Presidential scholarship. What is the Presidential Scholarship? Rules for its appointment. What is this type of incentive for applicants?

The Russian Ministry of Culture will establish significant allowances for gifted students and graduate students in 2014. The press service of the ministry reports this.

The increase will apply to undergraduate and graduate students of educational organizations under the jurisdiction of the Russian Ministry of Culture. It is planned to increase accruals to holders of presidential and government scholarships.

Thus, graduate students will receive presidential scholarships at the rate of 100 thousand rubles. per year (which is 46 thousand rubles more than the previously established amount), students - 50 thousand rubles. per year (currently the scholarship is paid in the amount of 26.4 thousand rubles)

Holders government scholarships accruals will also be doubled:

  • before 80 thousand rubles. per year – to graduate students;
  • before 35 thousand rubles. per year – to university students;
  • before 20 thousand rubles. per year – to students of professional educational organizations.

In addition, the Russian Ministry of Culture intends to establish 10 bonuses for trainee assistants By 50 thousand rubles. each. Director of the Department of Science and Education Alexandra Arakelova notes that the payment of these bonuses will become an important innovation in 2014, since assistantship-internship programs are aimed at training highly qualified creative and teaching workers in creative and performing specialties and are intended to train the most talented young people.

As the press service of the Russian Ministry of Culture notes, payments are provided by the Department of Science and Education of the ministry as part of the annual project “Young Talents of Russia”. The criteria for nominating universities for scholarships have not changed (they include requirements for scholarship recipients to study with “good” and “excellent” grades and to have achievements in creative and scientific activities).

On April 12, 1993, a presidential decree was issued, which is aimed at countering brain drain from the country. It was on this fateful day that a presidential scholarship was established, which can be received by undergraduate and graduate students of any university in the Russian Federation. The same decree determined the number of scholarship holders, which has remained to this day. You can receive a cash reward:

  • 700 students studying in the Russian Federation and 40 students studying outside the country;
  • 300 graduate students who study in Russian educational institutions and 60 graduate students from foreign countries;
  • In addition, presidential scholarships are awarded to schoolchildren and athletes for achievements in various fields.

Today we’ll talk about how to enter the coveted thousand or one hundred presidential scholarship recipients, and how many different categories of students can receive.

What is the scholarship amount

For each category of students, in 2019, their own presidential scholarship amount has been determined for which they can apply. The amounts are relatively small, but quite sufficient to be a worthy reward for the success of a particular student. The Presidential scholarship for different groups of undergraduate and graduate students is:

  • 2,200 rubles per month or 26,400 rubles. per year for full-time students.
  • 4,500 rubles per month or 54,000 rubles. per year for postgraduate students studying in institutions of higher professional education.
  • 6,000 rubles per month or 72,000 rubles. per year for postgraduate students
  • 10,000 rubles per month or 120,000 rubles. per year for doctoral students

However, already in 2019 the amount of the scholarship may be revised. According to recent statements by the country's top leadership, very soon presidential scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students will be doubled and they will be able to receive 50,000 and 100,000 units of national currency per year, respectively.

Receipt procedure

In addition to the direct amount of payments, any student is ready to face another important question: how to get a presidential scholarship? Two categories of students can apply for it:

  1. Winners of national and international competitions, competitions, Olympiads.
  2. Holders of patents for two inventions or industrial designs, authors of scientific articles in national and foreign journals.

Lists of candidates for such promotion are compiled by the academic council of the educational institution, and are also necessarily agreed upon with its head. After the preliminary procedures, the candidates are transferred to the departments of the Ministry of Education, where the subsequent screening of candidates takes place, and the applicants are finally approved. After the selection process, the final list is sent to the Ministry of Education, where the laureates are determined. If the educational institution is not state-owned, but has been accredited, candidates are submitted directly to the ministry, without the need to go through regional departments.

For students of foreign universities, a recommendation and characteristics from the institutions are required, after which they will be included in the list of candidates and will be considered by the ministry and the International Center for Education. The laureates are determined by a special commission, which must be agreed upon with the administration of various educational institutions.

Presidential Scholarship - this is not only material support for certain categories of university students, but also a way to recognize special achievements in the education of undergraduate and graduate students, designed to stimulate further interest in science. Who can receive presidential scholarship and how to do this, we will consider in this material.

What is the Presidential Scholarship?

Presidential Scholarship was established under Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin. It was he, being the head of state, who signed Decree No. 433 “On urgent measures of state support for students and graduate students of educational institutions of higher professional education” dated April 12, 1993.

