Zodiac sign Pisces. Zodiac sign Pisces: horoscope, meaning and description. Pisces personality by date of birth

Zodiac sign Pisces (19.02 - 20.03)

There is perhaps no sign more mystical than Pisces. The Zodiac sign Pisces stands alone among all the signs, as its representatives are distinguished by their high emotionality, gentle and sensual nature. Most often, people born under this sign are creative individuals for whom material values ​​do not come first. The zodiac sign Pisces is greatly influenced by the planets Mars, Saturn and Jupiter. The dreams that Pisces surround themselves with often remain unfulfilled due to the numerous whims of the representatives of this zodiac sign. Sadness is one of the constant states of Pisces. They often remain lonely. However, such people combine seemingly incompatible character traits - the desire for everything around them to happen as honestly as possible, and a weak sense of self-defense.

Zodiac sign Pisces: characteristics

Pisces are so absorbed in their dreams that they often cannot figure out

your true desires and find ways to make them come true. If they encounter some kind of obstacle, then the solution that Pisces will prefer is to go around the obstacle or turn onto another road. They are easily led by stronger personalities, so Pisces are in many cases influenced by individuals, entire groups or society as a whole. Despite the weaknesses of their character (daydreaming, sensitivity, self-doubt, need for attention), Pisces also have important advantages. For example, they are confidently brave, are not afraid to look their fears in the eyes, and do not panic in difficult life situations.


An ideal job for people born under the zodiac sign of Pisces - without a set schedule. Moreover, Pisces are uncomfortable working under pressure from their superiors. Therefore, among Pisces there are many taxi drivers, freelancers, writers, freelancers, and people working remotely. They take their work very seriously. Thanks to their dreaminess and love of imagining, Pisces are distinguished by remarkable creative potential. It is not uncommon to find people born under this zodiac sign among representatives of culture and art.

Zodiac sign Pisces: relationships with the opposite sex

Pisces men are people dependent on the general emotional background of their environment. They need a practical woman, with a strong character and excellent logic, who can balance the sensitivity and languor of her man.
The Pisces woman is the embodiment of femininity. She will become the ideal keeper of the hearth. Pisces women need care, protection, tenderness and a strong shoulder. Therefore, they need male heroes who can protect them from any troubles.

Compatibility with other signs

Pisces are most compatible with Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer and Scorpio. But life together with Aries and Leos may not seem the sweetest. To understand Pisces people, it is not necessary to know everything about the zodiac sign Pisces, the main thing is to remember that they are always in their element - water. A stormy whirlpool of dreams carries them into the depths of inner hopes and experiences. But they always need a friend, a loved one who will always float next to them. This is what he is - the zodiac sign Pisces. The characteristics of the sign have always caused and still cause ambivalent feelings in people, just like its representatives.

All those born under this constellation are protected by the planet Neptune. She also forces her “wards” to remain in the grip of illusions for a long time and be interested in all kinds of hoaxes.

Basic facts about the zodiac sign Pisces

Astrologers depict this zodiac sign in the form of two fish swimming in different directions. They consider it a symbol of limitations, eternity and duality at the same time. This is probably why a person born under the sign of Pisces is destined to suffer under the yoke of conflicting desires. Material well-being is unlikely to interest such people. Moreover, some representatives of this astrological sign have no reason to think about how full their pockets are because they are already rich heirs. Pisces are the most selfless, sincere and devoted people to their ideals. But they trust their feelings much more than the arguments of their own reason and the opinion of a whole staff of authoritative specialists. These are perhaps the most uninteresting facts about the Pisces zodiac sign.

Irresponsible, but incredibly talented

Representatives of this sign rarely find themselves in positions of responsibility, as they are very fond of changing impressions. From birth, Pisces feel a lack of energy. They are always tired and do not have enough strength necessary to overcome the more or less significant obstacles that life places in front of them. Good-natured and carefree, Pisces are indifferent to harsh reality. They rarely worry about tomorrow. Despising hard work, most representatives of this sign prefer “single swimming” to collective work. But they do not consider it necessary to fight for themselves and stop the machinations of ill-wishers. Therefore, real success and recognition rarely find their way to these endlessly talented people.

It is very difficult to list everything in one article. The zodiac sign, which closes the list of twelve constellations, endows a person with many talents. Among them, the ability to foresee events stands out. Pisces often have strange dreams, most of which turn out to be prophetic, and the sudden premonitions that visit them are in most cases unfounded. If such people advise someone not to fly on airplanes, their words should be heeded. In addition, they have some innate ability to resist various diseases to which they are unfortunately susceptible. Pisces are an example of good manners and a sense of style. But getting them to express themselves and start acting is extremely difficult. They are lazy, good-natured, and indifferent to other people's opinions (as well as other important things), although they can be prickly and sarcastic if angered.

