One-time payments for maternity capital. One-time payments from maternal capital. Package of documents for receiving one-time compensation

  • Putin instructed to reduce the processing time for maternity capital applications

    Following a large press conference, Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed to shorten the time frame for considering applications for the disposal of maternity capital funds.

  • In the Voronezh region, a fraudster embezzled 2.3 million rubles in maternity capital

    In the Voronezh region, criminal cases have been initiated against a 54-year-old woman who is accused of theft of maternity capital - in total, we are talking about an amount of 2.3 million rubles. Six episodes of crimes were revealed, cases were initiated under articles of fraud, REGNUM reported...

  • Putin clarified the timing of the disposal of maternity capital funds

    Families in Russia will be able to use maternity capital funds at the time of the birth of their first child, and not when they reach a certain age. This statement was made today, January 22, during a meeting with representatives of the public in the Lipetsk region by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

  • The Ministry of Labor proposed to halve the time frame for transferring maternity capital

    The Ministry of Labor is preparing changes to the law and is counting the necessary additional funds to implement Russian President Vladimir Putin’s proposal to introduce maternity capital for the first child. This was announced by Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection Svetlana Petrova.

  • Current issues of maternal family capital

    Alexandra Martyntseva, Deputy Head of the Social Payments Department of the Sevastopol Branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, answers current questions about maternal family capital.

  • Maternal family capital for the first-born will be 466,617 rubles

    Federal maternity capital will be paid for the first child from 2020. The details of the draft law being prepared were told by Sergei Chirkov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Pension Fund of Russia, who visited Ulan-Ude on January 16-17.

  • Matkapital can be spent on a house on a garden plot

    The State Duma adopted in the first reading a bill expanding the possibility of using maternity capital. Families will be able to spend money from the state on the construction or reconstruction of a residential building on a garden plot of land.

  • In the Tver region, young families will receive up to 500 thousand rubles to pay off their mortgage

    The government of the Tver region will introduce a new measure to support young families with children - up to 500 thousand rubles for partial repayment of the mortgage.

To protect motherhood, childhood and family values, the state is taking a number of measures aimed at improving the standard of living and financial support for citizens.

Perhaps the most popular of them is the federal “Maternity Capital” program, which has been in effect since 2007. It is perceived by many as the only breakthrough success of Russian socio-economic policy in the 2000s.

Is there maternity capital in 2017?

In 2017, the federal program “Maternity Capital” celebrates its 10th anniversary (Federal Law No. 256 of December 29, 2006 has been in force since January 1, 2007). During this time, it became a financial aid for almost 4.2 million families (they used the funds; there are a total of 7.3 million certificates) in which a second or any subsequent child was born. The amount of capital has doubled, and the possibilities for its use have expanded. Maternity capital had a mostly positive effect on its main goal - increasing the birth rate - and played the role of another social security instrument.

In 2016, by decision of the President, the program was extended until December 31, 2018 (Federal Law No. 433 of December 30, 2015). A number of changes have been made to the legislation, which will speed up the transfer of funds for targeted needs. On the other hand, the indexation of maternity capital was suspended until 2020 (Federal Law No. 444 of December 19, 2016), while the possibility of taking advantage of a one-time cash payment in 2017 is still in question.

Changes have been made to the procedure for obtaining a maternity capital certificate. Thus, according to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 253 of March 3, 2017, the period for transferring money in favor of financial, educational and other organizations will be reduced from 30 to 10 working days. At the same time, the period for consideration of an application for the use of maternal capital by the Pension Fund is, as in 2016, one month.

This change will allow, first of all, to quickly close real estate transactions (since most of the funds are used to obtain a mortgage). In many cases, this will reduce the debt obligations of families who have taken out loans from credit cooperatives. The interest on them is up to 1% per day.

Since 01/01/2017, there have been changes in the legislation relating to state registration of real estate. Thus, old cadastral passports and certificates of ownership are replaced by an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate. When receiving maternity capital, the family must take this innovation into account and request an extract from the local branch of Rosreestr (RUB 750 on paper).

