Mass effect andromeda walkthrough love relationships. Mass Effect Andromeda All options for romantic relationships. How to romance Scott Ryder

In Mass Effect Andromeda, you can romance many characters. This guide shows you how to woo the heroes.

First of all, it is important to note that at the beginning of the game you can choose a male character (Scott) or a female character (Sarah). This will determine who you can have a relationship with. Some characters are bisexual. After completing romances with three different characters, you will receive the "Matchmaker" trophy. Let's look at Scott's possible partners.

When talking to a character you want to romance, listen carefully. Don't upset them. Choosing emotional dialogue options is usually best. If you think you did something wrong, reload your last autosave. In most cases, you will see a big heart icon during some conversations. Always choose the one that allows you to flirt with your partner and improve your relationship. They are all your teammates found on the Tempest spaceship. Chat with them regularly between missions. Also complete your loyalty tasks when they become available. Read your letters on board often, some of them lead to new love quests. Please note that entering into an exclusive relationship will block you from other affairs. The exception is Keri, she can always start an affair, regardless of her relationship status.

How to romance Scott Ryder

With Cora Harper

  • Return to your spaceship during/after visiting Planet EOS: From where you are viewing the galaxy map, turn around and go to Cora's room. During a dialogue with Cora, select “We’ll be good together.”
  • Immediately after the last conversation, you can talk to her again. Select "Oh? What about now?"
  • On the spaceship after creating the first outpost on Planet EOS: Dialogue “You’re a romantic”.
  • On board the spaceship after the main quest "A Trail of Hope": read Cora's letter and then talk to her to receive the quest "Cora Harper: Asari Ark". Complete this quest.
  • On the spaceship after completing the quests Dialogue “You and I can handle everything.” This option becomes unavailable when you go on the main quest "Journey to Meridian", so talk to her before then.
  • On the spaceship after the main quest "Hunting the Archon", kiss Cora.
  • On the spaceship (hallway and then Ryder's cabin), after the main quest "Journey to Meridian": you must be in an exclusive relationship with Cora. Talk to her on the spaceship and meet her in your cabin to reach the climax of this novel.

Gil Brodie

  • Upon returning to your spaceship after Planet EOS. From where you are viewing the galaxy map, turn around and head to the far end of the spaceship. There is a door with a red lock that takes a few seconds to open. This leads to the engine room above the cargo bay. Here you can talk to Gil. During the dialogue, select “I do more than show up.”
  • In the same place as before, after visiting Aya: Dialogue “And now what?”
  • Review all dialogue options and check your emails frequently. You will receive an email from him which will start the quest "Gil Brodie: A Game of Poker". Complete this quest.
  • In the same place as before, after the main quest "A Trail of Hope" and after completing the poker quest: dialogue "Slow down, big guy"
  • Check your email frequently while on board. Wait for a message from Jill. Then meet him in the Prodrome (your outpost on the planet EOS). Select relationship fixation.
  • After establishing a relationship with Gil, return to the spaceship. Talk to him on the engineering deck and finish the novel in your private cabin.

Avela Kjar

  • After the main mission "A Trail of Hope": Travel to planet Aya and check your world map. Avela Kjar should be marked on the map. She can be either at the docks or in the museum (depending on how far you are in the game). Talk to her and select the dialogue "To Meet People Like You".
  • Start Avela's quest "Recovering the Past" and complete it. During the quest you must recover a relic helmet from Planet Havarl. Returning to Avela, having completed the quest, select the dialogues: “I did it for you” > “You got it”
  • Accept her follow-up quest "Forgotten History". This requires you to retrieve three relics from the planets Voeld, Kadara and Elaaden. Every time you give her one of the relics, there is dialogue to flirt with her "Not everything, thanks to you" and "Hope it helps my chances." Complete her quest.
  • After the main mission "The Journey to Meridian": Visit her again on the planet Aya, choose to kiss her to end this romance.

"Mass Effect Andromeda" is the fourth game in the action-RPG series, started several years ago by BioWare. The game takes players back to the known universe, where they can travel across a vast galaxy and encounter dozens of different alien races. A complex plot full of intriguing themes and sudden twists is an integral part of the series. The fourth game in the Mass Effect series not only offers a new story, but also better technology.

Cora is one of the first members of your team that you meet in the game. Even before you first get on the Tempest ship, Cora is part of Ryder's father's squad. After visiting the Nexus, Cora will join your team. She proves to be a great asset due to her strong biotic abilities. Required: male Rider.