Love and Relationships Pisces

Some people, being on the threshold of a new relationship, make attempts to get as much information as possible about their future partner. For example, they find out interesting facts about Pisces and immediately know for sure whether this is their person or not. They have a better chance with representatives of their native element than with people born under the sign of Earth, Fire and Air. Family life will work out well if, while married to Scorpio, Pisces does not “call out the devil” named Jealousy and does not begin to check the fact that their other half has possessive instincts (and they do exist). An alliance with Cancer is tantamount to refusing a leadership position and unconditionally accepting his fateful decisions. They love to lead and appreciate those who indulge them. At the same time, the “air” partner can hurt Pisces with his inconstancy, the “fire” partner will quickly get bored next to them, and the representative of the Earth element risks seeming too prosaic to the dreamy Pisces.

The only exception can be a partnership, which is based on something more than the compatibility of zodiac signs. Pisces man - Pisces woman... This union will only dream of peace and happiness until both learn to do without mutual claims. Then, according to astrologers, they will be able to become a truly happy family and even claim the title of “best couple.” By the way, the main reason for concluding a marriage between two Pisces is almost always almost telepathic mutual understanding. Sometimes the compatibility of zodiac signs (Pisces man, Pisces woman) is almost ideal. They, like two opposite poles, are able to get as close to each other as possible at the right moment. The willingness to provide help to those who need it is their characteristic feature.

Pisces Man

It is difficult for a dreamer born under the constellation Pisces to concentrate on one thing. He prefers to engage in several activities at once. His marriage partner, in order to keep such a man near her, if she is not the heiress of untold wealth, is forced to work for two and be prepared for any surprises. The emotionally unstable husband will provide her with something, and some surprises. The life of a Pisces man (and his immediate circle) who has found his calling is completely different. Then he is guaranteed universal recognition and success. His tolerance towards everyone around him (including his mother-in-law and his wife’s friends) will make him a desirable object for representatives of the opposite sex.

Pisces Woman

Everyone dreams about her. She is beautiful, sensual and feminine. Of course, she has flaws, but they are safely hidden in a cloud of grace. Being impractical, she “floats” in the financial sphere, and the desire to help those in need attracts people suffering from an inferiority complex to her. A woman born under the constellation Pisces is confident that any man can change the world. And representatives of the stronger sex who find themselves nearby feel this confidence and are drawn to it. After marriage, the Pisces woman becomes demanding, but still tender. Trying to mislead her is a waste of time. She sees right through her partner. The Pisces woman has the unique ability to surround herself with influential people. And this quality gives her confidence.

General characteristics of Pisces

Listing the most significant facts about the zodiac sign Pisces, it is impossible not to touch upon such a topic as medicine. Almost all representatives of this constellation have a very slow metabolism, so they eat little. However, stomach and intestinal diseases seem to lie in wait for them. Health problems can also be associated with the liver and lungs.

A distinctive feature of all Pisces is high spirituality, generosity and compassion. Carried away by their dreams, they often forget that in real life events sometimes develop completely differently than they would like. Having a tendency to view the world around them through many representatives of this zodiac symbol, trying to balance the desired and the actual, they immerse themselves in art. And in this field they almost always achieve success.

They are romantic, but subject to the influence of others, kind, sociable and inclined to idealize their lovers, but they are modest beyond measure... Being in an imaginary world and less likely to “surface” - this is the life many Pisces lead. The numbers of the sign are 6 and 7, as well as all multiples of 7. The most significant periods of life include the ages of 14, 24, 28, 42, 48, 56, 70, 72, 84 years.

The zodiac sign Pisces symbolizes the most incomprehensible thing in human nature - the desire for unity with the universal consciousness. This sign signifies the need for self-sacrifice for the sake of a higher goal and the spiritual struggle against the imperfections of the material world. He is depicted as two fish swimming in opposite directions, which speaks of the dichotomy inherent in the mixing of the physical and spiritual spheres of existence.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Pisces

The zodiac sign Pisces is the most receptive of the receptive signs, the most vague of the water signs and the most changeable of the mutable ones.

Although such a combination can cause passivity and inaction, self-removal into the background of life, it can also push one to search for hidden spiritual truths. Pisces are interested in everything related to the intangible world, like a sponge, absorbing all kinds of information, but not always successfully assimilating it.

