Children's applications for March 8th. New master classes in the “Applique” technique, on the topic “March 8. Card-dress: origami and with a napkin

March 8 is a long-awaited holiday for all ladies. For it, as for any celebration, it is customary to give gifts. Since this is a spring holiday, it is not surprising that its symbol is beautiful flowers, which are purchased in huge quantities by men all over the world. Therefore, of course, they are the main subject for the gift applique for March 8th. This article will show several master classes on making appliques for the big holiday - March 8th, with a selection of various templates that children of preschool and school age can make.

We analyze beautiful applications for March 8th with do-it-yourself templates

The easiest way to make a gift with your own hands, which a child in kindergarten can handle. It is better to use ready-made templates to make the task easier for the child.

You will need:

1) Sheet of cardboard;

2) Template in the form of the number 8;

3) Images of flowers;

4) Colored paper;

5) Scissors;

6) A simple pencil;

Stages of work:

1) A sheet of cardboard is folded in half to form a postcard shape. We will make an applique on the cover.

2) We attach the finished number template to a sheet of colored paper, trace the contours and cut it out. Don't forget about the holes in the figure eight.

3) Glue the finished number to the postcard.

4) Cut out the printed images of flowers and attach them to the number in any order, but so that the image ultimately looks organic. We cut the edges of the petals with scissors.

Even without having any special skills in making crafts, a child in the middle group, with the help of an adult, will be able to make such an applique as a gift for his mother.

You will need:

1) A sheet of cardboard for the background;

2) Red and green paper;

3) Yellow tissue paper or plasticine;

4) Glue and brushes;

5) Scissors;

6) Pencil.

Step by step instructions:

1) Take the selected sheet of cardboard for the background. It is better if it is blue or purple. We decide what size the applique will be, cut off extra centimeters if necessary.

2) Take the number eight template, apply it to a sheet of red paper, outline and cut out the blank. Don't forget to cut the holes. Then we attach it to the right side of the background.

3) Cut out the outlines of the branch from green paper. We make their edges in the form of sharp teeth. The easiest way to do this is with special relief scissors. Glue the resulting branch next to the number.

4) If the remaining parts of the picture are made of paper, then cut out small squares from a yellow sheet. You can first cut the strips and then give them the desired shape. We crumple each of the squares into a ball and glue them onto the branches, imitating mimosa flowers.

5) If the remaining parts are made from plasticine, then simply roll small balls and attach them to the branches.

The work is ready!

Let's try to make our own holiday voluminous appliqués

With children in the preparatory group, you can make more complex applications, for example, a panel of three-dimensional flowers. This picture will look original and will definitely please your mother or grandmother. There are several ways to do this work.

Using heart-shaped templates, petals are cut out from colored paper. They are folded in half and glued to the picture with the sharp end to the place where the center of the flower will be. This is a general description of the process.

You can experiment with shape, size, and shades of colors, finding more and more interesting combinations. An example of working in this technique can be seen in the picture below.

This method does not require ready-made templates; all parts can be cut out by eye.

You will need:

1) Colored paper;

2) Scissors;

4) Pencil;

5) Cardboard.

Stages of work:

1) Cut out small circles from yellow paper that will be the cores of the flowers.

2) Cut colored paper into small strips of equal thickness and length. We make stems and leaves from green paper.

3) On a cardboard base, use a pencil to mark the location of the flower cores. We bend the multi-colored strips in half and fasten both ends to each other. Carefully glue along the contour of the drawn circle at the same distance from each other.

4) Cover the drawn core with a yellow blank. Glue the stems and petals.

5) We form the remaining flowers in the same way.

You will need:

1) Sheets of multi-colored double-sided paper;

2) A sheet of green corrugated paper;

3) Scissors;

4) Cardboard;

6) Petal patterns;

7) Plasticine.

Stages of work:

1) Attach the petal templates to colored paper, trace the outlines with a pencil and cut them out. The number of required blanks depends on the size of the painting.

2) Similarly, we make leaves from green paper.

3) The stems are made by twisting corrugated paper into flagella.

4) Flowers consist of 5 petals. To create a volume effect, each of the petals must be folded in the middle near the base and secured. Then place it on the selected cardboard base and glue it.

5) Make the middle from a lump of plasticine.

6) Glue the stems. We fold the leaves in the same way as the petals and attach them to the picture.

Video materials on the topic of the article

By March 8, children in kindergarten and school make all kinds of crafts and paper applications with their own hands for their mother or grandmother. For preschoolers and schoolchildren of grades 1, 2 and 3, we suggest making a paper applique on the theme of spring and March 8th.

