Games and competitions for Maslenitsa. Folk games and fun for Maslenitsa Ancient games for Maslenitsa for children

Maslenitsa is a special holiday cycle that allows you to fully enjoy a variety of folk entertainments. The number of games, competitions and other ways to spend time can pleasantly surprise you. Which options are the most worthy?

"Masha the Confused One."

Participants must stand in a single row and hold hands, creating a chain. On the right side you need to identify the leader who will run with a change of direction. Other participants must follow the leader. At the same time, only the leader can know the direction of movement. In this regard, the main task becomes the desire to maintain balance and maintain the chain, but this turns out to be extremely difficult. The following nuance should be noted: it is more difficult for players who are far from the leader to maintain balance, since there is always a risk of getting unstuck or falling. Despite this, participants who fall are eliminated from the game. The main task is to hold out until the very end.

"Geese and Geese."

The game comes into contact with folk customs that have existed for a long time. It is known in almost every country in the world, but it has different names. The game has simple rules: players must stand in a circle, facing the center. The leader should approach each participant from the back, touching the back. Then the participants receive their names, namely “goose” or “goose”. If a player has been called a goose, he must remain in his seat. If a participant is called a goose, he must move away from his place and run around all those gathered, and then take his place. The difficulty is this: the leader runs around the circle in the opposite direction. The leader or player takes the empty seat. The one who lost his place must conduct the gameplay according to the above scheme.

Competition "Here, damn it."

This competition is closely related to the attributes of Maslenitsa. Each kid must come up with a poem with certain words, namely: pancake, Maslenitsa, winter, spring, sun. If a child has certain difficulties with this task, you can ask your parents for help. For this reason, parents can also take the opportunity to enjoy the game. The winner must submit the most interesting and unusual verse. At the same time, one should take into account how active the adult assistance was.

Game "Surprise".

Guests should stand or sit in a circle. Participants then take a large box and begin passing it around while listening to music. The host can stop the music at any time. The guest who has the box must open it and put his item inside. After the participants have undressed sufficiently, the box should go around in a circle again. Now the rules change: each stop of the music requires the participant to put on an item, but they cannot look into the box. The item will need to be worn for a specified time.

Game "Elephant".

Elephant is a Russian game that has existed for a long time. Participants may be teenagers or even older. It is important to note that the gameplay is aimed at testing strength and endurance, so boys are of greatest interest. If desired, girls can also participate. In any case, the teams must be equal. It is important to note that the game not only demonstrates the physical strength of the participants, but also allows you to prepare, improve and even learn how to jump over a goat.

At the very beginning, players are divided into two teams that have the same number of participants and are equal in strength. One team becomes an elephant. The other team should jump on him.

The participant who is the strongest and strongest should stand in front, facing the wall. He leans his hands on the wall, bends and lowers his head. The next player grabs the participant by the belt, hiding his head. Everyone else operates according to this scheme. They should visually represent an elephant, trying to hold on to each other.

Representatives of the other team will need to take turns running and jumping onto the back of the depicted elephant. In this case, you need to try to sit as far forward as possible, because there should be enough space for the next players. The entire team must remain on the elephant's back. In this case, you need to remain on your back for 10 seconds.

Now there is an opportunity to switch roles.

Game "Row".

Participants must stand in a round dance, hold hands and begin to move slowly in a circle. Some people can walk inside the circle. Each walker receives his own scarf, after which he chooses a “victim” of the opposite sex from the round dance. The scarf must be spread in front of the “victim”. After this, the participant leaves the round dance and kneels on the scarf. And then the kiss happens. The “victim” receives a scarf, and the “walker” must stand in a round dance. An interesting game requires about 10 - 15 minutes and several scarves.

Game "Earth, air, water, fire."

Participants must stand in a circle, with the leader in the middle. The driver must throw the ball to the participants and say the name of one of the four elements. “Earth” means the need to pronounce the name of the animal, “water” - fish, “air” - birds. When the word “fire” is said, all participants must wave their hands. After this, the driver receives the ball again. If the participant did not have time to name the word or made a mistake, he must “pay” a forfeit, after which the opportunity to continue playing becomes available.

Game "Sour Cream".

The optimal number of participants is 2 – 4 people. Players will need 2 plastic jars of sour cream, 2 scarves or ropes, a crowd. The competition can be held with the presentation of various prizes. The main goal is to quickly eat sour cream, but at the same time keep your hands tied behind you. The spectacle promises to be unusual and truly exciting!

