Five minutes of feijoa. How to make exotic feijoa jam. How to make raw feijoa jam

The recipe for feijoa jam is quite simple. Of course, there are several cooking methods, but all of them do not take much time, but the result is a tasty and healthy delicacy.

Required Products:

  • one kilogram of feijoa;
  • one kilogram of sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the berries well, cut off the dry tails, chop them into small pieces, sprinkle them with sugar and turn them into puree using a blender. To make the sugar dissolve faster, you can add a little water.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil and after it has cooled, transfer it to prepared sterilized jars. Close with lids and put away for storage.

How to prepare a product without cooking?

If you don’t want to mess around, make feijoa jam without cooking. It will retain its beneficial properties, but will be stored a little less.

Required Products:

  • one kilogram of feijoa;
  • one kilogram of sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the feijoa, dry it well, cut off the tails and blend in a blender until smooth.
  2. Add sugar to the mixture and let it sit until it is completely dissolved.
  3. We fill the prepared containers with what we got, cover them tightly with lids and put them in the refrigerator.

Feijoa jam “through a meat grinder”

Required Products:

  • feijoa – kilogram;
  • sugar - kilogram.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the feijoa well, remove the tails, and cut into medium-sized pieces. Fill with water and bring to a boil.
  2. Then we reduce the heat, wait until all the liquid has boiled down and pass what’s left through a meat grinder. Most likely, you will have to do this several times to get a uniform consistency.
  3. Add sugar to the mixture and wait for it to completely dissolve.

Mix the jam and put it in jars. Cover with lids and store in a place with low temperature.

Blender recipe

Required products: still the same.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash feijoa thoroughly. If desired, you can lightly pour boiling water over them, as the fruits are cooked together with the peel. Cut off the dry tails and dry the berries.
  2. We turn them into small pieces to make it easier to process. Place the sliced ​​berries in a blender to obtain a homogeneous mass.
  3. Pour sugar into it and let it sit for as long as it takes for it to completely dissolve. To make the process go a little faster, you can add just a little warm water.

After this, the finished mass should be distributed into sterilized jars, tightly closed with lids and stored in the refrigerator.

Jam “Five Minute”

Required Products:

  • 0.8 kg sugar;
  • about a kilogram of feijoa.

Cooking process:

  1. As always, first thoroughly wash the berries and dry them at room temperature or wipe them with paper towels. Remove the dry tails and cut the feijoa into pieces.
  2. We put them in a blender or you can use a meat grinder, but then, most likely, you will have to scroll the berries a couple of times. The result should be a mass resembling puree.
  3. Place half a liter of water in a saucepan, wait for it to boil, and add sugar.
  4. Then add the twisted feijoas, bring the mixture to a boil again and keep on the fire for about five minutes.

Immediately, while hot, distribute the finished mixture into pre-prepared sterilized jars, close with lids, wrap with something and leave to cool. Can be stored in the refrigerator.

With walnuts and oranges

Required Products:

  • kilogram of feijoa;
  • one orange;
  • sugar – kilogram;
  • any nuts, for example walnuts - 100 grams.

Cooking process:

  1. First of all, decide whether you will crush the nuts heavily or want them to crunch into the jam? When choosing the second option, it is enough to crush them with something hard, for example, a rolling pin, so that the grains are not too small. In the first case, they will need to be crushed in a blender.
  2. We wash the feijoa well, dry it with napkins, remove the tails and cut into pieces.
  3. Transfer them to a blender or meat grinder and puree them.
  4. Peel the orange, remove all white films and seeds. You can also pass it through a meat grinder, or you can just knead it with your hands.
  5. Mix feijoa puree with orange and then with nuts.

We put the resulting mass into jars, close them and put them in a cold place where they will be stored.

Feijoa jam with persimmon

Required Products:

  • five pieces of persimmon;
  • 500 grams of feijoa;
  • sugar – 0.25 kg.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the persimmons and feijoas well, dry them, and remove the stems from all the fruits. Grind the berries and fruits into small pieces, mix, adding sugar, and let the mixture stand for about two hours.
  2. After the allotted time, transfer everything into the pan and start cooking, setting the heat level to low. After the contents boil, continue cooking for 25 minutes.

