How to remove chain links on a bicycle. How to remove a chain from a bicycle - detailed recommendations

Keeping a bicycle chain in perfect condition guarantees an adequate response to the cyclist’s actions from the entire mechanism while driving. When purchasing a new vehicle, there is no need to separately purchase a new chain and install it. However, in the future you will still have to learn how to remove the chain from the bicycle for its maintenance or replacement.

When should you change your bicycle chain?

A good bicycle chain lubrication can significantly increase the service life of the entire system responsible for movement. At the same time, you need to be able to notice the moments when it begins to need maintenance or repair.

Excessive wear on a bicycle chain not only causes constant discomfort while riding, but also causes active deformation of the chainrings. If a worn chain is left unattended for a long period of time, it is guaranteed to lead to the need to replace a whole set of expensive mechanisms.

In order to assess its condition as objectively as possible, it is necessary to look not at the mileage, but first of all to measure the length of all its links. The chain length in normal condition is approximately 305 mm. The reason for its replacement is its stretching to 308 mm or more.

How to deal with chain stretching?

A common problem with a bicycle chain is its sagging. The reason for the development of this process is the gradual wear of the links. Moreover, it is almost impossible to prevent wear of individual chain elements. The problem can be eliminated only by removing excess links as they stretch.

To correctly perform the necessary actions, you must:

  • Decide how to remove the chain from the bicycle by first disconnecting the rear wheel.
  • Disconnect the chain using pliers.
  • Determine the number of unnecessary links.
  • Remove unnecessary elements.
  • Connect the links, install the chain, check its mobility and functionality.

How to remove a chain from a bicycle to replace it?

When an old chain becomes physically and morally obsolete and does not satisfy the bicycle owner with operating conditions, it must be urgently changed. As a replacement, select a chain with the same number of links. However, its length should be somewhat shorter.

How to remove a chain from a bicycle correctly? To do this, you need to use a special tool - a squeeze. Having placed the squeeze opposite any of the rollers, you need to tighten the screw so that this leads to the pin being squeezed out. Next, you should loosen the tool and then remove it. In a similar way, using a squeezer, the chain is removed for regular scheduled cleaning.

Quite often, experienced cyclists use special locks for quick maintenance, removal and cleaning of the old chain. The use of this device makes it possible to instantly remove it for replacement. However, some bicycle owners have prejudices regarding the effectiveness and reliability of using a lock. After all, if it is present, the risk of a sudden break in the chain increases. It is not known for certain how often chains break when there is a lock, but without it the mechanism still looks more reliable.

How to tension a chain on a bicycle?

Managing chain tension on standard road bikes is quite easy. It is enough to pull it back towards the fork. The main thing is to perform such a manipulation carefully so as not to overdo it by applying too tight a tension.

However, both a strongly and weakly tensioned chain can create some discomfort while driving. So, when trying to figure out how to tighten a chain on a bicycle, it is important to stop in time so that it is in a state of medium tension.

Bicycle chain tensioners

A special bicycle chain tensioner can be an effective and useful accessory, the use of which allows you to maintain the necessary chain tension while riding. This accessory is used mainly by fans of extreme, aggressive driving.

Chain tensioners are usually installed on single-speed bicycle models. Such accessories consist of one or more rollers, a lever and a spring. Tensioners work on the principle of systematically pulling the bicycle chain in the required direction, which creates the required tension. Moreover, the presence of a tensioner prevents the chain from falling from the drive sprocket located on the bushing.

Experienced cyclists are advised to always have several chains in stock. Each of them should be operated with a rolling distance of no more than 600 km. After which the bicycle chain is replaced. A new, shortest one is put in its place. As a result, the life of not only all existing chains, but also the transmission of the two-wheeled vehicle is significantly extended.

This is one of the main elements of the transmission unit. It transmits torque to the rear wheel from the drive sprocket. This is what makes the bike move. During travel, it becomes clogged, stretched, and wears out. It must be removed periodically for cleaning and lubrication. And if it is stretched, then the chain on the bicycle will need to be replaced.

Removing a bicycle chain with a lock

On singlespeed and multi-speed bikes, the dismantling process is identical. If the bike has a bicycle chain with a lock, then removing it for cleaning, shortening or replacing is easy. The entire removal process takes just a few minutes.

