it is in tablets, the tablets are pressed first.

Place the dishes in a warm place for an hour or two. A cheese curd forms. They cut it into pieces and wait for it to settle. The mixture is slightly heated. Use a large wooden spoon to remove the clots, and the rest through a cotton cloth. Place the cheese on a cloth in a colander and place it on a wire rack over a basin. On the 5th day the cheese will ripen.

Cheese whey also comes into play. The cheese whey dough turns out very tasty. There are a lot of fillings in Ossetian pies, but the pie itself is thin. Thick dough is a bad housewife.

In order to prepare three Ossetian cheese pies, you will need:

Flour - 7 cups
milk - 2 cups
kefir or whey (especially cheese) - 1 cup
dry yeast - 2 tbsp.
sugar - 1 tsp.
salt - half tsp.
Ossetian cheese - 1 kg
vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
butter - to taste
greens - to taste

How to cook three Ossetian pies with cheese:

1. Sift the flour. Pour milk, kefir or whey (at room temperature) into it. Add yeast, salt, sugar. Knead the soft dough.
2. Mash the cheese. If it is low-fat, add butter to it. You can add greens.
3. Divide the dough into three parts. Roll each one thick. It will work out finer later. Place quite a bit of filling on each tortilla. Do not reach the edge by three centimeters. Gently stretch the edges of the cake. Gather the edges to make a circle. Now use your hands to form a pie 1.5 cm thick. That's thin! Remember about a good housewife?
4. Make a small hole in the middle of each pie.
5. Bake the pies on a greased baking sheet. First - on the lower level, then - on the upper one at 200 ° C until golden brown.
6. Grease the finished pies generously with butter.

Ossetian pies are served in stacks of three. (Sun, earth, water). Each pie is cut into 8 pieces.

Bon appetit!

Ossetian chicken pie

What you need to make Ossetian chicken pies:

Flour - 400 g
dry yeast - 1 tsp.
egg - 1 pc.
milk - 100 g
kefir - 300 g
butter - 30 g (preferably melted)
vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
sugar - 1 tsp.
chicken (leg) - 800 g
Ossetian cheese - 300 g
mushrooms - 100 g
onions - 3 pcs.
carrots - 1 pc.
cilantro - 1 bunch
thyme - 1 bunch
half a pod of red hot pepper
black pepper - 6 peas
salt to taste

How to cook Ossetian chicken pie:

1. Place yeast, sugar and a little flour in warm milk or water. As soon as the dough rises, pour in kefir at room temperature, melted butter, egg, salt and flour. Knead the dough. It should be elastic and mobile. Cover the dough with a cloth and place in a warm place for an hour to an hour and a half.
2. Boil the chicken. Add onion, carrots, hot peppers and peppercorns to the broth. Of course, you will then use the broth for the soup. But leave a few spoons. You will add them to the pie for richness.
3. Separate the meat from the bones and finely chop.
4. Fry onions with mushrooms. Add them to the chicken. Add herbs, cheese and 2-3 tablespoons of broth. Check for salt and mix well.
5. Divide the dough into three parts. Make thick flatbreads. Place a third of the filling on each. Gather the edges of the tortillas into a circle. Pinch. Now start kneading each ball from the middle to the edges to make a thin cake. Make a hole in it or cut the dough into a beautiful design.
6. Bake the pies on a floured or greased baking sheet. Bake on the lower level for 10 minutes. Another 10 are on average. Oven temperature – 200 °C.
7. Grease the finished pies generously with melted butter.

Bon appetit!

Ossetian pie with cabbage

Hospitality for Ossetians is more than a pleasant custom. A person who violates the laws of hospitality disgraces not only himself. The entire family and immediate namesakes were disgraced.

If an enemy (blood member) came to the house and managed to say “I am your guest,” the law of hospitality fully applies to him. Protecting the guest from the attacks of his enemies is included in the concept of hospitality.

The name of a mountaineer, distinguished by his special hospitality, becomes known far beyond the borders of his village.

And, of course, the guest will be treated to Ossetian pies. By the way, only women bake pies. Putting your hands in the dough is humiliation for a man.

Pies are baked with a variety of fillings. One of the fillings is cabbage with cheese.

In order to bake Ossetian pies with cabbage, you will need:

Flour - 4 cup
dry yeast - 1 tsp.
sugar - 1 tsp.
milk - 1 glass
vegetable oil - 5 tbsp.
cabbage - 900 g
Ossetian cheese - 600 g (no Ossetian? Vary - feta cheese, Adyghe, Suluguni, local goat, etc.)
butter (preferably melted) - for greasing the pies and put the melted butter on the table - dip the pies
salt to taste

How to bake Ossetian pies with cabbage:

1. Dissolve yeast and sugar in a small amount of warm water. Add a handful of flour, stir well, wait until bubbles appear. Add more warm water up to 1 cup. Sift the flour in a heap. Pour the yeast and warm milk into the hole in the middle. The dough should be soft and moveable, so add a little more warm water if necessary. Knead the dough with your hands greased with vegetable oil. Cover with a towel and set aside in a warm place to rise.
2. Finely chop the cabbage, simmer it in a frying pan without a lid for 10 minutes. Stir. Add a little water and cover the cabbage with a lid. Simmer until the cabbage is soft.
3. Grate the cheese or simply shred it with your hands.
4. Combine cheese and cabbage. If necessary, add salt.
5. Divide both the filling and the dough into three parts. Roll out the dough a little. Place the filling in the middle. Gather the edges into a circle and pinch well.
6. Now start kneading the cake from the middle to the edges, turning it into a thin cake.
7. Make slits on the pie. Both for beauty and to let off steam.
8. Place the greased baking tray with the pies first on the lower rack of the oven at 220°C. In 10 minutes. You can pour a spoon or two of meat broth into the cut and raise the baking sheet to the middle level. Another 10 minutes and the pie is ready. The reference point is “blush”.
It’s good to have three identical pans or molds for baking Ossetian pies. Then press the pies into shape.
9. Grease the finished pies generously with melted butter. Ossetian pies are eaten with hands, dipped in melted butter.

