Horoscope for November for single Aquarius. Love horoscope for Aquarius for November. Love horoscope for Aquarius Women

The movement of Jupiter marks a new stage in the professional affairs of Aquarius. In November 2017, what you have been waiting for so long may finally happen...

According to the Aquarius horoscope, November 2017 is the time of setting a goal and confidently moving towards it. There is no more time and energy reserve for empty talk and dreams, for doubts and hesitations. You need to take and do what you are so afraid of, but want even more. And believe me, as soon as you take the first step in the right direction, the Universe and Cosmos will help you. Because November patronizes daring and courageous adventurers.

Additional knowledge, the formation of a mature and responsible outlook on life, and the desire to discover broader opportunities will help Aquarius make decisions in November 2017. Starting to perceive many things in a new way, and quickly absorbing modern ideas, you will feel a craving for everything progressive.

You can cause the envy and hostility of others if you use your position for selfish gain. When showing yourself on the intellectual side, do not forget about the spiritual side, which will allow you to rethink a lot.

In November 2017, luck will come to creative individuals who will be able to see their prospects. You will be attracted by everything new and original, or you will come up with something outstanding yourself. Friends or people you communicate with will help you implement your projects. Reach out to everyone you know and together you will definitely achieve success. You may not become famous, but you can become noticeable in certain circles.

In the last ten days of November 2017, Aquarius is recommended to spend more time among like-minded people and friends. You should not limit your communication with people who are close to you in spirit and pleasant. After all, even this can be considered as a good type of psychotherapy and prevention of autumn blues.

In achieving life goals in the last days of November 2017, Aquarius will encounter obstacles, overcoming which he should show perseverance and confidence. Circumstances may require you to take responsibility and comply with social norms and rules.

If you go on a trip at the end of the month, be careful and avoid large crowds.

Favorable days: 1, 15, 28, 29.

Unfavorable days: 3, 4, 17, 23, 26.

Horoscope for November 2017 Aquarius - love, family

According to the Aquarius horoscope for November 2017, in the field of personal relationships you will need to decide and make a final decision. This will be required by both your partner and the very specifics of this time. Analyze, or better yet, decide at the level of sensations whether you feel good in the format of the relationship that exists at the moment. Be honest with yourself and your partner. And based on your inner feelings, make a decision that is hanging in the air. And then - act!

In November 2017, there is a high probability that Aquarius will find love away from home. Perhaps your chosen one will live in another city or country, study with you at the institute, or be your traveling companion on a trip. You will easily find a common language because your interests and some views on life will coincide. You both may be in search of the meaning of life, ideal love, or love to travel and experience other cultures. The romance of distant travels and the confidence that good luck awaits you away from home will give you a pleasant vacation and impressions.

Some Aquarians may resume relationships with someone from the past. An old friendship can suddenly develop into a passionate romance, and lovers who quarreled in the past can reconcile.

In November 2017, Aquarians will receive support not only from their main planetary patron, Mercury, but also from Mars, which normally does not have a particularly positive attitude towards this sign. In combination with the characteristic features of the period, we are talking about the fact that Aquarius will now have every chance to achieve their goals. Of course, you will have to show some originality, especially in the process of searching for alternative options to achieve your plans. In the work area, it is logical to focus on the purely technical side of the issue. Now in this area, communication aspects will fade into the background, and you will have to focus on situations that are more focused on pure methodology. In other words, everything needs to be debugged and polished to a shine, then success will not be long in coming. On the “love front” the situation will develop in approximately the same way, although there are natural nuances here, but we will dwell on them in more detail. In general, we are talking about a promising stage, but due to the unfavorable location of the Black Moon, the situation may get out of control. If you are not careful, if you allow yourself to not care about what is happening, then you will have very few winning options left.