Thus, impressionable Pisces sometimes do not distinguish between their own feelings and experiences that come from the outside world, which makes it difficult for them to develop their own “I”.

People born under this zodiac sign take the problems of others to heart, and they need to be protected from the negative experiences of others, such as anger, melancholy or depression.

Trying to hide from the harshness of the outside world, Pisces find refuge in fantasies. They should not be confused with lies, since they are rather a manifestation of ingenuity and rich imagination. Of course, it is very important to explain to Pisces the difference between lies and fiction, but it is equally important to take care of the fragile inner world of these hypersensitive people.

Compassionate by nature, Pisces are drawn to all living things; they cannot bear the suffering of living beings and do not hesitate to get involved in rescue operations, even if it comes to saving flowers and insects.

Little Pisces often bring home wounded animals or broken plants and nurse them carefully. Representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces have something of the other world. In appearance they can resemble angels, light, sweet, with pure, innocent faces.

Their dreaminess sets them apart from more mundane or materialistic signs. Pisces often admire their feet, fragile, but at the same time correctly and beautifully contoured. They love to dance and twirl like forest nymphs.

They are attracted to water, and taking a bath brings them joy and pleasure. Pisces' thoughts are often occupied with religious issues. They seek answers to fundamental questions: where God lives and why there is so much suffering in the world.

They are attracted to the romantic side of martyrdom and may fall prey to unnecessary and meaningless service to a higher purpose.

Little Pisces need to be explained that they are no less important and valuable than all other people, and that the desire to help should also have its limits and not turn into self-denial or self-sacrifice.

Pisces is an easily manipulated zodiac sign, and adults often abuse their willingness to help. Use their help, but don't exploit them.

In childhood, a predisposition to compassion may manifest itself in caring for pets or sick elderly relatives, but little Pisces should not be allowed to take on an overwhelming burden. It’s okay for Pisces to cry, even for boys, and under no circumstances should you tease them for it.

We need to help them find suitable friends and protect them from hanging out with rude children who might get them into trouble. Another distinctive feature of the Pisces zodiac sign is shyness. If a child decides to let you into his secret inner world, treat him with care.

Surely an amazing gift awaits you. The zodiac sign Pisces gives the planets increased sensitivity, causing them to show sympathy and attention to the needs of others.

At the same time, they weaken the assertiveness of their energies, especially those associated with the development of self and individuality. Planets acquire some sublime qualities, becoming more creative and inventive, but this suppresses their natural properties.

In Pisces, the natural inclinations of planets associated with emotions and feelings are enhanced, which can lead to a weakening of the sense of reality. The ruler of the zodiac sign Pisces, Neptune symbolizes selflessness and the desire for unity with the boundless, undivided depths of existence.

  • Element: Water.
  • Quality: mutable.
  • Ruling planet: Neptune.
  • Symbolic image: two fish swimming in opposite directions.
  • Body part: feet.
  • Topic: “I connect.”
  • Key idea: spiritual harmony.
  • Exalted planet: Venus.
  • House: twelfth.
  • Polarity: receptive.

The fate and characteristics of men and women of the Pisces sign

Pisces experience the world on an emotional level. Their feelings are so deep that often a person born under this sign, like a sponge, absorbs the emotions of others, so he should be careful in choosing friends and acquaintances.

Those born under this sign are usually distinguished by a rich imagination and great creative potential. Pisces men and women gravitate towards art in general, cinema and theater in particular. In business, Pisces make excellent administrators and managers, as they know how to listen to the opinions of others.

It is useful for Pisces to spend some time alone, it helps them escape from the emotions of others and take care of themselves.

If they do not periodically retreat to privacy, they will have a very difficult time separating the feelings of others from their own. Pisces are very impressionable. Their mood often changes, as they deeply experience both a moment of joy and the depths of despair.

Most representatives of this sign need love and romantic relationships, which are a kind of emotional nourishment for them. Strong relationships have a beneficial effect on Pisces.

Pisces men and women, symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions, are contradictory and indecisive due to their impressionability. Highly developed representatives of this sign are mystical and distinguished by high spiritual organization.

  • Best Features

Devotion, affection, ability to self-sacrifice; a strong sense of responsibility and duty; the ability to protect the house, anticipate danger and protect your loved ones from it; an invisible connection with all living creatures on Earth.

  • Worst Traits

Cowardice, sexual preoccupation, cunning, lack of personal opinion, variability, tendency to lie.

  • Spirituality

Of course, not all Pisces have psychic abilities or are mystics by nature. Not all of them want to become monks. But most Pisces have innate intuition, even if it remains latent.

