We're losing weight in our legs! Super diet! Why your legs don’t lose weight after diet and exercise Legs don’t lose weight, what to do

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How to lose weight in your legs? Perhaps this is one of those questions that women around the world ask themselves every minute. The thighs and calves are real problem areas, as they are difficult to achieve the desired correction without surgery. Of course, to make your thighs and calves lose weight, you can use less radical methods. They usually represent a complex of specially selected exercises and a special diet, the implementation of which requires full dedication and strict adherence to the instructions. If you have not yet lost the desire to learn how to lose weight in your legs, then the following simple tips will help you achieve your goal quite quickly.

Step 1. Do the exercises!

1. If you are determined to become the owner of beautiful legs, then you cannot do without physical activity. And, as you know, nothing helps you lose weight as well as basic aerobic exercise. Running, walking, cycling, dancing - this is what will quickly return your legs to their natural slimness. Moreover, during the week it will be quite enough to exercise every other day for 40–60 minutes.

2. Squats are another effective way to correct problem areas in your legs. Like aerobic exercise, focus on it only 3-4 times a week.

Option #1. When starting to squat, make sure your feet are shoulder-width apart and your big toes point straight ahead. Now start bending your knees until they form a right angle. Take the original position and repeat everything from the very beginning another 20-50 times. Make sure that while performing the exercise, your back remains straight at all times.

Option #2. Stand against a wall, lean your back against it and slowly begin to squat, bending your knees. When your thighs are parallel to the floor, freeze and try to hold in this state for 30-60 seconds, and then stand up just as slowly. One cycle is equal to 20–50 wall squats.

3. To make your calves slimmer, do calf raises. To do this, place your feet shoulder-width apart (with your big toes facing forward). Now rise as high as possible on your toes, freeze for a few seconds and return to the original position. To complete the cycle, this exercise must be repeated 20-30 times. When all the lifts are done, change the position of your feet so that your big toes touch at an acute angle (heels apart). Now run the loop again.

Step 2. Follow the diet!

It’s sad, but to lose weight in your legs, exercise alone is not enough. Therefore, the correct diet is the second step to having beautiful and slender legs.

1. First, you should reduce your consumption of food that contains a lot of saturated and trans fats, as well as carbohydrates that are harmful to the body (alcohol, baked goods, jams, candies, ice cream). Replace them with foods rich in protein, healthy carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains) and monounsaturated fats (avocados and nuts).

2. Secondly, learn to plan your menu and cook in advance. As you know, when we have little time and energy, we tend to snack on whatever first thing is at hand, and such food is not always healthy (cookies, chocolate bars, buns, convenience foods). If this continues, then all your dreams of how to lose weight in your legs will certainly be doomed to failure. However, if you always have at hand
pre-prepared portion of healthy food, then there will be no place for fast food in your life.

3. Thirdly, to give your body a boost of vigor and energy, have a hearty breakfast every morning. The rest of the time, try to eat small portions (5-6 times a day), thereby maintaining the body’s performance.

If you follow these tips, then soon the question of how to lose weight in your legs will cease to torment you forever. After all, you yourself will become the owner of beautiful and slender legs that will be the envy of all your friends.

Many women and girls dream of being slim and, in particular, of quickly losing weight in their legs. For this, they resort to various diets, go to the gym, and try out a bunch of cosmetic products. However, thin legs are not always good. Very often this problem occurs with various disorders and diseases in the body.

Legs can lose weight even without any pathological factors. In such cases, this is the body’s response to external influences.

If a woman, in order to lose a couple of extra pounds, resorts to a strict unbalanced diet or fasting, then in addition to weight loss she often acquires hormonal imbalances.

Attention! Due to regular eating disorders, the thyroid function is primarily affected, hair begins to fall out, and nails begin to peel and break.

Weight loss in the legs and arms can be a consequence of severe exhaustion.

Severe weight loss can be caused by a surge of emotions, which are not always positive. Very often, during stressful situations, people, on the contrary, gain weight, eating away all their problems. However, those who suffer from nervous disorders lose weight at a very high speed.

Being in a stressful situation, a person succumbs to the influence of the hormone cortisol, which provokes a strong desire to eat or, conversely, a complete refusal to eat.

In this case, only an experienced psychologist can help.

There are several diseases that can cause legs to shrink in volume.

