Blueberries ground with sugar. Blueberry jam: the best recipes. Blueberry jam for the winter: a simple recipe

Blueberries are an extremely healthy and tasty berry. You can use it to prepare many different dishes, desserts and drinks. Below are the blueberry recipes.

Blueberries - winter recipes with photos

Recipe for steamed blueberries for the winter

Crush the berries with a wooden pestle, place in jars and sterilize in an air fryer at 260°C for 20 minutes, roll up. Pasteurize in a water bath to 65°C twice and roll up. Berries steamed in the oven are rolled into jars without sterilization.

How to cook blueberries pureed with sugar for the winter

Pound the berries in a deep non-metallic container, cover them 1:1 with sand, stir and place in a cool place. If they are laid out in jars, then a sugar cap is made on top and the lids are tightly closed.

Recipe for blueberry jam for the winter

Pour the prepared sugar syrup over the berries, let stand for 4-5 hours and boil until tender - in this case, take 1 kg of sugar and 1 glass of water for 1 kg of berries. The jam is kept at room temperature.

Blueberries in their own juice for the winter - how to cook

Cover the berries with sugar in a ratio of 1:0.5, let stand overnight and cook for 5 minutes after boiling. Roll tightly into jars and turn them over, covering them with a blanket for 5-6 hours.

How to freeze blueberries for the winter

The wild berries are sorted, but not washed, laid out in one layer on a tray and placed in the freezer at the lowest temperature for 5-6 hours. Frozen blueberries are quickly poured into containers, covered with a tight lid and stored all winter.

How to cook blueberries - recipes

Recipe for cottage cheese with blueberries “Bon appetit”

Stir cottage cheese with hot milk, pour over sour cream and top with 2 tbsp. l. (per serving) blueberry jam.

Blueberry stomach tea recipe

Dry blueberry leaves, St. John's wort, mint leaves, oregano herb in equal proportions are brewed in a thick-walled porcelain teapot with boiling water and left for 20 minutes. After draining the first portion, brew it with boiling water again and drink tea throughout the day.

How to make a blueberry drink “Benefit for the whole family”

Boil water with sugar and a sprig of mint (oregano), cool and dilute steamed blueberries. The ratio of acid and sugar is adjusted to taste. The drink helps with cardiac arrhythmias, heals the kidneys and normalizes digestion.

Blueberry muffin recipe

Mix ready-made dry mixes “Cake Orange” or “Zraisin” according to the recipe and bake in a cake pan. Cool and cut crosswise into 4 pieces. Grease each cut with crushed blueberries and mold the parts again. Spread the mashed berries on top, sprinkle with confectionery powder and arrange the candied fruits. Stick in the candles.

Blueberry jelly - how to cook

Blueberries are diluted in their own juice with water or frozen berries are boiled in boiling water with sugar. Dilute starch (2 tablespoons per 100 g of water) and pour into boiling water in a thin stream, stirring all the time. Bring to a boil and cool. Serve in transparent glasses, adding a little cold milk to each serving. Don't mix.

Video: Recipe for making blueberry jam for the winter

Today I will tell you how to make blueberry jam for the winter. Of course, blueberries are not such a popular berry for making jam; many people prefer to make preparations from raspberries or strawberries. However, blueberries contain many beneficial properties.

I offer you a simple recipe for blueberry jam that tastes no worse than raspberry jam. You will enjoy eating this delicacy on cold winter evenings.

Fresh blueberries – 1 kilogram

Sugar – 1 kilogram

Blueberry jam recipe:

1). First of all, we sort out the berries, remove leaves, stalks, spoiled and unripe berries. Rinse the sorted blueberries thoroughly under running water.

2). Then cover the blueberries with sugar and leave overnight, during which time the sugar will melt a little and juice will appear. I had some blueberries and some blackcurrants. I decided to boil everything together and make blueberry and blackcurrant jam.

3). Pour the berries into an enamel bowl and put on fire. When it boils, turn the heat to low and, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula, cook until thickened. Cook for about forty minutes. When the jam has cooled a little, put it in clean jars and close the lids.

Store in a cool place.

Blueberry jam – winter recipe No. 2.

Pour a glass of water into the pan and add sugar there, heat until it dissolves. After the syrup boils, turn off the fire. Combine blueberries and syrup. Leave for 10 minutes. Then place the pan on the fire and cook for 20 minutes after boiling over low heat.

Pour blueberry jam into jars and screw on the lids.

Blueberry jam is ready!

