Part-time work: setting up a schedule and calculating wages. Part-time work: setting up a schedule and calculating wages Creating a work schedule in 1c

Error 1. In the 1C ZUP 8.3 program, the “Timesheet” document is always entered for all employees

The program developers are true to their concept regarding the Timesheet document and believe that the Timesheet document as a program document is not needed, since the deviation method works. There is a working time schedule and there are deviations - sick leave, vacations. In 1C 8.3 ZUP, the time worked is automatically calculated, and a report is used to print the timesheet. At the same time, the “Ticket Card” document is available in the 1C ZUP program and you can enter it, but it is not recommended to do this unless necessary.

There are times when you can’t do without the Timesheet document. For example:

  • When do you need to adjust your hours worked?
  • Enter hours worked for specific types of time when it is impossible to plan in the schedule;
  • Or when we keep records in terms of working conditions, when an employee moves between these working conditions during the day.

In these cases, the “Ticket Card” document is needed, in all other cases this document, like a document in the 1C ZUP program, is not needed, since it greatly burdens the system.

On the other hand, why does a logical contradiction arise, because in practice the “Ticket Sheet” document is the primary document on the basis of which wages are calculated. Therefore, it seems logical that there should always be a “Timesheet” document, and then a salary calculation.

In 1C ZUP 3.0 (3.1) the logic is slightly different and assumes that the “Table” is a report:

First, we make salary reports, where we generate “ ” as a report, check it, and after that we proceed to payroll calculation:

Let's look at an example.

Enter the document “Table”:

We add an employee and the “Timesheet” document is automatically filled out: attendance is entered according to the five-day work schedule:

Many users do this, take the “Timesheet” document, fill it out for all employees, post the document and start calculating salaries.

However, in the 1C ZUP 8.3 program there is a technical register of information “Work schedules by type of time,” which is a technical data repository necessary for correctly calculating wages. Initially, this register stores information about the number of hours according to general schedules:

If you enter a “Ticket”, then when calculating your salary for the current month and filling out the “Payroll” document, click the “Fill” button to calculate:

At the same time, when calculating wages, the technical register “Work schedules by type of time” is filled in:

We see that for one month per employee, taking into account the fact that he only has attendance and weekends, no night and overtime - that’s 52 entries. For only one employee, the following appears in the information register:

And if the organization has 1,000 employees and a “Timesheet” is entered for each, then 52,000 entries will appear in the register at least every month. After some time, the database will grow to incredible sizes and performance will decrease.

Therefore, it is recommended not to load the 1C ZUP program again. If no changes are made to the Timesheet document and you are forming it to look at it, then you do not need to carry it out. You can simply write it down, but not carry it out. Otherwise, when calculating salaries, unnecessary entries will be created in the registers. And the base will become “heavier” every month.

If the “Ticket Card” document was carried out, then nothing needs to be done. Register “Work schedules by type of time” with an independent recording mode, that is, data can be deleted:

Since the register is technical, such an operation is allowed. But you shouldn’t do this, if there are calculated data for past periods, let them be there. But change business processes and business logic starting from the current period.

Error 2. In case of deviations from the schedule, “NN” is entered in the “Ticket Card” document, and the document “Absenteeism, no-show” is not entered

Let's go through the document and calculate the salary. The time worked will be entered from the timesheet:

The employee is going on vacation next month. When we start calculating average earnings, the number of calendar days worked is incorrectly determined: the 1C ZUP program believes that the employee worked 30 days out of 30 in June:

This will be clearly visible in the printed form “Calculation of average earnings”, where the coefficient in June for calculating average earnings will be used 29.3, although he worked for less than a full month:

The fact is that the “Ticket Sheet” document does not replace the need to enter deviation documents. The fact that they marked NN is not enough. In 1C ZUP 8.3 you also need to enter the document “Absenteeism, no-show” and register the employee’s absence using this document:

If you entered the document “Absenteeism, no-show”, then you need to re-accrue the salary so that the time is re-accounted:

After this, we will refill the “Vacation” document. Open “Inputting data for calculating average earnings” – Reread button. We see that the calendar days worked are 26 out of 30:

Accordingly, the coefficient when calculating average earnings will be determined according to the rules, 29.3/30 calendar days in June * for the number of calendar days worked:

Error 3. The 1C ZUP 8.3 program “does not see” the attendance entered by the “Ticket” document

Let’s say we filled out a “Ticket Card” for June for an employee, where for the entire month he showed up for a five-day shift, worked 21 days, 168 hours:

