How does the ascendant in Scorpio manifest in a man? Ascendant in Scorpio in women and men: what is important to know Ascendant in Scorpio women photo

A person with an ascendant in Scorpio is easy to recognize by his character: strong-willed energy that determines the entire being, intransigence, self-esteem, inner pride, outer perseverance.

Ascendant in Scorpio - positive character traits

The “hidden” Scorpio is less conspicuous than the power-hungry, commanding, boorish, or simply unfriendly one.

They are never afraid of difficulties. On the contrary, with resistance, willpower grows.

Breadth of nature - stubbornness and deep passions. Parallel in the sexual field! A positive type is capable of self-sacrifice. The breadth of his nature covers all peaks and depths, regardless of the degree of development.

Previously, it was a sign of magicians and sorcerers. Scorpios are attracted to the mysterious, the unexplored.

Love and marriage are very important to Scorpio. The connections are long lasting and tenacious. Breakups are more likely to be fatal than divorces. Wounded pride in case of infidelity causes mental stress.

Prisoner ties continue even in the event of constant unrest. Experience is acquired late (at 34 - 40 years old). The deaths of loved ones are of great importance to Scorpio. Wills and inheritances are important.

Influence of planets. For Scorpios, the position of Mars, the Sun and the Moon is important. There may be diplomacy, cunning, temporary accommodation, but when necessary, the mask will be dropped. It takes a long time to get to know a Scorpio.

There is a struggle in his chest, but no one will know about it, which is why they are often called "opaque." They know how to camouflage themselves. They cannot be forced to abandon their beliefs, they cannot be influenced.

In matters of personal life, they are very careful, silent, and mysterious. You won’t learn anything from them against their will, or they may “let it slip” on purpose.

Ascendant in Scorpio - negative character traits

Negative traits: knowledge of one’s strength leads to excessive pride, obstinacy, suspicion, and sometimes cunning. They are cruel to themselves and others. Their main qualities are intransigence and obstinacy.

They do not know how to forget, they are very vindictive when their pride is hurt, they are stubborn and prone to criticism.

Jealousy is one of the strong manifestations of passion that torment the Scorpio soul. At the lower end of the spectrum are hatred, revenge and intransigence.

No sign knows such depths of hell, but also such possibilities of higher knowledge.

In addition to the harsh type, there is also a calm, withdrawn, inaccessible and mysterious type who opens up with difficulty and is very closed with the people around him. Scorpio often promotes “secrets”; this is a person who makes a secret out of trifles.

Rarely do Scorpio spouses know the sources of their spouses' financial income. Likes and dislikes are sharply expressed. In love, he is possessive and develops strong passionate feelings, since all Scorpio’s instincts are very developed.

They criticize very sharply and vigilantly. Temperament seems phlegmatic to outsiders, but can quickly flare up, especially when insulted.

Professions suitable for people with a Scorpio Ascendant

Scorpio knows how to find out the secrets of other people, but does not let slip about his own. The location of Mars is important. In a bad position and aspects: severity, harshness, lust for power, rebuff, no courtesy.

This can be found in important military and police officers, since Mars requires the use of force. A shrewd and cunning type, very observant and able to draw correct conclusions (often criminologists).

Scorpio must achieve the realization of his will at any cost, which is why militant professions or professions related to weapons and tools are so common among professions. Motoring.

There are many Scorpios in politics as excellent speakers, in trade unions, in the party and in political economy. Among Scorpios there are no indifferent, phlegmatic, adaptable people.

In the field of science, these are chemists, pharmacists, physicists, engineers and especially doctors (therapists, skin specialists, venereologists, surgeons).

Also: dentists, dentists, orderlies, obstetricians, nurses, laboratory workers, radiology assistants, healers, massage therapists, gynecologists.

In the technical sector: mechanics, mechanics, blacksmiths, welders, turners, etc., there are also many Scorpios working in the ironworking industry.

Machinists, pilots, underground structures, turbines, electrical engineering. In the craft, Scorpios are capable, resourceful, and searching.

Dexterity, ingenuity, technical sense of the aquatic man. Among Scorpios there are no incompetents; they are not hindered by difficulties and rebuffs. In the spiritual sector, Scorpios are fighters for their ideas. Often belligerence hinders progress, but Scorpio cannot be stopped.

