Day of the Angel Nicholas the Wonderworker. Nicholas's name day, Nicholas's angel day. Nicholas's name day according to the Orthodox church calendar in November

The name a person receives at birth shapes his character and determines his future destiny. Parents, having decided to name their son Nicholas, should know that this name came to us from the ancient Greek language and is translated as “Conqueror of Nations.” Nikolai is one of the common male names. In ancient times, many people received this name, so we celebrate several name days throughout the year.

Nikolay - name day

Day Angel- this is a special date when it is customary to remember the saint. Those who were named after the saint born on this day can consider this holiday theirs. But Angel Day can only be celebrated by baptized people. Then a person finds a patron and protector for life.

In case of trouble, one can rely on the intercession of the Saint before God.

The name “Nicholas” appears 112 times in the calendar, so it is difficult to name a specific date for the celebration. Most often, name days are celebrated on the nearest day of remembrance of the saint.

The character and fate of Nikolai

To know what to give as a gift to a person with such a beautiful and regal name, you need to know main character traits which he possesses. Most often this

  • intelligence and practicality;
  • hard work;
  • self-confidence and demanding of others;
  • hot temper and jealousy.

In childhood, boys named by this name love their mother very much and try to obey her in everything, but with age they begin to show more and more independence, expressing various protests. Sometimes it is impossible to predict his thoughts and actions. In his youth, his fate is subject to changes in mood. Fate sends him various tests, which he passes with honor. Over time, his life gets better. And the calm guy turns into a self-sufficient and purposeful man.

Personal life is going well. Seeing the lady of his heart, he immediately invites her on a date, and then proposes marriage, but he is extremely jealous. If his wife is suspected of cheating, he will begin to take revenge in the same way. As a result, the family will fall apart. But if everything goes well, he becomes a wonderful husband and father.

Name dates

Here are the most common days on which Nikolai celebrates his name day according to the Orthodox calendar . Dates are indicated according to the new style.

The most revered is Nicholas the Wonderworker, whose name day falls on December 6 according to the old style and December 19 according to the new style. This is the most revered date among all the saints with this name.

Life story of the Wonderworker

There are many stories and legends about this man.. His life spanned the 3rd-4th centuries. eca AD. He was born in the city of Patara, which is located in Central Asia. His parents were pious but had no children. Then, in fervent prayer, they begged God for a child, promising the Lord that the boy would serve him until the end of his days. And already in infancy, little Nikola began to show a special zeal for God. There is a belief that during baptism he stood alone in the font for 3 hours.

His parents taught him Christian truths and values ​​from childhood. He did not like playing with his peers; his favorite activities were reading theological books and prayer.

When he accepted the priesthood, he became even more pious and did all his deeds in solitude. He helped poor people as best he could, so his deeds remained in people’s memory forever. Therefore, the name day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is considered very important in Orthodoxy.

Therefore, anyone who decides to name a child by this name gives the person a reliable intercessor and patron. The angel will always protect him, protect him and guide him on the true path of God..

Attention, TODAY only!

The parents of the holy martyr Nicholas were Albanians. The parents lived in Thessaly in the city of Ioannina and were closely related to one high official in Dalmatia, who was the favorite of the then Turkish Sultan Süleyman II (1520-1566). The holy martyr's father's name was Martin, and his mother's name was Euphrosyne. This shows that they were Christians. Martin and Euphrosyne were childless, but they prayed intensely to God, and especially to Nicholas of Myra, that they would be given a child. Through their prayers, God gave them a child who was born in 1510. His parents gave him a good upbringing and education.

