Dream book student's notebook, see blank. If you dream of a notebook

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about the Notebook in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    I dreamed about my boss. in the dream he was talking to someone on the phone. He said that he couldn’t calmly be around me, that he liked me. and I eavesdropped on his phone conversation

    A meeting of the working group (but we sat in pairs) I sat alone, the boss took out a notebook (notebook) from her bag and wanted to read from it, I protested that she wanted to read my notes, I insisted and she did not read, she put it back, after which all those gathered I left in pairs and in the hall (like a cafe) I and unfamiliar visitors remained

    Hello! Today I dreamed that my friend and I, with whom we had been in a disagreement for a long time, reconciled this and in reality it was like that, but what didn’t happen in reality but I dreamed that we were dancing in a club and in each other we had an urge to go to the toilet and there was no paper and I went looking paper and a librarian with glasses comes out as a friend, I know her in reality her name is Lyudmila, and in a dream she suggested that I look in the box for paper, I looked there and there was a notebook, I began to take any one, she said look for yours and take it, I began to look for mine and found my friend but it wasn’t like a notebook, but how is it in such light paper and it was written with a blue pen, my maiden name, well, I put it aside, I found another one, my middle name, and my sister’s last name only starts with O and then with Astapenko, so I say interesting , Lyudmila took it, it was like an ordinary common notebook with a dark cover, and she said that it was her notebook and her name on it, I was surprised and woke up!

    I'm at school, I came late, I have a lot of bags. I sit down at my desk and frantically leaf through my covered notebook to remember the lesson, although I seem to remember everything anyway. I'm not a bad student, I'm just unfocused

    I dreamed of a notebook that looked like a large notepad in pleasant dark gray colors with diamond-shaped patterns. I stood in the store and held it in my hands, it was complete with a small black notepad pen.

    I dreamed that I was sitting next to a math teacher and she gave a grade in the notebook, but not in mine, and there were 2 or 3 mistakes and she gave a 3, I asked her “wow, only 2 or 3 mistakes and already a C” she says yes, I started to worry a lot and woke up.

    I dreamed about the city. Ordinary, small - more like a village. I walked along it with a friend. I really don’t remember the face. In the city we came across a strange monument. Quite old, white stone. I remember there was an image of a bird (maybe an eagle), and in the beak there was something resembling either a pea or a small figure. And next to it, as part of the monument, is an iron bust of a man as tall as I am. The bust's ear is clogged with something. It was as if the children were playing around. I felt sorry for the monument. I picked up a branch somewhere nearby and used it to clean this ear. There was quite a large space inside. From there I took out a notebook. Even more likely a hem of checkered sheets. The pages are tattered and it is clear that the notebooks are many years old. I caught up with my friend and showed her the notebook. She asked to look, I didn’t give it. I was curious myself. The notebook turned out to be the diary of a girl, a junior high school student, written and drawn with colored pencils. After briefly looking at the diary, it became clear that it described a girl’s unrequited love for her classmate. I even remembered their names. Her name was Tanya, his name was Misha. My friend and I sat down on a bench to look at the diary. Trying to understand the text, I woke up. The dream is very real, colorful.

    My friends and I were at the fair and there was a sale of 10 notebooks for 100 rubles each. Each of us picked up 10 notebooks, but one girl took a long time to choose, but we still bought the notebooks. I was wondering what the point of removing the notebooks was!

    I dreamed that I found a squared notebook. I started leafing through and there were all sorts of notes, it was clear that the notebook was a study book, the notebook was squared. At the end I found a hand-drawn portrait of a young man whom I don’t know.

    I came to school, the teacher called me to the blackboard with a notebook, I was about to leave, but did not find the notebook. I remember that it was supposed to be orange with a teddy bear, when I got into my briefcase I found exactly the same notebook but blue. And exactly the same notebook, but larger in size. I didn't find the notebook I needed.

    I'm about to go into surgery and today (August 15, 2014) I had a dream where I was in an unfamiliar building, a not very strong fire starts there, then it disappears somewhere (it doesn't go out, it just disappears), and then I find myself like I would be in an old house (old means the house in which I supposedly lived before) and I’m sorting through the things that were left there, and then I come across a suitcase and a bag with notebooks, there are school notebooks and notebooks with descriptions of my illnesses (well, sort of), and then I have a strong desire to take with me one of the blankets that was lying there.

    I went into the classroom and saw that people were writing. And then I remembered that I forgot my notebook at home and ran and bought 2 notebooks. beautiful and bright. I also dreamed of dogs near the yard and I called mine home

    Hello, today I had a dream that I was preparing for an important exam and couldn’t find my foreign language notebook, in the dream I was very nervous. What does it mean?