The profession often requires dedication of all efforts. Scorpio doesn't get anything simple or easy. Among Scorpios there are many chief engineers involved in orders for foreign countries and other important tasks.

Scorpio, thanks to his grip, makes his way to the top, no matter where.

Appearance and health with Scorpio ascendant

Ruler - Mars, element - Water

Body type: usually picnic with prominent muscles and bones. The upper part of the body is stronger than the legs: a broad forehead, rather low than high. The eyes are “prickly,” often deeply sunken, with a piercing, sharp gaze.

Dark hair and thick eyebrows that meet at the bridge of the nose. The neck is short and thick. Legs are weaker than the body.

Body organs: sexual system, often diseases of the gallbladder (stones), renal pelvis, bladder, often diseases of the throat, nose and larynx. Excretory organs. Prostate diseases, hemorrhoids.

Diseases of people with an ascendant in Scorpio

Body organs and diseases: sexual sphere, excretory organs (bladder, renal pelvis, kidneys - inflammation, stones), very often gall bladder (stones) and portal vein.

Congestion in the veins, inguinal hernias, female diseases or tumors, and in men - prostate diseases.

If the ascendant is on the border of Scorpio with other signs

Ascendant on the border of the signs Scorpio - Libra

(Mars and Venus). Interest in love matters, relationships, erotica. Often quarrels and disagreements with the opposite sex. The essence of Scorpio acquires gloss and courtesy. The harshness and roughness are erased.

The enjoyment of love is strong, and the desire to make a career even stronger. Mars and Venus are the planets of sexuality. Therefore, this mixture needs spiritual development so that sex does not take over. Many planets in Scorpio make things worse.

Ascendant on the border of the signs Scorpio - Sagittarius

Usually Scorpio is reserved and secretive, but this mixture is more active, relaxed, and sometimes more cruel. Goals are pursued vigorously. They do not shy away from arguments and quarrels. Thirst for a professional or social career.

With subordinates and those around them, a bossy tone prevails. They are often criticized because they are unrestrained. The desire for a high standard of living, as this is a sign of Scorpio's fitness. These people think about material support.

Marriage is important, but ties are fragile because adaptability is insufficient. At work, there is a desire to overtake others.

Those with an Ascendant in Scorpio have an expressive appearance. There is something about them that tells others that they cannot be pushed around. Their demeanor evokes respect and sometimes fear. These people can be quiet or loud, but they always appear strong and determined.

People with a Scorpio Ascendant are either loved or hated - they rarely go unnoticed. In fact, many of them are embarrassed when faced with strong reactions from other people. They seem to see right through people, looking past superficiality. This can be quite scary for some and intriguing for others. Ascending Scorpios, when communicating with people, look for answers by reading between the lines. They throw details aside because they have a great sense of the people and situations around them.

The Ascendant is the mask that a person puts on when meeting others. The Ascendant shows our natural defenses and how we deal with everyday problems. The Ascendant sign is the most obvious to other people. The Ascendant shows a person's first natural reaction to new people and situations.

People with Scorpio rising try to keep their personal lives strictly secret, and sometimes this can border on paranoia. They have a strong need to control everything around them and are true experts in strategy. Rare owners of the Ascendant in Scorpio will take risks rashly. They will prefer to plan their actions carefully and deliberately, relying on their amazing ability to sense other people and situations.

Scorpio ascendants are drawn to down-to-earth, natural partners. Reliability in relationships is very important to them. As a rule, they seek absolute devotion and are intolerant of frivolous people.

The characteristics of the Ascendant in Scorpio described above can be modified by the planets aspecting the Ascendant and the position of the lord of the Ascendant in the sign. For example, a person with a Scorpio Ascendant with the ruler of the Ascendant, Mars, in Sagittarius will react to the environment a little differently than someone with a Scorpio Ascendant with Mars in Capricorn. (Note that Scorpio has two rulers, the second being Pluto - a very slow planet). Likewise, a person with a Scorpio Ascendant who has Saturn on the Ascendant will behave differently than a person with a Scorpio Ascendant without such an aspect.

