Khinshtein, Alexander Evseevich - biography. Khinshtein refused to participate in the elections after a scandal in the primaries Deputy Khinshtein biography

In this article we will tell you about the biography and personal life of Alexander Khinshtein, who is known not only in Russia, but also abroad. Alexander Khinshtein is a popular journalist, famous for his scandalous articles that are provocative and revealing. In addition, Khinshtein is a prominent political figure. He is regularly invited to popular television shows and political programs.

The biography and personal life of Alexander Khinshtein is developing very well. For him, the most important thing is to work on projects and prepare interesting interviews. He has also achieved considerable results in the political arena, as evidenced by his online popularity ratings.

Alexander Khinshtein

Alexander Khinshtein was born on October 26. 1974 in the capital of Russia. His parents are representatives of the engineering profession. The journalist’s grandfather is a hero of the Great Patriotic War; he died on the battlefields for his homeland. Perhaps that is why the topic of war and the glorification of nationalism never leaves a journalist indifferent. Alexander Khinshtein's parents did everything to ensure that his personal life and biography developed in the way he dreamed. Today he is a famous person, about whom many people talk and only discuss his positive aspects.

The young man studied at Moscow secondary school. Already during his school years, Khinshtein worked as a freelance journalist for Moskovsky Komsomolets.

He graduated from school in 1991 and without hesitation entered the prestigious Moscow State University to study journalism.

In 1996, Alexander graduated from a higher educational institution, however, his education did not end there. He entered the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Graduated from it in 2008.

Journalist career

His career as a journalist began very early. Even during his school years, Khinshtein wrote articles for the Moskovsky Komsomolets publication. Already in 1991, he was officially accepted into the publication’s staff. At the first stage of his career growth, the formation of the biography of Alexander Khinshtein, he was not interested in his personal life, wife and children, he was in constant search for the most interesting works that could really appeal to users and television viewers.

From the very beginning of his career, Alexander Khinshtein’s articles were distinguished by their sharpness, a large number of revealing facts and provocative character. More than once the young journalist was on the verge of dismissal and the end of his journalistic career. However, in the 90s, his revealing scandalous articles created a real sensation in society. They not only wanted to keep the journalist on staff, but also promoted him to columnist under the editor-in-chief of the newspaper.

Journalist Alexander Khinshtein
The journalist became notorious after publishing a number of provocative articles. The first was written in 1994. The hero of this article was V.V. Zhirinovsky. Khinshtein published some facts from the life of the leader of the LDPR party, which caused a real resonance.

In 1996, the journalist transcribed the tape recordings. It recorded a conversation between members of President Boris Yeltsin's election campaign. The conversation was about a certain box of money. The article was published in large quantities and was the basis for an internal audit.

At the end of the 90s. Khinshtein exposed the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information, accusing them of corruption and providing irrefutable facts. This was followed by a whole series of articles about B. Berezovsky and his connections with the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

This is not a complete list of all the scandalous articles authored by Alexander Khinshtein. It is not at all surprising that during his work at Moskovsky Komsomolets he made many enemies and enemies. However, his straightforwardness brought him enormous popularity. In 1998, Khinshtein won the “Economic Revival of Russia” competition. Some government officials appreciated his contribution to the fight against corruption and arbitrariness of officials and other high-ranking officials.

Alexander Khinshtein: photo

Criminal cases have been brought against the controversial journalist more than once. In May 1999, Khinshtein was detained and charged with forgery of documents. During the search, various identification cards in other people's names were found on him, some of which he successfully used for official purposes. The journalist was given a written undertaking not to leave the place and the case was transferred to the prosecutor's office. However, it was closed because law enforcement officers did not find evidence of a crime.

Alexander himself claimed that the fake documents were planted on him by ill-wishers. Political figures who fell into disgrace as a result of Khinshtein's publications often filed lawsuits and demanded a psychiatric study of the journalist. In 2000, Alexander voluntarily underwent a psychiatric examination to refute rumors about his insanity.