This disease is very dangerous and is considered incurable. Due to changes in the brain and spinal cord, gradual muscle atrophy and drying occurs. At first you might think that the person has simply lost a lot of weight, but the reason lies in a serious illness. Ultimately, loss of motor function and disability occurs.

This violation occurs with various pathologies in the patient’s body. In this case, the muscle tissue dries out and is replaced with connective tissue, which in turn cannot contract. The muscles in the legs completely atrophy, leading to partial or complete limitation of movement. With pathologies of the digestive system, the passage of food and its absorption by the walls of the stomach and small intestine are disrupted.

This can be the result of chronic diseases: pancreatitis, ulcers, gastritis, hepatitis. Guys!

On July 1, together with my husband, we are launching our own online club of like-minded people on the topic of health, fitness and longevity.

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Come on in! With faith in your results, Larisa Bikerskaya.

Hormonal problems

Another endocrine cause is a malfunction of the adrenal glands. In this case, due to increased hormone production, metabolism accelerates.

Fat burning occurs several times faster, so when the same amount of food is consumed, a lack of nutrients will be felt and, as a result, a sharp weight loss occurs.

A sharp loss of weight in the legs and arms is observed with oncology of the liver, pancreas and intestines. If there is a tumor in the body, cancer cells suppress healthy cells, and the biochemical processes in them are completely disrupted. Against this background, severe weakness and sudden weight loss are observed. In addition, a person loses weight while undergoing chemotherapy.

Doctors talk about the reasons for sudden weight loss.

Thus, sudden weight loss does not always bring benefits to the human body. Very often this problem is the result of a more serious disease. That is why, if you experience significant weight loss, you must consult a doctor who will determine the cause and select high-quality treatment.

Svetlana from Krasnodar in the section “Tips from nutritionists for losing weight” asks: “Why don’t your legs and thighs lose weight when you diet and exercise?”

“I drink 1 glass of water on an empty stomach, and half an hour later I have 30 grams of breakfast. oat bran with milk 05% fat, I can also eat an apple or 2 peaches. At 12 noon, I do strength training (30 minutes) and cardio training (30 minutes). At 15 o'clock I usually eat some chicken, or bake without oil or boil it, and also drink 2 glasses of tomato juice. I don’t eat after 3 p.m. During the day I drink 2-2.5 liters of water. Only the upper part of the body has lost weight, everything below the waist does not go away. What to do to lose weight on your legs? I have an hourglass figure. Thank you in advance. »

Your “nutrition” is a nightmare. If you continue at this pace, you will develop at least gynecological problems, because the body, in a stressful situation of hunger, first of all begins to “turn off” the reproductive function. I’ll tell you that I know a lot of people who don’t do any physical activity other than walking, while eating meat with porridge and cookies at night. Do you think they are fat? No, they don’t have the problem of being overweight at all, not to mention the hourglass. Do you know why? Because they never went on diets. Of course, in the fitness center you will continue to be advised to “eat less” and “pump up your hips, work on your relief, dry out...” They “love sports” because you are their client and pay money.

What should you do:

  • Stop drinking water on an empty stomach. To normalize metabolism, you need at least 2 liters of liquid per day (it doesn’t matter whether it’s tea, compote, jelly or water). Ideally, of course, drink green tea or fireweed, and the latter is much more “ideal.” Remember: water does not interfere with digestion, does not mix with anything in the stomach, does not cause food to “swell” and does not do any other “devilish things”. Therefore, you must drink: “When you want, and as much as you want” - but at least 2 liters of liquid per day.
  • Return “fat” milk to the diet. And also sour cream, kefir, butter 82.5% and others like them. Why? Because the body urgently needs fats, proteins, and carbohydrates for normal functioning. By “low-fat” food, you drive the body into stress, it begins to store fat for use, plus get rid of unnecessary functions (for example, premature menopause may soon occur) in order to save energy for life. You wouldn't want that, would you? You removed fats from your diet, and even added strength training to finally convince the body that hungry and harsh times have come. Therefore, return to normal nutrition and in about a year (I didn’t make a reservation) the body will recover: it will understand that there is no threat of hunger for it. And then you can add physical activity: running or walking. By the way, walking burns fat better than strength methods: dumbbells and all sprint distances with plyometric jumps combined.
  • Be prepared to gain weight. During the year of recovery, when you return to proper nutrition, you will inevitably gain weight. This is a natural result of all diets. Don’t be offended, but this is the “camel” principle: eat at 15.00 and that’s it, and so on until the next morning. You know, I ate like this once in my life: the day before a complex operation. And this left a painful memory of the lack of food. But you eat in this way all the time. This is not possible, you are not a “desert caravan”, remember this. Therefore, prepare yourself mentally: there will be weight gain - the body is stocking up for future use, taught by the bitter experience of dieting. Continue to eat well. When the weight “stops” gaining, then add walking without changing your diet. And then you will begin to lose weight, lose weight evenly. And you won’t look like an hourglass.
  • Once you start walking, add seaweed wraps to your legs or massage with a roller massager. You can do both. And you will succeed. Remember that you don't just need to adjust something now. You need to radically change your diet, the type of physical activity, and experience “gaining weight.” But, having gone through this difficult path, you will be able to have a normal weight and live without worrying about kilograms and without fear of eating too much.