This sensitivity connects them with higher powers. It can manifest itself within the framework of traditional religion, or it can turn into something less regulated. Regardless of what form it takes, Pisces' intuition will strive for expression.

Physical Characteristics of Pisces

There are two types of people born under the sign of Pisces - the whale and the dolphin. Representatives of the whale type are usually large people in terms of both height and weight. Dolphins are smaller and more graceful. A whale's gait is usually clumsy, as if it has very small legs, while dolphins, on the other hand, move like dancers.

Pisces men and women have incredibly beautiful eyes, and Elizabeth Taylor's violet eyes are the best example of this. Since Pisces rules the feet, most people born under this sign or with Pisces in their moon or ascendant benefit from foot massage or reflexology.

Main character traits of Pisces

Sensitive Vulnerable

Dreamer Runs from reality

Compassionate Sentimental

Sophisticated Absent-minded

Insightful Impractical

Artistic Suspicious

Receptive Prone to self-deception

Features of the zodiac sign Pisces

The vast majority of Pisces are inclined to condone many of the shortcomings of their nature. Being well oriented in the situation and relying on their excellent intuition, they “swim away” from responsibility long before the consequences of their erroneous actions become obvious to others.

At the same time, intuition whispers to Pisces every second that something was done wrong, and remorse can make their life completely unbearable.

Different people solve this conflict in different ways: someone drowns out the voice of conscience with alcohol or drugs, someone constantly repents, bringing mortal melancholy to those around them, someone becomes a true philosopher.

People with the Sun in Pisces unconsciously look for and often create conflict and confusing situations themselves in order to get the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to brilliantly navigate troubled waters.

This is their subjective sense of reality, and in itself this is also a reality that everyone around them has to reckon with.

Occupying the last position in the Zodiac, Pisces combines the distinctive features of all previous signs - the idealism of Aries, the possessiveness of Taurus, the speed of Gemini, the introversion of Cancer, the love of Leo, the integrity of Virgo, the refinement of Libra, the cruelty of Scorpio, the philosophical nature of Sagittarius, the ability to live by your own interests, inherent in Capricorn , and finally, the anarchic and unpredictability of Aquarius. An amazing “cocktail” of all of the above is the astrological portrait of Pisces.

Pisces Children

In a crowd, a Pisces child is given away by his clear eyes. His gaze reflects age-old wisdom, as if he sees worlds that we are not even aware of. Pisces children have vivid dreams, and many of them show an interest in extrasensory perception from an early age.

If you stimulate their interest in mysticism, over time they can turn into a real medium, clairvoyant or healer. These children are so sensitive that parents only need to give them an angry look to rein them in. If you raise your voice at a child, it will be tantamount to physical punishment. Pisces are very vulnerable.

Famous Pisces men and women

Michael Caine, Frederic Chopin, Albert Einstein, Mikhail Gorbachev, Peter Graves, Jean Garlow, George Harrison, Rex Harrison, Ron Howard, Andrew Jackson, Jerry Lewis, Liza Minnelli, B.F. Skinner, Elizabeth Taylor.

Albert Einstein

Born 03/14/1879 at 11:30, Ulm, Germany.

Sun at 23°32 Pisces, Moon at 14°55 Sagittarius, AZS at 13° Cancer, MC at 15° Pisces. .

The meridian surrounded by the Sun (X House) and Jupiter (IX House) speaks of fame and career fulfillment. Mercury (3° Aries) conjunct Saturn (4° Aries) speaks of mathematical ability, research talent, focus and concentration, tendency to think, problems are solved away from the world. Trine Uranus and Pluto - active, inquisitive mind, stubborn will.

If the planets are in the zodiac sign Gemini

  • Sun in Pisces

Goal: to emotionally merge with the entire universe, to feel one’s unity with the cosmos. Personality Traits: Kind, resourceful, creative, empathetic, idealistic, calming, sweet, adaptable, with their head in the clouds, selfless.

  • Moon in Pisces

Needs: sensuality, devotion, escapism, inspiration, merging with the environment, imagination, adaptation, compassion. He feels a feeling of care when he is allowed to dream, his sensitivity is appreciated, he is understood, treated with tenderness and gentleness, and protected from the negative. The feeling of comfort is associated with an environment that allows you to merge with the outside world and at the same time feel safe.

  • Mercury in Pisces

Thinks sensitively, imaginatively, whimsically, receptively, indiscriminately, creatively, illogically. He learns when the imagination is involved, when he likes the subject, when the environment is calm and inviting. Verbal behavior: expresses thoughts non-verbally, figuratively and inventively, intuitively, creatively, with feeling, shyly, vaguely.