Saint Nicholas was a handsome and intelligent young man. After the death of his parents, he fled from the Turks to Sofia. Since he was distinguished by his meekness and pious life, the Sofia Bulgarians received him warmly and reassured him. But due to fears, he fled from the Turks to Vlaško and became a courtier under the governor Mircho Cioban. He returned to Sofia only in 1554, his fellow Turks invited him to a party and, having added drugs to his grape juice, circumcised him in order to return him to their faith. Saint Nicholas spent a whole year in solitary, continuous prayer. When the Muslims found him and asked him why he left them, to which St. Nicholas stated that he never betrayed the Orthodox faith. Then he was tortured, imprisoned and put on trial. Ultimately, the qadis (judges) acquitted him, but the crowd wanted revenge and stoned him to death in the area of ​​"Yuch Bunar" ("Three Wells"), outside the city. This happened on May 17, 1555. Then the Turks burned the saint’s body near a place called “Tarnitsata” and scattered the ashes. The then Metropolitan Jacob convened a diocesan council, which canonized Nicholas as a saint.

When is Nicholas' name day according to the church calendar?: May 22, December 19 – Nicholas of Myra, archbishop, wonderworker, August 10 – Nicholas of Novgorod, holy fool for Christ’s sake, March 22 – Nicholas of Sevastopol, martyr.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Nikolai:

From the ancient Greek language - winner of nations - Nikola, Mikola. Nicholas' name day four times a year. In the old days, schismatics vehemently rejected the Greek name Nicholas as “dog”, because of the ending “barking.” Therefore, the only correct form was considered to be Nikola, Cola. Looking at the handsome, cheerful, sexy Nikolay, I just want to sing to him “Kolya, Kolya, Nikolay, stay at home - don’t go out!”

But Kolya - even if you sing, even if you scold, even if you close the door - he will still run away with a pretty girl. And if he also likes her, then in a day or two she will become his legal wife. After all, Kolya is terribly in love, and also very jealous. However, he can still be forgiven a lot. It literally works day and night. During the day he gives his best at work, and in the evening he improves his home. If he is a simple employee, then with his colleagues he is a “good guy”.

Well, if he is the boss, then he behaves like an “appanage princeling.” In this case, if one of his subordinates sees him in anger, he runs far away from his eyes. However, this situation usually does not last long. After all, Nikolai is essentially balanced, easy-going, and friendly. At home (in the family) Nikolai is an exemplary, caring husband and father.

He simply adores his children. Allows them to do whatever they want. But Nikolai himself should limit some things, in particular, excessive alcohol consumption.

Nikolai views himself as the center of action, with relatively little sense of other forces above and below him. He overestimates his importance in the world, and it seems to him that everything around him does not happen by itself, organically unfolding and guided by forces that have nothing to do with the implementation of human plans, but must certainly be done by some reasonable will.

Congratulations on Nikolai's name day:

Don't forget to celebrate Nicholas' name day and congratulate Nicholas on his angel's day.

We want to congratulate Nikolai

Happy name day

We respect you Kolya

How we love you Kolya

Be the same Angel!

May fate please you more

creative events,

but for this you too,

Nikolay, be sure to be active!

This is how kings were baptized in life

And they gave devotion and love.

And apparently the custom has been preserved,

You, too, were born a king:

Your surroundings love you so much,

Everyone respects your opinion.

Everything is, perhaps, your will

Please accept congratulations, Kolya!

Nikolay, today is for you


I wish you a lot

And good luck and love.

Friendship sincere and faithful,

And spiritual beauty.

On name day, that's right,

Everyone's dreams come true!

Nikolai is a very common name in Russia, and, perhaps, in the world too. In this article we will talk about such a topic as the name day of the bearers of this noble Greek name, as well as the life of their main patron saint.

Name day is a holiday that is also called angel day. In fact, this is a purely church holiday, and therefore Nicholas’ name day can only be celebrated by those owners of this name who were baptized with him. Unfortunately, it does not apply to the rest. As such, Angel's Day is the day of remembrance of the saint in whose honor a person is baptized. Such a saint is considered a personal patron, protector and intercessor before God on behalf of a person.

How is an angel's day chosen?

