Types of street workout. Workout - what is it? So, there is a certain classification

    workout- work·out n: an undertaking or plan intended to resolve a problem of indebtedness esp. in lieu of bankruptcy or foreclosure proceedings Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. workout … Law dictionary

    workout- an arrangement, outside of bankruptcy, by a debtor and its creditors for payment or re scheduling of payments of the debtor s obligations. Usually applies to an informal agreement between a business and its creditors, although it can be a formal... ... Glossary of Bankruptcy

    workout- (n.) 1909, boxing bout for practice, from WORK (Cf. work) + OUT (Cf. out). General sense of spell of strenuous physical exercise is attested by 1922. Verbal phrase work out “solve” (a problem, etc.) is from c.1600. Sense of “succeed”… … Etymology dictionary

    workout- [n] exercise, practice conditioning, constitutional, drill, rehearsal, routine, session, test, training, tryout, warm up, work; concepts 290,363 Ant. inactivity…New thesaurus

    workout- NOUN ▪ a session of vigorous physical exercise … English terms dictionary

    workout- ☆ workout n. 1. a training session of exercises to maintain or improve one’s physical or athletic skill 2. any strenuous exercise, work, etc … English World dictionary

    Workout- Unter dem Begriff Workout versteht man eine körperliche Aktivität, die in der Regel ausgeübt wird, um die eigene Fitness zu verbessern. Mit einem Workout kann man ganz unterschiedliche Ziele verfolgen. Zum Beispiel wird durch solche Übungen die… … Deutsch Wikipedia

    workout- noun ADJECTIVE ▪ good ▪ grueling/grueling, hard, intense, strenuous, vigorous ▪ light, low impact … Collocations dictionary

    Workout- Work out auch: Workout 〈 n. 15〉 die körperliche Constitution u. Leistungsfähigkeit verbessernde sportliche Übung [engl. work out „trainieren“] * * * Work out, Work|out [ wə:k|a̮ut ], das od. der; s, s noun FINANCE a way for a borrower in financial difficulty to repay loans, debts etc: The bank s … Financial and business terms

    workout- Informal repayment or loan forgiveness arrangement between a borrower and creditors. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * workout work‧out [ˈwɜːkaʊt ǁ ˈwɜːrk ] noun FINANCE a way for a borrower in financial difficulty to repay loans,… … Financial and business terms


  • Workout. I can. Your path to an ideal body. Without exercise equipment and hunger strikes, Evgeniya Levitan. Here is a detailed step-by-step action plan that will change your body and spirit forever! This book will tell you how to exercise smartly and effectively anywhere in the world, how to eat tasty and... Buy for 517 rubles
  • Workout. I can. Your path to an ideal body: without exercise equipment and hunger strikes, Levitan Evgenia. Here is a detailed step-by-step action plan that will change your body and spirit forever! This book will tell you how to exercise smartly and effectively anywhere in the world, how to eat tasty and...

The English concept “workout” is translated simply as “training”. However, since the mid-1990s, this word has become associated throughout the world with an incredibly popular type of fitness, classes of which are held on ordinary courtyard sports grounds. The reason for this was that the new sports complex was born literally “on the street” and included exercises on parallel bars, horizontal bars, Swedish walls, low benches without backrest and even on grass (if training is not carried out in winter). In less than 10 years, street workout street gymnastics has become a craze for millions of boys and girls, and a huge number of manufacturers of sports equipment, the leader among which is the Kangaroo company (KENGURU.PRO), began to produce even special equipment and equipment for it - sports equipment, gloves, etc.

And yet, workout – what is it? Where was he born? Where and how to practice this branch of fitness? What is the order of studying the elements, and how to learn to perform them correctly if you are literally starting from scratch?

History of Workout

Perhaps we should start with history. At the beginning of the 1990s in the United States (primarily in poor neighborhoods of cities), the mass practice of black teenagers “building their bodies” on ordinary cheap sports grounds became widespread. Having no money not only for gyms, but also for ordinary dumbbells, young people used their own body as a weighting agent for muscles - doing push-ups, pull-ups, hanging on bars, and thus forming a strong and sculpted muscular skeleton.

