Lord Maitreya, cosmic Christ and planetary Buddha. Lord Maitreya - I believe in God

3. Maitreya (El Morya) Great Lord of Shambhala.
MAYTREY - THE ALL HIGH, THE FATHER OF THE UNIVERSE, - Gautama Buddha and Christ are His assistants. They are undergoing human evolution!

There are two "Ones". One is on the inaccessible plane of the Absolute and Infinity, about which no conclusions are possible. The second “One”, on the plane of “Origin”. The first can neither come from nor be divisible, for it is eternal, absolute and immutable. The second, being a reflection of the first “One,” “for he is the Logos, or Ishvara (Lord God) in the illusory Universe,” can. He emits from himself seven Rays, or Dhyan - Chohans, or Elohim, or Archangels in Christianity. What is mono-existent becomes multi-existent.
The energy acts as one energy through the Logos (or Ishvara). Now the Almighty is a single essence (two in one), from which the center of energy, called Logos, emanates and begins to exist. He is called by Christians the Verb and he is the Divine Christ, who is eternal in the bosom of His Father. It is called Avalokitesvara by Buddhists. In almost every doctrine the existence of a center of spiritual energy has been formulated, which is unborn and eternal, and exists in the womb of the Supreme during the rest between cycles and arises as a center of conscious energy during conscious activity.
Ishvara (Logos) is Spirit, a complex unity of manifested living spirits, the primary source and nursery of all world monads (plus their divine reflection), which originated from the Logos and return to it at the end of their time. Ishvara is God."
The second “One” is Sound (Shabda - Sanskrit), the Word, which became flesh on our planet. Archangel Michael is the First Ray of the Father of the Universe, and is equated to the One from Whom this Ray emanates, the Second “One”, the Most High, the Reflection of the Absolute. Maitreya is the manifested Father of the Universe, Creator and Creator! Lord M.: is the Highest, Brightest Spirit of our Planet, Solar System and Universe. He is the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last, the Alpha and the Omega. He is everything!!!
The Lord will leave and reign forever, but then he will descend to us once again as the Second Coming - the Great Coming.
The Monad is the same as the Absolute, a particle of the divine Monad, information or thought of the Father, clothed with energy, always remains a particle of the Absolute. From the energy center, that is, Ishvara (Divine Christ), all gods, stars, planets emanate. The Divine Christ is the God of all gods, He is the Universe!
There are eight million four hundred thousand species of living beings in our Universe; four hundred thousand species of people and eight million flying, swimming, running and crawling.
In the East, the Truth is accepted that the One Greatest Spirit is the Creator of our consciousness and the Savior of our humanity. This spirit is the Avatar of Vishnu and appears on Earth every time humanity reaches a dead end and a shift in consciousness is needed!
Thus, all Systems of the World are Images of the same Spirit - Avatar of Vishnu, which manifests itself as Rama, Krishna (God Vishnu), Zoroaster, Buddha, Kapila, Christ and Maitreya (God Vishnu). He also appeared in other forms, less bright, but always truly ascetic.

The Seven Great Spirits and among them the Highest, having accepted the Watch of the world, appeared at all turning points of our Planet.
The Greatest Spirit of our Solar System came in diminished Images in order to more easily reach and raise the consciousness of the masses. The High Spirit, taking on an earthly Form, is no different from the earthly inhabitants, and He Himself was not aware of His Greatness in the Higher Worlds.”
The Great Lord of Shambhala Maitreya is the World Teacher, the King of kings, the Teacher of Teachers, the Lord among Lords.
The Messiah of the Jews is identical to Maitreya, Kalki Avatar (the incarnation of God), Muntazar (the Messiah of Muslims) - that Highest Image that must appear at the change of race in order to give a new proclamation and establish the vibration to which the spiritual evolution of the new cycle will sound.
All Higher Cosmic ideas receive their form, or are personified in the likeness of God - man. This powerful Spirit manifested itself:
King Menes united southern and northern Egypt into one state. Irrigation systems common to the entire state were built. With the unification of Egypt, the dynastic era of the pharaohs began.
Ramses II,- the greatest of the pharaohs. Under him, Egypt achieved significant power. He waged a long struggle with the Hittites, as a result of which Palestine and Southern Syria were assigned to Egypt. He led a large construction of temples and roads. In the northeastern delta of the Nile he built the city of “Per Ramses” (Tenis), repelled an attack on Lower Egypt by the “peoples of the sea”.
Orpheus - high priest of Greece, golden voice, singer, musician, poet, introduced esoteric knowledge (envious people killed him). For not wanting to take part in the bacchanalia of Dionysus - Bacchus (Jehovah). Orpheus is the incarnation of the Great Teacher Kut Hoomi (the one who was Jesus), the eternal friend and Disciple of the Great Maitreya.
Origen- writer, philosopher. He came into the world to point out to the church fathers the simplification and changes in Christianity - the book “On the Beginnings”; he wrote a total of 2000 books, which were kept in the Library of Alexandria. When the persecution began, He went to Palestine and opened a Christian school for children there. He was beaten and sent to prison for seven years. He could leave his body and fly to the Stronghold, but he spent the entire term, using the time to carry knowledge of esotericism. This martyr and the Great Light of true Christianity is highly revered. The Western Church listens to the steps of the evolution of the spirit and begins to study the writings of Origen. The Orthodox Church still continues to consider him a heretic.
Akbar - Great Mogul- Emperor of Mongolia, united religions and expanded lands through conquest. Akbar the Magnificent, the Blessed; Akbar is the favorite of the gods and “The Beauty of the Throne of the World”, these are the adjectives to His name. The Emperor of Mongolia united two states: Mongolia and Northern India.
Gesser Khan- legendary Mongol khan (eleventh century) - hero of the epic of Central Asia. "Lord of 10 countries of the world, eradicator of 10 evils in 10 countries of the world." The main character of Tibetan, Mongolian, Buryat folklore, associated in the minds of the peoples of the East and Asia with the image of the Great Lord of Shambhala.
Rama - Avatar of Vishnu, king of India, God Krishna is the full manifestation of Vishnu(creator of "Bhagavat - Gita" - the Lord's song). These are some incarnations of the Great Lord of Shambhala Maitreya. That is why the Image of Maitreya is so majestic, so powerful. He is truly the Teacher of Teachers.
God Krishna, incarnated 6000 years ago, Avatar Rama,- 7000 years ago. Therefore, think about the greatness of this Image and show understanding in order to be able to stand before the Lord.
Now think about the fiery Humility, the fiery Selflessness, Self-Sacrifice, this true Leader of nations, Creator and Ruler. Who can resist His Fiery Power when It is manifested in all its strength.
Buddha - Illuminated (illumination is the accumulation of centuries-old deposits of energies, crystallized over many selfless lives); all the Greatest, the Highest lies in this Individuality. There is no higher expression of the Great Mystery of existence than in the Solar Hierarch Lord Maitreya, Lord Christ, Lord Buddha. Great holder and Creator. He is Everything!
Buddha, Maitreya, Christ - One Ego. All religions from one source.
Christ is confirmed in the Greatest Teaching. Even in early Christianity one can find an understanding that the One Great Spirit descended to earth and incarnated where there was a special need for a new understanding of the Truth.
It's time for humanity to get closer to the World Cosmic secret of the single God-man revealed with each cycle - Maitreya. The cosmic structure, the process of evolution, needs not only a new enlightened consciousness, but love and beauty.
The chronology of Christ's life is imprecise. The Great Teachers place the birth of Jesus at an earlier date.
“The statement that Lord Maitreya and Christ are One Individuality is the Truth, but the Truth is unsaid. In theosophical literature one can find indications that Jesus was the incarnation of the Great Teacher Koot Hoomi. When the time of the Passionate Path of the Crucifixion came, an even higher Spirit entered into it - Christ, who received Baptism from John the Baptist and, thereby, approached new layers of the population and began to preach among the simplest and poor" (E.I. Roerich, "Letters")
“Jesus also learned from the Great Sage of the East, Rossul Moriah; stayed with him for at least seven years, after which they traveled together throughout India and then Jesus went with the blessing of the Lord of Moria to his country, but he could not complete his Mission there; passionately overworked and ill; and on the threshold of transition to the other world, the Great Sage appeared in front of him in Subtle Appearance and invited him to complete his Mission by entering his body. Of course, consent was given with joy. Yes, there were great Cosmic reasons. Why was such a replacement and continuation of this Mission necessary?” (E.I. Roerich, “Letters”)
All the priests were waiting for the Messiah - the Great Spirit, like Moses and Solomon. Moses, Solomon are incarnations of the Great Lord of Shambhala.