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Today I will tell you how to make blueberry jam for the winter. Of course, blueberries are not such a popular berry for making jam; many people prefer to make preparations from raspberries or strawberries. However, blueberries contain many beneficial properties. I offer you a simple recipe for blueberry jam that tastes no worse than raspberry jam. You will enjoy eating this delicacy [...]

cooking method

I bring to your attention two recipes for blueberry jam.
The first recipe. Blueberries are sorted, washed and dried.
Sugar syrup is made from water and sugar.
Then blueberries are added to the syrup and left for 4-5 hours.
Next, cook the mixture until tender over low heat.
At the end of cooking, add a little cinnamon, pour the blueberry jam into jars and close the lids.
The second recipe. We also sort out the berries, wash them, place them in a colander and let the water drain.
Cover the berries with sugar and leave for 4 hours.
Then put the mixture on the fire and bring to a boil, stirring.
Boil the berries for 3 minutes and then cool completely.
This process should be repeated 3-4 times.
During the last cooking, add citric acid, pour into jars and close.
Store unopened blueberry jam for a long time in a cool, dark place.

Blueberries(we call it “blueberry”) and freeze, and candied, and make jam.

Before any method of harvesting, wash the blueberries in cool running water; in addition to freezing, in this case they are washed after defrosting with warm water.

Select whole blueberries for freezing.. Place them on a baking sheet and put them in the freezer. After 12 hours, pour the frozen berries into plastic bags or containers and put them back in the freezer. This way they don’t stick together into a lump or become deformed—they look nice. After defrosting, the berries are in their original form, but they are not stored for a long time after defrosting - after a day they turn limp in the heat. And if frozen, they can last up to a year; don’t stand it any longer; they’ll start to taste bitter.

Candied blueberry. Somehow it hasn’t caught on here very well, they eat more jam, and unboiled blueberries have a shorter shelf life. But here is the recipe, in proportions to a liter jar, if the jars are smaller, reduce the amount of ingredients in proportion to the total volume of your container -

Dry the washed berries and scatter them onto a cloth. Heat the jar in the oven (so that it doesn’t burst) and pour 500 grams of berries into it. Add 250 grams of sugar and immediately pour boiling water - about 250 ml, to the top of the jar. Immediately close and sterilize for about half an hour. Turn it over and wrap it with something. After cooling, you can put it in the refrigerator.

Making blueberry jam is quite simple.. sugar calculation is carried out for ten glasses of berries -

Cover the blueberry with sugar in the proportion of ten glasses of berries - seven glasses of sugar, and so it sits for a couple of hours until the juice releases. After this, add a glass of water and put it on the stove over medium heat. Cooks for about an hour after boiling. After an hour of boiling, remove from the stove, add another 7 glasses of sugar to the hot jam, mix thoroughly and pour into jars while hot. After cooling, put it away for storage.

It turns out, in my male opinion, a little cloying, although my wife and children say that it’s normal. But on the other hand, it keeps very well - up to two years for sure, we didn’t try it longer, and when preparing fruit juice in the summer heat, we don’t add sugar, we just adjust the jam and fill it with boiled water.

Blueberries are sorted, washed and dried. Sugar syrup is boiled from water and sugar.

Then add blueberries to the syrup and leave for 4-5 hours. Next, cook the mixture until tender over low heat. At the end of cooking, add a little cinnamon, pour the blueberry jam into jars and close the lids tightly. (Recipe two). We also sort out the berries, wash them, put them in a colander and let the water drain. Cover the berries with sugar and leave for 4 hours. Then put the mixture on the fire and bring to a boil, stirring. Cook the berries for 3 minutes and then cool completely. This process should be repeated 3-4 times. During the last cooking, add citric acid, pour into jars and close. Store closed blueberry jam for a long time in a cool, dark place. I will share the second version of the recipe from experience, the most optimal, does not lose taste, does not spoil for a very long time, + can be used in winter dilute with water and the result is a kind of very tasty fruit drink.

An amazing berry - blueberries, in addition to an arsenal of useful substances, are distinguished by delicate pulp, a velvety bluish coating on a dark shell, good in desserts steamed with strawberries, kiwi, in gelled layers, mousses and ice cream. To prepare blueberry jam or preserves for the winter, we recommend using additional flavorings (mint, cardamom, star anise) to enhance the taste of this delicate berry.

Ingredients To make blueberry jam:

  • blueberries (fresh) – 125 g
  • sugar – 150 g
  • mint – 3-4 branches
  • water – 70 ml

Recipe blueberry jam:

First, cook the most common sugar syrup by mixing 70 ml of water and the entire portion of granulated sugar. Place a thick-bottomed ladle over high heat, bring to a vigorous boil, and dissolve the grains of sugar.

We thoroughly wash the branches of fresh mint, then dip them into a boiling sugar solution, reduce the heat and continue cooking for the next 10-15 minutes. During this time, the syrup will thicken slightly and be fully saturated with mint aromas.

