What does the military department provide? Pros and cons of studying at a military department Pros and cons of a military department at a university

The Ministry of Defense proposed to education generals to change the military training of students so that, in parallel with obtaining a civilian profession, they would master an army specialty. This project raised a lot of questions among future certified doctors, engineers, humanists, representatives of other student “classes,” and even among their teachers. Let's answer the most typical ones.

How will the new system differ from the one in place now?

If we talk about the main difference, then students who have successfully completed military training at an institute-university will not have to join the army in peacetime. Simultaneously with the issuance of the diploma, they will be enrolled in the mobilization reserve. True, from time to time reservists will be called to military training so that they do not forget their army specialty in civilian life and can, for example, master new military equipment.

Now there is a different approach - almost all graduates of military departments and faculties, while still studying, sign an obligation after graduation to go into the army for at least 3 years. This is the duration of the first contract for officers and ordinary professionals. And those who ignored the military service at the university will face mandatory conscription for 12 months of service as an ordinary soldier.

Will military service be voluntary or mandatory?

As now and then, the university will try to attract as many students as possible to military training. Precisely to attract, and not to force guys into a military training classroom. Students for whom military service is contraindicated for health reasons will be completely exempt from such lectures and army training in a military unit. As for their desk neighbors, they will have a good reason to sign up for future reservists.

Military training will not greatly limit student freedom - a theoretical course in an army specialty will be included in the general educational program of the university. Additionally, young people will not have to go to the institute-university for “military” classes.

Army training won't take up much of their time either. But it makes sense to work harder before taking an exam or exams in a military specialty. Otherwise, poor students will have to go to the soldier’s barracks.

What will happen to the military departments of universities?

The Ministry of Defense does not propose to increase their number or open new military departments at institutes and universities. There were 72 of them in Russia and will remain so. Moreover, according to the generals, it is there that at the first stage - from September 1, 2014 - it is worth organizing the study of students in training programs for officers, sergeants and reserve soldiers.

During the second stage - from September 1, 2015 - young people are planned to be trained in interuniversity military training centers created on the basis of specialized departments. Nearby universities and, if necessary, higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense will be “attached” to them.

Finally, at the third stage - from September 1, 2016 - they want to cover all students with army training, including those whose alma maters are located far from interuniversity military training centers. For this purpose, branches of such centers will be created throughout the country.

Who will be trained for the army in civilian universities - soldiers or officers?

This question is directly related to the amount of time that the student will spend at the institute-university on military training. In principle, the generals are in favor of universities graduating not only different specialists for the mobilization reserve, but also different categories of reservists - officers, sergeants and privates. Therefore, it is proposed to include the following algorithm in the new training program.

To become a reserve officer, a student will be offered to study for about two and a half years and will certainly undergo a military internship. It is believed in the General Staff that a reservist sergeant can be trained in two years, and the same soldier in one and a half years. At the same time, the above-mentioned army training will become mandatory for any student.

Will female students be able to undergo military training at the university?

Strictly speaking, they still have this opportunity. There are dozens of universities in Russia where this practice took root many years ago. For example, last year a branch of the Moscow State Technical University named after. Bauman in Kaluga, in agreement with the Ministry of Defense, for the first time recruited girls to study at a special department, where, among other things, they train military signalmen. Previously, only boys were accepted there, but now every fifth first-year student in the department is a girl. Moreover, six of them have a chance to become officers upon graduation.

The new system of military training in universities will only expand this practice. Good doctors, signalmen, psychologists, specialists in information technology, automated control systems and other specialties where women are in no way inferior to men are required not only in civilian life and in the army, but also in the mobilization reserve.

However, not all military specialties will open the way for girls. The General Staff says that, for example, it is still better to appoint male reservists as commanders in line units. And, accordingly, they should be prepared in advance in universities.

Will a student be given a diploma if he gets a bad mark on the final exam in military training?