    I recently dreamed that I was washing my car and suddenly my notebooks sank. I hold them one by one, but I couldn’t take one and it went down with the water. and I remember for sure that these were my own notebooks, almost filled with writing...

    I had a dream, as if there was a bruise on my face, of a blue-green hue. But before that, it was as if my daughter and I were walking in a store and met her English teacher, and she told her to recite a poem in this very language by heart, I was looking for a hint for her and I found a notebook and started giving hints, and then she told me without any prompting. The teacher took out a class magazine and gave her a 4. And then I just noticed that I had a bruise on my right cheek.

    we talked to my mother-in-law on the phone and she said that she bought notebooks and her daughter took apart the pocket and began to take out notebooks on the table, I took one and it was clean in mathematics, I called my mother-in-law again and asked why we needed notebooks, but without hearing an answer I woke up. From all of the above, I woke up. I clearly saw the notebooks on the cover with a drawing and there were about ten notebooks, but I took one in the box.

    I agreed with my late mother to fly on a plane to another city, with my little son in my arms. I got on a trolleybus and went to the wrong place. The trolleybus stood for a long time at the final stop and I realized that I was late. I started looking for my cell phone to tell my mother that I was late and didn’t know where I was. I found the phone. but I couldn’t call, because I had in my hands a general notebook with a black cover, all covered in blue ink and small handwriting. I looked at my watch, it was 18.40. I got out and got on the tram with my child. The tram was an old one and a beggar woman came up to me and asked for money. I didn’t give her the money, I wanted to buy a ticket, but the driver said so. that the ticket costs 8 lats. I didn't have that kind of money. but he got me there. I got out and went to look for the 10th passage of Maryina Roshcha. 3 boys were running along the way. I asked them, but they ignored me. I saw a man and asked him. He said. what's nearby. and I woke up.

    My wife and I came to school for a consultation about children and wrote something down. I found a notebook on my desk and there were photos of people I didn’t know. I tried to look at the photo but didn’t recognize it, the notebook was signed but in a foreign language so I couldn’t make it out. Soon we went out but I looked at the photo while still on the street in the sun.

    Hello! I saw my dead parents in a dream. A mother with an unusual African hairstyle (small black curls) hands me an open, blank notebook. And dad took me shopping, they chose new things for me. I refused, but he insisted and bought a bunch of clothes/. But they couldn’t find a dress for me.

    in the dream there were a lot of notebooks, that is, I was looking for a white and clean fox... I found it... and tore it out of some notebook... there were a lot of them over the past years of study, something like this... and I saw that all the sheets were covered with writing..... there was another one it’s a colored notebook... drawn and beautiful, something like this

    I took pictures spinning around under lampposts that had cameras with motion sensors installed on them. I thought that these were our cameras on them and our pillars, we put them up specifically for photographing ourselves, but alas, when I wanted to get a photo and asked if these were our pillars, didn’t we put them up recently in order to take pictures in today’s , most likely a holiday, he said no, the poles and the cameras on them are not ours. Then I became interested and a little unclear whose they were. While I was spinning under one of the cameras and even wanted to try to do it on my head, I saw a family pass by to the side, a father, a wife and a couple of children and watching me, they were walking somewhere, passing by and watching how happy I was and I take pictures. By the time I started asking my questions to my friend, they had already come close and walked past us, right into the area where the pillars stood. I then noticed that they were three-legged, new pillars, specially placed and most likely this former reminds me of a programmer in my real life, the silhouette of a familiar person. My friend and I went after him, he was already without a family, but with someone else who helped him. By the time I asked how I could get a photo, he had just removed the memory cards from the cameras and asked me to follow him, towards the house and yard from my childhood. We entered the entrance where my friend used to live, only the passer-by needed to go to the first floor and not to the fourth, where my childhood friend lived. From the moment we all walked away from the pillars, I carried a computer in my hands, which was covered with a crust of ice. Approaching the entrance, a passer-by entered the apartment on the first floor, and my friend and I went higher. And while a passerby was preparing my photos for me, I wanted to dry the moisture and remove the ice crust from my laptop using a radiator, under the sill of the entrance window. There was another man standing on the floor and there were a lot of notebooks and books on the windowsill. I asked a friend to hold the laptop and while he was holding it, I turned it off, so as to artificially disconnect it from the power supply and not harm it, which surprised my friend. The man laid out notebooks and a textbook on the windowsill, but not in the order I needed. His textbooks rather bothered me, so I put them on his side of the window sill, and on mine I quickly laid out the notebooks and made a flat surface in order to place my laptop on them. We placed the laptop on them and, to our joy, it was dried and saved.