As a rule, the day of the angel is set before baptism, when a saint is chosen in whose name the sacrament will be performed. This choice lies entirely with the person being baptized. Or, if this is a baby, the parents solve this problem for him. There are, however, cases when a person who was baptized in infancy does not know in memory of which of the saints of God he was named. In this case, you are allowed to choose your own patron yourself - guided either by special sympathy for this or that saint, or by a purely formal determination procedure, which consists in the fact that according to the church calendar, the day of remembrance of his namesake saint is closest to the person’s birthday. This saint will be considered the patron saint. They do the same thing when parents come to church with a chosen name, but have no idea in honor of which saint to baptize their child. This happens because not very religious people who baptize children simply to keep traditions or, even worse, out of superstitious fear, most often do not care who becomes the patron of their children.

Nicholas's name day

The day on which specific Nikolai celebrate their angel day is quite difficult to determine. Firstly, because of the extreme prevalence of this name and, as a consequence, because of the huge number of saints who bear it. Judge for yourself - Nicholas’ name day, according to the church calendar, can fall on at least four dozen different dates. Secondly, despite the impressive list of holy namesakes, most of Nikolaev, at least in Russia, prefer to be baptized in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, bypassing all the calendar rules for identifying saints. This is usually due to the fact that people simply do not know any other Saint Nicholas. Below we provide a list of the main saints revered in Russia, on whose memory day Nicholas’ name day is celebrated. However, this is by no means a complete list, since throughout the Orthodox world there are hundreds of saints who are widely revered in some regions and countries and virtually unknown in others. Well, after the list, we will get acquainted with the short life of the most famous saint, in whose honor the name day of Nicholas is celebrated - St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

List of saints

All dates are indicated according to the new style. Old style dates are given in parentheses.

  • 14.01 (1.01) Hieromartyr Nicholas (Bezhanitsky).
  • 16.02 (3.02) Equal to the Apostles Nicholas. Founded an Orthodox mission in Japan.
  • 17.02 (4.02) Venerable Nicholas the Confessor. He was abbot in the Studite monastery.
  • 11.03 (26.02) Righteous Nicholas the Local.
  • 13.03 (28.02) Blessed Nicholas. He was a fool for Christ in Pskov.
  • 22.03 (9.03) Martyr Nicholas. He was injured in Sevastia.
  • 1.05 (18.04) Hieromartyr Nicholas. Repressed in 1937 in the USSR.
  • 7.05 (24.04) Martyr Nicholas of Magnesia.
  • 22.05 (9.05). On May 22, the so-called “summer Nicholas” is celebrated - the transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker from Myra in Lycia to Baria.
  • 29.05 (16) Martyr Nicholas of Mechevsky († 1617) and St. Nicholas the Mystic, Patriarch of Constantinople.
  • 06.10 (23.09) Martyr Nicholas from Constantinople.
  • 13.11 (30.10) Martyr Nicholas of Chios.
  • 19.12 (6.12) “Winter Nicholas”. Actually, the memory of St. Nicholas is the same one, the transfer of whose remains is celebrated on May 22. On the same day the memory of the martyr Nikolai Karaman is celebrated.

Brief life of St. Nicholas

You can talk a lot about who Archbishop Nicholas the Wonderworker was during his lifetime. But the trouble is that in more than one and a half thousand years (and he lived in the 3rd-4th centuries), he turned from a historical figure into a mythological and archetypal character. From the real personality of this saint, who became the prototype of Santa Claus, little remains - stories about fantastic miracles and some vivid historical information collected from the lives of various bishops of the same name. Thus, the saint we borrow is a collective, idealized image, composed partly from the biographies of several real people, partly from popular fantasies and folklore. All that can be stated is that he was born and lived in Asia Minor, occupied the chair of the archbishop of the city of Myra in Lycia, and preached Christianity with all his might. Among other things, he is credited with such an unseemly act as the destruction of a number of pagan sanctuaries. There is no other reliable information about him.

Nikolai is a very common name in Russia, and, perhaps, in the world too. In this article we will talk about such a topic as the name day of the bearers of this noble Greek name, as well as the life of their main patron saint.

About name days

Name day is a holiday that is also called angel day. In fact, this is a purely church holiday, and therefore Nicholas’ name day can only be celebrated by those owners of this name who were baptized with him. Unfortunately, it does not apply to the rest. As such, Angel's Day is the day of remembrance of the saint in whose honor a person is baptized. Such a saint is considered a personal patron, protector and intercessor before God on behalf of a person.

