In love with Pavel Priluchny on VKontakte. Brazilian passions in the life of Priluchny: Pavel exchanged the Hollywood star for a work colleague. About family and children

Pavel Priluchny- Russian theater and film actor. Born on November 5, 1987 in Shymkent, Kazakhstan. Pavel has two higher educations; in 2005 he graduated from the Novosibirsk State Theater School, and in 2010 from GITIS in Moscow.

The young actor gained enormous popularity after the main role in the film “At the Game.” Pasha played the role so well, and the directors really liked his acting and work that he immediately began to receive new offers. So, in parallel with filming the second part of the film “At the Game,” he starred in the youth drama “Children under 16.” In 2011, the actor took part in two projects of the STS TV channel - the series “Closed School” and the series “Lavrova’s Method”. 2012 was no less eventful for Pavel; 5 films with his participation were released at once.

Photos from the filming of the series “Major”

In 2013, he received the role of “Sam” in the series “Dark World: Balance” on STS, and in 2014, the serial film “Major” was released on Channel One, where Priluchny played the major Igor Sokolovsky.

On the set of the series “Closed School,” Pasha and his colleague began an affair, which then developed into a serious relationship, and in the summer of 2011 the couple secretly got married, and in the winter of 2013 their son Timofey was born. In 2015, the star couple again pleased their fans with their collaboration; they played Dan and Sasha in the series “Quest”. According to the plot, they do not know each other, but their destinies are intertwined after they find themselves in the same place.

With his beloved wife Agata Muceniece and son Timofey

IN Instagram Pavel Priluchny @_doc_dog_ you will find many interesting photographs of the young actor and learn more details from his personal life.

Many people call Pavel Priluchny one of the most talented and promising artists of the new generation. The star of the series “Major” does not hide his violent temperament. In his life, he had to become the hero of a passionate romance more than once, but each time the fiery passion ended in a break.

This continued until the young man met his fate.

Only the quiet and flexible Agata Muceniece managed to tame the impulsive Pavel. She alone knows how to extinguish his fiery outbursts of jealousy and temper.

Agatha's confident calm makes the restless Pavel truly happy. They fit together like two halves of a whole, like two elements of a common puzzle called life.

Character is destiny

Pavel Priluchny was born in the small Kazakh city of Chimkent. His father was a professional boxer, and his mother taught at a choreographic school. In the turbulent 90s, Russians began to be harassed by Kazakh nationalists. The family had to literally run away from the massacre. My parents bought a dilapidated shack in Berdsk, not far from Novosibirsk. And just three years later they built a 14-room mansion with their own hands.

Involuntarily, Pavel had to share the passions of his parents. He did choreography, as his mother insisted, and boxing, because his father wanted it. Since childhood, he had not dreamed of a theater, but one day a love for the stage flared up in him, never to fade away. First he entered the Novosibirsk Theater School, and then became a student at the Moscow Art Theater School. He soon became Konstantin Raikin's favorite student. The master used him in almost all the numbers of his traditional class concert.

Goodbye, American

While studying at the Studio School, Pavel accidentally met the Hollywood actress Nikki Reed, who played the role of vampire Rosalie Hale in the Twilight saga. She was visiting her American friend, who also studied at the acting department. Nikki saw Pavel on the student stage and was fascinated by his beauty and talent.

The emancipated American woman herself took the first step towards the guy, and soon they began to spend time together. The girl turned out to be not pretentious, she took the metro without complaint, was content with inexpensive coffee shops and enjoyed walks in Moscow parks. And Pavel fell in love with her without memory.

Nikki talked with her Moscow boyfriend for a whole year. She came to see him three times, staying in Pavel’s tiny apartment near the VDNH metro station. The rest of the time they exchanged loving text messages and chatted on Skype. In the end, Nikki invited Priluchny to have a wedding in Las Vegas. He has already received an American visa and saved up money for a ticket. But on the eve of his departure, the girl stopped answering his calls and messages.

“I realized that I was being dynamized. In the modern world, you can always find the opportunity to send an email or SMS with at least a couple of words: “Sorry and good bye.” For the first time in my life, a loved one abandoned me like that. Nikki appeared as unexpectedly as she had disappeared. Six months later, I called on Skype and waved my hand with my American smile: “Hello, Darling! How are you? Is our plan still in place? I cried: “No, let’s remain friends!” - to which I saw sincere bewilderment: “We were filming the second part of Twilight, we flew to a place where there was no connection!” But she could have warned her. They didn’t take her there blindfolded! She was actually playing with my feelings!” – the artist was indignant in one of his interviews.

