Is it possible to give raspberries to a 7 month old baby. Apple compote is a healthy and tasty drink for babies. Indications and contraindications

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The older the baby gets, the more changes occur in his diet. Now, to be full, he does not need only breast milk. The child gradually begins to try new foods. The first new type of drink for a child is compote. It is easy to digest and kids love it. But the preparation of a children's compt has some nuances.

When the child is six months old, he can begin to give the first complementary foods. Compote is good for this purpose. But not all fruits are suitable for this drink. It is best to use green apples for the first compote. Unlike red, they are less allergenic.

The first dose should be small. You need to start drinking compote with one teaspoon per day. If everything went well and the baby is not allergic, you can continue to drink, gradually increasing the volume of the drink every day. So by eight months, the norm should be 120 ml per day, and by 12 months - 250 ml. It is not necessary to give the entire volume of the drink at a time, divide it into 3-4 doses.

Usefulness of compote for kids

Children's compote is saturated with vitamins and useful microelements. Due to heat treatment, the drink has little vitamin C, but a lot of fiber and pectin. Compote favorably affects the child's digestive system. Helps prepare your baby's intestines for more solid foods. Increases the resistance of the baby's body to various diseases.

In winter, it would be better to replace fresh apples in compote with dried fruits. You can prepare them yourself in advance. To do this, it is necessary to dry the apples cut into thin slices in the fresh air, preferably in the shade. It is not recommended to dry fruits in the oven, because they can dry out and become bitter because of this. Compote from dried fruits is drunk in the same doses as from fresh fruits. If the child has a cold or in the heat, you can slightly increase the volume of the drink.

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Simple recipes for compote for babies

In the summer, fruit compote will be very useful for the baby. However, you do not need to make a drink from several types of fruits at once. It is necessary to gradually introduce new foods so that the baby gets used to unfamiliar tastes. We offer several simple recipes for compotes for children.


It will need one large apple. Wash it well, peel the peel, remove the seeds and partitions inside. Cut the apple into small pieces and simmer for about 18-20 minutes in 500 ml of clean water. Or just put the apples in a thermos and pour 500 ml of boiling water over and leave to infuse for 8-10 hours. Can be sweetened with fructose. Sugar and honey are not added to compote for babies, because they can cause intestinal upset and allergies.

The kompotik must be strained and cooled to room temperature before serving.

From dried apples

Prepared from dry, not fresh apples. Dried apples retain the same vitamins as fresh summer fruits. Therefore, such a drink will be very useful in the winter and spring seasons. You do not need to put sweeteners in such a compote, it is already quite sweet and tasty for the baby.

Like fresh apple compote, a dried fruit drink for a child can be prepared in the traditional way, or it can be brewed in a thermos. Before cooking, dried fruits must be soaked for 25-30 minutes in boiled water so that they swell. Then rinse thoroughly from specks and villi. For 100 grams of dried fruits we take 300 ml of water. Cook for 25-30 minutes over low heat. Strain before serving. When infused in a thermos, the drink can get very saturated. This is not a problem - just dilute it with a little boiled water before serving.

Do not mix several types of dried fruits at once. Also, do not make a mixture of different compotes. Let's take them separately. Let the baby first get used to the new tastes. The next ingredient after apples can be prunes.

From prunes

Such a compote will help children who have problems with the digestive system. It has a positive effect on the intestines. Drink with prunes can be given to babies as early as five months of age. But first you need to consult with a pediatrician.

To prepare compote, take half a glass of pitted prunes per 0.5 liter of water. Can be sweetened with fructose - 1/2 tbsp. Prunes must first be soaked for 30-35 minutes in boiling water. Cook compote for 20-25 minutes over low heat. When serving, strain the compote.

Over time, you can cook compote by mixing prunes with apples. There will be no harm from such a drink. You can also cook such compote in a thermos, it will turn out more saturated.

from raisins

This drink is also very beneficial for the baby. You can introduce it as complementary foods from 8 months of age. You can cook an independent compote from raisins or add fruits to a drink already familiar to the baby. For cooking, light raisins are best suited. Before cooking kompotik, raisins must be carefully sorted out from debris and villi and soaked for 30-35 minutes in warm water to swell. For compote, take 50 grams of raisins for 1 cup of boiling water. Cook for 25 minutes over low heat. There is no need to add sugar or fructose. Raisins are sweet, so compote will be delicious without it.