But the report card indicated that the employee worked during this period and had to report for the entire month. Moreover, in the printed form of the Timesheet document it is also clear that the employee has the following attendance:

But when calculating salaries, the 1C ZUP 8.3 program will calculate taking into account the deviation. You can verify this by looking at the “Payroll” document for June. It can be seen that the calculated salary is not full, because the program “considers” that the employee worked for less than a full month:

The printed form of the “Ticket Card” document will indicate attendance. At the same time, if we generate a “Timesheet” report, on the basis of which the program calculates wages, we will see that the employee has had his or her personal tax number since the 15th, as they entered. The employee worked 9 days, not 21 days:

The “Ticket Card” document is the highest priority, but takes into account deviations. If you entered an appearance in the “Ticket Card”, but registered a deviation document, then the deviation will be primary.

Please also take this point into account when you choose for yourself the accounting concept in 1C ZUP 8.3, and decide whether to use the “Timesheet” document or not.

Error 4. For an employee with hazardous working conditions who has a reduced schedule, the “Part-time working hours” checkbox is selected.

Let’s say that an organization has disabled employees with a preferential pension, for whom it is necessary to pay additional contributions to the Pension Fund.

In this case, a separate “Schedule of work with hazardous conditions” is set up, because the hazard is class 3 or 4 and the schedule should be shortened:

Many people like to check the "Part-time" box with "Part-time":

Then this flag leads to errors when generating personalized accounting reports in 1C ZUP 8.3. The fact is that the rules of personalized accounting state that if an employee is engaged in harmful activities for less than 80% of the working time, then this means that this is “not harmful.” In 1C ZUP, the occupancy percentage is not checked, but is linked to this flag.

If the “Part-time working time” and “Part-time working day” checkbox is checked, then it does not matter at all that the employee has the parameters configured: the working conditions code is indicated in the staffing table 27.1, 27.2, the list item code, the 1C ZUP program in personalized accounting reporting will put The employee's length of service is completely normal.

Therefore, in the schedule settings, we’ll change the switch and set it to “Part-time working week.” If an employee really has part-time work, but it is necessary for the parameters of harmfulness to be worked out, then you need to set the switch as part-time work week.

Where to find and how to fill out a work schedule in 1C, features of filling out and setting up non-standard work schedules in 1C: ZUP3.8 - read our article.

The employer sets schedules in accordance with productivity goals for his enterprise. Let's consider their reflection in the program (1C:ZUP).

Where and how to fill out the work schedule in 1C: ZUP 8.3: “five-day week”

To fill out schedules in the program, go to the “Settings” menu - section “Enterprise” - employee work schedules. The “Create” button opens the settings and creation of a new chart. We indicate its name, set the current year and go to the “Change chart properties” menu offered to us.

First, let's look at setting up the schedule in 1C, according to which most Russians work - a five-day week. We indicate:

We fill out the schedule for part-time working in 1C: ZUP 8.3

There are cases when an employee works five days a week, part-time. In this case we:

  1. create a new schedule, specify the same settings as in the “Five-day” schedule
  2. check the box "Part-time work"- part-time work (here you can indicate that records are kept for part-time work); and calculate the norm according to another “Five-day” schedule.
  3. In the tabular part with the work schedule, you must manually indicate the number of hours of work for each day.

We fill out the shift work schedule in 1C: ZUP 8.3

There is accounting by type of time: attendance, night hours and evening hours - they are taken as the basis for drawing up schedules with a shifting nature of work at each enterprise. Let's consider drawing up such a schedule, for example a schedule: day - turnout (12 hours), second day - evening (3 hours) and night time (9 hours), third day - sleep, fourth - day off.

  1. In the properties of the schedule, we indicate the filling method “By cycles of arbitrary length (shift schedules)” and the fact that when filling it out, holidays should not be taken into account; a summary record of working time is maintained; when calculating overtime, determine the norm according to the “Production Calendar”.
  2. Types of time: if the enterprise keeps records not only of night time, but also of evening time (and in our example such records are kept); check the boxes for “Attendance”, “Night hours” and “Evening hours”.
  3. In the “Work Schedule” table we indicate the day number “1”: attendance 13; day number "2": night hours 9, evening hours 3; the last two days remain empty (Fig. 2). After clicking the “Ok” button, the graph will be filled in correctly.

There are a large number of ways to compile in the “Salary and HR Management, Edition 3.0” program; you just need to set the correct parameters and fill out the schedule.

