Stars who had their ribs removed for a wasp waist. The Great and Powerful Marilyn Manson Marilyn Manson Operations

Beauty requires sacrifice, and sometimes even great sacrifice. All celebrities are well aware of this, so they decided to take a serious step for the sake of a wasp waist - removing the ribs. Is it good or bad? Famous surgeons will explain everything.

Andrey Kovyntsev, plastic surgeon, candidate of medical sciences

Previously, such operations were more in demand. Why did young girls make them? This popularity appeared in response to the demands of the modeling business. Firstly, in the past, noticeable results of plastic surgery were perceived more favorably in society - it is clear that you have visited a plastic surgeon. Secondly, the waist became super thin. These were beauty standards, ideals.

Dita Von Teese

Today the picture is changing, because naturalness is in trend. Now naturalness is welcomed, in the same modeling business. More models are appearing who cannot be called slim; the generally accepted parameters of 90-60-90 are becoming a thing of the past. Following the models, ordinary people, ordinary girls, also change.

My attitude towards surgery to remove ribs is complex: the consequences of such surgery can be sad and lead to health problems. I myself do not perform such operations. Moreover, now in order to make the waist thinner and more beautiful, there are other, more gentle methods. For example, lipofilling or lipomodeling are humane and safe methods.

Any of these procedures can highlight the waist and make it slimmer. That is, visually the waist becomes narrower, and the cosmetologist’s intervention poses virtually no danger to the patient’s health due to the less traumatic procedure and shorter rehabilitation process. Yes, the same breast augmentation can make a spectacular accent on the waist and visually narrow it. However, the postoperative period after rib removal is quite long and complex. In addition, this is a full-fledged strip operation, therefore, there are many risks associated with it and with rehabilitation. In addition, nothing is superfluous in the human body, especially the musculoskeletal system and bones.

Oleg Grigoriev, surgeon

Ribs are paired bones that make up the frame of the human chest. Our chest is formed by 12 pairs of ribs. When it comes to the operation of removing ribs to reduce waist size, we usually mean the 12th pair. Girls and women most often seek surgery to remove the lower ribs in order to correct their “rectangular” body type. This operation is not recommended for women with large weight, so the main clients are women with a fragile figure with a weakly defined waist.

Janet Jackson

During the procedure, the patient is first given general anesthesia, then incisions are made to access the 12th pair of ribs, after which the ribs are reduced to the desired size and sutures are placed. At the same time, the waist size decreases due to contraction of the abdominal muscles, which is achieved as a result of shortening the ribs.

The wasp-waist fashion began in the 18th century, bringing with it tight corsets in which women could hardly breathe, but looked stunning. Today, inhumane corsets are a thing of the past; plastic surgeons do an excellent job with them. During the operation, the patient has a couple of ribs removed, resulting in her figure becoming hourglass-like. Our selection includes stars who got rid of “extra” ribs for a wasp waist.

Marilyn Monroe

One of the first celebrities to decide to have their lower ribs removed was Marilyn Monroe. The star was prone to being overweight and wore slimming corsets, but eventually had surgery and became the owner of the thinnest waist in Hollywood.



Last year, Cher celebrated her 70th birthday. The singer herself admitted that plastic surgery has become a kind of drug for her and she simply cannot get rid of the addiction: during her life, the star has undergone more than a hundred plastic surgeries! Back in the mid-80s, the singer removed her lower ribs and became the owner of a wasp waist, which Cher emphasizes to this day with corset dresses and suits.

Dita Von Teese

Dita von Teese is the owner of the thinnest waist (only 42 cm in girth). The Queen of Burlesque does not hide that the path to a wasp waist lay through the office of a plastic surgeon, where the beauty had a couple of lower ribs removed. Constantly wearing a corset, abdominal workouts, proper nutrition and monthly detox help Dita maintain her figure.

Demmy Moor

They say that Demi Moore spent about 200 thousand dollars on plastic surgery. The actress enlarged her breasts, changed the shape of her nose, had a facelift, liposuction of her knees and hips... And before filming the film Striptease, the star removed her lower ribs to make her waist appear slimmer and her hips, on the contrary, more curvaceous.

Raquel Welch

The sex symbol of the 70s, Raquel Welch, rarely appears in public today, but her every appearance still becomes a reason for enthusiastic discussions of her luxurious figure. They say that the actress’s wasp waist is the result of a skilled plastic surgeon who removed Raquel’s pair of lower ribs.

Amanda Lepore

During her life, Amanda Lepore has undergone a huge number of plastic surgeries - the star had her first visit to a surgeon at the age of 15 (although Amanda was a boy in those years). The star decided to remove her ribs immediately after becoming a woman. Today, Amanda boasts not only a wasp waist and a magnificent bust, but also “the most expensive body on Earth.”