At the same time, we sort out the blueberries, select ripe ones without damage (rot), wash them, place them on a towel in one layer and dry them while the sugar-mint syrup is cooked.

We catch softened and darkened mint branches.

We immerse clean blueberries that have already lost their “powdered” shell into the hot liquid and increase the temperature.

Boil, reduce the heat again, stir occasionally and keep the blueberry jam on the fire for 30-40 minutes. The foam will be too dense; during the heat treatment it practically dissolves.

Check the readiness of the dark jam with a subtle mint aroma. If the drop stays on the saucer or spoon and does not spread, the treat can be poured into sterile jars.

Serve homemade blueberry jam immediately, with toast, cheese, biscuits, or store it on a cool shelf until winter.

The article offers you recipes for preparing blueberry preparations for the winter.

Blueberries are a tasty and healthy taiga berry. Compared to others, it has a lot of advantages and an unusual flavor: sweetness with a slightly noticeable sourness. Blueberries are an elastic berry; they easily hold their shape when preparing fillings for pies or dumplings.

You can also make various preparations for the winter from blueberries: preserves, berries ground with sugar, compote, jelly and jam. Canned blueberries do not lose their beneficial qualities; they are perfect for morning toasts, fillings in muffins, pies, open pies, even cakes.

Before you start harvesting, it is important to know that blueberries should be sorted before you start canning. During selection, you should fold all spoiled berries:

  • Beaten
  • Dripping
  • Rumpled
  • Covered with mold
  • Unripe (with a red tint)

IMPORTANT: If you do not sort the berries and allow spoiled berries into the jam, you risk ruining not only the taste of the product, but also its shelf life.

Preparing berries for preparing winter blueberry preparations

Blueberries mashed with sugar for the winter: a simple recipe

Blueberries ground with sugar are the most healthy and simple preparation that does not require long cooking time, effort or heat treatment. All you need is a culinary sieve or blender, berries and sugar in the quantity that you prefer.

In this case, sugar serves as a preservative, which allows you to preserve the berries. If you don't like very sweet preparations and add a little sugar, it is important to know that these blueberries will not be able to be stored in the pantry for very long. It should only be kept in the refrigerator.

You will need:

  • Fresh blueberries – 1 kg. (selected)
  • Sugar - 1 kg. (adjust the quantity yourself, focusing on the preferred sweetness of the workpiece).
  • Lemon acid - pinch


  • Before starting work, it is important to rinse the blueberries with running water. It is convenient to do this in a large colander. Pay special attention to those berries that are in the dirt.
  • Place the sorted and washed berries on a towel, spreading it on the table. Distribute the berries evenly and let them dry.
  • After this, you should grind the berries through a sieve, but it is much easier to grind them with a modern blender into a homogeneous mass. If you grind through a sieve, discard the cake.
  • Pour blueberry puree into a jar and add sugar, mix everything thoroughly, taste until the berry mass acquires the required sweetness.
  • While adding sugar, add a pinch of citric acid. It stabilizes acidity and also serves as a preservative that will prevent the product from deteriorating.
  • Store blueberries ground with sugar in the refrigerator, cellar, or freeze in plastic bottles in the freezer.

IMPORTANT: Unlike blueberry jam or jam, which undergoes heat treatment, blueberries ground with sugar retain the maximum of their nutrients and absolutely all the vitamins that are present in fresh berries. This is the advantage of this workpiece.

How to prepare ground blueberries with sugar?

Raw blueberry jam without cooking: recipe

“Raw” jam is something that does not treat the berry with temperatures, allowing it to retain the maximum amount of nutrients and beneficial substances, a beautiful elastic shape and a fresh, pristine taste. In addition, such preparation is easy to do and it does not take much of your time or effort.

Before starting the process, it is important to carefully and very meticulously sort out all the berries, since you will not cook them and even one spoiled blueberry will ruin the entire taste and shelf life of the jam. After the berries have been sorted, rinse them thoroughly with running water and dry them on a spread towel.

You will need:

  • Fresh blueberries – 700 g (approximately, you can add more or less, recipe for a liter jar).
  • Water – 1 cup (purified or distilled, boiled).
  • Sugar - 3 cups (you can reduce the amount of sugar, but no more than a cup, so the jam will be more liquid and less sweet).
  • Lemon acid - pinch


  • While the berries are drying, you should prepare the sugar syrup.
  • Place the saucepan on the stove and boil a glass of water, dissolve the sugar in it and stir until all the crystals melt, add citric acid.
  • The jar for the preparation should be sterilized in the usual way (oven, steam, soda) and dried.
  • Pour clean berries into a jar and fill them with the prepared hot syrup, roll up.

