Dmitry's Angel Day. When is Dmitry's name day? History and ancient rituals of Demetrius Day

When is Dmitry's name day according to the church calendar?: June 1 - Demetrius Donskoy, prince, November 8 - Demetrius of Thessalonica, myrrh-streaming, great martyr; May 28, June 5, June 16 – Dmitry of Uglich and Moscow, prince.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Dmitry:

From the ancient Greek language - belonging to Demeter, the goddess of the earth. Demeter is one of the most revered deities of the Olympic pantheon. Literal meaning: mother earth, symbol of fertility, vitality. Dmitry's name day summer, spring and autumn.

Dmitry is smart, resourceful, hardworking, sociable, easily endures and overcomes any difficult moments in life. He is a good leader, lawyer, teacher, manager, doctor, etc., therefore he achieves good success both in life and in his career. He is most successful in those professions that involve the art of convincing people of something. Dmitry loves homeliness, comfort, beautiful women...

He is very amorous and changes his sympathies without remorse, which leads to repeated marriages. However, in these cases, he does not leave his children without personal care and financial assistance. Treats mother touchingly and respectfully.

In early childhood he suffered from laryngitis and tonsillitis. Very charming at this age - small, plump. They become adults early and get fat. Strong-willed, explosive nature. He is very good to work with and difficult to compete with.

Flexibility, speed, agility and accuracy give him the opportunity to make unmistakable choices in business, marriage, sex - the romantic attraction to women does not leave him until old age.

He is passionate, and his passions are not superficial attractions and hobbies, without which it is quite easy to imagine this or that person, but deep ones, rooted in layers of his personality unknown to him, from where they find their way into consciousness as completely ready and unconditional . However, despite passion, from which in the ordinary consciousness fiery and this or that brilliance are inseparable, the fiery principle is extremely alien to Dmitry, and if we talk about the burning of his desires, then it is dark heat, without flame and light, a kind of black fire, destructive, but seemingly blacker than the surrounding darkness.

Congratulations on Dmitry's name day:

Don't forget to celebrate Dmitry's name day and congratulate Dmitry on Angel's Day.

Dimon, your run is cool and bold,

You have succeeded everywhere in life,

I was wildly successful in everything,

And he was the luckiest of all.

May the Angel brighten your path

Fun, dashing joy,

With enthusiasm, brilliance, mischief,

May you always be a great guy!

Dmitry is not an easy name, but it sounds so proud!

On his name day we will set the table and congratulate him!

As Donskoy, we wish you every victory

And we shoot with champagne, driving away a lot of troubles!

Always be brave, be brave, be strong in spite of your enemies,

Don’t forget that in life it is important that you are always lucky!

If everything doesn’t go smoothly, remember – we are always with you!

There is no better gift than reliable friends!

Congratulations on your name day, Dmitry,

And with all our hearts we sincerely wish you,

We have good luck and victories, no matter what happens,

So that your heart only shines with your kindness.

So that reliable friends are only with you,

So that love will forever be true and great.

Congratulations to Dima,

After all, it’s Dima’s name day!

We are ready to congratulate

Glorify Dima's name.

Dima means “mother earth”

This is your strength!

You are generous, Dima, with your creations

And you don't expect any reward.

At least work for three,

At least love for four -

You have enough strength for everything:

Apparently the name helps.

You are dear to us, we love you -

May you be an angel!

We wish you well

And hearty congratulations!

There are more than fifty days when Dmitry can celebrate his angel day, but among them the following, most significant dates should be highlighted.

  • January 4, 8, 21 and 31
  • February 7, 9, 11 and 24
  • March 25
  • April 1, 4 and 26
  • May 28
  • June 1, 5, 10 and 16
  • July 3 and 21
  • August 1 and 22
  • September 24
  • October 4, 7 and 15
  • November 8, 10 and 28
  • December 14 and 17

The meaning and characteristics of the name Dmitry

This name is a derivative form of Demeter - this was the name given to the ancient Greek goddess of the earth, who symbolized fertility and vitality. This deity was one of the most revered, because the name Dmitry has significant energy and strength.

The owner of this name has been smart and resourceful since childhood. He is sociable and quite active, has many friends. However, due to excessive adherence to principles and selfishness, the boy may be disliked in the children's team.

As he grows older, Dmitry tries to be more reasonable, but the negative character traits he carefully hides still “come out” from time to time.

Thanks to his own intelligence and innate perseverance, Dima usually successfully moves up the career ladder, and his sociability and ease greatly help him in this.

Being handsome and confident, Dmitry, as a rule, changes women “like gloves.” Quite often a man marries several times in his life.

However, he madly loves all his children and tries to pamper them as much as possible, regardless of his relationship with their mothers.

