Sesame milk recipe. How to make sesame milk at home? Standard sesame milk recipe

As you know, many people reject raw food recipes due to the fact that they allegedly all have one drawback - a lack of calcium. Lies and nonsense, I tell you. Here, for example, is very tasty, in which the calcium content is much higher than in any piece of meat, all kinds of cereals, and so on.

We hope that most of you have already tried raw sesame and dishes made from it. And many people know that it is a little bitter in any case. And when it is the main component of the recipe, you shouldn’t expect that there will be no bitterness. It all depends on the consistency and whether you will use any other additives in the preparation.

Sesame milk recipe:

  • a glass of sesame seeds;
  • vanilla pod;
  • 1 tsp. honey;
  • 1 liter of water.

Some people soak sesame seeds overnight, some don't. It depends on how good your blender is. Most people agree to first whisk all the ingredients with a small amount of water. After this, pour in the remaining water and beat until a single mass is formed. Then you should strain the resulting mixture through cheesecloth or a sieve. Add bananas or sweet berries to the recipe. The milk will become much tastier.

Almond milk recipe The only difference is that instead of sesame seeds for 2 glasses of water you need to take 150-200 grams of almonds.

You can prepare such a variety of things in a matter of minutes using a blender or coffee grinder. You can sprinkle cinnamon on top. And in order to make cocoa, simply add 1.5-3 teaspoons of carob to the finished milk. Also try adding nutmeg or coconut to your drink. The result is a real live cocktail. Drink for your health sesame milk, almonds and other nuts!

Sesame is one of the healthiest dietary foods. It contains a huge amount of calcium and other useful substances, so it is often recommended for people on strict diets.

And sesame milk is a real salvation for vegetarians who cannot indulge themselves in consuming dairy products. How is this milk useful, how can it be prepared, and are there any contraindications to the use of sesame seeds? We talk about all this in our article.

What is sesame?

Sesame, sim-sim or sesame is an annual plant of the pedaliaceae family, the seeds of which contain many trace elements and vitamins. Sesame is translated from Aramaic as "oil plant". Residents of Africa, where the plant is mainly widespread, first learned about the benefits of sesame seeds.

At first it was used as a powder for making kozinaki, baked goods and some hot dishes. In oriental cuisine, small seeds are still used as an aromatic and tasty seasoning for first and second courses.

What are the benefits of milk made from sesame? While many people know about sesame as a seasoning, not everyone knows about its “derivatives” in the form of milk or butter. The milk drink is high in calcium. Just 100 g of product contains up to 800-900 mg of calcium. Essentially, sesame milk can be considered "natural tablet", which helps get rid of some ailments.

The calorie content of a product is largely determined by the cooking recipe. If the seeds themselves are quite high in calories: 100 g contains 550 kcal, then with milk the situation is somewhat different. The classic recipe for making the drink includes only a few spoons of seeds, so 100 ml of milk contains from 100 to 150 kcal.

Composition and beneficial properties of sesame

As already noted, sesame is a champion in the content of useful microelements and mainly calcium.

It also includes:

  • vitamins of groups a, e, b and pp;
  • phosphorus and sodium;
  • potassium and zinc;
  • copper and magnesium;
  • iron and manganese.

In addition, sesame is a strong antioxidant, which accounts for the healing properties of the product.

It is worth including it in your diet for the following reasons:

  • significantly reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • suitable for the treatment of skin diseases;
  • prevents the development of cancer cells;
  • useful for colds;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • relieves symptoms of osteoporosis;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • has a rejuvenating effect.

So, we have already found out that by including just a few grams of the product in your weekly diet, you can not only prevent the development of illnesses and enjoy the pleasant taste of the drink, but also rejuvenate your body. How to make healthy sesame milk at home? The best recipes for making the drink are presented below.

Classic recipe

To prepare a delicious “vitamin cocktail” according to a traditional recipe, you only need the following ingredients:

  • 100 g fresh sesame (not fried);
  • 1 liter of boiled water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. natural honey.

Cooking process:

  • the seeds need to be poured into a bowl and covered with water for a couple of hours;
  • then the water must be drained and the sesame rinsed a little;
  • add 2 tablespoons of natural honey and about 100 ml of boiled water to the container;
  • mix all the ingredients and grind in a blender until a homogeneous paste is formed;
  • then pour out the remaining amount of water and mix everything again;
  • After this, it is advisable to strain the milk, but do not throw away the cake;
  • Seed cake can be added to baked goods or first courses.