In terms of work direction, as already mentioned, the final autumn month for those born in the sign of Aquarius can be extremely successful. Or it may not be, because in November 2017 your heavenly patrons will give you the resources to implement your plans, but they will not do anything for you. So if you want to come to the end of the third decade in a positive frame of mind, then it makes sense to dwell on questions of a purely theoretical nature already in the first days of the month. That is, you should not rush right into the quarry, now competent planning will be the key to victory for you. But - only in the first half of the month. From the middle of the second decade, circumstances may require you to take decisive action, and it would be nice to act wisely. If you have your own business, then everything is quite simple - you yourself know which direction you should go, you just need to correlate your ambitions with current opportunities and, let’s say, external circumstances. If you do not work for yourself, then it is better to work in a team with colleagues, this will avoid potential problems. But in any case, you should not get hung up on your problems, otherwise the Black Moon will begin to provoke you more often and more harshly. Don’t mark time and don’t be afraid of responsibility, otherwise you won’t achieve anything.

In the sphere of personal relationships, as already mentioned, there will be some nuances. Fortunately, new circumstances will take place in the first days of the month, so you will have time to prepare for the changes, because they will be introduced into your life gradually. Actually, in November 2017, time will play on the side of Aquarius, which cannot but rejoice. If we are talking about a single player, then he clearly should not rush, he already has every chance of winning. It is better to devote your free time to considering alternative options, and give the main direction the opportunity to “stew in its own juice.” Family Aquarians will definitely solve a problem or two and thereby earn everyone’s respect. November is a good time for romance and surprises, don't miss this chance. But don’t allow yourself too much, otherwise you’ll only provoke the Black Moon. Act within the bounds of decency, do not react to provocations, remain yourself. This will allow you to survive difficult situations, otherwise their development will bring you nothing but problems.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for November 2017 for the zodiac sign Aquarius, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such an astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the zodiac sign Aquarius. You can find out a more accurate horoscope by drawing up one of the personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Aquarius sign: Personal horoscopes for the Aquarius sign:

The beginning of the month may bring some revival in the business sphere, but this will not last for any significant period, says the horoscope for November 2019. Already in the second ten days of the month, Aquarius will feel on his way how unforeseen obstacles will arise in the form of delays by colleagues, paperwork, and imperfections in the legislative framework.


Aquarius is ready to sacrifice even his health on the altar of professional achievements, but neither sleepless nights nor nervous strain will be a way to overcome difficulties. And no wonder, because they arise not at all because of the shortcomings of Aquarius, but because of external circumstances. From the second ten days of November, the working atmosphere will be complicated by a number of conflicts due to the combined influence of two planets - Jupiter and Pluto. Star antagonists will provoke a lot of conflict situations, from which Aquarius will not be able to get out without losses: penalties will hit the wallet, and damaged authority will damage the pride of Aquarius.

The stars advise spending November doing current affairs and not setting high standards for achievements. Clear your desk and organize your computer. Having said goodbye to the piles of unnecessary papers, many representatives will receive at least some satisfaction from the work done: in November they will have nothing more to be proud of.


Aquarius, in November 2019, control your egoism. All your services to your family are unconditional, you are responsible for many matters, and the well-being of your household depends largely on your decisions, but offending family members by putting yourself first is unacceptable. All the same, sooner or later you will need their help, and you risk running into a wall of resentment and an avalanche of reproaches about your behavior at the end of autumn.

In the second ten days of the month, relationships with brothers and sisters will receive a new round of development. Perhaps you will organize a business together or become interested in a joint hobby. In any case, you will spend a lot of time in pleasant and fruitful communication. November 20-25 is the ideal time to find family harmony, says the horoscope for November 2019. At this time, Aquarius will be happy to gather relatives and friends under the roof of his home, and the positive charge received from communicating with them will help solve problems in other areas of life.

At the same time, the intimate life of the spouses will regain its former freshness and novelty. Use the bad days of November to make your family strong, friendly and united in every way possible; you have every chance to give your family nest the qualities you desire.

