All-seeing eye meaning of phraseology. All-seeing eye. See what the “All-Seeing Eye” is in other dictionaries

Symbolizes omniscience, the all-seeing eye, the ability to intuitively see. The eye represents all the solar gods, who have the fertilizing power of the sun, which is embodied in the king god.

Plato calls the eye the main solar instrument. On the one hand, it is the mystical eye, light, insight, knowledge, intelligence, vigilance, protection, stability and determination, but on the other hand, it is the limitation of the visible. Ten thousand heavenly eyes are the stars, the eyes of the night, personifying omniscience and vigilance. In relation to ritual architecture, the eye is a hole directed towards the heavens in the vault of a temple, cathedral, building or any other traditionally created center of the world, representing a solar door that provides access to the heavenly worlds. The eye of the heart is a sign of spiritual insight, intellectual intuition. The eye can also represent an androgyne, formed from an oval female symbol and a round male one. One eye can symbolize evil, as in the example of the Cyclops and the destroying monsters. The eye in the center of the triangle is the all-seeing eye of the Lord, a symbol of omniscience and omnipresence.

In the West, the right eye signifies the Sun, day and future, the left eye signifies the Moon, night and past.

In the East the situation is the opposite. The symbolism of the eye can be taken on by a pheasant feather.

Among the American Indians, the eye of the heart sees everything. This is the eye of the Great Spirit and omniscience.

For Buddhists, the eye symbolizes light and wisdom. The Buddha's third eye, the flaming pearl, is spiritual consciousness and transcendental wisdom.

In Celtic epic, the evil eye, symbolizing evil intentions and envy, is contrasted with a good heart, nobility and compassion.

In Chinese and Japanese symbolism, the left eye is the Sun, the right eye is the Moon.

In Christianity, the eye symbolizes the all-seeing God, omniscience, power, light. The light of the body is the eye (Matt. 6:22). The seven eyes of the Apocalypse are the seven spirits of God. The eye in the triangle represents the Head of God; and in a triangle surrounded by a radiant circle - her infinite holiness. The eyes are the emblem of Saints Lucy and Ottilie.

For the Egyptians, the eye has an extremely complex symbolism - the Eye of Horus, Atshet, the all-seeing. It was supposed to be the North Star and a symbol of illumination, the eye of the mind. The eye and eyebrow of Horus signify strength and power. Two winged eyes are North and South as two divisions of the heavens, the Sun and the Moon, celestial space. The right eye is the Sun, Ra and Osiris, the left is the Moon and Isis. The Eye of Pa is also Uraeus. The Eye of Horus could be associated with the moon and its phases and, at the same time, symbolize offerings to the gods in temples.

In Ancient Greece, the eye symbolizes Apollo, the observer of the heavens, the Sun, which is also the eye of Zeus (Jupiter).

For Hindus, Shiva's third eye (the pearl in the middle of the forehead) represents spiritual consciousness, transcendental wisdom. Varuna's eye is the sun.

In Iranian mythology, the Good Shepherd Yima possesses the eye of the sun and the secret of immortality.

In Islam, the eye of the heart is the spiritual center, the seat of absolute intelligence and enlightenment.

Among the Japanese, the right eye of Iza-nagi gave birth to the moon god.

Among the peoples of Oceania, the sun is a large eyeball. Plato believed that the soul has an eye, and the Truth is visible to him alone.

In Sumerian-Semitic mythology, the eye personifies the Lord of the Sacred Eye, Ea or Enki, where it symbolizes wisdom, omniscience, and wakefulness.
Among the Phoenicians, Kronos had two open and two closed eyes, which means he was constantly awake.

The All-Seeing Eye is a complex symbolic and allegorical composition in icon painting, symbolizing the All-Seeing God. Appears in Russian iconography from the end of the 18th century under Western influence.
The All-Seeing Eye can also be called a symbolic image of the All-Seeing Eye of God, inscribed in a triangle - a symbol of the Trinity.