    I dreamed of a husband with whom we broke up (not yet divorced). He pushed a notebook into my hands so that I would take it and shouted: You bastard bewitched me with this notebook, take it!
    The notebook looked like 48 sheets, 1/3 of the bottom was white, the top was diagonally two-colored, one color was black, the other was like a haze, and against this background there was a pure white curved feather.
    I didn’t take the notebook. In real life, I never had a notebook with such a drawing.

    in a dream, a woman I knew stole from me a notebook with personal old notes and my old red phone. I came to her apartment with some man with the intention of picking up my things, although I didn’t really need them. She wasn’t in the apartment It turned out she had gone somewhere. there were people there, a tall, dense man came out, having learned about the problem, he promised to look into it and we left.

    On the floor there are stacks of A4 notebooks (waist-length, some taller), with glossy covers, all with different designs, many signed. And not only classmates, but I saw there the names of my friends outside of school, even from another city. I read the name on one notebook; there was a mistake in the last name. I asked the class teacher, who was bustling around nearby: “Why is there a mistake? You peed yourself, probably?” She replied that yes, in such a bustle it’s impossible to take care of yourself. + I also saw several names, and one strange one, I didn’t remember it well: either Arsyuta, or Arsyusha. I remember that there was a letter yu in the middle and it began with “ar...”. The name was not written with a pen, but as if it had been printed at a factory in gold letters on a brown background, like covers for notebooks. I'm very curious what this could mean...

    Good afternoon In a dream, I bought school notebooks in a bookstore, first one package, then I bought a second package, light green, and also geographical maps - they were multi-colored. The dream occurred from Thursday to Friday. What does it mean? Thanks in advance!!!

    Hello! I dreamed that I was in some institution related to education. And not far from me passes a certain aunt of advanced years and with extensive work experience. He begins to swear that the current generation does not know how and does not want to study. I categorically disagree with her opinion, and I want to tell her mine. I would simply open her eyes to the situation, and she would immediately understand what to do to fix everything. But she didn’t want to listen to me. People gather around, and now they ask her questions, she answers them. And I extend my hand, because... I don't want to interrupt anyone. I want to ask her a leading question that will make everything fall into place. But no one asked me. I was silent. Then everyone leaves, and I go to the office. A friend of mine sits opposite me and rewrites a paragraph from a biology textbook, urging me to do the same. But I decide to put it aside, and right in my biology notebook I write a letter to that woman who is deeply mistaken. I clearly remember what I wrote about. When I finished, my best friend came into the office - in reality we were already former best friends - and handed me a music book. I took it in my hands, but I myself looked at him questioningly. He said that he was giving it to me as unnecessary. And I think it might be useful to me. I opened it - the sheets of the notebook were clean, but the cover inside was covered with scribbles (like at school - Kostya always had all his notebooks covered with drawings). I thought and remembered that I had recently bought a new, fairly thick, blank notebook, and told him that his notebook would be superfluous. I realized that he was offended, although he didn’t show it. I woke up already at the moment when I was carrying the letter to that woman.

Dream book of the 21st century

A notebook in a dream, why does the dreamer dream?

If you dreamed of a notebook, it means that you need to learn a lot in this world in order to mature for life.

Astrological dream book

Seeing notebooks in a dream means

The notebook is blank for the beginning of the learning process or the acquisition of students. Written on is a lie.

Islamic dream book

Notebooks mean a lot to the dreamer

Notebook – Seeing notebooks and brochures in a dream indicates great benefit, benefit, livelihood and knowledge.

Azar's Dream Book

Why did you dream about Notebooks on spiritual sources?

Notebook - Write in a notebook with a red felt-tip pen - find out amazing news. Throwing away or burning old notebooks means changing habits and lifestyle.

Rick Dillon's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a Notebook in a dream?

Notebook - news related to children. Writing in it means a lot to learn in life. A notebook, all covered with writing, is a great everyday experience.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Meet the Notebook in a dream

European dream book

What does it mean to see a notebook in a dream

A good rest awaits you after a difficult task. We just have to wait a little longer. Imagine that you finish writing in a notebook, add the last word on the last page and put a period.

Modern dream book for 365 days / Evgeny Goltsman

Why do you dream about the Notebook by day of the week?

Notebook - Write in a notebook with a red felt-tip pen - find out amazing news. Throwing away or burning old notebooks means changing habits and lifestyle.