After complete cooling, distribute into jars, close well and store in a cool place.

Winter preparation with lemon

The benefits of feijoa for the human body are simply enormous.

And if you add lemon to it, you get just a vitamin “bomb”!

Required Products:

  • 0.1 liters of water;
  • half a kilogram of feijoa;
  • one lemon;
  • 500 grams of sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the feijoa fruits, dry them, cut off the dry tails and cut them into slices.
  2. Pour boiling water over the lemon, remove the zest and chop it well. Squeeze the juice out of the remaining pulp.
  3. Pour the specified amount of water into the pan and bring to a boil, then add sugar and when it dissolves, add chopped lemon zest and juice. Turn the heat to low and continue cooking for about five minutes, stirring constantly so that nothing burns.
  4. Remove the mixture from the heat, combine it with the feijoa slices, stir until evenly distributed and let it cool completely.
  5. Required Products:

  • one multi-cup sugar;
  • lemon - one piece;
  • 0.9 kg feijoa.
  1. Cooking process:
  2. We wash the ingredients well, remove the dry tails from the feijoa and cut everything into small slices.
  3. We bring all these pieces to a puree using a blender or meat grinder.
  4. Place the mixture in the multicooker bowl, add the specified amount of sugar there and mix.
  5. We turn on the “Cooking” program on the device, set the time to 60 minutes and wait until the jam is ready.

While the mixture is still hot, it must be distributed into sterilized jars, closed and allowed to cool completely. Then store it in the refrigerator.

Feijoa jam is something that should definitely be prepared and, preferably, without heat treatment, which kills most of the healing properties of this berry. If desired, you can add a variety of fruits, nuts and even honey to it. And regular use of such jam in winter will protect you from colds and even flu by strengthening your immune system.


Dear readers, today I suggest we talk about useful recipes for our health from feijoa. I already told you about it, we discussed the composition and found out what health problems tropical fruits can help with. You can learn about how to choose feijoa berries and how to eat them from the article. And separately, I would like to tell you in more detail about what can be prepared from these exotic berries.

This article will be especially useful to those readers who lead a healthy lifestyle and often wonder how to diversify their diet. And I would like to recommend feijoa jam as a dessert.

Feijoa jam. Healthy, tasty, aromatic

To make delicious “raw” jam, you can use any fruit, berries and even vegetables. Probably many of us prepare such jam from raspberries, cherries, and currants for the winter. Fans of unusual recipes prepare jam from zucchini, watermelon, rhubarb or physalis.

Feijoa jam has become famous over the past ten years, when feijoas began to be brought to markets and stores. In order for the beneficial properties of tropical fruits to fully unfold, feijoa must be purchased ripe or ripened at home. However, a certain problem arises, because the berries are not stored for a long time and quickly deteriorate. To enjoy healthy and tasty fruits for a long time, you can prepare many different preparations from feijoa.

If you are not familiar with feijoa, look at how to choose it and what to look for.

Beneficial properties of feijoa jam

The beneficial properties of tropical fruit jam lie in the rich composition of the berries from which this delicious dessert is made. Due to this, the jam retains a large amount of vitamin C, fiber, pectin, malic acid and sucrose.

Feijoa jam can be used for treatment and prevention:

  • oncological diseases;
  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • colds and viral diseases;
  • increasing body tone;
  • inflammatory processes.

All these medicinal properties, as well as a large amount of cahetins and antioxidants, make feijoa jam a winter storehouse of vitamins and nutrients.

Harmful effects of feijoa jam

Tropical fruit jam should be used with caution if:

  • increased thyroid function (hyperthyroidism);
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • individual intolerance to fruits;
  • obesity;
  • combination with milk;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children under one year old.

Nutritional value: per 100 g of feijoa jam – 0.55 g of proteins, 0.22 g. fat and 52.63g carbohydrates

Calorie content of feijoa jam

Calorie content of 100 g of tropical fruit jam is 205.8 kcal. per 100 grams.

Feijoa. Recipes

Raw jam is considered one of the simplest and healthiest delicacies. It’s much better not to cook, but if possible, be sure to do it. I think you won't regret it.

Feijoa with sugar. Recipe for “raw” feijoa jam without cooking

This jam is also called “raw”.

