Recipes for children 5 years old. Recipes for children. Dessert with cranberries and lemon

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Cooking is an excellent activity not only for adults, but also for children. By cooking, the child develops imagination and coordination. In addition, this is a reason to spend wonderful time with your baby.

website shares with you 6 easy recipes to cook with children of different ages. Make your weekend a fun dinner party get-together with your little chef.

For young cooks (3-5 years old)

Despite such a young age, children already understand the process of cooking and can implement simple recipes. Kneading, pounding and mixing - tasks that develop hand motor skills - are simply ideal for a child of these years. But, allowing your child to cook on his own, you need to be extremely careful, control and direct his every action. We offer you two simple recipes.

Chocolate banana pudding

You will need:

  • 3 bananas
  • 4 tsp. cream
  • 250 g melted chocolate


  • Peel the bananas and mash them with a fork until pureed.
  • Mix cream with chocolate.
  • Add the chocolate mixture to the mashed bananas.
  • Place the resulting mixture in the refrigerator for an hour. Dessert is ready!

Lemon pudding

You will need:

  • juice of 4 lemons
  • 4 tsp. honey
  • 250 g sour cream
  • some grated lemon peel


  • Mix lemon juice with honey until smooth.
  • Add sour cream a little at a time, without ceasing to beat.
  • Pour the resulting mixture into dessert plates.
  • Garnish the pudding with grated lemon peel or some bright berry.
  • Place in the freezer for an hour. Enjoy a wonderful dessert!

For experienced chefs (6-8 years old)

At this age, children are already much more independent and are able to prepare more complex dishes. They can remember the instructions given to them, so they no longer need full supervision, they just need to control the result of each stage. They can be trusted with simple interactions with sharp instruments and cooking food. We offer two recipes for children of this age.

French omelette

You will need:

  • 5 eggs
  • 200 g champignons
  • 2 tsp. cheese sauce
  • some green onions
  • 200 g cheese
  • salt and pepper
  • you can add other ingredients to your taste: ham, tomatoes, onions, etc.


  • Beat the eggs.
  • Add the cheese sauce to the eggs and whisk until smooth.
  • Add salt, pepper and onion.
  • Grate the cheese.
  • Fry the mushrooms in a frying pan until they begin to release their juice.
  • Pour the egg mixture over the mushrooms. Don't stir! Fry on one side.
  • Sprinkle grated cheese on top.
  • Turn the omelet when the eggs are well cooked.
  • Place on a plate and enjoy your meal!

We offer you 5 recipes... The recipes are simple and take minimal time.

If your child knows how to operate a kitchen stove and looks into the kitchen with interest when you are cooking, don’t miss the moment. Show him some simple and tasty dishes that

What a child can cook himself: recipes

We have prepared several dish options that your student will surely enjoy.

Breakfast cereals are quick, healthy and easy to prepare. If you don’t want to use store-bought mixtures, you can mix your own nuts, fruits and berries. If you have an oven and free time, prepare granola with your child.

Now we offer a recipe for a nutritious breakfast made from nuts, which a child can easily prepare himself.

Yogurt with fruit and crunchy topping

You will need:

  • 500 g yogurt
  • 250 g of your favorite berries
  • 50 g almond flakes
  • 50 g shelled pumpkin seeds
  • 50 g peeled sunflower seeds
  • 50 g hazelnuts
  • 50 g sesame
  • 4 tbsp liquid honey

How to cook:

  1. Mix nuts, seeds and sesame seeds.
  2. Drizzle with honey and, if desired, microwave the nut mixture for 3-4 minutes. This will allow the honey to spread and evenly cover the nuts.
  3. Add yogurt, washed berries and mix gently.

Hearty potato salads are one of children's favorite dishes. There are no “exotic” ingredients or spicy sauces in it - everything is simple and understandable for a child. You can boil the potatoes in advance if you don’t want your child to turn on the stove himself.