Important! Without prepared schedules, employees' salaries will not be accrued. The schedule must be linked to the employee upon hiring, and you can change the schedule to another using the document “Personnel transfer” or “Personnel transfer by list” (to add an employee - on the “Main” tab, check the box “Transfer to another schedule”).

We fill out an individual work schedule in 1C: ZUP 8.3

If an employee does not have a specific, established schedule, that is, working days change monthly, in this case it is recommended to create “Individual work schedules” (menu “Salary” - Time tracking - Individual schedules). In this case, the schedule is filled out manually on a monthly basis: in the upper column we indicate “Attendance” and the number of hours, in the lower part “night” or “evening” time and the number of hours (Fig. 3).

So, we looked at where and how to fill out work schedules in 1C: ZUP 3.8, and made settings for non-standard work schedules in 1C.

If you still have questions about filling out and setting up work schedules in 1C: ZUP 3.8, we will answer you on our website. Our experts not only consult verbally, but also to your 1C working database to help you find an error or configure the 1C program.

When employees of an organization work not only on a standard five-day workday, but also on shift schedules, questions inevitably arise about how to correctly reflect the accruals for such people in the program. After all, establishing regular work schedules in this case is inconvenient and incorrect, because the total number of working hours in a month will not match, which means the program will calculate the salary incorrectly. What settings need to be made to prevent such problems from occurring?

The first thing we need to figure out is what kind of graphs we are dealing with. If your employees work according to a standard pattern - a day after three, two days after two, etc., and it remains constant for a long time, then we will use one option. If during the month there are constantly going to work outside of the schedule, replacing sick employees, etc., which means there is no specific strict schedule, there will be a little more work for the payroll clerk. Let's look at both of these options in more detail.

In the first case, you need to create a new shift schedule and simply set it for employees when hiring or reassigning personnel. To do this, you need to select “Work Schedules” on the desktop on the “Enterprise” tab.

Add a new chart, write its name and click the “Fill in chart” button.

If one of the templates suits us, then select it and check the boxes to take into account night and evening hours; if not, click “configure manually” and “Next”.

We will set up a two-by-two (day-night) schedule, 12-hour shifts including night shifts.

We indicate from what date we start counting the schedule (this will be the first shift, in our case 12 hours of daily work) and add a new shift to the table. We write the name and indicate the time from 8 to 20.

Then we add a second line to the table and add a new shift - night.

Then add 3 and 4 empty lines (these are weekends) and click “Fill”.

The completed schedule shows two work shifts every other, with the second work shift having 8 night hours. The graph should look like this.

Now you can see the exact number of working hours in each month, including night hours, and the salary for employees who work exactly according to this schedule will be calculated correctly. All that remains is to appoint it upon hiring or personnel transfer.

As a rule, there should be four such graphs, because in our case, on the day when one shift works during the day, the second at night, and the other two rest on that day.

If the schedule changes every month, you must use the “Individual work schedules” document located on the “Payroll” tab.

Create a new document and add employees to it. Data can be entered by day or aggregated for a period. When you click on the "Night" and "Evening" buttons, the corresponding rows appear in the table.

This document must be filled out monthly in case of an unstable schedule. This method of entering information is more correct and convenient than manually correcting a time sheet. Documents can be copied if the differences from month to month are not very large.

Where to find and how to fill out a work schedule in 1C, features of filling out and setting up non-standard work schedules in 1C: ZUP3.8 - read our article.

The employer sets schedules in accordance with productivity goals for his enterprise. Let's consider their reflection in the program (1C:ZUP).

Where and how to fill out the work schedule in 1C: ZUP 8.3: “five-day week”

To fill out schedules in the program, go to the “Settings” menu - section “Enterprise” - employee work schedules. The “Create” button opens the settings and creation of a new chart. We indicate its name, set the current year and go to the “Change chart properties” menu offered to us.

First, let's look at setting up the schedule in 1C, according to which most Russians work - a five-day week. We indicate:

We fill out the schedule for part-time working in 1C: ZUP 8.3

There are cases when an employee works five days a week, part-time. In this case we:

  1. create a new schedule, specify the same settings as in the “Five-day” schedule
  2. check the box "Part-time work"- part-time work (here you can indicate that records are kept for part-time work); and calculate the norm according to another “Five-day” schedule.
  3. In the tabular part with the work schedule, you must manually indicate the number of hours of work for each day.