We will need:

  • 1 kg. Sahara;
  • 1 kg. feijoa.

How to make this jam?

Choose ripe and beautiful feijoa fruits. Rinse with water. Cut off the remaining stalks; the peel does not need to be peeled. I cooked it in different ways, with and without peel. If you peel the peel, the raw jam will taste more tender. And with the peel it is healthier, since it contains a lot of necessary substances. I still advise you to prepare healthier jam along with the peel.

Cut the fruits into pieces and grind in a meat grinder or blender. I usually use a blender. So convenient. It grinds everything quickly, resulting in a very homogeneous mixture. Add sugar to the pureed mixture and stir. Place into clean jars with lids. You can leave it in the room until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then put it in the refrigerator and store it there. But I think that you won’t have to store it for a long time, because it’s both tasty and healthy, and we usually make a little stock of such jam after all.

Health benefits of raw feijoa jam

It was this recipe that was once recommended to me by a senior nurse when my daughter and I were undergoing hematology treatment. Every season, I still always buy feijoa at the market and grind it with sugar. You can use less sugar. I also prepared it in the following proportion: for 1 kg of feijoa fruit, 600-700 grams of sugar. Always kept it in the refrigerator. I gave my daughter a teaspoon 3-4 times a day. This recipe strengthens the immune system very well, is good for the blood, and increases hemoglobin. Adults can take a dessert spoon 3-4 times a day.

Feijoa jam. Recipes

With pears

  • 1 kg. feijoa;
  • 2 pears;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 150 ml. semi-sweet white wine.

Wash the feijoa, cut in half and scoop out the pulp from each hearth. Cut the pears in half, core them and cut into small cubes. In a bowl, combine feijoa pulp, pears, sugar and white wine. Put the mixture on the fire, bring to a boil, remove from the heat, cool, then bring to a boil again, stirring constantly. Prepare glass jars in advance and sterilize them. Place hot jam into jars, roll up and place upside down until cool.

With orange peels and nuts

You will need:

  • 1 kg. feijoa;
  • 1 tbsp. fresh orange peels;
  • 1 orange;
  • 1 tbsp. any nuts;
  • 0.5 kg. Sahara;
  • 0.5 l. water;
  • 0.5 tsp citric acid.

Cut out the pulp from each hearth and cover with sugar for one hour. Peel the orange peels from the white part, cut the orange layer into thin strips. Heat the nuts in a frying pan or in the oven and peel them, then chop them coarsely. Pour water over the entire mixture and place on low heat.

Squeeze the orange juice and add it to the jam along with citric acid. Stir the mixture periodically to prevent it from burning. When the mixture begins to thicken, add nuts and orange strips. Boil for another ten minutes. Remove from heat, place in prepared jars, roll up lids and place upside down until cool.

The jam turns out very beautiful, translucent golden-colored feijoa slices float in the syrup along with large pieces of nuts.

Instead of fresh orange peels, you can use dried ones, but increase the cooking time by 15-20 minutes. First rinse a fresh orange with boiling water or rinse it with a fruit cleaner to remove all carcinogens. I highly recommend pampering yourself and your loved ones with this recipe.

With kiwi

  • 1 kg. feijoa;
  • 0.5 kg. kiwi;
  • 1 – 2 lemons
  • 0.5 l. water;
  • 0.5 kg. Sahara;
  • 0.5 tsp citric acid.

Wash the kiwi and feijoa, remove excess sepals. Pour boiling water over the lemon or wash with a special product and dry. Grind the kiwi and feijoa through a meat grinder with a large wire rack. Finely chop the lemon or twist it separately. Add granulated sugar and citric acid to the feijoa and kiwi mixture, add water and cook over medium heat. When the jam begins to thicken, add chopped lemon, simmer for another 10 minutes and remove from heat. Pour hot into jars and roll up.

Feijoa compote

Thanks to its interesting taste, feijoa is often used to prepare various compotes.

With citric acid

We will need:

  • 2 l. water;
  • 0.5 kg. feijoa;
  • 150 – 200 g sugar;
  • ¼ teaspoon citric acid.

Wash the feijoa with running water and trim off the sepals. Prepare jars in advance and sterilize them. Fill the jars about a third with fruit. Pour boiling water to the top and leave for forty minutes to an hour to cool. Pour the water back into the pan, add sugar, bring to a boil and add citric acid. Pour the finished syrup into jars and roll up the lids. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a blanket or blanket and leave to cool for a day.

