Genrikh Sapgir "four envelopes". Letters from animals for the environmental project “Write a letter to an owl” Option for a lesson to prepare children for participation in the “Letters to Animals” project

Information letter for the “Letters to Animals” project

Dear teachers!

At the end of the Year of Ecology and the Year of the Reserve System of Russia, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology initiated the “Letters to Animals” project. This project is supervised in the regions by specially protected natural areas, in the Kostroma region - the Kologrivsky Forest Nature Reserve.

Students in grades 1-5, preschoolers from 6 years old and their parents can take part in the project.

The goal of the project is to develop a caring attitude towards nature and the environment in children and adults.

Project implementation timeframe

We invite preschool teachers and primary and 5th grade teachers to take part in the project. To simplify your participation in the project, we offer you a Methodological Guide (author - Ryzhova N.A.), a lesson developed by the reserve’s staff on preparing for participation in the project with attachments, as well as forms and envelopes for letters.

Inquiries by phone - 89108052788 (Natalia Valerievna Panova)

For those who wish to join the project, we offer Brief instructions for the implementation of the project.

Brief instructions for teachers on implementing the “Letters to Animals” project

1. Acquaintance with methodological, informational and instructional materials.

2. Conducting a class or series of classes to prepare for participation in the project. A version of such a lesson is attached, you can also use the Methodological Manual by N.A. Ryzhova.

3. Writing letters (children with parents or teachers individually or in groups write letters to animals, hand them over to the curator at an educational institution, who sends all written letters (no later than April 10, 2018) to the Kologrivsky Forest Nature Reserve (address: 157440, Kostroma region , Kologriv, Nekrasova St., 48, Federal State Budgetary Institution “State Reserve “Kologrivsky Forest”, Department of Environmental Education). You can use the letterheads and envelopes we offer or make them yourself.

4. Receiving answers (reserve employees and volunteers write answers to children’s letters on behalf of the animals and send them to educational institutions).

5. The best letters (30 pieces) are sent to the project organizing committee for further selection. Their authors are awarded at the regional level.

6. The organizing committee selects the best 50 letters and publishes them in the second edition of the book “Letters to Animals.”

Note: the proposed teaching materials can be used in extracurricular activities, classroom hours, and during environmental events.

Option for a lesson to prepare children to participate in the “Letters to Animals” project

Target– prepare children to participate in the “Letters to Animals” project.


1. Expand children's knowledge about the animal world.

2. Foster a love for animals and respect for nature.

3. Give children scientific ideas in the field of biology, ecology, geography, but at the same time put the information in an attractive and interesting form. In a playful way, introduce young children to the ecological features of some animals.

4. Introduce children to the rules of correspondence with animals: how to make envelopes, write an address, fill out forms, draw a portrait of an animal, etc.

Equipment: cards with portraits of animals, a globe, a mailbox, forms for writing letters, envelopes, a multimedia projector, a computer, a bag of acorns, cones, berries, bark, etc., questionnaires, the game “Where is whose house?”

Progress of the lesson.

Part 1. Traveling through natural areas. Conversation, work with the globe, watching episodes from documentaries is possible.

Today we have an unusual activity, we will go on a journey with you in order to get acquainted with the living inhabitants of our planet. We also had the opportunity to establish correspondence with animals using “forest mail”.

Guys, what do you think I brought you? ( globe With). That's right, but what can you say about him? ( this is a scale model of the earth).

Look how colorful it is! Do you know what the different colors mean? ( blue color - seas, oceans, yellow - deserts, green - plains, steppe forests, brown - mountains, blue branches - rivers).

Our planet is inhabited by many different species of animals, but this is not at all visible on the globe. Therefore, today you and I will travel to different areas of the Earth and populate it, applying our knowledge.

So, the first natural area we will consider will be the Arctic. What else can you call it? ( kingdom of snow and ice).

Why is there such a climate here? ( Snow
and the ice here never melts, the winter is long and harsh, there are severe frosts. The sun shines, but does not warm, so it cannot melt the ice).

If there is snow and ice everywhere in the Arctic, who can live here? ( polar bear, walrus, seal). How did these animals adapt to the harsh climate of the Arctic? ( they have thick fur and a thick layer of subcutaneous fat).

