Fruit slices in the shape of a palm tree. Fruit palm. Fruit salad with kiwi and oranges

If you want to please your child, prepare him this simple salad in the shape of a palm tree. You will need a little time and a creative mood. Positivity and joy in the eyes of your child are guaranteed. We publish the amount of ingredients per serving.

To become a good fairy for a while you don’t need a lot of strength - just a little imagination. If the child is not very small, you can put together this wonderful picture of fruit. Or perhaps you and your child can come up with something more creative from these ingredients. Then please write to us on the website. And we will publish your recipe.

Recipe ingredients for Palma Fruit Salad

Preparing Palma Fruit Salad

Peel the bananas and cut them lengthwise so that the banana slices resemble palm tree trunks. You can cut the banana halves into thin slices and place on a plate.

Peel the tangerines, divide them into slices and place them at the foot of the palm trees, as if there were a miracle island or hot sand under the palm trees.

Peel the kiwi, cut in half and cut into slices. From kiwi slices we will make the leaves of our palm trees.

Serve the salad

The palm leaves can be decorated with nuts on top - sort of like the fruits of palm trees. Your child will appreciate the effort. And there is such scope for imagination. Together you can come up with a fairy tale about a miracle island or paint palm trees on the island in watercolors, learn a poem about distant Africa, or come up with a long-distance travel route with your child. And most importantly, children eat with pleasure what is prepared with imagination.

A beautifully decorated table immediately lifts your spirits and makes you want to quickly sit down and start eating.

Spectacular cutting of fruit plays an important role in this; it favorably emphasizes and complements the sophistication of the celebration. A fruit plate is served with alcoholic drinks, coffee and tea, and also as a separate dessert.

On a note! The artistic cutting of fruits, which has become so popular lately, is called carving.

But to create beautiful fruit slices at home, it is not at all necessary to learn carving skills. It is enough to have fruits, a sharp knife, various beautiful molds and plates, as well as skewers and toothpicks on hand.

And, of course, a little inspiration for creating a real fruit masterpiece will definitely not hurt us.

Preparing to create a fruit creation

  1. When choosing berries and fruits for the table, be careful and picky. Since the fruit will lie on the table for at least several hours, it should remain beautiful. Therefore, it is necessary to choose fruits that are not damaged and always fresh. They should be dense and elastic.
  2. Prepare the fruit plate just before the celebration so that it is exposed to the air as little as possible. Prepare lemon to drizzle over slices.
  3. For slicing, you need a sharp knife so that the slices are thin and even.
  4. Before you start working magic on fruits and berries, wash them thoroughly.
  5. Fruits that produce juice should be placed in a separate container.

Rules for decorating the table with fruit slices

When designing fruit slices, it is important to adhere to certain rules. Famous restaurateurs have revealed some of their secrets.

  1. Place apples and pears so that their pulp has minimal contact with air, otherwise it will darken. You can sprinkle the slices with lemon juice.
  2. Place the melon and watermelon with the peel, but in small and thin pieces. And if possible, remove all the seeds from the fruit.
  3. Sliced ​​citrus fruits can be served either in slices or in circles. But the last option should be with peel.
  4. Peel the kiwi and mango and cut into thin slices. Before peeling kiwis, you will need to wash them well. Since they do not darken from the air, they can be used to decorate apples.
  5. Serve small plums and apricots whole. If the fruits are large, cut them in half and place them on a plate, flesh side down.
  6. Serve grapes only in bunches. You can give it a casual look by hanging part of the branch from the plate.
  7. Place cherries and cherries on a plate with a sprig, and strawberries with a “tail”.
  8. Cut off the prickly skin of the pineapple and remove the core. Cut into columns or small semicircular plates.

How to serve fruit beautifully

Decorating fruits and berries for the holiday has its own nuances. There are a lot of children at almost every celebration, and they shouldn’t get their hands dirty, otherwise their clothes and everything around will be covered in fruit pulp and juice.

Therefore, the right solution would be to serve the goodies on skewers, in cones, or in baskets.

Advice! If you are decorating berries and fruits in the form of a picture, then place bright skewers nearby so that it is convenient for guests to string fruit pieces without getting their hands dirty.

Spectacular canapés are obtained by using contrasting berries and fruits.

The base of the mini sandwich should be firm. An apple or a piece of cheese is perfect for this role.

Salty and blue cheeses go perfectly with sweet fruits.

Plot presentation
This type of serving involves creating real pictures or figures from pieces of fruit. They come flat, that is, the fruit is laid out in slices on a plate. Or bulk ones, using skewers, which is a more labor-intensive process.

You can place a bright palm tree on a plate, making it from banana, kiwi and tangerines.

You can also cut out figures or funny faces using cookie cutters. For small children you can make a hedgehog, Winnie the Pooh, Cheburashka, or a peacock.