  • Venus in Pisces

Expresses love through sensitivity, dedication, eroticism, tenderness, care, gentleness. Desires: love, romance, merging, peace, smoothness, ideality. Preferences: everything perfect, natural, soft, sensitive, delicate, erotic. Feels loved in a situation of closeness and security, when he is treated with kindness and understanding, and allowed to change.

Venus, culminating in Pisces, has a special influence on a person. Her romantic qualities are exaggerated and idealized. A desire for ideal, almost mystical love appears. The idea that true love can overcome all obstacles gives Venus in Pisces the capacity for selfless devotion.

  • Mars in Pisces

Acts sensitively, passively, evasively, without conflict, gloomily. Stimuli: unity, ideal, creativity. Angry passively, emotionally, with tears, non-verbally. In sex: erotic, loving, sensitive, pliable.


It is unlikely that you will meet this person at the president's table. But among them there are many creative and artistic people. They have little ambition, they practically do not strive for power and leadership of other people, even wealth does not attract their attention. Some of them do have money, but most often when they marry "money" or inherit it. Please note that they are not at all against money as such, they will gladly accept it, it’s just that Pisces understands the temporary nature of money better than others. They don't want to be millionaires, they want to live like millionaires - that's their philosophy.

The heart of a typical Pisces does not contain, but there is a lack of strength or almost carelessness about tomorrow. They cannot fight and swim against the current they are in. It is much more typical for them, because it requires less effort, going with the flow wherever it takes them. But in such swimming with the flow there is a hidden trap - a dangerous hook awaits them: a lost life. You will be greatly charmed by his manner and lazy good nature. He is indifferent to any restrictions in life if they do not prevent him from going with his own flow. He is even more indifferent to other people's opinions. This is generally an indifferent sign to many important things. Very little can make them act.

Of course, it cannot be said that Pisces is completely blind; it has character. If she's completely pissed off, she can be bitingly sarcastic. They may flap their tails in irritation and circle in the water. The typical Pisces usually takes the path of least resistance, and the cold waters of Neptune constantly cool its anger. She loves water and other drinks. Many of them also drink stronger drinks more than normal. Like Scorpio and Cancer, Pisces love alcohol. Very few Pisces can come to a cocktail party and leave it at that. Most Pisces find relief in alcohol. It lulls them into a pleasant sense of security, but it is a dangerous lullaby. All this does not mean that every Pisces becomes an alcoholic, but the percentage is too high among them.

Pisces are born with the desire to see the world in a rosy light. She knows well that humanity has unpleasant sides and she prefers to live in her watery, gentle world. And indeed, it is terrible to watch them plunge into their rosy dreams, which do not have the slightest hint of fulfillment. When life hits them and they experience setbacks, instead of jumping out of this danger, they begin to hide behind pale green illusions that prevent them from making practical decisions. The rejected Pisces, instead of looking at the situation realistically, begins to create false hopes for itself, at a time when it would be necessary to make some decision and follow a new and definite path. This could lead Pisces to real success, not imaginary. They have a choice: to swim in different currents - up and down. This choice is always before them, because... Pisces has no shortage of talents. But the difficulty for many of them is that they cannot look forward. Their eyes are located on the sides), and most of them therefore prefer to swim down and often retreat.

Pisces cannot tolerate any criticism. They have an excellent memory. For every Pisces, life is a huge stage, among them there are many truly gifted people. They have the ability to sense things. It would be good to listen to their advice. Pisces is the sign of death and eternity in the Zodiac, because it is the last sign. This is the 12th sign and therefore the nature carries a mixture of all other signs.

The typical Pisces never takes care of itself. She spends most of her energy helping relatives and friends, shouldering their burdens.

Pisces should try to abstain from various tonics and sedatives, troubles and overwork. Poor nutrition affects the health of their liver and digestive organs. There are cases of diseases of the hands and feet, frequent colds, flu, and pneumonia. But Pisces have an internal resistance to diseases.

Humor is one of the secret weapons. They grin to hide their tears. These are the masters of satire. They can express their subtle observations. Their humor can be warm and harmless or cold and harsh. They have a highly developed sense of pity and a desire to help the sick and weak. Helping is the very first instinct of Pisces.
They hate answering questions directly with “yes” and “no,” preferring to say “maybe.” In general, they very often speak evasively for no particular reason. In Pisces everything is illusory. Their character cannot be clearly described. Those who want to love her must use all their imagination to understand her strange plans and emotions. They are stronger and wiser than they themselves realize, but Neptune keeps this secret until Pisces reveals it itself.



