What is the Muslim evening prayer called?

Religious reading: what is the name of prayer among Muslims to help our readers.

Registered: 29 Mar 2012, 14:23

(a) Afternoon prayer on Fridays in the Mosque (Friday Prayer).

(b) Eid (holiday) prayer in 2 rakats.

Midday (Zuhr) 2 rakats 4 rakats 2 rakats

Daytime (Asr) – 4 rak’ahs –

Before sunset (Maghreb) – 3 rakats 2 rakats

Night (Isha) – 4 rakats 2 r+1 or 3 (Witr)

* The “Wudu” prayer is performed in the period of time between performing ablution (Wudu) and before Fard (obligatory) prayer in 2 rak’ahs.

* Additional prayer "Doha" is performed in 2 rak'ahs after full sunrise and before noon.

* For the sake of showing respect to the mosque, it is carried out in 2 rak'ahs immediately after entering the mosque.

Prayer in a state of need, in which the believer asks God for something special. It is performed in 2 rakats, after which a request should follow.

Prayer for rain.

Prayer during lunar and solar eclipses is one of the signs of Allah. It is carried out in 2 rak'ahs.

The prayer “Istikhara” (Salatul-Istikhara), which is performed in 2 rakats in cases where a believer, intending to make a decision, turns to God with a request for help in making the right choice.

2. It is not pronounced out loud: “Bismillah”, which means In the Name of Allah.

3. Start washing your hands up to your hands – 3 times.

4. Rinse your mouth – 3 times.

5. Rinse your nose – 3 times.

6. Rinse your face – 3 times.

7. Wash your right hand up to the elbow – 3 times.

8. Wash your left hand up to the elbow – 3 times.

9. Wet your hands and run them through your hair – 1 time.

10. At the same time, rub the inside of the ears with the index fingers of both hands, and once with the thumbs behind the ears.

11. Wash your right leg up to the ankle – 3 times.

12. Wash your left leg up to the ankle – 3 times.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said that the sins of that person will be washed away along with unclean water, like drops falling from the tips of his nails, who, preparing himself for prayer, will pay due attention to ablution.

Discharge of blood or pus.

After menstruation or the postpartum period in women.

After an erotic dream that causes a wet dream.

After the “Shahadah” - a statement of acceptance of the Islamic faith.

2. Wash your hands – 3 times.

3. Then the genitals are washed.

4. This is followed by the usual ablution that is performed before prayer, except for washing the feet.

5. Then three full handfuls of water are poured onto the head, while simultaneously rubbing them with your hands into the roots of the hair.

6. Abundant washing of the whole body begins on the right side, then on the left.

For a woman, Ghusl is made in the same way as for a man. If her hair is braided, she must undo it. After that, she just needs to throw three full handfuls of water on her head.

7. At the end, the feet are rinsed, first the right and then the left foot, thereby completing the stage of complete ablution.

2. Beat your hands on the ground (clean sand).

3. Shake them off and run them over your face at the same time.

4. After this, run your left hand over the top of your right hand, and do the same with your right hand over the top of your left hand.

2. Zuhr - Midday prayer in 4 rak'ahs. Starts at noon and continues until mid-day.

3. Asr - Daily prayer in 4 rak'ahs. Starts in the middle of the day and continues until the sun just begins to set.

4. Maghrib - Evening prayer in 3 rak'ahs. It begins at sunset (it is forbidden to pray when the sun has completely set).

5. Isha - Night prayer in 4 rakats. It begins with the onset of night (full twilight) and continues until the middle of the night.

(2) Without saying it out loud, concentrate on the thought that you are going to perform such and such a prayer, as an example, I am going to perform the Fajr prayer for the sake of Allah, that is, the morning prayer.

(3) Raise your arms bent at the elbows. Hands should be at ear level, saying:

"Allahu Akbar" - "Allah is Great"

(4) Wrap your right hand around your left hand, placing them on your chest. Then say:

1. Al-Hamdu Lillyahi Rabbil-Aalamiin

2. Ar-Rahmaani r-Rakhim.

3. Maliki Yaumid-Diin.

4. Iyaka na-will be Wa Iyaka nasta-iin.

5. Ikhdina s-syraatal- Mustaqiim.

6. Siraatal-Lyazina anamta aley-khim.

7. Gairil Magduubi alei-khim Valad Doo-liin.

2. To the Gracious, the Merciful.

3. Lord of the Day of Retribution!

4. You alone we worship and You alone we pray for help.

5. Lead us to the straight path,

6. The path of those whom You have bestowed with Your blessings.

7. By the way of those whom You have blessed, not of those on whom wrath has fallen, and not of those who are lost

3. Lam-Yalid-valam yulyad

4. Wa-lam yakul-lahu-Kufu-uan Ahad.”

1. Say: “He is Allah - One,

2. Allah is Eternal (only He whom I will need forever).

5. He did not give birth and was not born

6. And there is no one equal to Him.”

Your hands should rest on your knees. Then say:

In this case, the hands of both hands touch the floor first, followed by the knees, forehead and nose. The toes rest on the floor. In this position you should say:

2. As-Salayamu aleyka Ayukhan-nabiyu va rahmatu Llaahi va barakayatukh.

3. Assalamu Aleyna wa ala ibaadi Llaahi-ssalihin

4. Ashhadu Allah ilaha ila Allah

5. Wa Ashhadu Anna Muhammadan Abduhu wa Rasuulyukh.

2. Peace be upon you, O Prophet, the mercy of Allah and His blessing.

3. Peace be with us, as well as with all the righteous servants of Allah.

4. I testify that there is no god worthy of worship except Allah.

5. And I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.

2. Wa Alaya Ali Muhammad

3. Kyama sallayta alaya Ibrahiima

4. Wa alaya ali Ibrahiim

5. Wa Baarik alaya Muhammadin

6. Wa Alaya Ali Muhammad

7. Kamaa Barakta alaya Ibrahiima

8. Wa alaya ali Ibrahim

9. Innakya Hamidun Majid.

3. Just as You blessed Ibrahim

5. And send down blessings on Muhammad

7. Just as You sent down blessings on Ibrahim

9. Verily, all Praise and Glory belongs to You!

2. Innal Insana Lafi Khusr

3. Illya-Lyazina Aman

4. Wa Amilyu-salihati, Wa Tavasa-u Bil-hakki

5. Wa Tavasa-u Bissabr.

1. I swear by the evening time

2. Verily, every man is at a loss,

3. Except those who believe,

4. Performed righteous deeds

5. We commanded each other the truth and commanded each other patience!

2. Fasal-li Lirabbikya Van-har

3. Inna Shani-aka Khuval Abtar

1. We have given you Abundance (Countless blessings, including a river in Paradise, which is called al-Kawsar).

2. Therefore perform prayer for the sake of your Lord and slaughter the sacrifice.

3. Truly, your hater himself will be childless.

1. Iza jaa nasrul Allahi wa fatah

2. Varaaitan nassa yad-khuluna fi Dinil-Allahi Afwaja

3. Fa-Sabbih bihamdi Rabika Was-tag-firh

4. Inna-hu Kaanna Tavvaaba.

1. When the help of Allah comes and victory comes;

2. When you see people converting in droves to the religion of Allah,

3. Glorify your Lord with praise and ask Him for forgiveness.

4. Verily, He is the Accepter of repentance.

1. Kul Auuzu Birabil - Falyak

2. Min Sharri maa halyak

3. Va min sharri gaasikin iza Vakab

4. Wa min sharri Naffassati fil Ukad

5. Wa min sharri Haasidin iza Hasad.

1. Say: “I seek refuge in the Lord of dawn,

2. From the evil of what He created.

3. From the evil of darkness when it comes

4. From the evil of sorcerers who spit on knots,

5. From the evil of an envious person when he envies.”

1. Kul Auuzu Birabbi n-naas

2. Maalikin naas

4. Min sharril Vasvasil-hannaas

5. Allyazii yu-vas visu fi suduurin-naas

6. Minal-Jinnati van naas.

"In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful"

1. Say: “I seek refuge in the Lord of men,

4. from the evil of the tempter retreating (or shrinking) at the remembrance of Allah,

5. Which causes confusion in the hearts of men,

6. And it comes from genies and people.

“They believed and their hearts were comforted by the remembrance of Allah. Is it not by the remembrance of Allah that hearts are comforted?” (Quran 13:28) “If My servants ask you about Me, then I am near and answer the call of the one who prays when he calls on Me.” (Quran 2:186)

The Prophet (M.E.I.B)* encouraged all Muslims to mention the Name of Allah after every prayer as follows:

Vakhdahu Lyaya Sharika Lyakh

Lyahul Mulku, wa Lyahul Hamdu

Vahuva alaya Kulli shayin Kadir

There are many other beautiful prayers that can be learned by heart. A Muslim must recite them throughout the day and night, thereby maintaining constant contact with his Creator. The author chose only those that are simpler and easier to remember.

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What is the name of the one who calls for prayer among Muslims?