Such a compote will be good to drink for the mother of the baby. This will help make breast milk healthier, and the baby will relieve constipation and bloating.

From a mixture of dried fruits

This decoction should be given to the child only when he has already tried all the components separately. The collection may consist of pears, apples, raisins, prunes. Before cooking, in order to exclude the ingress of small debris, dried fruits must be sorted out well and soaked in warm water for half an hour. Kompotik from a mixture of dried fruits is recommended to be given to babies from 8 months of age. By 12 months, you can try adding dried apricots. You don’t need to add sugar or fructose to compote with dried apricots and raisins, they are already sweet.

By the age of 1, your child can already eat compotes from any fruit and dried fruit. To sweeten the drink, it is best to add fructose or sugar. Honey can cause allergies in a baby. If there is no allergy, then you can try to make compote by adding honey. But still, pediatricians recommend avoiding sugar until the age of 3 years.

So with the help of compotes, you can introduce fruits into the baby’s diet and accustom him to new tastes.

Nothing but purified boiled water should be given. If the baby refuses to drink, you can slightly sweeten the drink with a 5% glucose solution.

Babies aged one month and older can be given chamomile and fennel tea to drink. They strengthen children's immunity, have an antibacterial effect, in addition, they are excellent for colic and bloating.

From the age of three months, it is recommended to gradually introduce apple and pear juices into the child's diet, and from five months, juice of apricots, plums, cherries, peaches, etc. is allowed.

A six-month-old child can already drink homemade compote. Cooked with their own hands, such compotes can significantly expand and enrich the child's diet with vitamins.

How to make compote

Compote for must be made only from high-quality natural ingredients without dyes and flavors. The ideal raw material will be organic products harvested independently. It is better to cook dried fruit compote without adding sugar, in extreme cases, you can sweeten it with fructose.

To make dried apple compote for your baby, you will need a handful of dried apples, water and fructose to taste. Rinse the apples thoroughly and then soak for ten minutes in warm water. Then rinse the swollen fruit well again and lower it into boiling water. It is not necessary to cook the compote for a long time, bring it to a boil, reduce the heat and cook for about ten minutes. Then remove the drink from the heat and let it brew under the lid. Strain the finished compote and cool. Sweeten the drink a little before drinking.

The benefits of dried fruit compote cannot be overestimated. It provides the children's body with the necessary vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B3, B6; as well as trace elements: iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium.

You can also use other fruits besides apples. So, a drink from prunes will save the baby from constipation, and a vitamin compote of various dried fruits will not only be a source of additional fluid, but also an excellent tool for strengthening immunity.

The method of preparing various compotes from other dried fruits is no different from the recipe for making an apple drink. In addition to dried fruits, compotes can include fresh berries and fruits, while the method of preparation does not change. But keep in mind that it is advisable to choose familiar fruits and berries; it is better to refuse exotic pineapples, mangoes, passion fruit, etc.

Also, one should not forget that new products, including drinks, must be introduced into the children's diet gradually, starting with small doses with an interval of 7-10 days.

The benefits of compote for babies

Compote is a very tasty and healthy drink. In the heat, it quenches thirst and warms in the cold. The drink provides us with vitamins, minerals and pectin.

From the moment of birth, water is an additional food for the baby, in addition to mother's milk. When your baby is three months old, you can gradually add new foods to his diet. Mother's milk contains up to eighty-seven percent water, so it is both food and drink. In order for the child not to consume excess food calories, you need to add water, juices and compotes to milk.

Compote for an infant ideally quenches thirst. It can be prepared from different fruits and berries. For the first time, dilute the prepared drink by half with water.

For the preparation of compote, it is necessary to use only filtered clean water, without unnecessary odors. When choosing fruits, pay attention to their taste and appearance. They must be free of defects and overripe.

If you are preparing a drink from dried fruits, then pay attention to the color of the fruit. If they are bright in color, spotless and soft, they may have been treated with special substances to extend their shelf life. Before boiling, remove the stalks and leaves and rinse very thoroughly. You can pre-soak them in water for a while, and then put them in boiling water. Do not forget that dried fruits increase in volume during cooking. Prepare at the rate of a pound of product per two liters of water. Raisins are placed in compote a few minutes before it is fully cooked.

It is not recommended to use exotic fruits in cooking. Compote, like all new products, must be introduced into the diet of the baby carefully and at intervals of several days. If there is no allergic reaction, then you can gradually increase the portion.