How to make delicious “raw” blueberry jam?

How and for how long to cook blueberry jam for five minutes?

“Five Minute” is a universal recipe for making jam for any fruit, which allows you to prepare berries tasty, quickly and without loss of nutrients during prolonged boiling. “Five-minute” blueberry jam can become your favorite recipe for the winter, as as a result you get delicious jam with a delicate aroma and a beautiful rich color.

  • Fresh blueberries – 1 kg. (prepared)
  • Sugar - 0.8-1 kg. (According to your taste and add the required amount of sugar).
  • Lemon acid - 1-2 pinches
  • Cinnamon stick - to taste (you don’t have to add it).


  • You should definitely sort the blueberries, removing all spoiled berries and rinsing them with running water.
  • Pour the blueberries into glass, enamel and plastic dishes (in iron they will oxidize), add sugar and in this state you should leave the blueberries for at least 6 hours, or better yet, overnight. This way the berry will release the juice necessary for proper five-minute jam.
  • In the morning, put this dish on the fire (if it is not a saucepan or a basin, pour the berries into the required container).
  • Make sure that the mass does not burn and therefore constantly stir it with a wooden spoon until it boils (not with an iron spoon, all because of the same oxidation process).
  • After boiling, cook the jam for no more than 5 minutes. At this time, do not forget to stir it, but very carefully so as not to damage the berries.
  • Blueberry “five-minute” jam should only be rolled into sterile jars (sterilize in the usual way).

Delicious “five-minute” blueberry

How and how much to cook blueberry jam with blueberries?

Blueberries are another fragrant taiga berry that is very similar to blueberries. It is distinguished by its small size (smaller than blueberries), darker color and brighter taste with sourness. Together with blueberries, it can be used to make delicious jam for the winter, which will saturate you with a lot of nutrients and vitamins.

You will need (for 2 small jars):

  • Fresh blueberries – 0.5 kg. (selected)
  • Fresh blueberries – 0.5 kg. (selected)
  • Lemon acid - pinch (1-2 to taste)
  • Sugar - 0.5-1 kg. (Taste and adjust sweetness yourself).


  • The berries are sorted out from spoiled and bruised ones, washed with running water and poured into an enamel basin.
  • There they should be covered with sugar in the preferred amount, depending on how sweet you like the jam. Add citric acid.
  • Leave the basin for 7-8 hours. During this time, blueberries and blueberries will release juice.
  • After this, the basin is placed on the fire and, stirring the mass, the jam should be brought to a boil.
  • After boiling, the mixture is kept on moderate heat for no more than 5 minutes.
  • Let the jam cool completely (this will take about 3 hours).
  • Then boil it again, but do not keep it on the fire, but immediately roll it up in the usual way.

Blueberry-blueberry “quick” jam for the winter

Blueberry compote for the winter without sterilization: recipe

Sterilization is the process of treating utensils for sealing preserves at high temperatures. That is why housewives boil jars in boiling water, steam them or keep them in the oven. At high temperatures, most bacteria die, as a result, the product does not deteriorate and can be stored for a long time.

You will need for compote for one 3-liter jar:

  • Fresh blueberries– 2 glasses (approximately 400-500 g).
  • Sugar– 1 glass (you can adjust the sweetness of the compote yourself).
  • Slice of lemon– 1-2 pcs.
  • Cinnamon stick(to taste, you may not add it to the recipe).


  • The berries should be sorted before cooking, remove all spoiled or overripe berries (the fermentation process could have begun in them and this will ruin the taste of your compote, as well as its shelf life).
  • Prepare a jar for the compote; it should be washed with hot water and regular baking soda; this will sterilize the jar and kill all pathogenic microbes.
  • Pour the washed berries into a jar
  • Boil water (this is approximately 2.5 liters of water, you can boil more).
  • Sprinkle the berries with sugar and add a slice of lemon
  • Pour boiling water over the berries
  • In this state, let the jar stand for 15-20 minutes, then drain the water without the fruit part and bring it to a boil again.
  • Pour the compote over the berries and seal the jar in the usual way.

How to make blueberry compote?

Blueberry jam for the winter: a simple recipe

Blueberry jam is one of the most popular. It turns out very thick and aromatic, with a rich berry taste. This jam is very convenient to spread in a thick layer on toast or add to baked goods. You can complement blueberries with any berries: blueberries, raspberries, currants, and so on.