Calls Muslims to prayer muezzin(translated from Arabic as "announcing").

A Muslim muezzin with a beautiful voice and impeccable reputation.

According to Islamic laws, Every Muslim is obliged to pray and praise Allah five times a day. Namely in the morning, at noon, in the afternoon, in the evening and at night.

So here it is Before the start of each prayer, the muezzin announces to Muslims that the prayer has begun. The call is heard from the minarets. Can be heard clearly. The announcer turns his face to Mecca, and plugging your fingers into your ears pronounces(as if he were singing) AZAN(call).

In some mosques, it is not the muezzin who calls to prayer, but a recorded voice heard through the speakers.

I spent the summer with my grandmother in a Muslim village, the house was located near a mosque, and every morning I woke up from a call that was impossible not to hear. It sounded really nice. The call was heard through the speakers.

And further. In different cities of the world The time for prayer may vary. It all depends on the geographical location, longitude, latitude and time of year. Therefore, even within the same Muslim country, the time for prayer may vary, for example within half an hour.

Muslims are called to prayer (namaz) by a muezzin)

Muslim prayers

Muslim prayers are the basis of the life of every believer. With their help, any believer maintains contact with the Almighty. The Muslim tradition provides not only for the obligatory five times daily prayers, but also for personal appeals to God at any time, through the reading of dua. For a pious Muslim, praying in both joy and sorrow is a characteristic feature of a righteous life. No matter what difficulties a true believer faces, he knows that Allah always remembers him and will protect him if he prays to him and glorifies the Almighty.

The Koran is the holy book of the Muslim people

The Koran is the main book in the Muslim religion; it is the basis of the Muslim faith. The name of the holy book comes from the Arabic word for “reading aloud,” and it can also be translated as “edification.” Muslims are very sensitive to the Koran and believe that the holy book is the direct speech of Allah, and it has existed forever. According to Islamic law, the Koran can only be taken into clean hands.

Believers believe that the Koran was written down by the disciples of Muhammad from the words of the prophet himself. And the transmission of the Koran to believers was carried out through the angel Gabriel. Muhammad's first revelation came when he was 40 years old. After this, over the course of 23 years, he received other revelations at different times and in different places. The latter was received by him in the year of his death. All suras were recorded by the prophet’s companions, but were first collected together after the death of Muhammad - during the reign of the first caliph Abu Bakr.

For some time, Muslims have used individual suras to pray to Allah. Only after Osman became the third caliph did he order the individual records to be systematized into a single book (644-656). Collected together, all the suras formed the canonical text of the holy book, which has survived unchanged to this day. Systematization was carried out primarily according to the records of Muhammad’s companion, Zayd. According to legend, it was in this order that the prophet bequeathed the suras for use.

During the day, every Muslim must pray five times:

  • Morning prayer is performed from dawn to sunrise;
  • The midday prayer is performed during the period when the sun is at its zenith until the length of the shadows reaches their height;
  • The pre-evening prayer is read from the moment when the length of the shadows reaches their height until sunset;
  • Sunset prayer is performed during the period from sunset to the moment when the evening dawn goes out;
  • Twilight prayers are read between evening and morning dawn.

This fivefold prayer is called namaz. In addition, there are other prayers in the Koran that a believer can read at any time as needed. Islam offers prayers for all occasions. For example, Muslims often use prayer to repent of their sins. Special prayers are read before eating and when leaving or entering the house.

The Koran consists of 114 chapters, which are revelations and are called suras. Each sura includes separate short statements that reveal an aspect of divine wisdom - verses. There are 6500 of them in the Koran. Moreover, the second sura is the longest, it has 286 verses. On average, each individual verse contains from 1 to 68 words.

The meaning of the suras is very diverse. There are biblical stories, mythological plots and descriptions of certain historical events. The Koran attaches great importance to the fundamentals of Islamic law.

For ease of reading, the holy book is divided as follows:

  • For thirty approximately equal-sized pieces - juzes;
  • Into sixty smaller units - Hizbs.

To simplify the reading of the Koran during the week, there is also a conditional division into seven manazils.

The Koran, as the sacred scripture of one of the world's significant religions, contains the advice and instructions necessary for a believer. The Qur'an allows every person to communicate directly with God. But despite this, people sometimes forget what they should do and how they should live correctly. Therefore, the Koran enjoins obedience to divine laws and the will of God himself.

How to read Muslim prayers correctly

It is recommended to perform namaz in a place specially designated for prayer. But this condition must be met only if there is such a possibility. Men and women pray separately. If this is not possible, then the woman should not say the prayer words out loud so as not to distract the man.

A prerequisite for prayer is ritual purity, so ablution is required before prayer. The person praying must be dressed in clean clothes and face the Muslim shrine of the Kaaba. He must have a sincere intention to pray.

Muslim prayer is performed on your knees on a special rug. It is in Islam that much attention is paid to the visual design of prayer. For example, while reciting sacred words, your feet should be held so that your toes are not pointed in different directions. Your arms should be crossed over your chest. It is necessary to bow so that your legs do not bend and your feet remain straight.

Prostration should be performed as follows:

  • Get down on your knees;
  • Bend over;
  • Kiss the floor;
  • Freeze for a certain time in this position.

Any prayer - an appeal to Allah - should sound confident. But at the same time, you should understand that the solution to all your problems depends on God.

Muslim prayers can only be used by true believers. But if you need to pray for a Muslim, you can do this with the help of Orthodox prayer. But you should remember that this can only be done at home.

But even in this case, it is necessary to add the words at the end of the prayer:

You need to perform namaz only in Arabic, but all other prayers can be read in translation.

Below is an example of performing morning prayer in Arabic and translated into Russian:

  • The worshiper turns towards Mecca and begins the prayer with the words: “Allahu Akbar,” which translated means: “Allah is the Greatest.” This phrase is called "takbir". After this, the worshiper folds his hands on his chest, while the right hand should be on top of the left.
  • Next, the Arabic words “A'uzu3 billahi mina-shshaitani-rrajim” are pronounced, which translated means “I turn to Allah for protection from the damned shaitan.”
  • The following is read from Surah Al-Fatiha:

You should know that if any Muslim prayer is read in Russian, then you must delve into the meaning of the phrases being spoken. It is very useful to listen to audio recordings of Muslim prayers in the original, downloading them for free from the Internet. This will help you learn how to pronounce prayers correctly with the right intonation.

Arabic prayer options

In the Quran, Allah tells the believer: “Call upon Me with dua and I will help you.” Dua literally means “supplication”. And this method is one of the types of worship of Allah. With the help of dua, believers call on Allah and turn to God with certain requests, both for themselves and for their loved ones. For any Muslim, dua is considered a very powerful weapon. But it is very important that any prayer comes from the heart.

Dua for damage and evil eye

Islam completely denies magic, so witchcraft is considered a sin. Dua against damage and the evil eye is perhaps the only way to protect yourself from negativity. Such appeals to Allah should be read at night, from midnight to dawn.

The best place to turn to Allah with dua against damage and the evil eye is the desert. But it is clear that this is not a mandatory condition. This is generally accepted because in such a place a believer can be absolutely alone and no one or nothing will interfere with his communication with God. To read a dua against damage and the evil eye, a separate room in the house, into which no one will enter, is quite suitable.

Important condition: this type of dua should be read only if you are sure that there is a negative impact on you. If you are haunted by minor failures, then you should not pay attention to them, since they can be sent to you from heaven, as retribution for some misdeed.

Effective duas will help you overcome the evil eye and damage:

  • The first sura of the Quran Al-Fatiha, consisting of 7 verses;
  • 112 surah of the Quran Al-Ikhlas, consisting of 4 verses;
  • 113 sura of the Quran Al-Falyak, consisting of 5 verses;
  • 114th sura of the Quran An-Nas.

Conditions for reading dua against damage and the evil eye:

  • The text must be read in the original language;
  • You should hold the Koran in your hands during the action;
  • During prayer, you must be of sound and sober mind, and in no case should you drink alcohol before you begin to pray;
  • Thoughts during the prayer ritual should be pure and the mood positive. You need to give up the desire to take revenge on your offenders;
  • The above suras cannot be interchanged;
  • The ritual of getting rid of damage should be carried out at night for a week.

The first sura is the opening one. It glorifies God:

The text of the prayer reads as follows:

Surah Al-Ikhlas talks about human sincerity, eternity, as well as the power and superiority of Allah over everything on the sinful earth.

112th surah of the Quran Al-Ikhlas:

The words of the dua are as follows:

In Surah Al-Falyak, the believer asks Allah to grant the whole world a dawn, which will become salvation from all evil. Prayer words help to free oneself from all negativity and drive out evil spirits.

113th surah of the Quran Al-Falyak:

The words of the prayer are:

Surah An-Nas contains prayer words that concern all people. By pronouncing them, the believer begs for protection from Allah for himself and his family.

114th sura of the Quran An-Nas:

The words of the prayer sound like this:

Dua to cleanse the house

Home occupies a significant place in the life of every person. Therefore, housing always needs reliable protection at all levels. There are certain suras in the Koran that will allow you to do this.

