When the apple trees bloom. Why did the apple tree bloom in August? Folk signs and superstitions “Apple tree. Scientific explanation of a natural anomaly Why the apple tree blooms in July

Many managers use the sign that “Monday is a hard day,” so even the least superstitious boss will not assign a new difficult task on this particular day of the week.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Signs about the apple tree

One of the most important female trees among the Slavs was the apple tree - signs promised those who were friends with it a long life, a happy marriage and successful childbirth.

  • Young girls right next to her were guessing their suitors;
  • Brides added branches to their wedding bouquets;
  • Young wives had their hair undone in the apple orchard.

There was even a special ritual for the family’s wealth: before the wedding, they placed a tub of water near a tree, during the festivities they threw coins into it, and at the end of the celebration, the bride poured this “money infusion” over her guardian.

  • Folk signs have made the apple tree one of the main symbols of fertility and health.

It is no coincidence that her image is repeated so many times in Russian fairy tales: she will protect from evil geese-swans, show the way to the traveler, restore youth and help reveal all the secrets.

  • Several young trees were always planted near a newly built house - as a family talisman.
  • And vice versa, our ancestors believed in a sign: cutting down (cutting down) an apple tree would lead to trouble, illness, and ruin.

The apple trees bloomed - signs of our ancestors

Since the apple tree symbolized female attractiveness and the happiness of motherhood, many unmarried girls stayed overnight under the crowns of flowering trees at the end of May. Water infused with the blossoming buds was used for washing, and the branches were given to loved ones as a sign of special sympathy. Even natural anomalies did not frighten the ancestors.

  • There was a sign: in August the apple tree bloomed for the second time - look at the age of the tree. If it is young and healthy, and produces a good harvest, then the long-awaited addition to the family is not far off.

But there were also sad omens: if an old and sick apple tree bloomed in August, the signs advised paying attention to the health of the household. First of all, potential danger threatens a person who considers the tree “his own” - either planted it once or looked after it for many years. The same applies to cases when the apple tree suddenly withers or breaks - the omen promises trouble for its main owner.

Magic fruits, strong energy

Almost all signs about the apple tree are in one way or another connected with a person’s health, his sense of self and mood. Even the smell of fresh apples can work wonders. For example, freeing the room from accumulated negativity. The easiest way to do this “cleaning” is in a natural way - by placing a vase of ripe fruit on the table in the center of the room. It’s absolutely wonderful if they are collected in your own garden.

The last month of summer is rich in a variety of folk holidays, and many signs are associated with it. August is the time of harvesting, summing up the agricultural year, and beginning preparations for winter. What the upcoming cold season will be like, whether it will be possible to survive it without loss of warmth and satiety - these questions worried our ancestors most of all. And they carefully observed the world around them in search of favorable and negative clues. And thanks to their attentiveness, we still draw knowledge from the source of folk wisdom. For example, it is well known that if August is rainy, then the beginning of autumn, on the contrary, will be warm and dry. If by the end of summer the weeds have grown as tall as a person, you can expect a snowy winter. But there are also some superstitions that have an ambiguous interpretation, due to their rarity. For example, not every year does the apple tree bloom in August, and therefore the signs associated with this phenomenon are not familiar to everyone. When faced with something like this for the first time, gardeners become perplexed and begin to guess about the causes and consequences. However, you should not immediately be afraid of untimely flowering. After all, it has a clear scientific basis.

Why the apple tree blooms in August - a sign

Folk tales regarding whether the apple tree bloomed in August often carry a negative message. It is believed that this is a warning about the death of someone in the household, but there are some nuances in this interpretation. Great trouble is foreshadowed only by the flowering of a very old tree that has not bear fruit for a long time or has little fruit - then this is truly an anomaly, which cannot be explained except by a sign from higher powers. If a young apple tree blooms, it means that the wealth in the house will double, because the tree has twice shown its strength and its positive side. Also, this sign can indicate a rich harvest for next year, and not only apples, but also other garden crops.

Why the apple tree blooms in August - the scientific basis for the sign

Science in its own way explains the folk signs that the apple tree bloomed in August. Firstly, there is absolutely nothing abnormal about this - trees often bloom again in southern countries with warm climates. Therefore, if the weather was very warm in August, the tree will strive to have time to give birth again. Secondly, flowers may appear from those buds that did not have time to develop in the spring - they were late and are now simply catching up.