With apples

  • 0.5 kg. feijoa;
  • 0.5 kg. apples;
  • citric acid to taste;
  • 3 cups sugar.

Wash the apples, core and cut into slices. Wash and cut the feijoa into pieces. Blanch the feijoa in boiling water along with the apples and transfer to clean jars.

Prepare syrup from the water that remains after blanching, add granulated sugar and citric acid. Pour the boiling syrup into jars of fruit. Roll up the lids and wrap.

With pomegranate seeds

You will need:

  • 1 kg. feijoa;
  • 1 pomegranate;
  • 15 g of dry tea rose petals;
  • 0.5 kg. Sahara;
  • 3 liters of water.

Prepare the feijoa, trim the sepals and cut into pieces. Peel and separate the pomegranate seeds. All you need is a glass of pomegranate seeds.

Place feijoa, dried rose petals and pomegranate seeds into prepared, clean jars. Pour boiling water over and leave covered. After 10 - 15 minutes, pour the water into the pan, boil and repeat the whole process again. At the last boil, add sugar to the water. Pour the boiling syrup into jars, roll up the lids, turn upside down and wrap for a day.

Feijoa with honey. Recipe

And also, I would like to tell you how to increase the beneficial properties of feijoa. To do this, prepare a mixture of feijoa and honey for yourself and your loved ones.

In this video, chef Rustam Tangirov will tell you how to prepare concentrated feijoa compote.

Making this wonderful mixture of feijoa and honey is very simple and does not take much time.

Wash the feijoa, trim the sepals, and remove the skin. Grind the prepared berries in a blender and then mix with honey. To obtain a harmonious composition, feijoa and honey should be taken in equal proportions.

Feijoa with honey and lemon

For colds, I suggest you prepare a mixture of feijoa with honey and lemon. It is suitable even for small children during periods of exacerbation of seasonal diseases. A large vitamin complex will help cope with all ailments.

You will need:

  • 0.5 kg. feijoa;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 100 g honey.

Wash the feijoa, trim off all the sepals, cut into pieces and grind in a blender or through a meat grinder. Peel the lemon and cut the pulp into small pieces. Mix everything and store in the refrigerator.

Around the end of autumn, on many store shelves you can see an amazing fruit called feijoa. Perhaps it may not seem appetizing to many, but still you should not believe only the appearance of this product.

Under the skin lies aromatic pulp with a pleasant sweet-sour taste. It can be eaten fresh, and you can also prepare various desserts for the winter. Feijoa jam is especially tasty, the preparation of which we will discuss below.

But first, let's look at the beneficial properties of feijoa.

Benefits and harms

The benefits of feijoa jam are determined by the rich and varied composition of the fruits that are used to prepare this dessert.

This berry contains a high content of vitamin C, and the riper the fruit, the higher its vitamin C content. In addition to this vitamin, feijoa contains high levels of fiber, sucrose, pectin, and malic acid.

Consumption of feijoa jam provides beneficial effects on health, it helps with various diseases, namely:

  1. Has a preventive and therapeutic effect on cancer;
  2. Has a beneficial effect on the body during therapeutic treatment of thyroid pathologies;
  3. Eating jam from this berry helps relieve inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  4. Prevents atherosclerosis;
  5. Useful for colds and viral diseases;
  6. Strengthens the body's immune system.

Despite the fact that jam made from this berry has a high content of vitamins, they can also cause harm. Feijoa should not be consumed by people who have allergic reactions to its components.

In addition, due to the fact that it contains a high level of sucrose, the fruit is not recommended for people with diabetes.

Simple step by step recipe

What components will be required:

  • A kilogram of feijoa;
  • A glass of clean water;
  • One lemon;
  • A kilogram of granulated sugar.

