Elite dangerous rank task. Leveling up ranks in the game Elite Dangerous Horizons. Elite Dangerous ships

Elite: Dangerous is a continuation of the legendary Elite series, which laid the foundation for the space simulator genre back in 1984. Most recently, the game celebrated a year since its official launch, which took place in mid-December 2014. The series' triumphant return was preceded by a successful crowdfunding campaign launched at the end of 2012 and several rounds of testing.

The main feature of the game is a huge open world, working both online and offline, which completely recreates our galaxy - the Milky Way and has more than 400 billion star systems. Each system is available for visiting. It is a rare player who will not fall into a state of shock when he first opens a map of the game world. Without a doubt, the first thing everyone will want to do when they get into the game is to explore such a beautiful and endless universe.

The player is released into this gigantic world, given a small spaceship and 1000 credits. He is free to conquer the galaxy in several ways: trade, research or battles. Such a small selection of activities should not be misleading, since each type of activity has several subtypes. For example, for a pilot who decides to make money in battles, activities such as bounty hunting, piracy or participation in military conflicts are available. The merchant, in turn, can engage in legal transportation of goods or enter the black market, distributing prohibited products, risking serious penalties. In addition, by purchasing special modules, you can earn money by extracting resources pumped out of asteroid fields and planetary rings.

Elite Dangerous ships.

Regardless of which direction the player decides to move, he will always be on board his spaceship, therefore the choice of the vehicle that is most suitable for certain purposes should be taken extremely seriously.
At the moment, there are approximately two dozen ships available. With every major update, this number increases. All ships can be conditionally divided depending on the chosen main type of activity. Some are more suitable for explorers, others are impressive in their spaciousness, which makes them indispensable in trading matters, and others will help the pilot impose his opinion using firepower.

There are also universal ships that cope quite well with all the listed tasks. The cost of ships also varies depending on the class. To purchase a more or less serious unit, you will have to shell out tens of millions of credits, and the most expensive ship at the moment costs an incredible 150 million - a figure that seems unattainable for beginners.
Moreover, you will have to spend money on modernizing the spacecraft. A wide variety of modules and weapons are available for sale, ranging from shield generators to scanners. Upgrading a ship sometimes costs more than the ship itself.

Elite Dangerous R angs.

A pilot's reputation in the game is reflected in the ranks he achieves over time. They are also divided into three types: research, trade and combat. Accordingly, the longer and more fruitfully a player conducts one of these activities, the higher the rank he receives. The cherished goal of any player is to achieve the Elite rank, but earning it will be extremely difficult. In addition to the purely reputational component, achieving a particular rank opens up previously unavailable tasks for the player. For example, for certain cargo delivery missions, the player may be required to reach a certain rank, without which he simply will not be entrusted with the order. Those lucky enough to reach Elite rank will have access to a system in which prices for ships and equipment are significantly lower than usual.

Elite Dangerous Control.

The pilot performs all game actions from the 1st person, including controlling his ship. The ship menu is divided into 3 parts: left, right and center. The left menu contains a map of the system and galaxy, a list of available astronomical objects and stations, information about the mission and ships within the range of the scanners. In the central part of the ship there is a windshield of the ship, as well as a radar showing the position of ships and other objects in relation to the player. In the right menu, the player receives information about his rank, ship modules, cargo and his reputation.

In addition to the mouse and keyboard, the game supports most modern joysticks and controllers, as well as virtual reality glasses, for which it was originally developed. Voice control, which will appear after installing an additional program, will add special chic to the gameplay. Voice control becomes extremely useful in the heat of a fierce battle, when there is not enough time to manually turn on or off certain ship systems.


When I bought Elite Dangerous, I immediately set myself a goal: to get to the Solar System. To get into this system, you needed a permit, which was issued upon reaching the 4th rank of the Federation.

I immediately joined the Federation and began rushing around all the stations, completing tasks. This became the main mistake. The reputation scale was stuck at 100%, but I was not promoted. Having completed a huge number of tasks, I did not understand why there was no task to increase the rank that all the guides were talking about.

