Valya the meaning of the name is character and fate. The meaning of the name Valentine and its influence on fate. Translation of name in different languages

The name is an integral part of every person. This is the word he hears for the first time in his life. Therefore, it is very important to know the meaning of your name, its origin, history. The female name Valentina is a wonderful monument of Roman and Greek writing. It can tell a lot about the culture of Ancient Rome, about the formation of Christianity throughout the world.


The feminine name Valentina is derived from the masculine name Valentin. The meaning of the name is “healthy”, “strong”. These concepts played a key role in the life of the Romans, so it was customary for them to name their children Valentina, Valeria and Valencia. All these names have a common basis - “valens” - “healthy”.

Appearance in Rus'

Like many other non-Slavic names, along with the adoption of Christianity, the name Valentina appeared in Rus'. The origin of the name is connected with the history of our country in the 10th century. All Eastern Slavs were converted to the new faith in 998 and received baptismal names from the priest. As a rule, they were taken from Christian calendars. Unusual foreign names came to Rus' through Bulgaria. Christianity appeared in this state earlier, in 865.

Patron Saint

Each Christian name has its own patron saint. The calendar contains a mention that during the reign of Emperor Maximilian Galeria, the virgin martyr Valentina suffered for her faith. The origin of the name is connected with these ancient times. The saint was born in Caesarea in Palestine. Together with her sisters Pavla and Yennafa, the girl was accused of disrespecting the gods. Valentina was taken by force to a pagan temple and tried to force her to make a sacrifice. However, the martyr boldly threw a stone onto the altar and turned her back to the fire blazing on it. The rebellious girl was beaten mercilessly, and then, together with her sister Yennafa, she was sentenced to beheading with a sword.

Name day

The name day of the owner of the name Valentina is celebrated on July 29, February 23, November 10. These are the days of remembrance of Valentina of Caesarea (Palestine), the virgin martyr. She suffered for the Christian faith in 308 in Palestine.


What qualities does Valentina have? The meaning of the name reveals its bearer as a kind and caring person. She is very responsive and always ready to help, even to the detriment of her own interests. Valentina does not expect a reward; in her noble impulses she is absolutely selfless. She has an easy-going, good-natured, harmless and gentle disposition. She can be quick-tempered, but she calms down very quickly. A great worker and needlewoman - Valentina. The meaning of the name suggests that its bearer has a very sociable nature. She loves to chat, but her speech is sweet and harmless. Deep down, Valentina dreams of looking like a fatal and mysterious woman, but she rarely succeeds. To create the image of a languid seductress, she lacks selfishness and restraint. Valentina is too responsive and sweet, these qualities give her a special charm.

The owner of this name has excellent intuition, but a woman rarely uses it. Valentina stands firmly on the ground and prefers proven paths to various surprises. Despite her outward openness, she has a rather reserved character. She can close herself off and not express her thoughts and feelings to anyone. She can be very calculating and self-confident. Valentina has an analytical mind. She gives more importance to the little things rather than the whole. She has no need to shine in society; in this regard, she prefers to give way to more ambitious people.


Capable of devoting herself to serving the people of Valentina. The meaning of the name indicates that, with all her good nature, she can perform courageous and bold actions. A woman is able to sacrifice herself for a high goal if necessary. Valentina is sensitive to changes in the world around her. She strives to bring something new to public life. She has the power to make the world around her kinder, cleaner and wiser.


Many people are interested in the mystery of the name Valentin. Usually its owner lives in harmony with herself and the world around her. Perhaps that is why she has enviably good health and rare stamina. A measured lifestyle suits Valentina. As she ages, she may develop problems with her intestines, lungs, and skin.


Since childhood, Valentina has been a perfectionist. In any task, she gives her all, but most of all she is close to the role of a homemaker. She really likes working with children and caring for the sick, so she can become a good nurse, orderly, doctor or teacher. Valentina is able to establish herself well in art. She will make a wonderful sculptor, artist, singer or actress. In business, the owner of the name Valentina usually has no enemies. She is able to disarm all her ill-wishers with a charming smile. However, her career is not always successful. As a rule, Valentina’s husband is to blame for this. He will want to see his charming wife at home, surrounded by loving children and relatives.