Bon appetit!

Ossetian pie with mushrooms

Previously, pie dough was prepared using whey from Ossetian cheese. Now many housewives make dough with milk and kefir. And there was no yeast before.

And what? Do you know many recipes that have not changed over time? Every housewife makes some kind of flavoring additives. Classics are classics, and creativity is creativity. (Sometimes creativity is greatly facilitated by the presence, or more often the absence, of any food in the refrigerator.)

In order to prepare Ossetian mushroom pie, you will need:

Wheat flour - 400 g
dry yeast - 1 tsp.
milk - 100 g
sugar - 1 tsp.
kefir - 300 g (or cheese whey)
egg - 1 pc.
Ossetian cheese – 300 g
onions - 3 pcs.
mushrooms - 500 g
salt to taste
vegetable oil
butter, maybe ghee

How to cook Ossetian pie with mushrooms:

1. Knead the dough. To do this, dissolve yeast in warm milk, add sugar and a handful of flour. When the dough bubbles, pour in kefir at room temperature and beat in the egg. Add flour and with your hands greased with vegetable oil, knead the dough. Cover the dough and place in a warm place to rise. Once it fits, knead it 1-2 times.
2. Boil the mushrooms and cool. Cut and fry with onions in vegetable oil.
3. Mix mushrooms with cheese.
4. Divide the dough and minced meat into three parts. Stretch each piece of dough a little and place the filling in the middle. Carefully gather the edges of the dough to form a ball and pinch the edges.
5. Gently knead the ball from the middle to the edge so that it turns out to be a fairly thin cake. You need to stretch the cake very carefully. The dough tends to tear. If you bake in a mold, equalize the shape. Grease a pan or baking sheet with oil or dust with flour. Make a hole on top.
Of course, you can make a pie in a more conventional way, dividing each piece of dough into two unequal parts. More for the bottom cake, thinner for the top. Place the bottom flatbread on the pan, making sure to catch the edges. Top with minced meat, then the top flatbread. Roll it out with a rolling pin directly onto the frying pan and trim along the edges. Pinch figuratively.
6. Bake the pies at 200°C for 10 minutes first. at the lower level of the slab, then another 10 at the middle level.
7. Grease the pies with butter. Who likes ghee - ghee. Don’t forget: Ossetian pies are eaten with your hands. And they cut three together into seven parts.

Bon appetit everyone!

Ossetian potato pie

In order to prepare Ossetian potato pie, you will need:

Flour - 500 g
curdled milk or kefir - 250 ml
dry yeast - 1.5 tsp.
sugar - 1 tsp.
vegetable oil - 1.5 tbsp.
cottage cheese - 500 g
Ossetian cheese (or, at worst, feta cheese) - 200 g
potatoes - 6 pcs.
melted butter - 100 g
salt to taste

How to cook Ossetian potato pie:

1. First prepare the dough. Add yeast, sugar, yogurt or kefir (room temperature) to the sifted flour. Mix it all with some of the flour and let it ferment a little. Then add vegetable oil, salt and knead the dough. Your hands should also be lubricated with vegetable oil so that the dough does not stick to your hands. Cover the dough with a towel and set aside. The dough, like minced cutlets, can also be beaten on a table greased with oil. Both the dough and the minced meat become denser, but lighter.
2. Peel the potatoes, boil and mash.
3. Add cottage cheese and shredded cheese. Sprinkle with chopped dill. Add some salt. Mix everything well.
4. Divide the dough into three parts. Roll out each part lightly. Add the filling. Gather the edges of the cake and pinch in the middle. And now, from the middle to the edges, form a rather thin cake. Make a hole in the cake or cut a pattern.
5. On a greased or floured baking sheet, bake the pies at 200°C. First bake for 10 minutes. at the lower level, then another 10 at the middle level.
6. Grease the finished pie generously with melted butter. Cut three pies together into seven pieces.

Don’t forget - Ossetian pies are eaten with your hands, dipping them in melted butter.

Bon appetit!

Ossetian pie with meat

In Ossetian cuisine, special respect is given to cheese and meat. The meat is most often boiled. It was cooked in large pieces or even as a whole carcass. Well, barbecue, of course. The meat for the barbecue was not marinated. Ossetians (Alans) eat pork. (They are Christians, not Muslims. True, there is also a Muslim minority in Ossetia). Seasoning for meat is garlic sauce or wild garlic in sour cream or broth.

In our time, Ossetians have retained many of their table customs. The guest must be served three pies. And three pies are served on the festive table. The number three symbolizes the sun, earth and water.

But the Alans brought a lot to the culture. For example, previously they did not put fried foods (onions, carrots, tomatoes) into soup. And pies, the pride of the Ossetian people, used to be unleavened, made with water or whey from cheese. Now yeast, milk, kefir, margarine, and eggs are added to pies.

