Baptism rites and signs 19. Traditions, rites and rituals for baptism. Prohibitions on Baptism

An important Christian holiday - Epiphany - is invariably associated with water. After all, the most important Epiphany ritual in the world it is a pilgrimage procession to the Jordan River. Believers from all over the world participate in this solemn procession.

For those who do not have the opportunity to make a pilgrimage to the Holy River,
You can join the sacrament of Baptism in your homeland. Currently, the blessing of water is performed in churches and temples of all parishes throughout the Christian world.

All Epiphany rituals are somehow connected with water, but if you do not dare to plunge into cold Epiphany water and you do not have the opportunity to participate in the procession, you can perform some rituals without leaving your home.

Epiphany rituals help in many ways - to recover from many diseases, cleanse your home of accumulated negative energy and even... become more beautiful and younger!

Epiphany ritual for physical health

To perform the ritual, take a fairly warm bath, add water blessed in the church and dip your pectoral cross with which you were baptized into it. After this, lie down so that the water covers your entire body, and lie in a relaxed state for about fifteen minutes. At the same time, imagine yourself in ideal physical shape and thank God for excellent health. After taking a bath, do not use a towel. It will be better if the water dries on the body itself.

Epiphany rituals for wish fulfillment

On the eve of the great holiday, in the evening, place a silver coin in a container with holy water and place it on the window so that the light from the Moon illuminates it. Having made a secret wish, you should say it over the cup three times. In the morning, on the street, pour out the water and hide the coin in a secret place that no one knows about. The strongest effect is obtained when Epiphany coincides with the full moon.

The ritual of making a wish is also carried out in a different way.

Fill a bowl with Epiphany water and place it on the windowsill. Wait until a slight ripple appears in the cup, and then go outside with it. Holding the cup in your hand and peering into the sky, say your cherished wish out loud 3 times. But if the water in the vessel is motionless, there is no point in making a wish - nothing will come true! Most importantly, don’t think bad things for anyone, otherwise trouble will inevitably happen! Ask sincerely and honestly. In the morning, place holy water behind the icon; it can remain there until the next Epiphany.

Epiphany ritual for beauty and marriage

Epiphany snow has long been considered an indispensable means of increasing female attractiveness. Washing her face with it, the unmarried young lady knew that now she would become even more beautiful and would soon walk down the aisle!

After sunset, on the eve of Epiphany, you need to collect Epiphany snow. To do this, you need to stand in the direction of the north, and very quickly, with both palms without gloves, collect the snow in a small bucket to the top. At the end, throwing the last handful of snow, say out loud: “The heavens are open to the Holy Land, and for me (name) there is a streak of luck. Amen".

Left alone at home, place the container with snow on the table, and place candles bought in the church on three sides around it. Light them up. Take each of them in turn and cross the melting snow with fire: hand palm up, candle held between two fingers - index and middle.

The procedure is as follows: cross the water, cross yourself, and repeat all the time when you read the following curse: “ Just as a white snowball covered the ground on Epiphany evening, so my (name) head will be covered with a wedding veil. My betrothed, in disguise, destined by God and fate, will take her as a wife, and lead her under white hands to the holy altar. I baptize snow for righteousness, and myself for marriage. My word will be strong. My deed will be true and will come true on time. Amen"(three times).

Then sprinkle melt water on your neck, shoulders, and face. Don't wipe! Wait until it dries completely, and pour the remaining water near the threshold of your bedroom and spray it near the bed. At the same time, mentally say: “So be it!”

Candles need to be extinguished clockwise. Before lunch, take the first candle to the church and bring it to the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. Take the rest to the temple to the same icon on the second and third days.

During these three days, be sure to observe the following conditions:

  • avoid female guests
  • don't lend anything to anyone
  • do not pick up a needle and do not sew

And twelve hours after you finish the ritual, take a cool shower.

Epiphany ritual to cleanse the house

As on Christmas, the day before Epiphany, the evening before Epiphany 18 January comes. On this magical evening, everyone has a unique chance to get rid of family conflicts and quarrels, and cleanse the house of accumulated negative energy.