Personal life

Men are often attracted to the mystery of the name Valentine. And this is not surprising: even if its owner is not very beautiful, she still seems damn cute and attractive. She is sensual, dreams of all-consuming love, but is somewhat eccentric. Sexual relationships play an important role in Valentina's life. The joy of belonging is one of the most important for her. However, the woman adheres to strict moral rules. Valentina is extremely fair and decent. These qualities are especially pronounced at turning points. In her personal life, Valentina is often happy. She is a skilled housewife, devoted mother and wife.


Usually she marries for the love of Valentine. The compatibility of names suggests that a woman will have a harmonious relationship with Valentin, Alexander, Semyon, Sergei, Ivan, Gleb, Vladimir. A marriage with Yuri, Stanislav, Nikolai, Leonid, Georgy, Boris may be less successful.

Great people

You can understand what the name Valentina means by finding out which great women wore it. The brilliant Valentina Serova was one of the most beloved and famous Russian actresses. How she played Lisa in the film "Wait for Me"! The actress managed to embody on the screen a reliable image of female fidelity and love. The script of the film, poems, and songs were dedicated to Valentina Serova by the loving Konstantin Simonov. The famous Marshal Rokossovsky adored the artist no less ardently. She was an incredible woman - the embodiment of attractiveness and charm.

Valentina Tereshkova is famous and loved by the people. She is the world's first female astronaut and the only one to fly solo in space. Her courage and resilience are legendary.

Famous women named Valentina are Gagarina, Zhiltsova, Grizodubova, Solntseva, Legkostupova, Talyzina, Tolkunova, Taranushchenko, Zhubinskaya.

Astrological horoscope

  • Planet - Venus.
  • Zodiac sign - Pisces.
  • The color of the name is green, red, blue, light blue, cornflower pink.
  • Plant - forget-me-not, willow, lily.
  • Animal - dove, sterlet.
  • The stone is pearl.

Now you know what the name Valentina means. Its owners have a soft and feminine disposition and are able to make any man happy.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name:“Strong”, “Strong” (lat.)

Name energy and character: In terms of its energy, the name is quite good-natured, but its mobility is noticeably balanced by some firmness and even severity. This is to a large extent due to the fact that it is not so rare in the male version, which leaves a certain imprint on Valya’s character. It is interesting that in the case of Valentin the man, everything happens exactly the opposite: if Valentina’s hardness increases due to this relationship, then the name Valentin, for the same reason, acquires sufficient softness. However, this relationship can hardly be called excessive, and therefore in most cases it affects the character quite favorably.

Usually, the influence of the name leads to the fact that from childhood Valentina grows up to be a rather active but obedient child, standing out among her peers with a somewhat serious attitude towards herself. She can actively get involved in some kind of game, but when it comes to homework or helping her parents with housework, Valya switches gears quite quickly and becomes collected and serious in her work. At the same time, her certain severity does not seem to extend to those around her; she most often has a very favorable attitude towards her relatives and friends. Moreover, having a somewhat critical attitude towards herself, she, as often happens with such people, tends to notice first of all the advantages in others, and only then the shortcomings.

Valya easily understands the problems of her friends and loved ones, she sincerely wants to help them, and during this she can even forget about her own difficulties. All this makes her a very kind and sympathetic person, but not everything is so simple. It happens that, due to excessive gullibility, it is very easy to turn Valya against someone, sometimes it is enough just to tearfully describe some “scoundrel” for Valentina to be imbued with “righteous anger” and come to the defense of her friends. In this case, most likely, not a trace will remain of her good nature towards the “scoundrel.” Here she should be very careful, because when judging people, it is easy to become completely confused, without understanding who is right and who is wrong. In general, she would really do well to smooth out her seriousness with the help of good humor. At the very least, this feeling can save her from unnecessary worries and can prevent many mistakes.

On the other hand, her seriousness and composure make her a good housewife. Most likely, Valentina will not get married very early; it is unlikely that her useful qualities will be understood by young suitors, who primarily value fun and carefreeness, while thriftiness and devotion come first among people who are quite mature. In her youth, this can cause Valya a lot of grief, and if she wants to avoid this, then she just needs to learn to have a lighter attitude towards herself and life.

