When to sow carrots, beets and parsnips to get a great harvest. How to plant carrots with seeds in open ground in spring When can you sow carrots according to the lunar calendar

Carrots are one of those vegetable crops that are always planted without seedlings, in open or closed ground, if it is meant to be grown in a greenhouse until harvesting. The crop is quite cold-resistant, so it is one of the first to be sown in garden beds. How not to rush or be late with planting it, but to choose the most favorable days from a suitable period of time - the lunar calendar for planting carrots 2018 will tell you.

Favorable days for planting carrots according to the lunar calendar for 2018

The bed for sowing root crops needs to be prepared in the fall. After harvesting the predecessor, dig up the area using a shovel, while adding wood ash and complex mineral fertilizers, such as superphosphate. Just before sowing, the grains are soaked in water for several days, which will stimulate the early emergence of seedlings. The quantity and quality of the harvest will depend on the correct planting date.

The favorable period is chosen depending on the climatic conditions of a particular region. When compiling a lunar calendar, astrologers pay attention not only to the phases of the moon, but also to the location of the satellite in a certain (fertile or barren zodiac sign). Let's take a look at the best dates for planting carrots in 2018 by month:

  • March - 5, 6, 7, 8, 20, 21, 22;
  • April - 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 29;
  • May - 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 26, 27, 28, 31;
  • June - 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 22, 23, 24, 25.

When to plant carrots in 2018 before winter - favorable days

  • September - 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20, 27, 28, 29;
  • October - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 31;
  • November - 1, 2, 3, 4.

The influence of lunar phases on planting vegetables

The basis for drawing up a calendar is the movement of the Moon in the signs of the Zodiac and the change in its phases. Moreover, any factor can be a priority in different cases depending on a number of reasons.

It is known that the movement of vital juices in plants is directly related to the lunar phases. The waxing Moon makes them move upward, and the waning Moon, on the contrary, downwards, into the roots. Accordingly, different recommendations are given for planting and caring for plants that produce root crops and those that are used for decorative purposes or produce above-ground fruits.

Everything that, like carrots, belongs to the “roots” is more favorable to plant on the waning Moon. At the same time, the roots of plants planted closer to the Full Moon go deeper, including root vegetables (radish, daikon, carrots, etc.). And being planted closer to the New Moon, they grow strong, plump, but shorter. On the New Moon itself and on the day when the disk is fully illuminated, it is not recommended to work on the ground. The beginning of the cycle, when the earth’s satellite is not visible at all, is considered especially fruitless and negative for any undertaking.

Choosing a place to plant carrots

To begin with, it is worth considering that carrots will not tolerate the proximity of parsley, parsnips, dill and celery. The place for sowing carrots in the spring must be chosen on the basis that it should be illuminated by the sun throughout the daylight hours, and this is very important! It will work out very well if last year cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage or tomatoes grew in the same place.

The time when you need to plant carrots in the spring is the second important factor on which the quantity and quality of the harvest will depend. During the day it should already be warmer than +12 degrees, and at night no colder than +5-7 degrees. Only in this case, the flower arrows will not actively develop, but instead the carrot root itself will begin to grow.

Methods and schemes for planting carrots

There are several interesting ways to plant carrots. Before you begin planting work, you need to familiarize yourself with all the methods and choose the best option for yourself. There are the following methods for planting carrots in open ground in spring:

  • Planting dry seeds - seedlings are sown in random order. The disadvantage of this method is the uneven distribution of plantings.
  • Wet seeds - seeds soaked in water or soil are combined with fine river sand and scattered evenly over the prepared area.
  • Using tape or toilet paper - to plant carrots on a tape in open ground, you need to moisten the tape with starch-based glue. Planting material is carefully laid out on paper. After this, the tape is placed in the ground and covered with soil. The advantage of this method is the uniform distribution of seedlings.

Caring for carrots after planting

In the first two weeks after planting, the crops are provided with the necessary amount of moisture. In the future, the carrots will need to be watered with water infused in the sun from a watering can at intervals of 1-2 times a week. Moistening the soil is best done in the evening, which will prevent burns on the leaves.