Since 1999, Alexander has been the host of the popular television project “The X-Files” on the TVC channel. The journalist was both the leader and the ideological inspirer of the project.
Alexander Khinshtein signs his books

All investigations were carried out on the basis of his articles. People often circulated rumors about his connections with the country's intelligence services. Khinshtein's political works found wide publicity; he was repeatedly invited to give lectures and various seminars.

Political activity

In 1999, the journalist was registered as a candidate for the State Duma of the 6th convocation, however, he lost by a small margin. In 2003, Khinshtein made a second attempt, which ended in success. Already at that time, the personal life and biography of Alexander Khinshtein began to develop very well; you can find photos of that time with his wife and children. The journalist himself has talked more than once about how he supports family values ​​and is very glad that a woman like Olga appeared in his life.

During his activities in the State Duma, he initiated a large number of bills in the field of various branches of law. In 2007, he was actively involved in the problems of “defrauded shareholders.” Proposes a number of bills that protect their rights.

Alexander Khinshtein, State Duma deputy

Alexander Khinshtein was a member of the United Russia faction. Even during his political activities in the State Duma, some scandalous events were often associated with the journalist. More than once they wanted to deprive him of parliamentary immunity and expel him from the party. However, during the inspection, no violations were found against Alexander Khinshtein.

Since 2016, he has become an adviser to the director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation. In this structure, he deals with regulatory issues.

In parallel with his political activities, Alexander Khinshtein does not stop working as a journalist. He wrote a number of scandalous books and articles about the illegal activities of some political figures. In particular, he published several articles that expressed categorical criticism of Kasyanov, the former leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and a number of other political figures. The most famous journalistic works of the journalist are the books:

“Secrets of Lubyanka” - this work reveals some details of the activities of government agencies in the period from 1920-1950. This was one of the most serious projects, which had to be worked on for a very long time. Of course, Khinshtein himself got the result he had been dreaming about for a long time.

“Berezovsky and Abramovich. Oligarchs from the Highway" is a scandalous book exposing the activities of some oligarchs.

Personal life

Alexander Khinshtein's first wife was Yulia Fedotova. This marriage soon broke up. This was due to the constant employment and hard work of a journalist. Alexander Khinshtein often notes that journalistic work brings him pleasure, despite the fact that it involves a certain risk.

Alexander Khinshtein with his wife and child

The personal life of Alexander Khinshtein is of great importance for his biography; photos of him with his wife and children are quite difficult to find. The problem lies in various aspects. For him, as a journalist, it is of great importance to lead a secret life, which many would rather know nothing about.

For a long time after the divorce, Khinshtein was a bachelor, devoting all his free time to his favorite business. Currently, the journalist is officially married to the famous actress Olga Polyakova. Alexander and Olga have 2 sons. It is very difficult to find photos of Alexander Khinshtein’s wife and children online, but he regularly shares facts from his personal life and biography.

Alexander Khinshtein now

Despite the popularity of Alexander Khinshtein, his biography is full of secrets and mysteries. Currently, this figure is the most controversial journalist in Russia.

Alexander Khinshtein is a journalist and writer who investigated the illegal activities of famous personalities: Boris Berezovsky, Vladimir Rushailo, Mikhail Zurabov. He was involved in political activities. Hosted the program “The X-Files” on the TVC channel. He was a State Duma deputy from United Russia for three convocations (2003 – 2016). Since October 24, 2016 – Advisor to the Director of the Russian Guard.

Early years. Education

Alexander Evseevich Khinshtein was born on October 26, 1974 in Moscow, in the family of engineers Evsey Abramovich and Inna Abramovna Khinshtein (maiden name Regirer). His maternal grandfather was a front-line hero who died in 1943 in battles near the Ukrainian village of Vodyakhovka.

In 1991, after graduating from secondary school No. 193, he became an unofficial employee of Moskovsky Komsomolets. In the first months of his work, he was almost fired because of a note about an allegedly upcoming erotic exhibition in one of the Moscow museums, which he wrote according to a Playboy journalist.