The Koran contains a very strong universal prayer-amulet from the Prophet Muhammad, which must be recited in the morning and evening every day. It can conditionally be considered a preventive measure, since it will protect the believer and his home from shaitans and other evil spirits.

Listen to the dua to cleanse the house:

In Arabic the prayer goes like this:

Translated, this prayer sounds like this:

Ayah 255 “Al-Kursi” of Surah “Al-Bakara” is considered the most powerful for protecting the home. Its text has a deep meaning with a mystical orientation. In this verse, in accessible words, the Lord tells people about Himself, he indicates that He cannot be compared with anything or anyone in the world He created. By reading this verse, a person reflects on its meaning and comprehends its meaning. When pronouncing prayer words, the believer’s heart is filled with sincere conviction and faith that Allah will help him resist the evil machinations of Satan and protect his home.

The words of the prayer are as follows:

Translation into Russian sounds like this:

Muslim prayer for good luck

The Koran contains many surahs that are used as prayers for good luck. They can be used every day. In this way you can protect yourself from all sorts of everyday troubles. There is a sign that you should cover your mouth when yawning. Otherwise, the shaitan may penetrate you and begin to harm you. In addition, you should remember the advice of the Prophet Muhammad - in order for adversity to bypass a person, you need to keep your own body in ritual purity. It is believed that an Angel protects a pure person and asks Allah for mercy for him.

Before reading the next prayer, it is imperative to perform a ritual ablution.

The text of the prayer in Arabic is as follows:

This prayer will help to cope with any difficulties and will attract good luck into the life of a believer.

Its text translated into Russian reads as follows:

You can choose suras from the Koran according to their content, listening to your own intuition. It is important to pray with full concentration, realizing that the will of Allah must be obeyed.

Complete collection and description: what do Muslims call prayers for the dead for the spiritual life of a believer.

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  • >” src=”http://narod2.yandex.ru/i/users/color/bw/arrow.png” /> Muslim ritual customs.
  • >” src=”http://narod2.yandex.ru/i/users/color/bw/arrow.png” /> Christian ritual customs.


A pre-Islamic custom is the ritual of cutting hair as a sign of mourning for the deceased. This hair was placed on the grave. Often the funeral was accompanied by cutting off the veins of a camel, which slowly died near the hero’s grave, or by cutting off the heads of captives. For example, the pre-Islamic Bedouin hero Antar ibn Shaddad, on the occasion of the funeral of his brother, brought 300 prisoners and a large number of camels and destroyed them at the grave.


Prayers for deceased Muslims

60 messages

Aguzu billahi minash-shaitanir-rajim.

Alhamdu lillahi robbil-*alamin.

Malikiyaumeddin. Iyaka nagbudu ua iyaka nastagin.

Syrotal-lyazina angamta galaihim.

Gairil magdubi galaihim wa lyaddaollin. Amen

Alif.Lam.mi-i-im. Valikyal-kitabu la raybya fiih, hudal lilmutakinal lazina yu'minuna bilgaibi.

Wa yukimunas salata wa mimma razaknahum yunfikun.

Wal lyazina yuminuna bima unzilya ilyayka.

Wa ma unzila min kablik.

Wa bil ahiryatihum yukiunun.

Ulyayaikya *ala hudam mir rabbihim,

Wa ulayaika humul muflihun.

Wal hukmu shahun wahidul la ilaha, illya huarr rahmanur-rahim. Amil

Allahu la illahi, illya hual khayyul-qayyum.

La tahuzuhu sinat wa la naum.

Lahu mafis Samauati ua mafil ard.

Man zyal-lyazi yashfa gu indahu illya bi-iznih.

Yalamu ma baynya aidihim.

Wa ma halfahum.

Wa la yuhituna bi shaim min ilmihi.

Illya bima shaa wasia kursiyhus samauati.

Wal ard. Wa la yauduhu hifzuhuma, wa huual alliyul gazim. Amen

3. innakalaminal mursalina

4. gaala siraddin mustaqim.

6.Li tunzira kauman ma unzira abaukhum fakhum gafilun.

7.La qad haqqal qaulyu gaala aksarihim fakhum la yu"minun.

8. Inna jag'alnya fi ag'nakihim a'lyalyan fahiya ilal azq'ani fakhum mu "makhun."

9. Uajag'alna mimbaini aidihim saddan, uamin halfihim saddan, faagshainahum fakhum la yubsirun.

10. Wasaua un galyayhim a anzartahum amlyam tunzirkhum la yu "minun.

Inna ma tunziru manitabagazikra uahashiyarrahmana bil gaib,

11. fabashirhu bimmagfiratin uajrin karim.

Inna nakhnu nukhyi mauta uannaktubu ma qadda mu asarahum

12.ua kulla shayin, ahsaynahu fi imamin mubbin.

Kul huu Allahu ahad. Allahu samad.

Lam iyalid. Wa lam yulyad.

Wa lam iakullahu kufuan ahad.

Kul aguzu birrabil falyak.

Min sharri ma halyak

Ua min sharri gasikin izya uakab.

Ua min sharrin naf-fasati fil gukad.

Wa min sharri hassidin izya hasad. Amen

Kul aguzu birrabin us.

Min sharill wasuasil khan-nas.

Allyazi wasuisu fi sudurin us.

Min al jinnati one-us. Amen.

Izzati amma ya-sifun.

Wa salamun ala mursalin.

Alhamdu lillahi robbil galyamin. Amen

Rabbana atina fidduniya hasanata. Wa fil akhirati hasanatan wa kinya gezabenar. Birakhmatika rahmanir rahim, alhamdu lillahi robbil galyamin

2. Wash your hands up to and including your wrists three times, not forgetting to rinse between your fingers. If there is a ring or ring, they should be removed or try to ensure that the parts of the fingers under them are washed.

3. Rinse your mouth three times, collecting water with your right hand.

4. Rinse your nose three times, drawing water with your right hand and blowing your nose with your left.

5. Wash your face three times.

6. Rub the hair on your head with wet hands (at least 1/4 of the hair)

7. Wipe the inside and outside of the ears; rub the neck with the front (back) of your hands.

8. Wash your hands up to the elbow three times (first the right, then the left).

9. Wash your feet up to your ankles three times, not forgetting to rinse between your toes, starting with the little toe of your right foot and ending with the little toe of your left. Wash your right foot first, then your left.

What is the Muslim prayer for the dead called?

Dua for the deceased

اللهُـمِّ عَبْـدُكَ وَابْنُ أَمَـتِك، احْتـاجَ إِلى رَحْمَـتِك، وَأَنْتَ غَنِـيٌّ عَنْ عَذابِـه، إِنْ كانَ مُحْـسِناً فَزِدْ في حَسَـناتِه، وَإِنْ كانَ مُسـيئاً فَتَـجاوَزْ عَنْـه

Translation of meaning: O Allah, Your servant and the son of Your servant needed Your mercy, and You do not need his torment! If he did good deeds, then add them to him, and if he did bad, then do not punish him!

Translit: Allahumma, ‘abdu-kya wa-bnu ama-ti-kya ichtaja ila rahmati-kya, wa Anta ganiyun ‘an ‘azabi-hi! In kyana mukhsiyan, fa zid fi hasanati-hi, wa in kyana mu-si'an, fa tajawaz 'an-hu!

Dua for the deceased

اللهُـمِّ اغْفِـرْ لَهُ وَارْحَمْـه ، وَعافِهِ وَاعْفُ عَنْـه ، وَأَكْـرِمْ نُزُلَـه ، وَوَسِّـعْ مُدْخَـلَه ، وَاغْسِلْـهُ بِالْمـاءِ وَالثَّـلْجِ وَالْبَـرَدْ ، وَنَقِّـهِ مِنَ الْخطـايا كَما نَـقّيْتَ الـثَّوْبُ الأَبْيَـضُ مِنَ الدَّنَـسْ ، وَأَبْـدِلْهُ داراً خَـيْراً مِنْ دارِه ، وَأَهْلاً خَـيْراً مِنْ أَهْلِـه ، وَزَوْجَـاً خَـيْراً مِنْ زَوْجِه ، وَأَدْخِـلْهُ الْجَـنَّة ، وَأَعِـذْهُ مِنْ عَذابِ القَـبْر وَعَذابِ النّـار

Translation of meaning: O Allah, forgive him, and have mercy on him, and deliver him (from the torment and temptations of the grave.), and show him mercy, and give him a good welcome (that is, make his lot in paradise good), and make his grave spacious, and wash him with water, snow and hail, and cleanse him from his sins, as You cleanse white clothes from dirt, and give him in return a house better than his house, and a family better than his family, and a wife better than his wife, and bring him into paradise and protect him from the torments of the grave and from the torments of the fire!