Otherwise, the program continues to operate under the same conditions:

  • the certificate is received only once in a lifetime; the right to it arises from the birth or adoption of the second or any subsequent child from 01/01/2007;
  • Capital is used in 4 main areas. It is expected that by the end of 2017 it will be possible to receive lump sum payments in cash;
  • funds can be used after the child turns 3 years old. The exception is the purchase of mortgage real estate and social adaptation (payment for medical, developmental goods and services) of disabled children.

The mother (adoptive mother) has priority when receiving family capital. The following conditions apply:

  • the second or any subsequent child was born or adopted after January 2007. The rule does not apply to stepdaughters and stepsons: the program is also aimed at finding orphans a new family. According to legislators, a child of one spouse adopted by the other already has it. Guardians are also deprived of the right to maternity capital;
  • mother and baby are citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • the mother is not deprived of parental rights, has not committed or been prosecuted for crimes against the person, and has not used MSK before.

The right to family capital is the father who is the sole adoptive parent of the second or any subsequent child, or who is left alone after the death of the mother, deprivation of her parental rights, or her commission of crimes against the person. In the latter case, the citizenship of the father is not important - the only thing that matters is that the mother acquired the right to capital at birth.

The right to receive MSK is “inherited” to children under 18 years of age (23 if they are studying full-time at a Russian university) if their parents have died, been deprived of their rights, or the mother has died and the father is not their own.

Where can I get a certificate for MSK?

The functions of issuing certificates and directing funds for targeted needs are the responsibility of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and its territorial divisions. This is where you need to submit documents and an application to receive and use MSK.

For convenience and unification of data throughout the country, the Pension Fund maintains a unified register of certificates. Thanks to this, the mother can contact any branch of the Pension Fund, not only at her registration address.

There are several ways to apply for family capital:

  • personally to the territorial division of the Pension Fund. Reception is by appointment, available by phone and through the official website;
  • by mail, and all documents must be notarized copies;
  • remotely using an electronic digital signature through the government services portal or the Pension Fund website;
  • at the MFC.

It is possible to submit an application by a representative using a notarized power of attorney.

Application and documents for the MSK certificate?

The application for maternity capital must contain:

  • detailed information about the recipient. They are filled out on the first sheet and include items about biographical and passport data, citizenship, SNILS number, representative;
  • information about natural and adopted children with the date and place of their birth, citizenship, certificate details;
  • information about certificates received previously (always “Not issued”), about facts of deprivation of parental rights and the commission of crimes against the person.

The following documents must be prepared along with the application:

  • recipient's passport (for those living abroad - international passport);
  • birth certificates of all children (a mark on citizenship is affixed to the certificate. If it is not there or the child was born abroad, a certificate from the Main Directorate of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is required);
  • a judicial act on adoption that has entered into force.

In special cases served:

  • child's death certificate. If the baby was born alive and lived for more than 5 days, the mother receives the right to family capital;
  • confirmation of the right to MSC in the event that it passes to the father or children-heirs (death certificates of the mother, orders to deprive her of parental rights, verdict on the fact of committing a criminal offense, etc.);
  • notarized copies of documents in a foreign language, if the recipient became a citizen of the Russian Federation as a result of naturalization.

The Pension Fund makes a decision on issuing or refusing to issue a certificate within a month. He notifies the mother of this at the address indicated in the application. After 5 days, you can pick it up in person at the Pension Fund office, MFC (if documents were submitted there), by mail or electronically.

Size and indexation of maternity capital in 2017

The amount of family capital will not change until 2020. Thus, it remains at the 2015 level and amounts to 453026 rubles. The abandonment of annual indexation according to inflation growth was caused by the economic crisis in the country and the budget deficit for 2017.

Indexation was carried out annually until 2015. If maternity capital was received earlier but not spent, the amount in 2017 will be 453026 rubles. The increase concerned only the balance of funds in the account.

So, for example, the mother issued a certificate in 2010 in the amount of 343,379 rubles. and then received a one-time cash payment in the amount of 12 thousand rubles. In 2011, 331,379 rubles were indexed. Thus, in 2017, she can spend 437,193 rubles on targeted needs.

The Pension Fund annually sends information letters to MSC owners about the balance of funds in the account. Since 04.2016, it can be found on the official Internet resource of the Pension Fund through the Unified Register of Certificates by its number.