A year later, Alexander was officially hired as an editor. The first significant material in Khinshtein's journalistic career was an essay released in 1994 about Vladimir Zhirinovsky, leader of the Liberal Democratic Party.

From 1996 to 2001, Alexander Evseevich studied by correspondence at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. In 2007 he graduated from the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Journalist career

The journalist became famous thanks to a sensational article written in November 1996 with a transcribed recording of a dialogue between members of the election team of Russian President Boris Yeltsin. The voices of Anatoly Chubais, Viktor Ilyushin and Sergei Zverev were recognized on the tape recording.

This was preceded by a scandal that received coverage as the “copier box case.” In June 1996, two members of Yeltsin's campaign headquarters, Sergei Lisovsky and Arkady Evstafiev, took a box containing about $530,000 hidden from the White House. They were detained, but soon released (as noted in the press, due to pressure from Alfred Koch, Anatoly Chubais and Yeltsin’s daughter Tatyana Dyachenko), and the initiators of the detention were dismissed.

I would venture to suggest that they were talking about the possible evacuation of Lisovsky or Evstafiev abroad. The offer of help was apparently made to Chubais by one of his foreign friends.

A criminal case was opened, but closed in April 1997, since the owner of the box could not be identified.

In 1999, Khinshtein published many articles about the politician Boris Berezovsky and his Atoll private security company, written in a negative way. In particular, the journalist wrote about the connections between Berezovsky and the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, calling the oligarch a close friend of Deputy Interior Ministry Vladimir Rushailo.

Alexander published two or three provocative articles a month. He began to monitor the figure’s associates and members of the “family” of then President Boris Yeltsin. There were protracted legal proceedings between Alexander Evseevich, Atoll and Boris Berezovsky, which lasted more than two years: Atoll accused Khinshtein of using false documents and facts.

In May 1999, a criminal case was opened against Khinshtein for using deliberately false documents. At the traffic police post, Alexander presented a fake ID of MUR captain Matveev. A day after the arrest, the journalist was released on his own recognizance. The investigation revealed that the journalist’s certificate was given to the journalist by Moscow customs officer Oleg Sudakov for a number of “correct” publications. The journalist himself believed that the case was initiated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs in retaliation for a number of his publications that criticized law enforcement agencies.

In February 2000, the case was closed, considering the crime committed by Alexander not dangerous to society. Khinshtein argued that Vladimir Putin intervened in the matter, who did not need the extra hype before the elections.

The criminal case did not prevent Alexander Khinshtein from conducting an election campaign for nomination to the State Duma of the 3rd convocation, but in December 1999, he, running in the Orekhovo-Borisov constituency, lost to General Andrei Nikolaev, albeit by a small margin.

In the same 1999, Alexander Evseevich began hosting his own television program “The X-Files,” broadcast on the TVC channel.

In 2000, the journalist continued to attack Rushailo and his deputy Alexander Orlov on the pages of Moskovsky Komsomolets.

In 2003, Khinshtein became a deputy of the State Duma of the IV convocation from the Semenovsky single-mandate district of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Having received a mandate, he became a member of the United Russia faction. He was a member of the anti-corruption commission and on the application of Russian electoral legislation. He also served as deputy chairman of the Commission on Industry, Construction and High Technologies. Initiated consideration of 95 bills. Subsequently he was re-elected twice.

Debate Zhirinovsky vs Khinshtein

In 2005, Alexander presented investigative materials in several articles about former Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov (the so-called “dacha case”). He found out that two years earlier Kasyanov allowed the privatization of two state residences located in the elite Troitse-Lykovo district of Moscow, after which the property was transferred to the Ministry of Property of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise VPK-Invest, and then put up for auction and sold for 11 million rubles to the company- ephemera "Amelia". Subsequently, this company resold one of the residences to Kasyanov, the other to Veltex LLC, whose co-owner was Mikhail Fridman.

Khinshtein asked that his investigation be considered an official request to the Prosecutor General's Office. A criminal case was opened against Kasyanov. As a result, the court ordered Kasyanov to return the dacha to the state department, but did not demand compensation for damages for the demolition of buildings located on the site. Khinshtein called the outcome of the case “a triumph of justice.”