Secrets of communication: When communicating with Valentina, it is advisable to take into account that she often does not take well to jokes addressed to herself or her friends - she can see in this a malicious mockery or even an insult. So, if you joke with her, it’s best on neutral topics.

The name's trace in history:

Valentina Tereshkova

Of course, sooner or later a woman still had to fly into space, but half a century ago such issues were decided not only and not so much out of necessity, but for reasons of prestige: who is faster - the Russians or the Americans. So in June 1963, Valentina Tereshkova ended up on Vostok-6 and, having completed forty-eight orbits, returned safely to Earth. “Our female cosmonaut spent more time in space than all American astronauts combined,” Khrushchev admired, “and without flight training...”

Indeed, Tereshkova got into space almost by accident. Working at a textile factory, in her spare time she was fond of gliding and even jumped with a parachute one hundred and sixty times. However, no one then could even imagine that this fascinating hobby would have such a grandiose continuation. Nevertheless, it was in sports clubs of this kind that they began to look for girls for the first female space flight in history, and Valentina Tereshkova, with her good health, sociability and purely feminine charm, unexpectedly managed to pass the strictest selection.

Her preparation for the flight was short-lived - only one year, and the main thing that her flight was supposed to give was the answer to the question: can a woman return to Earth alive and unharmed? It took a lot of courage to decide on such an experiment. Valentina Tereshkova made up her mind and did not lose: she not only returned to Earth, but also subsequently gave birth to a normal healthy child from her cosmonaut husband. According to her, it is this last fact that is the pinnacle of her stellar career in all respects.

According to Higir

Female form of the name Valentin (healthy, strong - lat.).

Valentin is distinguished by great kindness. This is noticeable in early childhood: Currency will share a toy, give away the last candy, and divide an apple among everyone. Valentine's kindness is sacrificial. Often, by agreeing to help, Valentina creates additional difficulties and problems for herself, although at the moment she herself perhaps needs more help. She does not expect a reward for her altruism; she does this not out of calculation or selfish motives, but because she is completely unable to bear the grief of others. For her, a request is a signal for help, and she herself is like the person on duty at the Kindness post, always ready to show this kindness.

She has a light disposition, somewhat similar to the changeable spring sun. She can easily flare up and quarrel with her best friend, but not even two minutes pass before she is ready to reconcile. And many of those who know her well forgive these fleeting outbursts without any offense, knowing her soft, easy-going character.

Valentina is a hospitable person, easy-going; when she comes to visit, she is one of the first to rush to help the hostess of the house. She is generally easy to talk to, most often cheerful, very hospitable and loves to visit.

Valentina loves gambling, gets very carried away when playing, and experiences loss painfully.

She marries for love, but her love is often secondary - it arises as a reciprocal feeling for a person who evokes compassion in her for himself with his desperate love for her. Valentina plunges headlong into family life. She devotes almost all her free time to her husband and children, and does not refuse to take care of old people. Valentina, one might say, has no enemies, she has envious people, but she often disarms them with her kindness. And yet, Valentin’s personal life is not always successful. Their husbands are mainly to blame for this.

The most successful marriages are with Valentin, Alexander, Vladimir, Gleb, Ivan, Sergei, Semyon, the least successful are with Nikolai, Leonid, Georgy, Stanislav.

1. Personality: women who reign in heaven and earth

2.Color: blue

3. Main features: will - receptivity - morality - activity

4. Totem plant: lily

5. Totem animal: dove

6. Sign: Virgo

7. Type. Cholerics with a difficult character. These are reasonable, hardworking women, somewhat gloomy and envious, but they have huge reserves of love and tenderness.

8. Psyche. Introverts tend to withdraw into themselves and do not always express their thoughts and feelings. Secretive. Very self-confident and calculating.

9. Will. Very strong, leaving no room for selfishness. Their totem is the lily - a symbol of beauty and responsiveness, the strong smell of which, however, not everyone can tolerate.

10. Excitability. Combined with the speed of reaction it becomes simply explosive!

11. Reaction speed. Huge! If they don’t agree with something, they express their disagreement very vigorously. Stubborn. Defeats and failures upset them, but they do not make a tragedy out of it.

12. Field of activity. These are usually exemplary students. They are attracted to professions where they need to give their all, but what suits them most is the role of mother of the family and homemaker. They like to work with children and care for the sick, and can become doctors, nurses, orderlies, teachers, etc.

