Chocolate panna cotta recipe. Homemade chocolate panna cotta. How to make chocolate panna cotta so that it turns out fluffy

No matter how complicated this recipe may seem, it only takes minutes to prepare. This time I will share the recipe for chocolate panna cotta.

Panna cotta

(Italian: Panna cotta - “Boiled cream”) - a northern Italian dessert made from cream, sugar and vanilla. The literal translation of this delicacy from Italian sounds like “boiled cream”, but in fact it is more of a cream pudding with the addition of various ingredients.

First of all, soak gelatin in water for about 5 minutes. I use sheet gelatin, it is more convenient to use and does not have its own taste. In any case, you need gelatin per 500 ml of liquid (read the packaging).

Heat the cream (20-35%) over medium heat in a saucepan. Add lemon zest (I used dried) and chopped chocolate. Mix the cream thoroughly and do not overheat it, otherwise the chocolate will curl into flakes - it will be completely tasteless.

When the chocolate has melted well and mixed with the cream, squeeze out the gelatin and add to the mixture. Mix well, the gelatin will dissolve very quickly. That’s it, pour it into molds, let it cool and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Yes, if you need to remove the panna cotta onto plates, simply dip the panna cotta pan in hot water for 10 seconds. Then place on plates. Sour sauces and mint go well with chocolate panna cotta.

  • Gelatin
  • Cream (20%) - 350 ml.
  • Lemon zest - 1 tbsp.
  • Dark chocolate - 100 gr.

Does the recipe say to use eggs at room temperature? There is no need to prepare for this several hours in advance. Simply place the cold egg in a bowl of warm water. Quite quickly it will reach room temperature.

Looking for a place to place a bowl of yeast dough to help it rise better? Turn on the oven to 180 degrees, after 3 minutes turn off the oven and place the bowl of dough in it. The heat will do a great job of helping the dough rise.

For a brighter, greener pesto, soak the basil in boiling water for 30 seconds and then in an ice bath. Then everything follows the recipe. You will be surprised at how nice the color the pesto will be even in paste.

Don't have a citrus juicer? Squeeze the citrus fruits with your hands, but cut them in half lengthwise (from spout to spout), I swear - this will squeeze out more juice. Well, bonus, fewer seeds will fall into the cup.

It turns out that the older the egg, the easier it will be to peel it after boiling. If you like boiled eggs, just set aside a few from each new purchase for these purposes. Use fresher ones in baking or for omelettes.

Have you noticed that homemade ice cream becomes covered with ice crystals after a couple of days in the freezer? Try replacing the glass mold with a plastic one. Most likely, the fact is that the glass cools faster than the ice cream inside, creating a temperature imbalance.

If a recipe calls for steam in the oven, they usually say place a bowl of water on the bottom shelf. Instead, take a cupcake tin and fill each well with water. This form is much easier to handle; you won’t spill anything or get burned.

Whenever you use very liquid dough or filling for baking, pour it into a mold that is already installed in the oven (pull the baking sheet or rack out slightly). This way you will definitely not spill anything while you carry the pan to the oven.

When you cook pasta with sauces, you always want to have fewer dirty dishes. Instead of using a colander, simply attach a large knife to the pan. It will do a great job of draining the water while holding the pasta. It is especially effective when you cook only 2-3 servings.

Get a large zip lock bag. Place leftover vegetables in it and store in the freezer. When there is a decent amount of accumulation, bring the water to a boil in a large saucepan, add all the vegetables from the bag and cook for an hour and a half. Strain and get great homemade broth.

The cleanest and easiest way to remove the seeds from a pomegranate is to cut it in half and place each half in a ziplock bag. Place the bag on your palm so that the half is flat on it. With each stroke of the wooden spoon, you will get separated seeds. And thanks to the package, everything around will remain clean.

Store bananas separately from all other foods. They emit substances that contribute to rapid spoilage of food, and in addition, sometimes they unpleasantly flavor baked goods.