Over the next five years, Alexander Evseev again touched upon scandalous topics associated with Boris Yeltsin and Boris Berezovsky. Time and time again, magazine headlines were filled with articles about political figures.

In 2008, Khinshtein published incriminating evidence against the chairman of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin - the materials stated that Bastrykin owns real estate and business in Prague. Four years later, opposition politician Alexei Navalny used his findings in his investigation. Khinshtein responded to this with the words “The enemy of my enemy is not yet my friend.” In the same year, the Novaya Gazeta publication published a material in which it noted Bastrykin’s connection with the Tsapkov gang. Alexander Evseevich noted that he was not surprised, since for many years he has been writing about “the lawlessness and lawlessness in which the Investigative Committee and its chairman personally are mired.”

Personal life of Alexander Khinshtein

Alexander Khinshtein is married for the second time. The first wife is Yulia Fedotova (born 1983), journalist, graduate of Moscow State University.

After the divorce, the politician and journalist had almost no time to organize their personal lives. However, in the fall of 2012, through mutual friends, he met actress Polina Polyakova (real name Olga, born 1983), known from the TV series “Closed School.”

In 2014, their son Artem was born, and a couple of months later Alexander and Olga got married. In May 2017, the couple's second son was born.

Alexander Khinshtein now

Since October 2016, Alexander Khinshtein has been an adviser to the head of the Russian Guard, Viktor Zolotov, which is why he froze his membership in United Russia. He is a frequent guest on television, where he is called as a guest expert on political issues.

Alexander Evseevich Khinshtein(October 26, 1974, Moscow) - Russian journalist, State Duma deputy, member of the United Russia faction, freelance adviser to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, member of the public council of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.


Father Evsei Abramovich Khinshtein and mother Inna Abramovna Regirer are engineers. In 1991 he graduated from secondary school No. 193 in Moscow. In 1996 he graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. In 2007 he graduated from the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In 1999, he was a defendant in a criminal case regarding the use of a fake ID of a MUR employee. He was released from criminal liability, with his consent, due to a non-rehabilitating circumstance - due to a change in the situation.

Journalistic activity

He has been working for the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper since 1991. In the 1990s, he published a number of high-profile articles, including extensive material about Vladimir Zhirinovsky (the first significant journalistic work in the opinion of Khinshtein himself), “Russian National Unity,” and corruption in FAPSI. In 1996, Khinshtein published a transcript of the negotiations between A. Korzhakov, V. Ilyushin and S. Zverev about the “copier box.” In 2012, during a scandal surrounding alleged threats to a journalist of Novaya Gazeta, who accused Bastrykin of protecting the Tsapkov gang, from Bastrykin Khinshtein (then deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Security and freelance adviser to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation), without having completely objective data about this incident, in a new publication in MK he stated: “For many years I have been writing about the lawlessness and lawlessness in which the Investigative Committee and its chairman personally are mired. What happened now is a completely logical result of this.” In July 2012, based on Khinshtein’s materials from 2008, Alexey Navalny made a number of accusations against Bastrykin and called him a “foreign agent.” The accusations, however, were not objectively confirmed. On May 29, 2014, Khinshtein allegedly caused a riot on board a passenger ship, for which he was taken to the police. Law enforcement agencies began a procedural investigation into this fact. The deputy, in turn, wrote an appeal to Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika with the aim of conducting a prosecutorial review of this incident. Based on the results of this inspection, no administrative offenses or violations of criminal law were identified.

State Duma

On December 7, 2003, he was elected to the State Duma from the Semenovsky single-mandate electoral district No. 122, Nizhny Novgorod region. Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Commission under the Administration of the Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.

Member of the United Russia faction, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Industry, Construction and High Technologies, member of the State Duma Commission on Anti-Corruption, member of the State Duma Commission on the Application of Electoral Legislation of the Russian Federation; co-chair of the working group to study the practice of spending budget funds allocated to finance road construction and investments in road construction. Member of the inter-factional deputy association “Aviation and Cosmonautics of Russia”.