Ideals of beauty change every year, but the opinion that women's legs should be thin remains unchanged. Many representatives of the fair half of humanity strive for this. Do legs lose weight quickly, how to lose weight in legs in a week, is it possible to do exercises at home? Are there special diets for this?

Why don't your legs and thighs lose weight?

Hips and lower limbs are one of the most problematic areas when losing weight. Sometimes it happens that even if they follow all the rules, they do not lose weight. The reasons for this may be:

  1. Unrealistic goals. Everyone wants to get quick results, but losing excess fat in two workouts is simply impossible, so you need to clearly compare the efforts made with the results obtained.
  2. The diet is not aimed at losing weight in your legs. You need to focus your diet on proteins, natural fats and vegetables. Together with physical activity, the result will soon be noticeable.
  3. Wrong set of training. Cardio exercises, lunges, squats, stretching, jumping rope work out all the leg muscles in a complex. This is the key to effective weight loss.
  4. Insufficient loads. The body receives more calories than it expends, so weight does not decrease.

What to do to lose weight on your legs

It is difficult to lose weight in your thighs and legs in a short period of time. The body slowly gets rid of excess fat deposits even with the right diet and exercise. Sometimes failures in diet can lead to the appearance of stretch marks. To successfully, properly fight fat on the thighs and buttocks, you need to completely change your menu: eat in small portions, only healthy foods rich in vitamins.

It is worth constantly monitoring your water balance - you should drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day. To lose weight, you need to focus on cardio exercises and swimming.

All experts unanimously agree that cardio equipment helps you lose weight in your legs and thighs in a week and transform your overall body. They are only effective with constant use. Many muscles are involved, the body is saturated with oxygen, weight is reduced. The activity of the cardiovascular system is improved. The most popular include:

  • treadmill;
  • ellipsoid;
  • stepper;
  • exercise bike.

What exercises to do

The simplest thing you can do is try to walk and run more. Don't miss the opportunity to walk up the stairs, or walk home on your own for a few stops. Running is a universal way to get rid of excess deposits. It does not require special skills and can be practiced at home. How to quickly lose weight in your legs in a week? To do this, you need to work out all the muscles comprehensively (in the calves, shins), and not overwork only the problematic part. Lunges, squats, and a variety of jumping ropes are great for helping you lose weight. If possible, swim.


A distinctive feature of a diet for losing weight in legs is that when followed, only thick legs lose weight, while the torso and chest do not change. This is possible by reducing the calorie content of the diet to 1200 Kcal per day: the goal is achieved with an increased amount of proteins and vitamins. Diet will give the desired result only together with physical work. You can lose up to 10 kg of weight in a month. During a weight loss diet you can eat:

Losing weight in legs and thighs at home

In addition to all of the above, you need to try to constantly be on the move. If the work is sedentary, periodically stretch your toes and twist your feet. Do not forget about massage (manual and with the help of a massager) and wraps: massage movements relax the muscles, and wraps warm them up and allow fat to burn.

They interact well with each other and help get rid of excess weight.

How to remove fat Fat deposits on the inner thigh are the most difficult to lose weight: the muscles located in this area do not work when walking and running. For this reason, deposits often become cellulite.

  • To lose weight on the inside, the following fat-burning exercises will help:
  • intense swings from a standing position;
  • scissor movements from a lying position;
  • squats with weights;

lying on your back, lift the fitball up and down.

How to lose weight in your thighs in a week? The key to slim thighs is proper training and diet. You should give up fatty foods and fast foods. Dishes should be rich in proteins. You cannot adhere to strict diets that limit the consumption of a particular product; there must be a balance. Physical exercises can be done both at home and in the gym; the key to success is regularity. Pumping up your butt, upper and lower abdominal muscles will have a good effect on your hips.

