Prayer for cards before fortune telling. Conspiracy on cards

Many experienced fortune tellers cast spells on the cards before the reading. There are many conspiracies that will help make sure that they always tell the truth. You can perform similar rituals on regular cards and on the Tarot.

A spell on cards can be carried out both on Tarot and ordinary

Rules for plotting and handling cards

For fortune telling to be truthful, certain rules must be followed:

  1. You need to use a new deck, and not the one you have played and guessed with many times. It's better to make it yourself.
  2. You should buy a new deck on Thursday on the waxing moon before lunch.
  3. Other people should not touch it.
  4. It is necessary to treat the fortune telling deck with care.
  5. It is better to lay it out on the table.
  6. If it is not possible to get a new deck, but you need to tell fortunes, then let a child or a girl who has not been kissed sit on the cards, or thread the deck through the door handle three times.
  7. If another person picks up the cards, you will have to perform the ceremony again or buy a new deck.
  8. The deck should be purchased for calculation or not to take the change.
  9. You can’t lose them and ask them empty questions.
  10. You should pick up the deck more often and talk to it for energy recharge.

You need to pick up cards as often as possible and even communicate with them

For fortune telling to be successful, there must be silence and dim light during it. The best time is midnight. The text of the conspiracy should be learned by heart, and not read from a piece of paper. The reliability of the result may be distorted if the fortuneteller or those present do not believe in the predictions.

Before you start using the deck, you need to ask the cards to tell the truth, and after the conspiracy you need to hold them in your hands for a little longer and then begin the layout.

Different decks should be used for predictions and fortune telling. Predictions are the process of obtaining answers to specific questions, and during fortune telling, information is learned about what awaits a person in the future. The main thing is not to lose or give your cards to anyone!

Simple conspiracies

Only the purchased deck is placed in a bag. You also need to add salt there. The bag is hidden in the corner of the room on the east side and they say three times:

“Salt sister, you are salty, you are strong, cleanse and whisper, speak my cards so that the truth can be spoken and deception avoided. My word is strong. Amen".

After 6 days, the deck is taken out and placed in a glass vessel. Say it three times:

“Just as a glass vessel is transparent and clean, so my cards will be clean and truthful, as they lie, so they will tell the whole truth. Amen".

Then the cards are taken out, the vessel is washed, and the bag is buried in the ground.

The ritual is performed only on a new deck of cards

The next ritual is performed immediately after purchasing the deck. You need to say to her:

“Thirty-six sisters, godfathers and daughters-in-law, brothers and comrades, render me faithful service and unfailing friendship. Thirty-six cards, four suits, tell me the whole truth, what to expect, what to expect, what to fear, what business to take on. I call on all of you, name and reprimand: The word is strong and sculpts the cards. Amen".

The deck is then placed in a beautiful box where it will be stored.

To ensure that the layout tells the truth, you can use an old card plot:

“Thirty-six cards, tell the whole truth: what awaits the slave (name), what happened in her life, what position she is in now (you can formulate questions of interest in any form)? I expect the truth and only the truth from you. Amen".

If the cards stick together when shuffled, the following plot will do:

If the cards stick together when shuffled, then they don't want to work. You need to read the text:

“Thirty-six cards, sisters and brothers, godfathers and godfathers, matchmakers and matchmakers, uncles and aunts, fathers and mothers, daughters and stepdaughters, sons and stepsons, mothers-in-law and fathers-in-law, fathers-in-law and brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law and daughters-in-law, All you are black, you are all white, you are all red, tell me the whole truth: what do I think? What will I think? Tell me, do not hold back, in all fairness, as you told Herod’s daughters at the wedding feast, at the table of honor. But if you do not tell the real truth, you do not seek my misfortune, otherwise you will no longer live in this world; and I will sweep you across an open field, through green oak trees, along steep banks, across blue seas. If you tell the real truth, otherwise you will live a free, free life. I speak to the slave (my name), to use cards to find out my thoughts, to learn about the affairs of others. My word is strong!”

This should be done in a whisper and slowly.