Deputy Chairman of the Commission of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia on information policy and interaction with public associations.

In 2007, he was re-elected to the State Duma on the lists of United Russia in the Nizhny Novgorod region. In the State Duma of the 5th convocation he was a member of the Industry Committee, chairman of the subcommittee on the automobile industry, and a member of the Commission on Legislative Support for Combating Corruption.

In 2011, he was elected to the State Duma on the lists of United Russia from the Samara region. In the State Duma of the 6th convocation, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption, member of the tripartite Commission for Budget Review.

Initiated more than 100 bills in the field of criminal, administrative and civil law.

Since 2006, he has been actively involved in the problem of “defrauded shareholders” and initiated a number of laws in this direction. He headed the Working Group of the United Russia party to protect the rights of investors and shareholders. Was directly involved in coordinating work to solve the problems of affected citizens.

Awards and ratings

Alexander Khinshtein is a member of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation and the Union of Journalists of the City of Moscow, winner of many professional awards: “Golden Pen of Russia”, “Best Pens of Russia”, A. Borovik Prize, FSB Prize for the best work of literature and art, Moscow Prize in field of journalism, the prize of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the best work on the activities of bodies, divisions and services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Member of the Presidium of the Russian Lawyers' Association, member of the Supervisory Board of the Russian Chess Federation, member of the Presidium of the General Council of the United Russia party. In 2009, he was included in the personnel reserve of management personnel under the patronage of the President of Russia (“presidential reserve”).

Critics such as Alexey Volin, Viktor Cherkesov, Dmitry Oreshkin called Khinshtein a publisher of “leaks” and custom-made materials.

Khinshtein Alexander Evseevich

Khinshtein Alexander Evseevich, born October 26, 1974, native of Moscow. Jewish by nationality. Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. United Russia Party. He graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (2001), subsequently received a second higher education in law at the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (2007).


Khinshtein Alexander Evseevich, was born in Moscow into the most ordinary family of Soviet intelligent engineers. From early childhood, Sasha was surrounded by affection and care, and his curiosity was encouraged in every possible way. So, at the age of four he learned to read, and from then on it was impossible to tear him away from books. But at the same time, the boy was extremely unbalanced, and the older he got, the more noticeable it was. For example, Sasha, having read detective stories, was often afraid to go to the toilet, being sure that a spy was hiding there.

When Alexander went to school, his mood swings became more frequent and hysterics began to happen to him more and more often. When Sasha’s mother tried to help, he insulted her and blackmailed her with possible suicide, threatening to throw herself out the window, after which he greatly repented of what had happened. As a result, there was no other choice but to take the twelve-year-old teenager to a psychiatrist, who diagnosed him with “Schizophrenia, continuous course with exacerbations.”

Alexander tried to cope with his illness, but during puberty, he had to see a doctor again. This time he was observed in “Pyatnashka” (Psychiatric Hospital No. 15), from where he was discharged with a complex diagnosis - “Slightly progressive schizophrenia with affective psycho-like disorders.” Sasha received such a certificate along with his matriculation certificate, and this made him happy and sad at the same time. It was pleasing because now the question of conscription into the army was closed for him, but it was sad because the doors of universities were also closed to him.

Relatives. Wife: Olga Aleksandrovna Polyakova, born on August 1, 1983, actress. In 2004 she graduated from VGIK. She dated Khinshtein since 2012, in 2014 the couple had a son, after which they got married.

In December 2003, Khinshtein was elected to the State Duma in Semenovsky single-mandate electoral district 122 (Nizhny Novgorod region), becoming one of the youngest parliamentarians (29 years old).

Khinshtein A.E. has the Order of Honor, the Medal of the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland” II degree, regional and departmental awards, and a number of journalistic prizes.


  • Graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (2001).
  • Subsequently, he received a second higher legal education at the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (2007).