Translit: Allahumma-gfir la-hu (la-ha), va-rham-hu (ha), wa 'afi-hi (ha), wa-'fu 'an-hu (ha), wa akrim nuzulya-hu (ha) , wa wassi' mudhala-hu(ha), wa-gsil-hu(ha) bi-l-ma'i, wa-s-salji wa-l-baradi, wa nakky-hi(ha) min al- hataya kya-ma nakkayta- s-sauba-l-abyada min ad-danasi, wa ab-dil-hu(ha) daran hairan min dari-hi(ha), wa ahlyan hairan min akhlihi(ha), wa zaud-jan hairan min zauji-hi(ha), wa adhyl-hu(ha)-l-jannata wa a'yz-hu(ha) min 'azabi-l-kabri wa 'azabi-n-nari! (Feminine endings are given in parentheses when praying for a deceased woman)

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How to remember a deceased Muslim?

God is the same for everyone. Pray as best you can for him.

Memorial services, magpies and other church memorials cannot be ordered for him.

All that remains is to do home prayer yourself. There is such a prayer for the repose of unbelievers, unbaptized and people of other faiths.

As far as I can reproduce from memory: “Seek, Lord, the soul of the deceased (name) and, if possible, have mercy on him. Thy destinies are unsearchable.

Do not make this prayer a sin for me, but let Your will be done in everything."

You can check it in the Prayer Book or on the Internet.

I read this prayer for my uncle, who died unbaptized, for my friend, who also died unbaptized, and for my beloved teacher, who was a Jew.

If you know Muslims, give them money so they can remember. I did this when a friend died.

If you want, remember him, not as a Muslim, but simply as a close friend.

Light a candle in the church if you want to remember.

You definitely shouldn’t adapt to their traditions.

only by personal prayer. It doesn’t even matter whether you’re a Tatar-Russian, but whether you’re a Christian or not. In church, only baptized Christians are remembered (on notes, etc.).

No way. From the point of view of their faith, you have no right to remember him at all. You are unfaithful, and a woman at that, that is, no one.

Not true. For Muslims, Christians and Jews are “people of the Book,” i.e. Those who received divine revelation in a different way. These are infidels, but of a higher order, and not polytheists, whom Islam really opposes.

People are already Kuku. Remember him as you would any other person dear to you. Just because he was a Muslim does not make his religion correct and yours somehow wrong.

Just buy fruits, sweets and distribute them to the poor or to an orphanage.

go to the mosque and talk to the mullah, he will explain to you

Special thanks to Laura

Go to the mosque, the mullah will explain everything to you

go to the mosque and talk to the mullah, he will explain to you

Women are not allowed in the mosque. Not only Orthodox, but not at all, Muslim too. There is currently a debate among Muslim theologians about whether women can be allowed into the mosque so that they can pray in the last row, behind the men. Behind, because by the position of their body during prayer, they can cause wrong thoughts in praying men and distract them from the process of communicating with Allah.

But for now, the majority is inclined to believe that it is better not to.

What are you doing? How is it that women are not allowed to go to the mosque? You can, and you can pray during a sermon, only in a specially designated place, not in front of men! There is an opinion that it is undesirable for a woman, but not prohibited!

Women are not allowed in the mosque. Not only Orthodox, but not at all, Muslim too. There is currently a debate among Muslim theologians about whether women can be allowed into the mosque so that they can pray in the last row, behind the men. Behind, because by the position of their body during prayer, they can cause wrong thoughts in praying men and distract them from the process of communicating with Allah.

But for now, the majority is inclined to believe that it is better not to.

Can! And you can talk to the mullah.

Thank you very much, I’ve been crying non-stop for the second day, I’ve never encountered that I would cry my eyes out for a Muslim. They advised to give money to Muslim women, they will remember. I myself am inclined to believe that God is still one and you can either light a candle or remember him in your prayer..

Don’t give money personally, and in general it’s better not to contact them. Do not go to the mosque under any circumstances! They don’t favor their women there, especially not their unfaithful ones.

Pray for him and take something edible to church.

My husband was a Muslim; he died five years ago. So every year I go to the mosque and there the mullah reads a prayer, at home with close relatives we remember at the table only without alcohol.

What kind of prayer is this? Do I need to order it? Or please write me how to do everything correctly?

Thank you very much, I’ve been crying non-stop for the second day, I’ve never encountered that I would cry my eyes out for a Muslim. They advised to give money to Muslim women, they will remember. I myself am inclined to believe that God is still one and you can either light a candle or remember him in your prayer..

I also encountered the same problem. She got out of the situation simply by saying, “Lead,” and he led. At night with money to the mosque. Donated to the temple. They stopped crying. Until yesterday I didn’t know that mosques hold services at night. If he came specifically to you, it means his Soul has no one else to turn to. Probably not worth it in an Orthodox church. I went online looking for answers, but all I found were questions.

I also found it on the Internet: It doesn’t matter how many years have passed. They invite a mullah and several old people, or men who know and read prayers, to the house. He reads prayers, then, if possible, they set the table for them, if not, they hand out handkerchiefs, or give a few rubles of money, even if not nothing, then it’s no big deal, because to a Muslim this is read as a good deed. Namely, saying a dua, a prayer for the deceased. It also happens most often that they take some kind of food and treats, or money, or anything necessary for needs of the mosque, even cereals or butter can be taken away, since often in the mosque they feed the hungry and ask them to read dua for the deceased. If it is not possible to bring all of the above, then don’t worry, the brothers will read the dua for the deceased anyway. It is important to ask and give the name of the deceased.

Soon dad will be one year old, we will also call the mullah home, everything is as Yulia described!

Rituals, rituals and ceremonies are important to the living, but the dead don’t care how you remember them. He is beyond convention. Therefore, if you plan to share your grief with someone, then do it according to the rules recognized by the person you are commemorating, but if you want to remember him yourself, then it absolutely does not matter in what form you convey your love to him. He will hear you anyway. Those who have been beyond the border will understand me, and the rest - just believe that this is so!

Truly! How do you know that “they don’t favor their women”? Be sure to go to the mosque (only with your head covered and not in trousers, of course. No one asks for money for prayer or announces any amounts. This is at the discretion of everyone. But I, for example, give, or rather donate, a certain amount to good causes. I am a Muslim, but I also donate and ask to light candles for the repose of my Orthodox friends.

Muslims remember the deceased on the 3rd day, 7th day, 9th day, 53rd day

I found out that my father was a Muslim. Died a long time ago. But I don't know his name. Tell me what to do?

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has the following statements on this issue:

- “Do not forbid women to visit the houses of the Lord [mosques]” /7/;

- “Do not forbid women to go to mosques, but their homes are the best [place of prayer] for them” /8/;

- “If your wife wants to go to the mosque, then do not forbid her” /9/;

- “Do not prohibit women from visiting the houses of the Lord [mosques]! But let them go out without using incense [that is, without attracting the attention of other men with their excessive femininity and its manifestations]” /10/;

Ibn Mus'ud's wife said: “If any of you women goes to the mosque, then let him not use perfume or incense” /11/.

Julia wrote it correctly. My dad is a Muslim, he was buried 5 years ago according to Muslim traditions: in a shroud, a grave with a tunnel. We invite the mullah and Muslim grandmothers. The mullah reads prayers in Arabic, everyone prays. You cannot interfere at this moment, it must be quiet and calm, at this time I am in the kitchen preparing or heating food. When the prayers are finished, the relatives give everyone present scarves, soap, socks, kitchen aprons (whatever you want) plus more money. But they serve it in such a way that the money is not visible. (i.e. according to the principle: “The right hand does not know what the left hand is doing”). Usually the mullah is served larger, but I say again so that no one can see it. You take the money in your palm, put socks on top, for example, and put it in the person’s hand. And so on for everyone. Then the table is set with Tatar dishes: lamb soup with beef (not pork), homemade noodles in it, and whole potatoes cooked there. Then the meat and potatoes are laid out in a separate dish and sprinkled with herbs, and the noodle soup is poured into plates. There should be whiteash with rice, dried apricots and raisins (it’s like our kutia, only in dough). Well, Tatar dishes for tea: chak-chak, brushwood, kystybyi. Sweets, fruits, berries. Strong black tea with milk, hot. Honey can be placed on the table. There should be no alcohol. When the mullah begins to say goodbye, then all the grandmothers will stand behind him and gather. everything takes 2.5 - 3 hours. Usually, bags of food are prepared in advance for everyone leaving, as a gift to take with them. This is customary among the Tatars. Well, that seems to be all. Maybe someone will add something.

in general, Russian Tatars do not remember them at all.

What nonsense. My family is mixed, my mother’s side is Muslim and I was also anointed as a child (I think that’s what they call it), and my father’s side is all Orthodox. I go to church, light candles, order prayers for the repose, etc. Why don’t I remember my own father as expected. It’s the same about Muslims, the more people remember the deceased, no matter what faith he was, the better and easier it is for him, beyond our understanding, because that means he was a good person.

Normal people remember people, not their religion.