Scorpio Ascendant with Mars (traditional ruler of Scorpio) in the signs

The following interpretations include the sign position of Mars, the ruling planet of Scorpio. Note that Pluto is also the ruler of Scorpio, so interpretations of Mars in the signs can also be applied to Pluto as the co-ruler of Scorpio. The position of Mars in the signs somewhat modifies the characteristics of the Ascendant in Scorpio.

Ascendant in Scorpio - general characteristics

You have heightened animal instincts. A deeply instinctive and passionate nature that has access to healing and regenerative powers that can be directed towards oneself or others. Strong and strong-willed in essence, but manifesting yourself quietly and restrainedly, you are a force to be reckoned with. You intuitively understand other people's pain points and weaknesses, so you can become a natural healer or a dangerous enemy if you direct your energy towards conflict. Your purpose is to learn to trust and follow your instincts, and to focus your will on good intentions.

Ascendant in Scorpio and Mars in Aries

Your Mars is in the courageous, independent and purposeful sign of Aries. Your task is to be a leader and a pioneer, to bring something new and original. Courage, dignity and originality are your core principles. You are a fierce competitor, a warrior, and you have the will to win. However you use these qualities, always temper them with kindness. The downside to this position is that you can be ruthless, selfish and an abuser of power.

Ascendant in Scorpio and Mars in Taurus

Your Mars is located in the sensual, productive and fertile sign of Taurus. Appetites, desires and the desire for a sensual life are your main guides. Having a taste for life and enjoying it without over-indulging yourself or making yourself a slave to your addictions is the key to your happiness. You have strong and stable willpower and excellent stamina to achieve your goals and dreams. Every step you take is very fruitful, but stubbornness and lack of understanding of the goal you are going towards can create problems.

Ascendant in Scorpio and Mars in Gemini

Your Mars is in the smart, dexterous, skillful sign of Gemini, indicating that the art of speech, as well as the use of your hands and quick reflexes, play an important role in your life and destiny. The shadow side of this position can make a person an insidious intriguer, cunning and selfish. In a positive way, your talent and the power of words can be used as a healing force.

Ascendant in Scorpio and Mars in Cancer

Your Mars is in the spiritual and emotional sign of Cancer: you have deep sensitivity and caring feelings towards children, animals and life in general. Your ability to communicate and become emotionally immersed in everything that happens around you gives you great empathy. You are very sensual and passionate. You may have difficulty articulating your thoughts and understanding and communicating your feelings in a rational and intellectual way. Music is the most suitable language of communication for you.

Ascendant in Scorpio and Mars in Leo

Your Mars is in the proud, confident, radiant sign of Leo. You have a strong desire for power, wanting to be a leader and influence other people through personal magnetism. By combining your enormous vitality with the ability to firmly maintain a constant focus, you can achieve a lot. Of course, the use of personal power comes with great responsibility, so the shadow manifestation of this position can turn you into an authoritarian tyrant.

Ascendant in Scorpio and Mars in Virgo

Your Mars is in Virgo, giving you professional skills, knowledge or technical competence to provide services. You may also be interested in biology, chemistry, medicine and a healthy lifestyle. You have strong powers of observation and analysis and always work meticulously and productively (some might say obsessively). When you're upset about something, you may become overly anxious and critical of yourself and everyone around you. You often act as an eminence grise and an insightful advisor to other people.

Ascendant in Scorpio and Mars in Libra

Your Mars is in Libra, so your desire to connect, connect, and form alliances with others is an important part of your soul function. You must work in tandem, as a team, or in a close partnership, balancing your needs with those of your partner. Your desire for harmony, beauty and interaction underlies all your actions. However, beware of being an individualist and being overly immersed in your own desires, this can lead to hidden aggression, destructive conflict and “hidden enemies” (among others or in your soul). Be open and honest in your actions. Trying to achieve your goals by stealth or by using other people can backfire. Instead, use your energy to bring people together, to mediate, negotiate, or create justice around you.