Around 2000, the Internet became publicly available - and quite predictably, thousands of amateur workout videos began to be posted on YouTube. It is not known by whose hand (considering the main venues for classes) such videos were designated as “Ghetto Workout” or “Street Workout”. Since then, the name has firmly taken root, and in the CIS countries and Eastern Europe it was simply transformed into “Workout”.

In Russia, the craze for it began much later (according to domestic enthusiasts and founders of the movement, only since 2009). However, after a few years, dozens of boys and girls began to come to training in big cities, and the total number of those young Russians for whom regular circuit training is already a familiar norm exceeded 60,000. Moreover, the most popular in our country is workout on the horizontal bar, where The best athletes have learned to perform unrealistically fantastic stunts.

Advantages of Workout

When talking about the advantages of various types of fitness, they usually do not focus on the considerable cost of classes in gyms. For workout this is not relevant at all:

  • it is absolutely free;
  • can be carried out anywhere – i.e. in any yard where you can put horizontal bars, and also attach a workout clamp to them, fixing the crossbar at the desired height;
  • does not require special equipment and training under the guidance of an instructor (conditional level 1 in workout - trivial push-ups from the floor or ground and pull-ups on the crossbar);
  • quickly forms a beautiful body, while simultaneously promoting the desire for a healthy lifestyle;
  • and, finally, is a real social movement.

What does a modern Workout include?

From the point of view of different types of loads, a modern Workout consists of four types of exercises:

  • track and field athletics (including many classic elements of athletics that develop endurance, flexibility, form an athletic physique, and also, in a lighter form, promote rehabilitation after injuries);
  • isometric (based on fixing the static position of the body, strengthening joints and filling muscles with strength);
  • calisthenic (the simplest to perform and using your own body weight to create a load - push-ups, hanging on a bar, etc.);
  • actually “street fitness” - combining the use of any sports equipment in training along with calisthenics and isometrics.

Despite the fact that the location of the classes is not important for workout, traditionally it is outdoor sports grounds (professional, home-made, or a combination of both). Often, guys themselves add logs, parallel bars and other items to the existing equipment, inventing more and more new elements along the way and organizing unofficial competitions.

It is noteworthy that workout for girls is practically no different from men’s - although it contains exercises aimed at specifically strengthening muscles, for example, the buttocks, and the strength loads are still less.

Varieties of Workout

For obvious reasons, there are no clear divisions between workout styles (since this type of fitness is unofficial). However, the historically established classification by area is still present and includes:

  • Street Workout is a classic street style, which is characterized by performing various elements with the types of loads described above, as well as constantly inventing new exercises that are carried out to perfection;
  • Ghetto Workout is a style that retains the priorities of poor youth of the 1990s (emphasis on not particularly complex and beautiful, but clearly pronounced strength elements - including isometric ones). Essentially, the ghetto style reflects various elements of techniques even from oriental martial arts - for example, finger push-ups, handstands, maintaining balance on one leg, etc., which are widely used even in wushu or kung fu ;
  • Handstand is an even more powerful version of the Ghetto Workout, in which power exercises on the horizontal bar alternate with push-ups and even jumping jacks in an upside-down position and some others;
  • Gimbarr is the most unique, “Colombian” style of workout, many of whose exercises require not only remarkable strength, but are also no less dangerous than classes, for example, parkour. This variety develops fantastic dexterity and coordination of movements, but even professionals are recommended to perform it only with a safety net.


  • push-ups (on one and two hands, with rotation, with additional load, etc.);
  • hard workout workouts for the abdomen (from leg raises from a lying position to hanging on the bar with a “corner” for a while);
  • pull-ups (regular, with a direct and reverse grip, on one arm, with a power output, lift-inversion, etc.);
  • handstands (as well as doing push-ups, walking and jumping);
  • hanging on the horizontal bar (horizontally under the bar, with your arms back and up, etc.).

Training goals

As noted above, workout classes pursue the goal of comprehensive development of the body both at the muscular and neurosympathetic levels (developing strength, reaction speed, sense of balance and coordination). In this case, all six major muscle groups are exposed to load:

  • Neck and shoulders.
  • Hands.
  • Breast.
  • Back.
  • Abdominal Press.
  • Legs.