Once the preliminary missions on Eos are over and you've built a settlement there, you'll be able to get to know your crew, including Cora, better. She loves to garden, so she can usually be found in the middle of the ship on the lower level, tending to some of the vegetation in her rooms. A good rule of thumb for romancing characters in Mass Effect: Andromeda is that the romantic dialogue option will always be the left option in the dialogue box, and will always have a large heart icon next to it. So keep an eye on these options when talking to the character you're trying to charm.

Be sure to talk to her after every main story mission you complete. The conversation options with Cora will change depending on which missions you have completed. Even if she wasn't part of the squad you chose for the mission, find her and talk to her after the events. Once Eos is colonized, Cora will talk about the loss of your father. Ask her if she misses him. After a series of questions about her background and abilities, you can choose the romantic option: "You and I will get along." After this conversation, complete the side quest "Signs of Life" on Eos. Then you will have to visit Aya and Kadara.

After Voeld, check your email to find a message from Cora. After confirming the message, go and talk to her. She will have a loyalty mission for you “Asari Ark”. You will have to go to help another pioneer who needs it. Cora will meet one of her mentors on this trip and she will be deeply disappointed in her. Complete this mission to get closer to Cora. This won't automatically lead to romance, but it will unlock the next part of her romantic arc.

After the mission "Hunting the Archon", Cora will have additional information for you. Talk to her and she will ask you to accompany her to Eos in the mission "Foundation". Head to Eos with Kora in your strike force. She will take you to a place on Eos where the soil is fertile, where Cora can plant a garden. This is a garden she can enjoy with you. If you've flirted with Cora three times and you don't have another exclusive relationship, you can kiss her here.

As soon as you return to the Tempest, check your email. You will have a message of gratitude from Cora. Meet her at the Pathfinder's home to complete her romance line.

Find out how to woo your favorite NPCs in Mass Effect: Andromeda.

BioWare has become known for the different options it offers players when it comes to love and relationships, and while Mass Effect: Andromeda takes place in a new galaxy with new protagonists, the romances and relationships that appear have changed quite a bit.

How to start an affair

In Mass Effect: Andromeda, romance works the same way as in previous BioWare games. After reaching certain points in the story, players will be able to speak certain lines to some of their favorite NPCs. These lines will then lead to new dialogue options, the choice of which will lead to building relationships between the main character, Rider, and any NPC the player is trying to win over.

Gemini Riders can flirt with most of the main characters in the game, but not every member of the team will be ready to take things further. Some crew members can only be romantically involved with one of the Ryder twins.

Most of your potential romantic interests are teammates, people who will end up on your team. Some of them are located outside the Tempest ship. Here is a list of all romantic partners, along with their races and preferences:

Romantic dialogue options

Andromeda offers easy-to-understand symbols next to dialogue options to guide you on what choices to make if you want to take the next step in your relationship with one of the Storm members. The heart symbol means this is a romantic dialogue option.

This doesn't mean that choosing the heart dialogue option automatically leads to sex. Most characters require a lot of dialogue and loyalty missions before they are ready for a close relationship. Talking to your teammates can only help in building those relationships. If you're craving romantic connections, there's a fairly simple procedure you should follow throughout your playthrough.


After each mission you must return to the Tempest ship. When you get there, the first thing you need to do is check your email. You can do this in one of two places. The electronic mailbox is located behind the galaxy map, on the left, or you can check the mail in Ryder's home, in the corner next to SAM. Missions and relationships are often promoted through email, so review the messages and choose to “confirm” the message you want. After checking your email, talk to each member of your team. Most of the time, the crew members won't have anything new to discuss, and you'll find that you've exhausted most of the dialogue options, but talking to them often won't ruin your relationship. Crew members usually move freely around the ship. Be sure to check the map to find out their locations.

You can start building your romantic relationships after establishing a settlement on Eos. This is the first big planet you will meet. After this, you will return to the Tempest and the crew members will be more talkative with you. Keep in mind that you can talk to team members twice after this mission. If they seem to be done talking, talk to them again to learn more about them and strengthen your bond.

Character Loyalty Missions

Character loyalty missions won't always lead to romance, but they can certainly steer a relationship in the right direction. Be sure to take on missions early and often. You can check your log to see if you have any loyalty missions available. On the Journal tab, select “allies and relationships.” This will show you a list of missions you can do to please specific characters aboard the Tempest. Completing these missions will build the desired relationships. Even if they don't lead to romance, you can level up the characters involved in the mission.