This craft covers a wide range in the development of various child skills. We suggest conducting classes as follows:

  • print out the necessary templates for the craft;
  • prepare cotton wool blanks for the children;
  • Make one of these crafts yourself as a sample.

For children of primary school age, you can make blanks of craft elements from cardboard, and invite them to trace them, and then cut them out. It is better for preschoolers to print out the components of the application on colored paper in advance, and then ask them to cut them out and paste them onto the paper.

Children's applications made of colored paper for March 8: do-it-yourself mimosa sprig from cotton wool

Before you make such a voluminous applique craft with your child, take a look at our photo master class. Perhaps based on it you will make some changes to the craft, simplifying or complicating its components.

From colored paper of bright colors you will need to cut out a figure eight, a vase and decorative elements in the form of flowers, peas and stripes.

Then decorate the figure eight with flowers and the vase with stripes and polka dots. All this is done using PVA glue.

Roll small pieces of ordinary medical cotton wool into balls and dip them in yellow gouache diluted with water. Place on a flat surface and let dry.

Glue the vase and figure eight to a base made of a sheet of white A4 paper and draw mimosa branches with a brown pencil.

Using PVA glue, attach dried yellow cotton balls in a random order around the drawn branches.

From strips of green paper folded in half lengthwise, cut out long narrow leaves and cut the edges in the form of a thick fringe. Unfold each leaf and slightly curl the edges of the fringe with your fingernail or toothpick.

Then you need to stick the leaves on the branches and you can consider that your DIY Mimosa craft is ready! The main thing is to start doing it in advance so that all the parts have time to dry well.

To make the “Mimosa” cotton wool applique look even more festive and impressive, you should put it in a frame. Such a gift can be presented to a teacher or educator, and not just to mother.

Applique (from the Latin “attachment”) is an interesting type of artistic activity - it is a way of working with colored pieces of various materials: paper, fabrics, skin, fur, felt, colored beads, beads, woolen threads, embossed metal plates, all kinds of fabric (velvet, satin, silk)., dried leaves... This use of a variety of materials and structures in order to enhance expressive possibilities is very close to another means of representation - collage.

Application was born a long time ago. It appeared as a way to decorate clothes and shoes, household utensils and tools, and the interior of your home.

Perhaps the first impetus for the emergence appliqués the need arose to sew skins for clothing, and the first stitch told the man that they could not only connect the details of clothing, but also decorate it. Parts cut from these materials began to be attached to clothing. This is how it appeared applique .

The subject matter included animals, birds, people themselves, fantastic monsters, beautiful flowers and plants, scenes of hunting and everyday life.

Applications accessible even to young children: creating a whole from existing parts is much easier than creating the same drawing from a mosaic. Parts appliqués You can prepare them in advance and give them to your child to create an image, but not a mosaic.

In the works appliqué use glue, scissors, colored paper (which you can make yourself using paints or markers), wrapping paper, magazines, foil, candy wrappers, foam rubber and simply unexpected materials

On this wonderful spring holiday, we congratulate the beautiful half of humanity on International Women's Day and give gifts. Show us what gifts you have prepared with your own hands for your grandmother, mother, sister, classmate, beloved. The event must be reflected in the work. If your gift is universal, choose the Good mood or Undefined event for it.

Master class

Master class (MK) - this is the transfer of his professional experience by a master (teacher), his consistent, verified actions leading to a predetermined result.

To publish a master class, the work must be original (invented and made by you). If you used someone else's idea, you must indicate the author. (The link to the source should not lead to a site containing sales of goods or services, since links to commercial sites are prohibited according to clause 2.4 of the PS).

Your master class should not completely duplicate the one already available in the Land of Masters. Before publishing, check through the search that there are no similar MKs on the site.

The process should be photographed step by step (see Tips for photographing crafts) or filmed (see how to upload a video).

The order of registration: the first photo is the finished work that is proposed to be completed, the second photo is the materials and tools necessary for the work (or their detailed description), then the stages of MK from the first to the last. The final photo (the result of the work) can repeat the very first one. Photos must be accompanied by clear and competent comments about the process.

If you have already published your MK on another site and you want to also publish it with us, then you need to follow all the rules for designing a MK described above. In other words: in an entry with the MK type, you cannot simply put a photo of the finished product and a link to a master class on another site.

Attention: all master classes in the Land of Masters are checked by site assistants. If the requirements of the Master Class section are not met, the entry type will be changed. If the site's User Agreement is violated, for example, copyright is violated, the entry will be removed from publication.