Potato salad with bacon

You will need:

  • 500 g new potatoes
  • 100 g bacon or ham
  • a few stalks of green onions or lettuce leaves
  • 150 g mayonnaise or Greek yogurt or sour cream
  • salt and pepper to taste

How to cook:

  1. Peel the potatoes, cut them in half, and boil them in salted water until soft. If you have it already prepared, take it out of the container, put it on a plate and heat it in the microwave for a few minutes.
  2. Cut the bacon into strips and add to the potatoes.
  3. Tear lettuce leaves with your hands and sprinkle on top. You can use onions and any other greens to taste.
  4. Add salt, pepper, yogurt or mayonnaise or sour cream.
  5. Mix carefully.

Most schoolchildren eat pasta with pleasure. This dish is easy to prepare and goes well with both sausages and any cheese. If the child is not ready to boil the pasta himself, for this recipe you can prepare it in advance and put it in a container.

Pasta with cheese

You will need:

  • 200 g boiled pasta al dente
  • 75 g grated cheese
  • 50 g cream
  • 25 g butter

How to cook:

  1. Grease a round pan or deep plate with butter.
  2. Lay out the pasta.
  3. Fill with cream.
  4. Sprinkle with cheese and stir.
  5. Microwave for 3-5 minutes to melt the cheese.

If your child likes pasta in different forms, try making it as well. It is prepared just as simply, using the “all-in-one-pan” principle.

Sandwiches, sandwiches, buns with different fillings are foods that a child is unlikely to refuse. Fillings can be different: pates, cream cheeses, sausages, smoked or salted fish, vegetables, herbs. In general, whatever your student likes will do.

If you are worried that your child will get hurt when cutting the necessary ingredients, prepare everything in advance and put it in containers.

Sandwiches with different fillings

You will need:

  • Ciabata, bagels or other favorite bun
  • Cream cheese (can be replaced with cream cheese)
  • Tomato, sliced
  • Lettuce or other greens as desired
  • Sliced ​​ham or salami

How to cook:

  1. Cut the bun in half.
  2. Spread half of the bun with cheese. You can use butter.
  3. Place slices of ham, green leaves, and tomato slices.
  4. Top with the other half of the bun.

Cooking an omelet is quick and easy, even for a child. In addition, all the ingredients are healthy, which is good for children's health. The filling can be changed at your discretion from vegetables and herbs to sausage or cooked meat and chicken.

Fluffy omelet with ham

You will need:

  • 3 eggs
  • 25 g butter
  • 50 ml milk
  • 50 g grated cheese
  • A couple of slices of ham, sausage, or bacon
  • Salt, pepper to taste
  • Greens optional

How to cook:

  1. In a deep bowl, whisk the eggs with milk.
  2. Heat a frying pan over medium heat.
  3. Melt the butter.
  4. Pour the egg mixture into the heated frying pan.
  5. After 2 minutes, add sausage, tomatoes, grated cheese. Cover the pan with a lid.
  6. Fry for 5 minutes.
  7. Turn off the heat and let the omelette sit for a couple of minutes under the lid on the switched off stove.

Praise your child for any attempts to cook something on his own. On occasion, tell and show what you do in the kitchen so that the student understands how to use appliances, a stove, and learns to use a knife with you.

A few trainings and parental support will definitely lead to delicious dishes that the child can cook himself.

A child's skills develop gradually. This process is exciting and reminiscent of a game. And if the mother can and wants to set the desired vector, then the child will grow up to be an excellent and irreplaceable assistant. Therefore, teach your child culinary arts from an early age.

How are culinary skills useful?

Allow your baby to wash potatoes or carrots in a basin. Let him put the ingredients in the blender and press the button. Give a piece of dough, let him sculpt various figures or roll koloboks. The sooner you begin to reward your child's work in the kitchen and around the house, the more successful his development will be.