Women's workout also focuses on the special flexibility of the lumbar region, as well as the elasticity of the gluteal region.

Workout lovers usually gather at least every other day (although those who have devoted at least six months to it prefer daily classes). The duration of classes ranges from 1 to 2 hours, starting with a light jog and. Everyone can select a training program “for themselves”, necessarily following only three unshakable rules:

  • systematic and sufficient intensity of classes;
  • performing many repetitions of a particular exercise;
  • selecting the load in such a way that it brings mild muscle pain.

Brief summary

It is not so easy to briefly and at the same time comprehensively formulate what a warout is. But, although this area of ​​fitness is not official, its benefits not only for physical health, but also for psychological balance are undeniable.

You can do workout even if you have no money or specially equipped places - and anywhere in the fresh air - in the yard. In the park, forest. Check it out.

Technique and experience are developed gradually, and there is no limit to improvement in the complexity of the exercises performed.

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Workout is a subculture that promotes training on street sports grounds as a free and effective alternative to traditional fitness clubs and gyms. It is enough to look at those who have been training on horizontal bars and uneven bars for several years to be convinced that such training can give excellent results in terms of health, strength and beauty of the body.

Many people think that on horizontal bars and parallel bars you can only do pull-ups, push-ups and pump up your abs. This is wrong. Using your imagination, you can come up with a huge number of different exercises and their combinations, which will not only increase the load in your workout, but also make it more interesting. Creativity is one of the key features of workout. This is clearly demonstrated in the video below.

The idea of ​​workout goes far beyond the sports field. It consists of transforming the achievements obtained on the horizontal bars into achievements in real life. Many people told me how their introduction to workout changed them for the better, helped them get out of a difficult life situation or decide to seriously change their lives. For example, move to another city, take a new job, or enroll in a prestigious university.

Another component of our subculture is sociality, which is expressed in the principle “everyone teaches everyone.” We do not focus on ourselves, but, on the contrary, strive to share our experience with everyone. And we do it for free. Local communities based on street areas with horizontal bars now exist in many cities in Russia and in other countries.

In sports you compete with others, in workout - with yourself

Sports are a zero-sum game: if one wins, the other loses. This condition underlies any sport. This is what creates the competitive component. The problem is that this leads to negative consequences. Yes, everyone strives to develop in order to defeat others, but at the same time, not a single competitive athlete will reveal to you his training secrets. He doesn’t want you to become better, stronger, or even surpass him.

Sport, even team sport, is still a story about individual victory, and workout is about collective victory.

Workout athletes have a different attitude towards victories. We believe that the only person you truly compete with is yourself. And every day you should strive to be better than you were yesterday. So I don't think about surpassing anyone. I think about becoming better myself and helping others become better too. If I find out an effective way to double my pull-ups in a month, I'll be happy to share it with everyone.

Today success in training, tomorrow in everything else

Let's imagine for a second a person who is dissatisfied with his life and, in particular, with his reflection in the mirror. Let's say his name is Vasily. He learns about workout and decides to try it. The first thing Vasily will need to do is go outside and find the nearest area with horizontal bars. That is, workout from the very beginning forces a person to leave his comfort zone and start doing something. Already at this stage, many people have difficulties, as they are embarrassed by other people, their shape and the fact that they don’t know how to do anything. But if Vasily has set a goal for himself, he will find a way out. He will look for sites farther from home, and practice early in the morning or late in the evening.

Gradually overcoming one’s insecurities in order to achieve a goal has a positive effect on Vasily’s character and willpower. Over time, he begins to notice changes in himself: shortness of breath disappears, his stomach tightens, muscles appear. At a certain point, others begin to notice these changes. And Vasily now comes to work in high spirits. He sees that with hard work he can change something here too. Then he decides to transfer to a new place in his company, where he had long wanted to go, but he lacked self-confidence. Vasily improves his technical knowledge, enrolls in English courses and applies for a vacancy in the European branch of the company.

This example is, of course, exaggerated, but it shows well how one change leads to another. And it all starts with the first step - for example, with horizontal bars and uneven bars. And the main task of workout culture is to bring a person to them.

On the horizontal bars, as in the gym, you have only one option - hard work.