Military training at a university is still considered as additional education. When a young man has successfully mastered a civilian profession at an institute, university or academy, it is wrong to deprive him of a diploma for “failure” in the army course. Such a student will, of course, be given a diploma. But the graduate will not be included in the mobilization reserve. And therefore, his “military” studies at the university will not be counted towards his military service. The guy will have to go to a soldier's barracks or a sailor's quarters for a year.

What if the student’s civilian profession is far from his army specialty?

By and large, there are not very many such professions. For example, a student studies at an agricultural academy to become an agronomist. There are currently no military state farms or regular subsidiary farms in the army. But each military unit has its own food service, where such a specialist will certainly come in handy. In addition, the deep knowledge in chemistry that the young man received at the university is in demand in the specialized troops of the Ministry of Defense.

Generally speaking, they will try to “link” students’ military training as much as possible to their future civilian profession. Of course, the aviation university will not train mechanics - tank drivers or commanders of motorized rifle units - for the mobilization reserve. From there they will produce technicians and engineers for the Air Force.

Where and for how long will a student be sent to military training?

The details of military practice are still being worked out. But the main thing is known. First of all, the military training period for students will be increased from the current 30 days to three months. This is necessary for young people to master a military specialty not only in theory, but also to gain practical skills.

Most likely, they will undergo training before graduating from the university. The venue will be army and navy “training” schools, universities of the Ministry of Defense, as well as bases for storing and repairing weapons and military equipment.

What to do if there is no educational institution with a military department near the university?

It's OK. Military training for students in such cities is organized either at universities of the Ministry of Defense (if they exist there) or at one of the military units located near the educational institution.

Will a graduate of the interuniversity military training center be able to join the army for personnel service?

Of course he can. Moreover, the Ministry of Defense really hopes that military training at the university will encourage many students to take just such a step. Moreover, the Russian army is now doing a lot for good specialists.

This includes financial incentives, the opportunity to buy an apartment with a mortgage paid for by the state, and other very significant preferences. Moreover, they are due to a person regardless of where he studied - at a military university or a civilian institute.

For many university applicants, it is of great importance whether there is a military department at the university. It is known that such a department makes it possible to solve the problem of military conscription directly within the walls of the university. Thus, for many young people, a university with a military department looks much more attractive than an educational institution without one. What is a military department, what does it offer to students in 2018, why is it important not to confuse the department with a military training center.

What is a military department at a university?

Military departments at universities are essentially departments of additional education. Additional education in this case is a military specialty.

Depending on the duration of the course, a student, by attending additional classes, can acquire the specialty of a soldier, sergeant or lieutenant. This solves the problem of military conscription - students acquire a military specialty at a civilian university, without undergoing military service.

Upon graduating from a university and receiving a diploma, the student already has a military ID in his hands and is a private, sergeant or reserve lieutenant. He doesn't need to serve in the army.

What title a student will receive depends on the program and duration of the course:

  • reserve soldier (or sailor) - 18 months,
  • reserve sergeant (or sergeant major) - 24 months,
  • reserve officer - 30 months.

Classes at the military department usually take up one additional day of study. If, for example, classes at a university run from Monday to Friday, then students of the military department study until 8-9 o’clock on Saturday. Classes may include both theory and a practical part, including a trip to the territory of the nearest military unit.

Why you shouldn’t confuse a military department and a military training center

When entering a university and focusing on whether a particular university has a military department, a young man needs to be careful. In addition to military departments at universities, there may also be military training centers.

The difference between them is quite significant. The main difference is that the military department trains reserve servicemen, and the training center trains future contract soldiers.

Simply put, when a student graduates from the military department, receives a military ID and goes into the reserves, he is not required to serve in the army. But a student at a military training center signs a contract according to which he is obliged, after graduating from a university, to go to serve in the specialty and rank that he receives at this center. The term of service under such a contract is at least three years.

Military training centers are more suitable for those who would like to pursue a military career. In fact, civilian universities with such centers are an alternative to military universities. And if for some reason a young man was unable to enter a military university, he can apply to a civilian university with a military training center. Such a university provides a more in-depth education in civilian specialties and a less in-depth education in military ones. However, this is an opportunity to join the army as a junior officer and begin a career in the army.