How to cook:

  1. For feijoa jam, you should use ripe feijoa fruits. They must first be thoroughly rinsed with cool water to remove various contaminants;
  2. Next, place the fruits on a cutting board and cut each berry into two parts;
  3. Then, using a small spoon, take out all the pulp and transfer it to an enamel base container;
  4. Next, add the required amount of granulated sugar to the pulp, mix everything with a spoon and leave to infuse for about 15-20 minutes;
  5. Then put the container with the berry pulp under the sugar on the fire, add water and leave to boil until it boils;
  6. As soon as the mixture boils, reduce the heat to low and leave to simmer;
  7. Meanwhile, wash the lemon, cut it into two parts, squeeze the juice out of it and pour it into a container with jam;
  8. Then grate the lemon zest on a fine grater and also add it to the jam;
  9. Leave to cook for another 15-20 minutes;
  10. Then we prepare washed and sterilized jars, put the finished jam in them;
  11. Place jars with dessert in a medium saucepan, cover with lids and add water to the container up to the shoulders of the jars;
  12. Place the container on the fire, bring the water to a boil, cover with a lid and leave to sterilize for 20 minutes;
  13. Then we take it out, seal it with lids and store it in a cool place.

Feijoa jam without cooking

What you will need:

  • A kilogram of feijoa;
  • Granulated sugar - 4 cups;
  • A glass of walnuts and hazelnuts.

How to make feijoa jam without cooking:

  1. The fruits must be thoroughly rinsed with cool water to remove all contaminants;
  2. Next, rinse the berries with hot water and wipe thoroughly with paper napkins;
  3. Then the exotic fruits must be ground in any way. They can be crushed in a blender, food processor or meat grinder;
  4. Next, sprinkle the ground berries with granulated sugar and add chopped nuts;
  5. Let the jam stand for 2 hours, during which time it will become saturated with sugar and juice;
  6. Jars for storing jam should be washed and sterilized by steaming or rinsing with hot water;
  7. Place the finished jam in jars, sprinkle sugar on top and close with nylon lids;
  8. This jam should be stored in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator.

Persimmon jam with feijoa

What you need to prepare:

  • A kilogram of feijoa;
  • 1200 grams of persimmon;
  • One orange;
  • Granulated sugar - 4 cups.

Let's start preparing persimmon jam with feijoa:

  1. First, we wash feijoa, persimmon and orange from various contaminants;
  2. Feijoa can be doused with hot water;
  3. After this, cut the berries into small slices or cubes;
  4. We cut off the stalks of the persimmon and cut it into slices or cubes along with the skin;
  5. Pour all the ingredients into one cup, sprinkle with granulated sugar;
  6. Cut the orange into two parts and squeeze out the juice. Pour the juice over the feijoa and persimmon;
  7. Grind the zest on a fine grater, pour it into a container with all the ingredients;
  8. After 2 hours, put the container on the fire and boil for 15 minutes;
  9. Storage jars must first be washed and sterilized over steam or doused with hot water;
  10. Place the finished feijoa jam with persimmons in jars and seal with nylon or metal screw caps;
  11. For storage, you can put it in the refrigerator or in a dark place, for example, in a pantry or underground.

Delicacy with pears in a slow cooker

What ingredients will we prepare:

  • Feijoa – 1 kilogram;
  • Pear – 3 pieces;
  • Water – 70 ml;
  • 2 cups granulated sugar;
  • White wine – 150 ml.

Procedure for making feijoa jam with pears in a slow cooker:

  1. For this jam, you must use feijoa of high ripeness. If you purchased the berry a little unripe, then you can put it on the windowsill for a couple of days, during which time it will reach the desired ripeness and become soft and juicy;
  2. Next, the fruits should be thoroughly washed to remove dirt;
  3. Then cut the berry into two parts and scoop out all the pulp with a spoon. Place the pulp in an enamel container;
  4. We wash the pears from dust and dirt, remove all the skin;
  5. We cut the pears into two parts, clean out the rosettes with seeds and cut the pulp into small slices. Transfer the pears to the feijoa;
  6. Place all components into the multicooker container;
  7. Add water and wine to the multicooker, add granulated sugar and leave to brew for about 2 hours;
  8. After this, select the extinguishing mode and leave to simmer;
  9. As soon as the jam starts to boil, leave it to boil for 5 minutes and turn it off. Leave to stand until completely cool;
  10. Next, select the stews again, bring to a boil and boil for another 7 minutes;
  11. While the jam is cooling, wash and sterilize the jars;
  12. Place the jam into jars;
  13. We seal the lids with a seaming wrench;
  14. You can store the jam at room temperature in a dark place.
  • For jam you should use feijoa of good ripeness;
  • Feijoa can be cooked with or without skin. With skin, the berry takes longer to cook;
  • To add aroma and unusual taste, you can add vanillin, cinnamon or ginger to the jam;
  • For variety, you can add apples, peaches, nectarines, oranges or lemons to feijoa jam. Choose fruits at your discretion;
  • Instead of sugar, you can use honey. It will turn out very tasty and healthy;
  • When making fresh jam, you can add dried fruits and ground walnuts or hazelnuts for variety.