As your baby grows, so do his skills. By the age of two, the child can already walk quite confidently. Participation in cooking will contribute to the development of fine motor skills of the hands, develop coordination of movement, and strengthen muscles. Allow him to help you sort out your shopping bag and put the groceries in their places. Let the dish be salted and sprinkled with herbs. Suggest stirring the thin dough in a bowl and brushing the pastry with a pastry brush. A child at this age will be able to independently peel tangerines, eggs and cut bananas with a non-sharp knife.

From three to five years old, children have already developed motor skills. Therefore, you can entrust more complex and detailed work. For example, roll out pizza dough, measure dry ingredients, peel cooked vegetables. You can give the task of peeling raw vegetables and fruits using a small knife. Show your child how to thread food onto wooden skewers, whip cream with a mixer, and form cutlets or meatballs.

How can a child over seven years old help?

From six to ten years old, for children, working in the kitchen is already an understandable and conscious process. A child at this age can already read. Encourage him to read recipes out loud to you while you cook. This way he will remember the standards applied to products and understand the measures of volume and weight. Under your supervision and control, he will be ready to use the stove and oven independently. My skills have already developed quite well when working with a knife. Therefore, it’s time to trust the work with large knives. But do not forget that at all stages that require precautions, be in complete control of the process. Never be lazy to once again remind about caution and attentiveness when working in the kitchen. Although cooking looks like a fun, interesting and exciting game, the kitchen is not a place for games.

Self-cooking skills will be useful for both boys and girls and will allow the child to feel independent.

What can an 11 year old child cook?

A simple vegetable or fruit salad does not require complex skills. For this dish, suggest chopping onions and greens, chopping cucumbers, carefully chopping tomatoes and bell peppers. Stir, add salt and season with sour cream, mayonnaise or butter. To prepare a fruit salad, ask your child to come up with his own personal recipe. It’s good if a dish that a child of 11 years old can prepare becomes his signature dish, with some secret ingredient.

Healthy breakfasts

A home-cooked breakfast is a great help for parents. Now we’ll tell you what to cook for your child for breakfast. 11 years is the age when the choice determines personal tastes. Instant porridge is suitable for breakfast. You need to boil water, add porridge, note the time - all this is not difficult. You can add various additives in the form of berries, dried fruits or jam.

What can an 11 year old child cook? Scrambled eggs or omelet. This is a light and nutritious breakfast. You can break the eggs, fry them and decorate them to look like a funny face or the face of an animal. There is another option. You can beat eggs, milk, cheese, add any vegetables and the omelette is ready. The process itself will arouse great interest in the child.

Lazy dumplings

What can you cook for the children themselves? 11 years old is the age when children can make them. They are made simply. It will not be difficult to beat 2 eggs with a fork, add half a kilogram of cottage cheese, add a glass of flour and add 2 or 3 tablespoons of sugar.

All you have to do is roll out the sausage, cut it into small pieces, make sure the water boils, throw in the dumplings, and after three minutes you can take it out and pour sour cream on it.


Offer a dish that an 11-year-old child can prepare for the whole family. Let's say make a pizza.

Cake in a cup

Creating desserts is probably the most exciting and creative process. What can a child cook himself at 11 years old? The simplest cake in a cup. In a container using a microwave oven, melt 4 tablespoons of butter, stir with four tablespoons of flour, two tablespoons of sugar. Separately, beat the egg and pour it into the finished mass. Stirs carefully. Add half a mug of milk and mix thoroughly again. Raisins, dried apricots and nuts will not be superfluous. The mug is placed in the microwave at the highest power for 3 minutes. Freshly prepared cake is poured with condensed milk.

It is advisable to even make a short list of what dishes an 11-year-old child can prepare. For example, this could be: canapés, cottage cheese casserole cooked in the microwave, stuffed eggs, a variety of salads (no more than 7 ingredients), ice cream and fruit cocktails, marshmallow or shortbread cake without baking.

Other dishes

If parents work, then the little assistant can be given a task for the day. You already know your child’s capabilities. Choosing what to cook for an 11-year-old child yourself is not so difficult.