A true prediction can be obtained using a certain ritual. Place the deck face down on the palm of your left hand. Then the cards are tossed so that they scatter across the floor. Then they are collected and the following words are said:

"I'm standing on the maple bridge,

Card to card, piece of paper to piece of paper.

As soon as I begin to cast a spell,

The cards will tell the truth.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen, amen, amen."

Powerful conspiracy

For the cards to tell the truth, you need to perform an effective ritual.

To perform the ritual you will need a crystal vase

To do this, the deck is placed in a crystal vase and placed on the floor in the eastern corner. Light 7 white candles around and say three times:

“Power of the East, I conjure you! Come and clean it up! Just as a crystal vessel is transparent and pure, so my cards will be pure and truthful, as they lie, so they will tell the whole truth. Let it be so!".

The cards are left for three days in a vase, placed on the table, which should be covered with a black tablecloth. Then the red and black candles are lit alternately. The deck circles the flame of a red and then a black candle and says:

“I charge you with the flame of fire! Work day, sleep night, I don’t know how to lie!”

Then you should spit and extinguish first the red, then the black candle. The vase is washed and dried well.

Spell for Tarot cards

The following powerful card spell can be used once every 3 weeks. It is especially effective for Tarot.

Spell for Tarot

“I don’t buy a deck out of passion.

I give her luck in business.

Fire, I ask you very much,

Burn all the troubles if I sin.

Let this deck lie quietly,

Let sadness and longing flee from me.

Let the map lead me through life,

They will not let me down in difficult matters.

If I guess, I will only know the truth,

Who should I fear, when should I grieve?

All the cards will tell about scary people,

They will protect me and the children from them.

Amen! Amen! Amen!".

After this, take the following ingredients:

  • black peppercorns;
  • calendula;
  • dried roses.

Everything is put in a metal bowl and set on fire. After the plants burn out, dip your palms into the ashes and, without shaking them off, stir the deck. Now the cards will tell only the truth.

Rituals aimed at truthful predictions will not harm a person. If they are used for black magic, one must be prepared for negative consequences.

If the cards start lying again and refuse to show the future, you will have to change the deck to a new one. Sometimes, after performing effective rituals, the cards still continue to lie. Then you should understand yourself, since a common language with the deck may not be found. You need to understand that cards also get tired, so it is not recommended to guess more than 3 times on one deck.

If the cards fall out of their hands or show unclear predictions, then they do not want to talk. It is necessary to mentally turn to them with a request for help and try to hear the answer and establish a connection with them.

You shouldn't guess on a day off

It is not recommended to guess on a day off. A fortuneteller can bring upon himself trouble in the form of constant anxiety and poor health.

If fortune-telling is performed by a strong witch or a very experienced fortune-teller, then a card spell will not be required, since the person’s strong energy will be sufficient. Sometimes sorcerers and clairvoyants use magical attributes during readings to make the cards tell the truth.

If an ordinary person is fortune-telling, it is necessary to speak the cards, otherwise the fortune-telling will not come true. Without a special ritual, predictions will be more of an entertaining nature, and the truth will not be known. Therefore, it is advised not to be lazy and spend a little time on the plot.

Fortune telling rituals

How to prepare for fortune telling?

You can guess as much as you like and as much as you like. Just do whatever you like.

If you decide to spend, say, a weekend in the company of girlfriends performing fortune telling rituals, you should immediately decide why you are doing this. If the goal is just to have fun, then you don’t have to think too much about the form of the event.

If you really want to look into the future, then you need to arrange everything in a certain way. Firstly, take into the company only those who are serious - laughter, jokes and jokes are unnecessary in such an important activity. Secondly, any fortune telling is a type of witchcraft. Think about whether you will later regret what you did (for religious, ethical or other reasons).

Any prediction is an intrusion into the realm of the future. It is not recommended to just guess, because there is nothing to do. It is better to use such practices in difficult cases, for example, if a girl has been proposed to, but something is holding her back from such a serious step. You also need to be prepared that the result of fortune telling may not be very optimistic. For example, the prophecy of an unhappy family life can weigh on you throughout your life.