If the main thing for a young man is to avoid military service after graduation, he needs a military department.

The Russian Ministry of Defense has developed a bill

“The army is changing technically, modern military equipment is coming in, and we need trained people who can handle it. There is no point in training specialists in military departments who, for example, receive an agricultural specialty,” said First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense Sergei Zhigarev.

AiF.ru tells what kind of training university students undergo at military departments and what is the difference between a military department and a Military Training Center (MTC).

What is a military department and what do they teach students there?

A military department is a department at a civilian higher education institution that provides military training to citizens under training programs for reserve officers.

Students have the opportunity to study all subjects that are provided at the military school, depending on the chosen military specialty. During training, students study combat, fire, tactical and special tactical training. They undergo practical training and training camps.

After graduating from the military department, the student receives the necessary knowledge that a soldier or officer must have when performing the duties of their position, both during combat operations and in peacetime.

Is training at the military department compulsory?

Training both at the military department and at the military training center is voluntary. Art. speaks about this. 20 and Art. 20.1 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”.

Do I need to do military service after graduating from university?

No no need. Upon graduation from a university, a student who had a military department does not serve, but can be invited to participate in military training as a reserve officer. Enrollment in military service is possible if a contract is signed with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

What is the difference between a military department and a military training center (MCC)?

Unlike the military department, training at the UVC presupposes subsequent service in the Armed Forces. The UVC is a military faculty where specialized training of officers is conducted. Upon admission, young people enter into a contract with the Ministry of Defense, and upon completion they will have to serve three years as officers.

As for the military department, students who successfully complete the military training program are enlisted in the reserves upon graduation and are awarded the military rank of officer.

What is necessary for admission to the military department?

Not all students can become reserve officers and study at the military department. To enroll you need:

  • presence of Russian citizenship,
  • good academic performance in the main faculty,
  • good health,
  • high results of physical training.

The student’s level of preparedness is checked by the following physical qualities:

  • endurance - cross-country 1 kilometer (3 kilometers),
  • strength - pulling,
  • speed and agility - running 100 meters.

How long does the training last?

One day a week is allocated for classes at the military department in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th courses. Depending on the university, the duration of study ranges from 2.5 to 3 years.

Which Moscow universities have a military department?

Military departments and faculties of military training exist in 20 higher educational institutions in Moscow. A student who has entered such a university and is recognized by the commission for initial military registration as fit for military service, in the first year can enter into an agreement to study at a military department (faculty of military training).

List of Moscow universities providing training for reserve officers in military departments

1. State University of Land Management. 105064, Moscow, st. Kazakova, 15. Tel.: 261-55-37. www.guz.ru (military department);

2. State University - Higher School of Economics. 101000, Moscow, st. Myasnitskaya, 20. Tel.: 621-79-83. www.hse.ru (military department);

3. Moscow Aviation Institute (state technical university). 125993, Moscow, Volokolamskoe highway, 4. Tel.: 158-92-09. www.mai.ru (military department);

4. Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after Gubkin. 119991, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 65. Tel.: 930-92-25. www.gubkin.ru (military department);

5. Moscow State Agricultural Engineering University named after V.P. Goryachkina. 127550, Moscow, st. Timiryazevskaya, 58. Tel.: 976-05-94. www.msau.ru (military department);

6. Moscow State Institute of International Relations (university). 119454, Moscow, Vernadsky pr., 76. Tel.: 434-92-71 www.mgimo.ru (military department);

7. Moscow State Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation (Technical University). 119454, Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, 78. Tel.: 365-30-70. www.mirea.ru (military department);

8. Moscow State Institute of Electronic Technology (Technical University). 124498, Zelenograd, Moscow region, proezd 4806, no. 5. Tel.: 534-02-42. www.miet.ru (military department);

9. Moscow State Linguistic University. 119992, Moscow, st. Ostozhenka, 38. Tel.: 245-06-12. www.linguanet.ru (military department);