Aquarius Woman

The company of Aquarius women in November 2019 will be very pleasant. Real ladies, they will not quarrel or conflict, even if there are objective reasons for this. If the conflict is ripe, they would rather withdraw themselves, but in no case will they sort things out. But the real reasons for this behavior do not lie in their kindness or gentleness of character - the horoscope for November 2019 answers. Aquarius women at the end of autumn are frightened by noise and any tension around their person. Peace and quiet - that's what the Aquarius lady really needs.

Artistry and creativity will help you realize yourself in a hobby that has every chance of growing from a hobby into a business that brings in, albeit small, income.

Aquarius Man

Jupiter will take over the baton of Mercury in the life aspect of Aquarius men in November 2019. In the middle of the month, representatives of the zodiac house can expect a series of disturbances, warns the horoscope for November 2019. Aquarius man, you don’t have to make titanic efforts to overcome external circumstances, just don’t plan to start in these difficult days. It’s better to do something restorative during this period: finish it, repair it, resell it. Calm and peaceful activities will help restore strength and patch up holes in the psycho-emotional background.

If an Aquarius man is going on vacation, he will have to think not only about the body, but also about the soul. Choose cultural centers for your trip that will help satisfy your craving for beauty. Museums, exhibitions, theaters are our prerogative. Even if you have never spent your free days this way before, the stars guarantee that you will be satisfied!

Aquarius child

Small and not-so-small Aquarius languish in inactivity. And, if this is not critical for the child, then Aquarius schoolchildren and students will fall behind in their studies, forget about achievements in sports and success in creativity. No amount of persuasion or even threats from parents will change the situation until Aquarius himself feels the need for it. A person respected by the child will help you get out of this situation. An authoritative opinion about the positive qualities and determination of your child will bring the child out of suspended animation and force him to return to his previous course.


In November 2019, representatives of the zodiac house have a very vulnerable head. Jupiter will provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases of a wide range - from sinusitis to mental illness. Forewarned is forearmed. Prevention will help avoid exacerbation or avoid the disease altogether.

Now more than ever, Aquarians need to lead a healthy lifestyle. Seasonal weakening of immunity and the unfavorable influence of planets can significantly worsen the health of representatives of the sign. Pay great attention to your meals and what you eat. Aquarians often indulge in snacking on the go, and fast food is not uncommon in their diet. Extra pounds, gastritis and food poisoning are constant uninvited guests of Aquarius. It's time to correct the status quo. This doesn't mean you need to diet. Just eat on a schedule that includes small, frequent meals.


Horoscope for November 2019, Aquarius will not be able to reach heights in the professional field.
The second honeymoon has begun in the family life of Aquarius.
Pay special attention to your health and nutrition.
Horoscope for December 2019 Aquarius.

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In November, many Aquarians may feel lonely. This feeling can change the attitude towards loved ones among representatives of this Constellation. What other opportunities have the stars prepared for Aquarius will be answered by the exact love horoscope for November 2017.

A quiet life for Aquarius can become a real torment. Representatives of this sign need to receive and give their emotions to loved ones. Therefore, in November, many lonely people born under this zodiac sign may begin a period of anxiety. There are no fateful changes or long-awaited events to be expected in the last weeks of autumn, so boredom may settle in the souls of Aquarius. In November, free Aquarians will try to diversify their lives by making many new acquaintances and attending big parties.

A short quiet period in the life of married Aquarius can become a real test for representatives of this constellation. The lack of passion and drama in relationships with the other half in November will have a bad effect on the mood of Aquarius. In order to feel increased interest and attention to their person, people born under this zodiac sign are even ready to provoke conflicts in their family. Fortunately, the Aquarius spouses, who already have a decent amount of experience living together, will not be offended by this behavior of the other half. But among young couples in November 2017 there is a risk of major conflicts and even breaking of marriage ties.

Love horoscope for Aquarius women for November 2017

In November, single Aquarius girls will not only try to arrange their personal lives, but also help their friends with this matter. Any excuse will be used to gather a large company with friends and practically strangers. Many representatives of the Aquarius sign will be able to bring their plans to life in November. This month will be rich in a variety of romantic experiences, acquaintances and meetings, which will add sparkle to the look of Aquarius girls. The love horoscope for November warns girls belonging to this zodiac sign that entertainment that seems completely innocent to them can break someone’s heart.