Remember that there are fortune telling methods that can only be used once in a lifetime. If you break this rule, you can ruin even a fairly happy fate. And if it is assumed that the girl should be alone during fortune telling, then this is how it should be, otherwise there is no hope for a reliable result.

In the old days, girls from a fairly young age were allowed to do fortune telling (this is not surprising if we remember that 14-year-old young ladies were often married off). As a rule, virgins did fortune telling. But for married ladies or widows, fortune telling was considered unacceptable.

In ancient times, fortune telling made it possible to obtain a real prediction, since people had a great attachment to the environment and therefore could invade the subtle worlds of the future. Therefore, it is worth creating an atmosphere of mystery and naturalness in the room. Turn off communication channels with the outside world: telephone, TV, computer, etc. To create an upbeat mood, instead of recording music, sing something yourself (for example, the text of an authentic carol song is easy to find on the Internet). The crackling of candles and the glare of a live fire help to tune in to the desired wave. Prepare everything you need for fortune telling in advance so as not to be distracted from your main activity by fussy searches. Discuss the order of fortune-telling in advance.

After all of the above has been done, you can safely proceed directly to divination.

A card spell is a mandatory ritual that is performed both after purchasing a new deck and before any fortune telling. The frequency of such rituals depends on how close the sorcerer’s connection is with this magical attribute.

In the article:

Card plot - why do it?

Many novice sorcerers ask themselves: “Why perform a ritual that makes the cards tell the truth?”. Indeed, there are cases when a witch does not need to regularly perform rituals that purify magical attributes and charm them.

But it is a mistake to think that any deck can give a truthful answer right away, without proper preparation. However, there are exceptions. The magician can receive an unmistakable answer without additional rituals in several cases:

  • if he is a very strong sorcerer, and his energy is enough to feel the Master in him;
  • if the connection between the sorcerer and the magical attribute is very strong;
  • if it's a fluke.

If there is no constant powerful energy connection between you and the deck, then you will have to ask it every time to give the correct answer, and hope that your request will be heard.

What to do to avoid making mistakes?

A spell on cards for truthful fortune telling is always done before the start of the work process. It is only effective when the sorcerer is using a regular playing deck, not . But it is worth remembering that it can only be used for work purposes; it cannot be used for gaming.

Before asking any question, the sorcerer needs to concentrate. To do this, you need to take a comfortable position, clear your mind of extraneous thoughts and focus on your own energy. They often offer to sit on the deck in order to charge it with their energy. This is particularly suitable for a new deck.

If only at hand old cards (on which they had previously guessed), then they need to be cleared of old energy. Otherwise, it will interfere, and you will receive an incorrect answer. One common way is to put a child or an unkissed teenager on the cards. Another way is to thread the deck through the door handle 3 times.

After this, the cards are shuffled well. If they begin to fall out, then this is a signal that they do not want to cooperate with you yet. Put your work aside for later. But if everything went well, you can start reading the plot.

A simple truthful spell on cards before fortune telling

There are several easy, non-labor-intensive rituals that guarantee the correct answer to any questions. The first ritual is performed after purchasing a new deck, on Friday of the new moon. The sorcerer needs to read the text:

36 cards, sisters and brothers, godfathers and godfathers, matchmakers and matchmakers, uncles and aunts, fathers and mothers, daughters and stepdaughters, sons and stepsons, mothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, fathers-in-law, sons-in-law, sisters-in-law and daughters-in-law, you are all black , you are all white, you are all red, tell me the whole truth: what do I think? What will I think? What happened and what will happen? Tell me, do not hide, in all fairness, as you told Herod’s daughters at the wedding feast, at the table of honor. If you lie to me, I’ll tell Satan about your lies. I persuade the slave (my name) to play cards, to find out his thoughts, to learn the affairs of others and the secrets of others. My word is strong.