Having spent approx. 120 hours to complete quests, I decided that I needed to stay in one system and max out my reputation with those people who gave me tasks (minor factions). The system became a reference for me Tun . After completing a few tasks from the factions of this system, I significantly improved the reputation of the factions and received that very quest.

What do you need to get a rank?

So, suppose you set yourself a goal - to get into the Sol system (Our native Solar System). You want to fly around the Earth, look at terraformed Mars, land on Mercury, you can do all this with a “Sol System Permit”. (Awarded at Federation rank 4.)

First, let's figure out what ranks exist and what we get for them.


But how do you get this or that rank?

Point #1: Find the ideal system for yourself and stay with it.


If you, like me, have decided to receive Federation ranks, then I advise you to fly to the system Tun , and perform tasks on the only station in this system: Tun's Wart .

By completing it, you are guaranteed to receive a new rank, and you will be notified about this:

So we figured out how to get a rank. As you can see, everything is quite simple! Do not forget that you can complete tasks for both factions, and they will not impose sanctions against you. Since I had completed quite a few missions before, my rank slider was always at 100%, even after promotion, I simply completed 3 rank up missions in a row, and finally received the coveted fourth rank:

To activate access to the system, you need to re-login to the game.

In my case, I carried out all missions on the Cobra MkIII ship.

Rate this guide, share with your friends, I tried my best.

This guide will be updated.

Useful information from players


Convenient Federation system G 203-47, three stations a couple of seconds from each other with the same minor factions, three living planets. Each mission is given 24 hours to complete, you can go in the morning, before work, take missions, exit the game, then - as you have time during the day - select more missions, the list of which is updated, and in the evening, take more missions from the updated list and run to do all this goodness. It will speed up your leveling significantly. In 4 similar approaches you can level up the reputation of a minor faction to the maximum

I liked the system for leveling up the ranks of the Empire Aditi. There are two stations and 3 spaceports on the planets, all imperial tasks are given only to the neighboring system, where there are three stations on two planets. I collect 20 missions, fly without any problems, hand them in, and then immediately collect them again and back. In two days I’m already a knight of the empire, and I raised 30 lemons in money

Black Bolt:
Gentlemen and ladies. I present to your attention the system Quince station Milleport. The Empire issues missions for scanning beacons in good quantities, so in an hour you can raise about 40-60 lyams, + reputation for one trip (20 missions) gives 10% to the imperial rank. You won’t have to fly far, the planet with the lighthouse is very close in the same system, so it will take about 10 minutes to complete the scan, maybe less. Join us, time is short, but there are already a lot of people =)

In the Hyperion system, at the Howe Platform station, missions for donations for the Federation appear relatively often; they also quite often ask for tobacco, wine and alcohol (well, this is an option), however, sometimes there comes a time when relogs do not give missions for donations. Despite this, literally in one day and one evening I rose from garrison commander to rear admiral.

Yadrena Vosh:
The situation with missions to increase rank. ATTENTION: the mission can be any, absolutely any. The brightest clue is in the name of the mission. It is carried out for the Imperial/Federal Navy. The faction must belong to the Empire/Federation. Relations with the minor faction are friendly and higher. I don’t know about the reputation of the Empire/Federation, I received a promotion mission with 100% reputation and 100% rank in the Empire.
Pilots, good luck in your search.

Introduction: Politics is a game for those with too much time and/or money.

I. Preamble/“What will this give me?”

The first and most important question to ask yourself when considering the Games of Powers is “What will this give me?”

Let's talk a little about what the Power Games are not:

a) The Power Games are not a quick way to improve your financial situation. In order to grow in finance in a short time, it is much more advisable to devote time to trading, bounty hunting and/or resource extraction.

b) Power Games are mechanics that are not intended to give you cool equipment with increased efficiency. None of the pieces of equipment belonging to any faction are combat equipment. This equipment is cool and different from the rest, but on the regular market you can at least get something more efficient.

c) Power Games isn't even the best long-term investment, as your rank and even the Xbox version of the map will be gone when the game is finalized and synced with the PC version.

d) After all of the above, you may ask: “Why would anyone give up all this?!” Fair question.