Your gender affects the relationships you can get. For example, Gil will only sleep with Scott, and Liam will only sleep with Sarah. Characters will show early on how interested they are or not. Just make sure to choose the "heart" option to delve deeper into the romance.

  • Typically, players will have to flirt with a character at least three times to become romantically involved with them.
  • Some characters will also require you to complete specific "loyalty missions" to build relationships.
  • Talk to the character you are interested in more often. Decide which character you want to be in a relationship with and start working on it at the very beginning to make sure you don't miss any conditions for starting a relationship.
  • Do whatever your fan asks, including loyalty missions. This will go a long way towards building your relationship.
  • Read all the emails your crush sends you. This will allow you to ensure that you meet all the conditions that may be appropriate for a specific relationship to be successful.
  • Use the “romantic” response style, indicated by the heart, whenever it is available when you communicate with your crush.
  • Don't waste your time trying to flirt with more characters. The number of relationship triggers needed for each character is different, and if you spread yourself thin, you may miss some of them.

Different potential partners also have different desires - some want a serious relationship and won't consider you until they feel they know you well enough. Others just want non-committal flirting, so they're just ready to jump into bed with you. Each of them will tell you what they want in a relationship, so don't worry about getting caught up in an affair you can't get out of. There are even characters who will flirt without wanting anything more.

Liam is one of the first characters you meet in Mass Effect: Andromeda. He will be aboard the Tempest during your first mission to Eos. Once you've built your settlement, you can talk to Liam in the storage room on the lower level of the back of the ship. He moves around the ship like most characters, but can usually be found there. Required: Female Rider.

If you don't want to romance Liam (since he's not the most interesting character in Mass Effect Andromeda), check out these other helpful articles about Mass Effect: Andromeda.

Liam has a crush on Sarah Ryder. Visit him often and continue conversations. You don't need to fulfill his loyalty mission. He's one of the easiest characters to date if you're playing as Sarah Ryder.

Talk to Liam on the Tempest in the vault near the Nomad. He moves the sofa and invites you to sit and have a drink. He will ask what interests you about the mission. Choose the romantic answer “good company.” He will say that you don't know him yet. It looks like he'll want to slow the game down in this situation. After this conversation, you can talk to him again and tell him that you are interested in him. The rider will clumsily try to pick up and it will not work. Liam will say that they should talk the next day.

Once Jaal is on board, you can head to the storage area and watch the two get to know each other. They both strip naked and are left with next to nothing, which worries Ryder at first. Ask them what they're up to and they'll tell you about the little game they're playing. There's not much you can do here in terms of romance, but it opens up a new possibility for your next interaction with Liam.

After you capture the facility on Voeld where the Angara were captured by the Kett, talk to him in his usual place in the vault. He'll be there doing push-ups without a T-shirt. Talk to him about the past, his favorite thing from the Milky Way is his old car. Choose the romantic dialogue option: “I need someone, just like you.” And go with him to the end!

Even after casual sex, Liam can be dealt with, but there are some prerequisites that you will need to meet in order to take your relationship to the next level. After you leave and return to the Tempest, find Liam and talk to him. You'll have an awkward conversation about casual sex, but he'll invite you to a bar on Aya. Take the ship to Aya and find him, he will ask you to scan the merchants in the market. Tell him you're happy about it as soon as you get back to him.

Once this conversation takes place, you will need to make settlements on three different planets to unlock the next step in your romance with Liam. You can do this by activating the forward station and unlocking the three Remnant towers that are located on each planet. After you've settled on three planets, you need to find Liam again aboard the Tempest and talk to him. He explains that someone needs to be rescued and he needs your help to find her and get there first. This will unlock his “All Together” loyalty mission. Travel to the debris cluster in the Sephes system and complete the mission.

After completing the mission, check your email. Liam has something he wants to show off on Eos. Head there to your destination in the main village. He created a football field for the settlers. Select the romantic dialogue option, which is located to the left of the dialogue wheel, and the two of you will quickly return to the Tempest.

Talk to him again on board as soon as you return. He developed a special mod for jet jumps. Create a jet jump, you will need six Aluminum and two Iridium. Then head to Eos to see what he has in store.

Leave Storm with Liam and head to your destination on Eos. This is on top of a large rock formation, so you'll have to follow a path and get away from your destination first. The cliff is too high to reach from below. You'll need to go through the cave northeast of your destination to get up and around. Once you reach a high enough level, head to your destination on foot and enjoy the romantic scene. There will be a prompt for you to “jump”. Be sure to do this.