Janet Jackson

Rumor has it that the sister of the King of Pop, singer Janet Jackson, also got rid of a couple of lower ribs. The star herself denies these rumors. Be that as it may, the star’s waist has always been quite thin.

Pixie Fox

“Living Barbie” from Sweden Pixie Fox went the furthest: in an effort to gain doll shapes, the girl removed 6 lower ribs at once! But the girl “washed” the queen of burlesque herself, Dita Von Teese, because now Pixie’s waist is only 40 cm, which is 2 cm less than that of the Hollywood star.


Mexican singer Talia is one of the most successful Latin American stars. The pop diva looks amazing: bright facial features, slender body, wasp waist... The last advantage is the result of plastic surgery. Talia not only removed her ribs, but also posted them on Instagram: the singer took a couple of selfies hugging a jar, inside of which there were several bones in a clear liquid...

The wasp waist is not a myth at all!

What sacrifices will people make to achieve dubious ideals of beauty? Various cosmetics, “youth” injections, the services of a plastic surgeon, and even the removal of ribs are included in the battle. The fashion for a thin waist appeared quite a long time ago, but previously young ladies squeezed unruly centimeters with the help of corsets. They easily hid under their outfits, so that the gentlemen sometimes did not even suspect that they were being led by the nose.

Nowadays, corsets have become irrelevant in the summer season, when girls want to show off their navel and show off their thinness. And so kind surgeons came up with an operation that relieves the patient of the lower pair of ribs, making his waist literally aspen.

Take a look at celebrities who weren't afraid to experiment with their looks.

Marilyn Monroe

The actress suffered from a tendency to be overweight since childhood. She had to constantly go on diets and wear slimming corsets. In the end, a surgeon friend suggested that Marilyn solve the problem of a wide waist radically and, according to rumors, she agreed.

The singer has been literally addicted to plastic surgery for many years. Cher herself admits that she is terribly afraid of old age, so she goes to a familiar clinic again and again. However, they say that even before the facial surgery, she used the services of a surgeon who removed her “extra” ribs.

Dita Von Teese

The burlesque dancer claims that she achieved global success thanks to her outstanding proportions. As they say, after the removal of the ribs, her waist became 42 centimeters in circumference. To prevent the volume from increasing, Dita regularly undergoes body cleansing and goes for massages.

The actress has had many facelifts throughout her life, enlarged her breasts and even corrected the shape of her nose. As the saying goes: “If you don’t like your appearance, buy another one.” Rumor has it that with this thought in mind, Demi went to the surgeon to have her ribs removed. Now she is happy with herself.

Raquel Welch

Playboy magazine called Welch "the most desirable woman of the 1970s." The actress really looked amazing, even without liposuction and Botox injections. However, she had the secret of a stunningly thin waist. You already know which one.

Janet Jackson

The sister of the King of Pop was unhappy with her proportions. The result of much thought was a trip to the surgeon. Rumor has it that Michael himself, along with the change in skin color, lost a couple of ribs.

Amanda Lepore

Marilyn Monroe among transsexuals, as she was called by the fashionable crowd of New York, most likely holds the record for the number of plastic surgeries. The freak diva, who was born a boy, has been changing her appearance since the age of 15. Gender change, hundreds of operations on the face and pumping up the breasts and buttocks, removing ribs. This is not a complete list.

Pixie Fox

Swedish Barbie truly amazes even the above-mentioned ladies. Pixie decided that removing 2 ribs was too little, so she lost 6 at once! Now her waist measures only 40 centimeters.

The Mexican singer achieved tremendous success in her homeland and abroad not only thanks to her voice. Fans love looking at new photos of the star. To please them, she even posted a photo of her ribs after the operation.

Sophia Wollersheim

As a child, the German model was terribly worried about her obesity. As a result, this resulted in strict diets and surgery to remove ribs. The girl stated that she would decorate the 4 removed ribs with diamonds and sell them at auction.

Valeria Lukyanova

Barbie from Odessa spent several years working towards looking like her favorite doll. The result came out pretty good. The girl really looks like Barbie, but were the multiple surgeries, including the removal of ribs, worth it?

Rodrigo Alves

Brazilian Rodrigo Alves is called the “living Ken”. The man really looks a lot like Barbie's friend. The showman did most of his operations in the USA. The result is amazing...

It seems to me that such an obsession with one’s appearance will not lead to anything good. A couple of braces and a healthy lifestyle to preserve youth is one thing, but when people do this with their bodies, I have a misunderstanding. However, almost none of them admit to undergoing operations.

Of course, everyone has the right to do whatever they want with their body. And someone needs to add articles to the Guinness Book of Records. Therefore, let's leave them alone with their hobbies.

In contact with

The answer to this question has finally been found - it was given by the shock rocker himself!