Ascendant in Scorpio and Mars in Scorpio

Your Mars is located in Scorpio, which highlights your attunement to the deep, primal forces of nature and your need to experience life in a raw, primordial, uncivilized way. You equally manifest the energies of birth and death, creativity and destruction, and realize the need for both. You have great physical potential, vitality and passion, which you can use with good or evil intentions. “Power” will always be an important theme in your life—you must learn to recognize your power and understand the consequences of using it. Nature is a source of your personal strength and a source of healing.

Ascendant in Scorpio and Mars in Sagittarius

Your Mars is in the energetic, expansive, adventurous sign of Sagittarius: you are drawn to risky, future-oriented, daring, challenging, and even dangerous activities. Idealistic and philosophical, your instincts are guided (and perhaps controlled) by fair play and your beliefs. Impulses and passion are the leitmotif of this position of Mars. When out of balance, you can be overzealous, self-righteous, and reckless in your enthusiasm. However, at your best, you act as an explorer and inspiration to others. The joy of adventure and exploration is what you would like to experience.

Ascendant in Scorpio and Mars in Capricorn

Your Mars is in the earthy, practical, ambitious and serious sign of Capricorn, indicating the importance of material achievements. You know how this world works, and you must follow a well-planned, calculated, orderly path to your goal. Your work and self-discipline (not to mention self-sacrifice for the Cause) are key to you. Work can become an addiction; professional ambitions are of course of paramount importance. In some way, you must act as an authority for others.

Ascendant in Scorpio and Mars in Aquarius

Your Mars is in the extraordinary, collectivist, free-thinking sign of Aquarius. Renewal of society is your main interest and focus. Your insight into the fundamental, key issues of society, and your ability to invent or co-create unusual and innovative solutions, is the key to realizing your destiny. Your essence is that of a reformer, dissident, or group leader.

Ascendant in Scorpio and Mars in Pisces

Your Mars is in the creative, dreamy, fantasy, spiritually open sign of Pisces, which indicates the ability to enter altered states of consciousness or have prophetic dreams quite easily. Imagery, whether through visualization or art, is your greatest source of healing. Water, baptism, birth, cleansing rituals are key elements. Any intoxicant (especially alcohol) can cause you to crash, leaving you feeling confused, aimless and powerless. You have a strong mental sensitivity that can be developed and used to improve your own life or the lives of others.

The Ascendant in Scorpio in the natal chart can tell a lot about the character and behavioral characteristics of a person. Let's consider this question for men and women. Read the article to understand and understand how to find an approach to such a person.

The Ascendant is a concept that characterizes the perception of a person by other people. This is how others see him. Of course, such an image may not coincide with the real character. This is a kind of mask that performs the function of protection.

The Ascendant in Scorpio gives its owner a difficult character. You should not argue with such a person, and you should not try to anger him, because the consequences can be simply terrible.

He is impulsive, capable of cruel acts, being in the grip of emotions. He has a wonderful sense of humor, but not without sarcasm, which can offend and offend the interlocutor. Grudge-bearing and vengeful, even after many years he can remember the offender’s mistake.

He always speaks directly about his desires and claims, and does not hide his emotions. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage at the same time, because others can mistake straightforwardness for rudeness.

Ascendant in Scorpio for a woman

Such a girl is a complex and contradictory nature, which is quite difficult to understand. Her behavior changes in the blink of an eye, and you never know what to expect from her. It seems that two completely different people live in it. They cannot get along with each other, and first one, then the other wins.

What else is characteristic of the behavior of such a person:

  1. Her life is a series of extremes. Then she works actively, without rest, and achieves her goals. Then in a moment he loses strength and lies down on the sofa, doing nothing and indulging in melancholy.
  2. She can be called a gray eminence. She herself does not seem to be an outstanding person, but this impression is deceptive. She skillfully and cunningly manipulates other people, without showing her participation in any way. And he gets what he wants from them. At the same time, they are fully confident that they themselves took the initiative.
  3. She is very observant, not a single detail escapes her attention. And this helps make even your wildest dreams come true. She sensitively understands what strings need to be pulled so that people around her turn into obedient puppets, ready to do anything to satisfy her desires.
  4. At the same time, she herself does not strive to be visible and even avoids it. Her place is behind the scenes, not on stage. But I wouldn’t agree to go down to the auditorium either.
  5. She acts so subtly and accurately that it may seem as if some Higher, magical forces are helping her.
  6. She sees people through and through, is very insightful and is able to understand how a particular person will act in a given situation.
  7. From the outside she gives the impression of a friendly, friendly and sociable girl. But only if you are one of the people who could be useful to her. Then it will be easy to communicate, you will find a lot of common topics for conversation.
  8. She is not superficial, her thinking reveals an intellectual person who understands the very essence of things, objects and phenomena. If she needs to, she will understand the information thoroughly and become an expert in a particular topic.
  9. He never does anything for nothing. Any of her words and actions is a step towards the intended goal. Therefore, you should not be deluded by her good relationships, help and compliments.
  10. In rare cases, she can become emotional and let off steam by succumbing to a rush of feelings. At these moments, he shows his essence, behaves harshly, thoughtlessly, and takes sophisticated revenge on the offender. When the emotions let go, she will bitterly regret what she did.

Ascendant in Scorpio for a man

Such a man is cruel and straightforward. But, despite these qualities, he has many friends. But he brings only a few people closer to him, people who are truly devoted to him and whom he can trust one hundred percent.

Features of his character and behavior:

  1. As a child, he has a rather complex character that those around him cannot stand. Therefore, from that time on, he had practically no friends left. Because of his harsh judgment and straightforwardness, even close people can turn away from him and stop all communication.
  2. He treats women calmly, does not let them get close to him, preferring casual relationships without emotional attachment. This is especially pronounced at a young age. It’s easy for him to please almost any woman; he always has a huge selection of beauties.
  3. But even if some girl does not reciprocate, he will do everything to achieve his goal. And having achieved it, he may suddenly lose interest, putting another tick on his list of victories.
  4. In adulthood, he becomes more serious and begins to choose a wife for himself. He is demanding in this matter, he has a high standard. Any girl won't suit him. He chooses the most worthy, beautiful and smart.
  5. At the same time, he himself proves to be not the most gallant gentleman. Sarcasm, even mockery and ridicule, coupled with open presentation of demands - this is his strategy. It is not surprising that his chosen one ends up being a beautiful girl, but with very low self-esteem.
  6. He needs money for comfort and to satisfy high needs. Therefore, he strives to earn a lot. Prioritizes achieving material success over all other goals.
  7. He values ​​the support of loved ones very much and is sentimental in this regard, although he will never demonstrate emotions openly. It seems like a callous cracker, although in fact it is just a mask hiding a vulnerable soul.

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Astrology claims that from the natal chart you can learn a lot about a person’s personality, inclinations and even appearance. For example, someone with an ascendant in Scorpio will have interesting inclinations by nature. Whether he realizes them or not is unknown, but at least it is possible to get a general idea of ​​a person’s character and his future.

The Ascendant, or rising sign, is the external perception of a person, the way others see him. People unknowingly put on masks to try to create a certain impression of themselves, or simply appear to be someone else, even if they don't do it on purpose. How a person is thought by those around him, what reputation he has in society, what his style is - all this is determined by the ascendant.

The rising sign of Scorpio gives its owner very difficult character. It is better not to argue with this person and not to make him angry, and if he is no longer in a good mood, then not to provoke him. In anger, he is capable of impulsive actions, and his keen sense of humor can offend even the most thick-skinned person. It is better not to become a target of his bad mood. Among other things, he is also vindictive, which means he can take revenge on the offender even after many years.

Such a person always speaks directly about what he likes or dislikes, and sometimes his reaction is excessive. He will not hide his emotions about what is happening, which is why he seems to be a rather harsh and rude person. But you can’t call him an open person: if he can restrain himself, he will do it, and his hidden experiences and secrets certainly cannot be pulled out of him.

Some of the mystery that shrouds his person is caused by a lack of openness and often attracts people who want to pick up the key to this lock. However, they will most likely have to give up: he will not reveal his soul to anyone. At the same time, he is not a closed person, but, on the contrary, ready to explore the world around him. With his interest in the external, he covers up his internal weaknesses.

Rising Scorpio gives its owner strong will and energy, which allow him to overcome even the most serious obstacles. If this is his decision, then he will stop at nothing and will definitely find a way to achieve his goal. Having taken upon himself certain responsibilities, he will certainly fulfill them, even if it is not easy. He investigates any complex issue thoroughly, which helps him achieve his goals wisely, and not just go ahead.