What do they eat? ( Polar bear – fish, seals. In the snow he is completely invisible: his fur coat is white and the snow is white, only his nose is black. When he hunts seals, he covers his nose with his paw. The bear is not afraid of either frost or icy water - it has thick fur and a thick
layer of subcutaneous fat. The polar bear is a good swimmer and can even swim underwater).

Who can tell us what the walrus eats? ( Walrus - stronganimal, he has fangs with which he breaks ice and finds food: crustaceans, mollusks, his fangs protect him from enemies, he is not afraid of the cold, he has a thick layer of subcutaneous fat).

We remembered those animals that live in the Arctic, and now I propose to complement the Arctic landscape. We need to find images of those animals that live in the Arctic (children come out and work at the globe - attach pictures of animals to it).

This is how the Arctic turned out - a kingdom of snow and ice, where winter is always harsh and cold.

Next natural area desert. What is the climate like here? ( hot climate, long summers, sand dunes, the main difficulty is lack of water)

Does this mean that no one lives in the desert? What animals can we meet there? (camel, monitor lizard, lizards, snakes, jerboa, scorpion, turtle). How did they adapt to this climate? (can go without food and water for a long time)

Who wants to talk about desert animals? (IN The camel is a desert dweller, it is called the ship of the desert. He has fat in his humps, which helps him go without food and water for a long time; after long marches, both humps hang to one side like empty bags. But once the camel has eaten and drunk, its humps straighten out again. He has pads in his hooves that allow the camel not to get burned in the sand and not to fall into the sand); (the monitor lizard is a lizard, and they called it desertcrocodile: if he catches a lizard, he will eat it, if he catches a turtle, he will swallow it, but he cannot catch a jerboa, because it jumps very quickly). Almost all desert animals are brown in color. Why do you think? (This makes them invisible to enemies)

The next natural area is the tropical forest. What is the climate like here? (humid, rains every day, hot)

What animals can you find here? ( elephant, monkey, sloth, hippopotamus, crocodile, tiger, rhinoceros)

Tell us about the largest animal. ( Elephants are amazinganimals. They love water very much, they like to “take a shower” by watering themselves with the help of their trunk. An elephant's trunk is a long nose, thanks to which it breathes, smells, drinks, grabs food, and even makes sounds. Elephants also have very powerful tusks that grow throughout their lives. Elephants usually live in herds. They swim and run well. Elephants eat tree roots, grass, fruits.)

Many inhabitants of the tropics have a spotted or striped color, why do you think? ( The striped or spotted coloring of many inhabitants helpsanimalshiding in the twilight of the tropical forest, pierced here and there by sunlight)

Part 2. Drawing up a profile of the animal and its address.

Now let's go to our forest. In the Kostroma region there is taiga, mixed, small-leaved forests. What is the significance of forests for humans and animals? ( house for plants andanimals, for humans, a source of wood, berries, mushrooms, medicinal plants, a place of rest)

What animals live in the Kostroma forests? (bear, fox, wolf, marten, wild boar, wolf, elk, squirrel, hare, etc.)

Let's talk together about one of the forest animals and create a unique questionnaire for it.


Animal profession

Special signs



Possible options

Using this questionnaire, it is very easy to compose the animal’s address and write a letter to it. For example, the animals in the Kologrivsky Forest Nature Reserve are really looking forward to your letters and are ready to answer you and tell you about their lives.

Let's try to make up the animal's address. In the Where column you need to indicate the natural area or the name of the reserve where the animal lives, then the specific place where it lives. For example, the Kologrivsky Forest Nature Reserve, a hole on the Sekha River.

To more accurately determine the animal’s address, let’s play the game “Where is whose house?” (See Lesson Appendix)

In the To column you need to indicate the name - “last name” and “first name” of the animal. The given name is the name of the genus, and the surname is the name of the species. For example: European mink, brown bear, common fox, white-backed woodpecker, grass frog, etc.

A letter with an incorrect address will take a long time to find its recipient. In this case, the answer will not come soon, and perhaps the postman will not be able to deliver it at all. In order for the letter to look real (especially if you want to get a response from the animal), you need to indicate your home address, school or kindergarten address on the envelope. (The address of the school can be written under the guidance of the teacher)

We have envelopes prepared ( you can also make envelopes yourself in art or technology lessons), you yourself will draw portraits of your favorite animals on the stamp space and write the address. And then compose the texts of the letters. In letters, you can tell the animal what you already know about it and ask what you want to know, you can create a menu for the animal and also put it in an envelope. You can also, after assessing your capabilities, invite the animal to visit (if you can create suitable conditions for it, as in nature) or refuse to accept it (due to the lack of conditions). Remember that letters will reach animals that live in our area much faster, which means you will soon receive answers to them.