Eye of Ra, the main deity of the ancient Egyptians, also called the Eye of Horus (Wadjet)

B Goddess of Wisdom Isis and Two Eyes of God Horus.
the picture symbolizes the unity of the male and female principles of the Universe

An Egyptian symbol, a painted image of an eye with a spiral line underneath it is the emblem of the falcon-headed sky god Horus, a symbol of both his all-seeing power and the unity of the cosmos, the integrity of the universe. In the Western tradition, the right eye is considered a symbol of the active and solar principle, and the left – of the passive and lunar principle (a system opposite to the Eastern tradition). According to ancient Egyptian myth, the lunar eye of Horus was torn out by Set in the battle for supremacy among the gods, but after Horus's victory in this battle it grew again. This myth became the reason for the extreme popularity of the Eye of Horus as an amulet to ward off evil. The Eye was also often depicted or carved on Egyptian tombstones to help the dead in the afterlife. Images of eyes with wings in ancient Egyptian iconography also denoted north and south.

Heavenly eye of the god Horus

Alchemical woodcut showing the all-seeing eye of God floating in the sky

The mystical third eye, sometimes called the “eye of the heart,” symbolizes spiritual vision, which in different religions is associated with different concepts: in Hinduism with the power of Shiva and the synthesizing power of fire; in Buddhism - with inner vision; in Islam - with supernatural clairvoyance. The third eye depicted on Shiva's forehead is also called the inner eye.

Christian version of the Eye of Providence, enclosed in a triangle symbolizing the Trinity

"All Seeing Eye" of Aachen Cathedral

The “All-Seeing Eye” is decorated with a bronze bas-relief on the pedestal of the Alexander Column. It is located at the top of the bas-relief on the front side of the pedestal (facing the Winter Palace) surrounded by an oak wreath.

THE ALL-SEEING EYE OF GOD is one of the most complex symbolic iconographic compositions: the Lord is likened to the sun as a source of light, and the method of Divine knowledge is likened to an eye.

The first circle is central, with four rays emanating from it, ending behind the large circle with images of the evangelists or their symbols.
The second circle represents, as it were, a person’s face, on which four eyes, a nose and lips are placed. The inscription around the circumference: “My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.”
Above the second circle is the Virgin Mary with raised hands. And the third circle is intersected by many thick rays emanating from the center of the main one - the Sun of Truth - Jesus Christ, to the right and left of Whom it is written: “Plant my eyes on the faithful lands and with me.” The inscription on the circumference: “The coal of Isaiah manifests the sun from the Virgin’s womb, rising in the darkness, giving enlightenment to those who are lost in prudence.”
The fourth circle, the largest, depicts the starry sky with three seraphim and the inscriptions: “Seraphim is the word God,” or in this circle there are four angels, two of which are below with scrolls.

The entire icon is crowned by a circle, truncated at the bottom, in which the “Heaven of Heavens” is personified with three seraphim in it surrounding the Lord of Hosts, blessing with both hands; The Holy Spirit emanating from Him descends in the form of a dove onto the head of the Virgin Mary. The figure of God the Father below is partly closed and surrounded by a halo, along the edges of which there is the inscription: “God from heaven grant me His radiance.” On the entire circumference of the fourth circle there is an inscription: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts, fill heaven and earth with Your glory.” The Lord, surrounded by clouds, sits on a rainbow, at his foot is a seraphim with outstretched wings; On the Lord's chest is the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove.
On the corners there are four circles of evangelists, from the third circle to the fourth; on the circles - names and interpretation: Matthew writes an angel, the ambassador of the Lord; Marco is written orlim, fly to heaven; Luke is written Telchim, Peace; John wrote the lion, and laid it in the tomb.

THE ALL-SEEING EYE OF GOD 2004, Ivan Dymov Wood, gesso, tempera, oil.

The eye (in a triangle or oval) was actually found in ancient Byzantine iconography (there are examples of the 6th century) and was a symbol of God’s omniscience. Some knights (in particular, the Templars, that is, the templars - the guardians of the Holy Sepulcher), it was taken as a certain symbol of “knowledge” or “knowledge”. Therefore, starting from the 12th century. began to appear on some Western icons of the Holy Trinity. From there he moved on to some icons in Russian churches in the 18th century. And it was also called the “All-Seeing Eye.” However, from the Templars, this sign passed into various Masonic symbols (even to the Grand Lodge of France, which explains its appearance on the dollar bill), and in the 20th century into occult symbolism.