In order to prepare Ossetian meat pie, you will need:

Lean meat (it is best to take beef, lamb and some pork) - 1 kg
onion - 150 g
garlic - 4 cloves
ground black and hot red pepper - to taste
meat broth - half a glass
butter for greasing pies - 90 g
flour - 600 g
fresh yeast - 35 g or a tablespoon of dry yeast
egg - 1 pc.
sour cream - 2 tbsp.
kefir - 200 ml
milk - 100 ml
sugar - 1 tsp.
salt - to taste

How to cook Ossetian meat pie:

1. Dissolve the yeast in warm milk with a teaspoon of sugar. The dough should rise and bubble. Add sour cream, kefir, egg, salt to the dough. Make sure the food is at room temperature. Add flour little by little and knead the dough. Lubricate your hands with vegetable oil. Place the dough under a towel for an hour and let it rise.
It's easier with dry yeast. Sift the flour into a heap, pour in warm milk and sour cream. Beat in the egg. And add the yeast. Next - knead, and under the towel.
2. According to the rules, it is better to chop the meat finely. But even through a meat grinder is not bad. Onions and garlic are also there, it’s better after meat - it’s easier to clean the meat grinder.
3. Add peppers, salt and a few tablespoons of broth to the minced meat. Mix well. It’s better to also put it in the refrigerator so that the minced meat can brew.
4. Knead the dough 1-2 times and divide it into three parts. (Remember - three pies - sun, earth, water?) Use your hands to turn each part into a thin cake. Place minced meat on each flatbread. Better than a slide. Pinch the edges of the cake into the middle - into a pile. Now gently knead the cake from the center to the edges to make a flat and fairly thin cake. There must be holes in the pie. Make a pattern with a knife.
There is another option. In this case, divide the dough into 6 parts. Roll out three flat cakes thinner, three thicker.
Place the thicker ones on a greased round pan. Yes, so that the cake covers the edges of the mold. Place minced meat on the flatbread. Let's level it out. And on top is a rolled out thinner flatbread. Just make some nice cuts on it first. Now use a rolling pin to press the cake against the minced meat and the edges of the mold. Excess - cut off. Pinch the edges figuratively.
5. Grease a baking sheet with oil or dust with flour. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Place the pies on a baking sheet and bake on the lower level first. In 10 minutes. move them to a higher level. Bake for another seven minutes. Before placing it on a higher level (preferably medium), pour 2-3 tablespoons of broth into the pie.
6. Generously brush the finished pies with melted butter.

When serving, the pies are cut into seven pieces. They do not cut one at a time, but stacked one on top of the other. Pies are eaten only with your hands, dipping them in melted butter.

You can serve hot pepper sauce with kefir and garlic.

Bon appetit!

Ossetian kefir pies

Insanely delicious, aromatic Ossetian flatbreads! A great option to replace regular bread. They are prepared in the simplest way and quite quickly.

It should be noted that they go well with soups, vegetable stews, etc. However, just with tea, as a quick snack, they will perfectly satisfy your hunger and delight you with an interesting and unusual taste!

By the way, it should be noted that they leave a pleasant light aftertaste!

It is interesting to note that according to Ossetian traditions, the housewife, as a rule, bakes several large round pies at once, which are then coated with butter and stacked like pancakes. And for holidays they prepare only an odd number of such pies; on days of mourning, on the contrary, an even number.
But in everyday life, Ossetians most often make only three pies, which, in turn, symbolize the unity of sky, earth and sun.

However, we must admit that this is a slightly modified version of preparing Ossetian flatbreads, since according to the original recipe, real Ossetian cheese is used for their preparation. In this case, we will replace it with our favorite cheese. Believe me, the pies will turn out just as tasty and aromatic!

To prepare them we will need the following ingredients:

For the test:

Yeast – 7 g
flour – 500 g
vegetable oil - 1.5 tbsp.
kefir - 250 ml
chicken eggs – 1 pc.
sugar – 1 tsp.
water – 100 ml

For filling:

Potatoes – 5 pcs.
feta cheese – 600 g

How to cook Ossetian kefir pies:

1. First, let's prepare the dough. To do this, sift the flour, then divide it into two halves. And the first one we mix with yeast, kefir and sugar. Mix everything well, cover the top with some towel and leave for 1 hour.
2. After this, add the remaining flour, vegetable oil, water and egg. Knead the dough thoroughly (until its structure is homogeneous), and then divide it into 3 equal parts and roll each into a ball. Cover them again and let them sit for another 30 minutes.
3. Now let’s prepare the filling. Peel the potatoes and boil them until tender (do not add salt). After that we crush it into puree. Cut the cheese into small pieces and then grind in a blender. Add the cheese to the still warm mashed potatoes and mix thoroughly (it is the cheese that will give salt to this filling).
4. Now knead each ball of dough with your hands into small circles. Place 1/3 of the filling in the center of each circle, and then collect it again into a ball. Knead the filled balls with your hands into fairly large and flat discs. Then we make a puncture in the center of each.
5. Next, preheat the oven to 180°C. Place a sheet of parchment on a baking sheet and place one pie on it. Now bake each cake for about 20 minutes.

After the pies are ready, grease them with butter and place one on top of the other. Serve warm.

Bon Appetit everyone!