Then the cards should be shuffled and you can get to work. Next time, when you need to find out the correct answer, use a simple and effective spell. Its sorcerers use it an unlimited number of times, and the ritual does not require special preparation. You need to take the deck in your hands and whisper:

Thirty-six sisters, godfathers and daughters-in-law, brothers and
comrades. Do me faithful service and unfailing friendship. Thirty six
cards, four suits, tell me the whole true truth, what to expect, expect,
what to fear, what business not to take on. I call on you all, I call you
I pronounce: the word is strong and molds to cards. Amen.

A quick way to make cards tell the truth

If the sorcerer does not have time to carry out a cleansing ritual or cast a spell on the deck, he can use a simple and proven spell, which will make it possible to receive an accurate and concise answer to any exciting question. The deck must be placed on your left hand, face down, and tossed. The cards should fall to the floor, after which the magician says:

I'm standing on the maple bridge,
Card to card, piece of paper to piece of paper.
As soon as I begin to cast a spell,
The cards will tell the truth.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen, amen, amen.

How to get the correct answer to a question of interest?

This ritual is quite effective, but it has a drawback - it can be used no more than once every 25 days. Therefore, before you begin, decide exactly what you want to know.

The spell is especially effective if you are planning to work with Tarot. If you are supposed to work with a playing deck, then The exact truthful answer options will only be “Yes” and “No”. To perform the ceremony you will need:

  • calendula leaves;
  • dried roses (red, yellow, white);
  • black pepper (peas);
  • metal container.

Metal container
calendula leaves
dried roses
black pepper

The ritual takes place on Friday. At midnight, the sorcerer lights two candles, sits down at the table and reads the text:

I don’t buy the deck out of passion.
I give her luck in business.
Fire, I ask you very much,
Burn all the troubles if I sin.
Let this deck lie quietly,
Let sadness and longing flee from me.
Let the map lead me through life,
They will not let me down in difficult matters.
If I guess, I will only know the truth,
Who should I fear, when should I grieve?
All the cards will tell about scary people,
They will protect me and the children from them.
Amen! Amen! Amen!

After that, take all the ingredients, put them in a container and set them on fire. As soon as they burn out, dip your palms into the ashes. There is no need to shake it off. Just shuffle the cards, ask a question and get the right answer.

A simple spell to help beginners

This plot of cards for truthful fortune telling is suitable for beginners. It is not the simplest, but it makes it possible to create a strong energetic connection between the sorcerer and the cards. To perform the ritual, place the crystal vessel in the eastern corner of the room. Light 7 white wax candles around it in turn and say the words:

Powers of the East! I conjure you! Come and clean it up! Just as a crystal vessel is transparent and pure, so my cards will be pure and truthful, as they lie, so they will tell the whole truth. Let it be so!

Repeat the words three times and leave the vessel standing on the floor. After 3 days, cover the table with a dark cloth and place 1 black and 1 red candle on it. Light them and draw a deck around each of the candles in turn. While you do this, say the words:

I charge you with the flame of fire! Work day, sleep night, I don’t know how to lie!

As soon as the text is said, spit to the left and blow out the candles. The crystal vessel can be removed, washed and dried. You can draw water in advance (this must be done before the sun rises) and wash the vessel with it. After that you can start.

Tarot card spell - Your cards won't lie

When a new Tarot deck falls into the hands of a witch, the first thing she needs is initiate. The words of the conspiracy must be learned by heart, and interruptions during the ritual are prohibited. In your speech, address To the Oracle in order to see only the truth.

There must be a strong connection between you and the deck. To do this, try to carry it with you for as long as possible for 30 days, and do it once a day for any question. After the deck gets used to you, the answers will become clearer and more detailed. Now you can perform the initiation ceremony.

It is held on the night from Thursday to Friday. Light 3 black candles and place all the cards in order on the table. Read the text slowly and clearly:

I, slave (name), will leave the house after midnight and go towards the north to a black field. On that field there is a dead force, great and mighty. I, servant (name), will bow down to the damp earth and ask for help from that dead and ancestral power. Oh, you are my grandfathers and great-grandfathers, my dear spirits, come to my aid, help me in my work. Just as you fly in spirit and keep up with everything, so let me know everything, know everything, and understand maps. I’ll light a candle for your repose and remember you. My word is strong and indestructible forever. Amen.