According to this document, 700 scholarship payments are provided for students in Russia for undergraduates and 300 for graduate students, for Russian citizens studying abroad - 40 and 60 scholarships, respectively. The scholarship is established for a period of up to 3 years (one year for undergraduates and up to 3 years for graduate students). When changing citizenship, as well as on the recommendation of the academic council of the educational institution, payment presidential scholarship terminates before the due date.

The amount of the scholarship payment established by the President in 1993 periodically changes upward, based on modern realities. The specific amount is determined by a separate regulatory act. Today, the Presidential Decree “On scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation for students, graduate students, adjuncts, students and cadets of educational institutions of higher professional education” No. 182 dated February 14, 2010 is in force. Based on this regulatory act, the payment amount presidential scholarship per month is equal to:

  • students - 2,200 rubles;
  • graduate students - 4,500 rubles.

In addition, graduate students and doctoral students writing dissertations on certain topics can receive a larger scholarship, as established by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science “On approval of the list of specialties of scientific workers in technical and natural sciences, in the preparation of dissertations on which graduate students and doctoral students of federal state educational institutions higher professional education, educational institutions of additional professional education and scientific organizations, scholarships were established in the amount of 6,000 rubles and 10,000 rubles, respectively" No. 654 of August 24, 2012.

Scholarship payments ensuring the future development of the country

Subsequently, the course of state assistance for young scientists set by the President in 1993 received more in-depth development. Students and young scientists engaged in scientific research designed to ensure positive dynamics of the Russian economy are provided with even greater scholarships from the state.

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By Presidential Decree “On the establishment of a scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation for young scientists and graduate students carrying out promising scientific research and development in priority areas of modernization of the Russian economy” No. 181 of February 13, 2012, financial incentives were established in the amount of 20,000 rubles per month. This scholarship payment is established and paid for a period of up to 3 years. The number of people receiving such incentives per year should not exceed 1,000.

Who is eligible for the Presidential Scholarship?

As already mentioned, the Presidential scholarship is paid to undergraduates, graduate students and doctoral students. But these payments are selective and are provided to a limited number of people for special merits.

In accordance with Russian legislation, presidential scholarship The following students are eligible to apply:

  1. Full-time students studying at a budgetary department of an educational institution.
  2. Two sessions in a row, passing more than half of the exams with “excellent” marks.
  3. Having any achievements in the study of subjects of their specialization, documented.
  4. Winners of Olympiads, competitions, scientific and creative shows have advantages; authors of publications on a given specialty in various printed publications; authors of inventions or discoveries; students who are distinguished by their erudition, competence, literacy, and desire to study the necessary subjects.

The first two points are mandatory when identifying worthy candidates for a scholarship. The remaining criteria are desirable, but the more a student has these types of distinctions and advantages, the more likely he is to receive a Presidential Scholarship.

How to get a scholarship from the President of the Russian Federation

After the end of the year of study, the academic councils of educational institutions draw up registers of applicants for the Presidential Scholarship. The Russian Ministry of Education and Science reviews these lists and approves candidates for scholarships. The scholarship is awarded every year from September 1.

To nominate its candidates for a Presidential Scholarship, a university must provide the following documents for candidates to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia:

  • An extract from the decision of the academic council of the educational institution to nominate a student for a presidential scholarship. The extract must contain information about the candidate.
  • Characteristics of an applicant for a scholarship.
  • List of scientific works (articles) published in printed publications, including international ones.
  • Copies of certificates, diplomas and other documents indicating the participation and victories of the scholarship candidate in competitions and Olympiads.
  • Copies of documents confirming the authorship of the candidate for discoveries and inventions.
  • Certificate of passed exams.

Documents are provided separately for each applicant.

An open competition is held for students abroad, based on the results of which the Russian Ministry of Education and Science makes a decision to issue a Presidential Scholarship to Russian citizens studying abroad. The announcement of such a competition is carried out through the media, including publication on the website of the Grants Council of the President of Russia at the address:

The Presidential Scholarship was founded by former President B.N. Yeltsin, which is why this government payment has such a name. It provides for payments to 700 university students and 300 graduate students studying in Russia.

It is also assigned to 40 undergraduate and 60 graduate students with Russian citizenship studying abroad. If you change your citizenship, the payment stops.

This scholarship is awarded for 1 year to undergraduates and 3 years to graduate students. The size of payments has been constantly increasing since its inception. In 2019, the scholarship amount is 2,200 rubles for undergraduates and 4,500 rubles for graduate students.