How to cook compote for babies

In order to preserve all the necessary vitamins during cooking, cut them finely and in equal parts. The berries are cooked whole. The maximum cooking time is fifteen minutes. For pears and apples, this time increases to thirty-five minutes. Compote should always be freshly prepared. You can sweeten the drink with fructose.

Compote recipes for babies

Dried fruit compote for babies

Rinse prunes, dried apricots and raisins thoroughly. Then soak them in water for a few minutes to remove small grains of sand and particles. Put two liters of water on the stove. After the water boils, put the dried fruits and cook for fifteen minutes. Strain the cooked compote.

In three hundred milliliters of boiling water, put a pear, apple, prunes and dried apricots. After boiling, cook for ten minutes and add a teaspoon of fructose. Then insist for an hour and you can give the baby.

Rinse dried fruits well and pour water for thirty minutes. Then drain the water and cook in two liters for thirty minutes after boiling. Cool and infuse for twelve hours. Before use, dilute in proportion one part of the compote and two parts of water.

Prunes compote for babies

Such a compote will be very useful for a baby prone to constipation, especially if he is bottle-fed. To prepare, take five berries, rinse and cut in half. After boiling a liter of water, throw in the prunes and cook for ten minutes. Leave the brewed drink for thirty minutes and strain.

Dried apricot compote for babies

For cooking, a liter of water will require a quarter of the fruit. Soak them in water for five minutes first. During this time, they will get rid of excess litter and swell. Then put them in boiling water for ten minutes.

You can brew compote overnight, pour boiling water and close the lid. This will retain more nutrients.

Raisin compote for babies

Wash two tablespoons of raisins and dry a little. Pour a liter of boiling water over night. Offer your baby in the morning. Such compote, on the recommendation of pediatricians, will be a good substitute for dill water.

Sort three hundred grams of raisins and rinse well. Repeat several times. If the raisins are light, pre-soak them for a while. Put one and a half liters of water on the stove. After boiling, add raisins, seven hundred grams of sugar and cook, stirring over low heat for an hour.

Rosehip compote for babies

Rosehip contains a large number of substances useful for the child. It is especially rich in carotene and vitamin C. It also contains phosphorus, potassium, and iron.

To prepare compote, take a teaspoon of washed and chopped fruits. Pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew in a thermos for two hours. If you use fresh rose hips, pour cold water over it in the evening, and in the morning put it on the fire and bring to a boil. Then cool and treat the baby.

Currant compote for babies

It is blackcurrant that is especially useful for the child's body, although red and white are also beneficial. Fragrant and ripe berries are rich in active biological components, as they are better absorbed. In large quantities, the drink contains ascorbic acid, vitamins A, B, C, iodine, phosphorus, magnesium. It is especially useful for colds.

Take three hundred grams of fresh berries. Rinse them and remove the stalks. Put in two liters of water and cook for twenty minutes. Then strain, cool and drink the baby. Add honey or fructose for a sweet taste.

Cherry and currant compote. For cooking, take one and a half kilograms of berries, seven hundred grams of sugar and a liter of water. Wash and clean the berries from the stalks. Pour them with sugar hot syrup and soak for fifteen minutes. Put in a jar and fill with chilled syrup. Pasteurize at seventy degrees for twenty minutes.

From six to seven months, apple compote without the addition of sugar - fresh greens or dried fruits can be introduced into the baby's diet. It is preferable to use fresh apples in summer and autumn - during the new harvest period, and it is better to cook in winter and spring.

Before cooking compote for an infant, fruits must be prepared. Wash them thoroughly, be sure to peel fresh fruits, cut out the seeds, and remove the stalks. Rinse dried fruits several times in running water and scald with boiling water, too dried - steam for a few minutes in boiling water.

Gradually, when the baby gets used to the apple compote, you can introduce pears, and eventually prunes. These fruits rarely provoke an allergic reaction, and until the age of 9-10 months it is better to use them in compote.

It is better not to add sugar to compote for a child under one year old. If the baby refuses unsweetened compote, you can use a little fructose. By the age of one year, you can add a little raisins to the compote (considering that it can cause gas formation).

To introduce a baby up to a year with compote, as with any new dish, you need to gradually. Start taking the drink with one teaspoon, bringing the portion to the age norm. At 7 months of age, it is 100 ml, at 9-10 months - 150-200 ml, by the year - 250 ml.

Compote is not complementary food, it is given after taking the main course (porridge), 50-70 grams twice a day.