As with all past games in the Mass Effect series, the new game the main character will be able to have a romantic relationship with one of the partners. In exists about a dozen possibilities and all of them, as a rule, depend on choosing the correct answers in dialogues. In ME Andromeda, such answers are even indicated more clearly and clearly (in the form of a “heart” icon), so you simply won’t be able to skip or choose the “wrong” answer. At the same time, try to choose something kind and emotionally positive and don’t worry if you did something wrong. Just reload your last autosave.

To develop relationships with your companions, talk to them every time on the Storm after story missions or their personal tasks.

Moreover, if you complete the novels with three different characters, taking into account all the passages, it will be Achievement/trophy “Matchmaker” is available.

Below we will tell you in more detail with whom exactly and which hero can build a romantic relationship. However, and not only about this.

Mass Effect Andromeda All Romance Options

Most of your potential chosen ones are your own companions, people or representatives of other races that will join you at one point or another in the game. Although most of them will initially be on the Tempest, your ship. Here is a list of all possible combinations of romantic relationships depending on race and preferences and where these companions can be found.

When you achieve friendship with one of your squad comrades, when choosing a partner to land on a planet or complete a task, a friendship icon (shaking hands) will appear on the character card (in the general list) in the upper left corner.

Also important: some loyalty tasks for heroes can affect romance. If you carry it out as you see fit, but not as your comrade-in-arms wants, then you will earn loyalty, but romance will come to a conclusion and break.

ME Andromeda romantic relationship with Sarah

Liam Costa - human - "Storm" - in the cargo hold, in one of the rooms on the sofa. Relationships will begin after or during a visit to the planet Eos. During the dialogue, say that his company is good.

Suvi Anwar– man – “Storm” – to the left of the galaxy map.

Jaal Ama Darav– hangara – “Storm” (angara itself from the planet Aya)

ME Andromeda romantic relationship with Scott

Cora Harper - human- “Storm.” Relationships will begin after or during a visit to the planet Eos (Pythia system, Elaeus cluster). After studying the galaxy map on the ship, go to Cora's room.

Gil Brody - man– “Storm” - in the engine room above the cargo compartment. From the galaxy map on the ship, turn around and go to the far end of the ship to the door with the red combination lock. Hack it and Gil will be found in the room.

Lexi T'Perro - asari– “Storm” - in the medical compartment. After visiting the planet Eos or while exploring it, return to the ship and talk to the girl. Just flirting.

Avela – hangar– planet “Aya”

ME Andromeda romantic relationship with Scott or Sarah

Pelessaria "Pibi" B'Sale– asari – “Storm”. The first manifestation of the relationship will appear on the planet Eos (Pythia system, Elaeus cluster) when Peebee jumps on you. Don't push her away. Then there will be another meeting on the same planet, where, during a conversation with her, in response to the phrase: “if you wake them up, they will lead us to the switch...”, say: “so we are going...”. Otherwise, Peebee will be offended by you forever.

Keri T'Vessa– asari – “Nexus”, a journalist who is located at the door of Tann’s office in the Nexus command center. To develop a relationship, agree to help her and... help. She will not become a member of the Tempest team, so you will have to visit the Nexus each time to communicate with her. Only flirting, because after her work she leaves the Nexus. After completing story mission 3 (Ray of Hope), Keri will also become unavailable, and the Hero's Path quest will be considered failed.

Reyes Vidal - the man- planet "Kadara". Just flirting will not become a member of the crew, and will always spend time on his planet.

Vetra Nyx – turian - “Storm” - after returning from the planet Eos, go to the cargo bay. In one of the rooms there is Vetra.

ME Andromeda Romance Features

Various potential partners will also have their own tasks and desires, so if they do not know your hero well enough, then it will not be possible to build a serious relationship with them. Other characters will agree to a small affair, so you can see intimate scenes very quickly. One way or another, each of your companions will tell you that they want to start an affair with you, so you won’t miss such an event. And this applies even to those characters who will only flirt with you, without any serious plans for the future.

Thus, BioWare's ME Andromeda changed the very formula of romance in an attempt to make relationships more realistic. Now players can find characters for long-term relationships, for flirting or just friendship, without hints of anything intimate. The only thing that has remained unchanged is that almost all the characters prefer one or the other - either a male hero or a female one.

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