Now let's see what the Games of Powers actually are, and what you will get from it:

1) Games of Power are a great opportunity to find a goal for yourself in a sandbox universe. Your actions affect not only you, but also other players. The influence of your actions extends even to the space where you are. Each Force performs certain actions in the system that it controls and studies. She can change the levels of different types of NPCs, the goods market, the size of bounty or trade, and also provide discounts on the purchase of ships and equipment - all depending on who is in power.

Some ships can only be sold in a system that is under the control of a certain Power.

For each force, you can view statistical information demonstrating who and what effect their control has on the systems under control.

2) These factors should be taken into account when deciding who to work for, where to locate and with whom to quarrel; or you can simply build on which Power rewards suit you best.

3) When joining any Force, you can see what benefits you will receive for supporting it. For our purposes, we will only focus on what can be earned up to and including the fourth rank, since... To be assigned the fifth rank you will have to make considerable efforts. Ranks 2-4 do not require such effort (see below)!

4) Like any good politician, I try to act with foresight and put as little effort as possible while working in my profession.

At the fifth rank, Politics becomes self-sustaining and begins to make a profit. But only if you are patient enough...

II. Rank 1/0 reward points:

A. Requirements: To begin with, in order to be able to join any Force, you will need to obtain at least one rank of the pilot federation (the maximum rank here is “Elite”), i.e. “generally harmless”, “almost destitute” and “almost aimless” would be suitable.

B. Getting Rank 1 is very simple - just click on the button to join the Power you like.

Having the first rank in Strength is worse than having no rank at all:

a) You have no political influence (Voices to advance systems);
b) It takes forever to accumulate a reasonable amount of political resource.
c) You receive (barely) enough credits to cover the cost of food, fuel and tolls.
d) What’s even worse is that you have enemies. Other captains now have reasons to hunt you - they give you reward points; NPCs loyal to other Powers will also try to harass you from now on.

C. Luckily, you are only 100 reward points away from Rank 2. To achieve this, there are two main methods:

1. Transportation: Every half hour you receive 10 units of political resource. Check the “Preparation”, “Expansion” and “Control” sections and find out where you can take the PR. Cargo ships will serve as good transport for these purposes for a long time; The Type-6 Transporter is quite acceptable and can handle transporting political resources up to Rank 4. Yes, it has shields and electronic countermeasures; and yes, 100 tons of cargo space is more than enough. So equip yourself with shields and electronic countermeasures - there are a lot of pirates, griefers and rogue NPCs with a plasma accelerator on board the Vulture who will try to grind you into powder. Having a few cheap countermeasure modules and a modest shield generator is insurance for your investment. And also, on Type-6 it is possible to install auto-docking.

Currently I am using the Python ship to transport the PR. It can carry almost 250 missile launchers at a time, protect itself, and land on both outposts (unlike the T-7 or T-9) and space stations. The price of the issue is some modest 68 million. Yes, the ship is expensive, but it is worth the money.


a) From Zachary Hudson you will be tasked with collecting PR units in the form of intelligence from systems that the Force is preparing to join, and returning them back to controlled systems in order to exchange them for reward points.

b) Aisling Duval will instruct you to transport PR units in the form of propaganda from controlled systems to systems into which expansion is carried out.

c) Pranav Antal will send you to collect political resources in the form of dissidents from controlled systems and transport them to his headquarters in order to strengthen the system.
Transport 100 units of political resource in a week and voila! – you have 100 reward points. Here comes Rank 2!