Feijoa jam is delicious and incredibly healthy. It goes well with any dessert, pastries, cakes, pies. This jam can be used for morning toast and sweet sandwiches. And its taste will not leave anyone indifferent! Be sure to prepare this delicacy, it’s so simple!

Hello dear readers. Today everyone thinks about proper nutrition and healthy products. Feijoa is one of them. You can prepare a lot of dishes from it that will be useful for people who care about their health. And also for those who are tired of monotonous and boring dishes on the table. The most common dish made from the exotic feijoa fruit is jam or fresh preserves. To make any jam, whatever is in the refrigerator is suitable. It can be vegetable or berry, and can also be made from a wide variety of fruits. Exotic lovers prefer dessert made from dandelions or zucchini. There is even watermelon jam.

A fragrant dessert made from feijoa berries - medicinal properties

An unusual jam made from exotic feijoa berries came to Russia about 10 years ago. It was then that feijoa began to appear on store shelves and food markets.

To enjoy all the taste and beneficial qualities of the product, you need to choose ripe fruits.

If you find a berry that is not ripe, you should leave it to sit until it ripens. But there may be a slight problem here - feijoa has a short shelf life, and it can spoil without giving you pleasure.

To avoid this problem, you need to learn how to make different preparations from berries. Then this exotic fruit will delight you with its unusual and aromatic taste for a long time.

How to choose berries for making desserts

It is better to give preference to large-sized fruits. The berry has an emerald color.

Select fruits carefully and inspect the fruits for minor blemishes on the skin. If you notice rotten fruit at home, it needs to be disposed of.

Use only high quality products. The shelf life of fruits is reduced to one week, subject to proper conditions.

Who can eat feijoa and desserts made from it?

Such delicious desserts become healthy only thanks to the valuable composition of the berries.

Feijoa is a rich source of calcium, fiber, various vitamins B, C, E and K, folic acid, iron, carbohydrates, protein, zinc, potassium, manganese and magnesium.

For those who are concerned about various diseases, having a medicinal and tasty dessert made from berries at home is simply necessary, as well as for those who monitor their health. This dessert will delight everyone in the household.

Jam is effective in the following cases:

- exhaustion of the body, lack of vitamins;

- frequent colds;

- for good functioning of the digestive system;

- lack of iodine;

- to reduce cholesterol levels;

— to improve the quality of blood components;

- low hemoglobin levels;

- atherosclerosis;

- to strengthen the immune system;

- to improve memory and thinking;

- to prevent the development of cancer.

Such a huge list makes dessert made from exotic berries simply necessary in the human diet.

Contraindications for consuming feijoa berry jam

If you have serious illnesses, you should consult your doctor before consuming feijoa jam. The specialist will explain the benefits of using dessert, specifically in your case.

Reasons why you should refrain from taking jam:

- intolerance to this product;

- increased allergic background;

- you should not get carried away with dessert if you are obese;

- diabetes.

To begin with, before making jam, you should first eat one fruit and monitor how the body reacts to the new product.

If there is no reaction, then you can safely prepare delicious jam. But be sure, as with all sweets, you need to know when to stop.

There are not that many calories in jam. A 100 gram serving of dessert contains only 205 kcal.

Feijoa jam - dessert recipes

There are a lot of recipes based on these exotic fruits. The most popular is the usual jam made from fresh feijoa berries. It is better to make this dessert in small portions.

And if you have the opportunity to buy these juicy fruits, then you should definitely try to make it. Many will remain not indifferent to him.

A classic recipe for feijoa jam that does not require heat intervention.

The necessary ingredients for the dessert are granulated sugar and feijoa fruits in equal quantities.