You need to make sure that your Pisces man knows his tide, if he rushes into this tide, then you will be happy like no one else and fame and fortune awaits you. But if your Pisces did not notice the beginning of the tide and was looking at the stars and missed it, then I warn you that being stranded can lead to big troubles in your life. Fish can be, on the one hand, everything you would like, and on the other hand, everything you would not want. The tide in his affairs is synonymous with chance. He needs to be able to make a firm decision, act purposefully and be able to drown all his dreams that interfere with success. But the trouble is that many Pisces men never see that the tide is starting, that the water is already splashing at their feet. This man is not weak, he just lingers too long on the fading silver star and misses the bright sunrise and success.

Not all Pisces are dreamers, but most of them are. However, there is hope, because in life there is always hope. Although the world greatly needs his vivid imagination, there may come times when he will have to get busy in order to earn a living. When he sets out to do this, his intuition, combined with his intelligence, can guide him towards reasonable goals that will bring him fame and recognition, and perhaps even wealth. Let's hope that this is the kind of man you met. However, if, say, at the age of 25, he still has not found his flow, then, frankly speaking, his future is not very promising. You can extend the term to 35 years, but you are already taking a risk. I mean all this in connection with your life together, and he may consider his own future more or less satisfactory.

Most of these men live what they consider to be quite tolerable lives. This is because all they need is their dreams, a carafe of wine and a loaf of bread. And he is happy, like most of us, who have and enjoy great opportunities. This dreamer subsists only on bread and wine, but such a diet will not feed his wife. You need, of course, a lot more. There is only one way out with such a husband - you need to be a very rich heiress. Or work for two: for yourself and for him.

All Pisces men are great romantics, they literally breathe it. Of course, you can't buy shoes with this. With such a husband you need to have a protégé. If Pisces finds a patron, then he can turn into a good writer or artist. But how will he find such a person if all his joys are connected with you? Therefore, you cannot count on such luck. Better say goodbye to your Pisces now. You'll cry a little and it might hurt, but not so much that you'll be married to a Pisces, that good walking dream, and not have the money to pay the rent. This is really a shame.

Let's talk about those who swam with the flow in time. I must say that this is a real find for any woman. He may be a great man. It has many possibilities. He has no prejudices, he rarely criticizes or accuses of anything, because he has great patience. He also has great empathy, his friends can trust him with everything without fear of shocking him. Fish are curious. He himself simply needs sympathy and a lawyer to defend him. It is sometimes difficult for him to understand that people can misinterpret his words. You can rely on Pisces; he will never reveal other people's secrets. Rare Pisces speak quickly and often, typical Pisces speak slowly, do not interfere in other people's affairs, although he himself is full of the problems of his friends, relatives and neighbors. They come running to him because he listens to them so well. You will feel like you want to lay out all your failures on him.

If Pisces needs anything, it's just to have his troubles eased. He should relax with you. His nature is so susceptible to other people's troubles that he is saturated with all their problems. The life of such a spiritual sponge can be very difficult for his psyche. He experiences very vividly everything that happens to those who have opened their hearts to him.

Fish need long periods of rest. His soul must be alone at times so that the fresh wind will free him from all troubles and bring peace. Therefore, never scold your Pisces when he is silent. He really needs moments like this. If he wants to go for a walk, let him go. Always be together - this way you can ruin all the beauty of love. Remember that he is very sensitive and can be easily offended. His timidity comes from a painful understanding of his limited capabilities. He needs to know that his virtues are highly valued by those he loves. Encourage him constantly. This person may become interested in yoga, believe in current miracles, and in astrology. This usually benefits him. Stabilize his emotions. Calm his vivid imagination.

Pisces often loses their temper, but his anger is rarely bright and long-lasting. When it passes, life becomes peaceful again. Some Pisces express their demands regarding housekeeping, but these are usually harmless. And it is almost impossible to imagine a Pisces deeply offended, like, for example, Taurus. Imagine how lucky you are. Although it is very difficult for him to understand himself, he understands other people very easily, it is difficult to fool him: he sees right through you. However, he can fool you if he needs to as he has the quality of hiding his feelings and thoughts. Your Pisces may sometimes say that he went out to buy cigarettes, but at that time he was actually in the laundry. Why? Nobody knows this. This way of hiding himself gives him pleasure.