It is for this purpose that our ancestors created rituals to cleanse the house and home. Since ancient times, it was believed that on the night of Epiphany, at exactly midnight, all the water in the house acquires amazing healing and miraculous powers - it becomes holy - and has the power to remove illness and grief.

Take several handfuls of snow into a glass container and bring it into the house, and when it melts, spray all the corners in all rooms, as well as window and doorways. Spray in each place 3 times in a cross pattern. When performing this ritual, move around the apartment clockwise. Then draw small crosses at the top of all window and door openings with chalk. This is especially important to do in rooms where there is a lot of fortune telling on Christmastide.

If you make a sufficient supply of Epiphany water, it can be used to treat various diseases throughout the year. Also, “magic water” will warn you that someone, God forbid, has jinxed or cast a spell on a member of your family - in this case, sediment should appear in the water.

Watch a short video in which I tell you in detail how to perform baptism rituals.

Rituals for Epiphany (video)

Friends, be sure to practice rituals for Epiphany– a powerful tool for cleansing negativity, strengthening health, attracting love and fulfilling desires!

Happy Baptism to you!

Alena Golovina


In Dagestan in the last century, there was such a custom of treating the sick: they wrote the names of the people who allegedly sent the disease, and then quietly burned the paper with this name. If during the burning the patient began to scream, then this meant the beginning of recovery.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Rituals and ceremonies for Epiphany

Epiphany water has rare power - in this case, pagan magic is enhanced by faith in church miracles. It is enough to collect life-giving moisture from any consecrated source to get at your disposal a powerful weapon against the evil eye, damage and all kinds of evil spirits. We can say that baptismal rituals are carried out throughout the year - by washing with magic water, people improve their health, heal their nerves and protect themselves from harmful external influences.

However, the night of January 19 itself is filled to the brim with mysticism - a very good time to find out your destiny, attract wealth into your home, and “push” the solution of family problems. Conspiracies and rituals for Epiphany have a long history, but such a remedy must be used with reasonable caution - so as not to harm either yourself or other people.

Do we create love - or do we dream of marriage?

Since the holiday itself still has Christian roots, it would be useful to remember that free will, freedom of choice is God’s main gift to man. Encroaching on this right is a great sin. That is why it is advisable to limit the rituals for Epiphany for love to fortune-telling or use them exclusively to increase natural attractiveness. Love spells (including the so-called “white ones”) are considered a crime against people and the Lord.

It’s great if snow fell the day before - you can use it to carry out rituals on Epiphany night to speed up marriage. Scooping up white flakes in complete darkness (and always with her right hand), an unmarried girl fills a ladle, in which the snow will later turn into melt water. At home, she must be crossed with three burning candles, washed and sprinkled on the floor around the bed. Over the next three days, candles are carried into the church one by one and lit in front of the face of the Virgin Mary.

For wealth and happiness

The holiest, most fabulous night of the year is a wonderful moment to ask higher powers for support in some important matter. Rituals and ceremonies for Epiphany on January 19 can, for example, help in the birth of a child. True, in order to wait for divine intervention, one must (at a minimum) be a true believer. The spouses will have to defend the night service in different Temples, then plunge into a consecrated pond, and in the morning begin the process of conception.

What to do if financial stability is not enough for complete happiness? In this case, rituals for Epiphany (January 19) for money, fulfillment of desires or attracting good luck will help. You need to immerse one silver coin in a bowl of water, and then place the vessel on the windowsill so that it is illuminated by the Moon. Having mentally repeated your request to the higher powers three times, go to bed, and in the morning take out the blessed money - from now on it will become a talisman that must be kept in a secret place.

All rituals and ceremonies performed on January 19 are performed using water, which is endowed with miraculous powers during the festival. The health spell for Epiphany is one of the most powerful prayers for help and healing. Holy water is used by Orthodox people for healing, protection from misfortune and the evil eye, and attracting wealth.