Loosening of row spacing is carried out the next day after watering. The purpose of this procedure is to remove weeds and aerate the soil. Loose soil facilitates the penetration of oxygen and moisture to the root system of crops. Thinning of crops is considered one of the most important operations for caring for plantings. Such operations are carried out up to 3 times per season, except in cases of sowing carrots on a tape or maintaining the required distances when sowing seeds.

Potassium is necessary for carrots at all stages of growth; its deficiency manifests itself in yellowing of the lower leaves and slower growth. The fruits of such carrots are bitter, because with potassium deficiency, the accumulation of sugars stops. Ash can be a natural source of potassium.

Magnesium is involved in many metabolic processes of the plant. With a lack of magnesium, the immune system of carrots suffers. Fruits can be affected by various types of rot and bacterial diseases. Carrots get magnesium from humus and other organic substances. Many regions are poor in magnesium, and even a large amount of humus is unable to compensate for the deficiency; it is better to apply this element to carrot beds in the form of chelated fertilizers.

Iron, iodine, boron, phosphorus and other trace elements are also very important for photosynthesis processes during carrot growth. It is advisable to introduce substances that contain these elements every year. A natural source of these elements for feeding carrots can be an infusion of weeds.

Harvesting carrots

To decide whether it’s time to dig up the root crops or wait a couple more weeks, you need to take 1-2 carrots out of the ground and inspect them. If you see the appearance of thin roots, then it’s time to harvest the crop before rodents get to it. Early ripening varieties can be pulled out of the ground as needed. But some people harvest the entire crop of early carrots at once in order to sow the area with a new crop.

How to deal with pests?

Carrots produce the largest increase in fruit weight at the end of August and September, when, due to a decrease in temperature, the above-ground part distills all the beneficial substances into the root crops. Therefore, the most suitable time for harvesting in mid-latitudes is considered to be the end of September. It is not advisable to keep root crops in the ground for longer. Harvest carrots on a warm sunny day by lightly prying from below with a fork or shovel, and then pulling out the bush with your hands.

To ensure that carrots are stored well later, try to avoid mechanical damage during harvesting. The tops must be immediately carefully cut with a knife, capturing the top of the root crop by 1-2mm - this will prevent the carrots from sprouting during storage. Before being placed in the basement, the harvest is laid out under a canopy for ventilation and only then put into boxes and put away.

Sow carrots on time, and then you will get a wonderful harvest that you will use all winter.

Carrots can be found in any summer cottage. And although retail outlets offer it all year round, their own is much tastier and healthier. But only those gardeners who grow it according to the rules and create the necessary conditions for its development will get a good harvest. In order for the plants to sprout together and please with productivity, experienced gardeners advise planting carrots in April or early May, taking into account the lunar calendar for 2019.

Since different varieties of carrots coexist quite friendly in the same bed, it makes sense to sow early, mid-season, and late varieties. It is important to choose the right days for planting carrots according to the lunar calendar. The first harvest will be used for salads and other dishes in the summer, and those that ripen later will be used for autumn preparations and storage for winter consumption.

Chapter 1. Favorable days for planting carrots in spring in 2020 according to the lunar calendar

  • March: 20, 21;
  • April: 1, 3, 12, 13, 17, 18;
  • May: 4, 14, 15, 19, 24, 31;
  • June: 1, 7, 10, 11.

First you need to choose a suitable place for carrots. The amount of harvest depends on how correct it is. It is important to remember that the root vegetable does not like shade, so it is recommended to sow the seeds in a well-lit area of ​​the summer cottage, where the sun shines throughout the day. Also, the plant does not tolerate being planted in the same place, so it is best to choose a new area every year. Carrots will not grow or will not grow well if herbs such as parsnips, parsley, dill or celery were previously sown on the site. The most optimal predecessors of this root vegetable will be: tomatoes, cucumbers, garlic, potatoes and cabbage.

Chapter 2. Unfavorable days in 2020

  • March: 16, 17, 22, 23, 31;
  • April: 14, 15, 16, 25, 26;
  • May: 1, 7, 8, 17, 18;
  • June - 3,4, 5, 18.