Communication with a loved one may cool down slightly for married Aquarius women in November. In order to maintain the level of emotions, many ladies representing this constellation can remind their other half of the times when their love was just beginning. Romantic memories will help many couples once again plunge into that atmosphere of love, excitement and cloudless happiness. In November, Aquarius women may experience an increased sensual attraction to their spouse, which will add a new portion of pleasure in their marriage to their lives.

Love horoscope for Aquarius men for November 2017

For single young people born under the constellation Aquarius, in November 2017, many actions taken will be associated with the desire to create around themselves a favorable atmosphere for the manifestation of a variety of feelings. Quiet evenings spent doing quiet activities during this period in no way suit the inner feelings of Aquarius. They want to feel surrounded by swirling emotions, flirting and general excitement. In such a situation, communication and meetings with a variety of girls happen by themselves, so Aquarius will not be deprived of the attention of the opposite sex in November.

The accurate love horoscope for Aquarius for November does not predict any serious changes in their usual family life. Representatives of this zodiac sign will create experiences and emotional outbursts for themselves. This will not always be received by their other halves with understanding and patience. Therefore, Aquarians with their behavior risk causing quarrels and resentment. In November, the stars warn Aquarius that they should not put off resolving conflicts that arise, as this may not have the most favorable effect on future family life.

The desire to flirt and be the center of attention will play a cruel joke on Aquarius in November. The other half will be wildly jealous of the constellation, and the object of flirtation will begin to console himself with false hopes. The love horoscope for November recommends the Aquarius sign to be more careful in showing attention and focus on your other half. Lovers will experience many bright and memorable events during this period. Lonely Aquarius will have to show all their charm and talent in order to win over the object they like.


At the beginning of November, big changes are brewing in the personal lives of single women. Pleasant meetings and romantic dates will keep bachelorettes on their toes. The love horoscope advises you to try to spend this month as relaxed as possible, enjoying the events taking place. Those who have a significant other will expect minor quarrels and misunderstandings in November. The other half will not want to share airy women with someone else, so it is better not to give the chosen one reasons for suspicion. If women try to devote all their free time to their loved one, he will appreciate it.

Mid-November promises to be truly hot for women. The partner will crave intimate games and active attention in his direction. If women are not ready to devote themselves entirely to their beloved, then the man will direct his love mood towards a showdown. A lonely zodiac sign should try in mid-November to always look well-groomed and behave charmingly with the opposite sex. Horoscope believes that someone can fall in love with the smile of earthly women and make them happy. If free women begin to attend social events more often, they will increase their chances of success.

The end of November will be filled with romantic evenings and dates for those in love. Earthly women will begin to prepare surprises for their beloved with pleasure. Love forecasts from the stars believe that a delicious romantic dinner will be a vivid declaration of feelings for your other half. The accurate horoscope for November says that single women should think about the reasons for their status. Perhaps someone behaves too arrogantly with the opposite sex, while others, on the contrary, are too modest. If single people correct their behavior, then the love sphere will go uphill.


The horoscope recommends that men stop thinking only about themselves and think about the comfort of their beloved in early November. Sexual games will become much more comfortable if the constellation is more often interested in the preferences and impressions of the partner. Joint visits to interesting places in November will give lovers the opportunity to find more common topics for conversation. The love horoscope for Aquarius, who is still single, should be read carefully. Heavenly bodies advise men to stop behaving consumeristly with ladies and choose the only one to build relationships.

Mid-November will be the most productive time for working on a love tandem. Predictions from the stars say that the willingness of both to compromise and diplomatic negotiations will bear fruit in the love sphere. A weekend trip out of town, initiated by a woman (the love horoscope thinks so), will allow partners to thoroughly enjoy nature and each other. The influence of Uranus will make free men bold and daring. Such behavior and self-confidence will attract men of the opposite sex. While in karaoke, a pub or billiards, men will be able to find an object for their courtship.