You will need:

  • Blueberries - 0.5 kg. (you can use fresh or frozen).
  • Sugar - 700-800 g (to taste, more or less is possible).
  • Lemon – a few cloves
  • Gelatin – 1 package (approximately 25-30 g)


  • If you use fresh blueberries, they should be sorted and washed, discarding any spoiled ones.
  • If you use frozen berries, you should freeze them and drain off any excess water (otherwise the jelly will be runny).
  • Fill the gelatin with cold water in advance and let it swell; after half an hour of swelling, hold the gelatin over a steam bath and dissolve it, avoiding lumps.
  • Cover the blueberries with sugar and leave for 1-2 hours (more can be done, for example, overnight if you are making from fresh berries).
  • After the berries release their juice, you need to grind them in any way: blender, sieve, meat grinder.
  • Place the berry mass on the fire and bring to a boil over low heat, do not forget to stir the jam so that it does not burn to the bottom.
  • Pour gelatin into the jam in a thin stream and mix everything, cook for another 15-20 minutes so that the mass becomes thicker and boils down.
  • Sterilize the jam jars in the usual way and roll up the hot jam.

Delicious blueberry jam

Blueberry jelly for the winter without gelatin: a simple recipe

You can make thick jam or “jelly” from blueberries even without the help of gelatin. To do this, you only need berries (preferably fresh) and a large amount of sugar, which will be the “astringent” and thickener.

You will need for 1 jar:

  • Blueberry berries – 500 grams (fresh or thawed frozen)
  • Sugar - 0.8-1 kg. (if there is not enough sugar, the jam will be liquid).
  • Lemon acid - 1-2 pinches


  • Blueberries should be washed and sorted
  • Berries need to be crushed into puree using any of the following methods:
  • The berry mass should be mixed with citric acid and sugar and put on fire.
  • After the mixture boils, reduce the heat and cook the jelly for 20-30 minutes, stirring regularly and avoiding burning.
  • During this time, the mass will boil down and become thicker; roll the hot jelly into jars.

Blueberry jelly

Blueberry confiture for the winter: recipe

Confiture is a preparation whose structure is very similar to jam. Blueberry confiture should be very homogeneous and therefore should be ground through a sieve or crushed in a blender. In addition, the confiture should have a stretchy structure and therefore it is advisable to add agar-agar to the recipe.

You will need for 1 jar:

  • Fresh blueberries – 2 glasses (heaped)
  • Sugar - a few tbsp. taste
  • Agar-agar – 1 tsp


  • Wash the berries thoroughly and sort them
  • Selected and clean berries should be ground through a sieve into a homogeneous berry puree and the pulp should be discarded (can be crushed with a blender).
  • Place the berry mass on the fire, mix it with sugar and start boiling.
  • Add agar-agar powder and start cooking the confiture
  • After the mixture boils, the confiture should be cooked over moderate heat for 5 minutes.
  • Roll the hot blueberry confiture into a jar in the usual way.

How to make blueberry confiture?

Blueberries: how to keep them fresh for the winter?

Blueberries are a berry full of beneficial vitamins, which are especially necessary for humans in winter and during colds. There are several ways to preserve berries until winter:

  • In prepared form: jam, preserves, jelly, confiture
  • Dry in the sun or in a special dryer for berries and fruits
  • Grind with sugar (sugar will prevent the berries from spoiling)
  • To freeze

Blueberries: how to freeze for the winter?

Freezing blueberries is very easy, but it is important to do everything right:

  • Carefully sort the berries, discarding any spoiled
  • Rinse the berries thoroughly; it is advisable to let them dry on a towel.
  • Place the berries in plastic bags or food containers.
  • Place blueberries in the freezer and use within 1-1.5 years.

Video: “Blueberry compote for the winter”

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than cooking for yourself))

When making preparations for the winter, you should not deprive yourself of the aromatic and very tasty blueberries. It not only grows in forests, but is also cultivated by gardeners. Blueberry jam (the second name of this berry) will become a real treasure trove of various vitamins and important minerals. It can be prepared in combination with other fruits or without additives.

What is made from blueberries

This berry resembles a blueberry, but is larger in size and has a bluish-gray tint. The fruits have great nutritional value due to the content of various vitamins, antioxidants and microelements. Blueberry jam is useful for people with heart disease, diabetes, and inflammatory processes in the body. To preserve all the valuable properties of this berry for humans, it is recommended to prepare compote, jelly, marshmallow or mousse for the winter. Vitamins are best preserved in fresh berries ground with sugar or in five-minute jam.

There are many recipes for making winter blueberry preparations. You can use a slow cooker, oven or stove for this. The berry goes well with lingonberries, blueberries, oranges, apples, and cranberries. Even an inexperienced housewife can handle many recipes. It is important not only to know how to cook blueberries, but also to first prepare the jars and lids for the preparations. Modern housewives have learned to create from this berry:

  • compote;
  • wine;
  • jam;
  • jelly and much more.