A boy or girl at this age can easily cope with frozen semi-finished products. What can an 11 year old child cook? He can boil dumplings or dumplings. The skills are already enough to prepare a simple vegetable soup, make a side dish by boiling pasta or buckwheat.

A fairly good reason for developing independence would be an offer to cook something for friends or to participate in the process with them. Don't be afraid to let your kids use the kitchen for a few hours. Just adjust the process. Offer a choice of what children aged 11 can cook for themselves, without your intervention. These can be pancakes or pancakes, simple no-bake cakes or simple pies made from ready-made dough.

Naturally, we must not forget to provide detailed instructions on the rules of behavior in the kitchen and compliance with safety precautions.

Take time to clean

Don't miss such an important moment in the cooking process as cleaning. You should be concerned not only with the question of what an 11-year-old child can cook, but also with how to instill in him the skills of cleanliness and accuracy. Get him his own separate apron. Explain to girls what hairstyle is unacceptable in the kitchen. Together with your child, come up with your own special hairstyle for cooking. Show what a chef's hat or hair band looks like. Naturally, this should not only be talk, but also stimulation by example. Explain why you need to clean your work area after cooking. Always encourage your child if he does it on his own.

Plan a menu for your child's birthday

The biggest holiday in the life of any child is his birthday. Creating a menu and distributing responsibilities is a pleasant chore before the celebration. Discuss with your child what an 11-year-old child can cook for his 12th birthday. Let him decide for himself.

Maybe he will think about making a few simple desserts with an interesting design. Or he will come up with an original decoration for the cake, which you will implement together.

Fantasize, create together with your little, but already such an irreplaceable assistant.

Recipes used by children should be simple, give maximum freedom and allow them to avoid possible mistakes.

It is important to remember that the menu of a young child should contain a minimum of sugar, fatty and fried foods. Give preference to natural products and dishes baked in the oven.

Cooking with children: 10 simple recipes

Here are recipes for healthy and tasty dishes that the youngest children can prepare. Parents offer ingredients to children on a tray. For a child over three years old, print out illustrated recipes so that he can cook on his own, referring to the list.

The oven is preheated to 140 degrees. Please remember that only adults can use the oven.

The baby peels, cuts into pieces and mashes bananas. In another bowl, mix oatmeal, nuts and dried fruits. Add banana and honey, mix everything well.

Place baking paper on a baking sheet and spread the mixture, carefully spreading it over the surface with a fork.

The mass is baked for 20–25 minutes, cooled and cut into bars.
Children separate broccoli into florets. In a large bowl, beat the eggs with a whisk. The elders grate the cheese themselves, mix it with broccoli, salt and nutmeg. Use a ladle to distribute the mixture into muffin tins.

The omelette is baked for 10–12 minutes at 180 degrees.
An adult can prepare the pizza dough in advance together with the child or himself.

Place sugar and yeast in warm water, wait a few minutes, then add flour, butter and salt. Knead the dough, form it into a ball, which is transferred to a bowl and covered with cling film or a damp towel. Leave in a warm place for an hour.

While the mixture is rising, kids cut zucchini, peppers, tomatoes, cauliflower or broccoli, onions, olives and other foods to taste.

All ingredients are laid out on small plates for convenience from right to left: tomato sauce, cheese, vegetables. The young cook takes out the dough, rolls it into a thin flatbread, spreads tomato sauce on it with a spoon, sprinkles with cheese and lays out vegetables.

The pizza is baked in a preheated oven at 230 degrees for 10–15 minutes.
Even kids can do this recipe. The dish will replace regular children's yogurt and cottage cheese, which contain sugar.

Little helpers in the kitchen cut any seasonal fruit into small pieces and mix with unsweetened yogurt. It's always better to add a little banana, it adds sweetness.
The banana is peeled and crushed, strawberries or other fruits are cut into pieces. Beat the egg with a whisk, add the remaining products to the container and mix well. The mixture is poured into muffin tins.