Volumetric applique on the theme of Spring for kindergarten

Master class. Spring bouquet as a gift.
Shishova Liliya Aleksandrovna, teacher at the Beryozka Municipal Children's Educational Institution, Surovikino, Volgograd Region.
Target: Making the first spring flowers from scrap materials and paper.
- strengthen paper cutting skills,
- develop fine motor skills of the hands,
- develop the ability to carefully work with scissors and glue.
- develop a sense of composition, independently arrange flowers on a card,
- develop children's creative imagination,
- to form aesthetic taste.
The master class is designed for teachers, parents, preschoolers, and elementary school students.
Purpose: The craft can serve as a decoration for the interior of the room, as well as a gift.

Everyone's favorite spring holiday, March 8, is approaching. I would like to please my dear and beloved mothers, grandmothers and sisters with gifts. How nice it is to receive a gift made by yourself.

Gift for mom
From colored paper
I'll cut out a piece.
I will make it out of him
Little flower.
Gift for mom
I'll cook.
The most beautiful
I have mom!

Mother's Day is coming
Mother's holiday is coming,
Women's Day is coming.
I know: my mother loves me very much
Roses, poppies and lilacs.
Only in March there are no lilacs,
You can't get roses and poppies...
But you can on a piece of paper
Stick some spring flowers!
I'll pin this picture
I'm above my mother's table
In the morning, dear mother
I'll hug you
And I'll kiss you
And congratulations on Women's Day!

To work you need:
Colored cardboard
Colored paper
Textiles with beautiful pictures
Paper napkins
PVA glue, glue stick
Cotton pads,
Of course, your desire and imagination

Step-by-step process for completing the work:
Nowadays, many beautiful, bright pictures and scraps of fabric have appeared that are a pity to throw away. I would still like to find a use for them. They are perfect for a handmade gift.

Cut out the pictures we like.

We will make blanks for daffodils from cotton pads. To cut even petals, you can fold the disk in half and make the necessary cuts.

Now we can cut out the petals without any problems

We cut long strips of paper napkins and fold them. We make a v-shaped neckline.

We unfold the strips and fold them randomly to create a center similar to the middle of a daffodil.

Daffodil flowers are ready.

Now we prepare mimosa flowers. Cut the napkins into small pieces and roll them into dense lumps.

Cut out leaves for flowers. For a narcissist – long, thin. For mimosa - carved.

Glue all the parts onto cardboard.

These are such wonderful postcards.

I hope these cards will please your loved ones!

Master class with step-by-step photos “Flower mood”

Aksenova Tatyana Anatolyevna, teacher of MBDOU d/s No. 95 “Rostochek”, Volzhsky, Volgograd region.
Job description: This development is intended for children of senior preschool age (can be performed with children collectively), teachers and parents.
Purpose of the master class: an original gift for mommy for Women's Day on March 8th.
Goals and objectives:
Continue to introduce the simplest techniques for working with templates.
Continue to improve the technique of making planar and volumetric appliqué.
To instill in the participants of the master class the desire to please their closest person.
This master class allowed children from the school preparatory group to make a gift for their mothers in a short time; gifts for kindergarten employees were made using the same technique.

Master class “Flower mood”

When the guys, wanting to please their closest people, just got ready to do the proposed work, they did not yet suspect how much excitement they would feel when making this craft. When examining the sample, doubts arose that they would not succeed. But as the technology for making the work was explained, the guys realized that nothing difficult would arise on their way. And, lo and behold! As soon as the first flower “grew” on the eight, there was no stopping the students. They were so captivated by the process of making crafts that even the little persevering children did not notice how time flew by, and they made a gift for their mother with their own hands.
We will need:

Simple pencil
Green cardboard
PVA glue
Figured hole punch "Flower"
Colored and white paper.

Good mood.
It's spring again. It's March again and it's a holiday,
I'll give flowers to my mother,
How many good and different women are there,
But you are my very best!
1. Trace a figure eight on green cardboard according to the template and cut it out.

2. Using a shaped stapler, cut out flowers from white and colored paper.

3. Take a white flower, coat the middle with glue and glue a colored flower onto it, so that its petals are between the white ones.

4. Take the white blank again and crumple it

We coat the center of the flower with glue, and glue the colored petals on top, lifting the petals.

5.Glue a sequin into the center of the top flower.

6. The flower is ready! Glue it onto the figure eight.

6. In the same way, we make 11 more flowers and paste them at a distance along the silhouette of the entire figure eight.

7. Our work is ready! The color scheme can be varied.

Using a similar technology, the children and I made gifts for the kindergarten staff, slightly changing our creative ideas. We fantasized a little and we achieved such miracles.

How hard it is for the kids to wait until the holidays to give their crafts to their closest people!

I wish you creative success!

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