How to remove a bicycle chain with a lock? To do this, you first need to find a link with a clamp. To do this, you need to carefully examine it from both sides. If it is not very dirty, the lock link can be found almost immediately. There is an inscription stamped on it and a special clip is put on top, which holds the adjacent links. If, upon careful inspection, the lock is not found, then your lock is solid.

Locks from different manufacturers are slightly different, but the removal process itself is similar. You need to close the adjacent axes together and remove the clamp. You can pry the lock with a screwdriver or any other pointed object. If you still can’t pry the latch, you can use special pliers to open the locks. It is important here not to damage the clamp or lose it, otherwise you will not be able to install the bicycle chain back.

A lockless one is much more difficult to remove. To do this, you will need a special puller - a chain squeezer. You can, of course, remove it without tools. For example, placing the axle on the edge of something solid. Next, using a regular knitting needle, tap the axle (pin) and separate the links. However, it will not be possible to connect them this way. You will still need a puller for this.

To do this, select any link, insert it into the puller, placing it directly opposite the release axis, and secure it with a screw. Next, slowly turn the screw, thereby squeezing out the pin. It is important not to push the axle out completely. Otherwise, it is almost impossible to install it in place later.

If you are installing a new bicycle chain, you should first check whether it matches your bike in length and width. If it does not fit in width, then it cannot be installed on this bike. But the length is easy to adjust. To do this, it is enough to remove the extra links using a squeeze.

If you have, then for installation you need to fix the rear and front speed derailleurs on the smallest sprockets. After this, pass the chain through the derailleur tension frame so that the upper roller passes it on the right, and the lower one on the left. Then you connect the extreme links and insert the pin. After putting on the chain, insert the axle into the squeeze, fix it with a screw and press the pin. When installed correctly, it should be completely flush with the edges of the chain. After this, take it out of the squeeze and break off the end of the axle (if there was one).

It is very important to check the chain movement after installing the pin in place. It should not sag, the pedals should scroll freely. If it walks slowly and bends poorly, then using the same puller, using the second seat, you need to adjust the axis.

If you urgently need to remove a bicycle chain, but don’t have a puller, don’t worry. You can use the old “old-fashioned” method - rivet it, and then rivet it back.

When removing a solid bicycle chain repeatedly, make sure that different links are used each time, since the process of squeezing them out loosens them a little.

If you plan to do it often, it’s easier to install a lock on it. This will make the process of removing and installing it back much easier for you.

With proper preparation, repairing a bicycle chain on the road is no more difficult than.

What you need to repair a bicycle chain.

To repair a damaged chain on a bicycle, all you need is a chain mounting tool. It is compact and usually included in many. Perhaps a similar tool is part of one of your multi-tools and you just didn't know what it was for!

You can repair a bicycle chain at home with a hammer and pliers, but you can’t take them with you on the road. When traveling, you will only need to repair the chain using a lightweight chain mounting tool.

How does a chain usually break?

Most often the chain breaks when you rev ​​at full power and at the same time on the front derailleur. Other causes of chain failures are very rare, once in a million at best. You only have a chance to meet them if you ride your bike a lot. For example, one day a nail flew out from under my front wheel, which landed directly on the chain and landed on the sprocket. Who would have thought that this could happen?

How does a bicycle chain work?

The chain links are connected to each other using a steel pin. To remove or install a link, the pin must be removed or driven in using a chain tool (or hammer). To repair a chain, you simply need to remove the damaged links and connect the ends of the chain to the undamaged links. On bikes with classic derailleurs, the chain is slightly larger than it needs to work, so you can safely remove a few links. There will most likely not be any links that can be painlessly removed. So in this case, you will have to take with you a new chain or an old chain from which you can remove the missing links.

Is it even worth repairing a bicycle chain on the road?

It is best not to repair the chain on the road. Chain repair is one of the dirtiest jobs. If you are wearing new clothes, then after repairing the chain you will most likely be able to say goodbye to them. Probably the best solution would be to call a taxi or attach a bicycle to it and go home by public transport - you will then return in old clothes and calmly repair the chain.

Where to start repairing a bicycle chain.

Let's say you've already changed into old clothes and are ready to get to work. To make it easier for you to inspect the chain, turn the bike over.