Great modern dream book

Notebook - why do you dream?

You see a notebook in a dream - soon the star of luck will shine above you. You buy a notebook in a dream - you will finally receive the news you have been waiting for a long time; You will fly like a bird to some meeting. It's like you're writing something down in a notebook - you'll meet one of your childhood friends and write a new phone number in the notebook. Someone seems to have torn a notebook - an imaginary friend will intrigue against you.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why do you dream about a Notebook in a dream?

Notebook - You still have a lot to learn in life

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Notebook as an image in a dream

Notebook – See Notebook – Still have a lot to learn in life.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Notebook from your dream

Notebook - Meeting with the person to whom you will begin to transfer your experience, student; minor life lessons or plans.

Unique dream book / Tatyana Radchenko

Seeing notebooks in a dream

Notebook - news related to children. Writing in a notebook is a lot to learn in life. A notebook, all covered with writing, is a great everyday experience.

Danilova's children's dream book

Seeing a Notebook in a dream, what does it mean?

If it is closed, it means they are hiding something from you. If you see blank pages of a notebook, it means you will have to take part in an event that does not bode well. If you see a notebook covered in writing, then you will soon have to communicate with a large number of people.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Notebook - To mistakes, to wrong actions.

For those born in May, June, July and August

To communicate with school-age children.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Notebook - A complication will arise in a fairly simple matter.

A complication will arise in a fairly simple matter.

Seeing a Notebook in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dream that you opened a blank student notebook to take notes, then the dream indicates that you should be more careful and carefully conduct your affairs. Opening a notebook in a dream and seeing that it is blank means that you will need...

The meaning of the dream about the Notebook

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Meeting with the person to whom you will begin to transfer your experience, student. Minor life lessons or plans.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Notebook?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:


Dreaming about a Notebook - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dreaming of “Notebook” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing you write something in a notebook means a good rest awaits you after a difficult task. We just have to wait a little longer. How to improve the meaning of sleep? Imagine that you finish writing in a notebook, add the last word on the last page and put a period.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Notebook?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Writing in a notebook in a dream is a hassle. What can you do! Necessary. "patience and a little effort".

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Notebook

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a blank notebook lying on the table means meeting a person for whom you will become a friend and mentor. Perhaps a stronger feeling will arise between you. A notebook filled with notes indicates information you are interested in about a person. Write in your notebook...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Notebook?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

News related to children. Writing in a notebook is a lot to learn in life. A notebook, all covered with writing, is a great everyday experience.

What does the dream portend: Notebook

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Meeting an old friend (girlfriend).

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Notebook?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You see a notebook in a dream - soon the star of luck will shine above you. You buy a notebook in a dream - you will finally receive the news you have been waiting for a long time; You will fly like a bird to some meeting. It's like you're writing something down in a notebook...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Notebook?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Writing in a notebook with a red felt-tip pen means learning amazing news. Throwing away or burning old notebooks means changing habits and lifestyle.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Notebook?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If it is closed, it means they are hiding something from you. If you see blank pages of a notebook, it means you will have to take part in an event that does not bode well. If you see a notebook covered in writing, then you will soon have to communicate with...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Notebook?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Clean for the beginning of the learning process or acquiring students.

Dream Interpretation: What does a notebook mean?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Clean for the beginning of the learning process or acquiring students. Written on is a lie.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Notebook?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A good rest awaits you after a difficult task. We just have to wait a little longer. How to improve the meaning of a dream: Imagine that you are finishing writing in a notebook, adding the last word on the last page and putting a period.

Modern combined dream book

Seeing a notebook in a dream- is a symbol of good luck. Rest awaits you after a difficult task.

If you dreamed that you were making notes in a notebook- You will soon have a meeting with childhood friends.

Dreamed of a torn notebook- means that the person you considered a friend is plotting against you.

Buy a notebook- to the long-awaited news.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Notebook- meeting an old friend (girlfriend).

Children's dream book

Notebook, if closed- it means they are hiding something from you.

If you see blank notebook pages- this means you will have to take part in an event that does not bode well.

If you see a notebook covered in writing- You will soon have to communicate with a lot of people.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Notebook- to communicate with school-age children,

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Notebook- a complication will arise in a fairly simple matter.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Notebook- to mistakes, to wrong action.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Notebook- I still have a lot to learn in life.

Dream book of the 21st century

If you dreamed of a notebook- this means you need to learn a lot in this world in order to mature for life.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Notebooks- memories.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Notebook- meeting with a person to whom you will begin to transfer your experience, student; minor life lessons or plans.