In Christianity, the “All-Seeing Eye” is a non-canonical, although stable, image of Christian iconography. This symbol is also called the “Wakeful Eye of the Lord.” It is an image of an eye in a triangle from which rays emanate. The eye in a triangle was used as an emblem by the magical society of Aleister Crowley, the Order of the Eastern Temple, Masonic lodges, Vietnamese Buddhists, Theosophists, Rosicrucians, etc. He is depicted on the Great Seal of the United States and on the one dollar bill. His images are quite common on body crosses, both Orthodox and other denominations, placed in the upper part of the cross (as if crowning it). It is also found in temple architecture and decoration (in the paintings of lampshades, altar decorations along with the dove of the Holy Spirit, on ripids, etc.). Of these images, perhaps the most famous is the pediment of the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg. It appeared in Russia in the 18th century, along with other Masonic symbols and paraphernalia, and was especially popular during the reign of Alexander II. Together with the motto “NOT TO US, NOT TO US, BUT TO YOUR NAME” it was placed on many objects, for example, medals to participants in the War of 1812... It is also found in non-canonical images of the so-called. "New Testament Trinity" as a separate element, because the triangle framing the eye is interpreted in Christianity as a symbol of the Trinity. The most ancient version of this symbol is with the Egyptian “Eye of Ra” (right), which means God. It is he who is initially meant to be placed in the triangle...".

Sevastopol, Museum of the Black Sea Fleet

Medal of Elizabeth Petrovna

Medal for the Coronation of Catherine the Second, 1762

Medal for the coronation of Nicholas the First

Medal of Catherine the Second 1766

War against Napoleon 1812

Medal "For the Capture of Paris"

Medal of Nicholas the First 1849 "For the Pacification of Hungary and Transylvania"

For the defense of Sevastopol

Grand Duke Nikolai Alexandrovich

Vienna Catholic St. Stephen's Cathedral

Lutheran Church in St. Petersburg

St. George's Hall of the Kremlin

Mining Institute in St. Petersburg

The most important symbol of the Masonic temple is the all-seeing eye or Radiant Delta. The Radiant Delta is usually located in the eastern part of the temple, and on both sides of it are the Sun (closer to the south) and the Moon (closer to the north). Radiant Delta is a triangle with an eye placed inside it - a sign of enlightenment or the principle of consciousness, otherwise, the all-seeing eye B:. WITH:. B:., constantly present at all work of the lodge, creating the energy of the presence of B:. WITH:. IN:. when carrying out ritual work, constant radiation is an affirmation of being. A mathematical point that has no dimensions, but is located everywhere, fills the infinity of space. It is also a symbol of awareness and attention, moreover, mutual attention, the attention that is shown by B:. WITH:. IN:. to each of the brothers and the attention that each brother should show towards the world. Radiant Delta reminds us that every Mason has his own Masonic star, which shines in his work and guides him in his quest. The Radiant Delta is the main Masonic symbol of the first degree, the degree of disciple.

Reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States

In 1782, the Eye of Providence was adopted as part of the symbolism on the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States. On the seal, the Eye is surrounded by the words "Annuit Cœptis" meaning "it favors our endeavors." It is placed above an unfinished pyramid with thirteen levels, traditionally symbolizing the 13 states that originally made up the United States and the future growth of the country. The overall meaning is that the Eye, or God, approves of the prosperity of the United States. Perhaps due to its use in the Great Seal design, the eye is widely used in other American seals and emblems.

Free will

Several centuries ago, appanage princes wrote in their contracts to each other: “And the boyars and the boyars’ children, and the servants, and the free peasants have free will...”. Thus, they asserted freedom as a right, a privilege, providing for freedom of action and behavior, the opportunity to live on earth as long as one can live and leave when one wants. Only free people used this freedom: children with their parents, brothers with their brothers, nephews with their uncles, etc. Serfs who belonged to the masters could be sold, killed without trial or investigation, expelled, that is, there was no will.

Nowadays the phraseology “free will” is used in the literal sense: do as you want.

In a halo of glory

Translated from Latin, the word "halo" means "gilded." This is the name given to the golden discs that are depicted around the heads of saints in Christian and Buddhist religious art. In a figurative sense, the phraseology “in a halo of glory” means an atmosphere of fame, success, respect around someone.

The eighth wonder of the world

In the ancient world, the number seven was considered sacred. This is due to the fact that for a long time people have known seven celestial bodies (the Sun, the Moon and five planets). They also knew about the seven wonders of the world: the Egyptian pyramids, the gardens of Babylon, the mausoleum in Halicarnassus, the temple of the goddess Artemis in Ephesus, the Colossus of Rhodes (clay statue of the sun god), the statue of the god Zeus, the lighthouse on the island of Pharos. These architectural structures were considered miracles due to their grandeur, scale and artistic value. Now, when they want to exalt something, to distinguish it from others, it is called the eighth wonder of the world.