1) No matter what those of no other faith write here, Muslim women can be taken to the mosque. No one forbade this and no one dares to forbid it

2) According to the Koran, Muslim women have more protected rights than men. You do not judge by how people treat their wives without following what is written in the holy book. One thing is written, but people do another.

3) Usually Muslims, when commemorating the deceased, read Surah Yasin. When reading it, the sins of the deceased are forgiven and peace is found. If you have a Muslim friend, then ask him to honor it by mentioning the name of your deceased friend.

May Allah bless you for your good deed, even for your desire to remember. All the best!

At the wake, the Muslim mullah allowed everyone else, non-Muslims, to read their prayers silently. God is one.

I read too. And I light candles. And at the mosque I order a prayer for my husband.

Women are not allowed in the mosque. Not only Orthodox, but not at all, Muslim too. There is currently a debate among Muslim theologians about whether women can be allowed into the mosque so that they can pray in the last row, behind the men. Behind, because by the position of their body during prayer, they can cause wrong thoughts in praying men and distract them from the process of communicating with Allah. But for now, the majority is inclined to believe that it is better not to.

MY HUSBAND IS A MUSLIM. I ORDER HIM A PRAYER IN THE MOSQUE. And they let me in. I write my name on a piece of paper, my surname, I put a donation in the box, a purely symbolic amount. And Kazan was in the mosque. They let me in. I am Orthodox.

What nonsense are you talking about? Are women not allowed into the mosque? Nonsense. Women pray in the mosque. Another thing is that in the mosque, men and women pray separately, without seeing each other. You are talking about something you have no idea about. You should at least read some basic things about Islam so you don’t write like that. You should be ashamed of your words. You don’t know or respect Islam?! Your business. But don’t show off your categorical ignorance

I read and admire the knowledge; visitors know more than prophets. that they just didn’t attract. God is One! and He is in everything! It is correctly noted here that Christians and Jews are people of the scripture. Remember it in a way that is consistent with your Faith and Soul. In any case, it helps the deceased and relieves your Soul. Both the deceased and you need remembrance. Any prayer will be accepted by the Almighty. (And in all countries women are allowed into the mosque, they pray separately, there is usually a male and female half, so that (as they correctly noted) not to embarrass men.

the more difficult it is for the souls of the “Russians”.

I put Russian in quotation marks because this apparently concerns only the author and his circle. Three sisters were married to Orthodox Christians, in our region there are 50% Russians, 50% Tatars. And everyone remembers each other - Christians are “ours”, and we, the Tatars, are Russians.

in general, Russian Tatars do not remember them at all.

Women are not allowed in the mosque. Not only Orthodox, but not at all, Muslim too

My husband is a Muslim and has lived all his life among Russians. He honored the traditions of both Orthodox and Muslim. Golden man! Everyone loved him and still loves him after his death. I remember with a prayer for the departed. If not, tell me how to do it correctly?

I am Russian, Orthodox, a close friend died recently (not 40 days have passed yet), he is a Muslim, I don’t know anything about how to remember the Tatars, if you are Russian, tell me who knows, please.

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Sacred traditions say that circumcision of Muslim men is an integral part of the sunnah (spiritual path) of the Prophet Muhammad himself, as well as his predecessors.

The very first prophet to undergo circumcision in Islam (khitan) was Ibrahim (in the Bible he is known as Abraham). According to collections of hadiths (Muslim legends), Ibrahim removed his foreskin when he was already an eighty-year-old man.

Collections of hadiths by Abu Dawud, Harb and Ahmad claim that the Messenger of Allah Muhammad himself demanded circumcision for all male adherents of Islam, even if they came to faith in adulthood.

It is also known from the same sources that on the seventh day after the birth of his grandchildren he slaughtered sheep and personally removed the foreskin from the children.

At what age do Muslims undergo circumcision? Traditionally, among all peoples who believe in Allah and his prophet, circumcision was performed before boys reached adulthood.

There is evidence that even at the beginning of our era the ritual was not neglected by Arabs, Persians, and Turks even during the time of the Ottoman Empire. The holiday of circumcision among Muslims was necessarily accompanied by ritual sacrifices.

The holy book - the Koran - remains completely silent regarding Muslim circumcision. However, other ancient sources describe the ritual of circumcision in Islam and argue for its necessity in some detail.

What is the name of circumcision among Muslims? Hitan, as we said above. We have figured out the essence of circumcision among Muslims, then you can see how congratulations on circumcision occur among Muslims.


Below is a photo of circumcision among Muslims:

Now that you have seen in the photo how Muslim men are circumcised, let's talk about the terminology of this ritual.

Definition of the term Wajib

Wajib is a mandatory rule in Sharia - the code of Muslim religious laws - a rule for which there is strong evidence for its implementation.

Performing wajib is an honorable act and is encouraged among Muslims, and denying it is considered a serious sin.

Among Shiites, male circumcision among Muslims is classified as wajib: they argue that an uncircumcised man cannot be considered a devout follower of Allah and is prohibited from pilgrimage to Mecca.

What is Sunnat circumcision? In Islamic terminology Sunnat is a desirable act, an intention that is not subject to unquestioning fulfillment

. This word gave the name to a whole movement among Muslims - Sunnis.

Many of the Islamic theologians who belong to him believe that circumcision is a personal matter for every Muslim and refusal of this procedure will in no way cause the wrath of Allah. Is circumcision compulsory for a Muslim?

According to other adherents of Islam - Koranites, not necessarily. They have a negative view of circumcision because it is not mentioned in the Qur'an.

The Korans say that this holy book regards man as a perfect creation of Allah, not requiring artificial modifications.

Why are Muslims circumcised? The man who performed circumcision fulfilled the will of the highest deity and the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, thereby cleansing himself of earthly filth.

So, why do Muslim men undergo circumcision? Some theologians consider the removal of the foreskin a sign of Allah's covenant, some special mark on the body indicating God's protection.

What does circumcision mean for Muslims? By cutting off the material in the form of skin around the penis, a Muslim eradicates evil in his heart - envy, anger, hypocrisy, love of power and profit, pride, rivalry and cultivates in his soul love for the great Allah.

As you can see, the answer to the question: “Why do Muslims perform circumcision?” — is simple: “To eradicate everything bad and protect yourself from evil.”

Pros of the ritual

For Muslims, circumcision according to Islam has a number of undoubted advantages:

Important! Some Muslim women refuse to marry an uncircumcised male, explaining this by loyalty to ancient traditions and even the unaesthetic appearance of the penis.

At what age are Muslims circumcised?

Many are interested in the question: “When should Muslims perform circumcision?”, we answer: “There is no clear indication of the age at which circumcision is performed in the Muslim tradition.”

However, Islamic theologians advise faithful parents to perform the ceremony as soon as possible after birth, if the baby’s health allows.

It is best, in accordance with the legends about the life of the Prophet Muhammad, to remove the foreskin on the seventh day after the birth of the boy.

Reference! There are significant differences from this rule. Arabs perform circumcision at 5-6 or 12-14 years of age, Muslims of Malay origin at 10-13 years, Persians at 3-4 years, and Turkish residents at 8-13 years.

Some modern imams advise against circumcision between the ages of 3 and 7 years, explaining this as possible psychological trauma.

Is it possible to complete Khitan as an adult?

Circumcision can be performed by an adult man. When converting to the Islamic faith, this is not a necessary condition in most cases, but if the future Muslim feels that his connection with Allah will be strengthened in this way, khitan is performed at any age.

So we come to the most important thing: “How does circumcision occur among Muslims?” Unlike the Jewish people, Muslims do not have a clearly regulated procedure for circumcision.

Therefore, the time and place of the ceremony can be very different. Islamic theologians agree that the skin around the penis should be cut off in such a way that the head remains completely exposed.

Important! Unlike circumcision among Jews, not only Muslim men, but also representatives of other religions are allowed to perform khitan.

How do Muslims perform circumcision? In infancy, it is not recommended to use anesthetic drugs during such an operation: for an infant it is extremely difficult to correctly calculate the dose, which can be fatal. At older ages, local anesthesia is acceptable.

Who performs circumcision for Muslims? Today, in most cases, Muslims are circumcised in medical institutions by qualified doctors.

How are Muslims circumcised? This ritual is performed using the following means:

Some adult Muslims prefer to do without pain relief during khitan: this will serve as proof of their willpower.

After the completion of the ceremony, a festive celebration is necessarily held. Circumcision is less commonly practiced in Islam than in Judaism, but is still encouraged and considered part of proper religious education in many cultures.

Every Muslim is ordered by the Almighty to fulfill the most important mission - to leave behind righteous offspring. True believers strive to cultivate good morals in their children from the first minutes of their lives. A kind of “starting point” in this is the naming ceremony (or “isem kushu” among the Tatars and a number of other Turkic peoples).

So, several months of waiting and preparation for the arrival of a new family member are over - the long-awaited baby returns home with his mother. (or) parents have already chosen. All that remains is to carry out the naming procedure in accordance with Islamic canons. However, many Muslim couples wonder when and how this ritual is performed correctly.