Competition "Delicious pancakes".

It is ideal to hold such a competition during the celebration of Maslenitsa. Participants must prepare their own pancakes with unusual fillings and present them on a plate in a special way. Other people must guess the prepared filling and evaluate the design of the design. The winner must surprise with his culinary skills and bright, unusual design of pancakes.

Competition "3 legs".

Participants must split into pairs. Each pair then allows their legs to be tied in the following pattern: one person's right leg is tied to the other person's left leg. The pair in this position must run to the turning flag, and then return to the starting line.

Sack fight.

For this competition you need to fence off a small area. Then one hand should remain firmly pressed to the lower back. You can take actions only with one hand. To win you need to be able to move and feel what your opponent is doing. The results largely depend on how the enemy's momentum is used.

Snow labyrinth.

On the site, you first need to draw a square or round labyrinth, providing 2 exits, which are recommended to be placed on opposite parts. Snow should be used to lay out the internal parts of the labyrinth, then the walls. In this case, the height of the walls should not exceed a meter. Only in this case can you easily understand who is lost in the maze. The optimal width of passages is from 80 to 100 centimeters. If there is a lot of snow, you can create a labyrinth in a different way: the snow needs to be removed with a shovel, and then laid on different sides of the passages. Another option is to trample passages in the territory, trying to confuse the participants. In any case, the pastime promises to be interesting and exciting.

Snow shooting range.

You can set up targets for throwing snowballs. In the form of targets, it is recommended to use shields measuring 1 * 1 meters with drawn circles, the diameter of which can be 30, 60 or 90 centimeters. Shields must be installed on dug-in poles. Targets can be shot down with snowballs. This shooting range also allows you to feel the delights of winter.

Ice column.

You can put up a tall pole, which will need to be doused with cold water. After the pole becomes icy, you need to hang some gifts. Players must overcome numerous obstacles in order to get to the very top and receive an expensive gift.

The Russian soul is structured in such a way that as soon as the last New Year’s fireworks die down and the protracted feasts die down, the people begin to wait for spring. That is why Farewell to the Russian Winter and Broad Maslenitsa are celebrated so widely and joyfully. On these days, both those who strictly observe Orthodox traditions and those who do not adhere to them happily gorge themselves on pancakes and participate in fun activities and folk festivities. For those who like to add something new to the traditional program of this wonderful holiday, we offer outdoor games and fun for Maslenitsa: some of them are more suitable for a small company, others - for a mass celebration.

1. Outdoor game - skit for Maslenitsa "Pancakes with Caviar"

To play this game, you need to prepare fiery folk music and six chairs (bench) and invite six people to participate in it. Before the start of the skit, assign roles and introduce the participants to the audience to the music, at the same time rehearsing their movements and words with each (it is better not to give cards with words, they will interfere with movement). The presenter calls each character, he expressively says his phrase and demonstrates his movement to a musical excerpt. Then the presenter will explain the rules: everyone sits down, the text is read, every time their character is mentioned, the participant gets up and runs clockwise around the chairs, making a characteristic movement and shouting out his line, then sits down again. If the word “Pancakes” is heard in the text, everyone jumps up and shouts: “Happy holiday, people!” and run around the chairs together.

There are no winners or losers in this game, even if someone gets confused, it doesn't matter, it's just a reason to have fun and move around the holiday.

(The game was invented by analogy with the famous skit - if the presenter likes the option with cards more, you can distribute the words, removing the movements).

Characters, lines and characteristic movements:

Grandfather: “I want a drink!” - one hand on the back of the head, the other on the waist

Baba: “I’ll treat everyone!” - spreads his hands hospitably

Daughter: “Life is good!” - claps his hands

Son-in-law: “The soul has turned around!” - hands on hips

Caviar: “The mouth is happy!” - the thumb shows the gesture: “Wow!”

Pancakes: “Happy holiday, people!” - welcome hand gesture

Sketch text

They lived - there was Grandfather... and Baba..., they lived - they didn’t grieve,

On Maslenitsa they loved to bake pancakes.

Son-in-law... with Daughter... for Pancakes... they came to them,

They brought caviar... sterlet to the Pancakes!

Grandfather... with Son-in-law... They take pancakes, dip them in Caviar,

And they themselves hint to Baba.. and Daughter.. about the holiday!

And Baba..., you know, bakes Pancakes... with heat,

It’s as if he and his Daughter...don’t understand their hints.