In the process of reading the plot, you need to touch each card from the deck once. After the ritual, the deck can be placed under your pillow. The dream I had that night was prophetic. Remember it. This completes the ritual. Try to do this as often as possible to strengthen the magical connection between you.

Purification ritual for Tarot cards

A cleansing ritual must be performed by every witch working with the Tarot. This is necessary, because over time, a large amount of alien energy begins to accumulate around the magical attributes, and the cards can begin to lie. To avoid this, you should perform a simple ritual:

  • cover the table surface with a red cloth;
  • Place 2 black candles opposite each other and a red one in the center of the table;
  • lay out the entire deck in front of the candles;
  • Wipe each card with a soft cloth and sprinkle with salt.

While you perform this action, constantly repeat:

Sister-salt, you are salty, you are strong, cleanse and whisper, speak my cards so that the truth will be spoken, and give wasteful bondage and evil languor to the lintel, languor and deception. My word is strong! Cursed! Cursed! Cursed!

When the ritual is completed, pour the salt into a bag, place the cloth in a container and light it with black candles. At the same time say:

Dark Forces! I conjure you! Let my cards be pure and truthful, as they lie, they will tell the whole truth. Let it be so!

Place the cards in a bag (they must have their own “house”) and leave them alone for 6 days. When the time comes, take them out and lay them out on a table covered with a dark cloth, light a candle, and hide the bag of salt in a vacant lot. The ritual is completed, and you can begin to work with the Tarot.

It is difficult to find a girl among our compatriots who has never been interested in fortune telling with cards. As a rule, representatives of the fair sex do this in their youth, and treat it more as entertainment rather than as contact with otherworldly forces to obtain information about their past, present and future (which, in essence, is what fortune telling is).

Magic of cards

However, with the help of cards you can really predict fate - you just need to learn how to guess correctly and learn an effective card spell. What is this conspiracy, why is it needed, and how should it be implemented? Let's talk about this in more detail.

How to spell your cards

Conspiracy rules

Regardless of whether you are going to tell fortunes using Tarot, Lenormand, Indian or Gypsy cards, or choose ordinary playing cards for this, it is very important to “charge” them correctly. Remember that cards will willingly predict fate only if they are tuned in to the same wavelength as the fortuneteller. Experienced magicians and esotericists know this and therefore never give their cards into the hands of strangers. And you also need to take this point into account - immediately after buying a new deck, be sure to spell them out, and then handle the cards very carefully (treat them with respect, pick them up more often, store them in a place specially designed for this).

“Thirty-six sisters, Kumovyov and daughters-in-law, Brothers and companions. Do me faithful service and unfailing friendship. Thirty-six cards, four suits, Tell me the whole true truth, What to expect, what to expect, What to fear, what business not to take on. I call on you all, I call you and I pronounce: The word is strong and the cards are sculpted. Amen".

You need to cast a spell on cards on a full moon, preferably on a Friday. Wait until evening, pick up a new deck of cards and, holding it up to your face, quietly say the words of the spell (there are several such spells, so choose the one that suits you best in advance and learn it). When you are finished, hold the deck in your hands for a while, carefully shuffle it and set it aside. From this day forward, you should never again put your cards in the hands of another person.

Why do cards speak?

Why do they do this?

It is necessary to spell the cards you are going to use so that they tell you the truth. Remember that any fortune telling is a very serious and responsible ritual that requires your full concentration and concentration. However, no matter how well you know how to guess, you still won’t succeed with cards that don’t tell the truth. Therefore, do not be lazy to spell the entire deck before you start using it - especially since this does not require any special attributes, and the words of the card spells are quite simple, so it will not be difficult for you to memorize them.

It should be noted that in some cases, not only new cards are cast into spells, but also those that have already been used. This should be done if the deck has been touched by someone else’s hand, or if you suddenly notice that the cards often begin to tell lies. When faced with such phenomena, be sure to perform a magical ritual to once again subjugate the Lenormand or Tarot deck. Well, in those cases when we are talking about the most ordinary playing cards, it is more advisable to simply buy new ones and start talking with them.