To make a more accurate menu, let's play the game "Guess what's in the bag." (The magic bag is used to identify objects by touch (for example, acorns, berries, cones, bark, leaves - animal food). Children's task: identify objects by touch, name them and tell who eats this food.)

Now you are ready to write letters to animals, let's start creating them.

Part 3. Registration of addresses. Creation of portraits. Writing letters.

(The letter can be individual or group, it can be written in a class under the guidance of teachers or at home with the help of parents. Letters must be collected and sent in one parcel from the school or kindergarten no later than April 10 to the address 157 440, Kostroma region, Kologriv, Nekrasova str., 48, Federal State Budgetary Institution “State Reserve “Kologrivsky Forest”, Department of Environmental Education Information by phone 89108052788)

To whom_______________________________________




Destination index

Application to lesson_Game_Where is whose house is.

Form for letter

Lesson appendix_Game_Where is whose house?

Hello, Lema!

Little White Bear is writing to you. I can’t write well yet, so my letter is not very long. I was very happy when my mother brought me your letter, because I had never received a letter from a person in my life!

Like I said, I'm still small, but I'm going to become big like my dad and mom. You know that we- White bears- the largest predators on earth's land, which we are very proud of. Of course, our size does not allow us to live in your apartment. You can see this for yourself by visiting the Moscow Zoo, where my uncle and aunt swim in a spacious enclosure with a swimming pool.

We live only in the north. A white fur coat helps us watch for prey and makes us invisible. I really love swimming. In the sea we feel like fish in water! We eat fish, eggs, and what the sea washes up on the shore. Polar explorers have very tasty food in iron jars - sweet, thick milk. Sometimes we can’t stand it and secretly eat some of their supplies, for which they get angry with us.

Sorry, I’m tired of writing, and my mother is calling me to eat, because in order to grow big, you need to eat a lot of things.

Goodbye. Your little bear Umka.

Hello my new friend!

Leo is writing to you- king of all beasts. Unfortunately, I can’t come to visit you; I need to look after my subjects, of whom I have many. Many people think that I am alone, but I am not: I run my own pride. Pride- this is a large family, in which there is a male (that is, me), a female with cubs and young lions. Now there are 30 lions in my pride. But I cope with my responsibilities well.

Here’s what I was thinking: what would your mom and dad say if I suddenly came to visit you at your invitation along with my whole family? Ask them about it and write me a letter.

I look very nice, although a little menacing. I have golden skin and a wonderful mane. Lions' manes can be different: both dark and light. One of my brothers has a small mane that looks like a modest collar around his neck. But here I have it- large, black and thick. In front it falls over the forehead like bangs and wraps around the neck from the sides. The fur puffs up even on the belly. Your human scientists distinguish lions by their different manes and even divide us into some “subspecies” because of this. True, I don’t really understand why they do this. This is how we get to know each other.

My weight isn't as much as you think- I weigh only 200 kg. We also have enemies among people, rhinoceroses, buffalos, hippos and elephants. But we are still coping with our problems. We live well in the national park.

Thank you for the gift, great bone! If you can write poetry, then write about me, please.

Goodbye, you need to run and check your pride to see if everything is okay there. Your friend Leo Africanus.


I received a letter from you. Thank you for not forgetting me, the address was correct. Please forgive me for not answering you right away: I have to hunt at night, but during the day I can’t see very well and can’t read. So I only recently read your letter, I read one letter a day.

I inform you at the beginning of our acquaintance that my real name is- Tawny owl. I really live in a hollow tree, where I hatch my favorite chicks. My wings are grayish with a brown tint. The beak is yellowish and the claws are black. Well, did you introduce me?

I'm very wise. To give advice- my favourite hobby. You write that you need advice (probably on how to catch mice), so I will certainly explain it to you.

Now about the mice. Of course, I love them extraordinarily, mice- This is my weakness. Sometimes you have to make do with frogs, small birds, snakes, and large beetles. If I'm lucky, I'll catch a fish.