Do you need a coach to achieve results? No. Do you need different powders in colored jars? No. Do you need fancy exercise equipment and the latest fitness techniques? Also no.

All you need to do to get in shape is to regularly perform simple exercises and understand your diet. Pull-ups, push-ups, squats and calorie balance - that's the whole secret to success.

If you train on street horizontal bars, then no one will urge you to train, and the money paid for a subscription will not put pressure on your conscience. You can come up with a lot of excuses to stay home and lie on the couch, but if you want to achieve results, then you have only one way - hard work.

Workouters do not interrupt their training. Even at –40°C

Photo: Anton Shcherbakov / WorkOut Photostock

Workout is a street subculture, so we work out on horizontal bars all year round, regardless of weather conditions. And I'm not just talking about Moscow. Our guys in Chita trained even at –40°C. There is nothing difficult about exercising in the cold, although this does impose certain restrictions on the content of the workout. You need to dress warmer, stretch and warm up longer, focus on simple exercises and more repetitions.

It's easy to start training

I’m unlikely to be mistaken if I say that people of any age and gender can practice on horizontal bars and uneven bars. A variety of exercises with your own weight allows you to choose a load for any level and gradually develop. It is hardly possible to come up with something more affordable and effective.

A few years ago we launched the WorkOut website. Its goal is to unite all workout athletes from different cities and countries and give them the opportunity to communicate and share their experiences. The WorkOut website has a huge database of outdoor sports grounds. In it you can not only see where the nearest horizontal bars are, but also find out who is training on them. This way you can meet like-minded people who live nearby.

We didn't reinvent the wheel. All knowledge about sports exercises and proper nutrition has been known for a long time. We simply collected information from more than 1,000 sources, from school textbooks on biology, chemistry and physics to modern publications in foreign scientific journals. Processed, structured and presented in the form of a 100-day educational course. All the participant needs to do is apply this knowledge.

The site database, all reference materials and the 100-day workout program are available for free. If you want to get in shape, build willpower, or simply feel part of the workout movement, the best time to start is now.

For their health and appearance, people prefer to play sports, this is especially necessary if they want to achieve a sculpted torso and treasured muscles. But going to the gym is not always possible. You can solve the problem by doing street training. Workout is a whole movement of physical culture, which includes the implementation of certain complexes. The difference between the movement lies in the training conducted outdoors, using turnstiles and other modern equipment.

Workout brings undeniable benefits, and almost everyone who has a desire is allowed to do it, and there are no contraindications. Despite the presented fact, workout is a traumatic sport. You should resort to it if you have good physical training, because otherwise you can provoke a fracture of the limbs and even the spine when exercising on the horizontal bar. Street training originated in the USA at the end of the last century

The founders were dark-skinned guys who, during their daily evening walks, began to pull themselves up on horizontal bars to sculpt their bodies. Gradually, the popularity of training spread throughout Europe, thanks to the Internet and videos posted for public viewing. This sport came to Russia in 2009. Workout today is widespread throughout Russia, so in every modern yard you can see special areas for training. The presented sport is also known for its numerous competitions, held mainly at the expense of hobby clubs. Next, workout will be considered in more detail - all its pros and cons, as well as the features of starting classes for a beginner.

Types of street training

To determine exactly what a workout is, it is necessary to consider its currently possible varieties.

Among the varieties are:

  • Street workout– a classic, designed to perform tricks using only your own weight.
  • Ghetto workout– classic tricks are collected here, as well as special beautiful exercises, similar to techniques from martial arts. For example, you can highlight the standard push-up from a horizontal surface, but not on your hands, but on your fingers.
  • Handstand– this variety includes power tricks, where appropriate alternation occurs.
  • Gimbarr– the most difficult type of street training, designed to use dexterity and coordination. The variety presented is “Cuban” and should not be performed by people who are not professionals.

This is important: Starting classes at home is strictly prohibited. It is necessary to first consult with experienced athletes and train with them. It is recommended to improve your physical fitness using simple exercises, and only after prolonged training begin to perform tricks.

Benefits of workout

Despite the increased risk of injury, the workout complex is healthy.