Teacher of teachers - Lord Maitreya is the bearer of the seven hidden Rays. The appearance of Maitreya is the current Lord of Shambhala Maitreya. In Tibet, he is depicted in temples on mountain slopes.

George the Victorious. Church legend tells about the miracles of St. George the Victorious during the persecution of Christians in Turkey, including His victory over the dragon. In Russia, the Life (of St. George the Victorious) formed the basis of Russian spiritual verse, in which He is the organizer of the Russian Land. In ancient Rus', George the Victorious was often depicted on princely seals and coins, in tsarist Russia - on the state coat of arms. St. George the Victorious is the incarnation of Archangel Michael, the Patron of Russia.

Sergius of Radonezh- one of the incarnations of the Great Maitreya. “God and Motherland” - this is what moved the life and destiny of St. Sergius. And this love gave him the opportunity to so completely fulfill the Lord’s commandment about love for people. St. Sergius built communities, settled the territory of Russia, established Orthodoxy, and helped Dmitry Donskoy in the fight against foreigners.
Sergius - Defender of the Russian Land. The wealth of the monastery increased so much that the monastery treasury could lend sums for state needs. His Abode helped Peter I in building a fleet. The leader was St. Sergius, he breathed a heroic spirit into the people, He directed them into the future. He will remain such a leader even now, for the connection of the Great Spirits with the work and exploits of their lives is indissoluble. Subsequently, His Abode became the center of spiritual culture, support and refuge in all difficult moments of the Russian land. His life is unceasing and joyful work, both spiritual and physical. Thus, from a hermit-contemplator, Sergius grew into a public figure and prepared in mysterious ways for the role of a state (to help the Motherland). His Abode also grew up with him, which was destined to play a huge role in the spread of spiritual culture and strengthening of the Russian state.
Villages grew around the Abodes that He and His disciples built, and they settled on the territory of Russia. Sergius sent his students to field work with the peasants to help them gain the opportunity to talk about the enlightenment of the spirit. “Illuminated with the Ineffable Light (in the radiance of Light, which cannot be expressed in words), He stands, Invisibly Visible, on the steps of the Great Staircase of the Hierarchy of Light, ready at the indicated hour to direct the legions of Light Forces, ready to bless his people and their earthly leader for a new feat.” In pre-revolutionary times, the feat of the greatest Intercessor of Russia, Sergius, was hushed up because in the eyes of some he was a heretic, for he used the sign of two fingers.
Russia, bow before the Greatness of St. Sergius the Monk and give honor to Him, your Great Patron, Patron of the Russian Land. (Think about Who came in the Form of Sergius of Radonezh!) The Highest Hierarch of our Planet, one of the most beautiful Diamonds in the crown of the cosmic mind - the current Lord of Shambhala - Maitreya.
One can endlessly list the incarnations of the Great Lord: Zeus, Osiris, Hermes, Zoroaster, Apollonius of Tyana, Venetian the Great Kapila and others.
Zeus thunderer - Ether, Supreme God, Lord of gods and people; ruled all celestial phenomena, guardian of public order and family, establisher of laws and customs.
Osiris- also depicting Ether, the first radiation of the Highest Deity; Amon, the Primary Source of Light. Osiris was executed - dismembered into fourteen parts (two of seven). He subsequently resurrected as Christ. (This is how the Master of the Earth, Jehovah the devil, dealt with those who brought Light to people).
Hermes Trismegistus- Thrice Greatest, His treatises are devoted to the occult sciences: alchemy, astrology, magic and religious and philosophical teachings close to Gnosticism.
Zoroaster there were several; Zoroaster (Zertust) alone Dabistan counts thirteen of them; but they were all reincarnations of the first. The last Zoroaster was the founder of the Fire Temple in Azarekshi and the writer of works (on the first religion of the white magicians) destroyed by Alexander.
Apollonius of Tyana was very rich, ate plant foods, wore clothes made from natural fabrics, and walked barefoot. He was an Apologist (Bearer of Truth); One day He ordered a disciple to collect a sufficient number of incense trees and put them in a cave like a high bed. Apollonius burned himself at the stake and after that the disciple heard His Voice under the arch of the cave: “And so, I have not died, but I am going to accept the cup of the Apologist.” By burning himself, he proved that life continues in the Subtle Worlds.
Venetian the Great.“When the Veneti tribe was pressed and driven by the advancing barbarians, an unknown tall Shepherd appeared among them, who directed them to retreat to the lagoons; this circumstance served as the foundation of the city of Venice. The One who took this Image and materialized it did not wear a physical body at that time.”
Lord Maitreya passed half of the High Path - 1500 incarnations.
“The Great Master does not like to talk about past incarnations, for they involuntarily turn the spirit back and can even hinder its aspiration into the future, while preserving this aspiration is the first task of the student” (E.I. Roerich, “Letters”).
Therefore, there is no need to think about the past, but only about the present in connection with the future. The Lord of Shambhala is the Lord of the Worlds; Lord the Great; Leader of the Spirits of the Higher World; Leader of the Spirits of the Fiery World; The engine of fire of the Mother of the World is called the Lord of Compassion. He is the God of Love and Compassion, the God of Good and Light.

Humanity comes to Me in different ways, but no matter which way a person approaches Me, I welcome him, for all paths belong to Me,” said Lord Krishna in his Lord’s song “Bhagavad-Gita”.
The Great Lord of Shambhala Maitreya, manifested in the body of Man, Ishvara. He always appears as Manu (Man) on the verge of two root races. Descending from the higher planes, where it is invisible to the human eye, it manifests itself on our plane. It enters the spheres of our Planet (mental, astral) and then manifests itself in the physical body. Maitreya is neither born nor dies. He has an incomplete incarnation. Anyone who wants to know about His incarnations will find out by reading E.I. Roerich, "Letters".
Gautama Buddha (623-544 BC) approved the future Buddha - Maitreya as his successor. And Gautama said to his disciple: “I am not the first Buddha to come to this earth, nor will I be the last. In due time, another Buddha will rise in the world, the Hidden One, the Supreme Illumination, illuminated by wisdom, happy, containing the entire Universe, the incomparable leader of nations, the Lord of the Devas (radiant deity) and mortals. He will reveal to you the same eternal truths that I taught you. He will establish his law, glorious in its beginnings, glorious in its apotheosis, and glorious in its goal in spirit and word. He will proclaim a righteous life, perfect and pure, which I have now taught. His disciples will number in the thousands, while mine will number only in the hundreds.” And his disciple asked: “How will we recognize Him?” The teacher replied: “His name will be Maitreya.” (E.I. Roerich, “Fundamentals of Buddhism”).
Maitreya, as his name indicates, is called Compassion. God of Love and Compassion, God of Good and Light. It covers the entire space, being the exponent of all aspirations and wisdom.
What qualities should Lord Maitreya have? - Maximum development of Energy, courage, patience, constancy of aspiration and fearlessness. Energy is the basis of everything, for it alone contains all possibilities. The Teachings of Maitreya are a continuation of the Teachings of Christ. The teaching is given according to the consciousness of time!!
“During partial breaks, or Renewals of the Planet or Solar System, the Greatest Spirits (Jacob’s Ladder), collectively representing the Cosmic Mind and the Creative Principle, keep watch and plan the future Life Cycle of the Solar System, or the Planet, and then they themselves are the main executors of these plans. The Hierarchical Beginning is the Cosmic Law, it is the leading principle, therefore there is always a Supreme Spiritual Being, or Hierarch.”
“In human imagination, such a Highest Spirit merges with the image of a personal God and even the Universal God - his name is Maitreya” (E.I. Roerich, “Letters”).
The Hierarchy of Light is a connection with Infinity; its representation on Earth has been called the White Brotherhood by the peoples of the world since time immemorial. The book “Hierarchy” is given in the Teaching “Agni Yoga”. All philosophical systems of the East recognize a single reality. In addition to the main reality - the One Unknowable, some systems recognize a personal God, Ishvara - the Creative force that creates the planetary system, manages it, and upon achieving the task set by the evolutionary plan, destroys it. Each planetary system has its own God or, in Christian terminology, its own Logos.
The world is ruled by the Creative Forces of the Cosmos, which together make up the Heavenly Hierarchy, i.e. personal and only Gods are Beings who reside in the Universe. They all achieved divine status by going through human evolution. All of them obey the “One” who stands at the head of the Heavenly Hierarchy. They are all Sons of God and Saviors. At what level each Hierarch or Teacher stands, we are not given to know.
The concept of Hierarchy, as a single Brotherhood of Spiritual Teachers, occupies a central place in the Teaching of Living Ethics. The concept of a personal spiritual mentor, a Teacher, sacred in esoteric teachings, is considered in Agni Yoga as a necessary condition for spiritual self-realization. A teacher is one who gives a person new knowledge, thereby elevating him to new stages of spiritual development. The one who protects him from the attacks of the forces of evil on all levels - earthly, astral, who in the full sense of the word guides his spiritual evolution, using his own strengths and knowledge, many times greater than the strength and capabilities of the student. Due to the spiritual - intellectual accumulation of the Teacher - the process of evolution of consciousness accelerates immeasurably. The guidance and help of the Hierarch in a few years of incarnations allows the student to achieve spiritual self-realization. Why hundreds of incarnations if you can cross the threshold with ten?
You need to decide for yourself which of the Teachers of the Brotherhood is closer to you and then give yourself entirely, without any restrictions or conditions, to this high leadership. To establish your heart on the Lord is the first condition for the fiery world. Accepting the Hand of the Lord is not enough without giving of the heart. It must be remembered that vibration and karma are links to the Lord, the Fiery World. Therefore, make all your efforts and aspirations to understand and apply the Teaching in life as best as possible and leave the rest to karma and the great knowledge of the Lords.
Spiritual communication with the Teacher is built on the deep and sincere feelings of love and gratitude of the student to the Teacher and for the Sacrifice that He accepts. No selfishness - only altruism and selflessness. Let us surround the Great Teacher with the Fire of Love, protect Him with veneration, and find the most careful, highest understanding of the Teaching and Decrees. Genuine, spiritual love is one of the most powerful and perfect types of cosmic energy. Love is the universal evolutionary law of the universe. In space, this law is expressed in universal magnetism and the attraction of particles of energy and elements. The Cosmic Magnet is the so-called Power of Christ and the Power of Love of the Lord of Shambhala and the Mother of the World.
The heart is truly an international organ. If light is a symbol of the aura, then its parent will be the heart. They will ask: on what is the Stronghold of Brotherhood built? Say: “The doctrine of the heart, work, beauty, evolution, tension, the most vital doctrine.” When humanity, having lost the basis of the Teaching, plunges into misunderstanding, then, as predicted by the most ancient Teachers, the era of Maitreya will come.
The World Eye of Shambhala brings Good to humanity, Light on the path of humanity - the Star that guided all those who walk. The Lord of Shambhala is the leader of all planetary spirits, the fiery engine of life and fire of the Mother of the World. The Lord of Shambhala lives and breathes in the heart of the Sun. He breathes the Truth and accepts the Truth. The teaching of Maitreya is the resurrection of the spirit and can accelerate the appearance of the Advent (Second Coming). Conscious Acceptance of the Teachings of Lord Maitreya is true resurrection.
Maitreya wants to speed up everything, wants to complete everything successfully, wants your joy, wants to give the gift of fiery experience to humanity, wants to transform life on Earth in the Radiance of the Mother of the World. The Cosmos lives on the greatness of two Origins - the Lord of Shambhala and the Mother of the World.