If you dreamed:

Dreams from Saturday to Sunday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

A notebook is a symbol of benefit and benefit. The appearance of a notebook in a dream will mean receiving new information, life experience, fresh knowledge and impressions in the near future. A notebook is always something new and fresh breath, new friends and the beginning of successful things.

A little patience and accuracy, and soon a person will expect success and well-deserved rest after completing an important task, that’s why you dream about a notebook.

What if you dream about a notebook?

Opening a blank notebook in a dream will mean the beginning of a new stage in life; perhaps the sleeper will meet someone to whom you will pass on your life experience, or, on the contrary, he will fill his life with new impressions.

The scribbled leaves of the notebook speak of the acquisition of life experience, which will bring with it changes not only in the spiritual, but also in the material state. This is especially true if you dreamed of a notebook that people were buying or starting to write in it, a long-awaited meeting that you had been expecting for a long time and were hoping to hear good news was probably approaching.

What does it portend?

A fully written notebook portends communication with a large number of people and obtaining the necessary information from them. Changing your habits or lifestyle foreshadows a dream in which a notebook is thrown away or burned without a trace, and the less ash remains, the more serious the changes in your outlook on life will be, and the less connected you will be with past mistakes and failures.

Advice from friends. A closed notebook should make you think about whether everything has been taken into account for starting a new activity or undertaking; maybe it’s worth consulting with someone or asking for advice from friends or employees.

Everything about a notebook in a dream represents our experiences, career aspirations or life orientation. The dream book considers this object in a dream to be a symbol of good luck, arising from the prospect of rest after a tiring period of labor-intensive troubles.

Miller's Dream Book about Perseverance and Patience

The dream of a checkered school notebook, filled with even, neat handwriting, foreshadows Miller's implementation of recently outlined plans. The main thing is to take your time and work on the task at hand. But seeing a tattered notebook with yellow spots and sloppy notes indicates the need to bring order to the current work, otherwise success risks passing the dreamer by. Buying a notebook in a dream, according to Miller’s dream book, is about receiving the long-awaited news.

School attribute as an indicator of relationships with others

Leafing through an old checkered student notebook in a dream reveals the dreamer’s nostalgic mood. Your desire to plunge into the world of the past is so great that you are likely to take a trip to familiar places or meet with classmates.

Seeing grades written in red pen in a student notebook along with notes, according to the dream book from A to Z, promises a change of situation. A dream of a notebook paper covered with notes in a checkered pattern hints to the dreamer of quarrels and squabbles with a loved one, which could end in the mutual termination of the relationship. Blank notebook sheets predict a new love affair.

Writing in a notebook in a dream means surprise in reality

A dream in which you have to write something in a blank notebook is interpreted by esotericists as about the opportunity to learn something, regardless of the age of the sleeping person. Another explanation of why this action is dreamed of concerns the prospect of having a pleasant time with old friends and associates.

But according to the Jewish Dream Book, writing on notebook sheets with a red marker or felt-tip pen predicts receiving amazing news. Writing down your thoughts in a blank notebook in a dream symbolizes a new, exciting business with tempting prospects.

Opening a notebook in a dream with the intention of making notes in it means that in real time you will have the chance to benefit from the mistakes of others, learning from the experience and advice of other people.

Recorded notes promise a grand event

What you dream of writing down musical signs in a notebook for notes is indicated by the Numerological Interpreter, an important event or a performance in front of the public. If the notes are written unevenly, no one will appreciate the dreamer’s exhausting work; even notes promise stunning success.

Buying a music book in a dream foreshadows the dream book from A to Z, the fulfillment of the anxious hopes of a sleeping person. Looking everywhere for your musical notes symbolizes strong feelings about the upcoming undertaking, a feeling of inexplicable anxiety. Try to be positive and pull yourself together.

Destroying a thing in a dream or saying goodbye to the past in reality

If you dreamed that you were tearing up your old notebooks or school books, it means that in reality you will finally part with the troubled past that torments your soul. The dream of burning a caged notebook predicts a radical change in habits, worldview and lifestyle in the Jewish Dream Book.

Dreaming of leaves torn from a notebook signal the emergence of new responsibilities and worries.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

  • Meeting an old friend (girlfriend).

Children's dream book

  • If the notebook is closed, it means they are hiding something from you. If you see blank pages of a notebook, it means you will have to take part in an event that does not bode well. If you see a notebook covered in writing, then you will soon have to communicate with a large number of people.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

  • Notebook - a meeting with a person to whom you will begin to transfer your experience, a student; minor life lessons or plans.

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