Acacia bloomed again in Saratov

8 August. Saratov residents can observe an unusual natural phenomenon. The white acacias growing on the street were again covered with clusters of flowers, just like in spring.

Wild strawberries bloomed and produced fruit again on the Curonian Spit

August 17. A natural phenomenon unexpected for August is observed in the Curonian Spit National Park on the Kaliningrad coast of the Baltic Sea: wild strawberries have bloomed and given fruit here again. About this correspondent. ITAR-TASS reported today the press secretary of this nature reserve Olga Barboff.

“The repeated flowering and fruiting of wild strawberries, of course, stands out from the usual phenomena of the outgoing summer, but cannot but please lovers of this delicious, aromatic berry,” said a representative of the Curonian Spit National Park.

Typically, strawberries bloom on the Curonian Spit from early May to early July. Experts associate the August flowering and fruiting of this perennial plant with a contrasting combination of weather conditions, which “turn on” the flowering mechanism.

According to popular belief, the secondary flowering of strawberries at this time heralds a warm autumn.

Whether this sign will come true, time will tell. In the meantime, on the Curonian Spit you can see ripe fruits next to strawberry flowers.

“Of course, you don’t need to prepare the onions; a handful is enough to harvest,” says Barboff, addressing tourists visiting the national park on the Baltic.

Apple trees bloomed again in Voronezh

Experts believe that there is nothing good about this. (Photo by Ivan Gunkin)

August 17.“I live in a private house and today an apple tree bloomed in my yard. Believe in miracles!” – this letter was sent to the editorial mail by our reader Ivan Gunkin on August 19.

Experts have long stopped considering what happened as a miracle. The local flora once again refutes the words of the famous song that “gardens bloom once a year.” At the end of August and in the autumn of the last three years, chestnuts, apple trees, lilacs and even lilies bloomed wildly in the capital of the Black Earth Region. At that time, biologists associated this with abnormally warm autumn weather.

Professional gardener and host of the “Season of Concerns” program Ivan Babin called what was happening a big disaster.

What is happening is nothing more than the phenomenon of secondary flowering. We have actually been seeing it in Voronezh for many years now. And this is very bad,” said Ivan Babin. – The flowering of the apple tree at the end of August is associated with physiological changes in the plant or with temperature changes. The tree is most likely under stress.

According to the gardener, secondary flowering weakens the plant - next year the apple tree will probably not bear fruit. Moreover, the tree may not survive the winter and die.

In Cheboksary, apple and cherry trees bloomed in August

August 13. August is harvest time, but some trees, despite the end of summer, bloomed a second time. The flowers of lilac, apple, cherry and viburnum blossomed.

In the garden behind Pirogov Street, flowers and apples were noticed on the same tree. Isn't it a miracle? - exclaims city dweller Oleg Pisarev.

Experts say that tree flowering at this time is an anomalous phenomenon.

The secondary flowering of trees and shrubs during the year is associated with the uncharacteristic weather for our region that prevailed this summer. Heavy, prolonged rains and high temperatures caused the biological rhythm of the trees to go astray, and they began to bloom again, comments Alexander Dimitriev, acting. Director of the Prisursky Nature Reserve.

Apple trees bloomed in Poltava

11th August. In the small garden of Poltava resident Kazim Seidov there are about 10 apple trees. When it was time to harvest, young leaves and flowers appeared on one of the trees again. True, the apple tree does not bloom as profusely as in the spring. But the sight is amazing: there are both fruits and flowers on one branch.

As it turned out, this is not the only apple tree that bloomed in the Poltava region. Residents of the Yakovtsi suburb also observed re-blooming.

Biologists have two explanations for this phenomenon - sudden temperature changes or damage to the plant. For example, chestnuts, pears and acacias can re-bloom in abnormally warm weather after a previous cold snap. It is possible that the tree suffered stress in the spring or winter: it immediately froze and did not bloom, but now it has come to life.

Secondary flowering can often be observed on a damaged plant: after cutting off the crown, falling leaves or eating it by insects. And in the Poltava case, the tree was apparently “helped” to bloom by the owner himself, who lit a fire under this apple tree. Due to excessive heat, the leaves dried out, and then new ones grew.