Fight with windmills

The origin of the phraseological unit is associated with the immortal work of the Spanish writer Miguel Cervantes "Don Quixote". The main character, an elderly nobleman, having read ancient novels, imagined himself as a knight errant. On one of his trips, he saw windmills, which he mistook for giants, and began to fight with them. His fight was useless and pointless. The expression “tilting at windmills” is used to mean: fighting against obstacles to no avail, engaging in a hopeless cause.

All-seeing eye

In the mythologies of many peoples of the world, the Supreme God is represented in human form and symbolizes a stormy sky, from the height of which the Sun, like a huge universal Eye, examines the earth. According to ancient Ukrainian legends, the Divine Eye flew from the distant Old World to create the New World. One day, with its Divine power, it pierced powerful chaos and shed a tear. From her the first bird Falcon was born. The sacred spirit of pershoptah gave birth to consciousness and being. Then the Falcon laid a golden egg, from which the blessed south-swarm appeared, and from it the whole white light. About pershoptakha - God the Creator as a spiritual being, from whose tears the world was born, there are many mentions in pre-Christian carols.

In the modern understanding, the “all-seeing eye” is the ability to notice, see, and quickly learn about everything.

global flood

According to the Bible, God, angry with people for their great sins, decided to destroy them all by sending a flood to the earth. Saved

He is only the family of Noah, for he led a righteous life. He commanded Noah to build a large boat (ark) and place all the animals and birds in it in pairs. After this, the rain did not stop falling for forty days and nights, everything around was flooded with water, which did not subside for several weeks. Only the inhabitants of the boat survived, and after the flood they repopulated the land.

The phraseological unit “global flood” is used when talking about a flood or drain.

Lose face

In Jerusalem, on Mount Golgotha, where Jesus Christ was crucified, there is a sculpture of the Mother of God without a face. Deep sorrow changed the face of the Mother of God, she lost it. Most likely, this is what became the basis for the phraseological expression “to lose face,” which means to change one’s face beyond recognition, to almost lose it due to great misfortune, misfortune, or unexpected shock.

All-seeing eye

All-seeing eye
The expression came to the Russian language from Christian symbolism, in which “God’s providence”, providence is usually depicted in the form of an eye (eye) enclosed in a triangle.
Allegorically: 1. About attentive, vigilant people who notice everything. 2. About a strict boss (joking). 3. About the state security service, the secret police (ironically).

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

See what the “All-Seeing Eye” is in other dictionaries:

    The All-Seeing Eye in icon painting is a complex symbolic and allegorical composition symbolizing the All-Seeing God ... Wikipedia

    The providence of God, omniscience (depicted as an eye in the rays among the triangle). Wed. Achilles the deacon quickly glanced at the knob and read near the all-seeing eye: Aaron’s rod blossomed. Leskov. Soboryans. 1, 2. Wed. In the middle of the knob...... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Noun, number of synonyms: 1 third eye (1) Dictionary of synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    all-seeing eye- A symbol of the Christian deity, shaped like a triangle from which rays diverge. Source: Pluzhnikov, 1995 Illustrations: Church of the Savior Image Not Made by Hands in the Spaso Borodinsky Convent of the Mozhaisk District, Moscow Region. Western... ... Dictionary of Temple Architecture

    Providence of God, omniscience (depicted by an eye in the rays among the triangle) Cf. Achilles the deacon quickly glanced at the knob and read near the all-seeing eye: Aaron’s Rod blossomed. Leskov. Soboryans. 1, 2. Wed. In the middle of the knob... there was a carving... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    Book About a person who knows everything, from whom nothing can be hidden. BTS, 158; Yanin 2003, 73; SHZF 2001, 46./i> Goes back to Christian symbolism. BMS 1998, 419 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    All-seeing eye- A symbol of the Christian deity, shaped like a triangle from which rays diverge. (Terms of Russian architectural heritage. Pluzhnikov V.I., 1995) ... Architectural Dictionary

    all-seeing eye- About the one who sees and knows everything (from Christian symbolism, in which the image of an eye (eye) in a light triangle personifies God’s care for the Universe, man and all things) ... Dictionary of many expressions

    The All-Seeing Eye in icon painting is a complex symbolic and allegorical composition, symbolizing the All-Seeing God. Appears in Russian iconography from the end of the 18th century under Western influence. The dogmatic basis for such an image are the words: “Here... Wikipedia