As you can see, I am a bird of prey. And this can be immediately determined by my hooked nose. At night I not only see perfectly, but also hear equally well. I immediately know where the mouse is rustling, where someone else is moving. I fly slowly, looking for prey in the dark. I can also sit in ambush, for example, on a tree branch.

Many people think that I become completely blind during the day. Keep in mind that this is not the case. I can see some things even in the light, I just see much better at night. After all, I am a nocturnal bird.

That’s it, dear, I’m finishing my letter, otherwise the mice have become quite impudent: they run around right next to the tree, and don’t pay attention to me. Can this be tolerated?

Thank you again for the invitation. But I don’t know how to find you. Besides, I heard that there are my enemies among people. Don't you know who they are and what harm I did to them? Maybe I gave them bad advice?

So I’ll wait until I arrive to you. Say hello to all your pet mice (if you have any).

Your friend is the Wise Owl named Tawny Owl.


Your new friend a penguin named Adele is writing to you. Thank you very much for your letter, I was very glad to receive it, although it is very, very short. As you know, I live at the South Pole. My house- Antarctica and neighboring islands. You won't meet me anywhere else, except at the zoo. I hope I don't end up there.

Life for us penguins in Antarctica is very good, simply wonderful! We don't care about frost and icy wind. After all, all penguins have very warm coats made of feathers and down. And the fat, fat one sings... no, not chocolate, but special fat that warms our hearts and other insides. I and all my many relatives eat fish, we catch it ourselves in the ocean. We swim like athletes. Any penguin feels better in water than on land.

Did you know that we penguins are different?There are big ones among us- royal and thick- imperial. The smallest and fastest- this is us,Adelie penguins (or Adelki, as we are calledpolar explorers). So I have many different relatives.

It’s a pity that I won’t be able to come and visit you; it will be hot for me in your climate. I’m afraid to invite you to my place in Antarctica. We have such strong winds and frosts! In such a south, you can freeze because you are not used to it.

I have a request to you: please draw me a forest. I've heard a lot about it from polar explorers, but I just can't imagine what it is.


Your friend Penguin.


Your friend Bullfinch is writing to you, as you already guessed. I was very glad to hear from you. I had never received a letter before, it’s so easy to tweet with someone in the forest, chat, and then- real letter! I live in a forest country, in a winter forest. I also live in the forest in the summer. Only in winter everything is covered in snow, there is not enough food, so I fly to the village, closer to you people. Maybe sometimes I even sit under your window, waiting for crumbs of bread or something else tasty. There are a lot of kind guys in the village, they feed us birds in winter and save us from hunger. We are very grateful to them for this. If suddenly one of the children gets lost in the forest in the summer, we will also feed him and save him from hunger: we will bring him various berries and seeds.

I am a noticeable, bright bird, the feathers on the back are gray, on the head- black, and the breast is red, like a ripe apple.

Of course, I am glad to have your invitation to visit, I will try to fly, but only later, when winter begins.

See you. Your friend Bullfinch.


Thank you for your letter. I am very glad that you love me and my relatives. I have already informed everyone about this. And all the African elephants were very happy about this and gave you a big, big (the same as themselves) hello. They also asked me to tell you more about us elephants.

Did you know that our trunk- is it an elongated nose and upper lip at the same time? And at the same time he serves as our hand. With our trunk we pick up even very small objects from the ground and feel things the way you do with your fingers. Yes, and we drink using the same trunk. Imagine, I can suck in 10 liters of water at once, and then pour it into my mouth in a stream! An elephant that has damaged its trunk has a hard time, because we cannot eat without our long nose. But I hope that nothing bad will happen to me, and that my wonderful trunk will always be with me.

We African elephants are larger than our Indian relatives. My height, for example, is three and a half meters, and my body length- eight, of which one and a half meters is on the tail and about two on the trunk. And one more important special feature: my ears are much larger than those of an Indian elephant. So I'm pot-eared, that's for sure. But I’m not used to flapping my ears, and no one hangs noodles on my ears. Maybe because my ears are not that easy to reach!

Tell all your classmates about us African elephants. Say hello to them. African. Hot. Come for a visit. We'll give you a ride as a sign of friendship.

Your new African friend Elephant.

Dear Vika!

I, a giraffe, received your letter, which began with such wonderful words- “Dear Giraffe!” I liked my portrait. I showed it to my friends and relatives.