During Epiphany, health conspiracies are often read.

holy festival

Every year, on January 19, Orthodox laity celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord. The day preceding is called Epiphany Eve, the eve of Epiphany. The second name of the festival is Hungry Kutia. The name comes from the tradition of not eating from the evening of January 18 until the next day, until the water is blessed.

Christmastide is considered the most fertile day for carrying out all kinds of fortune-telling and rituals, when you can find out your destiny, bewitch your betrothed or tell fortunes for the future.

On January 19, you should visit the temple, pray for health and prosperity, and bless the water. After the morning service, all people go to swim in the ice hole and treat each other to pastries, pancakes and pies.

Blessed water on Epiphany should be used for washing so as not to get sick throughout the year. The whole family should also drink it on an empty stomach to protect themselves from the evil eye and damage.

Health spells for Epiphany

Conspiracies for Epiphany water for health should be read with pure thoughts, sincerely, then the energy of the celebration will work. Holy water must be stored correctly, then it will bring even more benefits.

  • Water must be drawn from a clean well.
  • It should be stored in glass, in a place protected from sunlight.
  • The remaining water cannot just be thrown away; it is better to use it for watering home flowers. First add ordinary holy water to it.

Water consecrated on the great feast of Epiphany retains its qualities for 1-1.5 years and has strong positive energy, so it is recommended to periodically wash and apply the liquid to the wounds.

To your health

This ritual should be carried out independently. At the morning service in honor of the celebration, a person should read the words of the prayer:

“Help me, Lord All-Merciful, I am a sinner. My strength is running out, I pray for forgiveness and repentance. Heal my illnesses, help me get rid of the hardships of everyday life. The gates of heaven are opened by angels, I ask for protection from disease and hatred. Amen".

At the end of the ceremony, you should wash your face and hands with holy water. The plot protects against diseases for a long time.

For harmony of soul and body

Early in the morning, visit the temple to pray and bless the water, then go to the font, go into the water up to your chest and quickly plunge your head three times. After leaving the ice hole, you should dry yourself with a towel, then drink three sips of holy water and mentally say: “I drink water, I find spiritual harmony.”

The ritual can be performed in another way:

  • At night, fill the bath with water and dilute it with blessed water;
  • be sure to wear your cross before and during the ritual;
  • first wash your face, hands and neck, and then completely immerse yourself in water, where you should lie down for 15 minutes;
  • There is no need to wipe the water from the body; wait for the skin to dry naturally.

For children's health

A special health spell is read for children:

“My golden baby, may the Lord not test you with the torments of life. Lord, send my child good health, happiness and good luck. Amen".

Read the Lord's Prayer three times and give the child holy water to drink. To prevent your baby from getting sick and having bad dreams, you should sprinkle his bed and pillow with holy water, and you should read the “Our Father.” This ritual must be performed at night for a week.

Epiphany spells for children's health are especially effective

Slanders on Epiphany water

On the holiday of baptism, people always try to charm holy water for health and good luck in business. The ritual is carried out after the service and the lighting of the water by the priest. At home, they pour it into a glass vessel, read the “Our Father” three times and pronounce the words: “Holy water cleanses the soul and body, protects the whole family from illness. If I wash myself with water, I will gain good luck; if I wash my hands, I will take money into the house. Amen".

Another spell for Epiphany water for health should be read early in the morning, January 19th. For the ritual, you will need to collect a jug of clean, well water, which is placed on the windowsill in the brightest bedroom, and then the following words are said: “The resinous water stands on the window, saturated with sunlight. Just as the rays of the sun shine, so life will be bright, like the blue surface of the sky, so health will be in full swing. Amen".

The next day, the whole family should drink life-giving water from a jug and read the prayer “For health and salvation” to themselves.

Water for the spell should be taken after the service.

Epiphany rites

Health rituals at Epiphany are passed down from generation to generation and are very popular among people.