In order for the resulting dessert to be aromatic, you should choose fruits that are already ripe and green in color. They need to be washed with water. Trim the ends with a knife and leave the peel unpeeled.

Since the peel contains a large amount of antioxidants, the jam along with it becomes several times more useful. But, if you don’t like this jam, then be sure to prepare it from peeled berries, then it will give you a subtle and delicate taste.

Before chopping feijoas, they must be cut into several pieces. To grind the berries, you can use a meat grinder, or if you don’t have one, use a food processor.

The second option is the most preferable, since the feijoa is crushed carefully and the mass acquires a uniform consistency. Pour granulated sugar into the resulting slurry and stir well.

Prepare a glass container for storing dessert. Sterilize and remove the jam. Place the dessert in the refrigerator for further storage.

Due to the fact that feijoa is still an exotic fruit, and it is sometimes impossible to buy it, there is not much jam available. Therefore, what happened goes away quickly.

What are the benefits of feijoa jam?

If you make such jam every season, then such a dessert will help improve the tone of the body as a whole. It is a good source of iron, thereby excellently fighting anemia.

The children's dosage is 50 grams.

Can be consumed before every meal. And adults can increase the portion to 100 grams.

Various recipes for making jam from exotic feijoa fruits

There is feijoa jam without cooking (raw) and one that needs to be boiled, and you can diversify it with various components.

1. Delicious dessert with pears

— feijoa berries — 1 kg;

- small pears - 2 pieces;

— granulated sugar — 200 grams;

- table wine - half a glass.

Wash the fruits and remove dirt. Dry with a towel. Cut them into two slices. Scoop out the fruit pulp with a spoon.

Remove the seeds from the pears. Using a knife, chop it into small pieces. Mix all ingredients in a deep plate.

Transfer the mixture into a saucepan and cook. When it boils, turn off the heat and leave until it cools completely.

Afterwards, bring the mixture to a boil again, while stirring it. Prepare a glass container for storing the brew. Wash and disinfect. Pour the hot jam into a container and roll it up. Then turn it over and leave to cool.

2. Recipe with the addition of orange and nut peels

To make this jam you will need:

— feijoa berries — 1 kg;

- peeling 2 oranges;

- small orange - 1 piece;

- nuts of any kind - 1 cup;

— granulated sugar — 500 grams;

- boiled water - 500 milliliters;

Wash the berries, remove the stems and divide in half using a knife. Remove the pulp and place in a saucepan.

Cover it with granulated sugar and leave for a while to release the juice. Peel the oranges from the inside of the peel and use a sharp knife to chop it into small slices.

Wash the nuts, pat dry with a paper towel and pour into a frying pan. Dry them over low heat, stirring constantly.

When they reach the desired state, clean them of unnecessary husks. Using a knife, chop, but not very finely.

Put the pulp on the fire. Squeeze the juice from the orange and mix it with citric acid. Add the resulting mixture to the total mass.

The jam burns very quickly, so you need to stir it constantly. As soon as the jam acquires a thick consistency, you can add the remaining ingredients, these are nuts and orange peel. Cook it for no more than 10 minutes.

Wash and sterilize jars for storing dessert. Pour hot jam into jars, roll them up and leave to cool, turning them over.

Thanks to orange peels and nuts, the jam acquires a beautiful translucent shade.

Orange peels can be replaced with candied fruits, but not sweet ones. The dessert preparation time will have to be extended to 30 minutes.

3. Recipe with kiwi

To make this jam you will need:

— feijoa berries — 1 kg;

— ripe kiwi fruits — 500 grams;

- medium-sized lemons - 2 pieces or 1 large;

- clean water - 500 milliliters;

— granulated sugar — 500 grams;

- citric acid - 10 grams.

Wash the kiwi well, and remove any excess scales. Wash the feijoa and dry it with a paper towel.

To destroy all bacteria, pour boiling water over the lemon for a few seconds and then wash. Chop the kiwi berries and fruits, but not very finely.

You can use a meat grinder with a special attachment. Pour granulated sugar mixed with citric acid into the resulting product.

Pour the specified amount of water into the pan and pour the finished mixture into it. Boil everything over the fire until the jam acquires a thick consistency. After this, add the crushed citrus to the prepared mixture.