Before reading the New Teaching “Agni Yoga”, it is necessary to prepare and read the main works of H.P. Blavatsky. After preparation - nutrition, balance, silence, throwing away enemies, not sticking to matter (you can use everything, but don’t think about it) - begin to learn the Teaching. If you do absolutely everything, such a cognitive world will open before you that, except for the feeling of regret that you touched this Knowledge late, nothing will remain from the past (forget the past, and connect the present only with the future). Everything that is written about in the Teaching will be shown to you in visions, the “Voice of Silence” will suggest paragraphs and sentences that are incomprehensible to you, you will be overwhelmed by calm joy and happiness. All this is subject to fulfillment of all mandatory requirements. Every night (and sometimes during the day with your eyes closed) something “unusual” will begin to open in front of you - you will see a dome of the sky with multi-colored stars and flashes. Sometimes the Teacher will write advice “in heaven”; will show Shambhala inside and out. The entire Cosmos lives in rhythm, and books must be read accordingly - every day at the same time.
You will be shown ten previous incarnations in person, you will find out what country you lived in, who you were. If physical pain appears, the Lord will remove it; He is very kind and attentive, he will help in all matters, you will always feel Him nearby if you yourself keep a connection with Him in your thoughts. He is a Friend, he will never deceive or abandon you, he will always protect you, and suggest the best solution in business. You will receive energy - the All-Initial Divine Psychic, accumulating liquid crystals in your heart to form the “Alatyr” stone - energy to get off the ground easily and rush upward during the transition to the Subtle World. Mental energy is a priceless gift from God - it gives strength and health.
“The word “Lord” includes the phenomenon of mastery of all three worlds and the ability to fully, consciously manifest one’s activity in each of them.” The Lord is the one who owns his bodies and easily separates them from the physical body: Fiery, mental, astral, and in any of these bodies retains consciousness and moves freely in the corresponding spheres. Fiery - to the Fiery World (Sun); astral - to the depths of the oceans and to the mental plane. As E.P. said Blavatsky, only after a few cycles can her spirit reach the level at which the Spirit of the Great Lord M. stands: and after eons of years the Spirit of the Lord will be even higher - He is unattainable.
E.I. Roerich: “Remember what I wrote about this Image! Truly, only everything that is highest is connected with Him, with this Hierarch. Verily, the highest concepts are personified in This lofty Image.” “There is no higher expression of the Great Mystery of Existence than in the Solar Hierarch, Lord Maitreya, Lord Christ, He is the Great Sustainer and Creator, He is Everything.”
In the process of reading “Agni Yoga” you will see links to books by other authors, to religions - you should read them too. This Teaching is for those who love books. Connect, bring the time of the Great Advent closer.
If at least one such person lives in your building, then a second and a third will appear. Spread the Teaching! (but don't force it). In this Teaching you do not need to do any exercises or breathing systems. One thing is necessary - to clear the mind of unnecessary thoughts. The Lord is our ideal to which we must strive. It is necessary to awaken the sleeping divine abilities in us under the guidance of the Great Teachers and the Great Lord M.:
Great Teachers are the founders of all religions and philosophical systems. All religions came from one womb and must unite into one new Teaching “Agni Yoga”, a wisdom that is higher than all religions. Maitreya is the One Shepherd for the entire flock. Thrice powerful M.: (Maitreya, Messiah, Muntazar). Accept the new Teaching, it will unite people in consciousness. Shambhala is the only Community on the Planet. Come closer to the Community, our salvation lies in it!
“Everyone who rebels against Shambhala will be defeated in all his deeds. And the waves will wash away his house, and even the dog will not come to his call. He will see not clouds, but lightning on the last night.” (E.I. Roerich, “Fundamentals of Buddhism”)
“The teaching indicates how every warrior will be called invincible.” “Whoever understands Brotherhood as a yoke, let him quickly leave; whoever skillfully bows before the gates of Brotherhood, let him quickly return. To be able to rejoice in Brotherhood will already be a wise joy” (“Brotherhood”, p. 505) Let only the great aspiration live to bring all the strength to help the Great Lords fighting for the salvation of unfortunate and ignorant humanity.

Russia is the axis of the world and the so-called Navel of the Earth is also located within its borders. Sacred Shambhala itself is referred by many Tibetans and Mongols to Russia and to Russia, and this is the great Symbol.
“The Russian people retain within themselves a natural culture, for their character was formed in the Asian expanses from the accumulations of the East, ... for Light has always come from Asia, and will continue to come, until the end of our cycle” (E.I. Roerich, “Letters”).
Strive with your heart to the Great Lord.
P.S. Portrait of the Great Bishop M., owned by E.I. Roerich. See the book by E.I. Roerich “Letters”, volume 1, publishing house ICR (International Center of the Roerichs), 2011. There is only one authentic portrait (hologram) of the Great Maitreya, the one depicted in the book Mary Magdalene “Recruitment is underway for Saturn (exposing Jehovah)” in v. 3, 9, 14, 28. There is a letter from N.K. Roerich to the director of the International Center of the Roerichs (ICR) L.V. Shaposhnikova (Moscow) that all color portraits are false.
Morya, Moria - one of the Buddhist dynasties of Magaji, also the name of the Rajput tribe (raj - king), Solar dynasty, Hierarchy of Light, M., M.:, Mahatma, Invisible World Management, Rossul Moriya - a genus where the Great Lord of Shambhala was repeatedly incarnated Maitreya is the King of the World Government. Avatar of the future, Allal Ming is a term equivalent to I (in the first meaning). The words Morya and Maitreya refer only to the Great Lord of Shambhala. All others have nothing to do with this family and name. There is a group photo (Jul Kul, the Great Lord of M.:, Saint - Germain, H.P. Blavatsky) and a painting by N.K. Roerich “Fiat Rex”, (Lord of the Three Worlds).
Jehovah the devil under the name “El Morya, Maitreya, Ascended Teacher” squeezed his image onto Yandex, and previously onto Google and Bing. Constant movement! Jumps like a flea. Make-up for a sage - a disguised werewolf! This is the “liar” who declared himself the “father” of Christ, and now this scoundrel - a rogue wants to pass himself off as the Lord of Shambhala - Maitreya.
He tied a turban, wrapped the end of the fabric around his neck and pinned a brooch on his forehead - a pure werewolf, and averted his devilish gaze to the side - he was shy. The main pervert of our planet, evidence of this are monkeys.