We fill out the shift work schedule in 1C: ZUP 8.3

There is accounting by type of time: attendance, night hours and evening hours - they are taken as the basis for drawing up schedules with a shifting nature of work at each enterprise. Let's consider drawing up such a schedule, for example a schedule: day - turnout (12 hours), second day - evening (3 hours) and night time (9 hours), third day - sleep, fourth - day off.

  1. In the properties of the schedule, we indicate the filling method “By cycles of arbitrary length (shift schedules)” and the fact that when filling it out, holidays should not be taken into account; a summary record of working time is maintained; when calculating overtime, determine the norm according to the “Production Calendar”.
  2. Types of time: if the enterprise keeps records not only of night time, but also of evening time (and in our example such records are kept); check the boxes for “Attendance”, “Night hours” and “Evening hours”.
  3. In the “Work Schedule” table we indicate the day number “1”: attendance 13; day number "2": night hours 9, evening hours 3; the last two days remain empty (Fig. 2). After clicking the “Ok” button, the graph will be filled in correctly.

There are a large number of ways to compile in the “Salary and HR Management, Edition 3.0” program; you just need to set the correct parameters and fill out the schedule.

Important! Without prepared schedules, employees' salaries will not be accrued. The schedule must be linked to the employee upon hiring, and you can change the schedule to another using the document “Personnel transfer” or “Personnel transfer by list” (to add an employee - on the “Main” tab, check the box “Transfer to another schedule”).

We fill out an individual work schedule in 1C: ZUP 8.3

If an employee does not have a specific, established schedule, that is, working days change monthly, in this case it is recommended to create “Individual work schedules” (menu “Salary” - Time tracking - Individual schedules). In this case, the schedule is filled out manually on a monthly basis: in the upper column we indicate “Attendance” and the number of hours, in the lower part “night” or “evening” time and the number of hours (Fig. 3).

So, we looked at where and how to fill out work schedules in 1C: ZUP 3.8, and made settings for non-standard work schedules in 1C.

If you still have questions about filling out and setting up work schedules in 1C: ZUP 3.8, we will answer you on our website. Our experts not only consult verbally, but also to your 1C working database to help you find an error or configure the 1C program.

03.05.2018 17:44:27 1C:Servistrend ru

Part-time in the 1C program: Accounting 8.3

The fact that an employee is underemployed is reflected in the established work schedule and work time sheets. Let's turn to the program and consider the possibility of accounting for part-time work in the personnel and payroll modules of the program.

This configuration does not contain functionality for creating working time schedules. Accounting for hours worked is carried out on the basis of the production calendar, which can be found by following the navigation path: Main menu / Directories / Production calendars. By default, the production calendar with the name “Russian Federation” is used, which contains the current working time standards for the current year.

To print a working time sheet, the responsible user goes to the section: Salaries and personnel / HR reports / Time sheet (T-13). The report will be automatically filled in based on the production calendar with a 5-day, 8-hour work week.

To reflect the fact of part-time work, the printed timesheet form should be edited manually. To do this, you need to execute the command: Main menu / Table / View / Editing. Next, the table cells will become available for input, where the required number of hours is indicated in accordance with the employee’s current schedule.

As an example, let's consider an employee working in an organization at 0.5 pay rate and edit the time sheet for printing.

When calculating wages, the number of hours is also edited manually. Let's go to the section Salaries and personnel / Salaries / All accruals. By clicking the “Create” button, the user creates a new “Payroll” document. The days and hours will be automatically filled in the document in accordance with the previously discussed production calendar.

The person responsible for payroll changes the planned rate of hours; when these fields are changed, the columns “Accrued”, “NDFL”, “Contributions” are automatically recalculated.

A program is provided to work with various work schedules, fully reflect business processes of personnel accounting and subsequent automatic calculation of accruals for employees.

Work schedules in this system are indicated upon hiring; they can additionally be changed using the documents “Personnel Transfer” and “Change of Work Schedule”. When creating a graph, you need to click on the “Edit graph properties” hyperlink and make some settings.

Personnel department employees indicate the type of time “Part-time work”, the type of part-time work, and, if necessary, a general schedule for calculating the standard hours and set the number of hours to fill out the annual schedule.

In this case, the timesheet will be filled out automatically based on the annual schedule, i.e. taking into account part-time employment, accordingly, accruals will also be calculated automatically, without requiring additional manual corrections in settlement documents.

Still have questions? We will help you arrange half a working day (0.5 rate) in 1C 8.3 as part of a free consultation!

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