How to choose and prepare berries for harvesting for the winter

To obtain the desired consistency, it is important to properly prepare the raw materials for the jam. Ripe fruits can remain on the branches for about two weeks after ripening without losing their qualities, so you don’t have to rush to collect them. To prevent them from being damaged, it is better to take a small container - up to 2 kg. Fruits with dents can be left for food, and for preparations you can leave a whole and dense blueberry.

For jam, it is recommended to select soft, ripe fruits. You should not take unripe blueberries, as well as overripe ones. Otherwise, you will end up with mush during the cooking process, or vice versa - the fruits will give little aroma and juice to your preparation. Before cooking, be sure to remove all forest debris and rinse the fruits with running water several times.

How to make blueberry jam for the winter

To ensure that the jam has the desired consistency, no water is added. Leave the fruits covered with granulated sugar for a couple of hours, after which you can start preparing the dessert. The extracted syrup is enough to ensure that the product is of high quality and does not burn during the process. How long to cook blueberries? It all depends on the recipe, on average the process takes 20-60 minutes. When preparing blueberries for future use, you can add different types of berries and fruits to it. A good combination of flavors would be raspberries, apples, lemon, cranberries, blueberries and cherries.

Blueberries ground with sugar - a simple recipe without cooking

To prepare this preparation for the winter, you will need the following products:

  • blueberry – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 700 g.

Cooking steps:

  1. Sort the berries, clean them of sand and debris, and rinse with water.
  2. Place the raw materials in an enamel pan.
  3. Crush the fruits with a wooden spoon, gradually introducing granulated sugar.
  4. The sweet mass is heated over a fire to 65-70 degrees.
  5. After this, the product is placed in jars.

Delicious five-minute blueberry jam in a slow cooker

To make incredibly tasty and healthy wild berry jam, you can use a slow cooker. The brand (“Redmond”, “Moulinex”, “Polaris”) does not matter. The Five Minute recipe is an excellent option for preserving the beneficial properties of the fruit. Vitamins are retained in berries in much greater quantities due to the limited heating time of the product. You can store the dessert both in the refrigerator and in the cellar.

What you will need:

  • blueberries – 1 kg;
  • honey – 180 g;
  • pectin – 1 sachet;
  • rum – 2 tablespoons.

Cooking steps:

  1. Wash the berries, dry them, and let them cook.
  2. When juice appears (approximately in the third minute), add honey and pectin.
  3. It is very important to handle the fruits delicately so as not to crush them. When the composition boils, cook it for another 5 minutes and turn off. According to the recipe, blueberry jam for the winter must be boiled for 5 minutes at minimum temperature.
  4. In the last minutes of cooking, you need to pour rum into the container.
  5. Place the cooled product into small jars.
  6. Store in the refrigerator or basement.

Fragrant blueberry jam-jelly

To make delicious blueberry jelly, prepare the following ingredients:

  • granulated sugar – 1 cup;
  • water – 1 l;
  • gelatin – 30 g;
  • blueberry juice – 0.3 l.

Cooking steps:

  1. Soak gelatin to swell.
  2. Boil syrup from sugar and water.
  3. Add gelatin to hot syrup and boil again.
  4. At the end add blueberry juice.
  5. Strain the finished product and pour into jars.

Garden blueberry and blueberry jam

There are many ways to make blueberry dessert. For example, you can boil the fruits in sugar syrup. To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • blueberries – 500 g;
  • blueberries – 500 g;
  • sugar – 4 cups;
  • water – 350 ml.

How to make blueberry and blueberry jam:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare the raw materials. To do this, wash the berries well, removing all spoiled, wrinkled and dry specimens. After this, pour them onto a clean towel to remove excess liquid.
  2. Boil the syrup by combining water with granulated sugar.
  3. Place the fruits in a saucepan, pour a little cooled syrup.
  4. Let the blueberries and blueberries brew, then place the saucepan over low heat.
  5. Cook the mixture until the fruits are boiled, stirring regularly with a spoon.
  6. The finished delicacy needs to be cooled, poured into jars and covered with lids.

How to make jam from blueberries and apples

This delicacy requires the following ingredients:

  • blueberry – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • apples – 4 pcs.;

Cooking process:

  1. Prepare the raw materials. To do this, you need to carefully sort the berries (get rid of spoiled specimens and debris) and rinse them with running water. It is better to use a colander to allow excess water to drain immediately.
  2. Place the prepared blueberries in a saucepan, add a little water, and add granulated sugar.
  3. Place the container on the stove and cook over medium heat, stirring and skimming off the foam.
  4. Prepare the apples. To do this, the fruits are thoroughly washed, peeled and cored. Cut the apples into pieces and add them to the container with the blueberries.
  5. Stirring occasionally, cook the jam for about an hour so that the granulated sugar dissolves and the product thickens.
  6. While the dessert is cooking, wash and sterilize the jars with lids, into which you will then need to roll the finished product.