(The image of the devil-Jehovah is given in art. 1, 3, 8, 20, 22, 29.). Get rid of evil spirits!!! “Jehovah dreams of appropriating the Glory of the Most High; he should work as a clown, not as a devil, you werewolf! I would like to say the words of the fabulist I.A. Krylova: “How dare you, insolent one, muddy the pure drink here with an unclean snout...?” It is correct for a werewolf to sign the image: “Jehovah is the devil, the planetary demon and Satan, in person” and not confuse himself - the devil and God. This is truly a villain. Computer technology has embellished the face of Jehovah the Devil - his nose is five times larger and shaped like Hitler's - a bayonet. A big nose is a “reward for fornication” in past lives. The Master of the Earth is still paying the price for monkeys, cows and sexual perversions of all kinds. Jehovah is a bestiality, an active pederast, a pedophile. (Read in the following articles). Jehovah often changes the shape of his beard, but you recognize him by his nose. Take a closer look, US citizens, he sometimes walks along Broadway and lives in a high-rise building.

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(10th century BC(?), ruler of the united Kingdom of Israel)

  • Gautama Buddha (563-483 BC, Nepal, India)
  • Jesus Christ (~12-4 BC – ~26-36 AD(?), Roman Empire)
  • Apollonius of Tyana (1-98, Roman Empire)
  • Origen (~185-~254, Roman Empire)
  • Sergius of Radonezh (~3.05.1314-25.09.1392, Russia)
  • Akbar (10/14/1542-10/17/1605, India)
  • Charnoya (raja in India)
  • Moria (~19-20 centuries, India)
  • Maitreya(next Buddha)
  • Books of the Teaching of Living Ethics

    Mahayana is to Hinayana as Buddhism is to Vedanta. Mahayana knows and points to the being of the elemental world, but Hinayana points to effects and causes, bypassing the occurring emanations generated by the causes. The Teaching strikes sparks from the chaos of the elements. One can study these appearances, but it is also true to focus on cause and effect. If we call Buddha the cause, then Maitreya is the effect.

    Source: Roerich E.I. - Records of the Teaching of Living Ethics, 07/30/1928

    No other name will bring as much attack as the Name of Maitreya, for It is associated with the future. But people are most afraid and irritated about the future.

    Source: Roerich E.I. - Records of the Teaching of Living Ethics, 09/22/1928

    When humanity, having lost the basis of the Teaching, plunges into misunderstanding, then, according to the prediction revealed by the most ancient Teachers, the Age of Maitreya will come!

    The Lord of Shambhala reveals three marks to humanity. The Teaching revealed by Maitreya calls the human spirit into Our creative world. The teachings of Maitreya point to Infinity in the Cosmos, in life, in the achievement of the spirit. The teaching of Maitreya holds the knowledge of Cosmic Fire as the opening of the heart that contains the phenomenon of the Universe!

    The old tradition which states that the appearance of Maitreya will reveal the resurrection of the spirit is correct. We will add that the resurrection of the spirit may precede the appearance of the Coming, as the conscious acceptance of the Teachings of Lord Maitreya. Verily, resurrection!

    Maitreya wants to speed things up. Maitreya wants to complete everything successfully. Maitreya wants to see your joy. Maitreya wants to give humanity the gift of the fiery experience of Agni Yoga. Maitreya wants to transform life on Earth into the radiance of the Mother of the World. Yes Yes Yes! The beauty of life is limitless! The Arhat sees with the eyes of the heart.

    An Arhat sees through the eyes of the heart the beauty of essence. The Arhat sees with the eyes of the heart, and the essence of the future calls Us. That creation is true and established.

    The era of Maitreya affirms the woman. After all, the appearance of Maitreya is associated with the affirmation of the Mother of the World in the past, present and future.


    Ur[usvati], teach to manifest My name every time possible. Here your mission is only to repeat My name, so that even the deaf will remember the visitors who repeated about Maitreya. The details are not important, but it is important - a whirlwind flew by and, like leaves from a tree, the calls of Maitreya fell - this is how the space is cemented.

    We also need to talk about the temple in Khot[an], because it is the herald of the coming of Maitreya. You can expect offerings to this temple.

    Source: Roerich E.I. - Records of the Teaching of Living Ethics, 09/08/1925

    You must think about Me, replacing Moria - Maitreya, for just as the time comes for you to change your name, so does Me.

    Source: Roerich E.I. - Records of the Teaching of Living Ethics, 09.19.1925

    Also point out that the coming Maitreya is depicted with his legs down, so one should not be surprised that those working from Shambhala sit the same way - a symbol of haste. The appearance of Maitreya is said after the wars, but the last wars will be for the True Teaching. Moreover, everyone who rebels against the will of Shambhala will be defeated in all his deeds, and the waves will wash away his house, and even the dog will not come to his call. He will see not clouds, but lightning on the last night, and the red messenger will stand on pillars of light. The teaching indicates how every warrior of Shambhala will be called invincible. The Lord Himself is in a hurry, and His banner is already over the mountains.

    Source: Roerich E.I. - Records of the Teaching of Living Ethics, 11/12/1925

    One, two, three - I see three books of Maitreya’s coming: the first was written in the West, the second was written in the East, the third will be written in the North.

    Source: Roerich E.I. - Records of the Teaching of Living Ethics, 11/25/1925

    The most difficult thing to say is: “Maitreya is communism!” But this formula has already crystallized.

    Source: Roerich E.I. - Records of the Teaching of Living Ethics, 01/03/1926

    – Why were Blavatsky given such long figures for waiting for the appearance of Maitreya?– The numbers are correct, but they need to be understood from Atlantis. Once again, understand that we are approaching the reorganization of the continents. Maitreya appears on the threshold of the race. There are already many signs of the sixth race. Maitreya meets rasa, but Buddha admonishes her. Usually every Buddha appoints Maitreya.

    Source: Roerich E.I. - Records of the Teaching of Living Ethics, 09/29/1928

    Miscellaneous works

    According to legend, the Blessed One appointed Maitreya Bodhisattva as his successor.

    “And the Blessed One said to Ananda: “I am not the first Buddha to come to Earth, nor will I be the last. In due time, another Buddha will arise in the world, the Hidden One, of supreme illumination, endowed with wisdom, happy, containing the entire Universe, the incomparable Leader of nations, the Lord of Devas and mortals. He will reveal to you the same eternal truths that I taught you. He will establish his Law, glorious in its beginnings, glorious in its apotheosis and glorious in its goal in spirit and word. He will proclaim a righteous life, perfect and pure, which I preach now. His disciples will number in the thousands, while mine will number only in the hundreds."

    And Ananda asked: “How will we recognize Him?”

    The Blessed One said: “His name will be Maitreya” /11/.

    The coming Buddha, Maitreya, as his name indicates, is the Buddha of Compassion and Love. This Bodhisattva, due to his inherent qualities, is often called Ajita - Invincible.

    It is interesting to note that the veneration of many Bodhisattvas was developed only in the Mahayana school. However, the veneration of one Bodhisattva, Maitreya, as a successor chosen by the Buddha himself, is also accepted in the Hinayana. Thus, Maitreya Bodhisattva alone covers the entire space, being the exponent of all the aspirations of Buddhism.

    < ... >

    Throughout the Buddhist region, on roadside rocks, images of Maitreya indicate the path. From ancient times to the present day, this image has been created by Buddhists, who know the approach of a new century. Venerable lamas, accompanied by students, artists and sculptors, today travel through Buddhist lands, creating new images of the symbol of the aspirations of a bright future.


    My dear ones, I ask you to understand the great and formidable time, understand the Greatness and Power of Lord Maitreya. Lord Maitreya is not only the Coming Buddha, but He is the Great Planetary Spirit who manifests himself during the great shifts at the birth of the New Race. For millions of years, the Great Spirit saturates the flow of the Cosmic Magnet with His creative emanations, carries within Himself all tensions and directs life emanations. Therefore, the cooperation of the Lord with the Cosmos is inseparable and the entire direction of thinking comes from this Source! Lord Maitreya is higher than the Arhat!