Compote is given to the child in a warm form, about the same as body temperature.

Compote recipes for a child up to a year

Fresh apple compote

Ingredients: apple, 500 ml of water.

Cooking method

Cut the prepared apple into slices, put in a saucepan and cover with water. Cover the saucepan with a glass lid and put on fire, and after boiling the contents, remove from heat and leave to infuse for one hour. When cooking and infusing compote, do not remove the lid from the pan.

You can make compote with pulp by whipping it with a blender. Some kids like thick drinks, and fiber is good for digestion.

Fresh apple and pear compote

Ingredients: apple and pear, 500-600 ml of water.

Preparation of fruits and preparation of compote as in the recipe for fresh apples.

Dried fruits compote

Dried fruit compote is very useful for children. It improves digestion, strengthens the body of the child.

Ingredients: 50 gr. dried fruits from pears and apples, 500 ml of water.

When compote is only beginning to be introduced into the diet, you can take 20 gr. dried fruits and 200 ml of water.

Cooking method

Put the prepared dried fruits in a saucepan in the evening, pour boiled warm water over it and leave overnight under the lid. In the morning, without draining the water, mix the contents of the pan and put it under a glass lid on low heat. After boiling, remove the pan from the heat and insist, without removing the lid, for half an hour - an hour.

Compote with prunes

Helps fight constipation.

Ingredients: 100 gr. prunes, 500 ml of water.

Cooking method

Rinse the prunes thoroughly and soak for 10 minutes so that small motes sit on the bottom. Boil water, put prunes and cook for 30 minutes. After cooling, strain through a sieve. You can sweeten the compote with fructose.

Your baby is growing up, one mother's milk for nutrition is no longer enough. It is necessary to gradually prepare it for ordinary food and drink. Compote will be the first such drink. The preparation of this product for babies has its own characteristics, since not every fruit can be given to children. The most suitable are apples. They are the easiest to cook, and they are the easiest to digest in infancy.

It is already difficult for a mother to feed a six-month-old baby with one breast, so the baby can begin to drink compote

From what age to give compote?

Your baby is six months old! Do you have a question, what to feed him in addition to milk? For example, are apples good for a 6 month old baby? Is his digestive system strong enough? If possible, how much, how often, from what fruit should it be made?

At 5 months, the child was still too young to drink compote, but by 6 he is ready to take it. Do not rush, first let him just try - a teaspoon. Look at the reaction of the child - whether he will begin to swell, whether an allergy will appear. Gradually, by 7-7.5 months, bring the daily portion to half a glass. By 1 year old, the volume can even reach a glass. It is not necessary to give it all at once - it is better to divide it into 2-4 doses. For such babies, it is better to make it from green-skinned apples - they are more hypoallergenic than red or yellow ones.

The benefits of compote

There is almost no vitamin C in the drink - it collapsed due to heat treatment. However, there are other vitamins, pectins, minerals, antioxidants, the same fiber.

In a baby from compote, intestinal motility increases, it is populated with beneficial microflora, which strengthens immunity, helps to cope with constipation, improves digestion, and prepares the child for solid food. If the baby has a lack of lacto and bifidobacteria, he cannot normally fight infections.

For the first time, the baby can be given only one or two spoons of compote. If there is no reaction, then gradually increase the portion of the drink.

In winter and spring, there are practically no useful substances left in apples, so it is better to replace them with dried fruits, cook a decoction of them. Well, if at the same time they are dried not in the oven, but in the air, in the shade. Then there are more vitamins in them, and the fruits will not dry out. Overdried dried fruits give a bitter aftertaste, which is unlikely to please the baby. Dried fruit compote should be drunk in the same volume as fresh fruit. However, there are situations when it is especially necessary to drink a lot, for example, in extreme heat or during an illness of the child.

At this time, compote instead of water is given only to those children who are already used to it. Then they will not refuse to drink it.

cooking recipes

In the summer it is very useful to make a drink from fresh fruits. Only if you start giving your baby new types of fruit, add one each time. He needs to get used to the product and taste that is unusual for him. There are different recipes for how to make compote, choose which one you like best.

Traditional way: take an apple of medium size, wash it. Peel it from the peel and seeds, fill it with boiled water - about two glasses. Boil on low heat for 15-20 minutes. Add fructose - sugar can cause bloating, and honey is contraindicated for babies.

For children's compote, it is better to stop the choice on green apples, since such fruits should not cause allergies in a child.