Video about the beneficial properties of blueberries for the human body

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This berry cannot be called the basis of our winter preparations, but it is definitely worth stocking up on it on occasion. "The World of Berries" will tell you the most interesting recipes.

How are blueberries harvested?

The harvest season continues from late summer to early autumn(about a month). It is worth noting that ripe berries can remain on the branches for about two weeks without losing their quality, so there is no need to rush too much. Blueberries are very easy to damage, so they should be placed in small baskets (with a capacity of up to 2 kg) and quickly sorted - whole berries are suitable for eating, making compotes, as well as for drying and freezing, and crushed ones can be used for other preparations.

Dried blueberries

Clean and thoroughly dried berries are poured into a sieve (in a 3 cm layer). Dry them in the oven or oven at a temperature of 40-60 ° C, remembering to stir periodically. It is impossible to underestimate or exceed the specified limit - the berries may become moldy or burnt. The finished product is stored in a closed container (necessarily in a dry and cool room).

Frozen blueberries

Method number 1

Clean and dry blueberries are laid out in one layer on a baking sheet or on a board, frozen and placed in portion packs.

Method number 2

Blueberries are washed, dried, sprinkle with sugar(3:1), mix, being careful not to damage the berries, place in a sealable container and freeze.

Blueberry jam

  • Sugar – 1.2 kg
  • Water – 1.5 tbsp.
  • Blueberries – 1 kg

The sorted clean berries are placed in an enamel basin, pour syrup, let stand for 5-6 hours, then cook until tender.

Blueberries in their own juice

Method number 1

  • Sugar – 0.5 kg
  • Blueberries – 1 kg

Approximately a fifth of the blueberries are crushed. The remaining berries and sugar are placed on the resulting puree. Mix everything very carefully, put on low heat, bring almost to a boil (up to 90º C) and leave for 5 minutes. Then the mixture is placed in prepared jars, pasteurized (0.5 l and 1 l - 20 and 30 minutes, respectively) and sealed.

Method number 2

Large whole berries are washed, dried on a linen, placed in clean jars, covered with lids and placed in a deep bowl with water (it should cover the jars 3/4). Must be placed on the bottom lattice or fabric. After this, the water is gradually heated. When the berries give juice and will decrease in volume, the contents of each pair of cans are combined and the heating temperature is increased to 85-90 ° C. After this, they are immediately rolled up, turned upside down and left to cool completely.

Blueberry compote

  • Sugar – 400 g
  • Water – 600 ml

Large whole blueberries are filled into pre-steamed jars, filled with hot syrup and immediately sealed. After this, they are placed in a container with water and pasteurized at a temperature of 90 ° C (15 and 20 minutes - 0.5 and 1 l, respectively).

Blueberries pureed with sugar

  • Sugar – 0.7 kg
  • Blueberries – 1 kg

Clean berries are placed in an enamel basin, crushed with a wooden spoon, sugar is added, mixed, heated to 65-70º C, placed in prepared jars and pasteurized (20 and 30 minutes - 0.5 and 1 l, respectively).


  • Sugar – 0.6 kg
  • Blueberries – 1 kg

Clean berries are heated in an enamel bowl for 20 minutes, rubbed through a sieve, mixed with sugar and boiled until thick. Place in trays and store in a cool, dark place.

Blueberry juice with pulp

  • Water – 80 ml
  • Sugar – 120 g
  • Blueberries – 1 kg

Wash the berries, pour boiling water over them, let stand for 15 minutes, drain and crush with a wooden spoon. The juice is filtered through cheesecloth, 200 ml of syrup is added, poured into jars and pasteurized (15 and 25 minutes - 0.5 and 1 l, respectively).

Blueberry liqueur

  • Sugar – 0.4 kg
  • Vodka – 0.5 l
  • Blueberries – 0.5 kg

Blueberries are passed through a meat grinder. The resulting mass is placed in a jar and filled with vodka. Mix everything well, cover with a plastic lid and put in the refrigerator for 3-7 days. The mixture is squeezed out through a flannel napkin, sugar is added, put on low heat and heated until it is completely dissolved (without bringing to a boil). The finished liquor is poured into bottles, capped and stored in a cool place.