From time immemorial, people want to open the door to the other world and see at least with one eye what fate has in store. Fortune telling on cards since ancient times has helped to learn the secrets of the future, past, and present. However, not everyone succeeds in obtaining the correct information, even using ancient layouts.

A deck that gathers dust unnecessarily can turn into a real helper if you adhere to the rules that have been established for centuries.

The main one is the card plot.

For fortune telling, you can use any cards:

  • Tarot;
  • Lenormand;
  • Gypsy;
  • Indian;
  • Gambling.

Regardless of the type, new cards need to be “charged” correctly.

After purchasing a new deck, wait until the full moon. Late on Friday evening, pick it up and hold it for a few minutes, warming it with its warmth. Then, bringing it to your lips, whisper the spell onto the cards. After the words have been spoken, shuffle thoroughly and set aside. From the day the plot is read, the attribute of fortune telling cannot be given to anyone. From now on, you belong to them, and they only belong to you.

“36 cards, sisters and brothers, godfathers and godfathers, matchmakers and matchmakers, uncles and aunts, fathers and mothers, daughters and stepdaughters, sons and stepsons, mothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, fathers-in-law and mothers-in-law, sons-in-law and sisters-in-law, you all blacks, you are all white, you are all red, tell me the whole truth: what do I think? What will I think? What happened and what will happen? Tell me, do not hide, in all fairness, as you told Herod’s daughters at the wedding feast, at the table of honor. If you lie to me, I’ll tell Satan about your lies. I persuade the slave (my name) to play cards, to find out his thoughts, to learn the affairs of others and the secrets of others. My word is strong"

Every time you are going to tell fortunes, read the plot on the cards, so that the information is reliable. Take the cards in your hands, hold them for a few minutes, concentrate, tune in to the process. Then whisper the words and take action.

“Thirty-six sisters, godfathers and daughters-in-law, brothers and companions. Do me faithful service and unfailing friendship. Thirty-six cards, four suits, tell me the whole truth, what to expect, what to expect, what to fear, what business not to take on. I call on all of you, name and reprimand: the word is strong and sculpts the cards. Amen"

There are a huge number of layout schemes: from the most ancient to the modern. Their effectiveness depends on reading the magic words and following certain rules of behavior.

The deck must be respected, kept in a secret place, tied with a silk ribbon, and placed in a bag. It should be handled with care. After all, from the moment the plot is read, it becomes a magical object - a conductor between two worlds.

Fortune telling rules

Before opening the curtain to the other world, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of magicians.


  • Giving the deck to a stranger;
  • Play with cards intended for divination;
  • Ask the same questions many times a day, as the “helpers” will begin to dissemble;
  • Tell fortunes to skeptics - magical objects do not like to be ridiculed;
  • Gather onlookers in the room;
  • To cast a spell for the sake of entertainment, turning the ritual into an entertainment process - a dismissive attitude will cause harm;
  • Cross your legs and arms so as not to block the channel through which information is transmitted;
  • Charming while drunk;
  • Guess when you are unwell;
  • To say that the cards lie is to say: “The deck is out of sorts”;
  • Tell fortunes to blood relatives;
  • Cast a spell on church holidays and on Sundays.


  • Conduct a session with lit candles in a calm environment;
  • Read the amulet before making a prediction, so as not to attract negative energy;
  • Take money for a session - “How much will they give?”

Remember, the deck gives true information on Friday the 13th, as well as on New Year’s Day and at 3 a.m. every day.

Be extremely careful and attentive to fortune-telling, otherwise the cards will not only deceive you, but will also bring you disaster.

If a card fell while the deck was being shuffled, pick it up and decipher the meaning. Perhaps she wants to warn about something. It is extremely important to pay attention to the signs sent by the “helpers”.

Every sorceress loves and trusts her cards, talks to them as if they were close friends, thanks them for the answers to the questions posed, and never accuses them of anything. Only with respectful attitude will the “helpers” not let you down, deceive, or lie!

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