On my menu- delicious young shoots, acacia buds, mimosas. I have a very long tongue. But not at all to chat constantly. With its help, I can pluck leaves even from branches densely strewn with long thorns.

I drink little water; the water in the leaves is enough for me. By the way, I am not just tall, but the tallest among all the animals on our planet: the distance from the ground to my forehead- almost 5 meters! So I won’t fit in any human house or apartment. If only the ceiling on the next floor is removed, then I can stay for a while. What floor do you live on?

I think you know how wonderful my skin is, with brown spots, like someone smeared me in chocolate. Too bad it's not real chocolate. But it's still beautiful. Thanks to such drawings, it is difficult to notice me in the shade of trees or among bushes.

I sleep little, mostly at night, but very lightly.

My main enemy- lion, although for now I managed to run away from him and hide. I even hit one with my front leg.

Do you know how scared he was! This king of beasts, not at all like a king, tucked his tail between his legs and ran away. And I did the right thing, because I have a very strong blow!

Now I live in a national park. This is such a wonderful place where we giraffes are protected. Come to visit.

I bow low.


Your spotted giraffe.


A prickly, but very kind-hearted hedgehog is writing to you. You have no idea how glad I was to receive the letter in an envelope with beautiful letters!

I'll tell you something about myself. I live on the edge of the forest, sometimes I visit hollows in tree trunks near the ground, and hide among the bushes. So you indicated the exact address. I like to relax in an empty fallen tree or a shallow hole (I don’t know how to make holes myself).

If a cold and long winter comes, then I settle down in deep holes. As the weather warms up, my food supply increases: chafers fly out, caterpillars and ground beetles crawl in. I even eat dung beetles. They are poisonous to other animals and birds, but to me they even taste good. And viper venom is not dangerous for us hedgehogs. I also feast on mice, eggs, chicks and even small birds that build nests on the ground. I just eat what is prescribed to me by the laws of nature, and no one should violate them.

Your letter arrived at the right time: I only recently woke up from hibernation. I don’t store food for the winter, and therefore I woke up as a very thin and hungry hedgehog. Now my main task- eat as much as possible, which is what I do. I just recently had lunch. I’ll finish writing you a letter and go to lunch for the second time. Over the summer I should grow a fat belly. If you walk in the forest in the spring, listen: suddenly you will hear the rustling of last year’s leaves. Know that it was I who ran to hunt.

I’m finishing writing because I really want to eat, and a plump beetle is crawling not far away. Thanks again for your concern. If you're hungry, come to me. I will treat you to the fattest larvae, beetles, frogs, mice. They are very tasty and nutritious, trust me.

Your friend Hedgehog!


I was very happy to receive a letter from you. I will hide it in the pantry, where I have the most important supplies: dried mushrooms, pine cones, nuts and other tasty and nutritious foods. And when I feel sad, I will take out your letter and read it again. It's so nice that you care about me.

Are you a good student? For example, I know the forest alphabet very well. Our main teacher in the forest- nature. In school, sometimes you can’t complete your homework on time, but in the forest, if you don’t learn everything on time, they’ll eat you right away. So when you see animals in the forest, know: the smartest ones remain. I was always an excellent student at forest school. And my baby squirrels will grow up the same way.

I made my nest in the hollow of a large tree, it is not easy to find. And my sister built another house- a nest made of tree branches, it looks like a ball and is called gayno. It has a separate entrance and exit so that you can jump out in case of danger. Whoever likes it, but to me my house seems more reliable, although it has only one entrance and exit.

Did you know that the color of my fur coat changes? My winter coat is a different color than my summer coat. Which one do you think? And I change my clothes to be more invisible in the forest. You probably know that I am excellent at climbing trees and jumping from branch to branch. (Recently I had to jump from the very top of a tree to the ground.) My wonderful, fluffy tail, which is no worse than a parachute, helps me with this. It's a shame you don't have one.

I am finishing my letter because my restless little squirrels have woken up.


Big Red Squirrel.