Grandfather... almost suffocated with Blin from anger,

Son-in-law... actually choked on caviar... sterlet.

Here immediately Baba. and Daughter..., they got some liqueur

Everyone drank and began to eat Pancakes with gusto!

The hut on Maslenitsa is red with love, delicious pancakes,

Children's laughter, and housewives with smart minds!!!

Maslenitsa was and remains the brightest and most cheerful holiday. According to tradition, in preparation for Lent, a time of abstinence and restriction, both in food and in entertainment, Russian people, as they now say, “had a blast” on Maslenitsa week. Feasts, fun, sleigh rides, ice slides, booths, puppet shows and other fun marked the welcome of spring, the joy of a new life, farewell to everything bad.

Rolling down the hills even has a symbolic meaning: it was believed that the longer you ride, the better the flax will grow. Many entertainments and games on Maslenitsa have survived to this day; some, undeservedly forgotten, are returning again. So, let's remember how much fun we had on Maslenitsa in Rus'.

Fights according to the rules

Some of the games were related to competitions. Men demonstrated their strength and bravery in comic fights, for example, with bags. They took place in a specially fenced area. Moreover, it was possible to fight with only one hand, and the other, according to the rules, was pressed tightly against the lower back. The winner was the one who knew how to predict the enemy’s movements and dodge blows, but who could also strike in time.

As a lightweight option, the bags can be replaced with regular pillows. But if a log was allocated as a platform for the players, then the battle ended much faster: it was enough to knock the enemy to the ground with a pillow.

If in fights with bags they fought one on one, then in fist fights they most often went, as they say, “wall to wall.” Residents of different streets and different villages fought among themselves. Moreover, the battles took place in 3 stages in accordance with the age of the participants. The boys went into battle first, then the young men. And the grown men finished the battle. The rules were also agreed upon in advance. The purpose of the battle is not to inflict injury, but to drive the enemy away from his field. Moreover, it was forbidden to hit a lying or even crouched enemy, as well as to grab his clothes. They say that fist fights were a very popular Maslenitsa pastime, and not only at Maslenitsa.

Snowballs and snow forts

Seeing off the winter, which still did not want to give up its rights to spring, we took advantage of all its charms. Well, when else, if not in winter, can you play in the snow?! There were many options. firstly, they identified the most accurate one, knocking down set targets, and secondly, they divided into teams and simply “fired” at each other with snow shells. The third, and most serious method in terms of preparation, is storming a snow fortress. Of course, for this it was necessary to build such a fortress in advance, with all the necessary loopholes and shields. But such a game contributed to the education of real warriors.

As you know, in the Middle Ages in Rus', many cities had to defend themselves from enemy attacks, and fighting skills, accuracy, dexterity, even strategy and tactics, worked out in such comic battles, were very useful in real battles.

However, competitions for strength and endurance might not be so militant. Tug of war was very popular - here you can measure your strength and develop a team spirit.

Until now, one of the most popular Maslenitsa amusements remains a pole with prizes. Here everyone fought for himself and showed his skill. To make it even more difficult to climb the high pole, they poured water over it, and since winter had not yet receded, by the time of the competition it was covered with ice. Therefore, this kind of fun was often called “ice pillar”.

These days, not only men had fun showing off their strength. Fun and active games on Maslenitsa were also intended for young people, accompanied by songs and sentences. Here are the most famous of them.


For this game, couples lined up in a column and raised their clasped hands up, forming the so-called gate. The last couple standing goes through the gate and stands at the beginning of the column, followed by another couple and so on until the song ends:

Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out!
Look at the sky
Birds are flying
The bells are ringing:
Ding-dong, ding-dong,
Run out quickly!

At this moment, the first couple unclasps their hands and runs from different sides of the column back to join hands again. To prevent this by catching one of the players, the “burning one” must stand, who throughout the song stood with his back to the column at a distance of 5 - 6 steps. All the other players cheer him up with chants:

One, two, don't be a crow,
And run like fire!

If the “burning” one managed to catch one of the pair, he himself stands in the column instead, and the caught player leads.


Here the players stand in a circle facing each other. The driver, also known as Zarya, walks around the circle with a ribbon so that the players do not see him. At the same time, he or she says:

Red maiden,
I walked across the field,
Dropped the keys
Golden keys
Blue ribbons,
Rings entwined -
Let's go get some water!