Blueberry wine

  • Sugar – 1.5 kg
  • Linden honey – 0.3 kg
  • Blueberries – 4 kg
  • Water – 2 l

The sorted pure blueberries are kneaded by hand, put into a bottle, water is added, the neck is tied with gauze and kept in a dark place for 5 days at room temperature. The resulting infusion is passed through a filter, poured into a bottle, sugar and honey diluted in one and a half liters of water are added. A water seal is installed on the neck (it must be sealed to prevent air from entering) and left for 30-50 days. After this, the liquid is expressed using a siphon. The bottle of wine is again closed with a water seal and placed in a cool room for another 60 days. The finished wine is bottled, capped and sealed with sealing wax.

A variety of blueberry preparations will save you from vitamin deficiency, boost your immunity and serve as an excellent preventive measure against various diseases. Make sure to stock up on this valuable berry.

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Blueberries can be frozen for the winter and made into jam, jelly, compote or jam. Baking with blueberries will turn out fragrant, tasty and beautiful.

Since blueberries no longer ripen after picking, like, for example, bananas that ripen during transportation, you should not take reddish, unripe berries. Blueberries should be blue, ripe, strong and not spoiled. It is not recommended to buy watery, wrinkled, moldy, or berries that have yielded juice - they have little benefit.

Freezing blueberries for the winter

Frozen berries retain all the beneficial substances. Blueberries should not be washed before freezing, otherwise the skin will be too tough. You can rinse them with water after defrosting.

Sort through the berries, removing any “spread” and stale ones. Place them in a plastic container in an even layer, close the lid and place in the freezer.

Blueberry jam

Ingredients: one kilogram of fresh blueberries, four glasses of sugar.

Preparation: Sort the berries, removing the stems, unripe or spoiled berries. Place them in a colander and rinse well under running water. Leave the excess water to drain and prepare the syrup: pour one glass of clean water into the container where the jam will be cooked, pour sugar into it, mix thoroughly and, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula, bring to a boil. Remove the finished syrup from the stove and let it cool.

Dip the blueberries into the syrup, place on the stove and heat to a boil over low heat. Cook for 20-30 minutes, stirring constantly. Next, pour hot into sterilized jars and roll up.

Mashed blueberries with sugar

Ingredients: one kilogram of blueberries, four or five glasses of granulated sugar.

Preparation: you need to wash the berries, grind them in a blender, put them in a bowl and add sugar, mix. Then leave in a warm place for several hours to release the juice. At this time, rinse and boil the jars. Place the pureed berries into still hot jars and roll up. Cool and store in the refrigerator in warm weather, and in cold weather you can store in the basement or cellar.

Blueberries in sugar

Blueberries prepared this way remain practically fresh.

Ingredients: one kilogram of berries, four glasses of granulated sugar.

Preparation: Sort, wash and dry the berries. Place in an enamel bowl and crush lightly with a wooden masher to break the integrity of the skin. Stirring constantly, heat until hot (about 65-70 degrees), add sugar and, stirring, bring to a boil, but do not boil. When hot, place in sterilized jars, boil for 15-20 minutes and roll up.

Dried blueberries

Dried blueberries will not take up space in the refrigerator; they can be stored in glass jars in a kitchen cabinet. The berries retain all the beneficial substances, and if you fill them with water for a while to swell, you can get an almost fresh product.

Preparation: sort the berries, spread on a large sieve, place on a baking sheet and dry in the oven for 5-6 hours at a temperature of 40-60 degrees. From time to time, carefully shake the berries so as not to damage the berries. The oven door should be slightly open.

Dried blueberries can be used to make pie fillings or simply added to tea.

Blueberry jelly

Ingredients: 140 grams of sugar, one liter of water, 30 grams of gelatin, 300 grams of blueberry juice.

Preparation: let the gelatin swell in water, prepare sugar syrup and add the swollen gelatin to it, bring to a boil, add blueberry juice, strain, pour into molds, let cool and cool.

Charlotte with blueberries

Ingredients: 300 grams of flour, 3-4 eggs, 370 grams of sugar, 300 grams of blueberries.

Preparation: Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Sort the blueberries, remove the stems, rinse and drain in a colander. Grind the eggs with sugar and add flour, continuing to beat. Knead the dough to a uniform consistency. Sprinkle the berries with flour. Grease a mold (preferably with a diameter of 24 centimeters) and dust with flour. Pour half the dough into the mold, place the berries on top, pour the remaining dough onto them and smooth them out. Place the pan on the middle shelf of the oven and bake for one hour, then leave in the pan until completely cool.

Blueberry kvass

Ingredients: 10 liters of water, 2 kilograms of blueberries, 2 cups of honey, 30 grams of yeast.

Preparation: soak the blueberries for 12 hours after picking, rinse, crush with a wooden pestle, cover with cold water, bring to a boil, cool, strain, add honey and yeast. Leave for 8-12 hours. Kvass is ready to eat.

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