The cupcakes are baked in the oven for 15–20 minutes at 180 degrees.
This dish has several variations.

Fruit “kebab”: the child uses a small spoon to make balls of melon and watermelon and string them on wooden sticks, alternating with grapes and strawberries.

Vegetable “kebabs”: cucumber, cheese and cherry tomatoes are strung on sticks.
Peeled cucumber is grated on a fine grater. Cucumber is much softer than carrots, but harder than cheese, so it is ideal for children’s first experience of using a grater. Garlic is crushed in a garlic press. Mix yogurt, garlic, salt, vinegar, olive oil in a bowl. Add grated cucumber. The mixture is mixed well.

Young chefs from three years old peel carrots themselves, cut cucumbers, peppers and carrots into small sticks and separate cauliflower into inflorescences. Cauliflower is served raw, but if you are not used to eating it raw, use more familiar vegetables.

You can dip pieces of bread into the sauce.
Children place all dry ingredients in a large bowl. Add small pieces of butter, and then an egg, stirring the mixture each time. Knead the resulting dough and make a ball out of it. The dough is wrapped in transparent film and put in the refrigerator for 40 minutes. Afterwards it is rolled out with a rolling pin. Using cutters, the baby cuts out cookies of different shapes.

Bake for 8–10 minutes at 180 degrees.

You can make 2 cookies of the same shape, spread jam on one finished cookie and combine with the other.
Cool the vegetables well and offer the young helpers to peel them. Even kids can peel potatoes directly with their hands, and older children can peel carrots with a knife. They also peel the eggs and then cut all the vegetables into small pieces. Season the salad with sour cream, salt and mix well.

Herb tea

This exercise is suitable for children from one and a half years old. Choose herbal tea or chamomile. The water in the kettle should not be hot.

The kid tears the wrapper and takes out a tea bag. He puts it in a kettle of water and turns the hourglass. This way he learns to wait patiently for 3 minutes for the tea to brew. Then he pours tea into a cup and throws the bag in the trash.

Download and print all illustrated recipes for your little one's convenience.

After all, together it is much more fun and interesting!

1. Pizza on a baguette

Prepare the base and prepare the toppings, and let the little ones create their own pizza designs. All you need to do is cut the bread in half, place the pieces crumb side up on a baking sheet, brush them with sauce (red, white, pesto - whatever you want) and sprinkle generously with hard cheese. To prevent the pizza from falling apart, it is recommended to place the filling on top of the cheese. This is what the little assistant will do. Cheese lovers can sprinkle another layer of mozzarella on top a couple of minutes before removing the dish from the oven.

2. Vanilla cookies with sugar and colorful sprinkles

If children were paid for every cookie they decorated, they could become millionaires.

To make cookies you will need the following ingredients:

  • 3 cups flour;
  • ¼ tsp. salt;
  • ½ stick of soft butter;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 large egg;
  • 2 tsp. vanillin.

Mix flour and salt in a medium bowl. In a separate container, use a blender to beat the butter with sugar, egg and vanilla. It is advisable to beat at low speed until the mixture is homogeneous. Combine the contents of two bowls, knead the dough and divide it into balls 2.5 - 3 cm in diameter. Roll out the balls and place on the mold. Bake cookies at 175 degrees for 15 minutes. You can top the sweets with whipped cream, protein cream, condensed milk, or melted chocolate. The powder will stick securely on all surfaces!

Cut out the middle of the pumpkin (or zucchini, if desired) and grate it on a fine grater. Salt and pepper the mixture, add a few tablespoons of butter and your favorite spices, place in pots and cover with cheese. If desired, you can put a little mozzarella inside. When a golden crust appears on the dish, it is ready!

4. Skewers of cookies and fruits

Didn’t you know that cookies on skewers are much tastier?

For this dish you will need soft cookies that can easily be put on a skewer, and any fruits or berries that are on sale.