At the last words, “Dawn” places a ribbon on the shoulder of any player, who must take it and immediately run around the circle and take his place. “Zarya” runs towards him and also strives to take the empty space. The one who failed to do this becomes the driver, that is, “dawn” and the game continues.


For this game you need to prepare equipment: sticks 20 - 30 cm long according to the number of participants.

The players say in unison:

How many hours
It remains until evening
Until winter?

At the last words, participants place a stick on their finger or palm, as agreed. The selected leader counts to ten and shows the movements that the participants must repeat without dropping the stick. The one who lasts the longest wins.

Bell ringer

The game is danceable and fun. Players stand in a circle and dance in place. On cue

Dili-don, dili-don,
Guess where the ringing is coming from.

The driver walks around the circle, stopping at the word “ringing” in front of one of the players. This is followed by a kind of ritual: you need to clap your hands three times and bow. The player responds in kind, after which he stands behind the driver. Everything is repeated until the driver's group consists of 5 - 7 people. She begins to dance to the clapping of those standing in the circle. As soon as the clapping stops, the dancers look for a partner, but only in the group of the leader. A good reaction is very important here. The one left without a partner starts all over again.

All Maslenitsa festivities culminated with the most important and spectacular event - the burning of an effigy on the largest bonfire. In it, along with a scarecrow, a lot of unnecessary things were burned, saying goodbye to evil and showing readiness to meet the new. Among other things, you could warm up by the fire after numerous street fun, or you could continue it: jumping over the fire, round dances, skating through the burning gates, dancing - all this became a worthy end to the fun and hospitable Maslenitsa week.

Maslenitsa is famous not only for its history, recipes for delicious pancakes, Maslenitsa week, proverbs and sayings, but also like any other holiday, Maslenitsa- these are festivities with games, competitions and fun.

On the square in the very center, various objects for the Maslenitsa holiday can be built from snow and ice.

Maslenitsa. Games and fun

Snow Maze

On an ice or snow area, a labyrinth diagram is first drawn in the shape of a square or circle with two exits on opposite sides. First, the internal sectors of the labyrinth are laid out with snow, then, moving from the center to the edges, the walls are laid out. They should not be high (up to 1 m) so that it is easy to find someone who gets lost in the passages of the labyrinth. The width of the passages is 80-100 cm.

If there is a lot of snow, you can make a labyrinth by removing the snow with a shovel and placing it on the sides of the passages. Instead of building a labyrinth, you can instead trample intricate passages on the site.

snow Hill

The height of the slide can be different; having a large space is important here. The length of the slide should be three to four times its height. The width of the area where the guys are preparing for the descent and the rollout path is at least 1 m, and the width of the sled track is 1.5 m.

To make a slide, you need to roll up snowballs during the thaw and put them in a pile. Then compact the snow with your feet or a shovel, cut off the excess snow and make a barrier or ladder out of it. Water the slide with cold water, otherwise thawed patches may form.

You can also build a more complex slide with turns, intermediate ascents and descents, and decorative arches. The difference between the start and finish levels should be 3-5 m.

Snow shooting range

In the winter town you can install permanent targets for throwing snowballs. It is best if these are wooden boards measuring 1x1 m with concentric circles with a diameter of 30, 60 and 90 cm drawn on them. The boards can be installed on poles dug into the ground, hung on a blank wall or on a fence. It’s probably worth making a special wall for the shooting range, on which you can put targets, and the guys will knock them down with snowballs.

Exhibition of ice and snow sculptures

An “ice engineering club” can be created at school to make them. Its participants make projects on paper or from clay, plasticine: Chernomor's head, a hare, a snowman, a steamship, a fortress, etc. Projects can even be defended at a general meeting - the “academic council”. Then hold a competition for the best construction of figures of fairy-tale heroes, animals, and towers made of ice and snow.

There are two ways to make figures from snow: they are cut out of snow blocks or snow is built up onto pre-prepared frames made of wooden blocks, boards, and slats. The frames are fastened with nails or tied with ropes, and then frozen in snow and covered with snow. Loose snow needs to be sprinkled with water so that it fits more tightly onto the frame. After the figure becomes clearly visible, lightly water it and let it stand for a day or two. Next, the figure is processed using small tools (baby spatulas, spatulas, scrapers). When it is ready, it is doused with water until a strong ice crust forms.

The figure can be tinted with paint diluted in water. This must be done very carefully using a spray bottle or a soft brush so that there are no smudges. When the colored layer of snow freezes, the figure is sprinkled with water to form a thin transparent layer of ice.