Which appears to be the following factors:

  • The workout provides a similar physical challenge to what you get in the gym.
  • The elements involve all the muscles of a person, as a result of which the workout helps to evenly strengthen the torso, biceps and triceps.
  • Classes can be conducted without the use of funds.
  • This kind of street training has a positive effect on your health. Firstly, even deep muscles can be worked with tricks, and secondly, the body is saturated with oxygen. The resulting oxygen promotes fat burning if it is present in excess quantities.
  • Exercise helps strengthen the nervous system - nervousness and depression disappear, and a good mood appears.

To get the best results, it is recommended to do a workout daily. First, they perform exercises on a plane, then move on to pull-ups on a horizontal bar and perform tricks (similarly, first on a plane, then on special equipment). This is the only way to prevent injury from occurring.


Even if you train every day, the athlete runs the risk of injury. Moreover, daily workout sessions will provoke improper formation of muscle mass. Most athletes have excellent abdominal and leg muscles, but weak shoulder girdles and upper torsos.

Among other things, the athlete faces the following disadvantages of street training:

  • The limit is in achieving the goal - if strength training in gyms helps to achieve perfection constantly, then workout cannot provide this.
  • Workout is a narrow specialization in exercises - most athletes gradually get bored with it and stop training.
  • Lack of opportunity to exercise in winter - since this type refers specifically to street training, it is not possible to exercise in late autumn and winter. In some regions of Russia, the time allotted for classes may be significantly reduced.

This is important: Be aware of the possibility of serious injury if performed without proper training. A beginner should be careful and better place mats under the horizontal bars that can soften the fall and reduce the risk of a fracture.

Workout for beginners

Beginners should start their training with parallel bars and a horizontal bar, which can be found on any sports and even playground. Subsequently, it is recommended to move to more improved areas, where numerous complex supports are additionally present.

The workout training program for beginners requires compliance with the following recommendations:

  • Be sure to start a workout workout with a warm-up - at least 15 minutes are required to warm up the muscles and prevent serious injury.
  • For those who are starting from scratch, push-ups, pull-ups and other exercises are intended, the effect of which is aimed at improving endurance.
  • Beginners should not perform exercises at full amplitude - only half.
  • It is important to attract a partner to help, or better yet, someone who is already involved in workout and is not a beginner in the sport presented.
  • It is recommended to exercise at least 2-3 times a week to achieve better results in endurance and in the formation of sculpted muscles.
  • Gradually increase the load - it is important to ensure a certain strengthening of the muscles. You can’t immediately start doing complex tricks in workouts, because this will lead to injury.
  • Before starting street training, consult a doctor, especially if the beginner has health problems.

Please note: Workout exercises are difficult for people with a poorly developed vestibular system. This is why injuries happen, because when rotating, a beginner cannot determine his limit - he begins to feel dizzy, loses balance and strength in his arms.

To improve the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, it is recommended to start workout classes with exercises in the form of hanging upside down, lifting with an inversion, but first with swinging.

About the workout program

Each sport has its own exercise program, and workout is no exception.

Here workout exercises are collected into the following program:

  • On the first day, you should perform pull-ups, push-ups, hanging leg raises on the horizontal bar, and try to do push-ups, preferably in an inclined position.
  • On the second day, they increase the load, performing all the workout exercises of the first day with minor changes - they do pull-ups with a wide coverage, and do push-ups on the parallel bars without first tilting them.
  • On the third day, the program of the first day is repeated, but with a narrow grip.
  • On the fourth day, the program of the first day is repeated, but with push-ups from the floor to a normal girth and without bending over on the uneven bars.

Since workout classes are static and without obvious variety, novice athletes quickly get bored with this. Athletes set themselves a goal - to get a rank, win competitions, and so on. This is the only way to motivate yourself to exercise regularly.

About competitions

Numerous competitions are held in workout, some of which are part of the World Championship. The first such championship was held in Riga in 2011.

During the competition, the jury evaluates 5 parameters:

  • strength;
  • entertainment;
  • clarity in movements;
  • number of repetitions and completed elements;
  • the charisma of an athlete.

In total, several championships were held, information about which is presented in the table:

About workout classes

Workout was never recognized as an official sport, so the categories were developed by a turnstile athlete from Ukraine Evgeniy Kozyrev. The presented values ​​were supposed to encourage guys to do workout. There are two groups for defining categories - basic exercises and elements. You can learn more about the discharges from the photo presented below.