  • Epiphany frost is very strong and great. Having prepared dinner for Christmas Eve, the owners of the house should take turns going to the window and inviting frost to eat kutya. The following text should be read: “Frost, frost, don’t freeze me. Increase health and strength so that the family is strong and the children are healthy.”
  • Swimming in an ice hole is one of the most powerful rituals aimed at healing the body and spirit. Whoever plunges into the winter ice hole on the Epiphany holiday will be well-fed and healthy for the whole year. Bathing should be done with prayer and an appeal to the Lord. Everyone’s words may be different, the main thing is to use good thoughts, ask for mercy and cleanse the soul and body of filth.
  • Early in the morning you need to go out into the yard and wash yourself with clean water, then lost strength will be replenished and the person will get rid of negative thoughts.

Magic texts for money and wealth

Attracting wealth is of interest to many. The night of January 18, on the eve of Epiphany, is perfect for such a ritual. For the ceremony you will need:

  • Bowl;
  • Holy water;
  • red ribbon that can be used to tie a bowl.

We pour liquid into a bowl and go through all the rooms in turn, stopping separately in each room over the tables and places where money is stored. When making a round, you need to read the following text: “Epiphany frost, defrost my income, let the money increase, it won’t fit in my wallet. Amen".

After walking around, tie the bowl with a red ribbon, you should say:

“I tie a gift ribbon around me, I tie happiness and profit to myself.” In the morning, wash your face with water from a bowl; it is important to thoroughly rub your hands up to the elbows.

Magic words to attract money from Natalia Stepanova

Natalya Stepanova’s conspiracy to attract money and wealth is carried out on the night of January 19. For the ritual you will need:

  • coin;
  • Holy water;
  • Bowl.

At midnight, fill the vessel with water and circle a coin around the bowl 7 times, read the words: “I add money to money, collect it and put it aside.” The coin should be worn as a talisman in your wallet, and the water should be poured into a crystal vessel and stored until the first profit.

Conspiracy text for love and money

For love, for loneliness

For the ceremony you will need:

  • red ribbon;
  • a branch of dry St. John's wort;
  • Holy water.

On the night of January 18-19, at midnight, you should stand near the window, take a branch of St. John's wort and tie it with a ribbon. It should be tied in several knots. After completing all the steps, start reading the plot: “I’ll tie the knots, I’ll untie my way to my beloved.” Afterwards, you should wash yourself with holy water, and burn the branch along with the ribbon.

For good luck

The ritual takes place before sunrise on the day of the celebration. To perform the ceremony you will need:

  • rye bread crust;
  • one candle;
  • Holy water.

Having risen before sunrise, you should stand at the eastern window and take a slice of bread in your right hand, and a lit candle in your left and read the words of the conspiracy:

“The truth is that we are all sinners, God fed us bread and showed us the right path. God grant us good luck and protect us from the evil eye. Amen".

After reading the plot, the black crust should be eaten and washed down with holy water. Use the fingers of your right hand to extinguish the candle. After sunrise, you should visit the temple and place a half-burnt candle near the icon of the Mother of God.

To strengthen the spirit

Our ancestors noticed that water blessed on the holiday strengthens the body. The magic of Baptism, with its positive energy, strengthens the body and improves human performance. You can cleanse and strengthen the spirit with the help of a ritual, which requires melted snow collected in the Epiphany frost. We read the words of the conspiracy on the snow: “I will melt the snow with holy fire and turn it into holy water. Saint John will bless the water with the grace of God."

You should wash your face and hands with melted snow, and you should also say the words: “God, save and preserve, strengthen the strength of spirit.”

For beauty

Beauty rituals are very popular. To perform the rituals you will need:

  • Holy water;
  • milk;
  • herbal collection;
  • fine comb.

On the night of Epiphany, prepare a bath that needs to be filled to the middle, add milk and herbal decoction to it. Place a glass filled with holy water next to the bathtub. Taking a bath should last about 20 minutes; while bathing you should:

  • relax;
  • rinse your hair and comb it with a fine comb;
  • say the following words of the spell: “I bathe, I wash myself with water, I strengthen my hair, I fill my skin with youth.”