Ice carousel

This attraction is a big hit with children.

A pole, into the upper end of which a metal rod (for example, a crowbar) is driven, is dug into the ground or frozen into ice. Its height is 70-80 cm. Then an old (or specially made) wheel is placed on the metal rod. Long poles are fastened to the wheel with wire or nails, and sleds are tied to them. The path along which the sled will roll is cleared of snow and filled with water. For greater stability, the sled can be made wide (60-90 cm) or two sleds can be fastened together. Around the pillar, the snow is sprinkled with ash or sand so that it is not slippery for the children who will spin the carousel.

Colored Ice Factory

Colored ice is used to make cubes, prisms, cylinders, mugs and other toys that can be used to decorate a Christmas tree outside. To make them, you need tin and other cans of different sizes, shaped cookie cutters, strings or ribbons 25-30 cm long for hanging toys, aniline paints of bright colors. The paints are first diluted in hot water, and then cold water is added to the solution until it takes on a pleasant and fairly bright color. The molds are filled with colored water, after lowering the ends of the ropes folded in a loop into them. These molds are exposed to frost. When the water freezes, they are brought into a warm room. After 8-10 minutes, you can remove the colored figures from them.

In order for certain figures to be multi-colored, you need to gradually pour tinted water of different colors into the molds. For example, take a tall cylindrical jar and pour water of the same color into it to a level of 2-3 cm; when it freezes, add the same amount of cold water of a different color, then a third, etc. As a result of this colored layering, a multi-colored cylinder of ice is obtained.

The long-awaited Maslenitsa delights us for a whole week with delicious pancakes and pancakes, folk festivities and a cheerful mood. Everyone has already missed the magnificent celebration after the long-past New Year's days. And so a string of games and fun for Maslenitsa brings back fun and carefreeness to us. Farewell to winter can be accompanied by countless entertainments, which we will now look into.

Ancient traditions of folk festivals

The original Slavic, pagan holiday of Maslenitsa has existed since those ancient times, when one-story carved huts covered the ground, rosy-cheeked women wore beautiful floral scarves, and men wore embroidered shirts, and the day began with the crow of early roosters.

The colorful culture of the ancient Slavs is full of mysteries, mysticism and folk wisdom. The ability to have fun on a grand scale and generosity is an important trait of the people. After all, only having had a good rest can you count on excellent performance in the future, and this is the key to rich harvests and all kinds of abundance. Therefore, the Slavs did not limit themselves either in food or entertainment during Maslenitsa.

And whoever spent this time sparingly and boringly, according to legend, was not particularly lucky for the entire next year.

So, what were the winter fun of our ancestors:

Modern Maslenitsa fun

Many of today's Maslenitsa games have migrated from the past. Men and women put on traditional folk clothes, the musicians take out accordions, bells and whistles. Songs, dances, competitions and fun fill the cities. Warmer days lure many people outside, and homebodies invite friends and family to a home party, where it’s also easy to organize themed show jumping events.

It’s good when there is a presenter who knows about all kinds of games and relay races. He makes a preface about the holiday, its history, and then the fun begins:

Being indoors, competitions are chosen to be less mobile. For example, “The Cheerful Tambourine” is a game when those sitting at the table pass a children’s tambourine to each other, while the chorus recites a rhyme like: “Roll the cheerful tambourine quickly between your hands.” Whoever stays with him will sing and dance for us!” The loser needs to dance and sing, entertaining the company.

Street competitions are usually organized for strength and dexterity, and are often of a ritual nature. For example, for tug of war, two teams are given the names “Winter” and “Spring”. Joyfully, if “Spring” wins, then we can continue the celebration.

Other sports games for Maslenitsa can be like this:

Those with a sweet tooth will love the competition to see how quickly they can eat pancakes or pancakes. Housewives can compete in the quantity and variety of prepared pancakes.

  1. "Three legs." The game begins like this: the participants are divided into two, each pair's legs are tied together (the left leg of one person and the right of the other). As a result, with the help of three “limbs,” the couple tries to reach the finish line as quickly as possible.
  2. "Wheelbarrow". Competition in pairs: one person plays the role of a wheelbarrow, resting his hands on the floor, the other holds his legs, playing the role of the driver. On command, this “structure” begins to move towards the coveted finish, overtaking the others.
  3. "Moving on a broom." There are pins in a row on the court, and you need to run between them on a broom, knocking down as few of them as possible.