    You will be interested to know that Bhagavan Sri Krishna, the creator of the Bhagavad Gita, is an incarnation of Maitreya, just like Rama. Remember, you drew us in London Rama shooting at the monster, also Krishna, who hangs in my bedroom? It would be nice for you to have the Bhagavad Gita in Russian. If we can’t get it locally, we will try to send it to you from Europe. I now understand why I was so upset when you gave this little book in Baltrushaitis’s wonderful translation to the idiot Sakhnovsky, who lost it. All the greatest incarnations are united in a Single Image! That is why in the Light Hierarchy this Image is called the Teacher of Teachers. After all, Krishna lived almost 7 thousand years before our time.

    “I invite you to my Mystery School to take tests. Many of you would like to learn from me personally. And I am always ready to receive students. You should simply come to the altar and wish that I would take you as my disciple. You can simply express this desire in your heart.

    Many people express a desire to become my students. And I take everyone as my students. However, very few of these students pass the first test I gave.

    I don't need to come to you in person to give you the first test. I will send to you that person whom you consider your enemy, and this person will commit against you any action that seems offensive to you. The goal of any test is to throw you off balance. You will not be judged on whether you are off balance or not, you will be judged on the conclusion you come to as a result of this test.

    The best students always thank God and thank me as a Teacher for the opportunity to take this test.”

    Tests on the Path

    “Passing tests on your Path is a very important and necessary element.

    Your tests are exams. It is very easy to move through life and make the right decisions when your vibrations are harmonious and high. But when you find yourself in the same situations in an inharmonious state of consciousness, you find it difficult to make the right choice.

    It's like a multiplication table test. Remember. How difficult it was for you to answer what is five multiplied by six or eight multiplied by seven when you are standing in front of the class and the whole class is looking at you. Although, when you were at home, in a calm environment, you could easily answer this question.

    You need tests so that you can make the right choice in any situation in life. You must always choose the highest, Divine Path. No matter how strong the illusion surrounding you is, you must constantly remember that there is another - Higher - reality. And this reality is your real Home. And in this world you are just wanderers.

    And when you successfully pass your test, the feeling of Love instantly returns to you. And this way you can always find out whether you passed your test and how successfully and quickly.”

    Getting rid of the ego

    “There is only one Path that leads you back Home, to your real world, your true reality. And this Path is the Path of getting rid of your ego. And there is no other way and no other opportunity to return Home.<…>

    The Path of Initiations in my School is shorter, but it is also more painful. And it is only your ego and your feeling of self-pity that makes you run away from my initiations and avoid me. But I am always ready to take you back to my Mystery School. And if you have forgotten while wandering through the forest of ignorance, then I will remind you how to meet me and how to get to my School.

    Considering the demands of the time, you do not need to go to any country to the ends of the earth to enroll in my Mystery School. I will come to you myself when you call, no matter where you are in the world.”

    Lord Maitreya - the name common to all religions of the Creator and Leader of the Sun and Solar System.

    I am Lord Maitreya. It was pleasant and joyful for me to receive your Love today.

    There is nothing more pleasant for me than your Love. I accepted it with great pleasure and admired you.


    Thank you again. I have not communicated with you for a long time, beloved, and I am very glad for this opportunity, the opportunity to communicate with you and give you some information, clarify something.

    So, The law of Evolution reigns in our Universe.

    Everything evolves, including humanity.

    And as I told you before, everything that God plans will happen.

    Sooner or later, one way or another, it will definitely happen. It didn't work out in '12 ( means Transition.). So what? It will work out some other year.

    Failed to create a wave? So what? The process will go somehow differently. But he will definitely go. And humanity, your civilization, will exist and continue its development.

    After all, look, despite the fact... Even I will say this at first.

    After all, there was a moment in the history of your civilization when humanity was recognized as a failure, and it was considered that it needed to be destroyed as a failed experiment.

    And then the great Spirits came to your aid and endowed you with reason, and introduced their particles into you, and began to supervise your development.

    And, despite the fact that Lemuria perished at one time, your civilization continued to develop.

    And, despite the fact that Atlantis perished, your civilization continued to develop.

    Someone started from scratch, and someone came out of Atlantis, was brought out, and continued development not from scratch.

    So after the 5th race there will definitely be a 6th.

    If we didn’t let humanity die then, we certainly won’t let it now. Humanity will continue its development and will fulfill its role.

    After all, look how many representatives of the 6th race you already have. Yes, kids. But this is the 6th race. You had representatives of the 6th race before, and even now there are some individuals already in such a working state - representatives of the 6th race. But there are few of them. These are rare inclusions in the 5th race.

    A there is currently a flow of representatives of the 6th race. And if you failed to do this - I mean the transition to another dimension, to another stage of development - then this task will most likely be completed by these current children of yours.

    It is they who will leave the cities, it is they who will form settlements that will serve as the beginnings of a new world, a new consciousness.

    And your task now is not to disturb them. Don't suppress them. Don't break your children!

    For they are your children only in the physical plane, but in fact, I repeat once again, they are already representatives of the 6th race.

    They need to adapt to your world. But if you adapt them to the world that you now have, it will not lead to anything good. It will break them.

    Give them the opportunity to develop freely. Don't burden them with your negative qualities, your negative energies, your low-quality music, your inharmonious relationships. Do not develop evil or hatred in them.

    Love, only Love should permeate their entire being!

    These are the conditions you should create for your children now. And that means you need to continue to work on yourself. Because by working on yourself, you also cleanse your world. You are working off those negative energies that have eclipsed the entire Earth.

    I repeat once again, there will be a 6th race, and the Transition to another dimension will definitely take place.

    The question is only about you, about the people now embodied on Earth who do not belong to the 6th race. You have often been told that you are now making a choice. Yes, of course you make a choice.

    But, beloved, the choice is not made simply by saying: “I choose the Subtle World, I want to be in the Subtle World. I want to be light, clean. I want to fly. I don't want to eat the food I'm eating now. I want to be light, clean, beautiful and live beautifully, easily and cleanly.” These are just words.

    It’s not enough to want, you have to do it.

    Do you want to be easy? Cleanse yourself, free yourself from karma that puts pressure on you and does not allow you to straighten up.

    Do you want to fly? Include the next layers of DNA, for these layers that you now have do not give you the ability to fly. And you can turn on the next layers of DNA only by expanding your consciousness, increasing the vibrations of your consciousness.

    For It is consciousness that gives instructions to all the cells of your body, including DNA.

    This means that you need to raise the vibrations of your own consciousness.

    This means that you need to work on yourself, cleanse yourself not only of karma, but also of the negativity that is inside you, because you are dual inside, just as your world is dual. And you must cleanse yourself of duality, free yourself.

    You must renounce undivine qualities, properties, character traits. You must cultivate Divine qualities within yourself. And, as you know, this is, first of all, faith, love, hope, compassion, mercy, aspiration, sincerity, dedication, service, and so on.

    There are many Divine traits, Divine properties, Divine qualities.
    But do you have them?

    Yes, you must study yourself well to know what is superfluous, unnecessary, dirty, and hindering you. To remove it from yourself!

    You must give up your habits, because habits tie you to the Dense World. You must give up your attachments. You must break the threads that tie you to the Dense World.

    Only then will you be able to straighten up.

    And finally, the most important, the most basic and the most painful - you must say goodbye to your own ego. Exactly ego and is what tightly binds you to the Dense World.

    But all this has grown into you, taken root, and ego intertwined with you.

    Therefore, giving up all this, removing it is very painful, very difficult.

    And there has never been a single person who managed to walk this path without pain and suffering.

    Yes, you understand, I am talking about the path of Initiations. Yes, this is the path that is the shortest and along which you can return Home very quickly. But it is associated with great difficulties, with great suffering, with great pain: both physical and mental.

    Well, as you yourself understand, how can you vomit from yourself? Can you tear something off without pain? But everything has grown in over the millions of years during which you have walked this path.

    Everything has become so ingrained in you that you can no longer understand where your Divine part is, where your ego is; where are your Divine qualities, where are your Non-Divine qualities. Everything is intertwined!

    And no one, no one can operate on you to remove all of this from you.

    Only you! Only you!

    And this is the path of Initiations, which I blessed you with in my poem, is the path on which you free yourself from everything that you must free yourself from.

    Yes, you are given tests. You are being tested. Various troubles are falling on you. You find yourself in situations where you don't know what to do. But you must find the right solution, the Divine solution.

    This is exactly what working out all your accumulated layers is. This is what contributes to your cleansing and liberation.

    The right decision, the right behavior in various very difficult, complex situations, where you must show - you already know - calm, humility, Love.

    In all cases of life - calmness, humility, Love!

    This is the only way you can work through it and cleanse yourself of some negativity. Only in this way can you reject the undivine qualities in yourself. Only in this way can you change your character. Only in this way can you raise the level of your consciousness. And this is your task.