Ossetian spinach pie

Ossetian pie is a fairly popular treat today, which is distinguished by its spicy and very unusual taste. There are a large number of types (it all depends on the chosen filling). However, we suggest you prepare one of the most interesting options - Ossetian spinach pie, which is baked with the addition of green onions and cheese.

True, to be honest, this option is not so popular compared to other Ossetian pies with meat, cheese, beans, potatoes and cheese or a mixture of cheese and beet tops. But, believe me, such a pie deserves its attention!

By the way, according to tradition, Ossetians bake a certain number of pies on certain days (usually 3 cakes).

To prepare it we will need:

For the test:

Milk – 400 ml
dry yeast – 30 g
sugar – 50 g
vegetable oil – 50 g

For filling:

Spinach – 400-500 g
pickled cheese (brynza, Adyghe) – 300 g
green onion (feather)

How to cook Ossetian spinach pie:

1. First, let's prepare plastic dough for our future Ossetian pie. So, to do this, heat the milk a little, and then dissolve the yeast, salt and sugar in it. After we have mixed everything thoroughly (until it is homogeneous and the sugar is completely dissolved), add the flour, which must be sifted beforehand. Don't worry if your dough is not dense enough (later, when cutting, you can add more flour).
2. Next, put the bowl with the dough in some warm place, be sure to cover it with a towel, and forget about it for several hours. When the dough rises, mix it again and pour in the vegetable oil, then leave for another half hour.
3. While the dough is rising, in the meantime we will prepare the filling for our pie. To do this, take the spinach (don’t be alarmed that there is so much, it will then decrease in volume during the cooking process) and rinse it thoroughly under running water (and also remove all the bad leaves).
Since spinach itself is quite juicy, when we put it raw in the filling, we can end up with a wet pie. Therefore, even before starting cooking, it should be boiled for 3-4 minutes, then squeezed well and chopped with a knife. Or you can simply chop it and simmer it in a frying pan without a lid (adding vegetable oil). This way, excess moisture will be melted away, and the spinach will shrink in volume.
4. Now we knead our cheese (by the way, this can be feta, feta cheese, Adyghe or real Ossetian cheese, which is generally ideal), and then mix it with the cooled spinach. Then finely chop a few feathers of green onions, a couple of sprigs of dill and a sprig of savory. Add all these greens to the spinach with cheese and mix well (add a little salt to the filling if desired).
5. Divide the finished dough into three equal parts (remember that Ossetians customarily bake pies in odd numbers on holidays). Next, we take one part and first make a ball out of it, and then turn it into a flat cake. Place a large mound of filling in the center of this flatbread. We bring the edge of the cake to the center, lift the edges of the dough with the other hand, collecting them in the middle, and give the future cake the appearance of a bag. Having carefully secured the ends of the dough on top, we begin to give the pie the shape of a round cake.
Please note: in order for the cake to be thin enough and not torn, the cake can be immediately transferred to a frying pan lightly sprinkled with flour. And here we finally give it the appropriate size (which is equal to the diameter of the frying pan).
6. Now carefully make a small hole in the center of the cake (to allow steam to escape) and place it on a baking sheet covered with parchment. Place the pie in an oven preheated to 220 degrees and bake for 20 minutes (but you need to keep an eye on it, since the baking time will depend on both its size and the oven itself).

Grease the finished cake with melted butter and bake two more such cakes. Then, as is customary among Ossetians, we place the buttered pies one on top of the other. Serve them hot.

Bon Appetit everyone!

Ossetian pie with apples

Ossetians prepare their traditional pies with various fillings almost every day, because for them it is an everyday traditional food. However, during the holidays they also take pride of place on the table. The three pies on the platter symbolize the Earth, the Sun and God. Guests begin their meal with the pie, but initially read a prayer of thanks. By preparing an Ossetian pie, you will become familiar with the ancient Alan culture and experience all the subtleties of traditional Ossetian cuisine.

Apple pie is one of the most popular and favorite. For some they remind them of the taste of childhood, for others they simply like them, and for vegetarians and fasting people this is the only dish they can enjoy during a diet or strict fasting.

To prepare Ossetian apple pie, you will need:

For the test:

Milk – 1 l
egg – 1 pc.
egg yolks – 5-6 pcs.
sugar – 350 g
butter (margarine) – 300-350 g
alcohol (vodka) – 1.4 tbsp.
yeast – 20 g
salt - to taste
vanillin - to taste

For filling:

Apples – 1.2 kg
sugar – 100-150 g

How to cook Ossetian apple pie:

1. We use first or highest grade wheat flour, sift it and knead the dough with hot baked milk (preferably the milk temperature is about 70-80 degrees) so that no lumps form. Then beat everything until you get a homogeneous mass. Now let the dough cool to a temperature of 30-35 degrees.
2. Meanwhile, dilute yeast in warm milk in a bowl, add 1 or 2 tsp. sugar and place the bowl in a warm place.
3. When the yeast is ready, pour it into the dough, add softened butter, several egg yolks mixed with sugar, alcohol, vanillin, and salt. Knead soft dough. Cover with a damp kitchen towel to create heat.
4. When the dough has increased in volume by 2-3 times, knead it and cover it again with a towel. Again, wait until the dough rises, repeat this procedure 2 or 3 times. During the last such procedure, we lubricate our hands with ghee rather than using flour. Then we let the dough rise again and cut it into the necessary parts.
5. After this, roll out the dough and place it on a greased pan so that the edges of the cake hang over the edges of the pan.
6. Place the filling on our flatbread (chopped apples with sugar, or you can replace this filling with apple jam (600 grams)) and smooth it out with a knife.
7. Cover the pan with the second rolled out flatbread and cut off the excess dough.
8. The top can be decorated with various dough figures as desired. After this, put the cake in a warm place and let it rise to the edges of the pan.
9. Bake the pie in the oven over medium heat until done. We determine the readiness of the pie as follows: pierce the dough with a match, if there are no lumps of dough left on it, then the pie is ready.