Happy kiss

Pavel met actress Agata Muceniece on the set of the series “Closed School”. Pavel immediately drew attention to the beautiful girl, but at that time Agatha’s heart was not free. She dated dancer Artem Alekseev, although their romance was already on the wane. “I was very offended by Agatha’s inaccessibility. She was friendly to me, but I felt like I wasn’t really connecting with her in any way. It feels like you’re banging your head against a wall!” - Priluchny recalled.

The kiss scene decided everything. Having kissed his partner on the set, Pavel realized that this was the girl he had been waiting for all his life. After a long day of filming, he offered Agatha a ride home, and the girl agreed. From that moment their long and happy love story began. What is significant is that Priluchny asked the girl to marry already on the first date.

“So he said: “Let’s get married.” Of course, I took it all as a joke. She asked: “Pasha, do you understand what you are saying? A wedding is for life.” And he: “So what? I'm ready". As a result, we lived together for two weeks, and he proposed to me again. I didn't refuse. I thought: why not?” says the actress.

They decided to have a modest wedding, only for their closest friends and relatives. Pavel offered to take charge of all the preparations, and Agatha agreed. She had no idea what a surprise awaited her. “Pashka quietly organized a ceremony in the restaurant of the Ostankino TV tower, with music, guests, flowers, rings. We walked “to the altar” along a glass path and released white balloons into the sky. And then I almost burst into tears of joy. It was unforgettable,” Agatha smiles.

"Unintended" children

In January 2017, the acting couple had a son, Timofey, and three years later, daughter Mia was born. “Yes, most of Agatha and I’s peers are trying to delay the birth of children. In fact, we also planned to have them by the age of 35, but everything worked out earlier. That is, neither one nor the second child were, so to speak, “intentional.” But we don't regret it at all. It’s great that by the age of 40 I will have a “fully adequate” child with whom we can have fun, go somewhere, and so on,” the happy father shares his plans.

Children became the main impetus for moving forward for Priluchny. After all, kids need to be raised, educated, and given a good education. The young couple now has an incentive that now determines their future life. And Agatha and Pavel know how to achieve the assigned task like no one else.

“The main message of “Love with Limits” (a new film about people with disabilities.-Editor's note)- push the boundaries that we create for ourselves. Many people think that people with disabilities need to be treated in a special way. In fact, they are the most ordinary, what happened to them can happen to anyone, at any moment, on any day.

There is no need to treat disability as if it were leprosy, there is no need to feel sorry for anyone: pity only humiliates and causes inconvenience

We must be treated as equals. Yes, to help with something. But the right attitude is the main thing. It seems to me that we have come up with a good, worthy project that can really change people’s attitudes towards all these things.

By the way, we had a closed premiere at a rehabilitation center, which was held specifically to see the guys’ reaction. It went great: everyone laughed and cried, they even said that we had made the best film in Russia about people with disabilities.”

About romance

“I think Agatha and I had love at first sight. (The couple met on the set of the series “Closed School”» . -Note ed.) Although before meeting her I didn’t really believe in that. But... somehow it turned out this way for us. The first time. Bach - that's all.

Are we a romantic couple? Yes of course. For every holiday I try to make some surprise, something interesting. After all, it is necessary. You need to maintain relationships with some of these things - otherwise everything turns into routine

For example, I recently prepared a holiday for Agatha on March 1, her birthday, and tried to make everything as interesting and romantic as possible.”

About “Major” and “Closed School”

“Do I feel like a sex symbol after the release of “Major”? Well I do not know. Not really. “Major” is, one might say, my child, my child. The second season was carried out by the whole team. We got together, wrote a script, came up with plot twists together with the cameraman, directors, and screenwriters. This was a team effort first and foremost. One that we made with love.

As for “Closed School,” it’s a big series, and over the three years of working on it, my team and I have become a family. In addition, “School” brought popularity to both me and other children. I even took a piece of this project with me - and we, so to speak, are multiplying. (Laughs.) In general, of course, I remember the series with love. At some point, the guys and I even wrote a synopsis for a full-length film, but, unfortunately, it was too late: the investors we found said that such a project should have been filmed immediately after the end of the series.”

About family and children

“I try to constantly be with my family, with my children: even if I go somewhere, I take them all with me. We go with the whole crowd, four of us. For example, when I was filming in Baku, we flew there together.