Exercises to lose weight on your legs

The exercises presented do not require much time. To enhance the effect, it is better to train twice a day, at intervals, but no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

  • The exercises look like this:
  • Place your hands on the back of the chair, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down, bringing your knees to 90 degrees.
  • Spread your socks and repeat the previous exercise. This uses other muscles.
  • Jump rope.
  • Lying on your back, firmly grasp a fitness ball just below your knees. Align your legs, lift it up and down.

Lie on your back and do exercises that simulate riding a bicycle.


How to lose weight in your legs, what is the most reliable way? Some people suggest going on a diet, others doing exhausting physical activity. In reality, not everything is so simple. An individual approach is required. If you are overweight, then, of course, you need to start with losing weight. Just keep in mind that the upper body usually loses weight first. That is, first the fat will disappear from the face, the chest may become somewhat smaller in volume, and then only the turn will reach the legs.

Many women experience psychological discomfort due to the discrepancy between the upper thigh and the volume of the calves. That is, the calves may be slender, but the thighs may be too curvy. And all this at a normal weight. That’s when the question arises: how to lose weight in your legs above the knees without going to the gym.

Along with the jump rope, it would be nice to purchase an exercise bike. Nowadays compact options are sold for underweight people (weighing less than 80 kg). They cost from 3000 rubles. An exercise bike can be as challenging as cycling, but the former are undoubtedly much more enjoyable. When riding an exercise bike or a bicycle, the load goes directly to a number of leg muscles, which means it contributes to their overall weight loss.

Here's what to do to lose weight in your legs in just 2 weeks. If even such simple exercise machines are not for you or you want to increase the load even more, then you need to include exercises for your problem area. We will give you some simple, but at the same time effective exercises.

1. Starting position - lying on your back. Raise one leg about 45 degrees from the floor and make circular movements with it, first in one direction, then in the other, 20-30 times. Then you can simply rotate your foot if the strength remains. Exercises of this kind are not only included in the category of how to lose weight in your legs, but also help keep your abs in good shape.

2. Lie on your side. And raise your leg up, while trying to tense your buttocks. 20 raises of one leg and the other will be enough.

3. Get on all fours and perform a leg raise. First one, then the other.

4. While standing, perform leg swings alternately, first swing forward, then to the sides.

5. Squats. When squats, your knees should not go beyond your toes. Imagine that you are sitting on a chair. When squatting, your thighs should create a 90-degree angle to your shins. It is not necessary to pick up dumbbells when doing squats, as this can lead to muscle building, which will make your legs look even more massive, which is not at all what we want. And the goose step can be dangerous for your knees, do not do this exercise under any circumstances.

If you can’t do the whole set of exercises at once, it doesn’t matter. You need to increase the load gradually.

Many fitness trainers believe that fat is burned faster if a greenhouse effect is created in the area of ​​weight loss. Try to smear your legs with oil (olive or vegetable) before training, then wrap them in cling film and put on tight leggings on top. After training, you should take a contrast shower. An anti-cellulite massage will also come in handy, even if you don’t have cellulite. But massage without exercises against fat deposits is powerless.

In addition, for those who are wondering how to quickly lose weight in their legs, you can try jogging, if your health and time allow. You can also exercise on a treadmill.

Body ballet is another great way to make your legs slimmer. Who among us has not dreamed of having a figure like a ballerina? This is who you should look up to! Body ballet is a kind of aerobics accompanied by classical music. In body ballet, they teach only those movements that can be safely and easily performed by a person who has never been involved in dancing or sports, that is, in a lighter version. At the same time, you will practice plastic movements and choreography. And positive emotions during and after dancing are guaranteed! With all this, the muscles in your legs will not grow, but the fat will be burned unnoticeably and will soon leave you.

And finally, about nutrition. Even ballerinas and athletes who experience great physical exertion follow him. If you need to lose weight, try spending a few fasting days on vegetable salad and lean meat; bread can be eaten instead of bread, but in small quantities. And no sugar or flour products! Otherwise, how to lose weight in your legs, the diet will not help. After all, it is flour and sweet foods that lead to the deposition of fat.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


Women often ask what to do to lose weight on their legs and thighs. Such areas of the body are problem areas of the body that often require significant correction. How to lose weight in legs and thighs? For excellent results and a slim body, you will have to put in a lot of effort. Any trainer will tell you that women who combine proper nutrition and exercises to slim their legs and thighs can effectively lose weight.