Section 1. Preparing carrot seeds

Before planting, the seeds must be prepared. What does this include? Soak the seeds in warm water for some time. Afterwards, transfer it to a damp cloth, which should be quite large so that it can cover the seeds both from below and from above. The seeds are left in a dark, warm place and need to be stirred occasionally. After swelling and the appearance of the first sprouts, the carrot seeds are placed in the refrigerator for hardening. Once this stage is passed, you will be able to identify defective seeds - those that will not be accepted in open ground.

Section 2. Choosing a location

To begin with, it is worth considering that carrots will not tolerate the proximity of parsley, parsnips, dill and celery. The place for sowing carrots in the spring must be chosen on the basis that it should be illuminated by the sun throughout the daylight hours, and this is very important! It will work out very well if last year cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage or tomatoes grew in the same place.

The time when you need to plant carrots in the spring is the second important factor on which the quantity and quality of the harvest will depend. During the day it should already be warmer than +12 degrees, and at night no colder than +5-7 degrees. Only in this case, the flower arrows will not actively develop, but instead the carrot root itself will begin to grow. Now let's ask experienced gardeners which carrots to plant in early spring?

Section 3. Sowing

Having waited for good weather when it will be possible to plant carrots in the spring, we dig up the beds and harrow them. We make beds on the soil, the width between them should be at least 15-20 centimeters. Having marked the area, we make straight grooves and spill them with water. Keep in mind that carrots love water! You need to water so that the soil gets wet by 30-35. How to properly plant carrots in the spring, almost every seed will germinate. For this reason, seeds should be placed in the furrow one at a time every 2-3 centimeters. Sprinkle the planting furrows with soil and lightly compact the top. Within 3-4 days you will already see shoots.

Chapter 3. Favorable days for planting carrots in the fall of 2020 according to the lunar calendar

  • October: 2, 3, 25, 26;
  • November: 11, 12, 13, 17.

Section 1. Planting carrots before winter

On the one hand, it may seem risky to plant carrots before winter. But the devil is not as scary as he is portrayed. This event allows the summer resident to achieve a harvest earlier and save himself from the unnecessary troubles that threaten farmers in the spring. Such seedlings will be stable during the winter, and you will not lose your harvest during spring frosts. In order to instill confidence in yourself that you will not burn out in such a bold undertaking, you should choose the right variety of carrots. Not all varieties are able to survive sub-zero temperatures, so this step is one of the most important.

Section 2. Variety of frost-resistant carrot varieties

  1. Nantes produces a harvest a couple of months after planting; this variety has a pleasant taste and resistance to cold. Suitable for winter planting.
  2. Shantane is inferior in quality to the previous one, and matures much later. But it can be more hardy and will survive lack of watering.
  3. Incomparable carrots take a long time to ripen, but the level of beneficial properties in them is off the charts. Withstands bad weather during the winter.
  4. Vitamin quality corresponds to its name and surprises with its ripening speed and stability.
  5. Losinoostrovskaya is also endowed with endurance and is in no way inferior in taste to all of the above.
  6. Moscow winter is typical for the territory of the same name. Tasty and hardy. And great for planting for the winter.

You have chosen the appropriate carrot variety. Now you need to understand when to sow carrots in the ground in winter and how to choose the right place where you will sow. Choose an elevated place for the winter, sheltered from the wind, but accessible to the sun. The soil should be loose, regardless of the sowing period.

The suitable period for sowing the selected variety is November. Clear the soil of weeds for the winter and loosen it thoroughly. Carrots are planted exclusively in loose soil; no other soil is suitable for this event. You can add sawdust to hard soil for the winter, which has decomposed by half, since fresh ones are not suitable. Once the soil has reached the required consistency, fertilize it with organic fertilizers. If you use manure, do not use fresh manure. Carrots grow crooked when using fresh manure.

Chapter 4. Video

The lunar calendar for carrots will help you choose favorable days for planting. It can be used as a reference point by gardeners who pay attention to the phases of the moon, which affect the Earth’s magnetic field.