This symbol in the natal chart has a slightly different effect on men and women, so it is worth considering them more specifically separately.

This person not always easy to understand, because she behaves differently all the time. It’s as if two people live in it alternately, and it’s not easy for them to get along with each other. For example, she is ready to work hard to achieve her goals, but this period of activity is certainly replaced by the opposite, and then she is no longer able to move due to melancholy and laziness.

She is the most true cardinal gray, accustomed to managing others from behind the scenes. Her powers of observation allow her to notice the most unexpected little things that help her implement her plans. She always sees which strings to pull, but she will never go on stage and show herself. Sometimes one can even suspect the accuracy and subtlety of her actions: she seems to see everything in advance, and her gaze pierces people right through.

Outwardly, they are friendly and easy to communicate with, especially if it is in their interests. They can carry on a conversation on a variety of topics, and not at the superficial level of a beginner, but with a deep approach to the problem. It is extremely exciting to argue with them, but do not forget that all their actions are aimed at achieving their own goals.

However, the characteristics of a woman with an ascendant in Scorpio also include some disadvantages, the main one of which is excessive emotionality. Giving in to an impulse, she can behave extremely cruelly and thoughtlessly: setting up intrigues for those whom she declared an enemy, coming up with sophisticated methods of revenge. This does not bring her happiness: when the scales fall from her eyes, she will only feel fatigue and regret.

This person may be overly cruel and straightforward, which does not allow him to make many friends. Usually, those few trusted people who have accompanied him since childhood cannot stand his complex character and eventually stop communicating with him.

When communicating with women, he is more prone to casual relationships, especially in his youth. Attracting the girl he likes is not difficult for him, and if for some reason this cannot be done easily and simply, then he will pursue her to the last. This is due to the fact that it is not easy to become his chosen one, because he takes the selection very seriously.

Only the most worthy, endowed with both a sharp mind and beauty, can become his beloved. However, he may not behave too gallantly, openly ridiculing shortcomings and expressing his demands. It is quite possible that the girl will first fall madly in love with him, but then run away from him, unable to withstand such an attitude.

In material terms, it is very important for him not to need anything. He ready to go to great lengths for the sake of wealth and comfort. Constantly striving for new achievements, he nevertheless greatly values ​​the support of his loved ones. Although he often does not show it, it is very difficult for him, because his contradictory nature torments him too. Therefore, it is important for him to know that at least someone in this world understands, appreciates and loves him.

Although it cannot be said that all people with the same ascending sign position look the same, there are still some tendencies. With the ascendant in Scorpio, appearance, as a rule, creates the impression of a mysterious and enigmatic person whom you just want to get to know better. His natural magnetism has a strong influence on those around him - it seems that he has hypnosis.

Characteristic features of this person's appearance:

  • low voice, sometimes slightly hoarse;
  • low emotionality, often the same facial expression;
  • unusually narrow lips, sometimes of medium width, but not wide;
  • powerful, strong lower jaw;
  • muscular, pumped up body, even in women;
  • Men, as a rule, have long hair, a beard and mustache, and the skin is covered with bumps;
  • large nose, curving downwards, pronounced nostrils;
  • eyes are often narrowed, their gaze pierces right through;
  • eyebrows can grow together, usually thick and sometimes low-hanging;
  • the general shape of the face is oval or triangular;
  • hair color is most often dark.

With an ascendant in Scorpio, a woman's appearance can be quite attractive. But still, this person rarely has a beautiful, model appearance. However, he doesn’t need this: people are rather attracted to his image.

His poise and manner speak of his love of control and an almost aristocratic self-confidence. He looks straight ahead, without lowering his eyes to the floor and even somewhat downward.

The style of clothing he chooses demonstrates his attitude towards himself and others. As a rule, this is something that is somewhat challenging, but at the same time puts it above the rest. He strives to be elegant and attractive, so his choice of outfit is always impeccable. He has a special love for the color black because of its mystery and at the same time practicality.