This is very harmful for the tree, says practical gardener Leonid Prokazin from Mirgorod. - After the secondary flowering, the shoots will not have time to ripen normally and will die. And until next spring, the apple tree will not gain nutrients and will not bear fruit.

Often gardeners themselves force apple and pear trees to bloom several times a year. This applies to grafted trees, when different varieties ripen on them alternately. Alexander Sidun, a well-known gardener in the Poltava region, somehow managed to harvest four pear crops in one season.

Due to abnormal heat, an apple tree bloomed in the center of Novokuznetsk

10th of August. An apple tree has bloomed in the center of Novokuznetsk. In the park named after Ermakov, one of the trees is covered with white flowers, and on some of them the branch and small ovary are already visible. Although it is already quite late for the 2nd harvest to ripen.

During abnormally hot summers, gardeners also note the strange behavior of this tree. They say that the ovary and flowers must be removed from the branches - the apple tree will only lose its strength in vain. They promise that the tree will return to normal in the new season. Agronomists associate such anomalies with increased solar activity.

Antonina Tatarnikova, agronomist: “Apple tree blossoms are associated with abnormal weather. If there is no rain in the fall, this year's drought will turn into the drought of 2013. Summer residents who have the opportunity should definitely water their shrubs and berry gardens.”

The apple tree bloomed in August in the Dnepropetrovsk region

August 17. This miracle tree grows in Taromskoye. It was abundantly covered with flowers, next to the already ripe red-sided fruits.

When the owner noticed this anomaly, she did not immediately understand what was happening. However, I took it as a good sign and a real miracle on the eve of the Apple Savior.

Rowan blossomed in August on Yamal

August 21. In the district capital and its environs, rowan trees began to gain new color. A resident of Salekhard noticed an unusual phenomenon and called our editorial office.

White flowers appeared next to almost ripe fruits. Residents admit that they have never seen anything like this before. Most likely, the warm summer had this effect on the trees.

An apple tree bloomed in the Chepetsk garden in August

Apple trees bloomed again in the Zaporozhye region

August 21. Abnormal weather conditions in recent years have clearly affected the biological cycle of plants. In mid-August in Volnyansk

Apple trees have blossomed in the Zaporozhye region, and the period of flowering of the trees occurs simultaneously with the ripening of this year's harvest. So, on one branch there is a half-ripe apple and a new ovary, which, alas, is not destined to become a fruit. It feels like it’s May again: the trees are covered in a pinkish-white foam of flowers, with surprised bees buzzing above them.

Chestnut trees bloomed in Donetsk

August 9. The hot summer once again surprised the people of Donetsk: opposite the entrance to the railway station building, a chestnut tree threw out “candles”.

A line of tall trees has been decorating the entrance to the city for several years now. But, as throughout Donetsk, the plants look terrible. Their leaves have withered and curled up - a clear sign of the leaf miner, which has been spoiling the beauty of the chestnut trees for years. And, as if in despair, the most shabby of them threw away the blooming candles...

What is this - a reaction to an abnormally high temperature or an attempt to set fruit on the eve of death? The Donbass correspondent addressed this question to the staff of the Donetsk Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

The loss of leaf cover led to repeated flowering, explained Grigory Popov, head of the laboratory of integrated plant protection. - A plant in unfavorable conditions attempts to reproduce, producing new leaves and flowers. To do this, it has to spend a lot of nutrients, and as a result, it goes into the winter weakened and unprepared. However, there is no threat of death for chestnuts; they survive, although they sharply reduce their decorative value in the second half of summer. In this situation, regular treatments with insecticides could help, but I am against their use in urban areas. In addition, it is difficult to spray a ten-meter tree.

Apple and rose hips unexpectedly bloomed in Eastern Kazakhstan

Apple and rosehip trees unexpectedly bloomed in Eastern Kazakhstan.

24 August. Just recently, residents of Shemonaikha noticed an unusual natural phenomenon: an apple tree suddenly bloomed in one of their gardens. Second time in a year. Moreover, along with flowers on the branches there are already large bulk apples, the YK-news.kz correspondent reports.