The end of November will require maximum concentration from men. Married men will have to solve accumulated household chores and take care of children. Such a combination of circumstances and the busyness of both partners will lead to cooling between the spouses. The love horoscope advises not to forget to find time on the weekend and arrange little surprises for each other. Those men who are just dating their beloved will have to meet her parents. The horoscope says that men should not be nervous, as everything will go smoothly. Singles at the end of November will not be able to build a love relationship, so they will have to be content with only non-binding meetings.


Maximum concentration on your significant other in the first decade will drive your loved one crazy. The love horoscope believes that it is important for both partners to find themselves in other matters in addition to relationships. Exciting activities, jogging in the morning, visiting exhibitions - all this will allow Aquarius to recharge with energy and then enjoy spending time with a loved one. Single men and women will have to face their fears at the beginning of the year. The horoscope for 2017 warns that former love will appear on the horizon, which will bring mental anguish to the constellation.

"Attention! The influence of Pluto may be reflected in the love relationships of Aquarius in the second decade. Excessive suspicion and suspiciousness of the zodiac sign will lead to quarrels. The horoscope believes that the constellation should not unnecessarily check the phone or social networks of the partner. If your loved one does not give a reason, then there is no need to further complicate your life and his life. Single men and women in the middle of the year will have a pleasant acquaintance in a crowded place, which will then lead to a whirlwind romance.”

The love horoscope at the end of the year recommends stopping complaining about life and starting to appreciate what the constellation has. The stars say that if Aquarius lacks variety, then they should go on a trip with their loved one or try extreme sports together. November 2017 will bring desired peace to the representatives of the Air element. Relationships will improve as a couple, and lonely signs will have the opportunity to find something they like. Thanks to your favorite hobby, new acquaintances and further romantic encounters with your favorite companion are expected.


The desire to lead and be ahead of everyone will visit Aquarius at the beginning of 2018. The other half will not like this model of behavior, which will lead to quarrels. The horoscope advises Air people to be more correct with their loved one and be able to find compromises. If a partner feels that he is on an equal footing with Aquarius, he will quickly calm down. The horoscope for 2018 recommends that single signs be more active. Visiting the gym, social events and parties will help you quickly find a life partner.

In the second decade, representatives of the Air element will have to face the following events:

  • Single signs by date of birth will be able to find out how to find their destiny. The horoscope says that it will be easier to build a love tandem with Taurus, Capricorn and Libra;
  • It's time for the constellations in love to work on their relationships. If they learn to support their partner in difficult situations and show more attention to him, this will only strengthen the connection;
  • Family Aquarius will have to fight temptations. A new employee at work or a sociable friend (acquaintance) has long been fascinated by it.

The third decade will be calm for some Aquarius, but for others, on the contrary, it will be full of emotional experiences. Aquarius should read the love horoscope for November carefully and understand that this month he will face many troubles. Some people expect divorce, others face frequent quarrels in the family. November 2019 will provide an opportunity for lovers to maintain their relationship if both decide to go to a psychologist. Free constellations will not be able to start a successful romance at this time.


The first half of 2019 will give many pleasant moments to lovers. The horoscope says that airy women and men will literally understand their life partner instantly. Such harmony in a love tandem will push those who are dating towards marriage or even the desire to have a first child. Singles, according to the 2019 horoscope, should pay attention to available work colleagues or promising clients for communication.

Mid-2019 will give the constellation the joy of intimate life. Both free Aquarians and long-lovers couples will be happy to enjoy each other and discover together new facets of what is permitted. Walking around the city, boat rides, roller skating, bowling - any entertaining pastime will make a romantic date unforgettable.

The end of 2019 will be promising for many married couples. According to the love horoscope, some Aquarians will become parents in November. Many constellations for December expect a marriage proposal or even a wedding ceremony. Those who are still searching, with the assistance of friends, will be able to find a suitable life partner. November 2019 will be the perfect opportunity to meet your destiny at a dinner party!

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