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Among the Egyptians, the eye of the son of Osiris, the eye of the god Horus, was considered all-seeing.
The Jews inherited some knowledge from the Egyptians, as can be seen from the androgyne Baphomet of Kabbalah and the androgyne of the Egyptians.

hermaphrodite (androgyne) Baphomet of the Kabbalah and Baphomet of the Egyptians

On the heads of Baphomets tridents, consisting in the first Jewish Kabbalistic case of horns and a torch between them, In the second Egyptian case, the trident consists of two snakes and a “shouti” crown on a golden ball in the middle of the horns of a loving ram.
The torch of Baphomet and the crown on the ball of the ram mean that the tridents of Baphomet ensure the emergence of “divine” fire or the eye of God - the all-seeing eye.
In alchemy, the goat's head is a symbol of sulfur. For Jews, the goat represents lust and life-giving forces. Ram = also a symbol of lust.
What kind of intercourse, fusion, superposition-marriage took place in the trident?

Knowledge from the Jews was transferred to the Templars, who, after torturing the French king, admitted that they worshiped a certain head. It became known exactly what this “head” of Templar worship looked like. Now this mechanism is called the Isais chest. You can consider the scheme for obtaining the “divine” eye using the example of Jewish knowledge - the Templar chest. Lights above and below.

Templar androgyne

Inside the two-faced head there was a mechanism called the “Isais” chest - a generator of not only direct current, but also probably plasma (picture below)

Inside the androgynous figure - the idol of the Templars - in the male and female heads, respectively, were placed dagger made of brass (an alloy of copper and zinc) and mirror made of copper, between them they placed crystal. Three or 2 of these elements are connected by copper wire. A tuft of hair fell from the wire to the bottom, to a rotating pedestal with a crystal crystal. Pedestal while singing They rotated and from the hole of the generator among the heads “suddenly” the eye of God appeared - the “divine” light.
(The use of the terms hermaphrodite (androgyne) for gods is also in the previous blog topic.)
(ANDROGYNE- half woman, half man, symbolizing world harmony. It combines opposing principles: male and female, active and passive, material and spiritual, space and chaos, heaven and earth. One of the modifications of the androgyne is the double-headed eagle. “He is the primary chaos of the world,” says the Tao Te Ching. In the theogony of peoples, the primal gods alone generated other deities. The most ancient gods were androgynous - An, Zeus, Dionysus, etc. The name Yahweh is deciphered into Yah and the feminine Hova. In Kabbalah, Macroprosopus is also an androgyne. The equivalent of the androgyne is the combination of the rose and the cross in the Rosicrucian tradition. The geometric version of the androgyne is the yin-yang symbolism. The symbol of androgyny is the lotus flower. In the animal world, the hare was considered an androgynous creature. It was dedicated to the Egyptian self-born god.)

Interesting is the androgyne of Copper Age Cyprus - the Pomosian idol - and the circular buildings of prehistoric Cyprus

idol-androgyne model of a circular building
Far-reaching conclusions can be drawn from the Pomos idol and the circular buildings of prehistoric Cyprus,
for example, that the use of a plasmoid, lit instead of the sun, was a common occurrence in ancient times, which suddenly ceased due to the inculcation of the desire for “spirituality”

interesting variations of the mother goddess with outstretched arms or even with some horns behind her shoulders, shaped like an isais mechanism

How does the Isais scheme work? It is obvious that by rubbing the brush of a bunch of hair on the lower crystal, low-frequency mechanical vibrations and a direct current are obtained - a current that does not change its direction over time and has no frequency - and they are distributed along the copper wire to the blade and mirror. ( smoking/fiery mirror Tezcatlipoca?)
Is there a potential difference? Maybe the fact that the terminals are not connected by electrodes to the load means there is no direct interaction, like androgyny.
The emission of electrons is possible from the tip of the blade because the tips have this property. In any case, we can assume ionization of the surrounding space from the presence of a conductive blade and mirror. Does the mirror reflect the flow directed at it onto the crystal? Passing through the crystal, charged particles will cause ionization in it. Probably the lower part of the upper crystal will become the cathode, and the upper part the anode.
It can be seen that the top crystal of the Isais chest has a shape similar to the Seal of Solomon in the form of a projection - the Star of David - a hexagon. But most likely the shape was rounded at the top and pointed at the bottom - this is how the mother goddess was depicted by deliberately beating off the head of the figurines, and this is how it can be seen in the Isais diagram.