After taking a bath, you need to drink a glass of water and immediately go to bed.

At Epiphany, girls perform rituals for beauty


Epiphany is an Orthodox holiday that is revered and awaited by millions of believers. Fortune telling and rituals performed on such a bright day bring health and good luck for the whole year. Every person on January 19 hurries to the temple to ask for the salvation of the soul and the healing of the body. Through prayer, a person appeals to higher powers and is sure to receive an answer. The magic of Epiphany holidays is passed down from generation to generation and helps to heal mental and physical wounds.

Epiphany spells and rituals are mainly aimed at improving health and getting rid of extraneous energy influences. However, some of them work in a complex manner, and we invite you to verify the effectiveness of the rituals below.

Ritual for preserving beauty and health

“Water from the sky will fix everything, and will add beauty to my white face and health. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

After this, pour the water under the living tree.


In general, on the night of January 18-19, any water is considered holy, regardless of whether it is in an open reservoir, spring, well or water pipe. If you wash yourself with fresh water (the one that was first drawn after the onset of January 19) with the words "Water from the street, lihovitsa from me" , you can improve your health.

Conspiracy for financial well-being

On the night of January 18-19, before midnight, it is necessary to count all cash, reading the following plot:

"The Lord God will appear to the world,

And the money will appear in my wallet.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen, amen, amen."

To consolidate the effect of this ritual on the morning of January 19, you can again count the cash with the words:

"The Lord God appeared to the world,

My wallet is stuffed tightly with money.

Let it be so".

After this, make sure that your wallet is not empty throughout the year - there should be at least one bill or coin in it. In this case, you will not experience need until the next Baptism.

Ritual to get rid of negativity

If you suffer from constant failures and troubles that arise for no particular reason, then in this case you can suspect the presence of a negative program on you. Conspiracies aimed at getting rid of energy negativity have special power and help remove even the most severe damage and curses. The main tool in this case is the miraculous Epiphany water.

For example, you can bring water from the temple and, standing in a bathtub or deep basin, pour it over yourself from head to toe.

Water brought from three or seven temples has a more powerful cleansing effect than water brought from one temple. Therefore, if you have serious damage, it is better to use such mixed water.

"The Lord was born,

Baptized at Epiphany,

Became famous for the name

Jesus Christ.

Like this water

Dripping off me

So that

And all the damage

She left me.

Now and forever

And forever and ever.


The water used for ablution must be poured into a sewer or latrine.

If you can't get married

This rite of passage at Epiphany is performed by parents whose daughter is unhappy in her personal life and cannot get married. It also requires baptism water taken from the church, which was divided into three parts: one was given to the girl to drink, the second was washed, after which it was mixed with the third and the water was poured at the entrance to the house with the words:

“The trouble is dashing, give the groom to the servant of God (the girl’s name) for marriage, for marriage, for the soft pillow, for the marriage bed. Open the eyes of the grooms so that they look at the servant (the girl’s name) - they don’t see enough, look - they don’t see enough, they get bored - "they wouldn't get bored. And for them slave (the girl's name) would be more beautiful than the red sun, sweeter than May honey. Amen."

Let the following Epiphany conspiracies and rituals help you ensure health, happiness and prosperity for yourself and your loved ones in the new year!

On the night of January 18-19, Orthodox Christians celebrate one of the main sacred holidays - Epiphany.

Baptism in 2020: traditions of ancestors

Holy Epiphany begins with Epiphany Christmas Eve. All day on January 18, Orthodox Christians observe strict fasting. Epiphany traditions prohibit eating before the first star. Later, the whole family gathers for a Lenten dinner, the main dish of which is luscious. It is prepared from wheat grain mixed with nuts and honey. Its other name is kutia, made from rice and raisins; you can also add poppy seeds, honey, almonds or walnuts.

Baptism is the spiritualization of human strength, supported by prayer and fasting. From Christmas to Epiphany there is a short journey and a lot of time is spent on Christmas fortune-telling and festivities. It is important at this time to retire with your thoughts, think about God and pray.