This is not the kind of person who will dress excessively brightly and ostentatiously. Although he may spend long hours choosing a wardrobe, he will most likely select the right combinations once and for all, and will use them often later.

He strives for moderation even in this part of life and wants to maintain his image in any situation and not show true emotions. Properly selected clothing helps him with this.

Person with Ascendant in Scorpio thinks quickly and critically, instantly noticing the main thing in any issue. Although he is capable of studying the area of ​​interest for days on end, he grasps the essence immediately and unmistakably. This leads to a disadvantage of his character - once he has formed an opinion about something, he is unlikely to change it without a good reason. It is impossible to convince him, and only after finding evidence will he decide everything again for himself, but this will take time.

This person does not tolerate interference from others in his plans. She has her own opinion on everything, but she doesn’t like to listen to anyone else’s. Inflexibility and enormous willpower help her achieve her goal, even if those around her do not believe in her strength or disagree with the means by which she reaches her goal. But their help is not required - she strives to achieve everything herself.

Huge internal strength allows this person to realize almost any dream if he believes in it and goes towards it. He does not intend to give up halfway and will always move forward without stopping there. For him, self-improvement is a never-ending process. At the same time, he will not listen to the opinions of others on this matter.

His natural love for everything mysterious and as yet unknown often leads him to interests in the fields of the occult, magic, religion and the paranormal. For such a person, everything that has not yet been proven by science or has not been sufficiently researched is not unscientific, but interesting and full of potential for new discoveries. Therefore, his mind often combines extensive scientific knowledge and belief in the supernatural.

Areas in which people with Scorpio ascendant achieve success:

  • business - they make excellent business people, successful entrepreneurs, since their self-organization allows them to work for themselves, without subordinating to anyone;
  • medicine and pharmaceuticals;
  • other scientific fields in which they achieve a lot thanks to their deep approach and ability to understand the essence of things.

However, this is only the main focus, which does not mean at all that a person will choose these particular areas of activity for himself. A sharp mind and determination are qualities useful for people of any profession. One thing is for sure: a person with an Ascendant in Scorpio is not created for aimless work and boring performance of the same actions. He sets goals for himself and achieves them.

In love, this is a passionate but complex person. Often, a partner’s resistance only gives rise to a desire to achieve, even if this goes against the wishes of the chosen one. There is no peace with him either in love or during a breakup - parting calmly and communicating well is unthinkable for him; rather, there will be a loud quarrel with a showdown.

This is a jealous nature, always tormented by suspicions and sometimes succumbing to them. In the event of real betrayal, she will never forget or forgive, since for her it will be a personal disaster and a huge blow to her pride. Vindictiveness can also manifest itself in this area - it can strive to make a person experience the same pain that he caused her.

A person with an ascendant in Scorpio is often too mysterious in his personal life - for example, his partner may not know how much he earns or even where he works. He can declare secret something that other people do not hide even from strangers. He also does not share the details of his love life, considering it only his personal matter.

To form a strong alliance, you should be guided by signs of compatibility:

  • The best match for a person with such a natal chart is considered to be one whose ascendant or descendant is also in Scorpio.
  • Additionally, strong connections can be formed with people with Capricorn, Taurus and Cancer rising signs.
  • But with people whose sign is Gemini or Virgo, the ascendant in Scorpio will never find a common language.

The other options are somewhat more favorable, but still not ideal.

Because of their secrecy and inability to talk about their true feelings, these people often gain experience in romantic life quite late - by the age of thirty-five or even forty. But by this age they learn to tame their passionate nature and can create a strong family, especially since a reliable union for them is one of the main values ​​in life.

The Ascendant in Scorpio (vertex of the 1st house) forces the native to examine the inner world through a magnifying glass in search of the key to success, which often leads to professional studies in psychology and astrology. This is a detective who is also determined to unravel the secrets of other people, because having understood the algorithm of their actions, he will also answer the questions that torment him. The ward is especially fascinated by the analysis of the causes of disasters and natural disasters, birth and death, and the motivation of crimes. They often become close to criminally dangerous people because they learn the material directly, through live communication, and not from books.