Depending on the importance of the industry in which the student or graduate student conducts his educational and scientific activities, the amount of payment can be increased to 20,000 rubles.

Many higher education students wonder if they are eligible and how to obtain such a scholarship. The legislation establishes the circle of persons who have the right to apply for this state payment:

  1. Persons who have received prizes in Olympiads and competitions.
  2. Young people publishing their scientific works in magazines, books and media.
  3. Inventors who made new discoveries.
  4. Students who have achieved significant success in studying a particular field.
  5. Students who passed two sessions in a row with most of the grades being “excellent”.
  6. Persons studying at a higher educational institution on a full-time non-profit basis.
  7. Students can apply for a scholarship only after two years of study, and graduate students after one year.

Thus, we can conclude that the presidential scholarship is aimed at maintaining motivation among erudite, talented, and capable of learning individuals. Mandatory items for university students when applying for this payment are:

  • full-time study at a higher educational institution;
  • non-profit training basis;
  • passing the last two sessions with excellent results in most subjects;
  • For students, the duration of study at the university is two years, and for a graduate student, one year.

When selecting students, the Ministry of Education, first of all, encourages those working in nationally significant industries. These include:

  • nuclear research;
  • Computer techologies;
  • space discoveries;
  • biochemical industry towards the development of drugs;
  • energy industry;
  • medicine.
It is from these industries that students have the best chance of being included in the list of those who will be awarded a presidential scholarship.

Registration procedure

Every year, lists of candidates are submitted by educational institutions to the Ministry of Education of our country. There a decision is made and 700 undergraduate and 300 graduate students studying in Russia are selected. Students are selected based on their knowledge, talents and achievements. The scholarship is awarded for payment from the beginning of the academic year.

When a university submits a list of people applying for the state presidential payment, the following documents are required:

  1. Characteristics of the student.
  2. An extract on the decision of the university council to nominate this student as a candidate.
  3. Copies of his certificates indicating victories in various competitions.
  4. A list of his scientific works published in the media and documents confirming his direct authorship.
  5. A certificate of the results of the last two sessions and academic years as a whole.

After the student is included in the list, this decision and payment of the scholarship lasts for 1 year for students, for graduate students - 3 years.

Undergraduate and graduate students who are citizens of our country but studying abroad also have the right to submit their candidacy for receiving government payments. They must submit a similar list of documents themselves and participate in an open competition.

For them, 40 annual scholarships are provided for students, and 60 scholarships for a period of 3 years for graduate students. Information about the terms and conditions for accepting applications is reported in the media and is also presented on a special website You must submit your application before the beginning of August.

Students of state and non-state higher educational institutions can participate in this program. When submitting a list from a non-state university, it is sent directly to the Ministry of Education and Science, and when submitting a list from state universities, the list is first sent to the local department responsible for selection. And only after the list is approved, this department transfers it to the Ministry of Education and Science.

Most significant achievements

Very strict and specific requirements are imposed on the achievements of undergraduate and graduate students. In addition to the fact that they must be done in nationally significant industries, they must be issued in the last two years before filing a candidacy.

All achievements must be documented. The most significant achievements in educational or scientific activities include:

  1. The candidate has a patent right to his invention.
  2. Obtaining a grant for scientific work.
  3. Victory in an intellectual competition.
  4. Victory in the Science Olympiad.
  5. Presentations at seminars and conferences with reports.
  6. Receiving a prize for scientific work.
  7. Scientific works published in printed publications.

There are no restrictions on quantitative participation in the presidential scholarship; the main thing is that every year for undergraduates or once every three years for graduate students there are grounds for its appointment.

Termination of payments

The scholarship is awarded for a specific period:

  • for students for 1 year;
  • for graduate students for 3 years.

At the end of this period, scholarship payments cease. They can also be terminated early in the following cases:

  1. Based on the recommendations of the university council, which previously included this student on the list.
  2. When changing citizenship.
  3. Upon graduation or expulsion from an educational institution.

Thus, students have the opportunity to prove themselves in nationally significant industries even from the moment they study at a higher educational institution. This will give them additional monetary compensation, as well as a chance to prove themselves as a good specialist and get a well-paid job after graduation.

Students and future researchers belong to a privileged category of Russian citizens who need special attention from the state. The Presidential scholarship for students is one of the tools for financial stimulation of the development of domestic science at all stages of its formation. Another stimulating factor is the scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation for graduate students.