Carrots should be planted in open ground after the snow has completely melted and the soil has dried. The main condition is warm weather. The outside temperature should exceed +15 °C, and the soil should warm up to at least +7 °C. Such weather conditions occur in mid-spring. In the southern regions of Russia, planting can begin at the end of March. It is worth noting that each variety requires special time for planting. Seeds that can be stored until winter should be planted no earlier than May.

As for sowing in a greenhouse, the planting time will depend on its characteristics. If the greenhouse is heated, you can start planting at the end of winter. In a greenhouse without heating, but with thermal insulation, sowing begins in March. If there is no heating and the greenhouse is located on the ground, sowing should not be done before May.

In order to dig up juicy beets or carrots, pay attention to favorable days for planting:

  • March: 3, 10, 21, 27, 29;
  • April: 1, 3, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22;
  • May: 9, 11, 13, 14, 17.

Video “The correct way to plant carrots”

In this video you will learn a clever way to plant carrots in the spring.

Cultivation care

It is best to care for root vegetables on days when the moon is under the signs of Taurus, Scorpio or Capricorn. These days you can dig up weeds or thin out the ground. Fertilizer must be applied on the days of Pisces, Capricorn or Scorpio. As for watering, it must be done every day, regardless of the position of the moon, so as not to harm the seeds. Particular attention should be paid to carrots in the days of Aquarius, since there is a high probability of drought.

It is better not to carry out any activities in the garden when the moon is under the sign of Aries. Gemini is a great day for weeding. It is strictly forbidden to replant and plant seeds when the Leo phase begins. You can protect crops from pests in 2020 during Virgo days. To obtain seed stock from root crops, choose Scorpio or Libra days. Harvesting should only be done on a waxing moon, preferably when it is in Aries or Virgo.


Harvest time depends not only on the lunar calendar. Early varieties are always harvested in early spring. The collection of varieties intended for storage in autumn is carried out towards the end of spring. Astrologers say that it is not recommended to carry out any work during the full moon or new moon. Carrots removed from the soil lose nutrients. If harvesting occurs during a new or full moon, the roots are affected by magnetic fields, which cause the carrots to wither and age faster.

The readiness of the fruit for harvesting is determined by the lower leaves on the tops. If they turn yellow, the carrots are ripe. Vegetables that will be eaten in winter are harvested no earlier than September. Late-ripening varieties should also not be harvested early. They need to be kept in the ground longer, even in unfavorable weather. Don't forget that carrots are resistant to cold, so they will ripen even at low temperatures. If you want to store carrots for a long time, do not collect them in the heat.

Planting before winter

Root crops are planted before winter to reap an early harvest. This procedure is carried out in autumn or spring. This method can only be practiced in moderate winter conditions. Seeds planted in autumn are hardened at low temperatures, so they become more resistant to frost. They are saturated with moisture, so you can expect a good harvest.

In order to reap a good harvest, it is necessary to plant carrots before winter after the first frost. Typically, such conditions occur at the end of October. If planting is done earlier, the seeds will freeze.

For sowing, it is better to choose the days of the waning moon. You should refrain from gardening work on the days of the full moon and new moon. Favorable signs are Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn. If you plant closer to the full moon, the vegetables will quickly grow, and by the new moon the root crops will spread out wide.

If you follow the lunar calendar, you can reap a rich harvest of tasty and juicy carrots. Please note the dates that are absolutely not suitable for carrying out any work in the garden next year.

In March, you should not work on the ground on the 1st, 3rd, 14th, 17th, 19th, 22nd, 25th and 31st. In April, unfavorable days include 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 28, 29, 30. In May, it is better not to work in the garden 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 , 9th, 12th, 13th and 16th. In particularly cold regions, you should focus not only on the lunar calendar, but also on the readiness of the soil, as well as temperature conditions.

Carrots are not only a very tasty vegetable, but also a whole range of various vitamins. Carrots are used very widely. Salads are made from it, added to all kinds of soups, canned and stored for the winter. Many gardeners grow carrots on their plots. In order to get a good harvest, it is necessary to grow the plants correctly. An important factor is determining the correct planting time. In this article we will tell you when to plant carrots in 2017 according to the lunar calendar.

The timing of sowing carrot seeds depends on many factors, namely:

  • Variety of carrots.
  • Climatic conditions.
  • Some features of agricultural technology.