Inspect the two broken ends of the chain: one end (or possibly two) is damaged and needs to be replaced. You will have to remove two chain links from the damaged end of the chain. Why do you need to remove two links and not one, you might ask? Since a chain consists of two types of links, if you remove only one link, you will not be able to connect two links of the same type.

At the point where the chain needs to be broken, place it in the slot of the chain mounting tool (see photo). The same procedure applies when repairing a worn chain.

Disconnecting a circuit with or without a circuit tool.

To begin pushing the pin out of the chain, turn the handle on the chain installation tool (see photo). Try to align the axle on the chain mounting tool with the pin on the chain (sometimes it slips a little).

Don't push the pin all the way through - push it just enough to break the circuit (see photo). The remaining length of the pin should be left in the chain so that it can be easily pushed through later.

If you don't have a chain mounting tool, you will have to find a piece of wood and drill a small hole in it. Place the pin that needs to be removed over the drilled hole. Find a small machine screw about the same size as the pin and use it as a nail. Hit it with a hammer to knock the pin out of the chain the required distance. Be very careful not to knock it completely out of the chain.

Connecting links.

Before connecting the end of the chain, put it back on the sprockets. It will be great if your friend can help you hold the two ends of the chain in position while you connect them.

Using a chain mounting tool, insert the pin back into place (see photo). This is the most difficult part of the job, as it is necessary to keep the tool in line with the pin. If you are simply installing a new chain, most chains come with a special link (lock) that allows you to remove and install the chain without having to remove the pins.

Adjust the newly installed link.

Once the pin is in place, the attached link will not bend well. Move the link back and forth (see photo) until it bends well so that it can easily pass around the gears.

Look at your hands - now you can feel like a real bike mechanic.

Using an old chain.

If you're just installing a new chain in the convenience of your home, don't throw away the old chain—you can use it as a replacement link supplier! Since you have already learned how to remove and install links, you can use the old chain as a saddle lock. Now it is very expensive and an additional one will not hurt him.

In addition, you can make your own bracelet or earring from the chain. But you will have to make a fairly large hole in the ear and the ear itself must withstand the weight of such an earring.

The chain is a key element of the transmission unit of a bicycle. Consistently passing through the teeth of the drive stars, it transmits torque to the rear wheel, thanks to which the bicycle moves. During movement, the chain mechanism is subjected to dynamic loads, which eventually leads to its wear.

On singlespeed, as a rule, the chain is designed for its entire service life: when moving along the stars, it runs smoothly and straight, without deviations. The situation is more complicated with chains on multi-speed bicycles: there is no right angle between the front and rear sprockets, which is why it is always located at an angle relative to the frame. The impact on the chain mechanism increases several times compared to parallel transmission, which leads to periodic wear. To avoid damage to the entire transmission unit caused by chain wear, it must be replaced in a timely manner.

Not only “high-speed” chains require removal; quite often they are also removed from single-speed bikes for periodic repairs or cleaning. We will tell you how to remove a chain from a bicycle and put it back in this article.

Symptoms of a problem

First of all, you should pay attention to chain malfunctions on multi-speed bikes. Traditionally, riding time is determined by mileage, but these values ​​are too approximate, because everything depends on the conditions of cycling: the quality of the roads, the selection of gears, speed, the load on the pedals and, accordingly, on the front sprockets.

The first signs of a bicycle chain failure are inaccurate gear shifting and suspicious sounds (provided that the chain has not lost its lubrication). The following method will certainly help you determine the malfunction: bend it away from the largest sprocket and look at the number of free teeth. If the chain moves freely from three or more teeth, replacement is required urgently. Two teeth “warn” that wear is not far off, but you can still ride.

Using the same method, you can see if the chain is loose on a single-speed bicycle: bend it away from the front sprocket and look at the number of teeth.

Determination of the degree of attenuation

Another way to determine wear is to measure the length:

  • 304.8 mm is the optimal chain length.
  • 306.5 – 307.5 – average wear, suitability for repair. You can still drive.
  • 308 mm – high degree of wear of both chain and sprockets.
  • More than 308 mm – damage to the entire transmission.

Measuring elongation requires removing the chain completely from the bike.

Key and solid chains

The locking chain is equipped with a special clamping device. It is not difficult to unhook and put it on - you just need to disconnect the lock. To find it, carefully examine the chain on both sides and find a split link. In principle, it will not be difficult to find it on a clean chain: there is a plier on top that fixes the link and does not allow it to move apart. Also, the manufacturer's inscription is usually stamped on the lock link. If you can’t find the lock for a long time, then either the chain is dirty, or it is lockless, or solid.