Thank you for your letter. I am very glad that you love me and my relatives, because we are such beautiful butterflies. We are butterfliesSwallowtailvery bright, my main wing color is yellow. They have black patterns on them, near the body and on the edges of the wings. Patterns in the form of stripes and spots. On the hind wingsI havethere are tails up to 10 mm long. I feed on flower nectar. But my caterpillar eats carrots, caraway seeds, and wild dill.Ialmost all the time in flight, even sitting on a flower to eat. I got my name in honor of the doctor - surgeon Machaon - the son of Axlepius. We Swallowtail butterflies are endangered as we have become a rare butterfly. And we were included in the Red Book. Tell all the guys that we can't be caught.

We can meet you in the summer. I live in flowering meadows and can fly to the flowering garden that is located near your house!

I’m finishing my letter, it’s time to fly to collect nectar.



A budgerigar is writing to you. I live in Australia with my friends and relatives. The most common color of Australian parrots is green. They called us "wavy" due to the wavy color on the head and neck.

I am small in size and very good with people.We parrots have a lot of advantages: imitation of human speech, singing, beautiful plumage, intelligence. It’s always interesting with me, I can play with toys (mirror, ladder, bell and others), I can imitate birdsong and human speech.But that's how I amfavorite pet. People are happy to buy us for their children.

If you ever decide to get a budgie, then know: we need to feedgrain mixture. The composition of the grain mixture should enter oatmeal, or oats, millet. And we also love vegetables and fruits , boiled chicken eggs, low-fat cottage cheese.

Bye. Hello to all the little birds who live in your city. Your little and very beautiful friend.


Your new forest friend Lynx is writing to you. You are, of course, very surprised why Lynx, and not your domestic cat. But I am also a cat, of the feline family. And I really wanted to write a letter to the person and tell him about us.

There is no need to be afraid of me, I can be a loyal and good friend. So that we can get to know each other better, I’ll tell you a little about myself. What distinguishes me from my many feline relatives are very short legs, cute tufts on my ears and round pupils. I am very agile, I can climb trees very well and I can run just as well on the ground. Besides, I swim well. I usually hunt hares, but sometimes (if there are no hares nearby and I really want to eat) I attack moose and wild young pigs. I am lying in wait for prey.

Thick wool saves me from frosts (and they can be very strong in our taiga regions!). And its wide, furry paws help it move through the snow.

I, like many of my relatives, live in the forest. There are almost no people here. After all, people have long called us “harmful,” but our fur- "useful". So now there is nothing left in this worldthere are so many lynxes. I try not to go far fromyour taiga home. So, of course, I'm visitingI won’t come, but I agree to be your friend.

I shake your human paw tightly.

Ours for you with a brush, as people say

( and I have two tassels on my ears).



You are, of course, very surprised why it is a black panther and not your domestic cat. But I am also a cat, of the feline family. And I really wanted to write a letter to the person, tell him about myself.

Black Panther- like me- just a type of leopard with a very dark skin. Even in one leopard family, sometimes three kittens are born, yellow with black spots, and one- black as soot.

We, the panthers,- graceful, dexterous and very beautiful animals, I am writing to you about this without false modesty. Like all cat predators, we hunt from ambush, jumping accurately and far. We love water very much; we not only drink, but also wash ourselves, like some students in your class (we hope that there are many of them).

It’s not easy to see me in nature. I am good at camouflage, and I am also a sensitive and cautious animal. Otherwise, how to protect yourselffromyour main enemy - man?

What a pity that we live far from each other! But if you really want to look at my relatives, go to some big city. It's cramped there Loser panthers languish in the cages of the zoo, captured by humans.

In general, we are very similar to large domestic cats, especially black ones. Please don't hurt them, okay? And ask your friends about it. Cats can't complain to us, but what if they could?


Your Black Panther.


I am very glad to have your invitation. But I had a doubt: is your home pool really that big? Will I be able to fit in it? After all, my length is more than one and a half meters! Besides, I can’t lie still all the time, I need space to swim and dive. So, if there is no suitable pool, I won’t be able to stay with you. But don’t be sad, because I, like any animal, do best in the wild.

I would like to introduce you in detail to us, the sharks.

We sharks differ from each other in size, body shape and coloring. Some sharks (Dwarf shark) could fit in the palm of your hand. But others are the size of a bus. The most dangerous shark is the White Shark. The whale shark is the largest fish in the world. These sharks have a calm disposition. Many sharks are decorated with spots, stripes or wavy patterns. These are the Leopard shark, Australian spotted shark, Zebra shark and others.