It's already boring without children. It is absolutely impossible to be in silence for a long time - I am used to the noise. And, of course, children still make life more interesting in one way or another.

Yes, most of Agatha and I’s peers are trying to delay the birth of children. In fact, we also planned to have them by the age of 35, but everything worked out earlier. That is, neither one nor the second child were, so to speak, “intentional.” (Pavel and Agatha have two children: 4-year-old Timofey and one-year-old Mia.-Note ed.) But we don't regret it at all. Firstly, it’s great that by the age of 40 I will have a “fully adequate” child with whom we can have fun hanging out, going somewhere, and so on. In general, the eldest is already four years old now - which is just wonderful! It’s great when a father doesn’t sit on the couch out of fatigue, leaving his children to their own devices, but can, for example, play the same sports with them.

Our Mia, of course, is still small. In addition, now she has teeth, and this, so to speak, is a separate time in life. We don’t sleep at all... But it’s okay, we’re coping - especially since we have someone to help. Grandma helps a lot, and if possible, a nanny.”

About travel and recreation

“Recently, Agatha and I went to Barcelona for a week. But it was a very dubious vacation. Perhaps we have become too attached to children. It wasn't as fun as that.

So then we all went together to Abu Dhabi. Another thing! It's much more fun and interesting with children. And then, there is an excuse to go to some water park, for example. It seems like you won’t go on your own, but here - why not, you need to take Timofey. (Laughs.)»

About bloggers

“Agatha recently started her own video blog. She does it completely herself: the only way I helped was by buying equipment - a camera, a special laptop where she can edit it.

Before meeting with Pavel Priluchny, we expected to meet a serious, unsmiling man, similar to his major, but we saw a laughing, charming guy who, after five minutes, showed us a one-arm stand. In this interview, he spoke frankly about who the actors really are and how to find happiness in love.

In the new multi-part film "Force Majeure" you played a comedic role. How do you like this role?

The screenwriter of this film is Denis Kaimakov, who worked on the film “Love with Limitations.” But if this is a light romantic comedy, then in “Force Majeure” he had a blast! We laughed out loud when we read the sketches. I immediately said: “I want to act!”

We had great fun filming. And the humor there is not “below the belt,” but situational. I play a 30-year-old virgin who still lives with his mother. He dreams of taking the medical exam, but he cannot because he faints at the sight of blood. In the story, he is mistaken for a thief in law. Honestly, I haven’t seen a funnier Russian TV series. Plus, this is not a cliché, but a good and kind comedy. It can even be compared with Soviet films about Shurik.

A completely atypical character for you. Was it difficult to transform?

I observed people on the streets, as well as bank employees. They are very funny! Once one of them with a funny mustache helped me draw up documents for opening an individual entrepreneur. A typical type - he doesn’t understand much about anything, but really wants to help. And at some point there was a desire to say: “Well, open up the computer, I’ll do everything myself!” This is what I used as a prototype.

How do you usually rehearse your role?

Any artist is a monkey. He is like a sponge, absorbs everything instantly. I often get “scorched” - if I see some manifestation of a person that may later be useful in a movie, then I involuntarily begin to copy. And the person notices and is offended. But I didn’t want to offend, but simply to remember a living emotion. I developed this habit after I entered drama school. In fact, being an actor is a very scary profession. Even when you quarrel with the woman you love, you catch yourself professionally monitoring her expression of emotions. At what point will she cry? How will she slam the door?

Do you play in real life too?

We all play one role or another in life. There are wonderful artists who seem strange to us, but they are just in character. They gesticulate and communicate too manneredly. But in ordinary life they are completely different. Renata Litvinova, for example. Or Dzhigurda. He speaks in a normal voice at home.

Have you ever found acting useful in your everyday life?

One day, a large group of friends and I were flying out of Doha airport. It is huge, and special cars are only available to older people. This is where I took advantage of my acting experience. He approached the security guard and said that he had severely twisted his ankle while getting off the plane. He dragged her picturesquely, said that I couldn’t walk, and achieved the opportunity to move around in a buggy.

So you're not a superstitious person? Many people are afraid to lie about their health.

What are you afraid of?

Many things. There are strong fears, but I try to drive them away from myself. You know how a child is switched when he cries or screams. I have a simple method: I start thinking about some problem that urgently needs to be solved. For example, pay off the debt the day after tomorrow. We need to turn the situation around. If you're afraid of dogs, think about candy.

Well, what kind of candy is it when a dog rushes after you?