The crystal possibly performs the function not just of an LED - a luminescent crystal under the influence of an electric current - but of a laser diode, because it can be assumed that a standing electromagnetic wave will arise with a narrow burst of energy, like in a swastika.

caduceus of the Masons "handshake" of the Masons double-headed eagle of the Masons

The ancients often depicted a standing wave in the form of an intertwining of two snakes - a caduceus. And among the Masons, a standing wave is depicted in the form of a specific handshake, a double-headed eagle and also the intertwining of two snakes - the caduceus.
Question: was the inner surface of the box-chest-ark mirrored? Were there series and parallel connections forming a bowl of such circuits to enhance the effect? What vapors filled the box? It is known that such chests periodically had to be cleaned with fire and water. And how do the transmitted low vibrations affect - are they the cause of the resonance of the energy flows of the crystals at the bottom and top of the mechanism?
Internal energy flows are observed in rubies, sapphires, rock crystal and other stones.
It can be assumed that these internal energy flows of the crystal resulted in resonance, affecting the crystal with vibrations transmitted both to the crystal and to the blade, and to the mirror from the mediator - copper wire, and receiving an unquenchable lamp - a crystal glowing with plasma

Maybe crystal Was it zinc sulfide or lead sulfide? After all, the ancient Egyptians lived in the caldera of an extinct volcano, in which sulfurous fumes took place. (And perhaps that is why they observed lakes of blue fire - plasma). In addition, it is known that so-called “unquenchable lamps” were found in ancient crypts, the light of which was a glow of plasma enveloping a certain Not precious, unremarkable, gray, spherical crystal on top

It can be seen that the mechanism itself has the shape of a trident. With the trident up, it was probably used as a weapon, and with the trident down, it was probably used as a floating top of the pyramid.
(since in the closed space of the base there were also vortex effects - an air swirl (which is what the swastika is about))

A The Earth's atmosphere vibrates at a frequency of 7.83 Hz . Waves with this frequency, as well as their harmonics - 14, 20, 26, 33, 39 and 45 Hz form the Schumann resonance - the formation of standing electromagnetic waves of low frequencies between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere.Probably in the ancient unquenchable lamp a resonance was created with the frequency of the Earth, for which it had to be installed on a swinging base.
The shape of the box in which the mechanism could be enclosed could be any: in the shape of a head, in the shape of a parallelepiped, in the shape of a pyramid, and in the shape of a Japanese lantern house-temple

The wings of the Baphomets and the shape of the roof of the Shinto mikoshi indicate that the radiations were directed to the center of the structure and there they became a “bird with a tail” (in Mesoamerica the result was depicted not as a bird, but as a flying snake). Mikoshi have the appearance of a house-temple-ark of golden or fire color, 6 meters high, decorated with thirty-two ogi fans and eight mirrors (three fans per mirror). There is a bird on the roof. The edges of the roof are curved towards the center and are also decorated with a bird. Inside the Japanese ark are kept symbols of artifacts given by the sun goddess to her son as a means of conquering peoples: a mirror, a blade and crystals.

The Japanese golden ark differs from the Jewish one in greater detail and informative content and appearance.

It is known that at the Great Pyramid in the present day. no top. Maybe. that the pommel was lost along with the mechanism of the ancient laser show.
Why is it possible that the Egyptians used such a mechanism?
This probability is associated with the fact that there are legends about crystals on top of the pyramids and with the fact that the Jews, when they left Egypt, took with them not only the gold of the Egyptians, but also their science/religion, and a secret: a wooden chest in the shape of a house, lined with sheet gold with a roof and columns - the ark is essentially a condenser with "cherubic" wings facing each other. Inside there were some stone tablets (maybe they were uranium?).
All that remained was to place a crystal between the “cherubs” and the result was the same Isais mechanism powered by the ark box - a capacitor with tablets.
And the location of the ark-capacitor at the top of the pyramid is advisable, because the property of the pyramid to ionize the space at the top will charge the capacitor without a bunch of hair.
Reading descriptions of the Jewish nomad, the image of a swinging coffin-box on chains always comes to mind. (Where did the image of a crystal coffin in a cave in a deserted place on chains come from in legends?) And the presence of an altar of incense next to the ark suggests that the ark was heated on this altar.