Congratulations to Dmitry on his name day in verse

I congratulate Dmitry, and with all my heart I wish
So that your talents are revealed and useful in your work!
Be decisive, calm, worthy of respect!
Learn, develop – and achieve success!

I, Dmitry, congratulate you,
I wish you goodness and joy!
More bills in your wallet,
Clothes – only “haute couture”!

So that everyone in the family is happy,
Children - so smart and beautiful,
In the soul - harmony, peace,
And we - friends - are always with you!

SMS congratulations to Dmitry on his name day

Let the name Dmitry give strength,
And with her - wisdom and peace!
Get ready, friend, always for luck,
But be ready to take on the fight!

Let the colors of life shine brightly,
May you, Dimon, find love!
Let there be a sea of ​​affection in life
And many kind, warm words!

You can celebrate Dmitry’s name day according to the church calendar several times, since there are many saints with this name.

  • January: 04, 08, 21, 31.
  • February: 07, 09, 11, 17, 19, 24.
  • March: 04, 22, 25, 31.
  • April: 01, 23, 26.
  • May: 05, 22, 28.
  • June: 01, 10, 15, 16, 26.
  • July: 03, 17.
  • August: 01, 14, 17, 20, 22, 25, 30.
  • September: 09, 13, 19, 22, 24, 28.
  • October: 04, 09, 10, 17, 21, 28.
  • November: 01, 03, 08, 10, 14, 22, 25, 27, 28, 29.
  • December: 02, 10, 14, 15, 17.

It came to European languages ​​from Greek. If translated literally, it will mean “belonging to the earth goddess Demeter.” Demeter was considered one of the most revered among the ancient gods, since the Greeks largely depended on the harvest. Associated with fertility, vitality. Choosing the right name for a child can greatly influence his fate and character.

Different forms of the word

Russians, Ukrainians, Bulgarians, Greeks, and Belarusians often call their children this name. It has not lost its popularity in the 21st century.

  • Church —
  • Commonly used: Dmitry, .
  • Affectionate: Dimochka.
  • Short, vocative: Dim.
  • Colloquial: Dimych, Diman, Dimok, Mitya, Mitek, Mityukha.
  • Ancient: Dimitri, Mitri (outdated).

In almost all countries where Christianity exists, this name is found very often.

a brief description of

Boy Dima is a lover of life. From an early age, he was characterized by sociability, patience, and perseverance. He knows how to set the right goals, which he successfully achieves. Doesn't like to look back at the past. Always follows strictly the chosen path. If something doesn’t work out, he doesn’t regret it, but moves on.

He studies well, especially copes well with mathematics and physics. Ideal as a friend. Communication with him is always easy, without tricks. Can show courage if the situation demands it. Under certain circumstances, he can be unnecessarily cruel. He is a passionate person, but this sometimes prevents him from looking at things realistically. Fortune is favorable to Dmitry.

He does not give in to deception, although he himself can deceive for the sake of his own business. As she grows up, she becomes more reasonable and stricter with herself. Selfishness and demandingness are companions throughout life. Outwardly attractive, loved by women.

He is easy in relationships, but can change even his beloved. He doesn’t see anything reprehensible in this. He often changes his chosen ones. Always strives for something new, still unknown. As a man, he is reliable in everyday life, a wonderful father.

He loves his children, but can change wives more than once. Adapts to any team and can play one of the leading roles in it. He often has several higher educations, as he loves to comprehend science and develop mentally and spiritually. It is better for Dimitri to ask God for help on one of his angel days, then the prayer will be heard faster.

History of Saints named Dmitry

As was said, Dmitry’s name day occurs at any time of the year. Depending on the day of remembrance of the martyr that the guy chooses, you can celebrate them not only with a pleasant feast, but also with a trip to the temple.

Demetrius of Thessaloniki, great martyr

Once one of the very first holy warriors revered in Rus'.

Memorial Day: 26.10.

Lived in 3 in n. e. in Thessaloniki. Born into a family of secret Christians. There is a version that they were Slavs. The pagans in Rome continued their fierce struggle with faith. As a child, the boy was baptized, and after the death of his father, he was appointed to the position of proconsul. The main task was to protect the townspeople from barbaric attacks. He also had to destroy Christians.

The emperor did not know about the baptism of his protege. When he returned to his city, he immediately began to praise Jesus openly. He wanted pagan customs to be forgotten, and the population to begin to live like Christians. Maximian was informed about this, and she became furious. After one of his campaigns, he turned to the Thessalonian region, wanting to punish the inhabitants. Having learned about this, the proconsul distributed his wealth to the poor.

After interrogation by the Emperor, Dmitry was thrown into prison, and the Emperor amused himself with gladiator fights. Before him, his favorite Leah impaled Christians on spears. One young man visited the prisoner, asking for his blessing in battle with the barbarian. After this, the young man Nestor himself threw the mighty gladiator onto his spears. The pagan ruler was angry. He ordered the death of St. much Nestor, as well as Demetrius, who prayed for the brave man.