Use of maternity capital in 2017

Family capital in 2017 is used in 4 main areas. This:

  • acquisition of new or reconstruction of old real estate;
  • payment for education of any child at a Russian university;
  • Mom's funded pension. The most unpopular direction, since by “freezing” the indexation of funds accumulated in funds, the government has practically reduced the idea of ​​a funded pension to zero;
  • social adaptation of disabled children.

Periodically (in 4 years out of 10) the state allows you to cash out part of the MSC funds. It is not yet clear whether there will be payment from maternity capital in 2017.

Adaptation as an area of ​​using MSK has appeared relatively recently - since 2016. It includes payment for goods and services in medical, developmental, and rehabilitation institutions necessary for the social and technical integration of a disabled person into society. The full list was approved by Government Decree No. 831-r. Permissions to use MSCs for adaptation are issued by the regional health committee, social protection department and ITU.

In this area, as well as to make a down payment on a mortgage or repay a loan, family capital can be used ahead of schedule - before the baby’s 3rd birthday.

Maternity capital in 2017: one-time payment

The one-time payment from maternity capital in 2017 is a real bone of contention between the economic (represented by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development) and social (represented by the Ministry of Labor) bloc of the government. Both are responsible for developing recommendations on the advisability of cashing out part of MSC funds. The Ministry of Labor, based on ordinary Russians and, accordingly, the need for real help “here and now,” advocates allowing the payment. The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development claim that there is no money for this in the Russian budget.

As of May 2017, this issue has not yet been closed. Last year, the decision on one-time payments was made in April, and by the end of autumn, more than 2 million families took advantage of this opportunity.

According to experts, this year the law on payments will be adopted (if any) no earlier than September 2017, and the acceptance of applications and cashing out of part of the maternity capital will stretch until mid-2018. I would not like to think that the government is trying to close the issue with payments in this way immediately for 2 years.

Legislative initiatives on maternity capital

Every year, several initiatives regarding maternity capital arise in the Government and the State Duma. One of the latest is a bill that provides for monthly payments to the poor for the birth/adoption of each child (with an increasing amount) until they reach adulthood.

Since there is no free money in the budget, it is planned to replace cash payments with in-kind payments - a plot of land if there are more than 5 children in the family, or a car - for those who are raising at least seven children. This bill lasted for almost 2 months before it was repealed: according to forecasts, the state would spend much more than it does now, but would bring disproportionately less benefit.

In March 2017, a group of deputies from the United Russia proposed introducing another area for using maternity capital - for the purchase of a car. This measure of social support will become available to large families with disabled or adopted children. Since it will be possible to buy only Russian automatic telephone exchanges at MSC, legislators are thus trying to support also. The draft is being consulted by the State Duma Committee, but has little chance of adoption.

And the most joyful news for young mothers is that from 2018 it is planned to pay an additional 250 thousand rubles. in addition to MSC for those who gave birth to or adopted a second or any subsequent child under 35 years of age. It is proposed to give this money in cash, and it can be spent at the recipient’s choice.

All the proposed bills under consideration by the State Duma, if adopted, will put more pressure on the federal budget than the elementary indexation of the MCS according to the growth of inflation. Therefore, it is unlikely that the rules, procedure for obtaining and using, and the size of maternity capital will change significantly in 2017–2018.

In 2020, for the first time, part of the funds was allowed to be allocated in cash. So for their current needs the family could receive 20,000 rubles. Then Law No. 88 was amended. According to these changes, from 2020 the lump sum cash payment has been increased up to 25,000 rubles. The family uses the funds received at its own discretion and is not obliged to provide a report to the Pension Fund.

Officials also decided to extend the federal program until the end of 2020. Until December 31, 2018, a woman can submit documents to receive maternity capital. This program is aimed at providing material support to socially vulnerable segments of the population and improving the demographic situation in the country.

Required documents

Even those women who received the certificate a long time ago can cash out maternity capital. But at the same time, they have the necessary amount of funds in their balance. If they don't already have it, then cash is issued within the limits.

An application for transfer of funds must be submitted by November 30. To do this, the manager of the capital applies personally to the Pension Fund branch or submits an application remotely (through a personal account on the Pension Fund website or through). An application for cash payment can be sent simultaneously with an application for a certificate.

To do this, you must provide the following package of documents:

  • a valid civil passport confirming the identity of the applicant and his current registration;
  • bank account details for cash deposits (full name of the bank, account number, microfinance organization, identification code), certified by the signature and seal of an authorized representative of the bank;
  • application of the established form, drawn up on a special form.