    Yes, this is your task. Because you are not a person of this incarnation. You have had many incarnations. And you will have many more of them.

    But... where will you return after leaving?

    It depends exactly on what level of consciousness you have, how much you have purified yourself.

    You can return to Earth and take part in the creation of a new world, i.e. You you can return as a representative of the 6th race.

    And you can, if your level of consciousness is not yet sufficient to move to the 6th race, you can take incarnation somewhere on another planet and continue your development.

    As I said, Development will definitely continue. This is the law of our Universe.

    Everything is developing.

    And if you have not yet developed enough to move to another level, then you will continue to develop where you can still develop.

    If you manage to raise your consciousness, purify yourself, and, yes, after your natural departure from the Earth, you will return to Earth again in a different capacity, as a human being, a Divine human being.

    Then your consciousness will give instructions to its cells, the cells of its body. And then other layers of your DNA will turn on, and your physical appearance will change.

    It is then, after you yourself are able to cleanse yourself, straighten up, get rid of the duality in yourself and turn into a Divine man, into a man-god. This is how it will be.

    And therefore, there is no need to panic at all and say that, “here, we were promised, we were told... We were told that we were about to move to another race, and now we would live well, easily and freely, and our world would be easy and good, free, and that’s all... And so we were deceived, and nothing happened.” Beloved! Nobody told you this! Never!

    You have been told, and have always been told, and will be told, that everything depends on you. What should you do? That no one will lift you up or take you anywhere. That the entire Transition is carried out in consciousness and by consciousness.

    Yes, maybe we had a strong emphasis then on the 12th year. But the fact is that then there was a mass movement, aspiration, aspiration among people. And there was even the necessary percentage of people who, it would seem, had already seen the light and began to take care of themselves.

    As we already told you, there was a probability, well, approximately 95%, that such a jump could occur. But how can it happen?

    You will make that leap. You already had a sufficient number of people ready for this. And a wave could form that would raise the consciousness of the masses.

    Unfortunately, this did not work out. About a few months before the deadline, there was a decline. Some people turned in the other direction, some became disappointed and depressed, and as a result, nothing happened.

    But from the fact that you say that you have been deceived, that everything is wrong, that... you give birth to negative energy.

    You don’t understand what happened, and you overwhelm yourself and everything around with negative energies.

    As you are constantly told, you must accept everything with humility, calmly, you must radiate only positive energies into the world. You have an excess of negativity.

    Because of this and with such difficulty, everything is going on, because you have created such a dense veil around the Earth, such a dense background, that it is very difficult to break through this veil.

    But again, I repeat, but it depends on you.

    Well, understand this simple truth: you yourself create the veil, you yourself create this Dense world, you compact it, compact it, compact it.

    Yes, and of course, it’s hard for you to live in this density.

    You need to dissolve slowly, dissolve little by little, dissolve, so that this density decreases both around and in you; to remove all this dirt.

    This means that you need to radiate only positive energies into the world, and have only positive energies within yourself. Because you have too much negativity inside you.

    The 6th race is coming. She will do everything she has to do. But don't disturb them, don't break them.

    Ancient prophecies of many nations tell of the coming of the “Golden Age”. The advent of this Age is associated with the coming of the Messiah - the Savior, who, possessing the Knowledge of Divine Laws, will enlighten people and restore lost justice on Earth. This coming Savior is known to the world under different names: in India he is called Kalki Avatar, in China - Mile, in Japan - Miroku, in Lamaist mythology - Maidar, but the Name Maitreya is heard more often than others.

    The Coming Buddha

    Maitreya - “Loving”, “Merciful”, “Invincible”, “Lord called Compassion”, “coming Teacher of mankind” - these are the names given to him by believers.

    Maitreya is the only Bodhisattva recognized by all branches of Buddhism. Bodhisattva is one who has made the decision to become a Buddha, i.e. a being who has reached the highest limit of spiritual development in order to help other beings get out of the “wheel of Samsara” - the circle of endless reincarnation and suffering.

    Maitreya is the coming Buddha, the successor of Shakyamuni Buddha (Gautama Buddha). This is narrated in the Digha Nikaya, one of the ancient texts of the Tipitaka (“Basket of Instructions”), which contains over 17 thousand sutras attributed to the Buddha or his closest associates. In the fifth chapter of "Lalita-Vistara", one of the most popular biographies of Buddha in Buddhist literature, written in the 3rd-4th centuries, it is said that the Perfect One, before descending to earth from Tushita heaven, in order to become Buddha, pointed to Bodhisattva Maitreya as his successor and placed his own Bodhisattva crown on his head.

    In the book by N. Rokotova (pseudonym of E.I. Roerich) “Fundamentals of Buddhism” the following dialogue is given between Buddha Gautama and his disciple Ananda: “And the Blessed One said to Ananda: “I am not the first Buddha who came to Earth, nor will I be the last. In due time, another Buddha will arise in the world, the Hidden One, of supreme illumination, endowed with wisdom, happy, containing the entire Universe, the incomparable Leader of nations, the Lord of devas and mortals. He will reveal to you the same eternal truths that I taught you. He will establish his Law, glorious in its beginnings, glorious in its apotheosis and glorious in its goal in spirit and word. He will proclaim a righteous life, perfect and pure, which I preach now. His disciples will number in the thousands, while mine will number only in the hundreds.”

    And Ananda asked: “How will we recognize Him?”

    The Blessed One said: “His name will be Maitreya.”

    E.P. Blavatsky, in The Theosophical Dictionary, reports “that Shakyamuni (Gautama Buddha) visited him [Maitreya] in Tushita (heavenly abode) and instructed him to come from there to earth as his successor five thousand years after his (Buddha’s) death. From our time it would be less than 3000 years. Esoteric philosophy teaches that the next Buddha will appear during the seventh (sub)race of this Round. The fact is that Maitreya was a follower of the Buddha, a famous Arhat, although not his direct disciple, and that he was the founder of an esoteric school of philosophy."

    About the coming of Maitreya

    The coming of Maitreya was predicted in many Indian and Buddhist texts: in the Visuddhimagga of Buddhaghosa, in the early works of the Mahayana, in the Maitreya-vyakarana and others.

    One of the earliest references to Maitreya's name is the Sanskrit text Maitreya-vyakarana (Prophecy of Maitreya), which states that gods, men and other beings will worship Maitreya and will lose their doubts and the flow of their affections will dry up: “free from all poverty, they will be able to cross the ocean of becoming and, according to the teachings of Maitreya, they will lead a holy life. Never again will they regard anything as belonging to them, nothing will belong to them: not gold or silver, not a house, not loved ones. But they will lead a holy, chaste life under the guidance of Maitreya. They will break the network of passions, they will be able to enter into a sacred trance, and an abundance of joy and happiness will belong to them for their righteous life.”

    The coming of Maitreya will be associated with the reduction of the size of the oceans so that Maitreya can cross them without difficulty. In addition, the true dharma (law, teaching) will be revealed to people so that a New World can be created.

    Among the phenomena heralding the appearance of the last Buddha are also listed the cessation of death, wars, hunger, disease and the spread of tolerance and love in the new society.

    In an essay by the famous orientalist and ethnographer Yu.N. Roerich’s “Maitreya – Buddha of the Future” tells about the legends associated with the coming of Maitreya: “Fa-hsien, Chinese pilgrim of the 5th century. AD, gave us the legendary story of the monastic cup of Shakyamuni, which lies hidden until the time of Maitreya’s incarnation comes. But not only the cup awaits the time of the coming Buddha: in the Kukkutapada mountains, near Gaya, lies the body of Kashyapa, preserving the monastic robes of Gautama Buddha. When Maitreya makes his appearance in this world, he will miraculously split the mountain and receive from this saint the clothes of the last Buddha. These legends clearly reflect the belief that the future Buddha will come to continue the teachings of Shakyamuni."

    Images of Maitreya

    Centuries have passed, and Buddhists of all schools awaiting the coming of the Coming One. This is evidenced by the numerous statues of Maitreya in temples in the form of a Bodhisattva or Buddha, as well as his huge sculptures carved into rocks near villages that were erected as early as 350 BC. e.

    Thus, one of the tallest statues of Maitreya Buddha on Earth (71 m) and - for more than a millennium - the tallest sculptural work in the world is a statue in China. It is carved into the rock at the confluence of three rivers in the Chinese province of Sichuan near the city of Leshan. The head of Maitreya Buddha rises level with the mountain, and his feet rest against the river. Work on the creation of the statue took place during the reign of the Tang Dynasty, starting in 713, and lasted ninety years.