Bon appetit!

Ossetian pumpkin pie

For centuries, the people of Ossetia have been preparing their traditional Ossetian pies with various fillings. Previously, such culinary products were prepared exclusively from unleavened dough (without yeast). A real Ossetian pie is considered to be a pie with a thin layer of dough and abundant, but not leaking, filling.

There are dozens of varieties of this dish. In their pure form they are made from Ossetian cheese (real Ossetian pies are made exclusively from it), these are precisely the pies that are prayer. They are also prepared with various fillings in which cheese is present as a component - pies with cabbage, potatoes, onions, beet leaves.

They also bake pies with pumpkin and bean fillings, with meat, and high-quality animal fat. The dough is currently kneaded according to different recipes, but the classic version is the most common and simple one - water, yeast, a pinch of salt and flour.

To make Ossetian pumpkin pie, you will need:

Flour – 2.5 tbsp.
butter – 100 g
pumpkin – 400 g
Ossetian cheese – 200 g
dry yeast – 3 tsp.
sugar – 1 tsp.
water – 1 tbsp.
ground black pepper - to taste
salt - to taste

For lubrication:
sunflower oil

For sprinkling:

How to cook Ossetian pumpkin pie:

1. Prepare the dough. Sift the flour and combine it with the yeast. Add sugar, salt, a glass of warm water. Knead the dough, cover with a damp kitchen towel and leave for 1-1.5 hours.
2. Grate the pumpkin pulp, Ossetian cheese (can be replaced with Adyghe or Suluguni cheese) and frozen butter on a coarse grater. Mix everything thoroughly, add salt and pepper.
3. When the dough has increased in volume by 2-3 times, knead it and cover it again with a towel. Again, wait for the dough to rise and repeat the procedure. We repeat this 2 or 3 times. During the last such procedure, without using flour, grease your hands with ghee. Then let the dough rise again and cut it into 4 parts. Roll them out to 1 centimeter thick. Place the filling in the middle of each flatbread. We connect the ends of the cake and turn it over with the seam down. Give the cake a round shape.
4. Cover the baking pans with parchment paper, grease with sunflower oil and sprinkle with flour. Place the pies in the pans, seam side down, and make several holes on top to allow steam to escape from the cake. Cover the molds with a towel and leave for 20-30 minutes for the pies to rise.
5. Heat the oven to 180 degrees, place the pans with pies and bake for half an hour.
6. Grease the finished hot pies with butter.

Bon appetit!

Ossetian pie with cottage cheese

Usually Ossetian pies are round in shape with a diameter of 30-35 centimeters. Baking such pies is not particularly difficult, but some experience and skill are still required. The pie should have a thin layer of dough, a rich and juicy filling that should not leak out.

There are many varieties of Ossetian pies; today I suggest you bake one with cottage cheese. Our filling is cottage cheese with herbs. Greens will add a characteristic pleasant aroma to the cottage cheese; it is not necessary to add it, but it is advisable. You can take a little fragrant mint, a bunch of basil, but I used dill and parsley in the recipe.

The consistency of the filling of our cottage cheese pie does not allow you to roll it out too much, but only to flatten the flatbread with the filling. To avoid tearing the dough and to prevent the filling from leaking out, you can prepare a festive version of the Ossetian pie. In this case, the filling is placed on the bottom thicker cake, and the top is covered with a thinner cake with holes.

Holes in an Ossetian pie are a must, at least one in the center; it can be made with your finger or cut with a knife. It is necessary for steam to escape, otherwise the cake will swell and look like a hollow ball, and the dough will be dry. Next, the edges of both cakes are sealed and the cake is baked.

I've made pies both ways.

To prepare Ossetian pie with cottage cheese, you will need:

For the test:

Dry yeast – 1 tsp.
milk – 1 tbsp.
granulated sugar – 1 tsp.
salt – 1 tsp.
flour – 2 tbsp.
Sunflower oil – 3 tbsp.
butter – 100 g

For filling:

Cottage cheese – 600 g
parsley – 25 g
dill – 25 g
egg – 1 pc.
ground black pepper

How to cook Ossetian pie with cottage cheese:

1. Prepare the dough. We dilute the yeast in warm milk, add salt and sugar. Pour in flour and knead the dough, then add sunflower oil. Knead the dough, cover with a damp kitchen towel and leave in a warm place for 1-2 hours until it has increased in volume several times.
2. Place the dough on a table sprinkled with flour. Form the dough into a ball. Roll out the ball into a thick cake.
3. Prepare the filling. Chop the greens. Grind the cottage cheese, add the egg, finely chopped herbs, salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly.
4. Place the filling on the rolled out flatbread. We connect the ends of the cake and turn it over with the seam down. Give the cake a round shape.
5. Grease a baking sheet with oil and place the flatbread on it, knead it until it becomes thin.
6. Make a hole in the center of the cake to allow steam to escape. Bake the pie in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes.
7. Grease the finished hot pie with butter. After about 50 minutes the cake becomes soft and tender.