10. Moscow State University of Civil Engineering. 129337, Moscow, Yaroslavskoe highway, 26. Tel.: 183-44-38. www.mgsu.ru (military department);

11. Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography. 105064, Moscow, Gorokhovsky lane, 4. Tel.: 261-40-44. www.miigaik.ru (military department);

12. Moscow State Forestry University. 141001, Mytishchi, Moscow region, Pervaya Institutskaya st., 1. 582-45-78. www.mgul.ac.ru (military department);

13. Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (state university). 115409, Moscow, Kashirskoe highway, 31. Tel.: 324-84-17. www.mephi.ru (military department);

14. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (state university). 141700, Dolgoprudny, Moscow region, Institutsky lane, 9. Tel.: 408-45-54. www.mipt.ru (military department);

15. Russian Academy of Justice (RAP). 117418, Moscow, st. Novocheremushkinskaya, 69a. www.raj.ru (military department);

16. Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkina. 119991, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 65. Tel.: 930-92-25. www.gubkin.ru (military department);

17. Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. 125468, Moscow, Leningradsky pr., 49. Tel.: 943-98-73. www.fa.ru (military department);

18. Russian State Technological University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky - "MATI". 121552, Moscow, st. Orshanskaya, 3. Tel.: 915-34-32. www.mati.ru (faculty of military training);

19. Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman. 105005, Moscow, 2nd Baumanskaya st., 5. Tel.: 263-63-91. www.bmstu.ru (faculty of military training);

Many young guys who want to get a higher education are advised by their parents and older comrades to choose a university that has a military department. They explain this simply: studying at a military department allows you to avoid compulsory conscription into the army as an ordinary soldier. It’s not easy to get into such a university; the competition for it is usually higher than for universities without a military department, and the majority of applicants are boys of military age.

What is a military department?

A military department is a special course for training reserve officers within a higher educational institution. Not every university offers its students such a valuable service, which is why the entrance competition to such educational institutions is much higher.

What's the advantage? Upon graduation, the graduate receives not only the status of “Young Specialist”, but also “Reserve Officer”.

Accordingly, you will have on hand not only a diploma of higher education, but also a military ID, which in the future will be a mandatory document for successful employment.

So you no longer have to run from the military registration and enlistment office, fearing another draft; the graduate is a ready-made officer, as if he had just graduated from a higher military educational institution yesterday.

Another advantage of such an integrated approach to the education system is the fact that military training takes place simultaneously with civilian training, that is, the student does not lose time upon graduation for military service in the army, but immediately receives a military document with the mark “Reserve Officer”.

Military departments in civilian universities will be renamed

On Tuesday evening, the government submitted to the State Duma a package of amendments unifying the system of training officers and sergeants in the system of civilian higher education. As stated in the explanatory note, amendments to the laws “On Defense”, “On Military Duty and Military Service”, “On the Status of Military Personnel” and “On the Basics of Protecting Citizens’ Health” are being introduced in accordance with last year’s order of the President and are aimed at increasing the efficiency of military training in civilian universities.

Military service - will they be called up or not?

After graduating from the military department, you will receive the rank of reserve officer. You won't have to serve in the army.

Previously, it was different - some graduates of the military department were drafted into the army with the rank of officer. Now this norm has been abolished: reserve officers are not subject to conscription.

The procedure for conscription for military service is determined by the Regulations on the conscription of citizens of the Russian Federation for military service, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 11, 2006 No. 663 with amendments and additions of May 20, 2014. In the latest edition of this document, section III “The procedure for conscription of citizens of the Russian Federation enlisted in the reserve with the assignment of the military rank of officer” has been excluded.

Pros and cons of the military department

Unfortunately, few students can now boast that their university has a military department. Moreover, universities that have one after the education reform have become “elite” and desirable even in the eyes of those who would not have paid attention to them before. But even if you study at a university that has a military department, this does not mean that you are obliged to take it. Before signing a contract for training at a military department, you need to clearly understand what this training will give you, all the pros and cons.