5. Zucchini baked with Parmesan

The dish turns out to be very simple, but tasty. To prepare it, you just need to cut the zucchini into thin strips, place them on a baking sheet, brush with oil, sprinkle with a mixture of salt, pepper and seasonings to taste, and top with grated Parmesan. After 15 minutes, a golden crust should appear on the appetizer and you can take it out.

Many parents are familiar with the problem when children refuse to eat salads. It's actually easy to solve. All you need to do is give your child the opportunity to make his own salad... in a jar. The process of preparing such a dish is reminiscent of a game, which means your baby will certainly enjoy it. But the most important thing is that the child will choose the ingredients for his salad on his own. Parents only need to provide a decent assortment of products and not interfere, because the little chef will create.

7. Egg noodles with leeks and corn


  • ½ kg noodles;
  • 2 leeks;
  • ½ can of corn;
  • 2 – 3 cloves of garlic;
  • ½ cup Parmesan;
  • ¼ cup cream cheese;
  • basil;
  • olive oil;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

While the noodles are cooking, cut the onion into rings and lightly fry it along with the corn. Season the pasta with olive oil and add vegetables to it. Mix everything with cream cheese. Add Parmesan, basil and garlic and stir again before eating.

8. Energy bars that don't require baking

Choose the ingredients you like: nuts, raisins, dried apricots, prunes, rice balls and others. Fry them all in a frying pan for 5 – 10 minutes. Meanwhile, mix melted honey and butter. Pour the resulting mixture into the ingredients into the frying pan and mix thoroughly. Transfer the mixture to a baking sheet and refrigerate overnight. In the morning, divide into portions and enjoy the deliciousness!

9. Watermelon and berry salad

There is hardly a child who will refuse fruit salad. Especially if it looks original (however, for this you will have to either hone your skills in cutting out figures or buy special molds for canapés).

Watermelon and berry salad is easy to prepare. Cut the watermelon into slices and cut out figures from the pulp. Add any berries to the bowl and top with honey or yogurt. This dessert is delicious and very healthy.

10. Homemade honey bread

All you need:

  • 1 pack of dry yeast;
  • 1.5 glasses of warm milk;
  • ¼ cup honey;
  • 1/8 cup melted butter;
  • 1 tsp. salt;
  • 4 cups flour.

Yeast dissolves in milk. Honey, butter and salt are also added there. Everything is mixed well. Add 3 cups of flour and knead the dough with your hands. Afterwards, put it in a warm place so that it rises. This will take about an hour. Then the dough needs to be transferred to a greased form and left for another 30 minutes. Bread should be baked at 190 degrees for 30 - 35 minutes. It is recommended to brush the slices with butter before eating.

11. Chewable Oreos

Of course, Oreos themselves are quite tasty, and if you make chewy sweets out of them - which is not at all difficult - you will get a real delicacy. Grind a pack of cookies in a blender. In a separate container, melt a pack of marshmallows (chewy marshmallows) and 4 tbsp. l. butter. Mix everything in a blender bowl and place in a frying pan for 5 - 7 minutes. Now the sweetness is ready and can be cut into portions.

12. Cereal cookies with cranberries and raisins


  • 2 glasses of rolled oats;
  • ½ cup raisins;
  • 1/3 cup cranberries;
  • 1 tsp. chopped marmalade or zest;
  • 3 apples;
  • ½ cup sugar.

Mix oatmeal, raisins, cranberries and marmalade in one container. Peel the apples, cut into cubes and cook. Add sugar to the pan and when the mixture thickens, you can remove it from the heat. Add the resulting apple sauce to a bowl with rolled oats, stir and form small balls from this mass. Bake cookies in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 10 - 15 minutes.

This is a very simple, tasty and bright delicacy that all children adore. It’s good if you have special ice cream molds at home. But if necessary, they can be replaced with ordinary plastic cups. Prepare the jelly according to the directions on the package. The treat can be single-color or multi-layered. Place it in molds/cups, stick the sticks in and place in the freezer for 8 – 12 hours. To make the finished dessert easier to get out, you can pour boiling water over the mold.