As you can see, the classic recipe for making sesame milk is quite simple and does not require any special culinary skills. If desired, you can make several liters of the drink at once, proportionally increasing the volume of ingredients.

Milk with dates

This sesame cocktail recipe will certainly appeal to those with a sweet tooth and small children. The taste of the drink is unusual, but very pleasant, so it would not be a shame to put it even on a festive table.

To prepare a miracle cocktail, you need to take the following products:

  • 1 cup sesame seeds;
  • 2 large dates;
  • a pinch of vanilla sugar;
  • 3-4 glasses of boiled water;
  • a pinch of salt (preferably sea salt).

Cooking process:

  • first you need to soak the sesame in cold water and leave it for 7-8 hours, so it is advisable to start cooking in the evening;
  • then the water is drained and the seeds are crushed with a blender;
  • after that, dried fruits, salt, vanilla sugar are sent into a cup with sesame gruel and everything is mixed again with a blender;
  • if desired, you can add a few drops of sesame oil to the mixture;
  • then pour the required amount of water into the cup and mix everything thoroughly with a blender;
  • the contents must be mixed until the resulting mass becomes a characteristic milky color;
  • Using gauze, filter the drink and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Sesame cocktail can be consumed as a stand-alone drink or as an additive to coffee or hot chocolate. The liquid must first be heated to the required temperature.

How to make delicious sesame milk?

In fact, the recipe can be improved at your own discretion, the main thing is that it includes the main ingredients - water and sesame seeds, and as fillers you can use not only honey, but also various dried fruits, berries, nuts and even liqueurs. Don't be afraid to experiment and discover your culinary talents. Rest assured, your household will appreciate all your efforts.

How else can you use sesame seed milk?

Drinking natural “plant-based” milk is pleasant, but there can be several options for using it:

  • the drink can be added to fruit cocktails and smoothies;
  • you can prepare porridge based on sesame milk;
  • The seed cake is used to make pies and muffins;
  • The drink is included in recipes for making puddings and biscuits.

Can sesame milk be harmful?

The benefits of the miracle cocktail are undeniable, however, there can theoretically be harm from drinking sesame milk. The product should be used carefully by people suffering from kidney disease, as well as those with increased blood clotting.

Sesame milk- the product is not very well-known, which is a pity: it is quite simple to prepare, and the result is pleasant, tender and healthy. This recipe is usually proudly brandished by vegetarians and other supporters of a super-healthy lifestyle - 100 g of the product contains a huge amount calcium(if I’m not mistaken, about 800 mg), which makes the drink practically a tablet. Moreover, a tasty tablet. Color sesame milk slightly goes towards brown, beige, grayish. The taste is with a hint of nuts, a hint of sesame bitterness. I like.

Many people know sesame How sesame- these are the seeds of the same herbaceous plant of the Pedaliaceae family, the name of which, translated from Aramaic, literally means “oily plant.” Sesame grows in large quantities in Africa; it is cultivated in regions with subtropical and tropical climates. Most often, the seeds are used to prepare various kozinaki, as a topping for various pies, buns, bread, and also as a base for tahini, sesame paste, used as a seasoning in oriental cuisine.

Well, what, “Open Sesame!”?

How to make sesame milk: step-by-step photo recipe


100 g unroasted sesame seeds;

2 tsp. honey;

approximately 1 liter of water.

To make sesame milk you will need raw sesame seeds. If you wish, you can lightly dry them in a frying pan, however, you will end up with a less healthy drink and a completely different taste.

Soak sesame seeds for 1-2 hours in cold water.

Drain the water, rinse a little, add honey and about 100 ml of water. We use a blender, turning the mass into mush.

Add the remaining water and blend again.

Strain through a strainer.

There is no need to throw away the resulting cake - it can be added to the dough for bread, cookies, and biscuits.

The milk turns out quite thick - if desired, you can further dilute it with water.

Delicious when chilled.

And not only - on fasting days I boil cocoa with this milk and add it to coffee.

In addition, it is a healthy base for various fruit smoothies.

What is sesame milk, nutritional value and chemical composition. Useful properties and contraindications for use. How to make a drink from sesame, what dishes can you prepare from it in the future?