13. Intuition. They have good intuition, but do not use it, preferring the beaten path to various surprises. They stand firmly on the ground.

14. Intelligence. They do not strive to shine; they rather prefer to give way to people who want to attract attention. They have an analytical mind, hence their interest in little things rather than the whole.

15. Receptivity. Such women are easy to offend and hurt. But they will quickly stand up for others than defend themselves. They are capable of strong attachments, but their circle of friends is limited and carefully selected.

16. Morality, Adhere to too strict moral rules. They have an innate sense of decency, which is especially pronounced at turning points in their lives.

17. Health. They have enviable health and stamina. Must lead a measured lifestyle. Weak “sides” are the intestines, lungs and skin.

18. Sexuality. Plays a huge role in their lives. The most important thing for them is the joy of giving.

19. Activity. It seems that what others have to take with difficulty is given to them with ease.

20. Sociability. They feel at ease and at ease in society, although they themselves do not seek to communicate.

21. Conclusion. In childhood, they do not cause trouble, since they early learn to solve their problems on their own, without putting them on the shoulders of others.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name:“Strong”, “Strong” (lat.)

Name energy and character: In terms of its energy, the name is quite good-natured, but its mobility is noticeably balanced by some firmness and even severity. This is to a large extent due to the fact that it is not so rare in the male version, which leaves a certain imprint on Valya’s character. It is interesting that in the case of Valentin the man, everything happens exactly the opposite: if Valentina’s hardness increases due to this relationship, then the name Valentin, for the same reason, acquires sufficient softness. However, this relationship can hardly be called excessive, and therefore in most cases it affects the character quite favorably.

Usually, the influence of the name leads to the fact that from childhood Valentina grows up to be a rather active but obedient child, standing out among her peers with a somewhat serious attitude towards herself. She can actively get involved in some kind of game, but when it comes to homework or helping her parents with housework, Valya switches gears quite quickly and becomes collected and serious in her work. At the same time, her certain severity does not seem to extend to those around her; she most often has a very favorable attitude towards her relatives and friends. Moreover, having a somewhat critical attitude towards herself, she, as often happens with such people, tends to notice first of all the advantages in others, and only then the shortcomings.

Valya easily understands the problems of her friends and loved ones, she sincerely wants to help them, and during this she can even forget about her own difficulties. All this makes her a very kind and sympathetic person, but not everything is so simple. It happens that, due to excessive gullibility, it is very easy to turn Valya against someone, sometimes it is enough just to tearfully describe some “scoundrel” for Valentina to be imbued with “righteous anger” and come to the defense of her friends. In this case, most likely, not a trace will remain of her good nature towards the “scoundrel.” Here she should be very careful, because when judging people, it is easy to become completely confused, without understanding who is right and who is wrong. In general, she would really do well to smooth out her seriousness with the help of good humor. At the very least, this feeling can save her from unnecessary worries and can prevent many mistakes.

On the other hand, her seriousness and composure make her a good housewife. Most likely, Valentina will not get married very early; it is unlikely that her useful qualities will be understood by young suitors, who primarily value fun and carefreeness, while thriftiness and devotion come first among people who are quite mature. In her youth, this can cause Valya a lot of grief, and if she wants to avoid this, then she just needs to learn to have a lighter attitude towards herself and life.

Secrets of communication: When communicating with Valentina, it is advisable to take into account that she often does not take well to jokes addressed to herself or her friends - she can see in this a malicious mockery or even an insult. So, if you joke with her, it’s best on neutral topics.

The name's trace in history:

Valentina Tereshkova

Of course, sooner or later a woman still had to fly into space, but half a century ago such issues were decided not only and not so much out of necessity, but for reasons of prestige: who is faster - the Russians or the Americans. So in June 1963, Valentina Tereshkova ended up on Vostok-6 and, having completed forty-eight orbits, returned safely to Earth. “Our female cosmonaut spent more time in space than all American astronauts combined,” Khrushchev admired, “and without flight training...”