If you want to get early carrots, you should plant ultra-early ripening carrots. Such varieties ripen on average 50-55 days after germination. If you need to get a crop that will be stored for a long time in winter, then you should focus on late-ripening varieties. Of course, planting times will vary. The same cannot be said about the climate in which you will grow vegetables. A lot depends on this too.

Photo: Favorable days for planting carrots in 2017 according to the lunar calendar.

Favorable days for planting carrots in April 2017:

  • April 16.
  • April 17.
  • April 18th.
  • April 23.

Favorable days for planting carrots in May 2017:

  • 9th May.
  • May 14.
  • May 19.
  • May 24.

There is practically no point in planting in June.

Planting carrots 2017: agricultural technology.

The bed for sowing carrots must be prepared in the fall. It is necessary to select and dig up an area. Carrots love loose soil.

Carrots love soils with an acidity pH of 6-7, with a ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium of 2.5:1:4. The soil must be prepared in advance before sowing. This will need to be done in the fall after the previous harvest. The area needs to be dug up, loosened and fertilized: manure 3-4 kilograms per 1 square meter, wood ash 1 cup per 1 square meter. Immediately before planting, the soil can be fertilized with mineral fertilizers. If you have acidic soil, then you need to add 300-500 grams of lime per 1 square meter.

The agricultural technology for planting carrots is very simple. Throughout the entire bed, rows are made at a distance of 20-25 centimeters from each other, and the seeds are planted in them. Sowing is done to a depth of 2-3 centimeters. To create a humid, favorable microclimate, the crops are covered with film.

Carrots are a fairly cold-resistant crop. It can be planted quite early. It is reliably known that carrots can withstand even short-term frosts.

Favorable days for planting onions and carrots in May 2019

Onions and carrots are found on every housewife's table in almost all dishes. They are the favorite vegetables of Russians. The technology for cultivating onions and carrots is quite simple, but there are still some peculiarities in their cultivation.

Moreover, May has arrived - the “hottest” and most active month for any gardener, both experienced and beginner.

Favorable days for planting onions in May 2019

Most summer residents grow onions using a two-year method: first, onion sets are grown from seeds, and then onions are grown from them.

When to plant onions on turnips in 2019: favorable and unfavorable days for planting onions

You should start sowing onions in open ground in the spring and continue until mid-summer. In April, it is necessary to begin preparing the beds for planting onions, writes Jossi ru. Shallow 3-centimeter grooves are made in them. The layout of the grains on the bed is such that there should be approximately 25 cm between the rows, and 8 cm between the bulbs. The lunar calendar shows the best days for planting onions.

Favorable days for planting onions according to the 2019 Lunar calendar:

  • April 29;
  • May 4–5, 14, 31;
  • 1–2, 10–11, 18–19, 29 June;
  • July 7–8, 15–16;
  • 4–5, 12–13, 31 August;
  • September 1, 8, 27–28;
  • 6–7, October 25;
  • November 2–3, 21–22, 29–30.

Unfavorable days for planting onions:

  • April 20, 26;
  • May 3-5, 27, 28;
  • October 17, 23, 25;
  • November 2, 4, 11, 15.

When to plant onions on turnips in 2019: caring for onions and rules for collecting them

Onions cannot be called a wayward crop; they need the necessary conditions for growth:

  • constant loosening;
  • timely weeding;
  • watering if there is no rain;
  • feeding is allowed with wood ash, which is excellent for absolutely all root crops.

If the height of the feather reaches 20 cm (during this period the bulb begins to grow in size), you need to do foliar feeding with nettle infusion. That's all that both seedlings and adult plants require.

Before planting seeds, it is important to take care of preparing the land. To do this, you will need to dig up a bed in early spring, in which to make furrows no more than 3 cm deep. The distance between the rows should not exceed 25 cm, and between the bulbs - 8 cm.

Next, you will need to turn to the lunar calendar, since the experience of many gardeners has proven the influence of the phases of the Moon on the growth of certain crops. Favorable days for planting onions in May will be the 4th-5th, 14th, and 31st. It is not recommended to water seedlings on May 16-17, 24-25. Also, according to the lunar calendar, dates are indicated for applying complex fertilizing in May (1, 8, 10-12, 18, 25) and dry fertilizer (May 16, 25).