Street games for Maslenitsa - video

Games for Maslenitsa in kindergarten

Children love the fun week of Maslenitsa. To create a festive mood for them, kindergarten teachers organize special competitions with gifts:

  • Maslenitsa burners will help children stay warm while walking.

The game starts with a stream. The children are asked to split into pairs and stand in a row. Children, holding the handles, lift them up. The very last couple begins to run in the resulting corridor under clasped hands and stands in front.

After each couple runs through the stream, everyone sings the song “Burn, Burn Clear!” together. And then the first couple runs away, and the driver must catch one person. If the children managed to run to the end of the row and hold hands again, the driver continues to catch the next pair. And if one participant is caught, then the driver goes with him to the end of the stream. The one who loses his pair becomes the driver.

  • Dawn.

To play, you need to prepare a bright satin ribbon. Children form a large circle and hide their hands behind their backs. The leader walks through the round dance, holding a ribbon or a bright scarf in his hands and singing a song about the dawn. Having finished the verse, he stops and leaves a bright ribbon on the shoulder of the participant standing next to him and runs away.

whoever is left with the tape needs to run in the opposite direction to take his place faster than the driver.

Having managed to take the abandoned place, the participant remains in the round dance, and if the leader is the first, then the loser now plays the role of “Dawn”.

  • Snow fortress.

If you are lucky enough to catch a lot of snow on Maslenitsa, you can play this exciting game. Children are divided into teams, and each makes their own military fortifications and snow shells out of snow. At a signal from an adult, children attack enemy fortresses with snowballs. The team whose fortress is destroyed first loses.

This active game requires not only accuracy, but also caution.

For safety reasons, before the start the teacher proclaims a rule: you cannot throw snow in the faces of other children, otherwise you will have to leave the team.

  • Maslenitsa fights.

“Swords” are prepared for the children: balloons in the shape of sticks are inflated. In this way, the guys play battle happily and safely.

  • Competition "Snowdrops".

To start
you need to prepare a large number of artificial flowers or colored balls for the street. The children are divided into two teams. The choir sings funny couplets about spring, while the driver scatters flowers across the snow. As soon as the song dies down, the guys rush to pick flowers. The team that collects the largest bouquet or more balloons wins.

Fun for schoolchildren

Children of primary school age will also be happy to play kindergarten games. You can also choose Maslenitsa fun that is suitable for all ages.

The following games have been invented for schoolchildren on Maslenitsa:

  • Tug of war.

The oldest Maslenitsa game can be organized for children. To make it even more fun, use a rubber hose instead of the usual rope.

The teacher divides the children into two equal teams using a counting rhyme. A bright line is drawn on the snow using paints. The referee blows his whistle and the tug of war begins. The guys can stand in an unusual way - with their backs to the line, to make it more interesting. The group of children who step outside the line loses.

  • Wheel.

During Maslenitsa week there was a tradition of rolling a burning wheel down a hill. Whose wheel rolls further, fate promises great luck.

For schoolchildren, the fun is somewhat modified. A row of pins is placed on the court. Two wooden wheels are taken and given to two teams of schoolchildren. The guys stand behind each other and take turns rolling the wheel between the pins. The relay ends when the first team of participants rolls and returns the wheel to the start.

  • Jump ropes.

Sports Girls will really like this fun.

Take the same rope or a long strong rope. Two adults (or the guys themselves, if they are strong enough) begin to twist this rope. The others run and jump over it.

The counting person notices who jumped over the rope the most times and announces the winner.

This fun is accompanied by songs and ditties; you can specially turn on the tape recorder.

  • Ice slide.

A slide is prepared in advance for children: it is leveled and filled with water overnight, and the sides are formed.

  • King of the mountain.

One schoolboy climbs a not very high snow hill and is proclaimed king of the mountain. The rest of the kids are trying to climb to the top in order to throw off the self-proclaimed one and take his place. Fun and active wrestling must be safe: fighting and rough pushing are prohibited. Previously, schoolchildren are given the task of learning the poem “King of the Hill” by E. Uspensky.

At school, during a literature lesson, you can be asked to write your own poem, which must contain these words: Maslenitsa, spring, pancake, sun, winter.

Whoever composes the best work will receive a prize or several excellent marks.

Adults can organize a cooking lesson for schoolchildren, because learning how to make delicious pancakes and pancakes is very exciting. The person who makes the most beautiful and delicious pancake will receive an incentive prize, and the rest of the participants will also receive obligatory sweet gifts.

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