1. Deadline

In the Islamic tradition, it is customary to carry out naming on the seventh day after the birth of a child, because this is in accordance with the Most Pure Sunnah of the Final Messenger of Allah (s.w.w.). However, there are reliable hadiths indicating that the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) did this procedure on the very first day. Based on both options, some theologians have concluded that it is advisable to give a name during the first week of the baby’s life. Moreover, in modern realities it is impossible to do this on a birthday due to objective factors - the baby lies with the mother in the maternity hospital for several days.

It is also important not to delay the ritual. After all, the sooner a Muslim gains a name and hears the sacred words, the more well-bred he will be and the sooner he will be protected from the machinations of Iblis.

If for any reason the week's deadline is missed, naming is permitted at any other time. There are many cases where adults acted as the “newborn” (for example, a person was born into an atheist family, came to Islam from another faith, or changed his name to a more euphonious one).

2. Place and format

There are no specific indications in Islamic sources regarding the location of the ceremony. Traditionally, among Muslim peoples it is celebrated at home at the festive table with the invitation of guests. And this is connected with another Islamic custom - a sacrifice in honor of a newborn (), which is done exactly on the 7th day. Aisha (r.a.) said that her honorable husband (s.g.v.) performed such a qurban exactly a week after the birth of his grandchildren Hassan and Hussein, and also gave them names. Simultaneously with aqiqah, shaving the first hair from a baby’s head is considered sunnah. Let us note that both rituals belong to the category of mustahab, i.e. desirable for Muslim parents, and not wajib (obligatory). Part of the meat of the sacrificial animal is used to treat relatives gathered at the owners’ house on the occasion of the new addition.

And although a home feast is considered a more preferable format for the event (it helps strengthen family ties, contains elements of sadaq, and fills the home with grace), some parents hold the naming ceremony in a mosque or invite an imam (or simply a Muslim who knows the procedure) without organizing a special celebration. The father himself can give the child a name. Be that as it may, we should proceed from the material capabilities of the family, because Allah judges our actions not by external manifestations, but by intentions.

3. Procedure

The child should be wrapped in a clean white diaper (as a symbol of wishes for a clean and bright life), placed on a pillow with his head towards the qibla and cover his face. From this moment on, those present at the ceremony must maintain silence and listen carefully to the person performing the naming. Only a Muslim man can act as the latter. He stands up to his full height, fixing his gaze in the direction of the Kaaba, and says :

Allahu Akbar - 4 times

Ashhadu alla(a) ila(a)ha illallaah - 2 times

Ashhadu anna Muhammadar-rasul ulLaah - 2 times

Hyaya galya(a)s-sala(a)x - 2 times, slightly turning the body to the right

Hyaya gala(a)l-falya(a)x - 2 times, slightly turning the body to the left

Allahu Akbar - 2 times

La(a) ila(a)ha illallaah- 1 time

This is how the basic postulates for any Muslim are brought to the child’s consciousness: that the Lord of the worlds is great and has no partners, that Muhammad (s.g.w.) is His messenger, that believers should not postpone their prayer, which serves as the path to salvation.

They read after the adhan dua:

“Allahumma Rabba haazikhi dagvati tammya. Vya sala(a)til kaaimya. Ati Muhammadan al-Vasilyatya vyal-fiadtyalya, vya b’askhu myak’omyan Myahmuudyan allazii vya’adtyahu. Innyakya la tuhliful-mi’aad”

Meaningful translation: “O Allah, the Lord of this call. And also with this prayer performed, bring Muhammad to Wasila (i.e., let him achieve what he most strived for) and to a high position, and guide him to the place of praise that You promised him. Truly, You always keep your promises!”

And here comes the climax of the ritual - the adhan reader bends over the child’s right ear, blows lightly three times and quietly pronounces his name and patronymic three times (in any language). For example:

"You have become Amina, daughter of Mahmud"

Next it is said Iqamat(kamat), the text of which is identical to the adhan, with the difference that no turns of the body are made, and after the phrase “Hyaya gala(a)l-falya(a)x” Pronounced 2 times “Kad kaamyatis-sala(a)kh.” The naming one, bending over the left ear of the newborn, blows again 3 times and repeats his name and patronymic three times, as before the iqama. Can add:

“We give the son/daughter of such and such a person who is born into this world such and such a name, which corresponds to Sharia, and we present him to the sight of Allah. O our Lord, accept his (name) and bestow Your mercy. Amen"

Then good wishes come and the following dua is made (example):

“Oh, Lord! Let this child exalt the religion of Islam, be well-mannered, kind to his parents and honor them. Let his parents raise him in an atmosphere of love, mutual respect and health. Amen"

At this point, the naming procedure, in principle, ends, and it is advisable to take the baby to his room. According to established practice, if the ceremony takes place in the format of a feast with the invitation of the imam, then before those gathered begin the meal, he additionally reads the suras of the Koran and delivers a short sermon (vagaz).

We came into this world by the will of the Almighty, Who created everything around us, including life. And we will leave worldly life (dunya) also only by His will.

Nations, a huge number of people, their birth and death are similar to the incessant splashing of waves on the seashore: people also come and go...

A flowing river can also be considered a symbol of generational change. After all, it is in constant motion: the water we see now is different from what we saw a moment ago. This is how life goes! No matter how much a person wants or tries to forget about death, it is an inevitable outcome for all creations. No matter how much we run from her, she always comes to meet us halfway. The Almighty in the Holy Quran emphasized:

Every soul [regardless of the presence or absence of faith in God; anyone] will feel the taste [real biological] of death.

And, undoubtedly, you will receive in full your [deserved in the worldly monastery] rewards, rewards precisely on the Day of Judgment. [That is, you will be rewarded in full for your good creative activity, activity not so much in this life or immediately after death, but after the End of the World and the general Resurrection of those who have ever lived on this planet.]

Whoever is removed from Hell and brought into Paradise has won [this outcome of events- the best result, the greatest reward, this is success and salvation, and forever].

Life is worldly- and there is no doubt about it- an object of blindness (self-delusion, vanity, arrogance, pride). [It is something through which you can be deceived, you can be cruelly deceived, having bought with blood and then millions earned over decades something that is not worth a penny].*

Holy Quran, 3:185

In everyday life, we often come across people who do not know what to do when a loved one has died.

The life of any person can end completely unexpectedly, so you need to know what to do in this case.

Those who are close to the dying person need, in parallel with medical help, if necessary, to provide him with spiritual help. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

لَقِّنُوا مَوْتـاَكُمْ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللَّهُ

Instruct, prompt your dying [words] " la ilaha illya Allah »

hadith from Abu Sa'id,

given in all six codes, except the collection of hadiths of al-Bukhari

If a person in a dying state uttered these words, but then began to talk about something else, then he needs to be reminded again that his last words in this life were precisely the words of confirmation of the uniqueness of the Creator of all things “ la ilaha illya Allah"and words of confirmation of the truth of His last Prophet and Messenger Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): " Muhammadar Rasulu Allah».

It is important to note that one who is in his death throes must repent before the Creator with trembling and fear in his heart, and at the same time be full of hope for the mercy and forgiveness of Allah Almighty. (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said in an imperative form:

May each of you in your death throes be in a state of the best opinion about the Almighty Creator.

hadith from Jabir,

St. hadiths of Muslim, Abu Dawud, Ibn Maj and Ahmad.

The Prophet also conveyed the words of the Almighty with the following meaning:

Verily, I- says the Lord- next to the [good] opinion of My servant about Me.

hadith from Abu Hurayrah,

St. hadiths of al-Bukhari and Muslim

As for those present next to the dying person, they should speak only about good and good things. God's final messenger, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) warned:

If you visit someone who is terminally ill or dead, say only good things. Verily, the angels say “Amin” (That is, “O Allah, accept and answer this.”) concluding your words.

hadith from Ummah Salam,

St. hadiths of Muslim

If signs of the soul leaving the mortal body are evident (that is, the person has died), then the people nearby need to:

1) Place the deceased on his right side, facing towards

It is also possible to place the deceased on his back, with his feet towards the Qiblah, with his head slightly raised. The last option is the most practiced and widespread. In case of certain difficulties, you can leave the deceased in the position and direction that is most optimal for him.

2) Lower the eyelids of the deceased and pray for him, asking the Almighty to raise him to the level of the righteous, forgive his sins and illuminate his grave.

A possible form of prayer for the deceased when closing his eyes could be the following words:

Bismil-lyahi wa ‘ala millyati rasuulil-laah. Allahumma yassir ‘alayhi amrahu wa sakhhil ‘alaihi ma ba’dahu wa as’idhu bi lika’ikya vaj’al ma kharaja ilayhi hairan mimmaa kharaja ‘ankh.