You can receive the discharge yourself if you use the following recommendations:

  • there is an official workout group where athletes post their videos of performing a certain group of exercises to receive a rank;
  • When editing a video, it is recommended to follow the sequence of exercises stated to obtain the category;
  • when performing workout exercises, it is prohibited to use straps and soft horizontal bars to receive shock;
  • after watching the video, the group administrators assign a category to the athlete and upload the video to the category group;
  • To obtain a video from 4-7 categories, three specialists watch the video, the assessment is made on a 10-point scale - the average score obtained will indicate the possible rating of the discharger.

Workout is called a street sport, but at the same time it has reached a significant trajectory in defining specialists. Thus, most beginners - ordinary lovers of hanging on the uneven bars - become professional athletes, with good physical shape and appearance. Many people resort to exercise to pump up their muscles in order to improve their figure and become popular among the opposite sex. Others switch from gyms to the streets to combine business with pleasure.

To play sports and get good results, you don’t have to go to the gym, and workout proves this. Anyone who does not have health problems can do it. It is important to know about the features and rules of training so that progress can be seen.

What is workout?

Street Workout is translated from English as street training, and this concept is understood as a type of physical education exercise that is based on performing exercises primarily on street structures, for example, horizontal bars, parallel bars, stairs, benches, and so on. Street workout focuses on working with your own weight, increasing strength and endurance. This trend is also called “street fitness”, but it is not a sport, since no country has officially recognized it yet, but the situation may change.

History of workout

In America in the 90s, black teenagers began to actively work on building their bodies, practicing on ordinary street sports grounds. They did pull-ups, push-ups and other exercises to sculpt their bodies. When the Internet became publicly accessible, videos began to spread online where you could see workout workouts. It is not clear who was the first to label videos as “street workout,” but the name firmly stuck and was later transformed into “workout” in the CIS countries and Europe. The movement spread to Russia in 2009.

Types of workout

It is worth emphasizing that there are no clear divisions between the styles of this street sport, but there is a historically established classification:

  1. Street Workout. Classic style, which involves performing various elements with your own weight and inventing new unusual exercises.
  2. Ghetto Workout. This type has retained the preferences of the poor teenagers who founded the direction. The emphasis is on performing complex and beautiful elements, and this style also includes bright strength workout exercises, for example, isometrics. Interestingly, some elements of this style are reflected in martial arts, for example, finger push-ups.
  3. Handstand. The strength direction of the previous style, in which strength exercises on the horizontal bar alternate with push-ups and so on.
  4. Gimbarr. A unique "Cuban" style, which is life-threatening because it requires the development of dexterity and excellent coordination. It is not recommended to perform elements of this style without insurance.

How is workout useful?

There are several main points regarding why you should do workout:

  1. The physical stress that the body feels is equal to what the athlete receives while working in the gym.
  2. Workout elements involve almost all muscle groups in work, and without the use of special equipment.
  3. Training does not require any financial investment, since the equipment is simply in the yard of many houses.
  4. Workout has a positive effect on your overall health. Training is beneficial for back health, since elements of street sports work even deep muscles.
  5. It is worth noting the positive impact of this direction on the activity of the nervous system. Therefore, you are guaranteed a good mood.

Workout area

It is impossible to say what the ideal outdoor training area should be, since different athletes have their own opinions on this matter. At the initial stages, a horizontal bar and parallel bars will be enough for training, but in order to develop in this direction, you also need other equipment. Given the popularity of workout, the number of special sites is increasing around the world. Basic equipment for workout: crossbar, parallel bars, monkey bars, wall bars, abdominal bench, “snake” and so on.

Workout for beginners

People who have never exercised should approach exercise carefully. One of the main reasons is poor preparation of the vestibular apparatus, which is why beginners get dizzy and even fall during rotations. If you are interested in what workout is and where to start such training, then it is better to start swinging, hanging upside down and inverting lifts, thanks to these simple exercises the vestibular apparatus will be prepared.