Bicycle chain with lock

You can’t just disconnect a bicycle chain without a lock: all the links on it look the same, however, they are also interlocked. This causes great inconvenience during cleaning; for example, it is necessary to carry out “general cleaning” in a solvent. In the case of the keychain, everything is simple - steal it and put it in kerosene. A solid bicycle chain, even removed from the sprockets, will remain hanging on the frame.

In terms of removal, a chain with a lock is certainly more convenient than its counterpart. However, for some reason the fastening may become loose: the pincer may fly off, and the link itself may come loose. Bicycle chains without locks do not have such weak points, and if it breaks, then the matter is solely in its quality.

Opening the lock and squeezing the link axis

Opening the lock is quite simple: use a screwdriver or other object (for example, a knitting needle) to pry off the pincer clamp. The main thing here is not to damage it, and even better, not to lose it, otherwise you won’t be able to fix the chain later. Next we uncouple the entire link. That’s it, you can remove the chain and do whatever you want with it: clean it, throw it away or shorten it. However, we'll talk about this a little later.

Lock in disassembled condition

You can disconnect a continuous chain only with a special tool - a squeezer. With its help, you can easily disassemble the link without damage. The procedure is simple, but there is no need to rush:

  • First, select a link for disassembly.
  • We insert the chain into the position of pressing out and pressing in the pin (link axis).
  • We tighten the screw with a handle and pull out the axle. The direction of extrusion is towards the squeeze screw, that is, towards yourself.

You should not remove the pin completely, as it will not be easy to return it to its place later.

Hall chain release device

The release slightly loosens the axle, so when disengaging again, you should select a different link.
Pressing the axle into a link is carried out in the opposite order: connect adjacent links and press the pin with a screw.

Elimination of defects

A common type of wear is sagging of the chain when its length increases relative to the original. Previously, critical values ​​of the length of a bicycle chain were considered at which it cannot be used. Everything is true, but the chain does not have to be thrown away immediately, but can be repaired. Under prolonged loads, the axles become loose, which causes longitudinal and transverse expansion. It is impossible to eliminate the transverse one, but it is quite possible to tinker with the longitudinal one.

The extra links must be removed in such a way that the chain runs smoothly and without tension along the large sprocket. Using a squeezer, excess links are removed, and the axle shafts are completely pulled out from the elements being removed. The main thing here is not to make a mistake and not pull out too many links.

If you have to drive with a stretched chain, then in order to prevent it from falling off, you can install so-called parts that prevent the chain from flying off when driving. There are several types of such devices:

  • Roller with two locks.
  • With wide casters.
  • Frame (or rollerless).

This is what dampers look like on a bike

Using dampers as protection is, of course, good, but it would be better to think about changing the chain.

Installing a chain on a bicycle

To install a chain on a singlespeed, you just need to hang it on both sprockets, press in the pin or snap the lock. With high-speed bikes it will be a little more difficult:

  • Fix the derailleurs on the small chainrings.
  • Taking into account the location of the tension rollers, put the chain on the sprockets.
  • Combine the links.
  • Clamp the chain and press in the axle. If the bicycle chain has a lock, we do without squeezing it.

After the installation is completed, you need to check the chain movement: spin the pedals several times. If there is no sagging or difficulty during torsion, then the chain has the optimal length and is installed correctly.

Every owner of a two-wheeled horse can cope with the removal and installation of a bicycle chain. A simple and simple procedure will not take much time, but it will be a great help on future trips!

Biking is one of the most enjoyable modes of transportation that will help you reach your desired destination. This can save you money and time. And the most important and important thing is that it is very good for maintaining your health.
A hassle-free ride can always give you pleasure, but problems like your bike chain falling off again and again can also ruin your lovely journey.

A bicycle chain is a wonderfully efficient means of transmitting mechanical energy from one place to another. Typically, bicycle chains are made of plain carbon or alloy steel, and the links are connected by several pins. Thanks to good engineering, modern materials and regular maintenance, it is extremely efficient with minimal loss of system power. A chain doesn't break often, but when it does, it can end your ride if you don't know how to fix it.