To quickly bring butter to room temperature, cut it into small cubes and place them on a plate; the larger the surface of the butter that interacts with warm air, the faster it will heat up.

An easy way to clean your microwave. Fill the cup halfway with water, cut the lemon, squeeze the juice into the cup and throw the halves in there. Heat at maximum power for 3 minutes. Let it sit for another 5 minutes, and then open the lid and wipe the inside walls with paper towels, all the dirt will be washed off perfectly.

Sometimes we overcook the cakes in the oven. Don't worry, just cut off the burnt parts, and then brush the crust with simple syrup - it will return moisture and flavor to it, and if you make such a syrup in advance and flavor it with herbs and spices, it will be even tastier.

Do you know how easy it is to clean the blender jar after use? Pour warm water into it and add a couple of drops of soap, cover with a lid and beat for 30 seconds. Steam and soap will do all the dirty work.

Have you noticed that on the second day the pasta dries out when you heat it in the microwave? Try steaming it slightly - add a couple of spoons of water/broth to a plate, and cover the top with a special dome lid or just cling film. Then everything is as usual.

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Chocolate panna cotta will surprise all your guests with its exquisite appearance and incredible chocolate taste. It looks incredibly appetizing and is extremely easy to prepare. Therefore, if you are expecting guests and don’t have time to bake, then panna cotta with chocolate is the ideal solution. If you have children, this dish will definitely please them, because what could be better than such an abundance of chocolate in an incredibly interesting presentation?

Simple ingredients for an easy dessert

We can say that panna cotta is a “relative” of ordinary, long-familiar jelly. A few more ingredients, a new preparation process, a slightly complicated recipe - and the panna cotta is ready.

To do everything right, first of all take care of the products that you will use in the dessert.

  • 1.5 cups cream 25% fat;
  • 0.5 glasses of milk;
  • 1 heaped tablespoon of instant gelatin;
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa.

As you can see, all the ingredients can easily be found in any housewife’s kitchen. And after they have already been distributed, you can start cooking. A recipe with a photo will help you correctly understand all the recommendations for step-by-step preparation.

How to cook chocolate panna cotta so that it turns out airy?

We pay special attention to details, do not interrupt processes and cook with soul - then we will definitely get the perfect dessert.

Panna Cota is the most delicate Italian dessert that has conquered the whole world with its creamy vanilla taste and light structure, thanks to which it melts in your mouth. Panna cotta is translated as boiled cream or boiled cream. But in fact, it is something between a pudding, a simple jelly dessert and a soufflé. Despite its beautiful and at the same time frightening name, panna cotta is very simple to prepare. The classic dessert consists of three ingredients: cream, vanilla and gelatin. However, many famous chefs insist on using 1 part 33-35% fat cream in the recipe with the addition of half a part of 2.5-4% fat milk. It is these proportions that give the desired texture to panna cotta.

There are also many variations in preparing this delicious Italian delicacy. Cream is a universal product and tastes well with almost everything possible. So panna cotta is prepared with the addition of various fruits and berries, herbs, sweet sauces, syrups and toppings. Today I want to invite you to prepare a chocolate panna cotta dessert.

And now the most important question! What should a real panna cat look like? When cut, the dessert should not have a glossy jelly texture, but a matte velvety texture, as in the photo.


  • 300 ml heavy cream 33-35%;
  • 150 ml 2.5% milk;
  • 40 g sugar;
  • 100 g dark unsweetened chocolate;
  • 12 g of proven dry gelatin;
  • 1 g vanillin.

If you use sweet chocolate, reduce the amount of sugar. According to the recipe, the dessert should have a very delicate sweetish taste. But you can change the amount of sugar at your discretion by first taking a sample.

Panna cat recipe with chocolate

1. Prepare gelatin. We dilute 12 g of dry powdered gelatin in 100 g of very cold water. Let it swell. It is better to use proven gelatin. It happens that jelly-based desserts do not harden well. But it is also undesirable to increase the proportion of gelatin, since the panna cotta will turn out to be too dense.