    According to ancient tradition, Maitreya was often depicted sitting cross-legged and making a sign of instruction. The bodhisattva is often dressed in the monastic robe of Buddha. In the school of Gandhara (an ancient kingdom located in the territory modern Pakistan) the Bodhisattva appears crowned, dressed in royal robes and holding a vessel with amrita - the drink of immortality. In another form, Maitreya was depicted standing, dressed in Bodhisattva robes, his head crowned with a small stupa in it. According to legends, when Maitreya was meditating on the image of the Teacher, the disciples saw the stupa of Enlightenment on the top of his head. Therefore, Maitreya is often depicted with a stupa on his head. A later tradition depicts Maitreya sitting not in an eastern, but in a western way - with his legs lowered from the throne, ready for his coming.

    In the Buddhist art of China, Korea and Japan from the 6th to the 19th centuries. Maitreya is depicted half-naked, as the open chest is a symbol of power, crowned, on a lotus throne as a symbol of heavenly purity. The compassionate gesture of the right hand touching the cheek means tenderness towards people, and the movement of the foot descending from the throne expresses readiness to come to the aid of the suffering and weak.

    There are numerous images of Maitreya on Buddhist thangkas. Thangka is a type of Buddhist portraiture done in a special way. Maitreya is often depicted as being in Tushita Heaven, accompanied by Atisha and Tsongkhapa (two prominent thinkers and preachers of Buddhism).

    Among modern paintings dedicated to Maitreya, the most widely known is the cycle of paintings by the outstanding Russian artist N.K. Roerich. In the painting “Maitreya the Conqueror,” the artist captured a majestic mountain panorama with a giant image of Maitreya. “Two hands to the sky, like a call from distant worlds. Two hands down as a blessing to the Earth. They know that Maitreya is coming,” as N.K. describes. Roerich carved an ancient relief of Maitreya into the rock near Maulbek.

    The Power of Compassion

    Here is a fragment from the book “The Light of the Three Jewels”, authored by two Tibetan lamas Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche and Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche. It tells the story of a man who was a great Indian scientist, but only through true compassion was he able to directly contact the Master Maitreya.

    “Pure compassion has the power to remove all karmic obscurations and obstacles on the path to enlightenment. When inner wisdom is revealed, your understanding of relative and absolute truth increases as you progress towards enlightenment. The Buddha said many times that compassion is the most powerful tool for eliminating ignorance and increasing wisdom.

    An illustration of this is the story about Asanga. He was an important Indian scientist born about five hundred years after the Buddha, sometime at the beginning of the Christian era. As a young man, Asanga went to Nalanda University, a renowned ancient Indian monastery and the first real university in the world. Although Asanga became a great scholar, he still had doubts about some of the teachings. He questioned many scholars and realized masters, but none of them could dispel his doubts. He decided to practice visualizing Maitreya, the future Buddha, thinking that once he saw Maitreya, he would find the answers to his questions. After receiving initiation and instructions, he went to a mountain in India and meditated on Maitreya for three years.

    Asanga thought that after three years he would have enough strength to meet Maitreya and ask him his questions, but by this time he had not received any signs. After three years, he became tired and uninspired, and so left his retreat. Descending from the mountain, he came to a village where people had gathered to watch an old man who was making a needle by rubbing a large iron stick with a piece of silk. Asanga found it hard to believe that someone could make a needle by rubbing an iron pole with a piece of silk, but the old man assured him that it was possible by showing him three needles that he had already made. When Asanga saw such an example of great patience, he decided to continue his practice and returned to retreat for another three years.

    Over the next three years, he had several dreams about Maitreya, but he still could not see Maitreya. After three years, he felt tired and tired and decided to leave again. Descending from the mountain, he saw a place where water was dripping onto a stone. It dripped very slowly, one drop per hour, but this drop made a large hole in the rock. Seeing this, Asanga regained his courage and decided to return to retreat for another three years.

    This time he had good dreams and other signs, but he still could not see Maitreya clearly and ask him his questions. He left again. While going down the mountain, he saw a small hole in the rock. The area around the hole was polished by a bird that rubbed its wings on the stone. This made him decide to return to the cave again for another three years. But even after this three-year period, he still could not see Maitreya. After twelve years he had no answers, so he left his retreat and went downhill.

    On the way, he came across an old dog near the village. When she barked at him, Asanga saw that the lower part of her body was wounded and covered with fleas and worms. Coming closer, he saw that the dog was suffering terribly, and felt great compassion for her. He thought about all the stories in which Buddha Shakyamuni gave himself to living beings, and decided that it was time to give his body to this dog and insects.

    He went to the village and bought a knife. With this knife he cut the meat from his thigh, thinking to remove the worms from the dog and place them on his flesh. Then he realized that if he used his fingers to remove the insects, they would die because they were very fragile. Therefore, he decided to remove insects with his tongue. He didn't want to look at what he would do, so he closed his eyes and extended his tongue towards the dog. But his tongue hit the ground. He tried again and again, but his tongue kept touching the ground. Finally, he opened his eyes and saw that the old dog had disappeared and in its place was Maitreya Buddha.

    Seeing Buddha Maitreya, he was very happy, but at the same time somewhat upset. Asanga practiced this way for many years, and it was only when he saw the old dog that Maitreya appeared to him. Asanga began to cry and asked Maitreya why he had not revealed himself earlier. Maitreya replied: “I was not uncompassionate towards you. From the first day you came to the cave, I was always with you. But until today, clouds have obscured your vision. Now you see me because of your great compassion for the dog. This compassion has removed your obscurations to such an extent that you can see me.” After this, Maitreya personally taught Asanga the texts known as the Five Teachings of Maitreya, which are very important texts in the Tibetan tradition.

    Asanga's contact with Maitreya was born out of compassion. It was only through compassion that his obscurations dissolved. For this reason, Guru Padmasambhava taught that without compassion, the practice of dharma will not bear fruit, and, in fact, without compassion, your practice will become rotten.”

    About Maitreya in the works of E.P. Blavatsky

    In Buddhism, Maitreya is the Fifth Buddha, in Hinduism, Kalki Avatar, the incarnation of God Vishnu. The Secret Doctrine states that “Maitreya is the secret name of the Fifth Buddha and Kalki Avatar of the Brahmins, the last Messiah who will come at the completion of the Great Cycle.” “The only difference is the dating of their appearances. So, while the appearance of Vishnu on a white horse is expected at the end of the present period of Kali Yuga, “for the final destruction of the wicked, the renewal of creation and the restoration of purity,” Maitreya is expected earlier,” adds E.P. Blavatsky in Theosophical Dictionary. As The Secret Doctrine explains, “The simple secret is this: there are cycles within larger cycles, all contained in one Kalpa of 4,320,000 years. It is at the end of this cycle that the Kalki Avatar is expected.”

    The Theosophical Dictionary gives the following description: “Kalki Avatar (Sanskrit) - “Avatar of the White Horse”, who will be the last manvantaric incarnation of Vishnu, according to the Brahmins; Maitreya Buddha, according to Northern Buddhists; Sosiosh, the last hero and Savior of the Zoroastrians, according to the Parsis; and “Righteous and True” on a white Horse (“Revelation”, XIX, 2).

    At His future appearance, or tenth avatar, the heavens will open and He will appear “seated on a milky white horse, with a raised sword, shining like a comet, for the final destruction of the wicked, the renewal of “creation” and the “restoration of purity”... This will be accomplished in the end Kali Yuga, 427,000 years from now.

    The mentioned end of each Yuga is called “the destruction of the world,” since the earth changes its appearance each time, flooding one system of continents and raising another.”

    In “Isis Unveiled” H.P. Blavatsky reports that the Messiah is the fifth emanation in both the Jewish Kabbalah and the Gnostic system, “and in the Buddhist system, where the fifth Buddha - Maitreya - will appear during his last coming to save humanity before the final destruction of the world. If Vishnu is represented in his future and final appearance as tenth avatar, or incarnation, this is only because each unit, like an androgyne [a single whole, further divided into two opposite Principles], manifests itself twice. Buddhists who reject this bisexual incarnation number only five. Thus, while Vishnu comes for the last time in his tenth incarnation, Buddha is said to do the same in his fifth incarnation.”

    Next, the author cites ten legendary avatars of Vishnu, among which the seventh incarnation is Rama-Chandra (approximately 7th millennium BC), the hero of the ancient Indian epic "Ramayana", the eighth is Krishna (4th-3rd millennium BC .), one of the most popular Hindu gods. The tenth, as mentioned above, will be the incarnation of Vishnu in the form of Maitreya.