Labor activity

  • In 1991, he became a freelancer for the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper. Since 1992, he has been accepted into the MK staff. He soon became known for his revealing articles against high-ranking officials. He specialized in “edgy” investigative journalism.
  • On December 7, 2003, he was elected to the State Duma from the Semenovsky single-mandate electoral district, Nizhny Novgorod region. In the State Duma he joined the United Russia faction.
  • In 2007, he was again elected to the State Duma, now on the lists of United Russia in the Nizhny Novgorod region.
  • In 2011, he entered the State Duma for the third time on the United Russia list from the Samara region.
  • In May 2016, he abandoned the State Duma elections and moved to the position of media adviser to the secretary of the party’s general council, Sergei Neverov.
  • On October 24, 2016, he was appointed advisor to the director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, Viktor Zolotov, as a federal civil servant. Supervises issues of legal regulation, ideological, propaganda and information work. Due to the new appointment, Khinshtein had to suspend his membership in the United Russia party.


Bastrykin Alexander Ivanovich, born September 27, 1953, Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. In 2008, Khinshtein reported in his article that Bastrykin had real estate and a company in the Czech Republic, after which they began an correspondence controversy that continues to this day.

Gusev Pavel Nikolaevich, born April 4, 1949, editor-in-chief of the newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets. Khinshtein began his professional life at Moskovsky Komsomolets and still remains devoted to this newspaper. At the same time, Khinshtein considers Gusev his “godfather” in the profession.

Rushailo Vladimir Borisovich, born July 28, 1953, special representative of the President of the Russian Federation for the development of relations with Kyrgyzstan. During the years when Rushailo was deputy minister and then minister of internal affairs, Khinshtein published a number of articles in Moskovsky Komsomolets denigrating his reputation. After this, a criminal case was opened against Khinshtein.

Chaika Yuri Yakovlevich, born May 21, 1951, Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation. In 2008, Khinshtein was a freelance adviser to the Prosecutor General, from that moment he began publishing compromising articles about Chaika Bastrykin’s official opponent.

To information

Alik’s task from the FSB veterans was to dig Rushailo, who steadily rose through the ranks. This means that he received more and more opportunities for protection. It was decided to strike not at Rushailo himself (retaliatory strikes would be too painful), but at his assistant, General Orlov. One fine day, Alik was promised certain documents over the phone. Fully confident that the retired general who promised Alik these documents did not have time to hand them over, the cops have the audacity to search the general’s car, stopping it right on the street. The car turns out to be empty. The general is furious. And the cops have already announced an “interception” operation throughout the city, through which MK correspondent Alik Khinshtein drives recklessly in his poor Ford (at that time, and now the latest Audi model). At one of the traffic police posts, Alik is stopped by an inspector for speeding. The inspectors were warned that the young man was sick, so he would be rude, put his finger on the bottle and flaunt false IDs of intelligence services at various levels. And so it happened. Alik instantly flushed crimson and took out several pieces of paper from his pockets, each of which said that he was “captain” and “lieutenant” and “senior commissioner.” But these crusts did not make an impression on the traffic police. On the contrary, the inspector suspected (in fact, he knew for sure) that the IDs were fake, and Alik was detained until the circumstances of the case were clarified.

In the temporary holding cell he had a breakdown, which was accompanied by the usual childhood troubles. "MK", ​​behind which Khinshtein's sponsors hid, dragged Alik out of the detention center with noise and roar, accusations against the police structures. But then the damned cops, in retaliation, published Alik’s diagnosis in the newspapers in full: “The beginning of sexual metamorphosis, hypogenitalism... Low-progressive schizophrenia with affective psycho-like disorders.” It turned out that with such a diagnosis you cannot drive a car, and the car license issued to Alik in the Noginsk region also turns out to be fake.

After all this, Khinshtein again had to go to a psychiatric hospital, this time at the Gannushkin Institute. They treated him there and said that he was now completely healthy.