Indeed, Tereshkova got into space almost by accident. Working at a textile factory, in her spare time she was fond of gliding and even jumped with a parachute one hundred and sixty times. However, no one then could even imagine that this fascinating hobby would have such a grandiose continuation. Nevertheless, it was in sports clubs of this kind that they began to look for girls for the first female space flight in history, and Valentina Tereshkova, with her good health, sociability and purely feminine charm, unexpectedly managed to pass the strictest selection.

Her preparation for the flight was short-lived - only one year, and the main thing that her flight was supposed to give was the answer to the question: can a woman return to Earth alive and unharmed? It took a lot of courage to decide on such an experiment. Valentina Tereshkova made up her mind and did not lose: she not only returned to Earth, but also subsequently gave birth to a normal healthy child from her cosmonaut husband. According to her, it is this last fact that is the pinnacle of her stellar career in all respects.

According to Higir

Female form of the name Valentin (healthy, strong - lat.).

Valentin is distinguished by great kindness. This is noticeable in early childhood: Currency will share a toy, give away the last candy, and divide an apple among everyone. Valentine's kindness is sacrificial. Often, by agreeing to help, Valentina creates additional difficulties and problems for herself, although at the moment she herself perhaps needs more help. She does not expect a reward for her altruism; she does this not out of calculation or selfish motives, but because she is completely unable to bear the grief of others. For her, a request is a signal for help, and she herself is like the person on duty at the Kindness post, always ready to show this kindness.

She has a light disposition, somewhat similar to the changeable spring sun. She can easily flare up and quarrel with her best friend, but not even two minutes pass before she is ready to reconcile. And many of those who know her well forgive these fleeting outbursts without any offense, knowing her soft, easy-going character.

Valentina is a hospitable person, easy-going; when she comes to visit, she is one of the first to rush to help the hostess of the house. She is generally easy to talk to, most often cheerful, very hospitable and loves to visit.

Valentina loves gambling, gets very carried away when playing, and experiences loss painfully.

She marries for love, but her love is often secondary - it arises as a reciprocal feeling for a person who evokes compassion in her for himself with his desperate love for her. Valentina plunges headlong into family life. She devotes almost all her free time to her husband and children, and does not refuse to take care of old people. Valentina, one might say, has no enemies, she has envious people, but she often disarms them with her kindness. And yet, Valentin’s personal life is not always successful. Their husbands are mainly to blame for this.

The most successful marriages are with Valentin, Alexander, Vladimir, Gleb, Ivan, Sergei, Semyon, the least successful are with Nikolai, Leonid, Georgy, Stanislav.

1. Personality: women who reign in heaven and earth

2.Color: blue

3. Main features: will - receptivity - morality - activity

4. Totem plant: lily

5. Totem animal: dove

6. Sign: Virgo

7. Type. Cholerics with a difficult character. These are reasonable, hardworking women, somewhat gloomy and envious, but they have huge reserves of love and tenderness.

8. Psyche. Introverts tend to withdraw into themselves and do not always express their thoughts and feelings. Secretive. Very self-confident and calculating.

9. Will. Very strong, leaving no room for selfishness. Their totem is the lily - a symbol of beauty and responsiveness, the strong smell of which, however, not everyone can tolerate.

10. Excitability. Combined with the speed of reaction it becomes simply explosive!

11. Reaction speed. Huge! If they don’t agree with something, they express their disagreement very vigorously. Stubborn. Defeats and failures upset them, but they do not make a tragedy out of it.

12. Field of activity. These are usually exemplary students. They are attracted to professions where they need to give their all, but what suits them most is the role of mother of the family and homemaker. They like to work with children and care for the sick, and can become doctors, nurses, orderlies, teachers, etc.

13. Intuition. They have good intuition, but do not use it, preferring the beaten path to various surprises. They stand firmly on the ground.

14. Intelligence. They do not strive to shine; they rather prefer to give way to people who want to attract attention. They have an analytical mind, hence their interest in little things rather than the whole.

15. Receptivity. Such women are easy to offend and hurt. But they will quickly stand up for others than defend themselves. They are capable of strong attachments, but their circle of friends is limited and carefully selected.

16. Morality, Adhere to too strict moral rules. They have an innate sense of decency, which is especially pronounced at turning points in their lives.

17. Health. They have enviable health and stamina. Must lead a measured lifestyle. Weak “sides” are the intestines, lungs and skin.