On October 26, 306, the saint was killed by guards. A servant named Lupp took the ring from the already dead man and sprinkled it with the blood of the saint, and also collected the blood of Demetrius into the cloth. With the help of existing shrines, he began to successfully treat the sick. By order, he was also killed by the emperor's soldiers.

They got rid of the body by throwing it to wild predators, but people picked it up and buried it. Later, a temple of God was built on this site. After it fell into disrepair, the incorruptible relics were found. They tried to take them out several times, but each time they all returned back. From the 7th century Demetrius is called the Myrrh-Streaming One.
Interesting! When the barbarians attacked Thessaloniki, they saw a formidable fair-haired young man on the fortress wall, walking around the city. They were afraid of him, believing that it was St. Dimitri went out on patrol.
It was not by chance that he was considered a Slavic saint among the ancient Greeks. He began to be revered among pagans, including those from Rus'. After her baptism, the Dimitrievsky Monastery was founded in Kyiv. Relics preserved:

  • Mosaic icon (Tretyakov Gallery).
  • Demetrius Cathedral 12th century. in .
  • Miraculous icon on the tombstone of the saint (Tretyakov Gallery).

Since ancient times in the Russian state the name of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica was associated with the exploits of the defenders of the Motherland.

Dmitry Donskoy

Memorial Day: 01.06.

Another saint named Dmitry is deeply revered in Rus'. He himself considered Demetrius of Thessalonica his heavenly patron and became worthy of him in everything. Having lived a short life, only 39 years († 1389), he left a wonderful memory of himself in the hearts of people. Dimitri of Moscow won a number of important victories for Rus':

  • repelling the attack on the capital of the Lithuanians (1368,1373),
  • defeat of the Tatars on the river Vozhe (1378),
  • defeat of the Horde on the Kulikovo field (1380).

Canonized in the year of the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus'. When going against the enemy, he always asked for blessings in the temple. Established two church traditions:

  1. Dimitrievskaya parent's Saturday.
  2. The day of finding the relics of blessings. book Nevsky.

He remained in history not only as a pious Christian, a brave warrior, but also an exemplary family man. His wife gave him 12 children, and shortly before her death she became a nun.

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When choosing a name for their child, today many modern parents are guided not only by its euphony and compatibility with the patronymic and surname. They (parents) are increasingly trying to adhere to Christian traditions in choosing a name for their baby.

Dmitry's name day

Happy birthday, everything is clear - this is the specific date of the birth of a new person. Next, this person should be selected and given a name. And at this stage, many parents turn to the calendar - the church calendar, which indicates the days of honoring saints, dates of religious holidays and other information. The choice of name occurs as follows: based on the date of birth, the calendar determines the day closest to the day of veneration of a saint (or saint in the case of choosing a name for a girl) and the name of this saint is chosen as the name for the child. And the day of veneration of the saint itself will now be considered a name day. But there are a number of nuances that you should pay attention to. For example, you chose the name Dmitry for a boy. According to the Orthodox calendar, Dmitry's name day is celebrated several times a year - January 31; February 7, 9, 11, 16 and 24; April 1 and 26; 28; June 1, 5, 10, 15 and 16; 21 July; September 24; October 4, 7 and 15; November 8, 10 and 28; December 14. Which one should Dmitry consider his name day? It's quite simple. There is a concept of “big” name days and “small” name days. “Big” name days named after Dmitry, or as they are also called, main ones, are celebrated on the day of veneration of the saint who is the closest (meaning day) after his birthday. All other dates for honoring the same saint refer to “small” name days and, as a rule, are not celebrated, although this, of course, is an individual decision for everyone.

The meaning of the name Dmitry

Having decided on a name, I also want to know what it means. After all, it is no secret that a name influences both the formation of a person’s character and his entire destiny. The name Dmitry, or the church form Dimitri, has Greek roots and is interpreted differently in different sources. According to some sources, this name is translated as “fruit of the earth.” But other sources claim that the name Dmitry is associated with the name of Demeter, the ancient Greek goddess of agriculture and fertility, and means “dedicated to Demeter.” As a rule, men named Dmitry are not arrogant and very friendly. But injustice and resentment cause a strong emotional explosion in them. Also, the owners of this name are endowed with titanic patience, endurance and efficiency, but on the other hand they are characterized by some impulsiveness and even sometimes mental instability.