However, to the displeasure of the concerned police agencies, Alik returned to work, where he sluggishly, but still took up his former, well-paid profession. Then the cops decided that they needed to make peace with the newspaper killer for a while in order to have time to regroup. And Alik entered into an agreement with Rushailo that he would not touch his assistant Orlov. Rushailo successfully became the Minister of Internal Affairs. Orlov received another star on his shoulder straps. And Alik was working at that time under Starovoytov, saving FAPSI from his annoying bosses. To all requests to “kill Orlov,” accompanied by an understandable gesture in the pocket area, Alik responded with a negative shake of his head - he had not yet forgotten how bad he felt in the temporary detention center. Alik's reckless courage after his recovery at the Institute. Gannushkina disappeared, apparently, along with the disease.

An article about Orlov appeared in MK exactly when he crossed the border at Sheremetyevo airport, leaving for Israel forever. Here Alik killed him, telling how the general tortured the poor director of the Kachkanarsky mining and processing plant, Jalol Khaidarov. How he put him in prison, extorted shares in the enterprise and all that other stuff that can usually be said about a police general.

At the same time, Alik made a reservation in the article that he had been collecting the material for two years. I forgot to explain what prevented me from publishing it earlier. Yes, the reader does not need to know from what rubbish “poems grow without knowing shame.”

Sasha Khinshtein is one of the most expensive and most useless FSB projects. Absolutely all the heroes of Sasha’s publications remained in key positions, even after his murderous injections. Even Valery Monastyretsky was released from prison, and the investigative team was dispersed.

In this article we will tell you about the biography and personal life of Alexander Khinshtein, who is known not only in Russia, but also abroad. Alexander Khinshtein is a popular journalist, famous for his scandalous articles that are provocative and revealing. In addition, Khinshtein is a prominent political figure. He is regularly invited to popular television shows and political programs.

The biography and personal life of Alexander Khinshtein is developing very well. For him, the most important thing is to work on projects and prepare interesting interviews. He has also achieved considerable results in the political arena, as evidenced by his online popularity ratings.

Alexander Khinshtein

Alexander Khinshtein was born on October 26. 1974 in the capital of Russia. His parents are representatives of the engineering profession. The journalist’s grandfather is a hero of the Great Patriotic War; he died on the battlefields for his homeland. Perhaps that is why the topic of war and the glorification of nationalism never leaves a journalist indifferent. Alexander Khinshtein's parents did everything to ensure that his personal life and biography developed in the way he dreamed. Today he is a famous person, about whom many people talk and only discuss his positive aspects.

The young man studied at Moscow secondary school. Already during his school years, Khinshtein worked as a freelance journalist for Moskovsky Komsomolets.

He graduated from school in 1991 and without hesitation entered the prestigious Moscow State University to study journalism.

In 1996, Alexander graduated from a higher educational institution, however, his education did not end there. He entered the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Graduated from it in 2008.

Journalist career

His career as a journalist began very early. Even during his school years, Khinshtein wrote articles for the Moskovsky Komsomolets publication. Already in 1991, he was officially accepted into the publication’s staff. At the first stage of his career growth, the formation of the biography of Alexander Khinshtein, he was not interested in his personal life, wife and children, he was in constant search for the most interesting works that could really appeal to users and television viewers.

From the very beginning of his career, Alexander Khinshtein’s articles were distinguished by their sharpness, a large number of revealing facts and provocative character. More than once the young journalist was on the verge of dismissal and the end of his journalistic career. However, in the 90s, his revealing scandalous articles created a real sensation in society. They not only wanted to keep the journalist on staff, but also promoted him to columnist under the editor-in-chief of the newspaper.

Journalist Alexander Khinshtein

The journalist became notorious after publishing a number of provocative articles. The first was written in 1994. The hero of this article was V.V. Zhirinovsky. Khinshtein published some facts from the life of the leader of the LDPR party, which caused a real resonance.

In 1996, the journalist transcribed the tape recordings. It recorded a conversation between members of President Boris Yeltsin's election campaign. The conversation was about a certain box of money. The article was published in large quantities and was the basis for an internal audit.