2. Battles. Find an area of ​​political conflict (For example, Zachary Hudson carries out “Military Strikes” as part of his expansion, and Lavigny-Duval carries out “Crime Eradication”). Fighting in these political conflict zones will allow you to receive 10 reward points for each enemy ship you shoot down. 10 kills = 100 reward points = Rank 2.

a) If you're itching, there's no reason to stop at rank two. 75 kills per week = 750 reward points (Rank 3) and 150 kills per week = 1500 reward points (Rank 4) - it's very simple!

c) A good vehicle for such activities would be the Viper, a combat ship with average performance. With it you can easily reach rank four.

III. Rank 2/100 reward points

A. There is enough reason to stay at Rank 2, and many captains do so.

1. You receive a small reward, you gain political influence in the form of votes to nominate systems, and the number of political resource units received every 30 minutes increases to 15.

2. The most important thing is that you receive special bonuses from your Strength. This could be either additional payments for activities such as bounty hunting, or influence bonuses in minor faction systems, or even discounts on certain ships, weapons and equipment.

B. Maintaining rank 2 requires only 54 reward points - that’s 6 kills in conflict zones or 4 missions to transport political resources in a week.

1. This ease of maintaining rank allows you to get perks that suit your playstyle with minimal effort.

2. But these minimal efforts will still need to be directed towards transforming the galaxy, especially if you work in a circle of like-minded people.

IV. Rank 3/750 reward points

Weekly payouts: 500,000 credits
Voices for nominating systems: 50
Redistribution of political resources (PR)/30 min: 20
Features: Access to special equipment of your Force
Reward points for maintaining rank/1 week: 400
*This requires you to work on Strength for 4 weeks

A. Rank 3 is a kind of middle ground in the Games of Powers... You earn half a million in a week - not bad, but not the limit of perfection. You get 50 votes per week to nominate systems, which is also not bad, but you will need to bring the same number of votes into the system to nominate it for preparation for joining. The amount of PR you receive has increased to 20, but it still takes you two and a half hours to fill the 100 tons of cargo bay with it. You also receive special equipment for your Force if you have worked for it for at least 4 weeks; This equipment does not change the game balance, rather it simply adds variety.
EXAMPLE: The Killer Cannon from Pranav Antal is an excellent weapon that is superior to the Multi-Barrel Cannon, but only if the latter is a 1st class gun and is fixed, which limits its effectiveness. But when the same Multi-barreled gun comes into play, only class 2 and mobile...

B. Maintaining the third rank requires a little more effort: 400 reward points per week: this is 40 kills in conflict zones or 400 transported PR units (4 shipments of 100 tons). In general, it’s not that difficult yet. However, if you are going to spend your time and energy on it, then you can easily reach Rank 4 and maintain it.

V. Rank 4/1500 reward points

Weekly payments: 5,000,000 credits
Voices for nominating systems: 100
Redistribution of political resources (PR)/30 min: 25
Features: Easy Rank maintenance for high rewards!
Reward points for maintaining rank/1 week: 800

A. That's another conversation! With Rank 4 you get 5 MILLION credits per week - that's great. You get 100 votes to nominate systems - enough to add a system to the list of candidates for training without having to fly there - great. You also gain 25 PR every half hour, allowing you to easily maintain rank.

B. Maintaining Rank 4 costs 800 reward points per week.

1. Transportation of PR on Type-6 - even the lazy one can cope with this. Every two hours you can completely load a 100-ton cargo compartment with political resources. This means you can maintain Rank 4 while you mow the lawn, go to work, do laundry, do the dishes, write a guide, feed your baby, complete your weekly Destiny challenges, etc. - and all this in the intervals between the full load of the PR. You probably need to do something around the house... Personally, I do a lot more housework now since I discovered Power Games (lol).

2. Combat is still an attractive option since you need to kill 80 enemies in a week - this can easily be done in 2-4 hours. Of course, this pleasure can be extended.