Day Angel

Having dealt with the name day and the characteristics of the name, it is worth understanding the last concept - the day of the angel, in this particular case for the name Dmitry. According to Orthodox dogmas, Angel Day is considered the day when a Guardian Angel is sent from above to a person, called to protect him (the person) from all temptations and difficulties on the path of life. Therefore, when wondering what date to celebrate the day of the angel Dmitry (in this case), remember exactly the date of the Baptism ceremony. Often parents give their child just a name they like, and at baptism they are guided by the Orthodox calendar. In this case, the child may have two names - the so-called worldly and spiritual, received at baptism and with which he will live his whole life and with which he will appear before the Almighty.

When celebrating Dmitry's name day, not everyone knows what his angel day is, and whether there is a difference between his birthday and this date. His future fate depends on a person’s name. Therefore, when choosing a name for your child, you need to think about it very carefully. Since ancient times, the name of a child has been chosen in accordance with the church calendar. Thus, there was a connection between the child and his patron, who protected the child from all troubles. To do this, it was enough to turn in prayer to your guardian angel or saint.

Origin of the name

According to church pronunciation, The name Demetrius comes from the ancient Greek word "Demetrios" and translates as "farmer". This name signifies fertility and vitality. The goddess Demeter is one of the most respected deities. The goddess of fertility determined whether the year would be fruitful or not; the awakening of the earth after a cold, harsh winter depended on her. This name takes its roots from Byzantium.

In Russia it became popular after the advent of Christianity. For many centuries, princes and kings were called this way, along with Svyatoslavs. The name denoted military glory and heroic strength. There are short forms of this name: Mitya, Dima and Mityai.

When naming a child, you need to find out when the day of the angel Dmitry is according to the church calendar.

Personal qualities

The date of St. Demetrius's day falls in summer, autumn and spring. People with this name can easily endure difficult life situations., their important qualities are:

  • Endowed with intelligence, resourcefulness, sociability, and hard work.
  • They succeed in such professions as lawyer, doctor, manager, teacher.
  • They become worthwhile leaders.

People bearing this name realize themselves in professions that involve the ability to convince people in any matter. They remarry because they are in love. Despite their remarriages, they love their children, constantly help them financially, and spend a lot of time with them.

Representatives of this name treat their mother with respect and reverence.

Dmitry's character

Little Dimas are very capricious as children, often get sick, and cause a lot of trouble for their parents. Children named by this name cannot be called calm: they are very active, emotional, principled and selfish. As Dima grows up, he becomes a little calmer and more reasonable. The main traits of his character include high demands on others, integrity and selfishness. A man with this name is very difficult to deceive, but he will deceive you with ease.

Dmitry tends to think through the situation several steps ahead. Usually the bearers of this name are physically developed and strong. They attract girls with their intelligence and appearance. Women with this man feel protected, as if behind a stone wall. The downside of the Dmitrievs is that they quickly fall in love - they have many women whom they change without the slightest remorse.

The owners of this name are persistent and never stop before reaching the end. They are very sociable and open. In the new team, Dima behaves easily and naturally. It is interesting to have a conversation with them, although they do most of the talking. Dmitry is hardworking and does his work responsibly. He tends to only go forward and never give up.

People with this name tend to be very loyal and devoted friends. They always come to the rescue in difficult times.

Dmitrys are charming, brave, sometimes even cruel, and they are also persistent and inventive. Sometimes Dima gets so carried away by his dream that he even loses reality.

History and ancient rituals

Our ancestors celebrated Dmitry's Day on November 8th. A week before, they organized a memorial for the soldiers who died courageously during the Battle of Kulikovo. According to the Orthodox calendar, November 8 is the day of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica, whose second name is Myrrh-Blower.

Our ancestors begged this saint for healing of their eyesight, asked for help and good luck on the battlefield, endurance and courage. In Rus', the day of remembrance of the holy great martyr was celebrated with honor. The Tsar himself was present at the service. The wedding season ended on November 8, after this a harsh winter would come, so our ancestors tried to get married before this date.

Name day and angel day

Dmitry's name day and angel's day are slightly different things. Birthday is the day when a person is born, and angel day is the day of remembrance of the heavenly patron. As a rule, the day of the angel coincides with the date of church baptism, and the name day is the day of remembrance of the patron saint, according to the calendar.

At the moment, many consider the concepts of angel day and name day to be similar. On Angel Day you need to honor your guardian angel, which is given at baptism, while on name day they honor the heavenly inhabitant, St. Demetrius. So name day is the day of the angel. People believe that a man is protected by that Dmitry whose date of birth, according to the calendar, is closest to the date on which the person was born.

The patron saint of Dmitry, born on May 29, is Dmitry Donskoy. According to the Orthodox calendar, Dmitry’s name day should be celebrated on June 1. If a boy was born on November 3, his name day will be November 8. And his patron will be Dmitry Solunsky.

The date of St. Demetrius's day falls on the following days:

Knowing the celebration of Dmitry’s name day according to the church calendar is very important. It is advisable to visit church on such a day and read a prayer in front of the image of the saint.

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