Sample tasks for economic dictation. The All-Russian Economic Dictation will test the knowledge of Russians. Who will take part

On October 12, the educational event “All-Russian Economic Dictation” will be held for the first time in the constituent entities of Russia. This is an educational event similar to the Total Dictation in the Russian language and the Geographical Dictation. The venue for the dictation in Syktyvkar will be SSU named after. Pitirim Sorokina and the Komi National Library. The start is scheduled for 10.00.

The promotion will be held in 79 regions of the Russian Federation at 828 sites. This is an indicator for all of us that people are interested in economic knowledge and that economic knowledge is needed. This event is free, but we do not provide any grants. There are no winners, everyone evaluates their knowledge there. We expect from 60 to 80 thousand participants in person - it will be held from 10:00 to 12:00 on October 12, and then the online version will begin from 12:00. We don’t know yet how many people will sign up there.

- said the chairman of the dictation organizing committee Sergei Bodrunov.

The theme of the Dictation is “Strong economy - prosperous Russia!” Participants will be given 1 astronomical hour to write the Dictation. It is during this time that participants will need to answer 25 test questions. The organizers have compiled two versions of the Dictation, differing in difficulty level: one for schoolchildren, the other for students and adults. The third option is for writing Dictation online.

Each version of the Dictation consists of tasks of varying degrees of complexity and includes testing knowledge of economic concepts and terms, approaches, methods and tools for managing economic processes in solving various problems and the ability to apply this knowledge in practice. In addition to theory, there will also be assignments with a practical focus. Rating – on a scale of 100 points. And as the organizers say, it will not be easy for a person unprepared for the highest score to write a dictation, since there will not only be quite simple questions, but also complex ones, designed for special knowledge. For example, explain what you see on the presented graph, interpret the table, answer what taxes you pay, etc.

The dictation starts on October 12 at 10.00 in the educational building No. 2 of SSU named after. Pitirim Sorokin (Starovsky St., 55). Free admission.

Anyone can write a Dictation online. Instructions for writing the Dictation online and a link to the start page will be published on the website of the Free Economic Society on the day of the Dictation at 12:00 Moscow time.

Participants will be able to find out their results after October 25. The overall results of the action will be summed up later.

We will summarize and present the results of our dictation on November 11 - on this day the government of the country established a public holiday - Russian Economist Day,

The organizer of the Dictation is the Free Economic Society of Russia LLC with the participation of leading universities of Russia, institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Education, administrations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Association of Youth Governments, with the support of the general information partner of the VEO of Russia - TASS, ANO Public Television of Russia "(OTR), "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", publishing house "Economic Gazette".


12 October 2017 on the basis of MBOU "Secondary school No. 4" in the city of Kolchugino, Vladimir region (one of the regional sites) held "ALL-RUSSIAN ECONOMIC DICTANT"(hereinafter referred to as Dictation). You can find official information about the Dictation on the page VEO Russia website

The All-Russian Economic Dictation begins at 10.00 local time.
Dictation timing:

  • 09.00 – start of site operation;
  • 09.00 - 10.00 – gathering participants and issuing forms for writing the Dictation and instructions for filling out the forms for the Dictation participants;
  • 10.00 - 11.00 – turning on the Dictation video, writing the Dictation. If there are technical problems associated with the video broadcast, the Dictation is read out by a person appointed by the organizer of the Regional Site;
  • 11.00 - 11.30 – collecting completed forms for writing the Dictation, encoding the forms and issuing tear-off sheets to the Dictation participants.

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