VI. Rank 5/10,000 reward points

Weekly payouts: 50,000,000 credits
Voices for nominating systems: 250
Redistribution of political resources (PR)/30 min: 50
Features: Special ability from your Strength
Reward points for maintaining rank/1 week: 5334

A. Rank 5 is an elite political rank, but as with the “dark side of the force” - once you set foot on this path, “it will forever determine your fate”! (Seriously, once I reached rank 5, I stopped having enough time for Destiny). With 50 million credits per week, you can both maintain your rank and earn money quite easily (see below); with 250 votes for nominating systems, you can determine 2 worlds for expansion; for the third system, without leaving the port, you can only vote half. 50 PR units in half an hour will make maintaining your rank and making a profit very accessible.  In addition, you will receive a special perk from your Strength - especially for holders of the fifth Rank.

Example: Zachary Hudson will give you an additional 100% of the bounty bounty (if, of course, you have time left for bounty hunting after all the political actions).

1. For two, or even four weeks, you will have to stop being lazy and completely devote your free time to the process...

2. You have to put in a lot of effort to get 10,000 reward points in a week.

A. Battles: That's 1000 kills in a week if you count from zero!!! Let's say there are 700 reward points left from last week at rank 4. You need to get 9300 reward points, i.e. get 930 kills! That. You need to eliminate about 40 enemies per hour, which means you will need to spend 23.25 hours to complete the weekly goal. I strongly recommend doing this on a fully equipped Vulture or on a more advanced ship in order to meet the hourly frag quota. Unless you're a proud combat-equipped Anaconda, Python, or FDL pilot, it's going to be pretty intense.

b. Transportation: Reaching Rank 5 with transportation is impossible unless you spend over 50 million on purchasing a political resource...  Even if you start at Rank 4 (with 700 reward points from last week) and dedicate 10 hours a day for a week , you will only receive 3500 reward points (7 days x 10 hours/day x 25PR/30min). You will still need to purchase 5800 PR units, which will be 58 million credits (10,000 KR per PR unit)! O_o You can do this if you have already established yourself as a Trading Tycoon - it’s like investing in politics in real life... :P However, it’s worth using this method if you want to save your sanity.

3. At the end of the first week, you will receive a reward based on the rank you started with that week. This is important: you will receive your first 50 million credits at the end of next week, so...

4. Over the next week, you will need to collect 5400 reward points to maintain Rank 5. At the beginning of the second week at Rank 5, you will receive the coveted 50 million credits, which will serve as investment capital. If you don't already own a ship that can carry 200+ tons of cargo, use half of that money to buy a T-7 as a "political platform" and DON'T SPEND THE REMAINING HALF. Use the new ship for leisurely transport of PR in addition to earning money from battles.

Since you started getting 50 PR every 30 minutes, you won't be rushing back and forth every hour, will you?

5. During the next week at Rank 5, you will need to collect another 5400 reward points; and you also have 25 million as insurance. You can use them to buy 2500 PR for transportation towards the end of the week. Everything else that is not spent on political resources should be saved.

6. Maintaining Rank 5 costs 5400 reward points per week. The good news is that you can technically buy 5000 PR for the 50 million you also receive weekly. You only have 400 points left to earn - this can be covered by collecting 50 free PR units 8 times. With 200 tons of carrying capacity, you can just as easily hold Rank 5 by doing 27 PR hauls in a week on a T-7/Pythone or similar. The number of shipments can be reduced to 11 by transferring to Type-9 with 500 tons on board.
The bad news is you won't make a penny... yet!

B. Earn money at Rank 5!

It's a little hard to figure out what's what at first - the 50 million credits you receive once a week don't belong to you! They have already been allocated to maintain Rank 5. Every reward point you earn is money that you have to pay back at the end of the week. Here's how it works:

1) From now on, REWARD POINTS = MONEY! Every single reward point you receive “for free” saves you 10,000 credits. During the week, transport a political resource that gets to you every half hour and take part in battles. Complete these actions before Wednesday night (remember that ranks are updated on Thursday morning).

2) Using your reserve money (that 50 million from last week), buy political cargo to collect 5400 reward points for the week. Everything that you did not spend on PR units is pure...

3) PROFIT!!! (oh yes, and also change the face of the galaxy through preparation, expansion and/or strengthening of your faction!)