  1. Each workout should begin with a warm-up, lasting no more than 15 minutes. Thanks to this, the ligaments warm up and prepare for stress.
  2. Beginner workouts include various variations of push-ups, pull-ups and other exercises to develop strength and endurance.
  3. Beginners are recommended to use reduced amplitudes, that is, the exercise is performed only in half the movement.
  4. If some elements are difficult to perform, it is recommended to have a partner.
  5. Workout is an area that, like other sports, produces results with regular training, so you should practice at least 2-3 times a week, but more is better.
  6. The load should be increased gradually so that the muscles become accustomed and the muscles become stronger. Heroism in this matter is dangerous to health.
  7. If you have any health problems, you should consult a doctor before training so as not to worsen your condition.

Workout - motivation

Each person may have their own motivation for why they started playing sports, but in most cases the goal is the same - to make their body structured and beautiful. Street workout is a motivation for many people. According to surveys, many guys and girls became interested in this area after they saw videos of ordinary guys performing incredible exercises on ordinary horizontal bars, stairs, and so on. Workout music is also motivating because it is dynamic and makes you move.

Workout – training programs

There are several programs suitable for beginner athletes. One of the most effective is a four-day training. With its help, you can master the main elements in order to further form your own training. The workout complex includes:

  1. Day #1: Regular pull-ups, wide-grip push-ups, hanging leg raises, and bent-over dips.
  2. Day No. 2: the exercises differ from the first day in that you need to do pull-ups with a wide grip, and do push-ups on the uneven bars without bending over.
  3. Day #3: Perform the exercises of day one, but only do pull-ups with a close grip.
  4. Day No. 4: the exercises differ from the first workout in that push-ups are performed with a regular grip and there is no bending when doing dips.

Workout competitions

When there were a lot of people interested in Street Workout, they began to compete with each other in skill, which eventually led to real competitions and even World Championships. It is worth noting that the first international championship was held in Riga in 2011. The street sport of workout uses in competitions the assessment of five parameters: strength, entertainment, accuracy of exercises, number of elements and charisma. The last point is especially interesting, because in this direction, the main thing is beauty and good mood.

Workout ranks

It has already been said that Street Workout is an officially unrecognized sport, and therefore the categories are yard. They were invented in 2008 by the famous turnstile player from Ukraine, Evgeniy Kozyrev. This workout program was created to motivate street athletes not to stop and hone their skills. There are seven levels in total and a person who perfectly passes all levels is considered a candidate for the sport in yard workout. Each category includes two categories: basic exercises and elements.

There are general provisions regarding receiving a rank in workout:

  1. To receive a rank, you must record on video the fulfillment of all standards for the selected category. They can be removed separately at any time. After this, the video is edited and should be posted in the official workout group.
  2. It is good if during installation the order of exercises presented in the list is followed. It is important that the elements are performed in good quality, and that the athlete is visible in full growth in the video.
  3. The exercises should be performed on a hard horizontal bar, since other options will not be taken into account. Straps are prohibited.
  4. If the site administrators, after viewing the video, consider that all elements were performed correctly, then the athlete will be assigned a category and his video will be added to the list of category categories.
  5. Video reports from the fourth and seventh grades will be evaluated by three administrators. Each exercise is scored on a 10-point system, and the average score will affect the position in the rating of the dischargers. Passing score – 75% of the maximum score.

Workout clothes

To make it comfortable to perform different elements, it is important to wear comfortable clothes during training that will not restrict movement. It is important that it is made of durable materials that will not tear due to sudden movements, but at the same time stretch well. Workout athletes wear shorts/pants, T-shirts/T-shirts. When it's cold, sweatshirts come into play. For competitions, teams use brightly colored uniforms to make the performance more spectacular.

As for shoes, it is better to choose sneakers with ventilation and thick soles. It is imperative to use workout gloves that protect your hands from damage. It is worth choosing special sports models that do not have hard seams so that nothing presses. To perform complex elements, you need insurance - special belts that secure your hands on the crossbar. You can make them yourself, but it is better to buy them at a sports store.

Films about workout

The first ever feature film about a healthy lifestyle and workout was shot in Russia and was released in 2017. The drama is short and lasts only 18 minutes, but it reveals and touches on many important topics. What’s interesting is that the main character, who performs workout stunts, is not a professional actor and in fact he is the leader of the Street Workout movement in Russia and this was his film debut.

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