The content of the article:

Sesame milk is a drink made from ground grains of a herbaceous plant, which Europeans more often call sesame, Africans - sesame, Arabs - sim-sim. In Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, it was added to almost all baked goods. There are so many beneficial substances in the seeds, which is why African and Arab healers, shamans and traditional healers introduced them into the drink of “youth and longevity.” Despite the fact that plant milk has a beneficial effect on the body, it is impossible to purchase packaging in the store. To enjoy the original sweetish nutty taste, you need to learn how to cook it yourself.

Composition and calorie content of sesame milk

Making a drink from sesame is very simple. You can independently regulate the fat content and create a new taste by adding any additives.

The calorie content of sesame milk made according to the classic recipe is 114.6 kcal per 100 g, of which:

  • Proteins - 3.5 g;
  • Fats - 9.9 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 4.7 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 2 g;
  • Water - 81 g.
Vitamins per 100 g:
  • Beta Carotene - 0.001 mg;
  • Vitamin B1, thiamine - 0.158 mg;
  • Vitamin B2, riboflavin - 0.049 mg;
  • Vitamin B4, choline - 5.12 mg;
  • Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid - 0.01 mg;
  • Vitamin B6, pyridoxine - 0.158 mg;
  • Vitamin B9, folate - 19.4 mcg;
  • Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol - 0.05 mg;
  • Vitamin PP - 0.903 mg.
Macroelements per 100 g:
  • Potassium, K - 93.6 mg;
  • Calcium, Ca - 198.6 mg;
  • Magnesium, Mg - 71 mg;
  • Sodium, Na - 2.92 mg;
  • Sulfur, S - 0.8 mg;
  • Phosphorus, P - 125.8 mg;
  • Chlorine, Cl - 1.12 mg.
Microelements per 100 g:
  • Iron, Fe - 2.911 mg;
  • Manganese, Mn - 0.4933 mg;
  • Copper, Cu - 816.88 μg;
  • Selenium, Se - 6.88 μg;
  • Fluoride, F - 80 mcg;
  • Zinc, Zn - 1.55 mg.
Sesame milk contains amino acids, isoflavones, and a small amount of essential and non-essential fatty acids.

Amount of essential nutrients in the daily diet:


The most calcium in sesame milk is 6 times higher than in cow's milk. This substance strengthens the bone structure, maintains the level of sex hormones in the body, reduces the manifestation of PMS, reduces the number and severity of hot flashes during menopause, and helps to lose weight.

Beneficial properties of sesame milk

Even if you drink the drink every day, you will not remain young forever, but the beneficial effect on the body is confirmed by official medicine.

Benefits of sesame milk:

  • It has antioxidant properties, isolates free radicals circulating in the intestinal lumen and bloodstream, prevents the formation of atypical cells and, accordingly, reduces the likelihood of developing oncological processes.
  • It prevents cholesterol from depositing on the walls of blood vessels and prevents cardiovascular diseases - atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease.
  • It increases the immune status, during the epidemic season it reduces the number of infected people, and for those who are already sick, it reduces the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms.
  • Strengthens the strength of bone and cartilage tissue, increases muscle tone, and prevents the development of osteoporosis.
  • Accelerates metabolic processes. Creates favorable conditions for maintaining the life cycle of beneficial bacteria in the small intestine. Prevents the formation of intestinal gases, prevents intestinal colic.
  • Restores the supply of nutrients in the body in case of vitamin deficiency, prevents anemia, and helps to quickly recover from infectious diseases.
  • Inhibits the activity of pathogenic microorganisms - fungi and bacteria. External use accelerates the healing of pustules after acne and furunculosis, reduces the number of relapses of psoriasis and eczema, and stops the development of symptoms of various types of lichen after infection.
  • Accelerates weight loss. Sesame milk has a mild laxative effect.
Homemade masks with sesame milk have a rejuvenating effect, accelerate skin regeneration, even out complexion and remove age spots.

Contraindications and harms of sesame milk

If you are allergic to sesame, you should not even try the drink. A negative immunological response of the body may develop: soreness of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and swelling, redness around the lips, rash on the face and body. During heat treatment, the main substances of the composition are not destroyed.