We have sharks as friends.Pilot fish follow the shark, picking up the remains of food that it has not eaten. Sticky fish are attached to the shark's back with a special suction cup and travel with it across the ocean.

I hope someday you willtravel onocean and you will recognize me.

But be careful!Goodbye!

Hello, dear hostess!

Your dog is writing to you.

I, Dachshund, am a very unusual and amazing dog. My unusualness lies both in my appearance and in my character, behavior and intellect. We are classified as a group of hunting dogs. We are short-legged dachshunds, adapted for catching animals in holes.

The name “dachshund” translated from German means “badger dog”.

We also have good health. They are not picky about food. Dachshunds are very hardy dogs and tireless companions, always ready to keep company at any time.Om travel.

What to feed me? Which foods can I give and which cannot? Let's figure it out. The dachshund's menu should consist of meat, vegetables, a variety of cereals and grains, as well as fermented milk products.

Not overfeed me, it could be dangerous.

ExactlyGermanyis the homeland of the dachshund.Having excellent hearing, I can hear the slightest rustle. I am an excellent watchman, never raising unnecessary or premature alarm. You will feel calm with me.


Your favorite Dachshund.

Hello, dear Dasha!

A koala bear is writing to you from distant (for you) Australia.- This the smallest continent (the part of the land around which- oceans and seas). It is located in the Southern Hemisphere. When it’s winter where you live, here in Australia it’s summer, and vice versa. In winter, Queensland (a place in the north-east of Australia) is very dry, but not very hot. In your country, Russia, you have a lot of snow in winter, and it looks like white cotton wool. I’ve never seen anything like this in my life, but a kangaroo friend of mine told me that his grandfather saw something similar many, many years ago in the south of Australia, in the mountains.

I live in a forest where there are large eucalyptus trees. I only eat eucalyptus leaves and drink almost nothing. Most of all I like to sit on a tree or, at least, leisurely climb the branches.

I want to tell you about one more feature of mine. We koalas are called marsupial bears because the mother koala has a pouch on her stomach. In this bag she carries a little kangaroo until he grows up. But I don’t know why they call us bears. After all, I haven’t seen real bears. Please write to me what they look like and draw their portrait.

I will look forward to a letter from you. Australian Koala bear.

One day I see a letter lying on the windowsill. Who is the letter from? I see from the forest. I decided to find out who was writing to me... And the forest inhabitants wrote: a fox, a hare, a squirrel and a bullfinch. The hare writes: “Winter has come, snow has fallen, and I changed my fur coat. Now it’s easier for me to hide from predators.” Lisa wrote: “It has become cold, but I like winter because I really like to run away, confusing my tracks.” The elk writes: “It has become difficult to get food, but the forest is very beautiful.” The squirrel writes: “There are no more berries and mushrooms, but they will always be found in my pantries.” The bullfinches also wrote: “Before, we, like other birds, flew south. And Santa Claus was bored alone. Everything around is white and white, not a single bright spot. So he promised: whoever stays with him in the winter will paint him brightly. So we decided to stay every winter.” The letter was received by Guryev Georgy

Hello people! Winter has come to us! It's very cold here. Snow. All the water was covered with ice. Some animals changed color. The bear sleeps in a den. We eat from the supplies we prepared in the fall. Many birds living in our forest have flown south, and sparrows and bullfinches spend the winter here. It gets dark early. Come to visit us! Bring some treats. We are looking forward to seeing you. The letter was received by Dmitry Korelsky

Everything in the forest is white and white, there is a lot of snow. Now I'm not afraid, I merge with the snow. Come to the forest, friends, admire me! (Hare) We will fly to you in winter to a feeding trough under a pine tree. Thank you in advance for your attention to us. (Bullfinches) It’s not easy to make your way through the snowdrifts, It’s hard to make out now My former paths. (Moose) The letter was received by Irina Melentyeva

And here is a blue envelope containing a winter letter... Hares who do not sleep in winter write in it that they have changed their fur coats: “We, hares, have a very good time in winter, because in new white coats after molting we are almost invisible in the snow, we It’s easier to hide and cover your tracks. It’s quiet in the forest, and without the birds that have flown to warmer lands, it’s a little sad. But the New Year is coming soon! And there the sun will become brighter, and the air will be warmer, and spring will come!” The letter was received by Artemy Bedin