Neighbors jokingly called this tree crazy. It seems like an ordinary apple tree, but it behaves quite unusually. It’s almost autumn, but for her it’s spring again.

It is curious that other representatives of the flora also behave out of season. One of the residents of Ust-Kamenogorsk recently brought photographs of blooming rose hips to the editorial office. The photographs were taken on Komsomolsky Island. Many of those who saw this shrub, which deviated from traditional norms of behavior, concluded: the coming autumn will be warm. Folk signs also speak about this.

Biologists do not see anything surprising in what happened: repeated flowering of plants, they say, is often recorded even in September-October.

Secondary flowering does not happen in large numbers. Only a few individuals bloom. This, of course, is an anomaly, but quite understandable,” says Anatoly Tsyganov, director of the educational and research ecobiocenter. - This process is facilitated by a sharp change in weather conditions: heat - cold - heat again. Plants sometimes react to this as if hibernation had already taken place. It was cold here in the middle of summer, in July. And in August it got warmer again. It was the temperature rhythm that had an impact here; the plants perceived this as a change of seasons.

Similar isolated cases are observed every year in different regions and regions of Kazakhstan. Scientists assure: there is no mysticism here. And the apple tree didn’t go crazy at all.

“The repeated flowering of apple trees in August is a sign of trouble,” this is the opinion of people whose relatives died under mysterious circumstances after fruit trees bloomed at the end of summer. However, neither priests, nor agricultural specialists, nor even the so-called sorcerers share this opinion... A rare phenomenon is observed by residents of the Dobroye regional center of the Lipetsk region. In the courtyard of local librarian Tatyana Kostina in mid-August, for no apparent reason, an apple tree bloomed. The hostess turned to the priests, but the fathers reassured her, saying that there was nothing terrible in this unusual phenomenon... This year, in the gardens, flowers on the branches are adjacent to already grown fruits. For a comment, we then turned to the associate professor of the Department of Biology and Plant Ecology, Biological Sciences. Soil Faculty of Voronezh State University, candidate of biological sciences Natalya KHLYZOVA, who named several possible reasons for this miracle, but the leitmotif of the comment was her phrase: - Cases of repeated flowering of plants have not yet been fully studied... But the apple tree blooming 150 kilometers from Voronezh had only flowers, and the berries began to appear a few days after the publication of the last issue of the newspaper... As it turned out, the song line “once a year the gardens bloom” in August of this year clearly has nothing to do with fruit trees in the Black Earth Region. Some apple trees, it turns out, bloom here twice a year. Why do they bloom there - they bear fruit. And some - tiny, the size of a chestnut - even manage to blush... “My husband burned from a rare disease” An apple tree is also blooming in the garden of village resident Anna Raisa LOZEEVA. Just like two years ago, when her mother-in-law died immediately after that... In Raisa Lozeeva’s garden, apple trees bloom twice, not for the first time. “This year, my ten-year-old apple tree yielded less than usual,” says the owner. - There were about thirty apples in total hanging on it. And immediately after the Honey Savior it unexpectedly bloomed. Look, there are even fruits... We looked: exactly, all the branches are in the ovaries of future apples. We have not seen this on flowering trees either in Dobroye or in Somovo. And at the very top of the tree, next to the apples of the first harvest that had not yet been picked, hung a small, chestnut-sized, red fruit of the current August bloom. And a little over a month later, an apple tree blossomed in his garden... When we told the owner about the tragic coincidences associated with the blossoming of trees in Ekaterina Prosenkova’s garden, she was very surprised. As for any relationship between the flowering of trees and the tragic death of relatives of the owners of the gardens, then, in my opinion, this is far-fetched, there is simply a chain of tragic coincidences. It is hardly possible to explain from the point of view of Orthodoxy the consequences of repeated flowering of apple trees.

8 August. Saratov residents can observe an unusual natural phenomenon. The white acacias growing on the street were again covered with clusters of flowers, just like in spring.

Wild strawberries bloomed and produced fruit again on the Curonian Spit

August 17. A natural phenomenon unexpected for August is observed in the Curonian Spit National Park on the Kaliningrad coast of the Baltic Sea: wild strawberries have bloomed and produced fruit here again. About this correspondent. ITAR-TASS reported today the press secretary of this nature reserve Olga Barboff.