It’s stupid, of course, but rumors that he allegedly voluntarily underwent surgery to remove his upper ribs in order to be able to suck himself off have been circulating for many years. I remember very well how my friends and I discussed this back in the late 90s, early 2000s, when we were teenagers. A similar rumor was spread regarding Boris Moiseev.

It is assumed that the source of rumors about Manson was an incident in Florida in December 1994, when the musician was arrested by police who believed that Manson was giving a blowjob to a man during a concert. In fact, Marilyn was simulating oral sex with Jack Off Jill singer Jessica, who was wearing a prosthetic penis... which is pretty crazy anyway, I think.

By the way, recently

So was there an operation or not? Marilyn himself was asked about this a couple of times. And he made it clear that the answer to this question is “No.” In his autobiographical book "The Long Hard Road Out Of Hell" Manson also touched on this topic:

If I actually had my ribs removed, I'd be sucking my own dick in The Wonder Years instead of stalking Winnie Cooper. Besides, who has time to kill puppies when you can suck your own dick? I'm thinking of calling my surgeon about this.

Manson is ironic, ridiculing this and other rumors about himself. The fact that he killed puppies during his concerts, for example. Or the fact that he - even before he became a famous musician - starred in the television series "The Wonder Years" as a strange weirdo named Paul Pfeiffer.

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Myth fifth. Marilyn removed two of his ribs in order to perform...well...let's say, a certain intimate service for himself.

Complete nonsense. Firstly, with regard to services, Manson has a wife, and secondly, regarding the ribs - this will not help the matter, here you need to play sports. And Marilyn, according to numerous confessions, cannot stand sports. So excuse me, if anything happens, you understand - he is, of course, a well-known extreme sportsman, but not to the detriment of himself...

Myth six. Marilyn Manson hates everything that exists (non-existent, pretending to exist, existing in the imagination and not intended to exist at all, life, flowers, the sun, people, animals, birds...).

Regarding people, this is somewhat true. But Manson claims to be a savior, and saving without love is impossible. The poor fellow is triggered by the belief that the original nature of man is evil, from which (wedge by wedge) aggression must be saved. Regarding hatred - Manson hates weakness, addiction (any kind), smoking people (here! Here is the truth! Stormy applause), because it is difficult to communicate with them - they smoke and look stupid, drug addicts (weak and useless), television (of course), sports (when chubby popcorn Americans greedily suck him up in front of their TVs on weekends) and America (which, according to him, he still loves so much). However, in his opinion, love is the same as hatred, and the opposite concept of love is indifference. If he sings about what he cares about, it means he can't help but be interested in improving the order of things. “I’m not unemotional, I just know how to not be affected by love or hate.” As for the gloominess of the music, Manson only claims to be a reflector of public consciousness, and if the face in the mirror is crooked or if the darkness grins ominously from there, then you yourself know what to blame...

Besides everything, he still loves some things - for example, stylish clothes and good films (Oliver Stone or David Lynch), smart and interesting people, rock music (classical, hippie years, etc.), painting portraits of friends in watercolors (he’s good at , I would say, in some ways a genius), to write poetry and prose (here, I recently published a book about the road from hell, read it at your leisure). He also loves animals, he doesn’t seem to have swallowed pigeons alive (this was also attributed to Ozzy, although he actually bit off the head of a dead bird as a joke), and once even saved a reptile. It happened like this: I was once driving to visit a friend in my car and was bringing him a snake as a gift. The car died along the way, caught fire, the brakes did not work... Frightened Marilyn pulled out to the side of the road, crashed into something and at the last moment before the total fire of the satanic transport jumped out, managing to grab the poor snake, risking his life for the sake of a tiny dumb animal... So he stood by the side of the road , with a snake in his hands, he looked at the fire and swore and swore that he would never drive again. And he didn’t sit down. The Mansons also experience fear.

“I’m very vulnerable inside. And I’m also very shy,” Marilyn reveals. This is easy to believe, given the screamingly extravagant vulnerability of his music, which, by the way, you can either love or hate. This is his name: black - white, life-death, love-hate, Marilyn-Manson - the most accurate reflection of the illusory duality of existence.

Myth seventh. Manson promotes drugs (he consumes entire stamp albums of LSD, is addicted to heroin, gets children hooked on needles, scatters cocaine snow from the stage, is covered in cannabis up to his neck...).