The radiance also appeared at the bottom of the mechanism, as can be seen in the picture of the head above, which suggests that the same principle was applied in the double trident - the lightning weapon of the ancients - the vajra - and embedded in Shiva's trishula (trident). Images of the Trident have been known since ancient times among the gods of the Thunderstorm and the goddess Inanna, and on the Nazca plateau.

the trident of Inanna with the leg of the vajra trishula of Shiva twisted like a scythe

Maybe the Egyptians used a pair of electrum (an alloy of gold and silver) and gold to obtain “divine” light. The fact that they used crystals is legendary. For example, there was an expression about the divine penis - jade rod - maybe they used wear-resistant jade instead of the bottom crystal. Although more is known about the electrical properties of amber, a layer of rock crystal was discovered under the sarcophagus in the Great Pyramid. Currently, rubies and other stones are used in lasers, but there were no ruby ​​deposits in Egypt. But there were volcanic calderas, saturated with sulfur vapors, permeating minerals with the formation of luminous sulfur crystals

If the spherical plasmoids in Akhete were called the eye of Ra and the eye of Horus by the Egyptians, then perhaps the glow from a device similar to Isais at the top of the pyramid was called the “all-seeing eye.” And the oval shape of the eye was pressed into the glow using devices inside the pyramid, which formed 2 outlets of ionized flows from the so-called ventilation shafts of the pyramid and the concave reflector faces of the pyramid
If we talk about the pyramid, then the pyramid ensured the emergence of not one eye, but three. There was one at the top and two at the side - this is the secret of the “three-eyed” god like Shiva, which is revealed by the discovery in Mesoamerica. More on this later.

The reliability of the mechanism perhaps confirms the contents of the ancient Shinto ark of the Japanese "about mikoshi". The so-called shintai are stored inside it: this is again
Quartz or jade crystals (in the form of pointed stones initially, and later in the c-shape),
and a mirror.
and blade,
as in Lara Isais.

And the “flying” eastern roofs with birds on them or snakes under/above them seem to indicate that the mechanism of the “all-seeing eye” could float (on a standing wave of radiation. See swastika)

Since ancient times, the symbol "All-Seeing Eye" has been used by different peoples; it can be found on various manuscripts and bas-reliefs, on ancient Egyptian papyri, on dollars, on Orthodox icons. More recently, in 2006, our Ukrainian "partners" distinguished themselves and placed the "All-Seeing Eye" on banknote 500 hryvnia. A similar symbol is often used by both secret organizations and used in the religious sphere. If we turn our attention to the image of the “All-Seeing Eye” in Egyptian culture, we will notice how primitively this image is executed, in contrast to the symbol that was drawn in Christian culture and heraldry. The eye was depicted so realistically that even small anatomical details were noticeable, and at the same time it was inscribed in a regular, that is, equilateral triangle.

What does the sign of the “All Seeing Eye” mean?

This symbol personifies the power of knowledge, or rather the ability to know what is hidden behind the veil of everyday life, rise above it and gain power over all living things, over oneself and over time. "The All-Seeing Eye" is the one third Eye", about which there are quite a few legends. According to legend, with its help you can unravel the mysteries of the Universe and see the truth.

Denotes supernatural abilities and strong intuition

What does this symbol mean in Christianity?

If we begin to study Orthodox texts, we will find out the truth, in some of them this symbol is called " Radiant Delta"So why was only one eye depicted and why was the triangle shape used?

We know that the number three for most believers, it has a special significance and meaning. In the three sides of this “right triangle” all three hypostases of God are hidden - God the Father, God the Son, the Holy Spirit, because of which the triangle is simply overflowing with positive energy. The image of the “Eye” itself seems rather not as an opportunity to find out all our thoughts and actions, as well as a special understanding of the universe, as it is in reality.
There is only one “Eye” drawn, because it represents the correct and unified vision, which most people have lost.
According to ancient philosophers, duality in everything is most likely only a hindrance, since it gives rise to uncertainty and doubt, which are the main weapon Satan They distract people from their goal and cloud the mind. It is for this reason that the “All-Seeing Eye” represents the revelation of absolute intelligence, the acquisition of spiritual wisdom and a sense of insight.

Nowadays, most advanced citizens tend to consider the symbol of the “All-Seeing Eye” to be associated with Masonic organization, which strives to subjugate the entire economic and political situation on Earth, fulfilling a peculiar role of “overseeing”.

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