“The repeated flowering and fruiting of wild strawberries, of course, stands out from the usual phenomena of the outgoing summer, but cannot but please lovers of this delicious, aromatic berry,” said a representative of the Curonian Spit National Park.

Typically, strawberries bloom on the Curonian Spit from early May to early July. Experts associate the August flowering and fruiting of this perennial plant with a contrasting combination of weather conditions, which “turn on” the flowering mechanism.

According to popular belief, the secondary flowering of strawberries at this time heralds a warm autumn.

Whether this sign will come true, time will tell. In the meantime, on the Curonian Spit you can see ripe fruits next to strawberry flowers.

“Of course, you don’t need to prepare the onions; a handful is enough to harvest,” says Barboff, addressing tourists visiting the national park on the Baltic.

Apple trees bloomed again in Voronezh

Experts believe that there is nothing good about this. (Photo by Ivan Gunkin)

August 17.“I live in a private house and today an apple tree bloomed in my yard. Believe in miracles!” – this letter was sent to the editorial mail by our reader Ivan Gunkin on August 19.

Experts have long stopped considering what happened as a miracle. The local flora once again refutes the words of the famous song that “gardens bloom once a year.” At the end of August and in the autumn of the last three years, chestnuts, apple trees, lilacs and even lilies bloomed wildly in the capital of the Black Earth Region. At that time, biologists associated this with abnormally warm autumn weather.

Professional gardener and host of the “Season of Concerns” program Ivan Babin called what was happening a big disaster.

What is happening is nothing more than the phenomenon of secondary flowering. We have actually been seeing it in Voronezh for many years now. And this is very bad,” said Ivan Babin. – The flowering of the apple tree at the end of August is associated with physiological changes in the plant or with temperature changes. The tree is most likely under stress.

According to the gardener, secondary flowering weakens the plant - next year the apple tree will probably not bear fruit. Moreover, the tree may not survive the winter and die.

In Cheboksary, apple and cherry trees bloomed in August

August 13. August is harvest time, but some trees, despite the end of summer, bloomed a second time. The flowers of lilac, apple, cherry and viburnum blossomed.

— In the garden behind Pirogov Street we noticed flowers and apples on the same tree. Isn't it a miracle? - exclaims city dweller Oleg Pisarev.

Experts say that tree flowering at this time is an anomalous phenomenon.

— The secondary flowering of trees and shrubs during the year is associated with the uncharacteristic weather for our region that has prevailed this summer. Heavy, prolonged rains and high temperatures caused the biological rhythm of the trees to go astray, and they began to bloom again,” comments Alexander Dimitriev, acting. Director of the Prisursky Nature Reserve.

Apple trees bloomed in Poltava

11th August. In the small garden of Poltava resident Kazim Seidov there are about 10 apple trees. When it was time to harvest, young leaves and flowers appeared on one of the trees again. True, the apple tree does not bloom as profusely as in the spring. But the sight is amazing: there are both fruits and flowers on one branch.

As it turned out, this is not the only apple tree that bloomed in the Poltava region. Residents of the Yakovtsi suburb also observed re-blooming.

Biologists have two explanations for this phenomenon - sudden temperature changes or damage to the plant. For example, chestnuts, pears and acacias can re-bloom in abnormally warm weather after a previous cold snap. It is possible that the tree suffered stress in the spring or winter: it immediately froze and did not bloom, but now it has come to life.

Secondary flowering can often be observed on a damaged plant: after cutting off the crown, falling leaves or eating it by insects. And in the Poltava case, the tree was apparently “helped” to bloom by the owner himself, who lit a fire under this apple tree. Due to excessive heat, the leaves dried out, and then new ones grew.

This is very harmful for the tree, says practical gardener Leonid Prokazin from Mirgorod. - After the secondary flowering, the shoots will not have time to ripen normally and will die. And until next spring, the apple tree will not gain nutrients and will not bear fruit.

Often gardeners themselves force apple and pear trees to bloom several times a year. This applies to grafted trees, when different varieties ripen on them alternately. Alexander Sidun, a well-known gardener in the Poltava region, somehow managed to harvest four pear crops in one season.