And this, alas, is not true. The group has a lot of songs about drugs, but drugs in them are considered to be everything that prevents a person from realizing himself, attracts and kills with addiction, gives rise to artificial sensations (music, by the way, can also be a drug and dictate any behavior, even suicide). and a touching attitude towards the 60s (“Back then drugs were used to get somewhere and find something, but now - to leave somewhere and lose something”), when the expansion of consciousness was not a mask of addiction, but an attempt to break through to the Other Side, where all things are as they really are. Considering Manson’s hostility towards those who cannot control themselves, drug propaganda on his part seems somehow inappropriate. (Read Burroughs, but, God forbid, William, and not the one who wrote Tarzan...). And if his clips are glitchy, that’s good: you “fly away” and don’t ruin your health. It is clear here that you can go much further without drugs than with them. Manson himself, you say, was addicted to cocaine and even recited it in the press? Firstly, it was a long time ago and in moderation, and secondly, that’s what rock and roll is for, to accommodate all kinds of experience... All good musicians ate all kinds of square wheels, even the most holy Beatles are no exception, thank lysergic acid for “Sergeant Pepper” and “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”... “It’s part of rock and roll. There’s nothing scary if you learn with the help of drugs. It’s scary when you can’t control yourself anymore...” And throwing cocaine from the stage - what Are they millionaires to you?

Myth eight. Marilyn Manson is not rock and roll (industrial, gothic rock, death metal, alternative, satanic music for black masses, incomprehensible rumble...).

Here, excuse me, it’s the fans who got it wrong: people love to squeeze everything into a framework (“no matter how much they love you, you still give them tragedy,” says Marilyn sadly). The band's entire show is actually a mixture of ancient rock 'n' roll classics with extravagant modern cruelty and ugliness. This is an already forgotten protest against reality, which can reach your brain in any way, albeit through shock. Remember the guillotines of Alice Cooper, and the glam masks of KISS, and old Bowie, and Ozzy Osbourne with bloody crosses... “And the song “Rock Is Dead?” - you exclaim in despair, and the hero of this treatise answers you: “What are you talking about? This is sarcasm, because the whole song... is so rock and roll. Musically, it is similar to (aha! He plagiarized, and even admits it!!! - Author's note) "School\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"s Out" by Alice Cooper and “Passenger” by Iggy Pop and a little more by Bowie - “Jean Genie”. I used all these glam rock songs to say: rock is not dead. But in general... the whole idea of ​​rock... everything is exhausted, of course you can. “to reanimate something that has already passed and died... And it turns out that rock today is somewhat of a zombie... There will never be a new Lennon.”

And it is not necessary. Uniqueness is salvation. Manson himself recognizes KISS and even the BEATLES as his teachers (you can, if you find the source, hear quotes from the songs “Come Together” and “Helter Skelter” in one of the songs of his first group SPOOKY KIDS, which later became the song “My Monkey” - by the way , you recognize the Beatles' name, about a monkey? So much for death-doom-gothic...), and Jimmy Morrison (the way he communicates with the audience and the drug-fuelled stories from the stage to the crowd are from him. His rock and roll is not so soft -entertaining, as is customary in the style of, say, Britpop, this is something chaotic, uneven and tough, as it was when AIDS and the Internet had not yet been invented. These are not answers to questions that do not exist (that would be too simple. ), these are questions to which you must find the answer yourself. There are many more references to the classics, but this is a topic for a separate study.

Myth nine. Manson peed himself (he wouldn’t release anything else, lost inspiration, forgot how to sing, went to a monastery, bought jeans and cut his hair bald, got a job as a nanny in a children’s camp...).

This is not even a myth, but a stupid rumor, sabotage, lie and provocation. In November 1999, the stunning live album "Last Tour On Earth" was released, comparable only to DOORS "Absolutely Live". And even with a bonus disc and the stunningly touching acoustic blues "Rose And A Baby Ruth". And also a collection of indecent but beautiful video clips. Moreover, in the spring, when the fields are green and the gardens are blooming, Manson will descend as a fallen angel in the form of a new album. It seems it will be called "T.V.A." (apparently, so that everyone can decipher it in their own way, as their heart desires) and will combine the gloomy solemnity of “Antichrist Superstar” and the sparkling glam and melodicity of “Mechanical Animals”. Continuing Manson's theory that the first of the aforementioned albums is the story of an angel and his fall to earth, and the second is what you try to do after the fall in order to survive, it is worth assuming that the new album will imply some kind of ascension or long-awaited realization Pure Perception. We'll live to hear.

And finally - if you, having become convinced of the depravity of myths, believe that anyone can become Manson, keep in mind that first you, like Manson, will have to become a music journalist (we’re even somehow lucky here, I guess...). And if you ever have a chance to interview Marilyn, he will ask the first question, as he asks almost all journalists: “Can you name at least three songs from my latest album.” And if you don’t name him, he will be very offended and will never speak to you again. And there will be more incorrect myths. Therefore, listen, gentlemen, and then blame or love - it’s up to you.

P.S. If your mother still hates Marilyn Manson, show her our newspaper - you never know, maybe we will save her too.

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