Ways to lose weight in legs and thighs

If you strive for ideal body proportions, you will have to change not only your usual menu. Let's try to figure out how to effectively reduce the size of your legs, hips, and shins. To get what you want, you need to learn how to combine a healthy diet with physical exercise. Creating slender, beautiful legs and thighs at home or in the gym is a reality.

Through diet

How to quickly lose weight in your legs and thighs with diet? It is undesirable to injure the body by sudden weight loss, so it is recommended to plan the daily diet so that problem areas on the legs and hips gradually “melt away.” According to statistics, extra pounds are often deposited in the buttocks and legs. The diet will help get rid of unnecessary “load”.

List of prohibited products:

  • potatoes, eggs, fried meat;
  • flour;
  • smoked meats;
  • sweets;
  • alcoholic, carbonated drinks, energy drinks, tea, coffee;
  • chips, crackers, fast food, similar harmful products.

Nutritionists advise creating a daily menu, which should include various vegetables, fruits, and protein-enriched foods. Drying the body of girls (thighs, buttocks, legs) occurs through the consumption of dietary meats and fermented milk products with minimal fat content. You need to drink two liters of fluid in one day. This way the body gets rid of toxins much faster, which makes the weight loss process more active.

Advice from nutritionists:

  1. For lunch you are allowed to eat a small amount of fat.
  2. It is advisable to eat foods with carbohydrates for breakfast (they are absorbed faster, almost without being deposited in problem areas).
  3. Proteins are processed well in the evening or at night, when the body is resting.
  4. Snacks are allowed: for example, fruits, a light vegetable salad.

With exercises

In addition to diet, experts advise doing daily exercises to lose weight on your legs and thighs at home. There are many varieties of such charging. Let's get acquainted with the main set of physical activities that promote weight loss in the thighs, legs, and buttocks:

  1. We do squats.
  2. Standing on all fours, we swing our legs back up.
  3. We lie down on the floor face up and do a “bicycle”.
  4. Lying on your side, bend one arm. Raise/lower your leg up. We turn over and repeat the exercise.
  5. We perform the “scissors” exercise.

Why don't your legs and thighs lose weight?

It is impossible to lose weight in your legs and thighs in a week. This will take more time. Often the main obstacle is an incorrectly chosen diet and physical activity. The body gradually gets rid of ballast in the form of fat, so it will take at least several weeks to lose weight on your thighs and legs. When the diet is not chosen correctly, body changes occur in two scenarios: either sudden weight loss with obvious stretch marks on the skin, or very slow weight loss.

For a successful, “healthy” fight against excess weight on the thighs, you need to radically change your daily diet: remove everything harmful from the refrigerator, eat in small portions, and consume foods rich in vitamins. In addition to this, it is worth choosing the right system of physical individual exercises that will make your legs perfect.

Video: how to quickly lose weight in your legs and thighs

What to do to make your legs and thighs lose weight dramatically - women and girls are interested. You will have to make efforts for a long-lasting weight loss effect. The videos below contain information on how to effectively fight excess fat. Reducing the volume of the legs and buttocks is possible by maintaining physical fitness using exercise machines in the gym or sets of special exercises.

Most women live by the principle “I’m constantly losing weight.” For some, losing weight takes several years, or even decades. A minority finds their own lifestyle and diet that allows them to stay slim. It is possible that every second person had a period of “urgent weight loss” by date X.

In most cases, laziness and bad habits are overcome by eating a sweet bun or candy before bed. And sometimes such insignificant candy serves as an obstacle to having a good figure.

At the same time, there are many ways to lose weight and methods to improve your appearance. It all starts with a psychological attitude.

If it is difficult to do exercises in the morning, do it in the afternoon or evening.

General guidelines for losing weight on thick legs and knees

To lose weight on your legs and knees, regular lunges, squats, the same bicycle (twisting your legs in the air) and swings will help. We did many exercises in physical education lessons at school. Such simple exercises will give the effect of losing weight in your legs after a while. You can solve the problem of how to lose weight in your thighs if you start following the following recommendations.

If you really want to have a slim figure, take a small step - drink a glass of water on an empty stomach. Immediately cheer up, and digestion will work, and fluid will begin to be removed from the body.

Start your breakfast with porridge or muesli. Save sandwiches and pies as a last resort. It is also useful to drink a glass of fresh juice in the morning; freshly squeezed orange juice is especially good. Coffee lovers can sometimes alternate a cup of coffee with green tea.