He may have worse habits just to give work to his rich imagination. He will not have outbursts of jealousy. Even if he is jealous, he can pretend not to notice anything. But this is a man, despite all his poetic nature, so he needs your jealousy. And you will have to control your jealousy, because... he has many close friends of both sexes. And they will seek his sympathy sometimes and at inopportune times. He admires beauty, he may look at beautiful legs from time to time, but make an effort not to pay attention to it. And your reward will be a faithful husband, who is both a romantic lover and an interlocutor with whom you can talk about everything. When depression and a gloomy mood come over him, throw your apron into the corner and buy tickets to a fun show. Pisces easily succumbs to various offers.

You will have to teach him to be frugal and careful with money. You can teach him, but at the same time be economical yourself, set an example for him. One spender in the family is enough. It is easy to lead a Pisces if the leader is dear to him and respected by him. Children will have a lot of fun with it. For them it will be a book of fairy tales coming to life. They might even adore him. You will punish them, and he will listen to their problems, develop their minds. And this is good.

Don't stop him from dreaming, but you must help him find a dream that can be realized and should not overwhelm him with your complaints. His hopes and dreams must be met with understanding. He needs to be supported by a happy family life. Don't criticize him or whine too much. And someday his crazy dreams may turn from useless into real ones and coincide with your dreams.

Pisces is a sign of relaxation. This may make you nervous and scared, but it's true. You can help him get ready. Serve him a dream for breakfast, a clever joke for lunch, Chopin for dinner. And then, in the end, you yourself are free to choose your husband. But there is no need to be afraid to jump into the water; water is always pleasant.



Even without astrology, opinions and enough rumors have spread about the charm of this woman. She has, of course, negative traits, but at first glance, she is a woman that every man can dream of. It must be said that modern emancipated women, giving the impression of a strong nature, have further increased the value of the Pisces woman. She rarely tries to outshine a man, whether married or not, she does not have the slightest secret desire to dominate him. He can calmly hand her a chair, light a cigarette, but talk about how wonderful he is. All she needs is for him to protect her, take care of her, she will gladly lean on his broad shoulder and let him know how strong he is and how much she needs him in this world. She will listen to all his troubles. She believes that any man can change the world. And this confidence of hers is transferred to men, and they feel the way they would like. And you still wonder why it is so popular?

Pisces is a cozy, calm woman for a proud man. It seems that she has nothing to do with the noise of traffic, neon lamps, her own light is soft and smoky. She is amazingly feminine. Men are drawn to her like bees to nectar. A short conversation with her is enough and the man instantly relaxes. She will never blame a man for anything, it will always be the fault of someone else, but not the man. She will force him to move forward, but only at his own speed, which suits her perfectly. Do I need to explain to you that this woman is the most dangerous to her rivals?

After marriage, she may begin to make her demands. To be frank, she will demand a lot. In the end, it serves you right for letting her charm get the better of you. She will often be caustic and sarcastic, but every woman has such a mood. As for Pisces, she will more often be gentle than scandalous. She will be annoyed by her husband’s rigidity and laziness, and who says that such men do not deserve such treatment? Additionally, her femininity covers up her flaws and is most often soft, dreamy and feminine. Since Pisces swims in different directions, there are situations that can irritate any other woman, but of course, from time to time, a harsh word and an irritable nature can irritate her. It's hard to know which direction it's going.

They say that Pisces loves depth, so you need to know some of its secret motives. What makes her float? First of all, she is secretive and even sometimes deceptive when she practices the power of her charm on you. This woman can be quite strong inside and at the same time maintain an appearance of vulnerability and tenderness. She always looks somewhat thoughtful and detached. She has absolutely no understanding of economics, but she manages the house very well, manages to dress well, cook a 7-course meal, pay her rent on time, buy expensive gifts, and all this for the same salary as you and I. She always openly expresses her love and affection to everyone: the butcher, the salesman, the barn cats. She can only have one enemy - the man she abandoned when she met her future husband. It is possible that he will do something stupid out of grief, and she probably doesn’t even remember his name.

These Pisces women are heartless, secretive and deceptive. But don't try to impress this on her neighbors. Like the March winds, she will have many moods. She's terribly sentimental. When her feelings are touched, she can shed crocodile tears. She will look at you with secret reproach, as if you had killed a small crocodile. Sometimes the thought occurs to her that she is absolutely not created to withstand the cruel world around her and she is overcome by depression. At such moments, you should tell her that you admire her deep wisdom, her understanding of everyone who meets her. This is usually true.

The most difficult thing for her is to overcome her timidity and doubt. If her fears go too far, she withdraws from everyone and then wonders why she is alone. She is often afraid to impose herself, to put too much pressure on someone, although such thoughts never occur to anyone except herself. From time to time, Pisces covers up its timidity and vulnerability with witticisms and philosophies. But this is just a veil to hide her insecurities from the eyes of rude people who might hurt her heart if she bares it. But for all her artificial independence, she allows the man to light her cigarette.