Due to abnormal heat, an apple tree bloomed in the center of Novokuznetsk

10th of August. An apple tree has bloomed in the center of Novokuznetsk. In the park named after Ermakov, one of the trees is covered with white flowers, and on some of them the branch and small ovary are already visible. Although it is already quite late for the 2nd harvest to ripen.

During abnormally hot summers, gardeners also note the strange behavior of this tree. They say that the ovary and flowers must be removed from the branches - the apple tree will only lose its strength in vain. They promise that the tree will return to normal in the new season. Agronomists associate such anomalies with increased solar activity.

Antonina Tatarnikova, agronomist: “Apple tree blossoms are associated with abnormal weather. If there is no rain in the fall, this year's drought will turn into the drought of 2013. Summer residents who have the opportunity should definitely water their shrubs and berry gardens.”

The apple tree bloomed in August in the Dnepropetrovsk region

August 17. This miracle tree grows in Taromskoye. It was abundantly covered with flowers, next to the already ripe red-sided fruits.

When the owner noticed this anomaly, she did not immediately understand what was happening. However, I took it as a good sign and a real miracle on the eve of the Apple Savior.

Rowan blossomed in August on Yamal

August 21. In the district capital and its environs, rowan trees began to gain new color. A resident of Salekhard noticed an unusual phenomenon and called our editorial office.

White flowers appeared next to almost ripe fruits. Residents admit that they have never seen anything like this before. Most likely, the warm summer had this effect on the trees.

An apple tree bloomed in the Chepetsk garden in August

Apple trees bloomed again in the Zaporozhye region

August 21. Abnormal weather conditions in recent years have clearly affected the biological cycle of plants. In mid-August in Volnyansk

Apple trees have blossomed in the Zaporozhye region, and the period of flowering of the trees occurs simultaneously with the ripening of this year's harvest. So, on one branch there is a half-ripe apple and a new ovary, which, alas, is not destined to become a fruit. It feels like it’s May again: the trees are covered in a pinkish-white foam of flowers, with surprised bees buzzing above them.

The last month of summer is rich in folk signs, beliefs, fortune telling and predictions. This is due to the superstition of the Slavs, who, seeing off the summer, tried to appease the forces of nature, thereby ensuring themselves an easy and mild winter.

What August will show us

August often became an indicator of what kind of winter was coming:

  • full or hungry;
  • soft or harsh.

Careful observation of nature in search of clues has led to the formation of many folk signs of August, but, faced with incomprehensible phenomena, people even today become perplexed. Some signs are alarming: the apple tree bloomed in August, the first snow fell, or an abnormally large number of mushrooms in the forests.

Factors for correct interpretation of signs

Despite the fact that an apple tree blooming untimely in August greatly alarmed people, people noticed that in some cases this event bodes well: if an apple tree bloomed in August, folk signs recommend paying attention to a number of factors:

  • a young or old tree brings joy to people with flowers;
  • whether there are fruits on it next to the fragrant flower;
  • whether any member of the household prefers the fruits from this tree the most;
  • the nature of summer;
  • How many young people live in the family?

Taking into account and analyzing these factors helped to understand what a tree blooming in the last month of summer promises.

Positive interpretation of an anomalous phenomenon

Despite the fact that apple trees do not bloom in August every year, this phenomenon is sometimes classified as a sign. An apple tree blooms in August - this is a sign of goodness and prosperity in the following cases:

  1. If the color of a young and constantly bearing tree, from which the harvest has already been harvested this season, pleases, then people said that wealth and an influx of cash would soon come to the family. After such a phenomenon, the wealth in the house should at least double, since the tree gave people its positive energy twice.
  2. The fragrant color on the branches of a young tree next to the juicy fruits promised the owners a generous harvest of fruits for the next year, therefore, having encountered such a phenomenon, one could begin to prepare bins for the future harvest. The interpretation also extended to other fruits and garden crops on this farm: one could prepare for a generous harvest if the apple tree bloomed in August. These signs were considered positive and favorable for the whole family.
  3. The addition of at least a couple of babies or twins to the family promises an apple tree blooming in August for those families in which young people lived. This sign was especially effective if the hostess was pregnant and the family was expecting a new addition.