How is an angel's day chosen?

As a rule, the day of the angel is set before baptism, when a saint is chosen in whose name the sacrament will be performed. This choice lies entirely with the person being baptized. Or, if this is a baby, the parents solve this problem for him. There are, however, cases when a person who was baptized in infancy does not know in memory of which of the saints of God he was named. In this case, you are allowed to choose your own patron yourself - guided either by special sympathy for this or that saint, or by a purely formal determination procedure, which consists in the fact that according to the church calendar, the day of remembrance of his namesake saint is closest to the person’s birthday. This saint will be considered the patron saint. They do the same thing when parents come to church with a chosen name, but have no idea in honor of which saint to baptize their child. This happens because not very religious people who baptize children simply to keep traditions or, even worse, out of superstitious fear, most often do not care who becomes the patron of their children.

Nicholas's name day

The day on which specific Nicholas celebrates is quite difficult to determine. Firstly, because of the extreme prevalence of this name and, as a consequence, because of the huge number of saints who bear it. Judge for yourself - Nicholas’ name day, according to the church calendar, can fall on at least four dozen different dates. Secondly, despite the impressive list of holy namesakes, most of Nikolaev, at least in Russia, prefer to be baptized in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, bypassing all the calendar rules for identifying saints. This is usually due to the fact that people simply don’t know any others. Below we provide a list of the main saints revered in Russia, on whose memory day Nicholas’ name day is celebrated. However, this is by no means a complete list, since throughout the Orthodox world there are hundreds of saints who are widely revered in some regions and countries and virtually unknown in others. Well, after the list, we will get acquainted with the short life of the most famous saint, in whose honor the name day of Nicholas is celebrated - St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

List of saints

All dates are indicated according to the new style. Old style dates are given in parentheses.

  • 14.01 (1.01) Hieromartyr Nicholas (Bezhanitsky).
  • 16.02 (3.02) Equal to the Apostles Nicholas. Founded an Orthodox mission in Japan.
  • 17.02 (4.02) Venerable Nicholas the Confessor. He was abbot in the Studite monastery.
  • 11.03 (26.02) Righteous Nicholas the Local.
  • 13.03 (28.02) Blessed Nicholas. He was a fool for Christ in Pskov.
  • 22.03 (9.03) Martyr Nicholas. He was injured in Sevastia.
  • 1.05 (18.04) Hieromartyr Nicholas. Repressed in 1937 in the USSR.
  • 7.05 (24.04) Martyr Nicholas of Magnesia.
  • 22.05 (9.05). On May 22, the so-called “summer Nicholas” is celebrated - the transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker from Baria.
  • 29.05 (16) Martyr Nicholas of Mechevsky († 1617) and St. Nicholas the Mystic, Patriarch of Constantinople.
  • 06.10 (23.09) Martyr Nicholas from Constantinople.
  • 13.11 (30.10) Martyr Nicholas of Chios.
  • 19.12 (6.12) “Winter Nicholas”. Actually, the memory of St. Nicholas is the same one, the transfer of whose remains is celebrated on May 22. On the same day the memory of the martyr Nikolai Karaman is celebrated.

Brief life of St. Nicholas

You can talk a lot about who Archbishop Nicholas the Wonderworker was during his lifetime. But the trouble is that in more than one and a half thousand years (and he lived in the 3rd-4th centuries), he turned from a historical figure into a mythological and archetypal character. From the real personality of this saint, who became the prototype of Santa Claus, little remains - stories about fantastic miracles and some vivid historical information collected from the lives of various bishops of the same name. Thus, the saint of whom we are a collective, idealized image, composed partly from the biographies of several real people, partly from popular fantasies and folklore. All that can be stated is that he was born and lived in Asia Minor, occupied the chair of the archbishop of the city of Myra in Lycia, and preached Christianity with all his might. Among other things, he is credited with such an unseemly act as the destruction of a number of pagan sanctuaries. There is no other reliable information about him.

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