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ وَ عَلَى مِلَّةِ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ ، اَللَّهُمَّ يَسِّرْ عَلَيْهِ أمْرَهُ وَ سَهِّلْ عَلَيْهِ مَا بَعْدَهُ

وَ أَسْعِدْهُ بِلِقَائِكَ وَ اجْعَلْ مَا خَرَجَ إلَيْهِ خَيْرًا مِمَّا خَرَجَ عَنْهُ

I begin in the name of the Lord. With this person belonging to the followers of the Messenger of God. O Allah, give him relief and ease in what awaits him. Let him be happy. May what he goes to be better than where he comes from.

hadith from Ummah Salam,

St. hadiths of Muslim.

3) Knead the joints to prevent them from becoming hard.

4) Place something on your stomach to prevent bloating.

5) Use a bandage to tighten your jaw so that it does not hang down.

6) Cover the body of the deceased.

It is advisable that all this be done by one of the close relatives, who will treat this carefully and with due respect.

Some theologians stipulate the desirability of reading the Holy Quran over the body of the deceased before beginning his ablution. At the same time, others say this is undesirable.

It would be more prudent to read the Holy Qur'an before the supposed final exit of the soul. If, for example, a surah was read over a dying person: Yasin“, and before the reading is completed, the body has already released the soul, then you can stop there. However, only the Almighty knows the best, and it is still preferable to finish reading the sura.

A devout Muslim must be buried on the day of death before sunset. If a person died at night, then they are buried the next day, and they also need to do it before sunset. It is recommended to bury the deceased in the nearest cemetery. This haste is explained by the hot climate of the southern countries, where it began to spread Islam.

Preparations for burial should be as quickly as possible. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) emphasized:

لاَ يَنْبَغيِ لِجِيفَةِ مُسْلِمٍ أَنْ تُحْبَسَ بَيْنَ ظَهْرَيْ أَهْلِهِ

It is unacceptable to keep the corpse of a Muslim in the family circle [to deliberately delay the preparation for burial and the burial itself].

hadith from al-Husayn ibn Wahwah,

St. hadiths of Abu Dawud

Among the three things that cannot be delayed, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) named the burial of the deceased in compliance with the necessary procedures:

O 'Ali! There are three things that cannot be put off (which cannot be delayed): prayer when its time has come; preparation and burial of the deceased; the widow's marriage when she finds a suitable person for her.

hadith from 'Ali,

St. hadiths of Ahmad, at-Tirmidhi

At the same time, scientists note that it is necessary to rush only when signs of death are obvious, so as not to mistakenly bury someone who has lost consciousness, is in a comatose state, or has fallen into lethargy.

7) Wash the body of the deceased.

Washing the deceased is obligatory ( fard kifaya- this is something that is obligatory for all believers and, if performed by any of them, the obligation is removed from all; if it is not committed by any Muslim, then the sin falls on everyone living in the area) for those who prepare it for burial. If there are none, then for any Muslim.

If we talk about who should wash the body of the deceased, the jurists unequivocally state that men should wash the bodies of deceased men, and women should wash the bodies of deceased men. The priority when washing the bodies of deceased men is given to those who have priority in performing the funeral prayer over them (the sequence is as follows: father of the deceased, grandfather, son, grandson, brother, nephew, uncle, cousin. The religiously literate is more important than the elderly), and when washing a woman - her relatives.

It is necessary that the person who will wash the body of the deceased knows the sequence of this ritual and is reliable from the point of view of non-disclosure of certain flaws that can be seen on the body of the deceased and were hidden by him during his lifetime.

The companion of the Prophet Muhammad Ibn ‘Umar said: “Let reliable people wash your dead.”

Ibn Majah M. Sunan [Code of Hadiths]: In 2 volumes [b. m.]:

ar-Rayan li at-turas, [b. g.], vol. 1, p. 469, Hadith No. 1461

According to muhaddith scholars, this hadith does not have a high degree of reliability, but its meaning is canonically correct.

The Prophet Muhammad himself (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

Whoever washes the deceased and hides his flaws will receive God's forgiveness forty times.

Nuzha al-muttakyn. Sharh Riyadh al-Salihin. T. 1, p. 615,

Hadith No. 928, “sahih”

The deceased is placed on a hard bed so that his face faces the Qiblah. The room is fumigated with incense. The genitals of the deceased are covered with cloth.

Hassal (ablution person) washes his hands three times, puts on protective gloves, and then, pressing on the chest of the deceased, running his palms down the stomach to release the contents of the intestines.

After this, the genitals are washed, which are forbidden to look at.

Further hassal changes the gloves already used in the ritual, wets them and wipes the deceased’s mouth, cleans the nose, and washes the face. Then hassal washes both hands up to the elbows, starting with the right hand. This procedure for ablution is the same for both women and men.

Then the deceased is washed. The face of the deceased and his hands up to the elbows are washed three times. The head, ears and neck are well moistened. Next, the feet of the deceased are washed up to the ankles. The head and beard are washed with warm water and soap. Add cedar powder to the water ( gulkair).

The deceased is placed on the left side, and the right side is washed. The washing procedure is as follows: pour water, wipe the body, and then pour it again, washing off the soapy water and powder. Water simply pours onto the material covering the genitals. Such places remain without wiping. These procedures are performed three times.

The same is done when the deceased is placed on his right side. Afterwards, the deceased is washed again with water three times on the right side. It is prohibited to lay the deceased chest down to wash his back. To do this, the body is slightly raised behind the back, and thus water is poured onto the back.

After this, the deceased is placed in a horizontal position, and hassal runs his palms down the chest, pressing so that the feces still remaining inside come out of the body. Then a general washing of the entire body is done. If excrement occurs after this, then washing will not be done again, but only the soiled area will be cleaned.

Only washing the deceased once is considered obligatory; washing more than three times is unnecessary. The wet body of the deceased is dried with a towel. The forehead, nostrils, hands and feet of the deceased are smeared with incense (Bowls-anbar, Zam-Zam, Kofur, etc.).

At least 4 people must participate in the process of ablution and washing. Hassalom and assistant hassala By pouring water over the body, a close relative of the deceased may be chosen. Others should be busy turning and supporting the body of the deceased during the washing process.

As stated above, men should not wash women, just as women should not wash men. Young children of the opposite sex are allowed to be washed. The wife has the right to wash her husband's body. If the deceased is a man, and among those around there are only women (or vice versa), then only tayammum is performed.

Washing can be either free or paid. The gravedigger and porters may also be paid for their work.

Hassal should not declare any physical defects or other defects of the deceased. Good and positive things can and should be said about the external state of the deceased, since our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) called:

Talk about the good qualities of the deceased and refrain from [mentioning] their shortcomings.

At-Tirmidhi M. Sunan at-Tirmidhi [Collection of hadiths of Imam at-Tirmidhi].

Beirut: Ibn Hazm, 2002, p. 317, hadith no. 1020.

8) Wrap the body of the deceased in a shroud (kafan).

Shariah prohibits burying a deceased person in clothes, but in the absence of fabric for a shroud, it is permissible to bury a person in his clothes, having first washed and cleaned them. The exception is for martyrs who died on the battlefield - they are buried in their clothes, not washed, but immediately perform janaza prayer.

The deceased will need to be wrapped in shroud (kafan). The minimum shroud is when the fabric covers the entire body of the deceased in one layer. The kafan is made of chintz or white linen. The kafan for men consists of three parts: 1. Lifafa- fabrics (of various types and good quality) covering the deceased from head to toe (40 cm of fabric on each side, so that the shroud can be tied on both sides after wrapping the body); 2. Izar- a piece of cloth to wrap the lower part of the body; 3. Kamis- a shirt sewn so that the man's genitals are covered.

For women - five-part: 1. Lifafa- the same as for men; 2. Izar- a piece of fabric for the lower body; 3. Kamis- shirt, without collar, with a cutout for the head; 4. Himar- a scarf to cover a woman’s head and hair, the length of which is 2 m and the width is 60 cm; 5. Pick- a piece of fabric for covering the chest, length - 1.5 m, width - 60 cm.

To cover newborns or deceased infants, one lifafa. For boys under 8 or 9 years of age, it is permissible to be wrapped in a shroud, just as for an adult or infant. It is advisable that the shroud be prepared for the deceased husband by the wife, and for the deceased wife - by the husband, relatives or children. If the deceased was lonely, then the funeral is carried out by neighbors.

At-Tabari reported the following hadith: “The Prophet said that a neighbor deserves, if he gets sick, that you treat him if he dies- buried if he becomes poor- gave a loan if he was in need- protected him if good came to him- congratulated him if there was trouble- consoled him. Do not raise your building above his, keep your fire from his, do not irritate him with the smell of your cauldron except by drawing for him from it.”

Jami-ul-Fawaid, 1464

A Muslim can be buried by the community. The entire body is covered with fabric - this is a prerequisite. If the deceased was an insolvent person, then covering his body with three pieces of cloth will be considered sunnah. If the deceased was wealthy and left no debts behind, then his body is covered with three pieces of cloth without fail.

The material must be in accordance with the material wealth of the person being buried - as a sign of respect for the deceased. The body of the deceased can be covered with used fabric, but it is better if the fabric is new. It is forbidden to cover a man's body with silk.