And by giving up soda, you will soon notice a result in the direction of reducing the volume on your hips.

If you have thick legs and knees, the first thing to do is forget about the elevator and try to walk more.

Walking involves avoiding high heels. Carry replaceable shoes with you, wear low shoes on the street, and wear heels at work (study).

Additionally, massage your knees and legs with a stream of water while showering. A contrast shower is useful, it improves blood circulation. Add a massage to your shower with a hard washcloth or massager of problem areas.

Apply the slimming cream throughout the night, lubricating your legs and knees, and let the fight against fat last all night.


Start doing simple hip exercises 8-12 times, and then work your way up to 20-30 times per set. Use moderation; no one needs over-pumping.

Exercise 1. Lie on one side, lower leg bent at the knee, upper leg straight. Raise your top leg up, then 45 degrees. When you lift your leg up, exhale, when you lower it, inhale. When you lower your leg, do not touch the floor.

Exercise 2. Leg swings. Rest on your elbows, feet on your knees. Swing one leg back and up, straightening it. Alternate your legs.

Exercise 3. Good for the inside. Take a wide lunge and spring back, as if squatting. Then switch legs.

Exercise 4 with a chair. Place one leg on the table and do squats. Change your legs. Squats are done to the level of the knee of the supporting leg.

Half squats to knee level with your butt back are effective. When you do a squat, you should feel tension in the back of your thigh.

In addition to exercise, jumping rope with legs does wonders. Read more in the article: jump rope for weight loss.

Why is it that when you lose weight, your legs are the last to lose weight?

Because first the body burns calories in the form of carbohydrates, and only then fat. And if the diet contains a lot of carbohydrates, then the size of the hips remains the same.

Not many people notice how much fat they eat. The norm is 30 grams, and most manage to eat 115 grams of fat.

The fat that accumulates on the thighs and butt is hidden in many prepared foods - sausages, biscuits, muffins, cakes, chips, etc.

Nature has shaped a woman’s body in such a way that fat is deposited on the hips, butt and abdomen. This is explained by reproductive function. But sometimes the constant use of coffee, tobacco, alcohol and other harmful substances greatly overloads the work of internal organs. Who must fight and cope with the food they receive. In order to reduce the risk of danger, the body, guided by the instinct of self-preservation, sends everything that could not be processed into the fat depot located in problem areas.

The intermediate conclusion is that to lose weight on your legs and thighs, you need to count the fat you consume.


R. Conley describes well in his book “The Thigh Diet” a diet based on fat intake.

To lose weight, you can eat 30 to 40 grams of fat.

To maintain weight 40-50 grams.

Fats cannot be completely removed from the diet; they are necessary for the functioning of the body.

There is a taboo on:

Fast food, soda, chocolate, fatty dressings (cream, mayonnaise, sauces, sour cream), chips, pizza, confectionery, ice cream, baked goods.

Foods fried in oil, dried fish or raw smoked fish, nuts, sausages, sausages, seeds, fried potatoes, lard, animal and poultry fats, cheese, egg yolk, meat dishes.

Cocoa products, dishes made from eggs, puree soup.

What to eat to lose weight in your thighs

Unlimited raw fruits and vegetables.

Lean poultry, lean meat, rye bread, porridge without any water, brown rice, buckwheat, low-calorie milk, pasta without dressing.

To lose weight on thick legs and knees, you need to eat:

  • 300 grams of fresh vegetables
  • 300 grams of fresh fruit
  • 250 grams low fat milk
  • 150 grams of protein (sea fish, baked beans, poultry, lean meat and cottage cheese)
  • 150 grams of carbohydrates (rice, pasta, buckwheat, porridge, potatoes and bread)

Drinking coffee or tea without milk is allowed, unlimited water, a glass of fresh juice per day.

When making a salad, try to dress it with a low-fat dressing.

Thick legs and knees – Wraps

One of the most effective wraps for slimming the thighs and buttocks.

To 1 tbsp. add 2 tbsp honey mustard powder. Mix, spread on knees and legs, buttocks, wrap in film and put on warm clothes. The wrap is kept for 30 minutes. Some eyewitnesses held for 70 minutes. If you leave it for longer, you can get skin burns and severe redness.

It’s normal if the wrap stings a little, but if it stings, it’s better to wash it off.

Wash off the wrap with warm water, then apply moisturizer.

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