18. Sexuality. Plays a huge role in their lives. The most important thing for them is the joy of giving.

19. Activity. It seems that what others have to take with difficulty is given to them with ease.

20. Sociability. They feel at ease and at ease in society, although they themselves do not seek to communicate.

21. Conclusion. In childhood, they do not cause trouble, since they early learn to solve their problems on their own, without putting them on the shoulders of others.

Meaning and origin: strong, strong (lat.).

Energy and Karma: in terms of energy, the name is quite good-natured, but its mobility is noticeably balanced by some firmness and even severity.

This is to a large extent due to the fact that it is not so rare in the male version, which leaves a certain imprint on Valya’s character. It is interesting that in the case of Valentin the man, everything happens exactly the opposite - if Valentina’s hardness increases due to this relationship, then the name Valentin, for the same reason, acquires sufficient softness. However, this relationship can hardly be called excessive and therefore in most cases it affects the character quite favorably.

Secrets of communication: when communicating with Valentina, it is advisable to take into account that she often does not take jokes addressed to herself or her friends well - she can see in this an evil mockery or even an insult. So, if you joke with her, it’s best on neutral topics.

  • Zodiac sign: Capricorn.
  • Planet: Venus.
  • Name colors: blue, red.
  • Talisman stone: carnelian.

Name meaning Valentina option 2

Valentina- “strong” (lat.) Frank, spontaneous, faithful, friendly. Not as beautiful as unusually sweet and sensual. She dreams of eternal love. He is choleric by nature and has a difficult character. This is a reasonable, hardworking woman, somewhat gloomy and envious, but has a huge reserve of love and tenderness. An introvert, she tends to withdraw into herself and rarely expresses her thoughts out loud. Very self-confident and calculating. With a highly developed will. Responsive, attentive, but sometimes even too much; not everyone can stand it. She is often intrusive and tires with questions. Possessing an unusually quick reaction, she is explosive: if she does not agree with something, she expresses dissatisfaction so violently that she does not always act wisely. Stubborn. Defeats and failures upset her, but she does not make a tragedy out of it. He has good intuition, but does not use it. He prefers to follow the beaten path and not look for adventures. Stands firmly on the ground. He does not strive for brilliance, on the contrary, he tries to give up the right of primacy to everyone who wants to attract attention.

She has an analytical mind, hence her interest in little things rather than the main thing. It is easy to offend her, to hurt her pride. But she would rather defend someone else than defend herself. Capable of strong affection. Her circle of friends is limited and carefully selected. Valentina adheres to strict moral rules. She has an innate sense of morality, which always manifests itself in critical periods of her life.

This is usually an exemplary worker, a diligent student. She is attracted to professions where you need to give all of yourself, invest your soul. And most of all, she is suited to the role of the mother of a large family, the keeper of the home. She enjoys working with children, caring for the sick, and helping the helpless. It’s good if she is a doctor, nurse, orderly, educator, teacher. Sex plays a huge role in her sensual life.

Valentina joyfully surrenders to her beloved. She is not very lucky in life, but it seems that where others have to struggle, she manages herself. In society he feels easy and at ease, although he does not need to communicate. As a child, she does not cause any particular trouble for anyone, since she will be able to solve her own problems without involving strangers. He has enviable health and stamina. Must lead a measured lifestyle. Weaknesses: intestines, lungs and skin.

“Winter” is silent, diligent, and balanced. Knows how to control himself. Can become an engineer, programmer.

“Autumn” is strict, focused on one goal, smart and practical. She will make a good salesman, director of a cafe or store. The name matches patronymics: Petrovna, Tikhonovna, Sergeevna, Viktorovna, Vladimirovna, Borisovna.

"Summer" Valentina friendly, responsive, modest. This is a dispatcher, a controller.

“Spring” is sincere, simple, vulnerable. The name matches patronymics: Feliksovna, Kirillovna, Romanovna, Anatolyevna, Georgievna, Konstantinovna.

Meaning of the name Valentina option 3

1. Personality. Women reigning in heaven and on earth.

2. Character. 95%.

3. Radiation. 97%.

4. Vibration. 120,000 vibrations/s.

5. Color. Blue.

6. Main features. Will - receptivity - morality - activity.

8. Totem animal. Pigeon.

9. Sign. Virgo.

10. Type. Cholerics with a difficult character. These are reasonable, hardworking women, somewhat gloomy and envious, but they have huge reserves of love and tenderness.