According to the rules of funerals, Muslims do not cut or comb their beard or hair before burying their bodies, their toenails and fingernails are not cut, and gold crowns are not removed. Procedures such as hair removal and nail trimming must be performed during life.

The order of wrapping for deceased men is as follows: before covering the deceased, it spreads on the bed Lifafa, which is sprinkled with fragrant herbs and scented with various incense, such as rose oil. On top lifafa spreads out isar. Afterwards the deceased is laid, dressed in kamis. Hands are placed along the body. The deceased is anointed with incense. Next, prayers are read and the deceased is said goodbye. Isar envelop the body: first the left side, and then the right. Lifafu They wrap it first on the left side, then knots are tied at the head, at the belt, and also at the feet. When the body is lowered into the grave, these knots are untied.

The deceased is carried out of the house feet first. After taking it out, it is turned around and carried or driven by car to the cemetery, head first.

The procedure for wrapping women is identical to that of men, with the only difference being that before dressing kamisa the deceased's breasts are covered hirkoy- material covering the chest from the armpits to the abdomen. When getting dressed kamis, then the hair falls on it. A scarf is placed on the face - khimar, placed under the head. This is the only difference.

9) Perform funeral prayer (janaza prayer).

Special funeral stretcher (tobut) are set perpendicular to the direction of Qibla. The worshipers stand in the direction of the Kaaba, and the stretcher with the body of the deceased lies across on the ground in front of the imam. If janaza prayer is read simultaneously for a man, woman, boy and girl, then the dead are placed in the following order: in front of the imam - a man, behind him - a boy (the imam stands at the level of their head), then - a woman, followed by a girl (imam stands at the level of the middle of their bodies). The adhan and iqamat are not read before the funeral prayer. All prayer is done while standing. Everything is read silently. The presence of ritual purity (small ablution or full) among those praying is just as mandatory as in any other prayer-namaz.

10) Bury the deceased.

To transfer the deceased they use the same tobut. It is advisable that the stretcher be carried by at least four people, holding it on four sides.

When the deceased is brought to the grave, it is better that no one sits down until the body is lowered to the ground.

Women are not present at funerals.

What is the correct way to dig a grave in Islam?

When digging up a grave, it must be taken into account that the body will be directed towards the Kaaba, lying on its right side.

The grave looks like this: first of all, a hole is dug 200 cm long, about 75 cm wide and 130 cm deep. After that, a side recess (niche) is dug in it on the right side, called lyahad. Subsequently, the body will be laid in it. The height of the lahad should be approximately 55 cm. Its width is 50 cm, of which 25 cm is inside, and 25 cm is outside.

Lyahad closed with unbaked bricks (clay slabs) or boards after the deceased is placed there. In case of flowability, looseness of the soil and fear of a collapse, it is allowed not to do the lyakhad, but dig an additional depression downwards, which is also covered with unfired bricks (clay slabs) or boards, after the deceased is placed in this depression.

When the body of a deceased woman is lowered into the grave, she is additionally covered with something, protecting her from view and gaze. The woman's body is lowered by her husband and her relatives.

Depending on the size of the body of the deceased, there may be 2 or 3 people in the grave who will receive it.

The deceased should be lowered head first from the side of the grave where his legs will be. You can lower it from the Qibla side.

The one who lowers the body into the grave and places it in a niche says: “ Bismil-lyah wa 'ala millyati rasuulil-lyah».

The deceased should lie on his right side, with his head directed towards the Qiblah; for this, a little earth is placed under the head and the back is supported with stones.

After the body has been placed in a niche and covered with unfired bricks (clay slabs) or boards, the grave is covered with earth so that a mound is formed. First, those present throw three handfuls of earth into the head area, then bury the grave with shovels. According to the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), it is forbidden to raise graves above the ground more than 15-20 cm.

2 stones or 2 unbaked bricks are placed on the grave: at the level of the head and feet. [Nowadays, a stone (tablet) is installed on the grave in the area of ​​the head of the deceased with the inscription of the name and surname of the deceased, as well as the years of his life.]

There is no need to strive to make the grave special, different from others. It is forbidden to cover it with marble, build anything on it, or install monuments.

You cannot sit on graves and step on them, it is forbidden to pray at the grave (here we mean prayer-namaz with bows and bows to the ground), it is also forbidden to put flowers, green grass on the graves, to grow trees on them, etc. Do not repeatedly spray the grave with water.

After the burial, everyone who participated in the funeral procession must pray for the deceased. Every Muslim, entering a cemetery for burial, must necessarily remember the Day of Judgment and the future life, prepare for his own death, and observe the position of the dead. After all, from the outside, all the graves look the same, but inside, some have a garden from the gardens of Paradise, and others have a pit from the pits of Hell. Everyone in the cemetery needs to remain calm and quiet, fear Allah, and avoid talking about worldly topics.

It is better if the family of the deceased does not receive guests or prepare funeral treats on the days of the funeral. Neighbors or relatives can help them with this.
Condolences are agreed upon before the burial and after it for three days. Their idea is to reassure and encourage patience. You can say: " May Allah reward you for your patience, inspire peace, consolation, and may He forgive the possible sins of the deceased». Special meetings for accepting condolences are not organized, as they aggravate the grief and misfortune of relatives.

Crying due to heartache is acceptable, but mourning, especially when accompanied by screams and screams, is extremely condemnable, sinful and causes pain to the deceased.

The above part of the article describes the canonical aspects of events related to funerals; in the conditions of Russian reality, Muslims face a number of problems caused by the need to comply with formal procedures established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. In this regard, we strongly recommend that you also familiarize yourself with the actions that will need to be taken to follow the letter of the law.

Steps to take if death occurs at home, prior to burial:

1. Call an emergency medical team to confirm death.

2. Call a police officer to draw up a protocol for examining the corpse.

3. Receive a death certificate form (or accompanying sheet) from medical workers and a protocol for examining the corpse from a police officer.

If necessary, call a specialized vehicle to transport the body to the morgue (medical workers will tell you the phone number for the corpse transportation service). All the above documents ( death declaration form and corpse examination protocol) employees of the corpse transportation service take it along with the body for delivery to the morgue. In this case, it is necessary to obtain from the employees of the corpse transportation service a referral form to the clinic in order to obtain an outpatient card (if you do not have one on hand).

4. If the body was not transported to the morgue, with a death declaration form, a protocol for examining the corpse, a medical insurance policy and an outpatient card of the deceased (if available), the passport of the deceased and the applicant’s passport, go to the clinic to obtain a medical death certificate.

5. If the body was transported to the morgue, then in the morning, with a referral from the corpse transportation service, a medical insurance policy, the deceased’s passport and the applicant’s passport, go to the clinic to receive an outpatient card with a written post-mortem epicrisis. After that, with the outpatient card of the deceased (necessarily with an epicrisis!!!), the passport of the deceased and the applicant’s passport, you must go to the morgue to issue a medical death certificate.

6. After receiving a medical death certificate at the clinic or morgue, at the registry office (at the place of residence of the deceased or the location of the morgue/clinic, or at the duty registry office during non-working days) obtain a stamped death certificate and a death certificate (form 33).

7. Call the agency of the ritual and funeral service to place an order for the provision of ritual services and organization of the funeral, or contact the point (bureau) of the ritual and funeral service and there personally place an order for the organization of the funeral.

8. For believers - contact the mosque or other persons involved in Muslim funerals.

We must remember death. It is not for nothing that in one of the hadiths the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) calls for the remembrance of “ Hazimul-lyazzat", that is, death, which serves as an edifying destroyer of whims and passions. But at the same time, we should not be afraid of it. The mercy of the worlds, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

The time is approaching when the nations will begin to attack you, like hungry people attacking a bowl of food.” He was asked the question: “Is this due to our small numbers?” "No,- he answered,- There will be a lot of you, but you will be like rubbish in a fast stream of water. The Almighty will deprive your enemies of fear and respect for you. There will be vahn in your hearts.” The question followed: “What is “vahn”, O Messenger of Allah? "Vahn- this is [strong, blinding] love for the worldly and dislike of death,”- came the prophetic answer.

Abu Daud S. Sunan abi Daud S. 469, hadith No. 4297, sahih

Our elders say: “ Alhamdulillah! Our children in Islam are the ones who will bury us. All hope is on you!»

« It's good if it's Allah's will“, we agree, without thinking that we have taken on a responsibility about which we know little.

Dear brothers and sisters! Remember that ALL HOPE IS ONLY ON YOU, so try to see off your family and friends with dignity on their last journey!!!

Radia Zavdetovna,

Mahalla No. 1

*With comments by Sh. Alyautdinov

Materials used when writing this article:

I. Alyautdinov “Know. Believe. Honor";

Collection of Lessons “The ABCs of Islam”;

See: Amin M. (known as Ibn ‘Abidin). Radd al-mukhtar. T. 2, p. 189, 193; al-Khatib ash-Shirbiniy Sh. Mughni al-mukhtaj. T. 2, p. 5-7.

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