In such cases, people openly rejoiced at the appearance of flowers on an apple tree in the midst of August days and expected positive changes.

Negative interpretation of signs

In some cases, the answer to the question “why did the apple tree bloom in August?” the sign is interpreted negatively. The phenomenon itself could not help but alert the superstitious ancestors, since it did not fit into the laws of nature that were familiar and studied by people. We did not expect anything good from such a phenomenon in the following cases:

  • a tree that unexpectedly blossomed, was not young and had not bear fruit for several years, its unexpected color foreshadowed an imminent death in the family;
  • if the tree that one of the family members preferred most and ate apples only from it suddenly blossomed, then this warned of imminent misfortune threatening this particular person.

Perhaps it was for these reasons that people were afraid of the blossoming apple tree in August and tried to carry out special rituals to help ward off trouble. In addition, there is a belief that in August 1940, many apple orchards unexpectedly bloomed, and an abnormal harvest of mushrooms was collected in the forests. A year later, funerals came to hundreds and thousands of households. That is why the following signs were classified as negative: the apple tree bloomed in August, too many mushrooms appeared in the forests.

Scientific explanation of a natural anomaly

  1. You should pay attention to the nature of the weather on summer days and analyze it: if it turned out to be hot, quite humid, without sudden cold snaps and temperature changes, then it is quite possible that the fruit tree is trying to produce tasty offspring one more time.
  2. The second possible reason for the anomaly may be that in the spring not all the buds had time to bloom and be pollinated by insects. Those buds that did not develop in a timely manner try to make up for the lost opportunity at the end of summer.
  3. Unexpected and untimely flowering of a tree can be caused by trimming the bark, insects eating the bark, or aging of the tree.

A simple scientific explanation excludes the influence of otherworldly forces on the tree and family members.

The opinion of the clergy

Orthodox priests say that one should not look for mysticism and occultism where they do not exist. From the church's point of view, it is not unusual for the apple tree to bloom in August. What signs this unusual phenomenon means is not difficult to explain from a religious point of view:

  • this phenomenon is of an ecological nature, which does not provide a person with any information about the future or past;
  • You should not look for secret signs and predictions in individual natural phenomena.

An Orthodox person must trust in the will of the Lord and not forget the words of Jesus Christ: “According to your faith, be it done to you...”

The last month of summer is rich in a variety of folk holidays, and many signs are associated with it. August is the time of harvesting, summing up the agricultural year, and beginning preparations for winter. What the upcoming cold season will be like, whether it will be possible to survive it without loss of warmth and satiety - these questions worried our ancestors most of all. And they carefully observed the world around them in search of favorable and negative clues. And thanks to their attentiveness, we still draw knowledge from the source of folk wisdom. For example, it is well known that if August is rainy, then the beginning of autumn, on the contrary, will be warm and dry. If by the end of summer the weeds have grown as tall as a person, you can expect a snowy winter. But there are also some superstitions that have an ambiguous interpretation, due to their rarity. For example, not every year does the apple tree bloom in August, and therefore the signs associated with this phenomenon are not familiar to everyone. When faced with something like this for the first time, gardeners become perplexed and begin to guess about the causes and consequences. However, you should not immediately be afraid of untimely flowering. After all, it has a clear scientific basis.

Why the apple tree blooms in August - a sign

Folk tales regarding whether the apple tree bloomed in August often carry a negative message. It is believed that this is a warning about the death of someone in the household, but there are some nuances in this interpretation. Great trouble is foreshadowed only by the flowering of a very old tree that has not bear fruit for a long time or has little fruit - then this is truly an anomaly, which cannot be explained except by a sign from higher powers. If a young apple tree blooms, it means that the wealth in the house will double, because the tree has twice shown its strength and positive qualities. Also, this sign can indicate a rich harvest for the next year, and not only apples, but also other garden crops.

Why the apple tree blooms in August - the scientific basis for the sign

Science in its own way explains the folk signs that the apple tree bloomed in August. Firstly, there is absolutely nothing abnormal about this - trees often bloom again in southern countries with warm climates. Therefore, if the weather was very warm in August, the tree will strive to have time to give birth again. Secondly, flowers may appear from those buds that did not have time to develop in the spring - they were late and are now simply catching up.

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