Types of scholarships

Scholarship payments are among the methods of financial assistance to young professionals. For the first time, a presidential cash award was awarded during the presidency of B.N. Yeltsin. In 1993, he signed a decree that stipulated financial assistance to students and graduate students. Since 2013, according to the presidential decree, there are scientific directions that are primary.

Who receives awards?

The above-mentioned act provided for more than six hundred awards for student representatives and three hundred for postgraduate students studying at domestic universities, forty and sixty payments (corresponding to the specified categories of persons) for those studying science abroad.

The volume of scholarships increases every year, taking into account existing negative economic trends that depreciate the value of the domestic currency.

Depending on the academic degree and degree of scientific qualification of the applicants, there are 3 types of scholarship awards awarded by the head of state:

  1. For promising young specialists in scientific fields and graduate students conducting research and developing areas of applied science and activity that are strategically significant for the state (cosmonautics, mechanical engineering, robotics, genetic engineering, etc.).
  2. For full-time students in areas related to economic modernization (namely: representatives of undergraduate and graduate schools who have significant results in their studies).
  3. Persons from students and graduate schools who have particularly distinguished themselves in their studies and scientific research, who have the latest scientific developments or their own hypotheses, information about which is published in domestic or foreign journals.
Attention! There must be an obvious relationship between the priorities of the state and scientific work: space, nano-, nuclear technologies, rational energy consumption, various medical areas.

Who is eligible for cash rewards?

The first type of monthly support can be applied for by scientists and postgraduate students under 35 years of age who meet the following criteria:

  1. are Russians;
  2. have works published in well-known scientific journals. Or it can be technical solutions, industrial designs and other objects of intellectual rights, duly registered;
  3. full-time students, graduate students or teaching at domestic universities.

The second type of award is available to full-time students in the region:

  1. applied mathematics;
  2. nanoelectronics and electronics;
  3. optotechnics;
  4. radio engineering;
  5. laser technologies, equipment;
  6. thermophysics, nuclear energy;
  7. technical physics;
  8. technology and biotechnical systems;
  9. chemical technologies;
  10. technologies of materials and materials science;
  11. astronautics and missile systems;
  12. hydroaerodynamics and ballistics;
  13. nanoengineering;
  14. cryogenic, refrigeration and life support systems;
  15. ground transport and technological complexes and machines;
  16. other areas listed in government act No. 7-r dated January 6, 2015.

The last type is counted on:

  • representatives of students and graduate schools who are winners of Russian or international creative/scientific competitions;
  • creators of more than two inventions (independently or as a member of research groups).
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Features of assigning awards

Each scholarship has its own duration and amount of payments. In addition, there are collection rules under which payments may stop arriving early.

Appointment dates:

  • from among undergraduate/graduate students from September to August;
  • for young scientists - from January to December.

Payment terms:

  • students receive it for one academic year;
  • graduate students and scientists can also count on payments within 1-3 years.

The basis for early termination of payments is the student’s expulsion.

Attention! The academic council or commission of the Ministry of Education can deprive such support measures. Detailed information about the procedure for providing this financial assistance is contained in the Regulations on Presidential Scholarships.

The amount of the scholarship depends on the distribution of budget funds, i.e., on how much a certain scientific or applied field needs specialists.

Important! Fellows have the right to train in France, Germany or Sweden.

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Volumes of awards in 2019

The volume of monetary awards varies annually depending on the approved state budget.

This year the following monthly stipend amounts are provided:

  • 22800 rub. for the 1st variety;
  • 7000 rub. (students) and 14,000 rubles. (graduate students) for the 2nd type;
  • 2200. rub. and 4500 rub. for the 3rd variety.

Receipt rules

  1. At the end of the academic year, universities create an educational council, the members of which are representatives of the administrative corps and teaching staff with an academic degree. They form a list of candidates, summing up the summer session and the students’ annual scientific/creative activities.
  2. A personal set of documents is prepared for each applicant.
  3. After agreeing with the rector’s office, the list is forwarded to the ministry or department responsible for selecting applicants who best meet the requirements, where a decision is made on the possible awarding of awards.
  4. Then the list of candidates and all documentation is submitted for consideration to a committee under the Ministry of Education. This must be done before August 1 of the current year. After this, a multi-stage selection of candidates takes place and the scholarship holders are determined based on the voting results.
  5. Outstanding students studying abroad are included in the list for presidential payments by agreement of two structures - the Ministry of Education and the Interdepartmental Coordination Council regarding cooperation between peoples.
Attention! In non-state universities that have passed state registration, the list of candidates is sent immediately to the final authority.

List of submitted documentation

Depending on the type of scholarship, a set of documentation containing:

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