Bon appetit!

Ossetian pie in a slow cooker

One of the delicious dishes for which the wonderful Ossetian cuisine is famous is pies. Ruddy pastries with a variety of fillings do not leave anyone indifferent! If initially Ossetian pies were prepared only from unleavened dough, then nowadays on the culinary pages you can see many recipes for preparing treats from yeast-based dough. And by experimenting with different fillings, you can present this dish in a new way every time.

So, today we will prepare an Ossetian pie in a slow cooker.

To prepare Ossetian pie in a slow cooker, you will need:

For the test:

Wheat flour – 2 tbsp.
milk – 100 ml
kefir – 100 ml
eggs – 1 pc.
sour cream – 1 tbsp. l.
butter – 1 tbsp. l.
fresh yeast – 15 g
sugar – 1/3 tsp.

For filling:

Suluguni cheese – 200 g

How to cook Ossetian pie in a slow cooker:

1. Heat the milk, pour it into a small bowl, add sugar and salt, stir well. When the sugar and salt crystals are completely dissolved, place the yeast mixture in a bowl and stir thoroughly so that no lumps remain. Gradually add part of the flour (pre-sifted) to the milk-yeast mixture, mix and place the dough in a warm place. The resulting mass should resemble pancake batter in consistency.
2. Melt the butter in a water bath or in the microwave, then cool.
3. Mix kefir (can be replaced with yogurt), sour cream and egg in a separate container. Leave the mixture for a while at room temperature or warm it up a little, since all these components should be warm by the time they are combined with the dough.
4. Mix the resulting mixture with the dough, gradually add the remaining flour, knead into a soft, elastic dough.
5. Place the finished dough in a bowl greased with a small amount of butter, cover with a clean kitchen towel and place in a warm place.
6. For the filling, grate the suluguni cheese, add a little salt, and mix.
7. Place the dough on a floured work surface and roll it into a flat cake the diameter of the multicooker bowl. Place the filling on top of the dough. Gently pinch the edges of the dough together to form a ball. Lightly press down the dough and filling to make the pie flatter. To prevent the dough from tearing under the influence of hot temperatures, make a small hole in the middle of the pie.
8. Place the pie in the multicooker bowl, select the “Baking” mode and cook the food for 30 minutes. After half an hour, open the slow cooker, carefully turn the cake over and bake for another 15 minutes.
9. After the sound signal indicates the end of cooking, remove the Ossetian pie from the bowl, transfer to a dish, generously grease with butter and serve.

As a filling for an Ossetian pie, you can use not only cheese, but also other products: potatoes, meat, beans, cabbage, pumpkin. By the way, you can combine all these products with cheese. The pie will turn out even tastier and more aromatic if you add finely chopped parsley, cilantro, and dill to the filling.

Bon appetit!

Ossetian pies - master class.

We will need:

For the test:

0.5 l. water or milk,
1 egg,
2 tsp. yeast,
vegetable oil,
flour, salt, sugar.

For filling:

Here it all depends on what kind of pies you are going to make (today we are making potato gin, walibah, kabuskajin)

potato gin(200 g potatoes, 150 g cheese),

walibah(350 grams of cheese),

I>kabuskajin (300-350 grams of stewed cabbage).

Knead regular yeast dough

Many people put the dough first - I don’t like it at all and I never put it on.
We heat the milk until lukewarm, add a little sugar (purely for yeast), and then add our yeast. Let it sit for a while (the yeast should completely dissolve). Next, add salt to taste, beat in an egg, add 150 grams of vegetable oil, and flour (as much as the dough will take - about 600 grams, maybe less). grease again with vegetable oil and leave to rise
To make the dough rise faster, I place the pan in a bowl of hot water.

An hour will pass and your dough is ready

Let's change it slightly and let it fit one more time.

As a result, you will have about 1100 g of dough. This is just enough for 3 pies.

While the dough is rising, prepare the filling.

A little about cheese.

You need homemade cheese (in Ossetia it is called “Ossetian”, in Saratov there is naturally no point in looking for such a thing, but here I found homemade cheese, which is called “brynza” here. The cheese should not be salted, or very lightly salted (agree You can always add some salt).

Potato gin.

Boil the potatoes, cool and grind through a meat grinder with cheese. If necessary, add some salt. There should be a pleasant salty taste (oversalting is not tasty).


Grind the cheese and also taste for salt (to taste).


We stew the cabbage in the most ordinary way, salt and pepper it. The pepper should feel good. Those who like it spicy can add a little finely chopped capsicum.

As my mother told me, for one pie we need the same amount of dough and filling (it turns out 350 grams of dough and 350 grams of filling).

Sprinkle the table with flour. Divide the dough into 3 parts and let it rise a little.
Lightly crush our dough balls and add the filling.

Carefully gather the dough around the filling into a bag. Pinch it well and leave it to stand for a while.

Then carefully press with your fingers, starting from the middle and towards the edges, forming a thin circle. We do everything carefully so that the dough does not tear (if the dough breaks, it means it was not proofed well).

Carefully transfer to a baking sheet and make a hole in the middle of the pie. Well, we put it in the oven. oven temperature is about 200*C.
The cake bakes very quickly. As soon as our pie begins to brown, take it out and grease it with butter.

These are the pies I made




Author VIPmama

In fact, there are many recipes for making cheese flatbreads, but the roots of this dish come from Caucasian cuisine. It was there that these pastries were first prepared.