At one time I worked as a presenter on a cable channel. We recorded the broadcast at night, and it took about 20 minutes to walk through abandoned pavilions to get to the shooting location. Packs of dogs ran along them, ready to pounce at any moment. This is really scary. But you can't be afraid. Once they sense your fear, you've lost. Although, in principle, I am not afraid of dogs. Now we have a Staffordshire Terrier - a fighting breed. In general, there were always dogs next to me. And when one of them died on the road under the wheels of a car, he immediately started another.

You talk about it so calmly. Don't get attached to pets? Was there any pain of loss?

In principle, I take death lightly. Probably because I encountered it often. Yes, you feel sad for a while, but over time the pain dulls. I perceive death as moving from one space to another. Everything happens for a reason. If someone “left”, then it’s necessary. But people are too dramatic and don’t think about the meaning of what is happening.

Do you believe in the transmigration of souls?

Not exactly relocation. I became interested in astronomy... So, there are many planets, most of which are impossible to reach. And when a person dies, it seems to me that he just moves to one of them and lives there in peace. Who else could live there? Therefore, I believe that the very fact of death is necessary precisely for this move. Interesting? Interesting! Can you believe it? Yes.

How did you get interested in astronomy?

I accidentally saw a film that talked about how our Earth is just a point in the Universe, in which there are millions of planets. I began to wonder - what could be there? I wouldn’t risk flying there myself, but I would be happy to watch the video report.

You have a lot of tattoos. What do they mean and which came first?

The very first one, on the neck, I did before filming the film “At the Game,” filmed in the action genre, which was new for Russian cinema at that time. We received many awards for it. You can say that I got this tattoo just like that - I played a character with the nickname DOC and thought that this was my first and last role. So I decided to write it down as a souvenir. But today, every tattoo I have is a talisman.

Is your wife jealous of you?

Absolutely not. She has a cold Latvian mentality. That is why we have been together for six years and have two children. She may care, but she will never show it. And this despite the fact that I give her a lot of reasons for jealousy.

Relationships are killed by a difficult period when the child is not yet three years old. The husband is at work, and the wife is forced to sit at home, devoting all 24 hours to the child. There is no time for myself and my husband. Gradually, the man and woman stop communicating, and there is no energy left for sex. Therefore, I try to organize my life in such a way that Agata (actress Agata Muceniece - Ed.) has free time for herself, for sleep. I hire people to help with housework, or I do it myself. When we moved outside the city, in this sense it became simpler and easier. And once every couple of months we definitely go somewhere together. Such trips are very well overloaded.

Is marriage about friendship, partnership or love?

How has marriage changed you?

Before I got married, I was a real scoundrel and behaved like a consumer. I just didn't care.

How did Agatha manage to tame such a free wolf cub? When did you realize that she was the one?

In love, everything is simple: you feel it right away whether you are the person or not. Everything was unplanned for us. I didn’t strive to start a family, but one day a girl appeared in my life with whom I felt comfortable. Already on the third day of meeting me, I proposed marriage to her. Well, what did we risk? Nothing. If you didn’t like it, you’d get a divorce. I know couples who have been getting together for years, weighing, thinking. I do not understand this. You already live together! In ten years, no one will be interested in your wedding anymore.

Did you get used to it quickly?

We still don’t like a lot about each other, but this is the meaning of marriage - people adapt to relationships. If you don't do this, sooner or later divorce will follow. And this fight is interesting! If the puzzle fits perfectly, it’s boring, because you know in advance how everything will be. And it’s the unknown that attracts people.

How do you keep the fire burning in a relationship?

When I see that it has become too calm and insipid, I begin to act: I deliberately create difficulties, provoke acute situations. Then the plot twists and unravels. And now our views come to life. Relationships need to be constantly worked on.

How does the acting profession affect your character?

Absolutely all actors are Samoyeds. This is especially true when there is no work. They begin to torment themselves and suffer.

But imagine that you have a downturn in your career and are not offered roles. What would you do?

Once, when I was studying at the theater school in Novosibirsk, we were making an area theater like the avant-garde Derevo. But he is rather funny, and we went towards peculiar semantic hallucinations. For example, they came up with the story “Dance with an Excavator”, in which a man fell in love with this colossus. It was interesting for both children and adults. We earned pennies, but we had enough. Therefore, returning to the question, if it turned out that I could no longer act in films and play in the theater, I would create my own. In any case, I am sure that you need to mind your own business. Why turn nuts in a car if you don't understand it? I’ve been in the acting profession for twelve years now and I know everything about it -

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