14. Mini lasagna

Children like miniature dishes, like themselves, much more. A smaller version of lasagna, for example, can be made in muffin tins. For this you will need:

  • 0.5 kg minced meat (to taste);
  • 0.5 kg sausage;
  • 1 cup cream cheese;
  • 1 cup grated cheese;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • 1 package of lasagna dough;
  • tomato sauce.

Fry the minced meat with sausage and season with tomato sauce to taste. Mix cream cheese with spices and form small balls from it. Grease the molds with olive oil and place the dough in them. Place cheese balls inside and distribute them according to the mold, then add minced meat and sausage. Finally, sprinkle with grated cheese. Mini lasagnas are baked for 10 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

15. Nutella cookies


  • 1 jar of Nutella;
  • 2 eggs;
  • ½ cup flour.

Mix everything in a bowl, place on a baking sheet and bake for about a quarter of an hour in the oven at 175 degrees. Before serving, cut into portions.

16. Taco Pizza

You could make pizza or tacos separately. But “two in one” turns out to be much more interesting and tastes just as good! For preparation you will need the following components:

  • 0.5 kg minced meat;
  • 1 package of puff pastry;
  • 1 packet taco seasoning;
  • 1 can of green peas (or canned beans);
  • 2 - 3 cups grated cheese;
  • ½ cup crushed tomatoes;
  • ¼ cup chopped olives;
  • green onions.

Preheat the oven to 190 degrees. Fry the minced meat and season with taco spices. Place the dough on a baking sheet, folding it over the edges. Place beans or peas as the bottom layer. On top - minced meat, cheese, tomatoes, olives, onions. Bake for 15-20 minutes until the cheese is melted and golden brown.

17. Berry popsicle

To make popsicle you will need:

  • 0.5 liters of natural yogurt;
  • 3 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 1 tsp. vanillin;
  • 100 gr. blueberries;
  • 100 gr. raspberries

Mix half of the yogurt with honey and vanilla and pour into ice cream molds (up to half). Add a few whole berries to each mold and place the mixture in the freezer for 15 minutes. At the same time, mix the second half of the yogurt with the remaining fruit and beat with a blender. Remove the molds from the freezer and top each with the resulting mixture. Freeze for another 3-4 hours and you can enjoy the delicate taste.

18. Cauliflower steaks

There are no limits to the imagination of little chefs! For kids, cauliflower in this form seems especially attractive. Parents just need to get the hang of cutting it carefully. And then everything is simple - coat the steaks with salt and pepper and put them in a frying pan. Batter, of course, can also be added if desired, but this will additionally have to be negotiated with the mini-chef!

19. Shells with cheese

It's hard to say what exactly attracts kids to mac and cheese. But almost all kids love this dish. To prepare it you need the following ingredients:

  • 2 cups shells;
  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • 1 cup Cheddar cheese.

Boil milk and add pasta to it. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes, stirring constantly. When the shells are cooked, turn off the heat, add the cheese to the pan and stir until it melts.

20. Breakfast in a basket

The dish looks very beautiful and expensive, but in fact it is more than affordable and easy to prepare.

Ingredients needed (for 6 servings):

  • 6 slices of fresh bread;
  • spinach;
  • ¼ cup grated cheese;
  • 6 eggs;
  • 6 slices bacon;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter.

Cut out a circle of crumb from the bread (you can do this with a glass or a cookie cutter) and roll it out. In each cake pan, place a small piece of bread on the bottom, and on top - a rolled out crumb, rolled into an “envelope”. Place spinach, cheese, bacon on the bottom of the future basket and beat in the egg at the end. Breakfast is baked at 190 degrees for 15 minutes (until the whites turn white).

21. Quesadilla with nut butter and bananas

Quesadillas can be made for breakfast with nut butter and bananas.

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