Flatbreads with cheese are Ossetian, Imeretian, Megrelian, Georgian, Adjarian and so on. They all differ in shape and filling inside.

You can use any kind of flour: rice, wheat, corn, oatmeal. Two methods of temperature treatment are used: baking in the oven and or frying in a pan.

Often flatbreads are prepared without any filling and eaten instead of bread. In this case, it is recommended to add herbs to the dough to add additional flavor and add piquancy.

The dough can also be unleavened, rich or rye. It is often sprinkled with sesame seeds, flax seeds or sunflower seeds. Sometimes the flatbreads are coated with butter while still hot.

The dish will be perfect with fish, meat, ham or just vegetables, it all depends on what type of dough was used to prepare it.

Georgian khachapuri: step-by-step recipe

This dish in Georgia is called khachapuri. It is made from unleavened curd cheese with eggs. Khachapuri can be made from semi-finished dough purchased at the grocery store, or even lavash.

But to prepare real Georgian flatbreads with cheese, you will have to take the usual one-component ingredients and do everything yourself.

Mix warm kefir with sugar and salt. Instead of this fermented milk product, you can use yogurt, but matsoni is better. Add olive oil and add crushed flour in small batches.

At the end, add baking powder. If it is not there, you can replace it with baking soda, but do not extinguish it. Knead into a soft, plastic dough that should not be too stiff and filled with flour, cover with a bowl and leave to rest.

Any semi-hard or hard cheese is suitable for the filling: suluguni, feta cheese, Adyghe, Caucasian, but it must be slightly salted.

If you come across a dairy product with excess salt, mix it with farm cottage cheese in a 1:1 ratio. You can even mix several types of cheese at once. This will make the filling much tastier.

Divide the finished dough into ten approximately equal parts. We roll out one by one into thin layers, but so that they do not tear. Place the filling in the center and cover with the second half of the prepared dough.

We secure the edges tightly so that when it melts it does not leak out. Roll out with a rolling pin so that the cake is proportional.

Baking is carried out at 160° C, so we set the thermostat to this temperature. We cover the baking sheet with parchment and carefully, trying not to damage the product, place it at a distance from each other.

Brush the top with beaten egg. Bake for twenty minutes until a brownish, appetizing crust appears.

Take out the flatbreads and eat them hot right away. You can additionally prepare creamy or tomato sauce for them.

Flatbread with cheese on kefir, fried in a frying pan

Flatbreads made with cheese are found in almost every national culinary culture. They are characterized by ease of preparation and indescribable taste.


  • Flour – 0.5 kg;
  • Cheese – 300 g;
  • Salt, sugar - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Kefir – 200 ml;
  • Soda – 0.5 tsp;
  • Egg – 1 pc.;
  • Butter – 50 g;
  • Basil - a bunch.

Preparation: 70 minutes.

Calorie content: 287 Kcal/100 g.

Add salt and sugar to the kefir liquid. If it is not very sour, add baking soda and leave for ten minutes. Grind the cheese with a fork with chopped basil to make the mass as homogeneous as possible.

Beat the egg and pour it into the fermented milk mixture, then add vegetable oil and add flour, the amount may differ slightly from that indicated. The main thing when kneading the dough into a homogeneous mixture is not to overdo it. The mass should stick slightly to the surface.

Cover the finished dough with a linen towel and leave to rest for fifteen minutes. Roll out the flour mixture into a long sausage and use a knife to divide it into thirteen parts.

Roll them out one centimeter thick, stuff them and seal the edges tightly. Place it in a frying pan without fat until brownish on both sides (five minutes will be enough), transfer it to a flat dish and immediately coat it with butter.

Ossetian flatbread with cheese and potatoes

In its homeland, this dish is called potato gin. Traditionally it is prepared with potatoes, feta cheese and, of course, fresh herbs. It can be fried in a frying pan or baked in an electric oven.


  • Flour – 800 g;
  • Milk – 150 ml;
  • Potatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • Cheese cheese – 200 g;
  • Dry yeast – 1 tsp;
  • Sour cream – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Sunflower oil – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Parsley - a bunch;
  • Sugar – 1 tsp;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking: 85 minutes.

Calorie content: 310 Kcal/100 g.

Wash the potatoes and set to boil until fully cooked. We dilute dry yeast in warm milk and wait for signs of fermentation to appear. Mix sour cream, sugar, salt and sunflower oil.

Sift the flour, pour in the yeast mixture and pre-combined products. Knead soft airy dough.

Transfer it to a clean bowl, cover with a towel and leave for an hour. It is desirable that the place be heated or at least without drafts.

Drain the potato broth and let the vegetables cool. Mash the cheese with a fork, chop the parsley and add grated potatoes. Mix everything well.

Divide the dough into six parts. Roll out and generously apply minced meat. You need to leave a hole in the center through which steam will escape. Fold the edges inward and pinch the dough. Crush the potatoes with your palms and place them in a well-heated frying pan to cook.

Cooking with kefir and ham

Flatbreads prepared according to this recipe are considered an excellent option for an early breakfast and are used as a snack on a hike or trip. They remain fresh for a long time and are quite filling.


  • Flour – 600 g;
  • Salt, sugar - a pinch;
  • Kefir – 300 ml;
  • Ham – 300 g;
  • Suluguni – 150 g;
  • Margarine – 100 g;
  • Vegetable oil – 50 ml.

Preparation: 50 minutes.