Try to brew a drink in a thermos:

  1. Wash a fresh apple, remove seeds and peel.
  2. Cut into slices of any size.
  3. Then put in a thermos and fill with boiling water.
  4. Close the thermos and leave to infuse overnight.
  5. After a few hours, it will be ready - the apples will “reach” by themselves.

The drink should not be hot. Before offering a drink to a baby, cool to room temperature and strain.

From dry apples

Apple compote for babies is also prepared from dried fruits. It is good because it has its own pronounced taste, sweetish and fragrant, and it does not need to be sweetened with anything. Dry apples contain the same substances as fresh ones, and it is preferable to cook it when there are no useful substances left in fresh ones - this is winter and spring. There are also various recipes for this.

The traditional way is the easiest. Take a handful of dry apples and wash them well. Put in boiled water and leave for about 30-40 minutes until the fruit swells. Particularly stubborn motes will come off them, which always remain on the fruit when dried. Rinse them again, put in boiling water - about 1.5 cups, and simmer for about half an hour. Then set aside and cool. Strain.

For compote, you can use fresh or dried apples (see also:)

It will also be possible to brew a knot in a thermos. Prepare apples in the same way as in the first method. Place them in a thermos and cover with boiling water. It should be infused, so it is more convenient to do it at night. If the compote is too saturated, add a little boiled water to it. Two cups of boiling water will require 100-150 grams of fruit.

In the same way as when preparing with fresh fruits, you should not make it immediately from a mixture of many dried fruits. Add them one by one. The next ingredient after apples can be prunes. At first, do not mix both compotes, but give them separately. With prunes compote, start introducing your child with one teaspoon too.

From prunes

For some children who have digestive problems, acquaintance with prunes can begin as early as five months - just not compote, but a drink made from prunes.

For a five-month-old baby, such a drink will be useful. It cleanses the intestines well, helps peristalsis. In any case, check with your pediatrician first. To prepare it, you need to take a glass of pitted prunes and a tablespoon of fructose (or sugar) per liter of boiling water.

Prunes in compote will help the baby with digestion

Dilute fructose in water, then soak the prunes for half an hour, rinse it. Put in water and boil for 15-20 minutes until the berries are soft. After that, cool and strain the compote.

When the baby gets used to the prunes compote, you can give him apple compote with prunes. There will be no bad reactions from him. Such compote can also be insisted in a thermos, then it will come out even tastier. And then mix with fresh apples and other fruits.

Raisin compote

It is recommended to prepare a child from 8 months of age. It can be cooked as a separate compote, or mixed with fruits already familiar to the baby in any proportion. This compote is not stored for a long time, it is better to prepare it immediately before use. Raisins are better to choose from light varieties. For cooking you need:

  • a tablespoon of raisins;
  • half a cup of boiling water.

A portion of raisins must be sorted out and poured with cool water for half an hour so that it swells and all the garbage that always accumulates in its folds is removed from it. There is no need to add sugar to the compote, the raisins are sweet on their own.

Rinse again, pour boiling water over and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes. The lid must be closed. You need to start with a teaspoon, then bring to a full serving. The same raisin drink is worth drinking to the mother of a newborn child - it will make milk more useful, and will help the baby in case of constipation.

Gradually adding new components to the compote, you will accustom the baby to a variety of drinks and foods.

From dried fruits

The complex collection of dried fruits includes many components. Cooking a compote of dried fruits for a baby is worth it when he has already tried all the fruits separately. Well, if it is made from apples, pears, prunes and raisins - there are many options, you can combine as you wish. Dried fruits must be soaked in boiled water before cooking compote for babies. Fruits should be sorted out so that they are not spoiled.

You can make such a compote in the usual way in a saucepan or steam it in a thermos. It is worth starting to give it from 7-8 months. Raisins do not usually cause disorders in children.

When the child is older, you can make compotes richer, and at the age of about a year, start adding dried apricots. Together with raisins, it will give the dried fruit compote a natural sweetness, and will allow you not to add sugar, which is best avoided until the age of three.

A child from 12 months old can drink compote with almost all fruits. It is good to add honey instead of sugar as a sweetener. To exclude an allergic reaction, it is worth smearing a drop of honey near the elbow. If after a few hours there is no redness in this place, you can try giving honey to the child, starting with a very small amount.

So gradually, starting with compotes, you can teach your child to eat fruits and various tastes.

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