You are Rank 5.
- You take 50 PR units 4 times a day x 7 days a week = 1400 reward points for political cargo.
- In a week you need to collect 5400 reward points, i.e. 4000 remain.
- You spend 40 million credits on political cargo (at 10,000 KR per PR unit), transport it in 20 trips on a Type-7 or in 8 trips on a T-9, and receive 4,000 reward points.
- Your profit for the week amounted to 10 million credits, not counting other bonuses from having Rank 5 in your Strength!

4) From now on, you can continue to “convert” reward points into 10,000 credits apiece, all the way up to a weekly profit of 50 million (if you stick it out) and start to really make an impact on the Power Games every week.

a) remember what I said earlier about the value of reward points (one reward point = 10,000 credits):

b) this means that 1 ship shot down in the conflict zone = 10 reward points = 100,000 credits!

c) this means that 50 units of political resource you receive for free every half hour = 50 reward points = 500,000 credits per half hour or 1 MILLION CREDITS PER HOUR OF Idleness.

5) If you left your Type-9 loaded with political cargo for 5 hours, you would make 5 million doing other things... Now this guide is definitely for lazy people!

VII. We continue our training:

A. You ask me, what about Weakening other systems (undermining)?!

You may have noticed that in the guide I never mentioned WEAKENING. This is because this type of activity is NOT FOR THE LAZY. It requires a lot of work (plucking ships from cruises for destruction or piracy), a lot of traveling through enemy territory, and on top of that there will be bounties on your head and fines imposed on you. Therefore, in such cases, it is better not to work alone.

If you are not killed by some politically motivated captain, then rest assured that your death sentence will be carried out by some galaxy-wandering laser weapon lovers.

1. Traveling alone is dangerous, so remember the following:

By and large, it all comes down to the fact that it is better to perform the above actions as part of the Wing:
- When you destroy a political target during the undermining process (only if this target is from a Force that does not belong to your major faction: Alliance, Empire, Federation, Independents), you will receive 30 reward points. Great!
- If two or more of your allies participated in the process, each will receive 30 reward points for the kill! There is no faster way to earn rewards points.
- As the hunt continues, targets will begin to travel in groups, so you will need help.
- Therefore, unite into a Wing and administer Great Justice!

B. How lazy am I?

It is a matter of the effort expended and the reward received for it. I really am a lazy captain, and politics rewards that. For example, let's say I want to make millions every week and do a minimal amount of work, and also influence the political environment.

Example: Let's say I want to participate in battles.

So I get 50 million for Rank 5 at the beginning of the week...

1) I am going to participate in a “Violent Protest”, “Military Strike” or other combat zone.
2) For a downed ship I get 10 reward points; I shoot down 40 ships in an hour = 400 reward points (it’s very effective to get 100,000 credits for one downed ship, even if it’s an Eagle!).
3) 400 reward points is 4 million credits that I don’t need to spend on PR.
4) I spend 2 hours a day fighting for fun = 800 points/8 million credits.
5) This is what I do every day for a week: 800 points x 7 = 5600 points.

Having earned more than the 5400 points required to maintain Rank 5, I still have 50 million left per week...

Divide 50 million by 14 hours, we get 3.5 million credits per hour...

Example 2 - Transportation: So I got 50 million for Rank 5 at the beginning of the week...

1) I park a T-9, which carries 500 tons, on the world I want to fortify.
2) I set an alarm every half hour to fill my cargo hold for 5 hours.
3) I spend 20 minutes taking a political resource to Headquarters, then return or fly to another world.
4) I do this every day for 7 days (for 7 trips I transfer 3500 PR units).
5) Four days a week I make an additional trip, during which I take 50 free PR units, and buy 450 for 4.5 million (total: total consumption for the week - 18 million).
6) At the end of the week, it turns out that out of the original 50 million, 18 million were spent, and 32 million were profit.
- I invested 5500 units of PR in strengthening the controlled system of my Force...
- I spent 74 minutes collecting political resources (1 minute for each of 74 collections), 220 minutes traveling (20 minutes for each of 11 trips); a total of 294 minutes, i.e. 4.9 hours. Let there be 5 hours to complete the counting.