Often, students who have little understanding of the laws become victims of popular myths (“after the military department they are not drafted” or, conversely, “after the military department they can be called up as an officer, or maybe as a soldier”). So let's figure out what consequences await us when signing a contract. Here are the main differences between the students, one of whom chose to study at the military department, and the other refused the military department.

A student who studies at the university devotes 1 day a week to studying at the university

  • Receives a supplement from the Ministry of Defense (15% of the basic stipend)
  • After graduating from the military department and university, he will receive the rank of lieutenant
  • After graduating from a university and being awarded a rank, he may be called up for military service.
  • Can be summoned at any time of the year
  • Before conscription, a medical examination is carried out according to column III of the list of illnesses (there is a greater chance that they will be recognized as fit)
  • Deprived of several types of deferments (2 or more children; mother (father) has 2 or more children under the age of 8 years or disabled since childhood and is raising them without a husband (wife)
  • There is practically no chance of replacing military service with alternative civilian service
  • If called up, will serve as an officer
  • If called up, will serve for 2 years

A student who is not studying at the university

  • Has an extra day off
  • Receives nothing from the Ministry of Defense
  • Will not receive any title
  • After graduating from university, he can be called up for military service
  • Can be summoned at certain times of the year
  • Before conscription, a medical examination is carried out according to column 1 of the illness list (less likely to be recognized as fit)
  • Has the theoretical opportunity to take advantage of various deferments from conscription into military service
  • Has the chance, if he wishes, to replace military service with alternative civilian service. In case of conscription, he will serve as a private.

In case of conscription, will serve for 1 year


    What does studying at the military department provide?

    The main advantage that attracts young people to enroll in the military department at a university is that all students who have completed training in this subdivision, received the appropriate rank and are enrolled in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, are not conscripted for military service and after completing their studies receive a military ticket. However, graduates may be called up for short-term training and have the right to enter into a contract with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for military service.

    Do not confuse the military department and the military training center!

    It is worth paying attention to the fact that the military department at the university and the military training center are different structures. Military training centers carry out training of officers in civilian universities; the scientific potential of the teaching staff of a civilian university and modern material resources are used for the purpose of high-quality training of specialists in the most popular military specialties. Apart from graduates of military departments, after completing their studies at the UVC, young people are required to undergo military service under a contract.

    In order to avoid unexpected consequences in the future, we recommend that when enrolling in military training at a university, you find out which unit functions at the educational institution - a military department or a military training center. It is also worth knowing in advance all the nuances associated with the process of undergoing military training.

    How to enter the military department

    Students who have passed certain competitive selections can enter the military department. Selection criteria may vary slightly between universities, but they usually include:

  • the student has Russian citizenship;
  • degree of health fitness for military service;
  • professional psychological suitability for service in the RF Armed Forces;
  • student’s level of physical fitness;
  • compliance of the education received at the university with the military training program;
  • level of academic performance in the main field of study (specialty) at the university.

For admission you need:

  • write a corresponding application addressed to the rector in the form determined by the university;
  • undergo a medical examination;
  • pass physical fitness standards, which usually include testing endurance (cross), strength (pull-ups), speed and agility (running);
  • undergo the procedure for obtaining access to information constituting state secrets.

The procedure and terms of training at the military department

Students enrolled in the military department combine studies in the main field with military training. Military training is usually conducted using the military day method, lasting 8-9 hours once a week.

The duration of training at the military department is:

  • under the reserve officer training program - 2.5 years;
  • in the reserve sergeant training program - 2 years;
  • according to the training program for reserve soldiers - 1.5 years.

After completing the training course, military training is held in the troops for 30 days. At the training camp, graduates take the military oath, and at the end of the training camp they undergo a final certification. Upon successful completion of all standards upon graduation from the university, along with a diploma, the young man is awarded a military rank and enlisted in the reserves of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Which universities have military departments?

According to data from the official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, today military departments operate at the 51st civilian university in the country. The full list of institutions can be found here.

You can also study in detail information about universities that have a military department or a military training center on the Postupi.Online portal in the section.

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