Don’t forget about the climatic features of your region of residence. Depending on this, planting dates may vary.

It is also important to remember that planting onions too early can lead to the appearance of arrows. If the seedlings grow too slowly, you can use a solution that will stimulate growth. If all planting rules are followed, and favorable days according to the lunar calendar are also taken into account, then the first shoots should appear 2 weeks after planting the seeds, in the worst case this will happen in a month.

After the onion has begun to grow, throughout the entire period until ripening it is necessary to follow important rules of care - loosen the soil, weed in a timely manner, water in the absence of rain and apply potassium fertilizer in the form of wood ash.

Planting carrots in 2019

Carrots are one of those vegetable crops that are always planted without seedlings, in open or closed ground, if it is meant to be grown in a greenhouse until harvesting. The crop is quite cold-resistant, so it is one of the first to be sown in garden beds. How not to rush or be late with planting it, but to choose the most favorable days from a suitable period of time - the lunar calendar for planting carrots 2019 will tell you.

Favorable days for planting carrots in May 2019

Growing carrots in a greenhouse and open ground is not quite as simple as it might seem at first glance. Therefore, it is important to know the rules for planting, growing and caring for carrot seeds. Due to the vast territory of the Russian Federation, carrots are planted in the regions at different times. It is important to take into account the temperature regime, which will enable carrot seedlings to develop correctly and quickly. An important condition is the absence of frost.

Here it is important to take into account not only climatic conditions, but also refer to the lunar calendar. There will be a good harvest after planting carrots on May 9, 16-19, 24, 28-29.

However, in order for carrot seeds to germinate accurately, it is necessary to carry out their preliminary preparation. To do this, you will need to soak them in a damp cloth 2 weeks before planting. In May, it is not advisable to plant late varieties of seeds, but to plant early varieties.

When to sow carrots in May 2019?

Please note:

  1. Temperature indicator. When determining the timing of sowing this crop, soil and air temperatures should be taken into account. The main thing is that there should be a constant plus at night and day, without frost. Despite the fact that seedlings tolerate short-term cold snaps well, it is recommended to sow seeds when the soil and air warm up a little (from +4°C and above). For example, in the Urals this temperature is set on May 15-20. Then they sow carrot seeds in open ground.
  2. Moon calendar. According to the lunar calendar for 2019, it is recommended to sow carrot seeds on the following favorable days of May: 9, 16-19, 24, 28-29. The waxing Moon will accelerate the growth of seed germination, the sprouts will be more resilient and strong.
  3. Germination. It is recommended to check the quality of germination of carrot seeds in advance, which will allow you to get a good harvest and avoid reseeding in June. 2 weeks before the intended sowing, the seeds are soaked in a damp cloth. Average quality is indicated by the pecking of half the seeds; if there are more, it means the seeds are very good. Naturally, the longer the seeds lie, the less germination they have.
  4. Variety In May, it is recommended to sow late-ripening carrot varieties - Nantes, Flakke, Berlicum, Autumn Queen. A distinctive feature of these varieties is the high shelf life of root crops and high sugar content. At the end of May and in the first ten days of June, early ripening carrots are sown - Parisian Corotel, Amsterdam, Chantenay. The root crops of these varieties are not stored for long; they are mainly used for preservation and fresh consumption.

The timing of sowing carrot seeds in May must be selected taking into account the factors discussed above.

It is important that the bed for planting is prepared in the fall and filled with fertilizers. You can sow seeds in different ways, but most often they use the classic method - in furrows. The depth of the groove should be no more than 1 cm, otherwise the carrot seeds will not be able to sprout. A distance of approximately 20 cm is maintained between the grooves. The seeds are laid out at a distance of 0.3-1 cm from each other. Sprinkle the seeds with light soil to prevent compaction, after which the grooves are shed with water. It is important that the soil does not dry out and a crust does not form.

You can sow carrot seeds in another interesting way - randomly scattering them over the surface of the soil. After this, they are buried to a shallow depth with a rake; all that remains is to water the ridge using a watering can with a fine strainer.