    In The Secret Doctrine, Maitreya is also mentioned as a disciple of Parashara. Thus, in one of the most ancient scriptures, “Vishnu Purana” (“Epics about Vishnu”), Parashara reveals to his disciple Maitreya the secrets of the universe. “Parasara says to Maitreya, his disciple: “ Thus I explained to you, excellent Muni, the six creations... the creation of the Arvaxrota beings was the seventh and was the creation of man».

    Parashara received the Vishnu Purana from his Master Pulastya, one of the seven mind-born Sons of Brahma. Brahma is the god of creation in Hinduism, who, along with Vishnu and Shiva, is one of the gods of the Trimurti (Hindu “Holy Trinity”). Through the dialogues of Parashara and his disciple Maitreya, the Secret Doctrine narrates the foundations of ancient cosmogony and their correspondence to the Sacred Teaching.

    In “Isis Unveiled” it is said about the coming of Maitreya: “When Maitreya Buddha comes, then our present world will be destroyed, and a new, better world will replace it. The four arms of each Hindu deity are emblems of the four previous manifestations of our earth from its invisible state, while the head signifies the fifth and last, Kalki-Avatar, when this world is destroyed and the power of Budh – Wisdom (for Hindus – Brahma) will again be called upon to manifest itself as Logos – to create the future world."

    About Maitreya in the Teachings of Agni Yogi

    If the first secret knowledge was made public through H.P. Blavatsky, a student of the Mahatmas of Shambhala, and the Theosophical Society, then later this Teaching was developed and published in the books of Agni Yoga (Living Ethics) through E.I. Roerich. "Great Lord M." gave the world the Teaching of Fire as a New Testament to the Earth on the threshold of the transition to the Age of Fire.

    The books of Agni Yoga say:

    “Maitreya comes and burns with all the lights. And His heart burns with compassion for all impoverished humanity; His heart burns with the affirmation of new beginnings” (Hierarchy, paragraph 3).

    “The Lord of Shambhala reveals three outlines to humanity: The Teachings of Maitreya calls the human spirit into Our creative world. The teachings of Maitreya point to Infinity in the Cosmos, in life, in the achievements of the spirit! Maitreya's teaching holds the knowledge of cosmic fire as the opening of the heart that contains the phenomena of the Universe.

    The old tradition which states that the appearance of Maitreya will reveal the resurrection of the spirit is correct. We will add: the resurrection of the spirit can precede the appearance of the Coming as the conscious acceptance of the Teachings of the Lord Maitreya. Truly resurrection! (Hierarchy, paragraph 7).

    The Age of Maitreya is also called in the Teaching of Living Ethics the Age of the Mother of the World.

    “The era of Maitreya affirms woman. After all, the appearance of Maitreya is connected with the affirmation of the Mother of the World in the past, present and future” (Hierarchy, paragraph 13).

    “They will ask: “Why is the century called the Age of the Mother of the World?” Truly, that is what it should be called. A woman will bring great help, not only bringing enlightenment, but also establishing balance. In the midst of confusion, the magnet of balance is disturbed, and free will is needed to connect the disintegrating parts. Maitreya-Compassion needs cooperation. He who sacrifices himself in honor of the great Age will reap a bountiful harvest.

    The Thinker said: “Know how to work for all mankind” (Supermundane, paragraph 772).

    Thus, among the signs of the Age of Maitreya, the balance of the Origins was indicated: male and female.

    Another sign of the New Age will be cooperation. “Cooperation in everything,” the age of Maitreya will add. Collaborators are united not by order, not by harmony, but by lightning of thought” (Signs of Agni Yoga, p. 101).

    Maitreya came to teach how to act, bringing light into each of his actions. “All previous Yogas, given from higher sources, took as a basis a certain quality of life, but now, with the advent of the age of Maitreya, Yoga is needed in the essence of all life. Containing everything and avoiding nothing, just like the biblical legend about fireproof youths who courageously exposed themselves to the fire and thereby received power. ...where there is fire, there is a sign of improvement” (Signs of Agni Yoga, pp. 158-159).

    New Message from Maitreya

    In the coming 21st century, Maitreya again stands at our doorstep and knocks on doors. His appeals to the humanity of the Earth became possible thanks to a new mediator between the Great Teachers and people. T.N. became such an intermediary. Mikushina is the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, receiving Messages from more than fifty Beings of Light, including from Lord Maitreya, since 2005.

    The main focus of the Messages at the stage of the Transition into the Divine Reality is to give people simple specific recommendations and help as many souls as possible free themselves from the energies of the old world in order to accept the approaching new energies of the Divine World.

    In the first cycle of Messages, Lord Maitreya gives basic knowledge about the Age of Maitreya, about the only true Path that leads humanity to the heights of Divine consciousness:

    “You have heard the prophecies and you know that the era of Maitreya is coming. Everyone is waiting for Maitreya to come. And the time has come to give you knowledge regarding My coming.

    I, together with My disciples, must prepare for my coming to Earth incarnation.

    I come through My disciples, through those who allow Me to be present in their temples, and I prepare the way for My incarnation on Earth.

    I cannot come when you are not ready in your mind to accept me. Therefore, the only thing that prevents My incarnation on Earth is the level of your consciousness.

    Therefore, I joyfully come to Earth through those who allow me to stay in their temples, at least for a short time. Through their bodies I become acquainted with the situation on Earth.

    Many more years will pass before I can accept full incarnation on Earth and appear before the people of Earth in the full splendor of my power. The date of my arrival and the period of my incarnation depend on each of you who are in incarnation” (May 6, 2005).

    “...your task is to learn to distinguish in yourself everything that is from God, from what you yourself have created and what belongs to this world. Your physical world is like a parent's nest in which you felt comfortable. But sooner or later there comes a time when you must leave your nest. Because you have grown up and you are ready to spread your wings and fly" (June 17, 2005).

    Maitreya teaches the Path of Initiations - the path of returning Home, to the true Divine reality, and reveals the facets of the Teaching about the Path of Initiations.

    “There comes a moment in the life of every being when it realizes its connection with the Supreme and that it must begin to consciously follow the Path of Initiations. The state of society over the past centuries, especially in the West, has made it impossible to consciously undergo Initiations. People have forgotten about the Mystery Schools and the knowledge that was given in these Schools.

    Therefore, our task and the task facing our Messenger is to remind you of the Path of Initiations and to renew the traditions of the ancient Path of Initiations. A distinctive feature of our new actions will be that we will try to give you the necessary knowledge regarding the Path of Initiations, but each of you will undergo your initiations individually, without removing yourself from ordinary life” (April 19, 2006).

    Maitreya invites students to his School of Mysteries and does not promise that it will be easy on the Path of Initiations.

    “The Path of Initiations is the fastest, shortest road that leads you to God. This is the Path of giving up the ego. This is the Path on which you voluntarily agree to undergo certain tests, even very difficult ones, in order to shorten your path Home...

    The path along this road will require you to exert all your strength. You will have to sacrifice a lot of what you have” (April 23, 2006).

    The messages of Lord Maitreya collected in this book are milestones on the Path to Divine Wisdom. They contain both knowledge and the energy of the Great Teacher, calling us to action. Only we ourselves, through our efforts and our achievements, will be able to demonstrate the ability for further evolution.

    “Your level of consciousness is determined by the Divine qualities that you acquire on your Path. It is impossible to play Service, self-sacrifice, selflessness or Love.

    It is our efforts to transform ourselves, as Lord Maitreya says, that will allow us to exist in the world to come.

    E.Yu. Ilyina


    1. Agni Yoga. In 2 volumes - M.: Eksmo, 2010.
    2. Blavatskaya E.P. Theosophical Dictionary, ed. 2nd, rev. / E. P. Blavatsky. – M.: Sfera, 1994. – 576 p.
    3. Khenchen Palden Sherab, Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal. Light of the Three Jewels / Trans. from English P. Gyatso. – M.: Dharma Samudra, 1999. – 128 p.
    4. Isis Unveiled: The Key to the Secrets of Ancient and Modern Times. science and theosophy / E.P. Blavatsky. / Per. from English K.Yu. Leonova. – M.: Ros. theosophist. o-vo, 1992. – T. 2. “Theosophy”. – 534 p.
    5. Roerich Yu.N. Maitreya - Buddha of the Future // Tibetan painting / Trans. from English A.L. Barkova. – M.: MCR; Master Bank. – 2001.
    6. Rokotova N. Fundamentals of Buddhism. – Novosibirsk: SibRO, 1990. – 69 p.
    7. Word of Wisdom. Messages of the Lords. In 3 volumes / T.N. Mikushina. – Omsk: Publishing House “Sirius”, 2011.
    8. The Secret Doctrine. Synthesis of science, religion and philosophy E.P. Blavatsky. – Novosibirsk: Det. Lit-ra, 1991. – T. 2 “Anthropogenesis”. – 1009 p.

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