Harm from sesame milk may occur if you have a history of:

  1. Kidney diseases, the symptom of which is urinary retention;
  2. Increased blood clotting in varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
  3. Impaired absorption of fats, liver failure;
  4. Urolithiasis and cholelithiasis;
  5. Biliary dyskinesia;
  6. Diseases of the digestive tract, one of the symptoms of which is diarrhea.
Children under 3 years of age should be given plant-based milk with caution. It contains a fairly high amount of fat, and the body may not be able to cope with the breakdown.

A new product should not be added to the diet of pregnant women due to a possible allergic reaction.

How to make sesame milk?

You can make a drink from sesame seeds so quickly that you can drink half a glass for breakfast.

Recipes for making sesame milk:

  • Pure milk. Sesame is soaked for 2-3 hours in cold water. It is better to rinse several times during this time. Then the water is drained, the seeds are washed again, poured into a blender along with the remaining moisture, and beaten by adding a little boiling water. If you can’t crush the sesame seeds, add water. Bring to the required volume at the very end and do not stop stirring until a homogeneous structure is achieved. The pulp is filtered through gauze folded in several layers. The squeezes are not thrown away; they can later be added to baked goods. It is better to cool milk before drinking.
  • Classic recipe. Pour 100 g of soaked seeds into a blender, gradually add 1 liter of hot water, 2 tablespoons of honey. All other actions follow the algorithm already described.
  • Milk with dates. Place in a blender bowl: sesame seeds - 1 glass, large dates - 2 pieces, pre-chopped, vanilla sugar - on the tip of a teaspoon, a pinch of sea salt. Water - 1 liter - is poured in small portions. Re-pour into the blender and stir after straining.
  • Sesame-poppy milk. Sesame and poppy seeds are soaked in cold water in the morning - 2 tablespoons each. Strain off the moisture through cheesecloth, place it in a blender, add a glass of cold water, add 1 tablespoon of honey and achieve complete homogeneity. Drain through a cotton cloth to remove the pulp. It should not be consumed during the daytime - the drink has sedative properties.
  • Milk with high calcium content. Soak sesame seeds, a third of a glass, for only 30 minutes. Pour in half a glass of water and beat with a high-speed blender until all the seeds are ground. Add a little vanilla, 2 tablespoons of maple syrup, half a tablespoon of coconut oil and another 1.5 cups of hot water to the bowl. Achieve a uniform consistency and filter through a fine sieve.
When making a drink according to the latest recipe, soaking is not carried out for long, and there is no loss of nutrients.

You can make sesame milk to your taste, using berries, nuts, juices and liqueurs as additives.

Drink the drink only fresh; even after 3-4 hours of storage, the taste deteriorates. If you prepare it for future use, you need to freeze it. Pour into molds and put in the freezer. In this form, the taste and beneficial properties are preserved.

Recipes for dishes and drinks with sesame milk

When introducing sesame milk into recipes for various dishes, you need to take into account that it does not combine with meat and mushrooms.

Recipes for delicious dishes with sesame milk:

  1. Oat pancakes. The dough is kneaded without eggs, adding oatmeal and wheat flour to the milk in a 1:1 ratio. Add salt, sugar, finely chopped dried apricots, and raisins. Let sit until all ingredients swell. Heat the frying pan, pour in sunflower oil, and fry the pancakes on both sides.
  2. Soy-sesame sauce for seafood. Mix thick sesame milk - 3 tablespoons, 1 tablespoon each of fresh ground ginger root and good sherry, chopped green onions - half a bunch, 4 tablespoons of soy sauce. If the taste is not enough, add a tablespoon of rice vinegar and fresh lemon juice. The shellfish are boiled until the shells open. The sauce is added to each shell before serving.
  3. Salad for weight loss. Sesame milk is made without any additives - sesame and water, only thicker, a pinch of sea salt. In a salad bowl combine dill, cilantro, parsley, watercress and arugula. Topped with milk.
  4. Soup. The potatoes are boiled until almost done in water, then the liquid is drained. The milk is heated and potatoes are dipped into it, where they are finished cooking. Separately, beat 2 egg yolks in half a glass of sesame milk. As soon as the potatoes are cooked, remove the pan from the heat, pour in the yolks, drop in a piece of butter and blend everything with a submersible blender.
  5. Yogurt. Mix 2 capsules of probiotic powder into 2 cups of sesame milk, place in a yogurt maker and leave for 3-4 hours. You can add fresh fruits and berries to the finished product. Fermented milk can be stored for 3-4 days.
  6. Chicken in sesame milk. Combine soy sauce with sesame milk in a 1:1 ratio. Chicken fillet is cut into portions and placed in the marinade for 40-50 minutes. Place everything in a frying pan, simmer on low heat, add grated carrots, pre-fried onions, crushed garlic and grated cheese to the frying pan. Leave until ready. The best side dish is mashed potatoes.