Below are detailed recommendations for each day of the month. 1 Virgo The day is unfavorable for soaking seeds and working with them, especially for crops growing in the ground. 2 Full Moon It is better not to do anything in the garden, except for household chores and putting things in order. 3-5; 5-7 Libra, Scorpio beginning of the 3rd quarter An excellent time for planting carrots, if not for weather conditions that are unlikely to allow doing this in mid-latitudes. But, if it is possible to make a temporary greenhouse, then these are ideal days for sowing. 8-10 Sagittarius You can plant the “roots” for food for quick consumption, including early carrots. But there is a high probability that it will go green and produce weak fruits. 11-12 Capricorn It is good to plant everything that subsequently needs to be stored for a long time. 13-15 Aquarius Sign of infertility. It's better to do nothing. 16 Pisces Life forces are concentrated as much as possible in the roots, but the Earth is already falling silent, processes are freezing - one of the most difficult days of the cycle. The seeds will last a long time. 17 Pisces, New Moon A day of complete rest from all earthworks. 18-19 Aries Infertile sign. Crops will not tolerate a lack of moisture well. 20-21 Taurus Despite the growing month, Taurus promises a good harvest. 22-23 Gemini It’s better to skip these days. 24-26 Cancer Energy will be unstable, phases change, the Moon continues to grow. Planting root crops is not recommended. 27-28; 29-30 Leo and Virgo Time for the Earth to rest. The lion burns the crops. It is bad for Virgo to soak seeds, and the waxing Moon also does not contribute to the yield of root vegetables. 31 Full Moon It is better to stop work in the garden. If on the dates chosen for planting carrots the ground is not warm enough, it can be pre-watered and covered with film. After sowing the seeds, the film can be returned to its place for the first time if there is a need to speed up germination. But as soon as they appear, it must be removed to avoid overheating. You should not plant carrots before the conditions are comfortable for this. The seeds will simply lie in the ground for a long time, losing strength and germination. Planting carrots in April 2019 Throughout the first half of April, the Moon will be waning, which means that the best days for sowing carrot beds are coming at this time. Let's look at this month in detail. 1 Libra A good day for planting, full of energy. 2-3 Scorpio Also a favorable time. Everything sown will yield a bountiful harvest and will be resistant to disease. April 3 is one of the best days for sowing carrots! 4-6 Sagittarius Less fertile sign. Anything that begins to grow at this time will stretch upward and produce a weak harvest. 7-8 Capricorn, transition to the 4th quarter of the Neutral period. The fruits will be of medium size, but will be stored for a long time and are well stored. Change of quarters, turning point. 9-11 Aquarius Barren time. Fruits can degenerate, become clumsy, and produce mutants. But for those who want to experiment in terms of selection - this is it! 12-13 Pisces A very productive period. If weather conditions permit, start sowing carrots now! 14-15 Aries Work with seeds is unproductive at all stages (including planting with an eye to obtaining future seeds). Anything that has a growing season of more than a month is not planted. 16 New Moon A day of infertility and complete rest from gardening and other work. 17-18 Taurus The most productive days of the month! 19-20 Gemini The circulation of vital juices changes direction, but it is better to wait a couple more days, Gemini does not contribute to productivity. 21-22 Cancer The harvest will be good, the fruits will be tasty, but may not withstand long-term storage. However, if the weather is favorable, you can go out into the garden beds. 23-24 Leo, change of quarters The vital forces of the earth are in balance, but everything planted under the influence of Leo can die from drought. 25-26 Virgo Unfavorable. 27-28 Libra Fertile Libra against the backdrop of the Moon continuing to grow - neutral time for carrot plantings. The harvest will be strong, but the root crops may lack juiciness. 29-30 Scorpio, Full Moon It is better to refrain from sowing all vegetables that bear fruit in the ground. Due to the smallness of the seeds, carrot crops require thinning, which significantly weakens their strength. An excellent way is to dilute the seed material in sand or in a flour paste, which is poured into a bottle and distributed evenly into the prepared grooves…. More details: http://2019god.net/posadka-morkovi-v-2019-godu/

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