Hello, Katya! We, forest animals, want to tell you about the beauty of the winter forest and invite you to visit. Winter is a wonderful time of year, and it’s especially good in the forest in winter! Peace and silence reign in the winter forest. But this is only at first glance. When the sun appears, the entire forest transforms and shines. Many forest dwellers went into hibernation, but not all. Here is a cowardly hare stripping the bark from a birch tree. But the titmouse flies from tree to tree. A squirrel jumps with a nut in its teeth and drops snow from huge spruce branches. Nearby, bullfinches perched on a branch like rowan berries. A wolf and a fox scour the forest in search of prey, and in the distance an elk with huge antlers wanders importantly. And the forest itself is decorated with fluffy snow sparkling in the rays of the sun. It's so nice in the forest in winter! Be sure to come! We are waiting for you! (Forest animals) The letter was found by Ulyana Menshikova

I am a hare, I will tell you how I live in the forest. By winter he turned white and put on a new fur coat. I’ll sit under a bush, hide under a pine tree. The forest beast will not see me, will not recognize me! Although I am not a coward, I am afraid of everything. It’s very difficult for me in winter... I, a hare, have neither a hole nor a nest. Today I’ll sleep under a bush, tomorrow I’ll lie down in a ravine; Wherever I dig a hole in the snow, that’s where I have a house. My fur coat is warm, fluffy and white as snow. And it’s not difficult to hide from enemies: snuggle in the snow - try to see it! I sleep during the day, and at night I go out for a walk and feed. While there is little snow, I will shovel it with my paws and find grass. Once the blizzards start blowing snowdrifts, I won’t be able to dig out the snow. I’ll climb a high snowdrift in the forest and gnaw branches from bushes and trees. I have excellent hearing, and I can also cover up tracks. The only thing that saves me from being chased is the ability to run fast. I live like this all winter. The letter was received by Artyom Gorbunov
Images used: jpg - winter - winter - spring - hunting jpg - bullfinch jpg - elk jpg - snowy winter envelope.jpg - envelope - snowflake background

Materials and equipment:

Illustrations of forest, animals: beaver, hare, fox, shrew; a series of plot pictures of forest inhabitants; masks for the game “Find out what animal it is”, materials for drawing, cut cards for the game “Pick Up”

Suggested questions when reading the poem:

1. How do you understand the expression “dwellers of the forest”?

2. List all the characters in the poem.

3. Which of the heroes did you like best? Why?

4. Remember what the hero you liked said?

5. Why did the beaver call its tail a signaling device? Support? With an oar?

6. Why does the hare spend the whole day in a hole in the snow? Who is he afraid of?

7. Remember whose lines from the letter of the forest inhabitants I read:

“Everywhere there is a nasty enemy

Happy to lie in wait.

Goodbye children.

It's time for me to run!

Poem “Letter from the Forest Dwellers”

“A cheerful beaver is writing to you.

I want to tell you,

That my tail cannot be replaced.

He is a signaling device

Both the support and the oar.

Rodents, my friends,

All words will confirm to you"

“Well, I’m a nocturnal animal.

Everyone knows me as a white hare.

I dig a hole in the snow myself.

I spend the whole day there.

Patrikeevna Lisa

Waiting for me to come out.

Lies right on the snow

And he moves his mustache"

"Little shrew

I hasten to tell you

What's in the snowdrifts

We have no time to sleep.

Everywhere there is a nasty enemy

Happy to lie in wait.

Goodbye children!

It's time for me to run!

senior teacher of MADOU DS No. 7 “Bell”,

Yanaul city, Republic of Bashkortostan.

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Yulia Asadova

Participation in the Reserve project"Kostomuksha" « Write a letter to an animal» Children of the first group of early age took participation in the Reserve project"Kostomuksha" Write a letter to an animal"After conversations with kids about wild animals, their habitats, nutrition, characteristics, the kids decided write a letter to the bear in his den. Together we watched a video about bears in our forests, filmed by video traps of the Reserve workers, and played active, verbal games in which the main character is a bear. We read Russian folk tales and learned poems about him. Despite the fact that the children still speak little, they gave clear and accurate answers to leading questions about the bear. From their words, I (the teacher, a letter has been written. The children were happy to give Mishka a gift - an applique craft. Children of the older group, those involved in this project, took our letter to the post office, where stamps were pasted on it and ours were lowered letter in mailbox.

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