Sesame milk drinks:

  • Kefir. Sesame milk is made according to the usual recipe, only you take 2 times less water - 1 glass for half a glass of sesame. Add 1-2 drops of lemon juice and put it in a warm place for 5-6 hours so that everything sours. Before use, cool and improve the taste with honey.
  • Banana chocolate smoothie. The banana is pre-frozen, a quarter of the chocolate is grated. Tofu, 50 g, silken variety is ground into a homogeneous puree. Place everything in a blender, pour in half a glass of sesame milk, add a tablespoon of honey. Beat for 1 minute.
  • Avocado smoothie. Mix half a glass of slices of fresh or canned pineapple, 300 g of black currants, a chopped bunch of mint, 2 glasses of soy milk. To improve the taste, add agave syrup or fresh honey.
  • Citrus drink. The blender is filled with 2 glasses of sesame milk, 2 cut orange slices, 8 soft dates (the seeds are first removed), and a glass of raspberries. For taste, you can add a little cinnamon and sea salt.
You can experiment on your own and add sesame milk to all recipes that use an animal or plant product.

Compared to other “milk” drinks made from the fruits of various plants, sesame is the youngest. And experiments with sesame seeds were prevented by its extraordinary popularity. Back in biblical times, the Arameans - Semitic peoples who lived in the territory of modern Iraq and Syria - sprinkled sesame seeds on all dishes to increase shelf life, without crushing them.

The fact that the seeds were endowed with magical properties is evidenced by translations of Arabic tales. The spells “open sesame” or “sim-sim, open the door” are present in almost all stories.

At that time, milk was produced periodically, but was already consumed. It turned out to be more of a by-product when squeezing oil and making sauces to increase the shelf life of meat and milk. If it was used, it was more often for cosmetic purposes.

Skin recipes still help women regain beauty and youth:

  1. For dry skin. With a fork, beat 2 tablespoons of fresh pineapple pulp and sesame milk, apply for 20 minutes. Helps cope with peeling.
  2. Universal scrub. Ingredients: 2 teaspoons - honey, 2 dessert spoons - oatmeal, 2 tablespoons - sesame milk. Apply to the face, neck and décolleté.
  3. Scrub for dry skin. Mix coconut pulp - 1 tablespoon, teaspoon - rice flour, 2 tablespoons - sesame milk. Rub along the massage lines and massage for 4-5 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  4. To prevent age-related changes. A thick dough is mixed from honey, sesame milk, oatmeal and a few drops of cognac. Leave on the face for 15-20 minutes.
How to make sesame milk - watch the video:

No matter how you plan to use sesame milk, it should only be made from fresh grains. Nutrients are preserved only in fresh product.

Sesame milk is the fastest and most inexpensive way to replenish your body with essential vitamins and minerals. Sesame is one of the first places in calcium content - 783 mg per 100 grams of product (for example, cow's milk contains about 120 mg per 100 grams of product). It lowers blood sugar levels, restoring the balance of minerals, normalizes blood pressure and strengthens bone mass. However, it is difficult to eat 100 grams of sesame seeds, but the milk is perfect for daily consumption, especially as the basis for fruit smoothies.


Soak sesame seeds with 0.75 glass of water (from the general norm), preferably overnight. If you have a good blender, you can soak it for 4-6 hours.

Pour the swollen sesame seeds into a blender container and add honey to taste.

Grind until mushy:

Then pour in the remaining amount of water and stir until smooth.

Strain the resulting mass through a sieve...

Or gauze

It’s better not to throw away the remaining cake; you can add it to the dough and bake these fluffy buns... or make sesame halva!

Sesame milk is best used as a base for making fruit and milkshakes, and

Instead of honey, you can add 6-8 dates to it.... it will be very tasty!

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