Additionally, you may also need: birth certificates of children, SNILS and a certificate for maternity capital. Upon receipt of all documents for payment, the Pension Fund employee is obliged to issue a receipt for the transfer of papers for consideration.

To avoid problems with the transfer of funds, it is better to find out in advance from the regional branch of the Pension Fund the list of required papers. In this case, you will complete all the documents correctly the first time and receive cash in the shortest possible time.

The application for the use of maternity capital must be drawn up clearly according to the model. It contains the following information:

  • passport document data (full name, date of birth, series and number of passport, date and authority of issue, registration address);
  • child’s details, birth certificate number;
  • mobile or home phone number.

The application is written personally by the person in whose name the certificate was issued

How much money can you withdraw from maternity capital?

In 2020, the list of required documents for cash payments remained unchanged. To obtain 25,000 rubles, you need to submit a corresponding application.

It can be done:

  • By personal contact to the regional branch of the Pension Fund. You must have a passport document proving your identity with you.
  • Apply through Multifunctional Centers, which provide various state and municipal services.
  • Send your application through the post office. But you must obtain documentary evidence of sending the documents and the date of their transfer.
  • Fill out an application for payment online through your personal account on the Pension Fund website.

The last option is the most convenient. The remote registration process is especially suitable for young mothers who cannot move freely with small children. Register on the Pension Fund website or on the portal and submit an application for payment of maternity capital.

When will it be possible to withdraw cash?

Your application will be reviewed within one month. This period is counted from the date of registration of the application with the Pension Fund. If all documents are completed correctly, then within 30 days funds will be transferred to the specified details.

If the payment of maternity capital is refused, the applicant must be notified within five days. The corresponding notification is sent to a mobile phone or postal address.

So, according to established standards, it will be possible to receive cash only two months from the date the application was received by the Pension Fund. But this is the best option.

In practice, things don't happen so quickly. Not all women can get the required amount of money the first time. Having studied the reviews on thematic sites, we can conclude that applications submitted online are processed the fastest.

Expenses for the needs of the student

So, you already know how much money you can withdraw from maternity capital for the current needs of the family. In addition, this social payment can be used to pay for children’s education.
According to current legislation, primary education in Russia is free. But in practice, this is not what happens at all. In particular, the family spends money on purchasing textbooks, paying for tutoring, etc.

Under the terms of the federal program, maternity capital funds can be used to pay for the education of any child. It does not matter after the birth of which child the woman was issued a certificate. Funds can be transferred to the account of a university, school, or college located in Russia.

The law does not specify any restrictions on this use of maternity capital. Social benefits can be used partially or in full for the education of children. In this case, one condition must be met - the child’s age is no more than 25 years.

The child's education is paid only by bank transfer. Parents enter into an agreement with the educational institution on the provision of appropriate services. It also indicates payment terms. They must be observed by the Pension Fund when transferring maternity capital.

The legislation establishes a number of requirements that universities must meet. In order for maternity capital to be paid, they must be observed.

In particular, these criteria include:

  • the educational institution has successfully passed accreditation at the state level and operates according to accredited programs;
  • the organization provides its services legally;
  • must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

In this case, it does not matter at all whether it is a private or state structure. If you want your child to receive education abroad, you will need to raise money to pay for it yourself.

To transfer maternity capital to the account of an educational institution, you must submit a corresponding application to the Pension Fund at your place of residence. In addition to standard documents, you will also need the original agreement concluded with the educational institution. Additionally, you must provide documentary evidence that this organization is accredited in Russia.

If during training the child will live at a college or school, then an agreement for renting a room in a dormitory is also required.

Maternity capital pays for education not only in secondary schools, but also in music and art institutions, but the main thing is that this organization is accredited and has the appropriate license

The main school programs that are accredited are:

But as we noted above, maternity capital pays for education in accredited educational institutions. In our country, only basic educational programs are accredited. Therefore, it will not be possible to finance training in additional programs.

In most cases, parents use maternity capital to pay for their children’s higher education, since it requires significant financial costs. In addition, you need to remember about the costs of living in a hostel. Collect all the necessary papers and submit them to the regional division of the Pension Fund.

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