Divide 32 million credits by 5 hours, we get 6.4 million credits per hour...

That's how lazy I am!

How to increase ranks in the game Elite Dangerous Horizons, here I will tell you about my experience, although frankly speaking, I play for my own pleasure and did not chase ranks in the game. But since people ask about ranks, I decided to try to raise my rank myself and tell you about it. I want to tell you right away that there is no consistency in the game, all your actions in the game, whether you play solo or in an open game, affect the economy, politics, and so on in the game. Therefore, if they tell you about a certain system that you can quickly level up there, this does not mean that at the moment it will work there, today you can level up quickly there, but the day after tomorrow it won’t. Therefore, you will most likely have to look for certain systems yourself. So, let's begin...
Why do we need to upgrade ranks?- in order to open access to closed systems, open the opportunity to buy factional ones and, of course, to obtain more profitable missions.
I will talk here about the Federation, but this also applies to the Alliance and the Empire, only for this you need to complete the same missions only for other factions.
Here's my rank:

As you can see in the screenshot above, I am on friendly terms with the Federation and my rank is 100%.
You also need to be on friendly terms with the power, faction or state you want.
What missions need to be completed in order to quickly improve the rank of one of the powers:
1. Combat missions
2. Missions for donations
3. Courier missions
You can forget about the remaining missions for now; they do not affect the leveling of the power rank.
We find a system that is owned by the required power for the rank, it is desirable that the situation in the system is not stable, there is a war, an economic crisis, and so on. The more stations in the system the better, we choose a station with a population of at least 1 billion, the more population the more missions.
Here's where I leveled up:

It is desirable that the stations are located within 300-700 S.N. from the hyperjump exit zone, this is of course not necessary, but you don’t have to fly far.
Consider Combat Missions
We take a mission to destroy pirates - Strike contract for the Federal Navy, be careful here, there are missions to kill 100 pirates in 3 hours, I do not recommend taking such missions.

We take missions to kill 1 pirate, or a dozen pirates, and look at the time that you are given to complete the mission, naturally, the more time you are given, the better. In general, you complete combat missions and watch how your rank percentages increase; if you have 100% and are not given a mission to increase your rank, continue to complete missions until a mission to increase your rank appears. By the way, many people say that my rank is 100% leveled up, but they don’t give me a mission to increase my rank. There’s one of two things here, either they didn’t notice when they were offered this mission, since it doesn’t differ in any way from regular missions, or the time hasn’t come to receive the mission.
In order not to miss the desired mission, look at the one below, you can see that in the mission description at the very bottom it is written - Rank increase and what rank you will receive.

Consider Donation Missions
Everything is simple here, in systems where there is famine, war, an unstable economic situation, factions ask you for help. You must sacrifice money or goods in return you get a big increase in reputation.
We take such missions and carry them out.

I personally sacrificed money; I didn’t want to fly around the system and look for the required product.
As you can see in the description in the screenshot below, in such missions there is a big increase in reputation, and this is exactly what we need.

And your rank will grow at a good pace. Now let's move on to Courier missions.
Consider Courier Missions
Here, too, everything is clear and simple, take on a mission to deliver some package or document and transport it to another station in another system. For such missions they pay very little, but their reputation grows very well.

And yet, leveling up your rank is not earning money in the game; on the contrary, there are only expenses.
And finally I received the rank of Chief.

And as you can see in the screenshot above, I was given a rank, and the next rank leveling began not from 0% but immediately from 9%, this means that when you even have 100% leveled up and you continue to level up the rank until you complete the mission to increasing your rank, all your interest goes to the next level, and this makes you happy.
And so they gave me access to the Sol system

Here I told you about my experience, if anyone has any comments or corrections to the text, write in the comments, it will be interesting to know your opinion, your experience in leveling up ranks.
Successful flights commanders!!!

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