2. Now let’s prepare the chocolate to decorate the panna cotta. Use a special vegetable knife to make some large shavings, using about 1/4 of the tile for this purpose. Break the remaining chocolate into pieces and put the shavings in the refrigerator.

3. Pour milk into a saucepan or saucepan. Place on medium heat.

4. Add sugar and cream, mix. Bring to a boil and remove the pan from the heat.

5. Gelatin has already swollen by this time. Let the creamy mass cool for half a minute and add gelatin. Gelatin cannot be added to the boiling mass, otherwise the dessert will not harden. The ideal temperature at which gelatin dissolves well and at the same time retains its gelling properties is 80-85 degrees.

6. Add the chocolate pieces and stir immediately. For convenience, it is better to use a whisk. It is very important that the chocolate is natural, with a cocoa content of at least 70% and without vegetable fats. If the chocolate is not natural, it will not dissolve well. In this case, you will have to use a blender.

7. Pour the creamy chocolate mixture into the molds. I usually use small silicone molds; they don’t need to be greased or sprinkled with anything, and desserts with jelly come out of them quickly and easily. But you can also use glass forms, glasses and bowls. You can also serve panna cat in them. Place in the refrigerator until completely frozen for 5-6 hours.

8. From the silicone mold, the panna cotta itself jumps onto the plate. If you used molds made of a different material, then dip the mold in boiling water for a couple of seconds and then turn it over onto a plate. Sprinkle with prepared chocolate chips. And Bon Appetit! 🙂

Panna cotta means “cooked cream” in Italian. The dessert is incredibly tender, with a milky taste.

There are a great many recipes for making this “overseas” dessert! I suggest making chocolate panna cotta. It is better to take dark, good quality chocolate for its preparation.

Let's prepare the products according to the list.

Pour gelatin with water, stir, set aside.

Mix the cream with sugar and vanilla essence. Let's put it on gas. Cook, stirring, until the sugar is completely dissolved.

The cream should not boil!

Remove the container of cream from the heat, add the chopped chocolate and stir until it is completely dissolved. Hot cream will dissolve chocolate very quickly.

By this time the gelatin has already swollen. Place it in the creamy chocolate mixture and stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

There is no need to dissolve it first; the temperature of the cream is enough for it to disperse in the mixture.

Pour the resulting mixture into bowls, molds, glasses...

The quantity will depend on the fullness of the container.

Let it cool at room temperature, then put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Chocolate panna cotta is ready. It has frozen well, you can start tasting.

Happy desserts!

Recipe for making chocolate panna cotta dessert at home. Panna cotta, or rather panna cotta, is a sweet jelly in which cream is used instead of water. The birthplace of this recipe is Italy, and the literal translation of this dessert from Italian is “boiled cream,” although it is more of a boiled pudding. We also offer you an interesting recipe.

Ingredients (For 4 people)

chocolate 100 grams

sugar 50 grams

vanilla sugar 1 sachet

gelatin 12 grams

milk 2.5% 120 milliliters

cream 33% 400 milliliters

Chocolate panna cotta recipe

0. To prepare chocolate panna cotta we will need the following ingredients.

1. Grind the chocolate in a blender or on a grater, pour it into a saucepan with a thick bottom, set it aside, pour half a glass of water over the gelatin and let it stand for 10 minutes until all the water has been absorbed. Add cream, sugar, milk, and vanilla sugar to the chocolate in a saucepan and mix.

2. After mixing, put on minimal heat until the chocolate dissolves, do not let the mixture boil, cook until smooth, stir constantly, about 10 minutes.

3. Gelatin stood for 5-10 minutes and absorbed all the water, transfer it to a small container and bring to a boil, but do not boil, turn it off when small bubbles begin to appear, and pour it into our chocolate cream mixture, stir.

4. Pour our panna cotta dessert into molds or cups and place in the refrigerator until completely set. For approximately 4 hours. Decorate with syrup and powdered sugar before serving.

How to cook panna cotta video

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