Chain manufacturers try to make all their links equally strong, but a chain is only as strong as its weakest part. The problem is that chains often have around 400 moving parts. Securing a bicycle chain is a routine task that you should be able to complete within a few minutes, whether on the road or in the garage.

The circuits are more complex than one might expect. With up to 116 links in a standard bicycle chain, it has more moving parts than any other bicycle component. Chains rarely break straight. Energy is evenly distributed, even under load.

It is known that chains often wear out and stretch over time. It needs to be replaced as soon as possible. Before attempting to remove the chain while it is on the bike, move it to the smallest sprocket at the back and front. The process of removing a bicycle chain in most cases requires the use of a chain tool, which is sure to push the pin out of the bicycle chain.

How to remove a bicycle chain

Bicycle chains are an integral part of your bike's performance. They help transfer energy from your pedals to turn your wheels. There are times when you need to remove the chain from your bike: for cleaning, to remove a chain link, for re-lubrication, or to replace an old chain with a new one.

Step 1.
Place the chain in the tool and align the tip of the tool with one of the pins that hold the chain links together. These pins will be the same diameter and you will use the pin on the tool to remove the pin in the chain.

Step 2.
Turn the screw on the extraction tool to remove the pin from the connector. This will happen slowly but steadily - watch the pin of the tool to make sure it is pressing on the pin and not the link.

Step 3.
Pull the pin out of the chain. If you have trouble, use the tool to push it out completely.

Step 4.
Remove the tool pin from the chain after releasing the chain pin. The chain will disintegrate and you will be able to remove it from the gear teeth.

If you have a broken chain, simply remove the derailleur rollers if it hasn't already fallen to the ground. It can get stuck, scrape and get stuck between the gears. If so, carefully pull it out, focusing on where it is actually stuck. Don't resort to pulling it out with tools. And be very careful not to bend anything. If you can't pull it out, then take a wheel from your bike, which will relieve some pressure on the gears. If this still doesn't work, you can remove the links using tools, and then you should be able to remove the chain easily.

Using the Retainer

It's a good idea to place a chain lock on your chain before removing it from your bike. The chain holder is nothing more than a short length of wire (about 5cm) with two 90 degree bends on either end. Connect the bent ends of the chain. This way, when you break the chain, the detent will prevent the derailleur from shifting back when the pressure is released. When reinstalling the chain, use the clamp. You can also simply knock the chain off the front chainrings so that it rests on the frame on the inside. This also relieves tension from the circuit.

Remove and replace chain

Finish removing the bike chain by unscrewing the drive pin and removing the chain tool from the chain. Hold both ends with your hands and remove the locking device, releasing tension from the switch. The chain will hook onto the shifter and disengage the gear.
If you are reinstalling the same circuit using the original pin or connector pin. It will be a little difficult, but doable. Thread it back through the derailleur, use a clamp, or have someone hold both ends to connect the two ends.

The following steps will help you repair a damaged chain while riding.

Step 1: Stop and assess the damage.
If you have a problem with your bike chain, stop riding and turn your bike cover over. This will make it easier to assess the damage and secure the chain. Turn the bike over so it rests on the seats and position it carefully to prevent chafing.

Step 2: Use the chain switch tool.
At home, you can easily repair a chain using a hammer or pliers, but a chain tool is the only option outside, so you all need a chain tool to fix your broken chain.

The first thing to do is to remove the entire chain using a chain shifter tool if the chain is still attached to the bike.

Step 3: Use lubricant.

After removing the broken chain, it is better to clean it with degreaser and water, so that the link chains can move easily and prevent the chain from being fixed in a short time.

Step 4: Inspect the links.
Now, take a close look at the broken part of your chain to identify the damaged part. And use the breaking tool to pull the pin out of the broken chain. Each link has two pins, round in shape and attached to the other links. Keep an eye out for broken links that are connected to the rest of the chain.

Step 5: Return the chain to the bike.
Now you need to get a chain on your bike which will make things easier for you. Now fit the two ends of the chain into each other so that the holes line up and the pin remains on the outside so you can push it out from all sides to complete the chain.

Step 6: Use the tools.
Use the chain breaker again to screw the pin and push it down. Twist it back and forth until it is loose enough to bend around the gears.

Step 7: Lubricate the chain.
Lubricate your chain with bicycle lube to keep your bike running as well as before. Now you can reuse your bike and complete your journey.

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