At the end of the 90s. Khinshtein exposed the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information, accusing them of corruption and providing irrefutable facts. This was followed by a whole series of articles about B. Berezovsky and his connections with the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

This is not a complete list of all the scandalous articles authored by Alexander Khinshtein. It is not at all surprising that during his work at Moskovsky Komsomolets he made many enemies and enemies. However, his straightforwardness brought him enormous popularity. In 1998, Khinshtein won the “Economic Revival of Russia” competition. Some government officials appreciated his contribution to the fight against corruption and arbitrariness of officials and other high-ranking officials.

Alexander Khinshtein: photo

Criminal cases have been brought against the controversial journalist more than once. In May 1999, Khinshtein was detained and charged with forgery of documents. During the search, various identification cards in other people's names were found on him, some of which he successfully used for official purposes. The journalist was given a written undertaking not to leave the place and the case was transferred to the prosecutor's office. However, it was closed because law enforcement officers did not find evidence of a crime.

Alexander himself claimed that the fake documents were planted on him by ill-wishers. Political figures who fell into disgrace as a result of Khinshtein's publications often filed lawsuits and demanded a psychiatric study of the journalist. In 2000, Alexander voluntarily underwent a psychiatric examination to refute rumors about his insanity.

Since 1999, Alexander has been the host of the popular television project “The X-Files” on the TVC channel. The journalist was both the leader and the ideological inspirer of the project.

Alexander Khinshtein signs his books

All investigations were carried out on the basis of his articles. People often circulated rumors about his connections with the country's intelligence services. Khinshtein's political works found wide publicity; he was repeatedly invited to give lectures and various seminars.

Political activity

In 1999, the journalist was registered as a candidate for the State Duma of the 6th convocation, however, he lost by a small margin. In 2003, Khinshtein made a second attempt, which ended in success. Already at that time, the personal life and biography of Alexander Khinshtein began to develop very well; you can find photos of that time with his wife and children. The journalist himself has talked more than once about how he supports family values ​​and is very glad that a woman like Olga appeared in his life.

During his activities in the State Duma, he initiated a large number of bills in the field of various branches of law. In 2007, he was actively involved in the problems of “defrauded shareholders.” Proposes a number of bills that protect their rights.

Alexander Khinshtein, State Duma deputy

Alexander Khinshtein was a member of the United Russia faction. Even during his political activities in the State Duma, some scandalous events were often associated with the journalist. More than once they wanted to deprive him of parliamentary immunity and expel him from the party. However, during the inspection, no violations were found against Alexander Khinshtein.

Since 2016, he has become an adviser to the director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation. In this structure, he deals with regulatory issues.

In parallel with his political activities, Alexander Khinshtein does not stop working as a journalist. He wrote a number of scandalous books and articles about the illegal activities of some political figures. In particular, he published several articles that expressed categorical criticism of Kasyanov, the former leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and a number of other political figures. The most famous journalistic works of the journalist are the books:

“Secrets of Lubyanka” - this work reveals some details of the activities of government agencies in the period from 1920-1950. This was one of the most serious projects, which had to be worked on for a very long time. Of course, Khinshtein himself got the result he had been dreaming about for a long time.

“Berezovsky and Abramovich. Oligarchs from the Highway" is a scandalous book exposing the activities of some oligarchs.

Personal life

Alexander Khinshtein's first wife was Yulia Fedotova. This marriage soon broke up. This was due to the constant employment and hard work of a journalist. Alexander Khinshtein often notes that journalistic work brings him pleasure, despite the fact that it involves a certain risk.

Alexander Khinshtein with his wife and child

The personal life of Alexander Khinshtein is of great importance for his biography; photos of him with his wife and children are quite difficult to find. The problem lies in various aspects. For him, as a journalist, it is of great importance to lead a secret life, which many would rather know nothing about.

For a long time after the divorce, Khinshtein was a bachelor, devoting all his free time to his favorite business. Currently, the journalist is officially married to the famous actress Olga Polyakova. Alexander and Olga have 2 sons. It is very difficult to find photos of Alexander Khinshtein’s wife and children online, but he regularly shares facts from his personal life and biography.

Alexander Khinshtein now

Despite the popularity of Alexander Khinshtein, his biography is full of secrets and mysteries. Currently, this figure is the most controversial journalist in Russia.

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