Calorie content: 315 Kcal/100 g.

Mix flour with salt and sugar. Grate the ham together with the cheese. Melt margarine in the microwave. We combine all the ingredients except the ham.

Knead into a plastic, non-sticky dough, cover with a towel and let rest for thirty minutes. For the filling, you can use not only suluguni; any rennet or hard varieties of cheese will do.

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat it up. Roll out the dough into a long roll, cut flat cakes with a special knife three to four centimeters thick. We roll it out with a rolling pin, put the ham in the middle and wrap the edges towards the center, and fasten them there.

Once again, roll out the finished semi-finished product and place it in a frying pan, carefully so as not to burn yourself with the oil. Fry for just a few minutes, like pancakes. Place the finished products on a plate.

If you bought milk, but it turned sour, then read, You will get lush and satisfying baked goods.

Pies with apples will turn out great if you use one of them when preparing them. Enjoy the delicious pies!

  1. Ossetian flatbreads can be cooked both in an electric oven and on the stove in a frying pan. Just don’t cover them with a lid until you turn them over;
  2. If during the process the cake inflates greatly, carefully make holes with a fork so that the air escapes and the product does not fall apart;
  3. If the cakes are fried in a frying pan, you don’t have to coat them with oil afterwards;
  4. It is recommended to knead the dough only with your hands to feel its consistency;
  5. After kneading, be sure to leave the dough to rest, this will make the products more tender;
  6. Cheese flatbreads are somewhat hard when cold, so it is better to warm them up before eating;
  7. Ham can be replaced with boiled sausage, it will also taste good. Fried mushrooms will also come in handy.

Eat your homemade tortillas with gusto! Good luck to you, dear housewives, in your culinary career!

Simple and delicious pie recipes

How to cook Ossetian pie with cheese and herbs or with cheese and potatoes. recipes for dough and filling for Ossetian pies.

3 hours

210 kcal

5/5 (2)

For Ossetians, pie is a sacred component of any table: everyday, funeral or festive. There should always be three pies on a festive or ordinary table, but only two on a funeral table. Each pie has its own filling, name and meaning. Pies symbolize the sun, earth and the Almighty, and according to another version they represent God's trinity. Making pies also has its own traditions and customs.

They are usually made in a round shape with a diameter of about 40 cm, but triangular cakes are also found. Only women make pies, and each one brings something special to her pie. For pies, yeast dough is used, mixed with milk or plain water. There are also recipes with fermented milk, kefir or sour cream. For cheese pie, ideally, Ossetian cheese is used. But they turn out just as well with regular feta cheese, suluguni, feta and similar cheeses. For an Ossetian pie with herbs, beet tops, wild garlic or green onions are placed in the cheese. Ordinary fresh parsley with dill is also suitable for this. Pies are also prepared with meat, potatoes, pumpkin, mushrooms, beans, or with sweet filling. The amount of filling should be equal to the amount of dough, which is rolled out very thin, and the filling is evenly distributed inside the pie. Moreover, all this is done only by hand, which many people, including me, do not always succeed the first time.

I was introduced to such pies by a friend who lived in the Caucasus for several years and almost perfectly mastered the technique of making them. I will try to explain to you in great detail how to do this using the example of recipes with which we will bake Ossetian pie with cheese and herbs or cheese and potatoes.
Let's start with Kartofgin, a pie with cheese and potatoes.

Ossetian pie with cheese and potatoes, recipe with milk

Preparing the pie consists of several steps: the dough is made, the dough is kneaded and the filling is prepared. The list of ingredients in the recipe is for one pie.

Kitchenware: cup, pan, dough container, masher, grater, baking tray.

Dough dough


  • pinch of salt;
  • milk 100 ml;
  • sugar 1 tsp with a slide.
  1. Pour warm milk into a cup or other small container and stir salt, yeast and sugar in it.
  2. Let it ferment for 15–20 minutes in a warm place.
  3. After this time, you should get a slightly foamy mass, which we will use for the test.

Dough for Ossetian pie


  • flour ~ 350 g;
  • milk 150 ml;
  • vegetable oil 50 ml.

Cheese and potato filling


  • milk 50 ml;
  • cheese (I used suluguni) 200 g;
  • potatoes 2 pcs.

Making and preparing the pie


  • butter.

Ossetian pie with cheese and potatoes - video

The video shows a detailed preparation of a similar Ossetian potato pie:

The next pie can be made with regular greens or spinach. If you wish, you can use this recipe to bake Tsaharajin with beet tops, Davonjin with wild garlic or Kadyndzjin with green onions.

Ossetian pie with cheese and herbs

Kefir will be used in the pie dough. Instead, you can take whey, stir a tablespoon of sour cream in it, or prepare the dough with yogurt.
The recipe is for one pie.

General list of ingredients for the pie

  • flour ~ 350 g;
  • yeast 1 tsp. dry or 25 g live;
  • pinch of salt;
  • sugar 1 tsp with a slide;
  • kefir with any fat content 150 ml;
  • butter;
  • cheese (I used suluguni) 200 g;
  • any fresh herbs 200 g;
  • vegetable oil 50 ml.

Kitchenware: cup, containers for dough and filling, grater, baking sheet.
Cooking time: three hours, three o'clock.
Portions yield: 6–8.

Dough dough


  • yeast 1 tsp. dry or 25 g live;
  • pinch of salt;
  • sugar 1 tsp with a slide;
  • water 100 ml.

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