Bring the mixture to a boil and leave to simmer for no more than 10 minutes. The product is poured hot into prepared jars and preserved. Here are a variety of recipes for feijoa jam.

Feijoa drinks

The compote with the addition of exotic fruits is very unusual.

Classic compote recipe

- clean water - 10 glasses;

— feijoa fruits — 500 grams;

— granulated sugar — 1 glass;

- citric acid - on the tip of the knife.

It is good to clean feijoa fruits from unnecessary leaves. Prepare the jars immediately. To do this, wash them and sterilize them.

Place berries in jars up to the middle of the container. Pour boiling water over the fruit to the end of the neck. Do not cover with lid. Cooling time for compote is about 50 minutes.

Pour the water from the cans into a saucepan and pour the required amount of sugar into it. Boil the drink and add citric acid at the end of the boil.

Pour the resulting sweet syrup into the jar again and roll it up. To obtain the greatest concentration of compote, cover it with a warm thing and leave for 24 hours.

Compote with apples

To prepare this compote you will need:

- small apples - 500 grams;

— feijoa fruits — 500 grams;

- citric acid - on the tip of a knife;

- granulated sugar - 500 grams.

Wash the apples well and remove unnecessary seeds. Cut them into small pieces. Wash the feijoa and cut it into slices. Pour boiling water over the entire mass for a while and then put it into prepared clean jars.

The sweet syrup for this recipe is prepared in the same way as the previous one. Pour the hot mixture into jars and roll up.

Compote with added pomegranate seeds

To prepare this compote you will need:

— feijoa fruits — 1 kilogram;

- pomegranate fruits - 1 piece;

- tea rose petals - several pieces;

— granulated sugar — 500 grams;

- water - 12 glasses.

Prepare feijoa fruits. Wash. Trim off any excess and cut into small pieces. Wash the pomegranate and separate the seeds.

Place pomegranate fruits and seeds in pre-washed and sterilized glass jars. Pour boiling water into glass jars and cover with a lid. Leave for 20 minutes.

After the time has passed, pour the resulting water into a saucepan and boil. Repeat this several times.

At the last stage, add granulated sugar. Distribute hot syrup into jars. Roll up the resulting compote and put it under the blanket.

Recipe with added honey

The beneficial and taste properties of desserts made from feijoa berries can be increased with the help of honey. A medicinal mixture of fruits with the addition of honey is prepared quickly and requires minimal costs.

Wash the feijoa, remove unnecessary parts, including the peel. Using a meat grinder or blender, chop the berries and add honey to them.

The amount of fruit and honey should be mixed in equal portions. The taste will be mild.

Recipe for preparing a vitamin mixture with the addition of lemon and feijoa

This medicinal mixture is very effective during the season of weakened immunity. This is in autumn and spring.

This medicine can also be given to children, especially those who attend preschool institutions. Thanks to its valuable composition, it fights viruses and bacteria.

To prepare such a delicious medicine you will need:

— feijoa berries — 500 grams;

- medium-sized lemon - 1 piece;

- honey - 2 large spoons.

Clean the fruits from dirt, remove excess leaves. Before chopping, cut the berries into several parts.

Chop the fruits using a meat grinder or food processor. Peel the lemon and chop with a knife.

Mix the prepared ingredients and place in a glass container. Store in a cool place. In order to prevent colds, the mixture is consumed on an empty stomach. The dosage is 50 grams several times a day.

Feijoa with honey and nuts

To support the functioning of the immune system during the season of illness, you can add nuts to such a medicinal mixture. The preparation proportions for this medicine are the same.

That is, you need to take the same amount of nuts, berries and honey. Mix everything and put it in the refrigerator for further storage.

Be sure to close the container well with a lid so that the product does not spoil quickly. This remedy can be used several times a day, for example, in the morning and evening.

You can use different types of honey for a healthy and tasty mixture. There are a lot of types of it. A dessert with the addition of buckwheat honey will be no less useful.

Then the mixture will take on a dark shade. Flower honey will add a subtle sweetness to the delicious medicine. And linden honey will give the dessert an unforgettable aroma.

As you can see, such simple recipes with such unusual berries as feijoa will bring a lot of benefits and variety to your daily menu.

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