This presentation option will make you remember cartoons, funny pictures, or come up with something of your own. In addition, the plot may be related to the occasion of the celebration, for example, a multi-colored Christmas tree for the New Year.

Mini kebabs

The convenient portion method is suitable for both children's and adult parties. Place the fruit on a large plate or tray. It will be the basis. Melon, pineapple, large pear or grapefruit are perfect. In addition, you can use: bananas, kiwi, grapes, apples, peaches, berries. They need to be washed and cut into portions.

Next, the fruit can be strung on skewers. Stick delicious kebabs into the base and serve to guests in this form.

The advantage of slicing in the form of kebabs is that you can use canned berries and fruits, and not just fresh ones.

Serving mini-kebabs without a base is also good. Simply arrange beautifully on a tray and pour over melted chocolate or condensed milk. Ideal to present fruit skewers with scoops of ice cream.

Cutting mini-kebabs in the form of a semicircle looks bright. If you make sure that the colors of the fruit on each skewer match in layers, you will get a cheerful rainbow.

On a note! You can add pieces of cheese to the kebab; it goes well with fruit.

Baking baskets
Fruit baskets look great on the table. Try making a fruit salad with yogurt or whipped cream, then spoon the salad into tartlets. Fruit jelly in baskets looks unusual.

Instead of tartlets, baskets made of puff pastry or shortcrust pastry are perfect.

In addition, you can cut a basket from a melon or watermelon and fill the citrus peel with fruit. You will get interesting boats. It all depends on your imagination.

It is interesting to decorate the top of the baskets with grated chocolate, coconut or chopped walnuts. You can mix the fruit with ice cream pieces, but then store them in the freezer before serving.

Instead of baskets, you can use a waffle cone, first fill it with whipped cream or sour cream. And then place the berries with pieces of fruit into the airy white mass. This appetizer flies off the table at breakneck speed.

On the plate
Try thinly slicing oranges, kiwis, apples, pears using a slicer and beautifully arrange them on a plate in the form of various patterns or shapes. The plate can be decorated with mint leaves or fresh flowers.

Use atypical cuts, your guests will be delighted. And for convenience, insert colored skewers into the slices.
Fruit in fruit
These can be individual baskets, for example from an orange. Or there may be baskets for general serving; melon or watermelon will do.

Fruits can be cut and seasoned with honey, cream, syrup and in this form sent to the basket. Or you can, if they are not large, leave them whole.

Serving berries in a pineapple basket looks very impressive. It is necessary to cut off the top of the pineapple and remove the pulp. Place cherries, grapes, strawberries in the cavity.

You can also cut out the pulp and fill the apple with small berries. Sprinkle the top of the apple basket with cinnamon or cut out a heart from the core of the apple and stick it on a skewer into the basket.

How to decorate fruit slices

At celebrations, it is customary to beautifully decorate all dishes, cuts, and desserts. For this we use:

  • Powdered sugar;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Coconut flakes;
  • Natural flowers;
  • Flower petals;
  • Fresh mint leaves;
  • Marmalade;
  • Marmelshaw;
  • Oriental sweets;
  • Candied fruit;
  • Nuts;
  • Coffee, cocoa.

Powdered sugar and cinnamon are used to powder any fruit slices. They add a fresh accent and well mask the air-darkened flesh of pears and apples.

Coconut shavings also look impressive when serving fruit as a theme.

Pieces of marshmallow or marmalade go well with melon and strawberries, they can be put on skewers and served with sweet fruit.

Fresh flowers and mint leaves are inserted into fruit slices at your own discretion. And the plate is sprinkled with rose petals.

Pomegranate seeds help create contrasts; add them to sliced ​​kiwi or banana.

Marmalade, candied fruits and oriental sweets are laid out on a tray with fruit in random order. Create colorful shades, don't be afraid!

Sprinkle lemon slices over coffee and serve with strong alcoholic drinks.

To decorate the table, beautiful molds, tableware, skewers, and dessert plates will be useful. But choose them so that they match in style.

For inspiration and the emergence of new ideas, take a look at the Internet; sites are filled with various illustrations about carving and colorful buffets.

On a note! Bake your own fluffy waffles. Take the finished waffle and decorate it with slices of figs, bananas, and kiwi. Drizzle chocolate or maple syrup over the fruit and cover with a second wafer. Add whipped cream to waffles. This dessert will go away in no time.

A wide selection of berries and fruits in supermarkets allows you to turn any ideas and fantasies into reality and make fruit slices an important part of the holiday table.

    You can always surprise your guests by making an original palm tree from fruits. To do this, I take a larger pineapple, leave its beautiful leaves on top, and cut off a little of the bottom so that it can be placed on a dish. Now the palm tree itself is ready, all that remains is to decorate the trunk with your favorite fruits and berries, these can be cherries, strawberries, grapes, pieces of bananas and apples, and so on, the list can go on for a very long time. Fruits need to be strung on skewers and then hooked onto the trunk. You can create different patterns this way.