The native is born dark-haired, regardless of the genotype of the parents. Over time, the hair can change color up to light brown, but 90% of rising Scorpios in the first weeks of life are dark brunettes. If the Sun is in fire signs, then childbirth occurs rapidly, sometimes with surgical intervention or significant blood loss of the mother.

Appearance and behavior

The owner of the Ascendant in Scorpio is impulsive and cruel in anger, revenge inspires his imagination, so it is better not to argue or conflict with him. Pluto strengthens the opposition between emotional “ice and fire” - secrecy and reluctance to share experiences and at the same time the inability to control strong feelings, especially negative ones. Anger, resentment, anger pour out on the provocateurs like a fiery rain.

The native’s karmic task is to strengthen his will and control his emotions as skillfully as he manipulates other people, wanting to gain benefit. The spiritually developed owner of the Ascendant in Scorpio overcomes the thirst for destruction of the enemy, gaining the strength and wisdom to win without sacrifice. The colossal potential of energy allows us to solve the most difficult problems.

The Ascendant in Scorpio gives interesting features of appearance and behavior:

  • arrogant, hypnotizing gaze, imperious manners;
  • a small scar on the face or on the top of the head;
  • two types of facial expression: gloomy-pessimistic (A. Blok, Paganini) or fervently mocking (John Kennedy, Leonardo DiCaprio);
  • deep-set or lidded dark eyes with dilated pupils;
  • beautifully defined deep red lips and white sharp teeth;
  • the smile is riddled with mockery, the hair cannot be styled, it is always disheveled;
  • sexual attractiveness and seductiveness, but after communicating with the native there remains a heavy aftertaste in the soul;
  • caustic and sarcastic humor, adherence to profanity;
  • silent gait, tendency to solitude.

Bearers of the Ascendant in Scorpio are faithful and reliable friends only for those who have stood the test of strength of their complex character. They do not forget kindness and will always thank you.

Scorpio Rising in the women's horoscope

She is a sexy magnet for men. A woman is a vamp or a girl next door, but her intimate life is of key importance to her, which is reflected in the manner in which she presents herself as a sophisticated seductress who knows a lot about seduction. In the owner of the Ascendant in Scorpio, there is an internal struggle between an active, purposeful nature, wanting to reach the shining heights of glory, and a lazy sybarite, tired of passions and ambitions.

She is very observant, perfectly understands the psychological implications of behavior and instantly senses weak points in order to manipulate and even blackmail if necessary to achieve personal goals. She is more comfortable being behind the scenes than on stage in front of the public, but her exorbitant ambition forces her to move ahead of potential rivals.

There are almost always secret intentions behind her help, support and sympathy, so potential friends should be on their guard. Rising Taurus or Capricorn can calm passions and provide reliable support. Famous women with an Ascendant in Scorpio - Grace Kelly, Claudia Schiffer, Nastassja Kinski, Nicole Kidman.

Scorpio Rising in the male horoscope

The native is cruel, straightforward and cannot stand subordination, therefore, despite deep-seated insecurity and shyness, he strives to consolidate his strength and already at a young age take a leadership position as a boss, which he will then be burdened with, shifting the main work to his subordinates. Those around him flock to be his friends, but he selects only the truly smart and loyal, thanks to his supernatural intuition.

The dark authority, wealth and mystery of the owner of the Ascendant in Scorpio attracts women, although he rarely pays attention to the romantic side of dating. A temperamental and sensual native can be interested in an inaccessible, coldish and self-confident person with an Ascendant in Aries or Libra, which he will have to achieve, inflaming the imagination with a sweet victory.

Rising Scorpio is rarely a caring husband, preferring to mock, suppress and even mock the dreams of his other half. Women with low self-esteem, Virgo or Pisces rising, often fall into his snare. Famous representatives - A. Blok, S. Zhigunov, George Clooney, Harrison Ford, Steven Seagal.

Professional success

Militant fighters for the idea, acting according to their own rules, reveal their potential exclusively in leadership positions in the political arena (ministries and departments), civil service (intelligence and counterintelligence), law enforcement agencies and the military sphere. They are excellent analysts who achieve success in the scientific field, as well as medicine and forensics. Impressive and sensual, with the gift of deep transformation, they reveal themselves as dramatic actors and experimental film directors, artists and writers.

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