She can fool men by saying: "Who needs husbands? They only ruin life!" And imagine, this is said by Pisces, who needs to lean on you more than anyone else. She gives her heart to children without encroaching on the place you occupy, she understands their fears and insecurities better than others, she can allow them too much, practically cannot establish discipline, her disadvantage is a lack of firmness and a lack of understanding that she spoils children , raising them with constant care. She will gladly allow you to support herself and the whole family; she may be a spender, but if necessary she will refuse champagne. Don't forget about her birthday, wedding anniversary, because... she doesn't forget about it. Whether she is a nun in a monastery or a singer in a cabaret, she will always remain 100 percent a woman.

The astrological forecast is based on: May 22, 2019(Moscow, GMT +3:00)

There may be a conflict with a person who has had a strong influence on you for a long time. You have to admit that you did not live up to expectations, and, perhaps, did not fulfill some obligations. It is possible that a relationship that was important to you will end.

But this is not to say that the day is completely bad. You have new goals and guidelines, and with them, self-confidence and optimism. It’s good if there are people nearby who can cheer you up and support you in difficult times. Well-being depends very much on your emotional state, so don’t give in to your bad mood.

Zodiac sign Pisces: horoscope

The most spiritual and sensual representatives of the human race are born under this zodiac sign. According to the horoscope, Pisces have the most striking abilities in various fields. But natural modesty often leaves these geniuses unrecognized.

A complete lack of ambition, even some shyness does not allow them to flaunt their achievements and talents. That is why the Pisces horoscope promises him unrecognized and undervalued.

In addition, they have no need for laurels, it is enough for them to realize the level of their capabilities, so even those close to them may not know everything about such people, which often gives rise to misunderstandings and leads the Pisces zodiac sign to dissatisfaction with life, depression, since understanding and full support is very important to them.

The lack of desire to explain and defend one’s position and the need for constant support creates a vicious circle from which it is difficult to get out.

The same lack of aspirations forces zodiac sign Pisces to go with the flow. They have no incentives, they are not interested in money and fame, they care about the absence of pressure and interference. This sign of Water has a special passion for liquids and can abuse alcohol, thereby exposing itself to an unsatisfactory reality.

The Pisces love horoscope is just as complicated. They attract the opposite sex to themselves, giving their sensuality and tenderness, but do not have the need to keep anyone close to them.

Pisces are great in bed, caring spouses and good parents, but their need for self-affirmation makes them strive to conquer other heights, and they often take the path of betrayal.

Another amazing characteristic of Pisces is the desire to help the weak, sick and infirm. You could say it's instinctual for them. In difficult situations, this zodiac sign is saved by a highly developed sense of humor. Often, they joke to hide disappointment, grief, or resentment. Their grins are right on target. Such humor has the power to heal and the power to hurt.

First decade (February 20 - February 28 (29))

Pisces of the first decade often hide their true kind face behind a stern mask. They rarely admit to anyone what really bothers them; they prefer to demonstrate skepticism and irony.

Among them there are wonderful designers, artists, fashion designers who have a keen sense of harmony in color and shades. However, due to their suspiciousness and imperviousness to criticism, they avoid creativity.

Respectable and diligent. They are an ideal companion for a bright personality, whose light they will reflect like a mirror. Pisces women of this period are trusting, gentle and sensitive wives who will unquestioningly obey their man.

Second decade (March 1 - March 10)

The patron planet of Pisces born in the second decade is the Moon, which greatly influences mood. Therefore, these people often frighten others with sudden mood swings. Passionate and ardent natures today and tomorrow turn into inert, cold people.

Pisces of the second decade are considered very enthusiastic people who will happily serve society. It is not surprising that social activity is exactly the area where shy “fish” can realize themselves. Moreover, in teamwork, these people are irreplaceable, since in order to achieve a common goal they are ready to take on the lion's share of the work.

They love animals very much and understand them.

Third decade (March 11 - March 20)

Of all the representatives of this sign, these people have the nature of a fighter. The dominant character traits of such people are perseverance, courage and determination. They are also very observant, smart and talented.

They have a well-developed intuition, similar to clairvoyance, which, unfortunately, they resort to in exceptional cases. They have a penchant for esotericism, alternative medicine and occult sciences.

In love, these are wonderful and sensitive partners. However, the passion for romance, tender and reverent feelings pushes them to make new acquaintances, which often leads to several marriages.

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