11. Psyche. Introverts tend to withdraw into themselves and do not always express their thoughts and feelings. Secretive. Very self-confident and calculating.

12. Will. Very strong, leaving no room for selfishness. Their totem is the lily - a symbol of beauty and responsiveness, the strong smell of which, however, not everyone can tolerate.

13. Excitability. Combined with the speed of reaction it becomes simply explosive!

14. Reaction speed. Huge! If they don’t agree with something, they express their disagreement very vigorously. Stubborn. Defeats and failures upset them, but they do not make a tragedy out of it.

15. Field of activity. These are usually exemplary students. They are attracted to professions where they need to give their all, but what suits them most is the role of mother of the family and homemaker. They like to work with children and care for the sick, and can become doctors, nurses, orderlies, teachers, etc.

16. Intuition. Valentina has good intuition, but does not use it, preferring the beaten path to various surprises. They stand firmly on the ground.

17. Intelligence. They do not strive to shine; they rather prefer to give way to people who want to attract attention. They have an analytical mind, hence their interest in little things rather than the whole.

18. Receptivity. Such women are easy to offend and hurt. But they will quickly stand up for others than defend themselves. They are capable of strong attachments, but their circle of friends is limited and carefully selected.

19. Morality. They adhere to too strict moral rules. They have an innate sense of decency, which is especially pronounced at turning points in their lives.

20. Health. They have enviable health and stamina. Must lead a measured lifestyle. Weak “sides” are the intestines, lungs and skin.

21. Sexuality. Plays a huge role in their lives. The most important thing for them is the joy of giving.

22. Activity. It seems that something that others have to take with difficulty is given to them with ease.

23. Sociability. They feel at ease and at ease in society, although they themselves do not seek to communicate.

24. Conclusion. As a child Valentina does not cause trouble, since he early learns to solve his problems independently, without placing them on the shoulders of others.

Meaning of the name Valentina option 4

Folk signs.

If there is a lot of frost on the trees on Valentine's Day, there will be a lot of honey.


The inconsistency of Valentina’s character lies in the fact that dreams do not coincide with natural nature. Valentina dreams of looking like a mysterious and even femme fatale. But by nature she is kind, always ready to help others, without expecting a reward for her self-sacrifice. She has an easy disposition; sometimes hot-tempered, but easy-going, harmless and gentle. Valentina- hard worker and needlewoman, hospitable, easy to use, cheerful. True, like many women, she is not averse to gossip, but it is harmless.

Meaning of the name Valentina option 7

VALENTINA - strong, healthy (lat.).

Name day: February 23 - Holy Martyr Valentina, suffered for the faith of Christ in Palestine in 308.

  • Zodiac sign - Pisces.
  • Planet - Venus.
  • Color - sea green.
  • The auspicious tree is willow.
  • The treasured plant is the forget-me-not.
  • The patron of the name is sterlet.
  • The talisman stone is pearls.


Valentina passionately dreams of looking like a mysterious and even femme fatale. However, the nature of her name is completely different. A very kind person, always ready to help others, often even to the detriment of his own interests and without expecting a reward for his altruism. She has a light, pleasant disposition, sometimes quick-tempered, but completely easy-going, harmless and gentle. Valentina- hard worker and needlewoman, hospitable, easy to use, cheerful. True, he loves to gossip, but it’s quite harmless.

Meaning of the name Valentina option 8

Valentina treats people with great warmth and trust. Ready to help everyone. At the same time, he does not expect gratitude and does not pursue his own personal interests. As soon as she learns about difficulties that have arisen even among people she barely knows, she will immediately offer her help.

Valentina, as a rule, comes across smart and decent husbands, but, unfortunately, they cannot appreciate her, they believe that she is not very smart, but they value her as an excellent housewife. She is somewhat eccentric, often quarrels with her family and co-workers at work, but is easily reconciled and does not remember evil. She’s easy to talk to, cheerful, very hospitable, but she doesn’t like to visit. Valentina gambling, plays cards with enthusiasm, goes to horse races, buys lottery tickets.

You can congratulate your family and friends on holidays, birthdays, anniversaries and other memorable dates!

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