    It’s not particularly difficult to make a fruit palm; you won’t need a lot of fruit, and such a composition will definitely decorate the table. You only need to take two bananas and three kiwis and tangerines.

    We cut the bananas into slices and place them on a flat plate - these are palm tree trunks. Then we take the tangerines into slices, and cut the kiwi into slices. Place tangerine slices under the banana trunks, and place kiwi on top of the bananas - these will be palm leaves.

    For clarity, photo:

    You can make such a comic palm tree :) a la fruit salad :)

    for this we need fruits:

    • banana
    • 2-3 kiwis
    • tangerine or orange.

    Variations on the theme of palm fruit in a plate can be different

    You can add an apple if you wish :)

    There are also more complex fruit palms

    Also, in combination with a palm tree, a chocolate fountain or a chocolate waterfall is used, you can see how to make it here. It’s very tasty, take a skewer with fruit from a palm tree and dip it in the chocolate fountain :)

    The fountain and palm tree are one of the most spectacular and memorable elements of the buffet table :)

    Here's another option, perfect for a children's party or theme party)

    Such beauty as fruit palm, You can buy it, or if you want, you can make it yourself. This is a chic table decoration for both children and adults. There are such ideas, you can watch the video master class, all the stages of work. You need to use your imagination and use everything you have in the house, or everything you like to eat, and you will succeed.

    The fruit palm tree looks very impressive at all events. There are a great many options for such palm trees. It all depends on what kind of fruit you want to see in it. In this case, you can use almost any.

    If you want a small palm tree, then use a regular pineapple with leaves on top as a base - this will be the base, and if you want one like in the photo, then you will need several pineapples and leaves for the top (they can be cut from a houseplant, if you don’t mind, Certainly).

    Wash the fruits and pin them to the pineapple with special skewers. You can do it in a circle, in straight lines, etc.

    Place the finished palm on a plate with fruit and you’re done!

    To create the Fruit Palm decoration you will need several regular pineapples, wooden or bamboo sticks, artificial or real palm or fern leaves, toothpicks and lots and lots of fruit. Process of creation:

    What fruits are best to use? Most often, strawberries, grapes, bananas, kiwis, apples, pears, oranges, and peaches are used to create a palm tree. You can, of course, take any fresh fruit or dried fruit you like (dried apricots, prunes). Clean and dry fruits must be cut: kiwi and bananas into slices; apples, peaches and tangerines in slices

    You can come up with completely different options for decorating palms - in a circle, diagonally, vertically, etc.

    The main thing is to make a believable tree trunk. Pineapple is best suited for this task. But we still need to figure out how to fasten the pineapples into a full-fledged pineapple trunk. To do this, I recommend using a base, that is, cut holes in the pineapples and insert some kind of sterile stick through them.

    Place leaves on top and decorate the dish with sliced ​​fruit on the bottom. You'll get something like this:

    Fruit palms that cost like real palms are difficult for an ordinary person to make.

    Therefore, we will make a palm tree that any housewife can prepare at home.

    To make a finger you need a few fruits and a large plate

    First we will make a palm tree trunk from grapes or berries

    And then palm branches in the shape of a kiwi or an apple. It will turn out beautifully

    For more details on creating a fruit palm tree, see the view below.

    You can make a real fruit palm:

    Attach the fruit pieces using skewers. We attach real palm branches to the top.

    We make a small palm tree like this:

    take a pineapple, peel it, leave the greens. We cut a slice at the bottom so that the pineapple is stable. Next, again using skewers, attach different fruits.

How to make a palm tree from fruits

The kids really like the original dessert in the shape of a palm tree made from fruit! This composition looks original and impressive, so it’s perfect as a sweet dessert for a children’s party. You can make a fruit palm in 5 minutes, and eating the fruit this way is just as quick and fun!

- banana;
- 2-3 kiwis;
- tangerine or orange.

DIY fruit palm:

All fruits need to be washed, even bananas, even though they have skins on them!

Then we peel the fruit and cut it:
- cut the banana lengthwise into two halves;
- we disassemble the tangerine into slices;
- cut the kiwi into half circles.

Let's start creating a tropical island with our own hands!

We make a “sandy beach” from tangerine slices.

Place banana halves on a plate - these are palm trunks :)
We build lush palm crowns from pieces of kiwi. I didn’t have enough kiwis because they were eaten by the little helpers in the process :), so we added foliage with green apples. And then they also attached “dates” made from raisins to the palm tree.

Palm Island turned out great! And it was dismantled and eaten very quickly and with the same pleasure as it was built :)

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