Christians, according to the customs of Epiphany, go to church on this day for mass and the great blessing of water. The very first bathing begins at night, thanks to this the soul is renewed and the body becomes healthy and strong for the whole year.

What else do they do on Epiphany? It has become traditional for guests to visit on Epiphany Eve. It is customary to visit your nearest and dearest, give gifts to each other and spend time together. Celebrating together will allow you to find peace and comfort, as well as universal grace.

Customs that have come down to us

All believers know and observe customs that have accumulated over hundreds of years. On Epiphany, you cannot use foul language, swear, or wish harm on other people. There are other prohibitions on this day:

  • Don't be greedy under any circumstances. In the temple, while standing in line, maintain peace and quiet, do not jostle, otherwise you can attract trouble;
  • On this great holiday it is forbidden to guess;
  • You should not abuse alcohol; it is better if it is a glass of Cahors.

Epiphany customs are practically no different from Christmas or Easter customs. On this day it is forbidden to work physically. Cleaning the house should be done in advance. Those who did not have time are allowed to clean up before lunch so that there is time to go to church. On this great holiday, you should not do laundry and do it in the next two days. At Epiphany, you need to completely surrender to spiritual enrichment, pray and cleanse yourself of negativity.

Rituals of Epiphany

They are not welcome, but this day has a special energetic power. If you perform a certain ritual to attract finance, love or health, it will definitely come true.

We attract money

This holiday combines not only spiritual, but also pagan traditions. You can ask higher powers for financial wealth. The ritual is performed with holy water brought from the church. Holding it in their hands, they walk around all the rooms of the home, saying:

“The most holy water brought prosperity to the house. Let all the losses go away and life continue in abundance. Failures will leave us and luck will come.”

Leave it on overnight and wash with it in the morning.

Getting healthy

Christian holidays are best for performing certain rituals. Holy water, according to the customs of Baptism, has miraculous powers that can heal any ailment. On Epiphany night you need to lie in a bath filled with water with a small amount of consecrated water. You can put a cross on the bottom and lie in it for about 15 minutes, imagining yourself absolutely healthy. This ritual will help you gain health for the whole year, you must believe in it.

Looking for love

Baptism traditions involve more than just swimming in an ice hole. On this night, all single girls can undergo a special ritual that will attract love. Go to the intersection of 4 roads and say:

“My betrothed mummer, come and have dinner with me.”

After that, you can go home without looking back.

Holy water from the church

Since ancient times, water consecrated from January 18 to 19 was considered healing. Church - has unique properties, although some argue that at Epiphany all water resources become unusual.

Epiphany water can heal the sick and can be stored throughout the year. The clergy of the church claim that only water consecrated in the church becomes truly healing, and if it is added to ordinary water, then all of it will become holy. Scientific researchers confirm that on January 19, under the influence of a special field, all the Earth’s water reserves change their structure. Although this is possible after reading the prayer and immersing the cross.

Scientists have proven that the water composition can change depending on the energy field, thoughts and spoken words. It gains miraculous properties through sincere prayer.

How to swim in an ice hole correctly?

Bathing is an ancient tradition. It gives a person spiritual and physical strength, and also relieves all diseases for a whole year. Today, diving into an ice hole has a slightly different meaning. Previously, people turned to this rite to cleanse the soul from sins, but now this rite has become a source of health and spiritual saturation.

There are no special rules for performing this custom at Epiphany. As a rule, they plunge their heads three times. At the same time, the body experiences enormous stress, body temperature rises, swelling decreases and pain decreases.

According to tradition, swimming is carried out in places specially equipped for this purpose, accompanied by rescuers and ambulances. Before the ice hole, you can do a little exercise to get your body used to the low temperature. You can take the plunge with your head, but if you feel a spasm, you shouldn’t do it again. And immediately after finishing the procedure, you need to dry yourself with a warm towel, put on dry clothes and drink hot tea.

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